268940 ` ���*ii`E�J��� CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FI�,E NO,� FINAL ORDER ' ,�,r''�� , ,�'� , By trt' � r �, �, File No. ��� ;:�. . In the Matter of ��#,� �r� � �� � �� � j�'p.�. •► c.ti. �ft �lu�lw► (a�cy t�►j�e t»aw�9�1� .. l�li.•.: Q�eutx�t aaratat• o� a�Ml �att�r, dliww�e, sidsralk�. bta�aa�� �. e�stst 1l�t�« s�an�► �rAtsar t�►�+e �aaililiu, laa��r�ryM Aorl�rva�rds, �d 1to all +�ic �►rk to �►�tt� irtsov�at aMt �iloy#,� f��. � AXl,, Ha�cl ri�. �o► �a�i►�as ;t. � !!,. 23tf tt.+ �� o�' +E�arr�s'�1 �►rr. ia M'►�a �� l�A�RL !�'., • Q�rll �wt. � �sy►l�ras Ii�►�. � il.. - llirar+rarl it. #�► � Itw. � � � �a�o�d �vs. �+or �its �. � � - +Qra�rr+sll AQw. e+e � i�t + w+art e! l3�+a�wl1 �. tt�!! l�Arit� • Tar�ctito�3.a1 id. to :� lit. � Nez�t6 0� ris�rite�rl�l �1, II�A►I�+�i� �., • M�n►o! tt. �o �ior�►iM� �t. � ill.. - R�tin dw�. to �'adt�+tt tt. �'�Ad?! IMT., - fra�itbsd �t. �ar �sriy �t. under Administrative Order ��1 approved �� �3• 1s�#� ����� �` .:-�,���.��� APR 5� 1977 under Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard a11 persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers sha11 calculate all expenses incurred therein and sha11 report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Adopted by t cil: Date � Yeas Nays Butler C ied P ss y C ncil Secre�y qpR 2�s �� t��`Za " �In Favor By �r � v `�Il1@ - d�� Against Mayor `.�StCf ,. A t'i;4S� PUBLISHED MAY 7 i977 ;� � ai�. . ,. � . � . ' • . � � � � . .. � . � �.Y`.� ' _ � .. � . ... . . ._ . . • . .. . � � - � �. . - . . . . . . • �,� Y' ' - `` `' , , C(TY C�►F SAtNT PAUL ..�.,�.. � . DEPARTMENT QF PUBLIC 1�VORKS DANIEL J. DUNFORD January 24, 197� DiRECTOR / � ��'�' Mr. Roger Mattson 0irector of Finance Room 109, City Halt �� BUILDING Attention: Paul Desch - Re: 77-P-06g8 - SOUTH ST. ANTHONY I .T.A. , District 12, C.D. Year 2 Dear Sir: Attached is a copy of Administrative Order No. D-3�91 , artd a Su�nary of Engineering Recorranendations for the above referenced project. Please proceed with the public hearing for this project. � Yours very truly, t/ ' • �� � L.�san _ Claude p Publ i c Wo�r.ks Des i gn Eng i neer .. _. JWS/ck �t �16,i97� \�%'�� .:'-r�I Attachments - -- ,c� %�`�� r�,.r' �Cr, ° -�:,�,,. .�.W cc: J. Wiliiam Donovan � �� �J� .� '� �Gk � bN�y ,, :A ;v ��b� `� .� - t�'������-� �0 �r��,y�'��� �v / �'d 'iS ^ ;`1^ / „ � �.r-d�'t � L., i, ��''...� �ca +►..ta g ��� � ��� � . � t N'�«.'�iw. �".O* �4'� e„�.�r'+�+'�`�`�,�- ' r� ' "_"�„ . .. . � . �..fi�i.s�= �:� �t�'� ,;��..er'"�"'�. , �� - ✓'Y�..�"Ls..i�"' �„�""`3 • . . . . . . +�y . a�� . ' . . � � . . .. .. . . � . .. . � . � . � � � � . . � .. : . . 234 City Hall, Saint Rat�f, Minnesota 55102 hFt• - Citv Clstk �Ij� (,)�' ►7�1� �1i �.