01-394Council File # 6l — �9�{ Green Sheet # 63000 RESOLUTfON OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of 2 Compensation by establishing the rate of pay for the position titled Deputy Director of Pazks and Recreation. 4 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the position of Deputy Director of Parks and Recreation be that as set forth in Grade 29 of the Non-Represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule, and be it FURTI�R RESOLVED that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its adoption by the Council and subsequent approval by the Mayor. Requested by Department oE Office of Human Resources By:�� �;�., _ Form App oved by City Attorney By: Adopted by Council: Date _�,��_+�,.cst� \ � Approved b Mayor for S mission to Council Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary By By: � �_� .�___._/.� � G:\Shazed\ IassiflCLASS�Resolurions&Ordinances�resolution.de Approved by Mayor: Date � Z� p.dir.pazk.rec.wpd B: DEPARThIENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: Office of Human Resources � CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE: � Lisa McKeown 266-6479 y 7olm Shockley 266-6482 MUSI BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) As soon as possible DATE INITIATID 03/27lO1 _ ASSIGNED NUMBERFOR ROUI7NG ORDH2 GREEN SHEET ➢V[I7ALDATE � nerucrn�rrr nm�P4 2CITYATfORNEY _ _. FINANCIAL SE2V DIlt 3MAYOR(ORASSf.) No.: 63000 a cincovcrcu, C11YC1.FRK TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� bi-�q� � I��IYY/:��:VYB ACr[ox 1tEQvESTEn: Appmval of the Resolution establishmg the rate of pay for the unclassified Deputy Director of Pazks and Recreation in Grade 29 of the Non-Represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. This is a companion Resolurion to Ordinance creating the unclassified Deputy Director of Pazks and Recreation. RECObA�ENDATIONS: Apptoce (A) M Reject (R) _PI,ANNING CANIM[SSION CIBCOMHIlTf� �CIVII. SERV[CE COMIvIISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CON'fRAC15 MUST ANSWER Tf� FOLLOWING QUF.STIONS: 1. Has this persod6�m ever worked wder a contrac[ for this departmmPl Yes No 2. HaslhisP�onJfixmeverheenacityemployee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/ficm possess a sidll not nm�nally possessed by my curzent ciry employce7 Yes No 4. Is tlils person/fi�m a tazgeted vendor7 Yes No E:ptam au yes answws ou sepsnu sheet and attach to green s6ee4 INTTdA1'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'P[JN11'Y (6Vho, WLay When, Where, W6y): T&is action is based upon a study of a provisional Program Administrator posirion in the Division of Pazks and Recrearion. This study ineluded an evaluaYion using the City's QES job evaluarion system. aDVANrAGES rF nrraovEn: Approval of this resolurion will allow for equitable compensation for this position. ^rf+"S?'� T1, nh a 'r`'+e`Y`a'��✓1.1 ti: a DLSADVAN7'AGESIFAYPROVED: NOIIC. nisnnvarrrncES g' xo'r arexovEn: Equitable pay will not be established. I TOTAL AMOiJNT OF TRANSACTION: �6,94s.55 ( FiTNDING SOURCE: osisa �c3 � �. CS ��� B COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED: Yes ACTIVITY NUMBER: N/A I FTNANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAil� � Incumbent will be placed at step 8 of grade 29 of Employee Group 17, Non-represented City Managers. i `�' w" � l , • t l. OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, D "uecror CITY OF SAlNT PAUL 400 Ciry Ha1I Armez Norm Coleman, :�I¢yor 15 l�est Fowth Sbeet Saint Paul, M'umesota J�102-1631 TO: Vic Wittgenstein, Pazks and Recreation Director FROM: Lisa McKeown, Hutuan Resour��� (� DAT`E: 03/14/Ol RE: Classification 5tudy Results �t��94 Te7ephone: 6I2-266-6500 TDD/ITP.� 672-266-6507 Jobline: 612-266-6502 F¢csimile: 612-292-�656 We haue completed our study of the provisionai Program Administrator position in the Division of Parks and Recreation held by Liz Anderson. An intezview was conducted with the incumbent and comparisons were made with other ciasses and positions. Based upon that infortnation, we have deterniined that an unclassified pasition fitled Depury Director of Parks and Recreadon be created and be placed at Crrade 29 of the Non- Represented City Managers, Employee Group 1?, Salary Schedule. Our next step is to get Council's approval in the creation of the title and establishxnent af the title's rate of pay. Then the Civil Service Commission needs to give final approval on the ereation of the unclassified trtle. Please share this information with the employee(s) affected; or if you would like me to inform them, please leY me laiow. I have also attached the advisory specification for this title. Please let me know if you have any aoncerns with this specification. T have dra$ed and attached the neaessary green sheets, ordinance and resolution. Please feel free to review and make suggested changes. If you have any questions regazding this matter, please contact me at 266-64'79. I am in the office on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. G:\Shared�Teaml �I.ISA\CLASSIFUiz.ande=son.paricdep.d'u�DETERMIN. WPD .Vi ,:i.� �-. ` A' ` : _�. � f�: v_�� . � Proposed Title of Class: Code: 200B DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND BU: 17 t,( RECREATION (ADVISORY SPECI D � �'� � Effective: � DESCRII'TION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Assists the Pazks and Recrearion Director in carrying out the mission, goals and vision of the Division; manages the environmental and legisiative progruus of the Division; assumes the director's responsibilities for the day-to-day management of the Division and at public meetings in hislher absence. Manages, directs and operates a Section or Sections of the Division. Supervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Pazks and Recreation D'uector. Superoision Exercised: Exercises within the Section(s), general supervision oveP supervisory, professional, technical and clerical employees either directly or through subordinate supervisors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all posifions in this class. Assists Pazks and Recreation Direc.or in carrying out the mission, vision and goals of the Division and assume the D'uector's responsibilities for the day-to-day management of the Division in his/her absence. Directs the overall operation of a section or sections of the Parks and Recreation Division. Manages section budgets and multiQle programs and activities. Manages human resources to deliver services to the public and support Division activities. Supervises, directly or tivough subordinate supervisors, all work of the SecYion; assigns and reviews work; coaches and develops employees; evaluates performance. Establish policies, procedures, standards, pricing, etc, for programs, services and facilities. Manages major projects for new services, facilities and /or partnerships. Secures public and private funding; works with community and neighborhood groups, business community and advocacy groups; establishes cooperative relationships. Manages Division Environmental and I,egislarive Prograzns; represents the Division at the legislature. Manages contracts and agreements necessary to carry out Section and Division operations. (DEPiJTY DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION (ADVISORY SPEC)) Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: KNOWLEDGE, SKIL,LS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Effective: Code: 200B BU: 17 D1 ��`� y Considerable knowledge of the pazks and recreation services, trends and pracrices. Considerable knowledge of legislative process. Considerable knowledge of personnel gractices, Civil Service mies, labor contracts, policies, procedures and laws. Considerable knowledge of environmental procedures and practices. Considerabie knowledge of project management and the ability to develop, manage and evaluate projects. Considerable ability to work with the D'uector to lead the Division and problem solve. Considerable ability to set priorities and to manage multiple priorities and deadlines effectively. Considerabie ability to manage a major Section, including multiple programs, budgets, facilities and/or staff and voiunteers. Considerable ability to represent the Division iM legislative, private fundraising and business settings. Considerable ability to organize and communicate information effectively, orally and in writing. Considerable ability to create parinerships with communiTy, bus9ness and academic organizations. Considerable ability to influence legislative process. Considerable ability to work with high profile funders and gain their confidence. Considerable ability to analyze and solve complex problems. Considerable ability to comprehend and administer laws, ordinances, contracts and rules and regulations. Considerable ability to devlop and maintain cooperative working relationships. Considerable ability to generate revenue through grants, user fees and other sources to fund non-general fund activities. Considerable ability to organize, plan, direct and evaluate the work of others. MINIMi7M QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree with major course work in Parks and Recreation Administration, Public Administration, Landscape Architecture, Environmental Sciences or related field AND 5 years of PubIic Administrarion experience, 3 of which relate to the field of Pazks and Recreation. DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION fADVISORY SPEC) (DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION (ADVISORY SPEC)) Page 2 of 2 Council File # 6l — �9�{ Green Sheet # 63000 RESOLUTfON OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of 2 Compensation by establishing the rate of pay for the position titled Deputy Director of Pazks and Recreation. 4 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the position of Deputy Director of Parks and Recreation be that as set forth in Grade 29 of the Non-Represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule, and be it FURTI�R RESOLVED that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its adoption by the Council and subsequent approval by the Mayor. Requested by Department oE Office of Human Resources By:�� �;�., _ Form App oved by City Attorney By: Adopted by Council: Date _�, . � g +�,.cst� \ � Approved b Mayor for S mission to Council Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary By By: � �_� .�___._/.� � G:\Shazed\ IassiflCLASS�Resolurions&Ordinances�resolution.de Approved by Mayor: Date � Z� p.dir.pazk.rec.wpd B: DEPARThIENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: Office of Human Resources � CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE: � Lisa McKeown 266-6479 y 7olm Shockley 266-6482 MUSI BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) As soon as possible DATE INITIATID 03/27lO1 _ ASSIGNED NUMBERFOR ROUI7NG ORDH2 GREEN SHEET ➢V[I7ALDATE � nerucrn�rrr nm�P4 2CITYATfORNEY _ _. FINANCIAL SE2V DIlt 3MAYOR(ORASSf.) No.: 63000 a cincovcrcu, C11YC1.FRK TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� bi-�q� � I��IYY/:��:VYB ACr[ox 1tEQvESTEn: Appmval of the Resolution establishmg the rate of pay for the unclassified Deputy Director of Pazks and Recreation in Grade 29 of the Non-Represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. This is a companion Resolurion to Ordinance creating the unclassified Deputy Director of Pazks and Recreation. RECObA�ENDATIONS: Apptoce (A) M Reject (R) _PI,ANNING CANIM[SSION CIBCOMHIlTf� �CIVII. SERV[CE COMIvIISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CON'fRAC15 MUST ANSWER Tf� FOLLOWING QUF.STIONS: 1. Has this persod6�m ever worked wder a contrac[ for this departmmPl Yes No 2. HaslhisP�onJfixmeverheenacityemployee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/ficm possess a sidll not nm�nally possessed by my curzent ciry employce7 Yes No 4. Is tlils person/fi�m a tazgeted vendor7 Yes No E:ptam au yes answws ou sepsnu sheet and attach to green s6ee4 INTTdA1'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'P[JN11'Y (6Vho, WLay When, Where, W6y): T&is action is based upon a study of a provisional Program Administrator posirion in the Division of Pazks and Recrearion. This study ineluded an evaluaYion using the City's QES job evaluarion system. aDVANrAGES rF nrraovEn: Approval of this resolurion will allow for equitable compensation for this position. ^rf+"S?'� T1, nh a 'r`'+e`Y`a'��✓1.1 ti: a DLSADVAN7'AGESIFAYPROVED: NOIIC. nisnnvarrrncES g' xo'r arexovEn: Equitable pay will not be established. I TOTAL AMOiJNT OF TRANSACTION: �6,94s.55 ( FiTNDING SOURCE: osisa �c3 � �. CS ��� B COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED: Yes ACTIVITY NUMBER: N/A I FTNANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAil� � Incumbent will be placed at step 8 of grade 29 of Employee Group 17, Non-represented City Managers. i `�' w" � l , • t l. OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, D "uecror CITY OF SAlNT PAUL 400 Ciry Ha1I Armez Norm Coleman, :�I¢yor 15 l�est Fowth Sbeet Saint Paul, M'umesota J�102-1631 TO: Vic Wittgenstein, Pazks and Recreation Director FROM: Lisa McKeown, Hutuan Resour��� (� DAT`E: 03/14/Ol RE: Classification 5tudy Results �t��94 Te7ephone: 6I2-266-6500 TDD/ITP.� 672-266-6507 Jobline: 612-266-6502 F¢csimile: 612-292-�656 We haue completed our study of the provisionai Program Administrator position in the Division of Parks and Recreation held by Liz Anderson. An intezview was conducted with the incumbent and comparisons were made with other ciasses and positions. Based upon that infortnation, we have deterniined that an unclassified pasition fitled Depury Director of Parks and Recreadon be created and be placed at Crrade 29 of the Non- Represented City Managers, Employee Group 1?, Salary Schedule. Our next step is to get Council's approval in the creation of the title and establishxnent af the title's rate of pay. Then the Civil Service Commission needs to give final approval on the ereation of the unclassified trtle. Please share this information with the employee(s) affected; or if you would like me to inform them, please leY me laiow. I have also attached the advisory specification for this title. Please let me know if you have any aoncerns with this specification. T have dra$ed and attached the neaessary green sheets, ordinance and resolution. Please feel free to review and make suggested changes. If you have any questions regazding this matter, please contact me at 266-64'79. I am in the office on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. G:\Shared�Teaml �I.ISA\CLASSIFUiz.ande=son.paricdep.d'u�DETERMIN. WPD .Vi ,:i.� �-. ` A' ` : _�. � f�: v_�� . � Proposed Title of Class: Code: 200B DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND BU: 17 t,( RECREATION (ADVISORY SPECI D � �'� � Effective: � DESCRII'TION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Assists the Pazks and Recrearion Director in carrying out the mission, goals and vision of the Division; manages the environmental and legisiative progruus of the Division; assumes the director's responsibilities for the day-to-day management of the Division and at public meetings in hislher absence. Manages, directs and operates a Section or Sections of the Division. Supervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Pazks and Recreation D'uector. Superoision Exercised: Exercises within the Section(s), general supervision oveP supervisory, professional, technical and clerical employees either directly or through subordinate supervisors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all posifions in this class. Assists Pazks and Recreation Direc.or in carrying out the mission, vision and goals of the Division and assume the D'uector's responsibilities for the day-to-day management of the Division in his/her absence. Directs the overall operation of a section or sections of the Parks and Recreation Division. Manages section budgets and multiQle programs and activities. Manages human resources to deliver services to the public and support Division activities. Supervises, directly or tivough subordinate supervisors, all work of the SecYion; assigns and reviews work; coaches and develops employees; evaluates performance. Establish policies, procedures, standards, pricing, etc, for programs, services and facilities. Manages major projects for new services, facilities and /or partnerships. Secures public and private funding; works with community and neighborhood groups, business community and advocacy groups; establishes cooperative relationships. Manages Division Environmental and I,egislarive Prograzns; represents the Division at the legislature. Manages contracts and agreements necessary to carry out Section and Division operations. (DEPiJTY DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION (ADVISORY SPEC)) Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: KNOWLEDGE, SKIL,LS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Effective: Code: 200B BU: 17 D1 ��`� y Considerable knowledge of the pazks and recreation services, trends and pracrices. Considerable knowledge of legislative process. Considerable knowledge of personnel gractices, Civil Service mies, labor contracts, policies, procedures and laws. Considerable knowledge of environmental procedures and practices. Considerabie knowledge of project management and the ability to develop, manage and evaluate projects. Considerable ability to work with the D'uector to lead the Division and problem solve. Considerable ability to set priorities and to manage multiple priorities and deadlines effectively. Considerabie ability to manage a major Section, including multiple programs, budgets, facilities and/or staff and voiunteers. Considerable ability to represent the Division iM legislative, private fundraising and business settings. Considerable ability to organize and communicate information effectively, orally and in writing. Considerable ability to create parinerships with communiTy, bus9ness and academic organizations. Considerable ability to influence legislative process. Considerable ability to work with high profile funders and gain their confidence. Considerable ability to analyze and solve complex problems. Considerable ability to comprehend and administer laws, ordinances, contracts and rules and regulations. Considerable ability to devlop and maintain cooperative working relationships. Considerable ability to generate revenue through grants, user fees and other sources to fund non-general fund activities. Considerable ability to organize, plan, direct and evaluate the work of others. MINIMi7M QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree with major course work in Parks and Recreation Administration, Public Administration, Landscape Architecture, Environmental Sciences or related field AND 5 years of PubIic Administrarion experience, 3 of which relate to the field of Pazks and Recreation. DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION fADVISORY SPEC) (DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION (ADVISORY SPEC)) Page 2 of 2 Council File # 6l — �9�{ Green Sheet # 63000 RESOLUTfON OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of 2 Compensation by establishing the rate of pay for the position titled Deputy Director of Pazks and Recreation. 