268974 WH17E - CITV CLERK COU[1C11 �h]�V��� PINK - FINANGE G I TY -OF SA I NT PAU L �'��.� a CANARV - DEPARTMENT B�.UE - MAVOR File NO. CO CZl t � • Presented By a►"d W L i � � �� Referred To � '�e: at � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, St. Paul 's High Bridge provides a vital traffic link for the residents and businesses located in nearby communities ; and WHEREAS, the High Bridge needs extensive repairs to keep it structurally sound; and WHEREAS, a new structure will be needed to replace the High Bridge within the next few years, so, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Council urges all concerned public and private bodies to work to ensure the present High Bridge is maintained in a usable condition until a new bridge can be built and that all appropriate planning efforts are made so that a new bridge will be constructed by the time it is needed. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor �t Levine 0 __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester TedesCO __-- �� 2 S �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date rtified P s y Coun .il S retary � BY By . � R 2;$ �977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approve Mayor: te By BY PUBLIS�►ED �AY 7 1977 , }J� ������� WEST SIDE CITIZENS ORGANIZATION 179 East Robie Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 April 22, 1977 City Clerk' s Office St . Paul Ci�y HGil St . Paul, MN . 55102 Dear sirs, Members of West Side Citizens Organization' s High Bridge Task Force wish to appear before the St . Paul City Council meeting scheduled for April 26 . The members wish to present council with a proposed resolution. The text of the resolution follaws: Whereas St . Paul ' s High Bridge provides a vital traffic link for the residents and businesses located in nearby communities, and Whereas the High Bridge needs extensive repairs to keep it structurally sound, and Whereas a new structure will be needed to replace the High Bridge within the next few years, Be it resolved that the City Council of St . Paul urges all concerned public and private bodies to work to ensure the present High Bridge is maintained in a usable condition until a new bridge can be built . These bodies are further urged to now be�in all appropriate planning efforts so that a new brid�e will be constructed by the time it is needed . Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 227-g291 (work) or 224-3�g2 (home ) . Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, �� , ���-�'�`, �.tj,dJ`,o..� Ralph Brown WSCO Coordinator ' � ` � '+C�����. l� � ��. N o. 7 7-54 3 Board vf ti� �,. -� . . ��. ���'�S,� �O LI.P2�� ���.�.�21SS lO.I2 e,l'S � � - 2 � � ; ��- � �-�;�nc�r 1)��„� Diite Anril 11 1977 '� resented By c'��ptni ,� �ttentiuti� �:. State Depar.tment of 'iransportation; County Engineex; Ramsey County Delegation; � � Con�missioner Ahrens; ;� ";: • _� _� __. -- - ;.t �:. .;r� WHEP.L:AS, Aftc:r an inspection by the Pfinnesota Department of Highways bridge .'� engineer, �Iie St. Paul High I3ridge has been closed to traffic, and :�� , }ri WH�REAS, When the brid�� is reopened it shall be used only by automobile ,�6 traffic, and �'- i.�t WHEREAS, It is appar.ent that r.he brid�;e has reached its maximum life ex ectanc '�' P Y� s;; and `'�ti ,,'`r� WHEREA_S, The High Brid�e is vital and neccssar.y to the social and economic �� wellbein�; of the West Side, the West Seventh Strc�et Community, and to all of the %3 City of St. Yaul, and �� � t��ILREAS, The Minri.esota State Legislature is presently considering House Fil.es �� � 732 ;nd 733 r.elating to state bonding for trunk highways and bridges, and � � �r �dHEREAS, The l�ig11 13rid�e is the number two priority £or receiving funding from �� this legislation; Now, Therefore, Be It y� RESOLVrD, That the Iioard of Ramsey County Commissioners fully si�pports IIF 73?_ � and Hr 733 and urges the Ramsey County Delegation to the Minnesota State Legislature ;�.; to do whatever possible to expedite the passa�e of this legislation; and Be It Further ;� t, RESOL��LD, That the Ramsey County Hi.�h�vay �ngineer is hereby di.rected to determine � w�at assistance may be provided by the office of the County Engineer to both effect ,�; �''; the succc�ssful passage of this legi_slation on or initiate the efforts tocaard the ,rh earliest possible replacement of the bri_dge. ;,� T; ✓' . ^1� . a% � �� �P, '"�,s � �i; \ ' wa���tv cv. scNas�R, c���a� t � �� � ��.. �y ���-`rh_.�r , ,/ 11�• � s --�"n . _ � ecc�ti.ve Se.c>c.etcvr.y-_c��-��.�' --