269000 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII �:`�' PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 j GANARV - DEPARTMENT � . � � � BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. C01� C � SO tZ012 Presented By LIC�:NSE CO1�ffTTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application P 161,5lt for the transfer of Gn Sale Liquor License No. 9259, expiring January 31, 1978, issued to Ace Service, Inc. at 1066 E. Seventh Street be and the same is hereby transferred to E and K Corporation at the same address with the following conditions: l. That a fence or barrier be erected at the reax of the licensed establishment and parking lot so as to prevent any vehicles from entering or leaving the parI�ng lot by way of the a11ey ruru�ing behind the licensed establishment. The fence or barrier sha11 be erected in compliance with applicable zoni.ng ordinance or building code requirements. • 2. That the operation of this establishment sha11 not begin until said fence or barrier has been erected. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by C ��1: �ate MAY 3 1977 Form Approved by City Attorney Certi Pass oun � tary , BY Appro by Mayor. Da � Y G�, �9� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By BY PUB��sHE� MAY 14 1977 � , `� �('��, April 27, 1977 Mr. I'reaident and Fionorable l:e�abers . of the City Co�cil Saint Yaul� �4inn,esota . Mr. Preaidsnt aad Ha�orable �3embers: Ace Servics� Inc. and E and K �orporation make appli- cat�ian for the transfer of the �ii sale I�iquor License issued to Ace Service� Ix1c. at 1066 E. Sevent�h Str�et to E and K Corporatiun at the sarte addreas. These premises are lxated on the south side of the street bet�reen �arl and Frank Streets. Zhey al.so maks application for a Clses C2-Ftea�aurant . License. The officers of � and K Coiporation are �lichael J. �elis, President� and Wa1tQr H. En�-elhardt, Secretarg and 'rreasurer. The stock is held by h3chael J. Kalis and Halter H. L�n�;elhardt. . Very truly yours� Joaep2i b'. Carchedi Licensa Inspec tor . ' � ���,,��;�ITY OF SAINT PAUL ; DEPARTMENT OF f1NANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � ; : DIVISION Of L{CENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION hpril 27, 1977 I:r. President and Honorable I�embers of the City Council ; Saint Paul, i•iinnesota rir. President and Honorable irembers: i ; Ace Service, Inc. and E and K �orporation mal�e appli- , cation for the transfer of the On Sale Liquor License issued to ; Ace Service, Inc. at 1066 E. 5eventh Street to E and K Corporation at the same address. These premises are located on the south side of the street between Earl and Frank Streets. They also make application for a Class C2-Restaurant License. The officers of E and K Corporation are 1•iichael J. Ka1is, President, and tdalter H. �n�elhardt, �ecretary and Treasurer. The stock is held by �:ichael J. Ka1is and �°lalter H. Lngelhardt. Very truly yours, `' �-� , ��� Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ,