268925 WHITE - CITY CLERK COl1I1C11 ,J��/�� PINK - FINANGE � BLUERV - MAVORTMENT CITY OF SAINT-- PALTL File NO. � � � � ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: A. The Council has by Resolution No. 268820 adopted on March 24, 1977 and approved by the Mayor on Mar�h 29, 1977, authorized the issuance and sale of $6�000,000 General Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1977, to be dated May 1, 1977; ,�' B. The appropriate City Officers have, pursuant to said resolution, caused prop��r published notice of the sale of the bonds to be given as required by law, and sealed bids,' ,. pursuant to said Notice of Sale, were received until 11:00 � o'clock A.M. , Central T�me on Tuesday, April 19, 1977, in the ' office of Bernard J. Carlson, Director, Department of Finance and Management Servic�s, 109 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota; and • C. The Director of Finance and Management Services of the City has advised the Council that the bid of Harris Trust and Savin s Bank Chica o Illinois and Assoc ates was oun to e t e most a vantageous an as recommen e t at said bid be accepted. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that l. The bid of Harris �Yust and Savings Bank, Chicago, Illinois and Associates to purchase 6,000,000 General Obli- gation Capita Improvement Bonds, Series 197T, of the City in accordance with the Notice of Bond Sale at the rates of inter- est hereinafter set forth and to pay, therefore, the sum of $6,000,000 plus a premium of $ 1,073.00 is hereby found, determined and declared to be the most favorable bid received and is hereby accepted and said bonds are hereby awarded to said bidder; COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Finance and Mana ent Services Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Rcedler rector Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by ity A orne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by iVlayor: Date Approved by Ma r for Submission to Council By BY , . ' ��i9 ti 2. The Director of Finance and Management Services is directed to retain the deposit of said bidder and to forth- with return the good faith checks or dra�ts to the unsuccessful bidders; 3. �aid bonds shall be payable as to principal and intexest at The First National Bank of Saint Paul, in �t. Paul, Minnesota, or the Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. , in New York, New York, at the option o� the holder, or any succe�sor paying agent duly appoi,nted by the Ci,ty; 4. The bonds bearing the serial numbers and maturing in the years as follows sha11 bear interest as follows: Xear Sexial Nos . Interest Rate 1978 F-- 1 -� F-� 44 4.10% 1979 F- 45 -- F- 150 4.10% 1980 F- 151 - F- 261 4.10% 1981 F-- 262 � F- 378 4.20% 1982 F- 379 - F- 500 4.20% 1983 F- 501 - F- 628 4.20% 1984 F- 629 - F- 761 4.20% 1985 F- 762 - F- 901 4.30% 1986 F- 902 - F-1047 4.40% 1987 F-1048 - F-1200 4.50% 5. The Council hereby ratifies and approves each and every act of its subcommittee on Finance and Sinking Funds in connection with the sale of said bonds; 6. Said bonds shall be executed by the facsimile of the official seal of the City of St. Paul and signed by the facsimile signature of the Mayor, attested by the facsimile signature of the City Clerk and countersigned by the manual signature of the Director of Finance and Management Services and the interest coupons attached to each bond shall be exe- cuted by the facsimile signatures of said officers; and 7. The bonds of .said issue shall mature without option of prepayment, shall be dated May l, 1977 and shall be numbered from F-1 to F-1200, both inclusive. Interest on said bonds will be payable November 1, 1977 and semiannually thereafter on May 1 and November 1 in each year. r�= � , y 8. Said bonds and the coupons attached thereto shall be in substantially the following form, which has been approved by the City Attorney of the City of Saint Paul, and is hereby approved and adopted: UNITED STATE� OF AMERICA STATE OF MTNNESOTA COUNT'Y' OF RAMSEY CITY' OF SAINT PAUL GENERAL OBLT�ATTON C�ITAL IMPROVEMENT BOND, SERIES 1977 No. F- $5,000 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT� , that the City of Saint Paul, in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, acknowledges itself to be lndebted and �or value received hereby promises to pay to bearer, without option of prepayment, the sum of Five Thousand Dollars (�5,000) on the first day of May, , together with intere�t thereon from the date hereof until the pri.ncipal siuYt i,s paid at the rate of percent per annum, payable November l, 1977, and semiannually t ereafter on the fir�t day of May and the first day of November �n each year a� evidenced by and upon the presentation and surrender o� the annexed interest coupons as they severally become due. Both principal of and interest on this bond are payable in 1aw�u1 money of the United States of America at The First Nat�,ona1 Bank of Saint Paul, in St. Pau1, Minnesota, or Chase Manhattan Bank N.A. , New York, New York, at the option o� the holder, or any successor pay�.ng agent duly appointed by the C�,ty and �or the prompt payment of this bond, both principal and intere�t, when due, the full faith and credit of the City o� �aint Paul are irrevocably pledged. This bond �sc� o� a series of bonds issued and sold by said City of Saint Pau1 in the aggregate principal amount of Six Million Dollars ($6,000 ,000) , authorized pursuant to Laws of Minnesota 1971, Chapter 773, as amended by Laws of Minnesota 1974, Chapter 351, as �,mended by Laws of Minnesota 1976 , Chapter 234, for the purpose of the procurement of funds to be used by said City for the acquisition, construction and repair of capital improvements o� the Ca,ty o£ Saint Paul in � accordance with the provisions o� said 1aw�. � � � �68925 Tt is hereby certified and recited that all things, acts and conditions required by the Constitution and Laws of the State of DZinnesota and the Charter of said City to happen and be done and performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have happened and have been done and performed in regular and due form and time as required by law, and that the issuance of this bond did not cause the total indebtedness of the said City to exceed any constitutional, statutory, or charter limitation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, by it� Council has caused this bond to be sealed by the facsimile of its Official Seal, to be signed by the facsimile signature of its Mayor, attested by the facsimile signature of its City Clerk, and countersigned manually by its Director of Finance and Management Services, and each of the interest coupons hereto attached to be exe- cuted by the facsimile signatures of said officers, as of the first day of May, 1977. (facsimile) George Latimer Mayor (SEAL) Attest: (facsimile) Rose Mix City Clerk Countersigned: Director of Finance and Management Services COUPON On the first day of November (May) , , the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, promises to pay to bearer at The First National Bank of Saint Paul, St. Paul, Minne- sota, or the Chase Manhattan Bank N.A. , New York, New York, at the option of the holder, or any successor paying agent duly appointed by the City the sum shown hereon for interest then due on its General Obligation Capital Improvement Bond, Series 1977, dated as of May l, 1977 , No. (facsimile) George Latimer Mayor Attest: (facsimile) Rose Mix City Clerk WH17E - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 ���v�� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L � BLUE - MAVOR � FII@ NO. � � .� � Council Resolution Presented By -_ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date _ _ _ Countersigned: (facsimile) Bernard J. Carlson Director of Finance and Management Services 9. The full faith and credit and taxing power of the City is pledged for the prompt and full payment of the principal and interest of said bonds; 10. The City will not make any use of the proceeds of the Bonds to be issued whicTt, if such use had been reasonably expected as of the date of delivery of and payment for the bonds, would have caused such obligations to be arbitrage bonds within the meaning of Section 103 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code and any applicable temporary proposed or final regulations promul- gated thereunder; and the City will and will cause any other entity authorized to invest such bond proceeds for the City to comply with the requirements of said Section 103 (c) and all applicable regulations pertaining thereto while the bonds to be issued hereunder remain outstanding; 11. The proceeds of said bonds shall be credited to an account hereby established and designated eapital Improve- ments Account of 197'7. The moneys in said account shall be used and applied for the purpose prescribed by Laws 1971, Chapter 773, as amended, and the balance in said account after payment of the costs of the program, if any, together with accrued interest received upon the delivery of said bonds shall be credited to the Sinking Fund Account for such obligations. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: But1e;�J1�iStlbN � Finance and Manag Services �iozza (n Favor ��unt �Rcedler � — Against BY Director �� J Ags,E��oN �Tedesco 9 1977 ApR 1 Form Approved by Ci y A orney Adopted hy Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy Appr ve by ;Nayor: Date APR 2�2 1 Approved by Mayor or Submission to Council By BY QUBLISHED APR � � 1977 � � d � � � • ` PAST SALES I�FORRIATION � MUNICIPALITY CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA DATE AMOUNT AVCrMAT NO, �3lDS PURCHASER E3�( RATE 3-20 74 �3,045,000 17.80 8 BANKERS TRUS'r 5.32 5.42 3-20-74 �4,000,000 17.80 6 BANKERS TRUST 5,32 5.42 3-20-74 $5,680,000 S,$0 7 SALOMON BROTHERS $.32 4.78 9-25-74 �6,000,000 17.63 � 8 KIDDER, PEABODY 6.76 6,43 9-25-74 � 500,OQ0 17. 17 2 CITIBANK, N.Y. 6.76 6.47 2-20-75 $1 ,500,000 10.50 6 HARRIS TRUST 6.40 5.71 2-20-75 $4 ,000,000 17.00 6 CITIBANK. N,Y. 6.40 6. 11 2-20-75 $6,500,000 ' S.50 7 HARRIS TRUST 6.40 5.02 " 11-18-7$ �a4,100,000 11 .2$ 4 HALSEY, STUART 7.43 6,07 i t-18-75 $4 ,600,000 1 1 .50 4 HALSEY, STUART 7.43 6. 14 6-22-76 $4,540,000 11 .50 1 BANCNORTHWEST 6.85 5.73 6-22-76 $6,000,000 15.50 i BANCNORTHWEST 6.85 6. 18 6-22-76 $4,050,000 :10.50 1 BANCNORTHWEST 6.85 5,75 9-21-76 $6,000,000 5.72 7 FIRST NAT�L. CHi. 6.50 . 4.64 9-21-76 $i ,000,000 6,24 6 FIRST NAT�L, CHi. 6.50 4.70 � 2-22-77 $1 ,180,000 6.21 4 ALLISON-WILLIAMS 5.83 4.37 4-19-77 �a6,000,000 6.08 - _ _�_ 5.70 -- - -----1_ - - - - ---- --- ----- I --- _ --- -- ------------;-- ----- - -- ------ -- -- 1--- ------------ -- - - � --- ---- ---------- --- ---- - - - - -- ---- I � - --------- --- -- - - -- -- -- -------�-----..- - -_ -__ -- ° � PAST SALES It�:FOR�IATION MUNICIPf�LiTY CITY OF ST. PAUL, M�NNESOTA DATE AMOUNT AVG-MAT NO, E3lDS PUf2CHASER E3�f RATE 3-ZO-74 �3 ,045,000 17.80 8 BANKERS TRUST 5.32 5,42 3-20-74 54,000,000 17.80 6 BANKERS TRUSr 5.32 5.42 3-ZO-74 �$�680���� $,rJO 7 SALOMON BROTHERS $.32 L�.78 9-25-7A �6,000,000 17.63 8 KIDDER, PEABODY 6.76 6,43 9-25-74 � 500,000 17. 17 2 CITIBANK, N.Y. 6.76 6.47 2-20-75 �1 ,500,000 t0.50 6 HARRIS TRUST 6.40 5.71 2-20-75 a4 ,000,000 T7.00 6 CITIBANK, N.Y. 6.40 6. 11 2-20-75 $6,500,000 ' 5.50 7 HARRIS TRUS'r 6.40 5.02 ' T1-18-75 �4,100,000 11 ,25 4 HALSEY, STUART 7,43 6,07 1 t-18-75 �4 ,600,000 11 ,50 4 HALSEY, STUART 7.43 6, 14 6-22-76 �a4,540,000 11 .50 1 BANCNORTHWEST 6.85 5.73 6-22-76 �6,000,000 15.50 1 BANCNORTHWEST 6.85 6. 18 6-22-76 �4 ,050,000 10.50 i BANCNORTHWEST 6.85 5.75 9-21-76 �6,000,000 5.72 7 FIRST NAT`L, CHi. 6.50 . 4.64 9-21-76 �a1 ,000,000 6.24 6 FIRST NAT'L, CH�. 6.50 4,7Q � 2-22-77 $1 ,180,000 6.21 4 ALLISON-WILLIAMS 5.83 4.37 4-19-77 $6,000,000 6,08 ----- -�- 5.70 --- -- -�--- --- - --- ---- --- --- I �-- -------- - - � ( __--------- ----- -- - --------- -------------- ----------_---. ---- -._ _ .. ------- I - --------- __.._----- ------------ --------�------ _ __ ___ -- � WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII ��, ��� PINK - FINANCE C I TY F SA I�NT PA CANARV - DEPAR T C�E�70 BLUE - MAV le O. � - Co cil Reso ' n . , . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, on February 24, 1977, the City Council approved and the Mayor signed Councilman Levine's resolution directing the City Planning Department to study an ordinance regulating the location of adult entertainment uses, and WHEREAS, disturbances and/or allegations of disturbances due to certaa.n licensed establishments and complaints due to the location of certain licensed establish�ents and the consequent potential detrimental effect on the surrounding neighborhood have been brought to the attention of the City Council and the City. Council's license committee, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Department be instructed to expand the scope of its study to include but not b�e limited to the location, density and/or distribution of: On-sale liquor licenses Off-sale liquor licenses Tavern licenses 3.2 ma.lt beverage licenses Private clubs, both locally and state licensed S aut�s Ra:p g�rlours Game �ooms, and the . Previously-referred-to adult entertainment establishments AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that after proper public hearing before the Planning Commission, that a report, along with proposed ordinances and/or state statutes, be reco�nded back to the City Council. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Departmen� of: Yeas Nays Butler ' Hozza In Favor . Hunt . Levine d _ Against BY ' Roedler �� Tedesco Adopted by Councii: Date APR ��i �977 Fotm r ed by City Attorney ' Certified Passed by Council Secretary By w Approve ayor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counc By -- BY PUBtISt�ED APR 3 Q 197T �, y E . . . � � �ya� SPRiNGSTED INCORPORAT�D MUNICfPAL CONSULTAt�1T'S ' 800 OSBORN BUILDING • SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 • (612)222-4241 $6,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1977 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA AWARD: HARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK Chicago, Illinois and Associates SALE: April 19, 1977 Moody's Rating: Aa Standard & Poor's .Rating: AA Net Interest Bidder Coupons Price Cost & Rate HARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK 4.10% 1978-80 $6,001,073.00 $1,576,972.00 THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A. ) 4.20% 1981-84 (4.3028Y) BANCNORTHWEST, CHICAGO )Joint 4.30% 1985 MERRILL LYNCH, PIERCE, FENNER & )Mgrs. 4.40% 1986 SMITH INCORPORATED ) 4.50% 1987 Lehman Brothers, Inc. First National Bank of Oregon, Portland . John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated Seattle-First National Bank L. F. Rothschild, Unterberg, Towbin First National Bank in Dallas First Wisconsin National Bank of Milwaukee Marine Midland Municipals Co. , Buffalo First Pennco Securities, Inc. European-American Bank & Trust Co. � Trust Company Bank, Atlanta Southeast First National Bank of Miami Matthews & Wrights, Inc. Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis, Inc. Industrial National Bank of Rhode Island, Providence J. C. Bradford & Co. First National State Bank of Neco Jersey, Newark United Missouri Bank of Kansas City, N.A. Loeb, Rhoades & Co. Bevill, Bresl,er & Schulman Securities, Inc. Banco Popular De Puerto Rico William Blair & Company, Chicago Cowen & Company Douglas & Co. Municipals, Inc. Fidelity Union Trust Co. , Newark First National Bank of Atlanta Chester Harris & Co. , Inc. Legg Mason Wood Walker, Inc. Sears Bank & Trust Co. Chicago s _. Blunt Ellis & Simmons Incorporated, Chicago Commerce Bank, Kansas City, Mo. F. B. Cooper & Co. Jesup & Lamont Municipal Securities Johnston, Lemon & Co. , Inc. , Washington, D.C. National Bank of Commerce, Memghis Northrop Municipals Corp. Reinholdt & Gardner, St. Louis Tripp & Co. , Inc. Elkins, Stroud, Suplee & Co. , Philadelphia , Ernst & Co. Folger Nolan Fleming Douglas Inc. , Washington D.C. Frank Hen�es & Co. , Inc. J. A. Overton & Co. , Coronado Shaughnessy & Company, Inc. , St. Paul Union Planters National Bank of ' ' Memphis BACHE HALSEY STUART I�TC. - Manager 3.75% 1978 $6,000,660.00 $1,578,757.50 Crocker National Bank 4.20% 1979 (4.307660%) Connecticut Bank & Trust Campany 4.30% 1980-86 A.G. Becker & Co. Municipal 4.375% 1987 Securities, Inc. Fahnestock & Company Adams, McEntee & Company The Bank of Virginia Colin, Hochstin Company Rand and Company, Inc. Wilson White, Belf, Lake, � Rochlin & Company Banco Credito Y Ahorro Ponceno George K. Baum & Company, Inc. A. Webster pougherty & Company Hibbard, 0`Connor & Weeks, Inc. Municipal Securities, Inc. , J.A. Overton & Company Ranier National Bank Raffensperger, Hughes & Company, Inc. Shelby Cullom Davis & Company State Street Bank & Trust Company iJMIC, Inc. R.D. White & Company A. Duncan Williams Inc. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ) 4.20% 1978-82 $6,000,084.31 $1,585,153.19 CHICAGO ) 4.25% 1983-84 (4.325111%) THE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY ) Joint 4.30% 1985 CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS NATIONAL) Mgrs. 4.40% 1986 BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF ) 4.50% 1987 CHICAGO ) Mellon Bank, N.A. W.H. *iorton & Co. , Div. of American ' Express Company White, Weld & Co. , Incorporated Shearson Hayden Stone Inc. Dean Witter & Co. E.F. Hutton & Company, Inc. The Philadelphia National Bank � Mercantile Trust