268935 WH17E - CITV CLERK
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Council has assumed the powers and responsibilities of the
City's Board of Health pursuant to the authority of the Comnunity Health
Services Act, 1976, Chapter 9, and
WHEREAS, the Council has approved and adopted the Comnunity Health Services
Plan of October, 1976 and directed the proper City officials to submit said
Plan to the Minnesota Board of Health, and
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Board of Health has reviewed and approved said Plan
with the condition that the City be bound by agreement and commitment to the
Board of Health Rules relating to the Comnunity Health Services Act, now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby directs the
proper City officials to execute, on the Council 's behalf, an agreement
binding the City to the rules of the Minnesota Board of Health relating
to the Corrrennunity Health Services Act.
Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of:
Ho�Z� � In Favor
Hunt J
Levine _ Against BY
�__,.�--�-� ppR 2��� 19� Fo Approved by it t rne
Adopted by C,,�rTcil: ? Date a
Certijied Pass �Coun�il Secretary� BY
v �`"
APR 2.5 �977 Appr d by Mayor for Sub is�'ion to Council
App v by Mayor: Dat
�'UBLISNED APf� 3 � ��77
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March 22, 1977 u`�-�
Mr. E. R. Eberhardt
Project Director
St. Paul Division of Public
555 Cedar Street Re: SU-F77-10
St. Paul, MN 55i01 City of St. Paul
Dear Mr. Eberhardt:
Pursuant to provisions of the Community Health 5ervices Act (MS 1976)
Chapter 9, and Minnesota Department of Health Rules 451-460 (Rev.) , there
are certain administrative procedures that must be followed in implementing
your Community Health �ervices Subsidy that was approved by the Minnesota
State Board of Health for the period February 7, 1977, through December 31,
1977, in the amount of $638,405.00. However, as the award letter of March 15,
1977 states, funding will be for the period February 7, 1977, through 3une 30,
1977, in the amount of $283,952.00. You will be notified later as to funding
for tha remaining period July 1, 1977, through December 31, 1977.
The State Administrative Procedures Act requires that Minnesota Depart-.
ment of Health Rules 451-460 (Rev.) , must be promulgated by the Minnesota
State Board of Health ta govern administration of the Community Health Ser-
vices Act before it can be implemented. The Board is in the process af ob-
taining the approval of these Rules that should become effectiva by the
first week in April, 1977.
However, the Board is desirous of implementing the Act as SaQn as pos-
sible, so that subsidy applications may be submitted and processed prior to
the rules taking effect. In order to accomplish this purpose and provide
uniformity, clarity, and -fairness in the application process, the Board �has
prepared a Letter of Agreement to bind itself and the applicant to t�hese
rule s.
Therefore, rt will be necessary for the St. Paul City Board of Health
to bind itself to the Rules 451-460 (Rev.) , prior to final processing of the
application. The enclased Letter of Agreement must be executed and returned
to this office for inclusion with your Application for subsidy before Cam-
munity Health Services Subsidy funds can be made available to the City of
St. Paul Board of Aealth.
Please also submit a revised Budget/Expenditure Form, Activity Bud-
get Detail Forms, and Face Sheet with original signatures reflecting the
Subsidy award of $538,405.00 and the revised Subsidy period of February 7,
1977, through December 31, 1977.
an equal oppertunity employer :, ,�
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, The mode of payment of this subsidy will be on a quarterly reiriburse-
ment basis. Er_closed are four co�ies of the DZinnesota Degartment of Health
Budget/Expenditure Report Form. Please complete and return three signed
copies to this office upon completion of the period ending May 30, 1977.
Please use your Subsidy Identification nuriber (SU-F77-10) concerning
this subsidy. If you have any questions, please contact me at 612/296-5471.
i'%��2'v` �
Fred G. Goff
Grants Management Goordinator
Community Health Services
cc: Mr. Wayne Arrowood
Ms. Jane Sheehan
Mr. Dave Hovet
e .
. A�reement Instructions
Under the State Adm�.nistrativc Procedure Act, �efore the Conmunity
Health Sezvice� Act {p.q.i,r.n. La��:s 19i6, ch. 9) can be implenented, rLl.es
mLSt b� promulgated by the State Baard of health (hereinafter "Eoard") tv
govern admini�tration of the Act. Rule promulgation is a very time-con-
suinir_g process a.nd ha� delayed commer.cement of tre Con:munity Health
5er�-ices Grarit an� Subsidy grogram.
Rules go�ern�rlg tt:is prog��m have recently b�cn adapted bg the Eoard
and 2re attach�d to Commr.nity �iealth Services Plunning Grant A�plication �
Gn� Instructions dated April 1976 and the Cor.�munity �?ealth Services Suhsidy
�pplicaticn and Instxucti.ons �ated ALgu�t 1�76 tr.at were sert to y�u wi^en
you r.lac�e original application. Ur,fortur�ately, before these rules may take
effcct, ac:ditional approvals are needed. The Boar� �s in the process cf
obtair�ing t.t:ose aF:�rov�ls, ar_d the rules sho�.ld go into eff�ct �y the encl
of February 1977, ho�;rever, fhe Board is �esirous af i�p3e��ntii�g fi�e Froaram
as saon as possible so �that grant and su�s�dy applicaticns may he su�mit�e�
and processing thereof begt;,n prior to thE rules tal:?ng e�'fact. In order to
da this and to provide uniiormi.ty, ciz-xxity an� fairncss in the a�plication
prccess, �he Board will agree to bind itsel� to th� r�Ze� as tc eacr
applicant. However, each apYlic�.nt n:us� alsc ag�ree, p�ior to the processing
of t'r.is application, to b� bot,nd by the rules. The agreerent c.��ll be effectu-
zted b�r the Bo�rd and z�pZicant by the executicn a= tt:e Agreement �.nd Ccmrit-
ment �orm immediately folZowing these instructions. (af course, the rules
�r�ill continue te apply of thnir ovm force to the Board ar.d applicant cnce
they becore legalZy effective.)
Theref�re, if you decide to agply for a Comsnunity He�lth Servi.ce� Gxant
or �ubs�dy you nust sic�n and date the �all.ov,�ing agreertent. The Bc��rd canr.ot
review and process ap�lications submittec� prior to the efSectwve cate af
the i-ules V�hich are not accomganied by t'r.is agreer�ent.
�- '_• ; '� Agreement and Com.mitment by Community Health Services Act AppZicant
� to be bound by Board of Health P,ules P�elating to the Community
Health Services Act
fhereinafter "Applicant") ,
(��an:e of Applicant)
being fully informed tY�at the niles adopted by the State Board of health
relating to the Coznrsr_itv �:ealth Services Act (t•,ir.n. Lactis 1976, ch. 9) ,
design��ted as 1�"inn. f?ules b�I�D 451.-450 (hereir.after "R�ales") and cor.tained
in the Ccr:�unity Eealth Sezvices Instructions and P_pglication Forn:s for Community
Health Serti-ices Planning, April 1976, and the Community Health Services Subsidy,
August I976, as appendice� of which receipt is hereby ac1-�no�aledged, have been
adopted �y the Baard of Health (hereinafter "Eoard"} but which have n�t yet
taken lEra1 effect, do,s hereby agree to have his P_pplic�tion for Funds from
the tlinnesot�. Departr.:en� cf Eiealt� Caresnt;nity FIe�lth Services Plznniiic� Grant and
Svbsidy Program reviewed an:8 act�d upon and in all other respect� be baund by
tY�.e terms of the P_ules. It is unc�erstood by the Applicant and it is YierEby
agreed to b�T �t:e Baard that the Board �,rill com�ly with a.nd will ful�ill its
responsibilities in accor�ance �aith tY!e provisians of the Rules in reviec��ing
ar.d acting upon the Applicant's application and in all otl-zer respects. It is
further understood tha� it is necessa�-y to e�ter this Aqreetr.ent ancl Gom�.itment
in order to pez-m.it the Eoard to ca?��!er.ce irpl.e�rentation ef the Co�unity Health
Services Planning Grant and Subsidy progra�, ir.cluding �he acceptance and
processin� o� �,rant applica�ions, prior to the effective date of the Rules. It
is also agreec? that the Rules a�ill ap�ly cf their oc��n force to Applicant's
applicati.on once the Rules take effECt.
(Signature of Applic4nt of
� Authorized Cfficer of Applicant)
WARREN R. LA4150�T, M.D. • � .
Secretary ar_�' Executive Officer
(Date) (Orqanization) -
� OM Ols 12/1975
, � Rev. i 9j8/76 '
� �,�����tJ
Date: Apri 1 4, 1977 ,
FR: Edward R. Eberhardt, Division of Public Nealth
gg; Council Resolution agreeing to the'Board of
. Health Rules eelatina to the C�mmunity Nealth � � � � � � � �
Services Act
' !�!"I? � '�(j�r�
�YC�R`5 C��1C�
Ma,yoral approval and submission to the Ct�y Council of
a resolution authorizinq the proper City officials to '
siqn the attached agreement. �
The City's Community Health Services Plan has been �
approved bv the State Board of Health. Receipt of '
the entitlement subsid,y is de�endent upon the City
ac�reeinq to abide by the related rules of the Board.
Letter from the Minnesota Health �enartment
Copy of the Aqreement