� I L1 V �� � /" ' � nk /s'finance0apt ' ' • ra�y�- D`At. �. � . . � . � . . c�r• i•�IGY: OF zttl's 2�IAYUIt , ° � � ���� �� j — �� �� � � ',. ���` '-� '_y No: 1� � , � � � ADA�i1NiSTRATI�E ORDER � • �%,;� �°'... � Uate: 0CT 2 5 1976 � . Y.,, � _ : AD:�IINISTRATIVE ORDER, ���. � tn the matter of 1c�proving roadways in the�50UTN ST. A�fTHONY I.T.A:- C:.D. YE�R 2 AP.EA (Ci ty Project P-069�) as foI lai�s: �.,, __ � . Construct Goncrete curb and gutter� drivc4�rays, sidec�►a1ks, bitumirtous roadways, or�ar:entai t i�hts, stot'r� water dr�inage facil tties, landscape boulevarc��. and: do atl other i,+or4: necessary and incidertal to said innrave:nnnt on the folloi•rin� strcets: CP.OM!-tE�L AV�tIt1E - Pearl St. to Rot�bins St. ' PCAP.� STREET - 150 ft. � W. oi` Cro�rn.rei i t�ve. to Gayless i�v�. � t1RNVEL STRE�T - Cro„ �e11 Avc•. to Bayless Ave. - : � RCF3�itiS STRL•ET - Flanvel St. to Rayr:�nd �1ve. � � RAYFSO;lR Pi.1lCE - Raymond Ave. to P.obbins St. ' � � BAYLESS PC,ACc - Cror,iwet l Ave. Lo 20J ft. f �l. of Cr��rel t Ave. Ii��iZT PlACE - 7crritortal Rd. to 300 ft. �' t�. of Territ��iat �d. - Elt`(LCSS AVEtlUE - tfianvel 5t. to Rr�bbii7s St. aRADF��.J STP.EET - i�iam�dcn Avc. tc� Endtcott S�. Et�t3tCOTT STRcC7 - Br��dfard St. to #iersey St. The repart ot ttie �epartr��nt of Pvbl tc Warks is ap�raved, anei the Dcpartnent of Ftnance �nd tSanagcnGnt Services is i�structed tcs schedule a puQti<c h�aring befo�-e the Gity Council. .. Orfg. cc: OrfE. cc: . .. . . . � , � � � �DJO REG . . . . . � . . . � . . � . � � . ��RiW NIA�F� � ..� . . � � . . .... . . . . . GKS 1FK � � � . . . . RGP OeE . . JFS Ct7 r 1 , . t ��o � - TJE vHF . JJE p:.0 .� � . � � . .. � . � � P.S.O. �- �t�.t+.R. . . . . . � �. . . �. � . � � . � � .. ��_ . . � . APPROVED AS TO FORM i : � t{. i �''� . . ` ��i c , ; i,r/f .. � .. . . . � � f! . � , ' .i. . . . . ' ! s '� f � . . Assistnnt City A{torneg � t W�epartnic�f Heaci 4 \f• l , td '-.1 `� ' I �- � i i ' � . - �1r t6 ' ' k � �l '�3. i .►r' .. h' . . .. . � / ; ��:-. Fl�f�uisifstr.�five ssislxni iu i14�7ror : �' Summary of Engir,eerinc� Recommenc�ations • • �� I� 1 ' � � . ..� � .. � � � . . � . � `ri. �� . . . . � � aDV l SA61�.I TY �tdD DES I RA61 L I TY . PROJECT: � Improve roadti�ays in the SO�TH ST. A"JTNONY I .T.A. , C.D. YEAR 2, District 12, City Project �;o. 76-P-06�8, by constructir,g concrete curb and gutter, • concrete drivew�ys, concrete side��alks, bitur�inous roadways, ornamental lights, storm water drainage facilities, landscape boulevards, a.nd c�o all other work necessary and incidental to said ir,:orovement on the folloa�ing streets: CROht1vELL AVENUE - Pearl St. to Robbins St. , PEARL STREET - 150 f t. ± W, of Cromwelt Ave. to Bayless Ave. F1At��VEI. STREET - C ror►we 1 1 Ave. to Bay 1 es s Ave. ROBBlPdS STREET - Manvel. St. to Raymvnd Ave. �'� RAYMOPaD PCACE - Raymon.d Ave. to Robbins St. BAYLESS PLACE - C romwell Ave. to 200 