Company, N.A. Girard Bank La Salle National Bank The Bank of California, N.A. Bank of Oklahoma, N.A. First National Bank & Trust Co. , Oklahoma City, Okla. American National Bank, St. Paul Ferris & Company • Zahner and Company Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood, Incorporated William Blair & Company Fulton, Reid & Staples, Inc. Van Kampen Sauerman Inc. Channer Newman Securities Co. � Altgelt & Co. , Inc. KIDDER, PEABODY & CO., INC.) Joint 4.10% 1978-79 $6,000,484.65 $1,600,860.35 REYNOLDS SECURITIES, INC�. ) Mgrs. 4.30% 1980-84 (4.36796%) Drexel Burnham, Lambert, Inc. 4.35% 1985 R.W. Pressprich & Co. , Inc. 4.45% 1986 Alex. Brown & Sons 4.50% 1987 F.S. Moseley, Hallgarten & Estabrook, Inc. American Se.curities Corp. - Allen & Company Faulkner, Dawkins & Sullivan, Sec. Corp. Advest Company Barr Brothers & Co. , Inc. " Boland, �affin, Gordon & Sautter Dain, Kalman & Quail, Inc. Geo. B. Gibbons & Co. , Inc. The Illinois Co. , Inc. McDonald & Company Moore & Schley, Cameron & Co. William E. Pollock & Co. , Inc. Tripp & Co. Carleton D. Beh Co. _ Hess, Grant & Frazier, Inc. Howe, Barnes & Johnson, Inc. Janney, MontgomPry Scott, Inc. The Milwaukee Co. Moore, Juran & Co. , Inc. Murch & Co. , Inc. Newhard, Cook & Co. Park, Ryan, Inc. E.J. Prescott & Co. Robert S. C. Peterson, Inc. Schaffer, Necker & Co. M.B. Vick & Co. , Inc. A.W. Zucker & Co. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 3.75% 1978 $6,000,000.00 $1,638,167.50 SAINT PAUL 4.40% 1979-83 (4.446976�) T�IE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 4.45% 1984-85 MINNEAPOLIS 4.50% 1986 CARLETON D. BEH COMPANY 4.60% 1987 BBI: 5.70 AVERAGE MATURITY: 6.08 Years . SPf�NGSTED INCORPORATED MUNICIPAL CONSULTAf�fTS 8000SBORN BUILDING • SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 • (612)222-4241 $6,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1977 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, ,IINNESOTA AWARD: HARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK Chicago, Illinois and Associates SALE: Apri1 19, 1977 Moody's Rating: Aa Standard & Poor's .Rating: AA Net Interest Bidder Coupons Price Cost & Rate HARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK 4.10% 1978-80 $6,001,073.00 $1,576,972.00 THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A. ) 4.20y 1981-84 (4.3028y) BANCNORTH[dEST, CHICAGO )Joint 4.30� 1985 MERRILL LYNCH, PIERCE, FENNER & )Mgrs. 4.40% 1986 SMITH INCORPORATED ) 4.50% 1987 Lehman Brothers, Inc. First National Bank of Oregon, Portland . John Nuveen & Co. Incorporated Seattle-First National Bank - L. F. Rothschild, Unterberg, Towbin First National Bank in Dallas First Wisconsin National $ank of Milwaukee Marine Midland Municipals Co. , Buffalo First Pennco Securities, Inc. European-American Bank & Trust Co. � . Trust Company Bank, Atlanta Southeast First National Bank of Miami Matthews & Wrights, Inc. Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis, Inc. Industrial National Bank of Rhode Island, Providence J. C. Bradford & Co. First National State Bank of New Jersey, Newark United Missouri Bank of Kansas City, N.A. Loeb, Rhoades & Co. Bevill, Bresler & Schulman Securities, Inc. Banco Popular De Puerto Rico William Blair & Company, Chicago Cowen & Company Douglas & Co. Municipals, Ync. Fidelity Union Trust Co. , Newark First National Bank of Atlanta Chester Harris & Co. , Inc. Legg Mason Wood Walker, Inc. Sears Bank & Trust Co. Chicago � Blunt Ellis & Simmons Incorporated, Chicago Commerce Bank, Kansas