4 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the position of Deputy Director of Parks and Recreation be that as set forth in Grade 29 of the Non-Represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule, and be it FURTI�R RESOLVED that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its adoption by the Council and subsequent approval by the Mayor. Requested by Department oE Office of Human Resources By:�� �;�., _ Form App oved by City Attorney By: Adopted by Council: Date _�, . � g +�,.cst� \ � Approved b Mayor for S mission to Council Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary By By: � �_� .�___._/.� � G:\Shazed\ IassiflCLASS�Resolurions&Ordinances�resolution.de Approved by Mayor: Date � Z� p.dir.pazk.rec.wpd B: DEPARThIENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: Office of Human Resources � CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE: � Lisa McKeown 266-6479 y 7olm Shockley 266-6482 MUSI BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) As soon as possible DATE INITIATID 03/27lO1 _ ASSIGNED NUMBERFOR ROUI7NG ORDH2 GREEN SHEET ➢V[I7ALDATE � nerucrn�rrr nm�P4 2CITYATfORNEY _ _. FINANCIAL SE2V DIlt 3MAYOR(ORASSf.) No.: 63000 a cincovcrcu, C11YC1.FRK TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� bi-�q� � I��IYY/:��:VYB ACr[ox 1tEQvESTEn: Appmval of the Resolution establishmg the rate of pay for the unclassified Deputy Director of Pazks and Recreation in Grade 29 of the Non-Represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. This is a companion Resolurion to Ordinance creating the unclassified Deputy Director of Pazks and Recreation. RECObA�ENDATIONS: Apptoce (A) M Reject (R) _PI,ANNING CANIM[SSION CIBCOMHIlTf� �CIVII. SERV[CE COMIvIISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CON'fRAC15 MUST ANSWER Tf� FOLLOWING QUF.STIONS: 1. Has this persod6�m ever worked wder a contrac[ for this departmmPl Yes No 2. HaslhisP�onJfixmeverheenacityemployee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/ficm possess a sidll not nm�nally possessed by my curzent ciry employce7 Yes No 4. Is tlils person/fi�m a tazgeted vendor7 Yes No E:ptam au yes answws ou sepsnu sheet and attach to green s6ee4 INTTdA1'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'P[JN11'Y (6Vho, WLay When, Where, W6y): T&is action is based upon a study of a provisional Program Administrator posirion in the Division of Pazks and Recrearion. This study ineluded an evaluaYion using the City's QES job evaluarion system. aDVANrAGES rF nrraovEn: Approval of this resolurion will allow for equitable compensation for this position. ^rf+"S?'� T1, nh a 'r`'+e`Y`a'��✓1.1 ti: a DLSADVAN7'AGESIFAYPROVED: NOIIC. nisnnvarrrncES g' xo'r arexovEn: Equitable pay will not be established. I TOTAL AMOiJNT OF TRANSACTION: �6,94s.55 ( FiTNDING SOURCE: osisa �c3 � �. CS ��� B COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED: Yes ACTIVITY NUMBER: N/A I FTNANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAil� � Incumbent will be placed at step 8 of grade 29 of Employee Group 17, Non-represented City Managers. i `�' w" � l , • t l. OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, D "uecror CITY OF SAlNT PAUL 400 Ciry Ha1I Armez Norm Coleman, :�I¢yor 15 l�est Fowth Sbeet Saint Paul, M'umesota J�102-1631 TO: Vic Wittgenstein, Pazks and Recreation Director FROM: Lisa McKeown, Hutuan Resour��� (� DAT`E: 03/14/Ol RE: Classification 5tudy Results �t��94 Te7ephone: 6I2-266-6500 TDD/ITP.� 672-266-6507 Jobline: 612-266-6502 F¢csimile: 612-292-�656 We haue completed our study of the provisionai Program Administrator position in the Division of Parks and Recreation held by Liz Anderson. An intezview was conducted with the incumbent and comparisons were made with other ciasses and positions. Based upon that infortnation, we have deterniined that an unclassified pasition fitled Depury Director of Parks and Recreadon be created and be placed at Crrade 29 of the Non- Represented City Managers, Employee Group 1?, Salary Schedule. Our next step is to get Council's approval in the creation of the title and establishxnent af the title's rate of pay. Then the Civil Service Commission needs to give final approval on the ereation of the unclassified trtle. Please share this information with the employee(s) affected; or if you would like me to inform them, please leY me laiow. I have also attached the advisory specification for this title. Please let me know if you have any aoncerns with this specification. T have dra$ed and attached the neaessary green sheets, ordinance and resolution. Please feel free to review and make suggested changes. If you have any questions regazding this matter, please contact me at 266-64'79. I am in the office on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. G:\Shared�Teaml �I.ISA\CLASSIFUiz.ande=son.paricdep.d'u�DETERMIN. WPD .Vi ,:i.