ft. � W, of Cromrraeli Ave. Hll":T PLACE - Territoria3 Rd. to 300 ft. { �t, of Territorial Rd. . �� BAYLESS AVENUE - M�nvel St. to Robbins S�C. ER,ADFORD STREET - Hampden Ave, to Enc'icott St. EPdDICOTT STFEET - aradford St. to Hersey St. EXISTIPlG CO�dDITIC�lS: Bradford and Endicott Streets are located in tFe West tlidway lndustrial Area. Both streets have an oiled roadway with r.o curG or si�euraiCc. The driving surface is rough and uneven with pcor storm i�ater drainage. Traffic is generaTly of a Tocal nat�re ��ith �verage daily vol�mes of approximateTy IOQC. � Substantial heavy commercial traffic exists vrith many backing and turning movements to abutting loading docks. The rerrtaining roadways to be improved are lacatec� in a small residental area west of Raymond Avenue. A11 streets have an oiled raa��ray with approximaxely 50°6 containins o1d broken and irregular curb. The drivirsg surface is rougf� and uneven. M�ast areas cantain good cor.crete sideu�ralks with same small areas �,/ of old tile walk or no wa1k. Ali traffic is of a locai nature serving the private residences. There is no heavy commercial trzffic. PROPOSEQ iMPROVEMENTS: A11 streets will be completely reconstructed wit�r 6ituminous roadways and concrete curb and gutter. 3radford and Endicott w'rlj bs 4� feet wide to service the abutting cammercial property. AT} other streets t��i11 be �on- structed to the residential roadkray standard of 32 feet. Neal concrete drivev�lays wi l l be eonstructed w�ere nee�ed. Plew s idewalk o-:i l ) be built where needed in residential are�� Ornamental } ig�►ting will 6e in- stalled and bou}euards will be landscaped. ,� �.��.� �, ,r��-.•, �,.�,� fi � + " . .i t� ` � � � � . ' . � ^ ; -2- �('�����4' SPECIAL CG"3SIDERATfONS: � A nunber of roadviay projects have previousty Eaeen cor:pieted in the 4.+est htidway Area. This project complements and extends the general upgrading of public facilities in 5outh St. Anthony Park. For construction coordination, this project will be a�vertised and bui }t � with 4lest t��idway t1DP, City Project P-0677 and Bayless-Crom�Neti' Storm Sewer System, Contract �, City Project S-04GCG36. CCST EST!t1ATE: Roadway Improver�ents $262,OOQ 0rnamental Lighting 3�:OaQ Engineering � lnspection � hlisc. 41 ,50Q . Tota i $33 ,� ESTIM�TED FI�,AI�CIf�G: Community Development Yr. 2 Funds $336,500 . =f iotal $33�,50� RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Pubiic blorks feels that this is a necessary and worth4rhile proj ect, and the ertg i neer i ng recommen�at i on i s �or apprava I of the order. Resoectfully subr,.itted, D�niei J. Dunford Director of Pub1 �c 4lorks � � P. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. � +�+`Y`!3 +� �W���'y�� pH.�-s . � �. . �• � ;e Y � _ . � .. . . . . . i� �{ ��`- ,���.. � . . . . . . ���� �� . . �