City, Mo. F. B. Cooper & Co. Jesup & Lamont Municipal Securities Johnston, Lemon & Co. , Inc. , Washington, D.C. National Bank of Commerce, Memphis Northrop Municipals Corp. Reinholdt & Gardner, St. Louis Tripp & Co. , Inc. Elkins, Stroud, Suplee & Co. , Philadelphia Ernst & Co. Folger Nolan Fleming Douglas Inc. , Washington D.C. Frank Hen j es & Co. ,, Inc. J. A. Overton & Co. , Coronado Shaughnessy & Company, Inc. , St. Paul Union Planters National Bank of ' Memphis BACHE HALSEY STUART INC. - Manager 3.75% 1978 $6,000,660.00 $1,578,757.50 Crocker National Bank 4.20% 1979 (4.307660%) Connecticut Bank & Trust Company 4.30% 1980-86 A.G. Becker & Co. Municipal 4.375% 1987 Securities, Inc. Fahnestock & Company Adams, McEntee & Company The Bank of Virginia Colin, Hochstin Company Rand and Company, Inc. Wilson White, Belf, Lake, ' Rochlin & Company Banco Credito Y Ahorro Ponceno George K. Baum & Company, Inc. A. Webster pougherty & Company Hibbard, 0'Connor & Weeks, Inc. Municipal Securities, Inc. , . J.A. Overton & Company Ranier National Bank Raffensperger, Hughes & Company, Inc. Shelby Cullom Davis & Company State Btreet Bank & Trust Company tJMIC, Inc. R.D. White & Company A. Duncan Williams Inc. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ) 4.20% 1978-82 $6,000,084.31 $1,585,153.19 CHICAGO ) 4.25% 1983-84 (4.325111�) THE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY ) Joint 4.30% 1985 CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS NATIONAL) Mgrs. 4.40% 1986 BANK AND TRUST COMPA�TSC OF ) 4.50% 1987 CHICAGO ) Mellon Bank, N.A. W.H. Morton & Co. , Div. of Ameri�can Express Company White, Weld & Co., Incorporated Shearson Hayden Stone Inc. Dean Witter & Co. E.F. Hutton & Company, Inc. Tt:e Philadelphia National Bank , rtezcantile Trust Company, N.A. Girard Bank La Salle National Bank The Bank of California, N.A. Bank of Oklahoma, N.A. First National Bank & Trust � Co. , Oklahoma City, Okla. American National Bank, St. Paul Ferris & Company ' Zahner and Company Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood, Incorporated William Blair & Company Fulton, Reid & Staples, Inc. Van Rampen Sauerman Inc. Channer Newman SecuriCies Co. � Altgelt 6 Co. , Inc. KIDDER, PEABODY & CO., INC.) Joint 4.10y 1978-79 $6,000,484.65 $1,600,860.35 REYNOLDS SECURITIES, INC: ) Mgrs. 4.30% 1980-84 (4.36796X) Drexel Burnham, Lambert, Inc. 4.35% 1985 R.W. Pressprich & Co. , �Inc. 4.45% 1986 Alex. Brown & Sons 4.50% 1987 F.S. Moseley, Hallgarten & Estabrook, Inc. " American Securities Corp. - .A1.len & Company Faulkner, Dawkins & Sullivan, � Sec. Corp. Ac�vP s t Company Barr Brothers & Co. , Inc. ' Soland, �affin, Gordon & Sautter Da:�n, Kalman & Quail, Inc. Geo. B. Gibbons & Co. , Inc. Th� Illinois Co. , Inc. McDonald & Company Moore & Schley, Cameron & Co. William E. Pollock & Co. , Inc. Tripp & Co. Carleton D. Beh Co. Hess, Grant & Frazier, Inc. Aowe, Barnes & Johnson, Inc., Janney, Montgomery Scott, Inc. Tne Milwaukee Co. Mo�?re, Juran & Co. , Inc. �i►ar. :.t; & Co. , Inc. ' 23�K�l�ar�?, C��ok & Co. 'P�r•k, h.:'21T.., Inc. E.J. Pr::.=,cott & Co. . �Ro.�ert S. C. Peterson, Inc. . � Sci�affer, Necker & Co. �M.B. Vick & Co. , Inc. A.W. Zucker & Co. r r THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 3.75% 1978 $6,000,000.00 $1,638,167.50 SAINT PAUL 4.40% 1979-83 (4.446976%) Ti�E FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 4.45% 1984-85 MINNEAPOLIS 4.50% 1986 CARLETON D. BEH COMPANY 4.60% 1987 BBI: 5.70 AVERAGE MATURITY: 6.08 Years