268937 WHITE - CITV CLERK � ��f�Y� �/ PINK - FINANGE� G I TY O F N PA U L COURCII �'�' L�l� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT IIQ NO. BLUE - MAVOR . u ci sol ti Presented By � Referred To Committee: e Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Council Members of the City of Saint Paul have been meeting jointly with Board Members of Independent School District #625 and Commissioners of Ramsey County and the Port Authority of Saint Paul to address in a coordinated ' approach, the bonding and debt related concerns which effect the tax payers of the City of Saint Paul and suburban Ramsey County; and . WHEREAS, The Saint Paul City Council is aware of proposed legislation which could reduce the net property taxes paid for debt by local taxpayers, now therefore, be it RESOLVED that this City Council fully and enthusiastically supports the provision in the proposed Senate Omnibus Tax Bill whieh provides that property taxes levied for non-school bonded c'iebt also be included in the calculation of the Minnesota Homestead Credit, and be it further RESOLVED, That senns,i3 Council's support of this provision be transmitted to the Ramsey County Senate and House Delegations. . _ / COUNCILMEN " Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � ��leHor Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine __ Against BY Roedler Ted89i�ee�� � pPR 2;� t� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: F� Date r' Certified Pas e fCou .il tary BY v t � `5 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � App by Mayor: Da e � By BY PUBLISHED APR 3 V 1977 ,