� �-. ` A' ` : _�. � f�: v_�� . � Proposed Title of Class: Code: 200B DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND BU: 17 t,( RECREATION (ADVISORY SPECI D � �'� � Effective: � DESCRII'TION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Assists the Pazks and Recrearion Director in carrying out the mission, goals and vision of the Division; manages the environmental and legisiative progruus of the Division; assumes the director's responsibilities for the day-to-day management of the Division and at public meetings in hislher absence. Manages, directs and operates a Section or Sections of the Division. Supervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Pazks and Recreation D'uector. Superoision Exercised: Exercises within the Section(s), general supervision oveP supervisory, professional, technical and clerical employees either directly or through subordinate supervisors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all posifions in this class. Assists Pazks and Recreation Direc.or in carrying out the mission, vision and goals of the Division and assume the D'uector's responsibilities for the day-to-day management of the Division in his/her absence. Directs the overall operation of a section or sections of the Parks and Recreation Division. Manages section budgets and multiQle programs and activities. Manages human resources to deliver services to the public and support Division activities. Supervises, directly or tivough subordinate supervisors, all work of the SecYion; assigns and reviews work; coaches and develops employees; evaluates performance. Establish policies, procedures, standards, pricing, etc, for programs, services and facilities. Manages major projects for new services, facilities and /or partnerships. Secures public and private funding; works with community and neighborhood groups, business community and advocacy groups; establishes cooperative relationships. Manages Division Environmental and I,egislarive Prograzns; represents the Division at the legislature. Manages contracts and agreements necessary to carry out Section and Division operations. (DEPiJTY DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION (ADVISORY SPEC)) Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: KNOWLEDGE, SKIL,LS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Effective: Code: 200B BU: 17 D1 ��`� y Considerable knowledge of the pazks and recreation services, trends and pracrices. Considerable knowledge of legislative process. Considerable knowledge of personnel gractices, Civil Service mies, labor contracts, policies, procedures and laws. Considerable knowledge of environmental procedures and practices. Considerabie knowledge of project management and the ability to develop, manage and evaluate projects. Considerable ability to work with the D'uector to lead the Division and problem solve. Considerable ability to set priorities and to manage multiple priorities and deadlines effectively. Considerabie ability to manage a major Section, including multiple programs, budgets, facilities and/or staff and voiunteers. Considerable ability to represent the Division iM legislative, private fundraising and business settings. Considerable ability to organize and communicate information effectively, orally and in writing. Considerable ability to create parinerships with communiTy, bus9ness and academic organizations. Considerable ability to influence legislative process. Considerable ability to work with high profile funders and gain their confidence. Considerable ability to analyze and solve complex problems. Considerable ability to comprehend and administer laws, ordinances, contracts and rules and regulations. Considerable ability to devlop and maintain cooperative working relationships. Considerable ability to generate revenue through grants, user fees and other sources to fund non-general fund activities. Considerable ability to organize, plan, direct and evaluate the work of others. MINIMi7M QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree with major course work in Parks and Recreation Administration, Public Administration, Landscape Architecture, Environmental Sciences or related field AND 5 years of PubIic Administrarion experience, 3 of which relate to the field of Pazks and Recreation. DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION fADVISORY SPEC) (DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION (ADVISORY SPEC)) Page 2 of 2