268934 M�HITE - C�TV CLERK COUTICII - � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARY - DEPARTMENT � BLUE� - MAVOR File NO. i � . Co ncil Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �iHERSAS, fi.nancing for th� City's 1977 apring trse planting prograa 3s contained in the 1977 Capital I�rovement Program; and WHE�BAS, fcui�ing ia the 1977 Capital Isproveaant Program will not be available until the later �part of trlsy, 1977; and ��AS, the �Depart�t of Comsaun�ty Ses�ricne hae received bids for the tree plaatiag 'pr�graa�, aud, based upon these bids, it has been dat�rsined that the cost. of th� spring program will be approxi'atelq $500,000.00, and the De�►art�ent wishes to imnadiately award �h� ccratract to the l�st re8ponsib�.e bi.dder so that the tree planting program can be co■�leted within t� short spring tranmplanting aeuan; and ii��RSAS, theta ara fvads availabla in the Departasnt Budg�t, not acheduled for expenditura uatil later ia the qear, now, therefore, be it RB30LVED� that the Citp Council coa�u�r� thaC the necesaary fuada , b� trgnsferred fro� the Dspartmsnt Budget to be used to finance thQ tree plauting progran, end furth�r that, Whea the 1977 Capital Improv��ant Yrogra� i�unding i: available, the funds advaaced be tranaferred back to the Dspart�nt Budget. �masng coas: o3i�aiii-000 ; Approv�ad ae to Fuadings Approvad: `7`�l�7� ' Diractor, part'ent of Finance u get Di ctor and 1Kanage�eat Servicss �f' �a-� COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays /' Requested by Department of: -Beli�c �j Goa�mit SsrviCeB Hozza � [n Favor � Hunt Levine __ Against BY � Rcedler �� Tedes�o APR 2,1 197� For Approve C' tor Adopted by Coun�:" te c� Certified j�5sse ounci ,ecretary � BY Approve Mayor: Date Appr ed y ayor for Subm' o ounc'i By BY PUBLiSHE� AP� 3 � 1g77 � c�L�;;�c� OM O1: I2/1975 � . _ �'� �:LK3��.�l� R�v. s 9/8/76 _. .... __ " � LXPLANATION CF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, � � RESOLOT NS, AND ORDINAI�3CES _�._.�........,.�. �._, .. . Date: 4-12-7T . �ECEIVEI� T0: MAYOR GE�RGE LATIMER APR I 4 i�Z7 � � JYIAYQR'� �� P'R: Thosas J. Kell�q �' Spring Tree Plaating Pro�gras-prnviaion oi iateria funding ACTION RE4UESTED: Sigasture on attaclud Council 8aaolutiou - PURPOSE .AND �tATZONALE� FOR Z'8IS ACTION: Siacs it ia saseatial to the success of Spring Tres Planting, to ias�di�tely mvard tha bids nceiv�ed for thie program; and siace the funding provided by the 197� Capitsl It�prow�ent Progras will not be available uatil 2�lay lSth at the easliaat, •a tea�wrar�r traaaf�r of Btldget ltiar�d', sch�duled for expsnditure latar in th� ysxr, will enable us to make ttw Bid Awards. ; ATTACHMENTS: ' ' Couacii Rasaolutioa