268923 WHITE — CITV CI.ERK COIIIICII '�"��� PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV — DEPARTMENT - BLU�c — MAVOR File NO. � ���C�NP�T� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RF�OLVED, that the proper Ci,ty Officials are hereby authorized and direeted to execute on behalf' of the City of Saint Pau1, an application to the State of Minnesota through the Land Commissioner of Ramsey County for conveyance of certain tax forfeited lands for use by the City of Sa3.nt Pau1 for storm wa.ter ponding purposes; a description of the tax forfeited land is as follows: Part northeasterly of Wheelock Paxkway and west of extended east line of Arkwri�ht St. of part of south 891 feet of East 1�2 of northwest 1�4 of northwest 1��+, northwesterly of Milwaukee, St. Paul and S. Ste. Marie �y. right-of-way in Sectian 20-29-22. Edgemont Storm Water Ponding area. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �� C\ Butler Financ d Man t Services /��� Hozza T In Favor Hunt ✓ /L_ A w2 Levine __ Against BY `T � Roedler Bernard J. Carlson, Director �i Tedesco Adopted b ouncil: Date � � g � Fotm Approved City Attor ey Cer ied Yass Coun ' ecretary BY v �7R ��2 �77- Appr ve by Mayor for Su iss n to Coencil Appr d by Wlayor: Dat By BY PUBLISHED APR 3 O 1977 OM Ols 121197:5 ' • R�v. : 9j8JZ6 -__ ------�-- . . EXFLANATION 4F ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS,_ RESOLUTIONS, AND 0��ES . ��� Date: April �, 197? . TO: MAXOR GEORGE LATIMER � � �� FR: J. William Donovan, Va].uat3on dc Assessment �ineer, �n. 286 ('�t. 5317) RE z Tax forfeited land in the C�.ty of St. Pau1, as indicated on the attachment. � ACTION RE4tTESTED: . Author3zes the proper City Offic�rs to make application ta the State o� Minnesota t}aru the Laud Co�mnissioner of Ramse�r Cc�unty for convey�nbe o�' _ the sub�ect land. PURPOSE AND R3�TIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: � The sub�ect land is nee�.�ld by the City of St. Paul for the Ldgemont Storm - Water Ponding Area, the acquisition of wh3ch was authoriaed by the City Council, per F3.na1 Order, Council File No. 268733, adapte$ A�axeh 15, 1977. i � ATTACFiMENTS: ' l. Council R,eeolution 2. Cauncil File 268733 3• Copy of Appl3cation . � �. Area Map � • 1 ��� � ' D . $� FOI9 t��G� � � � � 68872—S00—S-72—Off. 217—mtc APPLICA710N QY GOVERNt•tENTAL SUBDIVIS(ON FOR CON�EYANCE OF TAX-FQRFEITED LANDS Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 282.01, Subdivision I. In the Natter of' the Application ��ity of Saint Paul a Governmer.tr,l Siibdivision, for a Conveyari�:e of Certain Lands. Comes �oW the City of Saint Faul, a Municipal Corporation l:�ame of subdivisionl nncl nlleges: i. �rt,ac a��iicanc is a (a) 1Kunicipal Corporation, State of h�.nnesota 2. That (b) Attached hereto is a resoluti.on of the City Council of the City of Saint Pau1 for acquisition of the land hereinafter described. 3• That there is situated in the County of Rams ev � certain tax-forfeited land described as follows: (c) Part northeasterl of Wheelock Park�ra and �rest of extended east line of Axkrrrri t St. of rt of south 1 feet of East 1 2 of northyrest 1 �+ of northi�rest 1 northwesterl ofTti.lwaukee St. Paul and S . Ste. 2�4arie . r1. -o -way in Sec on 0- - . a. Tnac saia ianas are �a) necessary and desirable for storm water pondin� purposes �. That app2lcant desires to obtain said land far the following purposes and reasons: (e) to be used for Ed�eanont Storm Water Pondin� x�urnoses Nt�erefore applicant prays Lhat said lands be conveyed to it for the use stated herein. City of St. a By . its May r and � tts City Clerk and STATE OF AiINNESOTA ) ItS Director, Dept. Finance & Mgt. Serva.ces ) s s. COCNTY OF � Ramsey ) Geor�e Latimer, Rose P+Lix and Bernaxd Carlson exch being first clul�• sworn, de ose an�i say, each for himself, that they are res�ectively the ZYiav�r, Direc�or of Finance Cit.y Clerk an� �; Mana r�.mPni: �Prtrrn� the City of St. Pau1 � thnt they have read the for.egoing application and know the contents thereof; and that Lhe matters stated therein are true. Subscribed and sworn Lo beforo me thi� day of . 1`� Notary public, Co�inty, 1linn. 1fy Commission Expires lal Stat2 facts relative to leBal orgaaization. (b! Scate facts sAowing authorization of acquisition o1 land hereinafter described, by resnlu2ion af goveraiag Dody or by �•oters, as che case may require, attac6in¢ copies of resolutions, if anp. (c� Show• aame of Governmeatal SuDdivision in �ni�e land is situated. Idi Describe nature of lands, use o1 surroundiug property and otCer similar facts. le) Gi�e statement as co the specific use to be made ot such lands. RESOLUTION OF COUNTY BOARD UPON APPLICATION WN�iEAS the County Board of County, Minnesota, has examined into the allegations oP the application of dated � lA_, for Che conveyance of certain lands therein described; now, Therefore, be it resolved by. the County Board of County, �(innesota, that it hereby approves said application and recommends that the same be Qranted. ` • �� , . � . Gounty Board of said County. STATE OF NIN�'ESOTA ) } ss. CO[,?ITY OF ) I, , county auditor and clerk of the County Hoard of County, Minnesota, hereby certif� that I have compared the foregoing copy of resolution of the CounCy Board oP said county with the original record thereof in the minutes of the proceedings oP said board at a meeting duly held � 19 , and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and o}' the whole thereof, and that said resalution was duiy adopted by said board at said meeting. I further certiPy that the aj�plication rePerred to in said resolution is hereto attached. Witness my hand and seal this day of � 19 . �• Covnty Auditor and Glerk of the County Board. CounCy, ��nnesota. OFFICE OF TF� COMMISSIONER OF TAXATION St. Paul, Minn., 19 Upon due consideration of the within application it is ordered that the same be and it is hereby GRANTID REJECTID. Commissioner of Taxation By � ������ � _ --- � � . f � � '� ,� � .�"��� �. �' ,�+�'` r���} i: . � City of St.Paul ��3;r �� �� t'f�UNCIL FILE N0.___—���.���]`t:f,,.,- FINAL ORDER IN � �� �7� '�-� � - . � ��� - _ �y._� '� �' _.�-J'-'.` ;. CONDfMNAT10N PROCEEDtNGS ` ? File No. �77�}4 ,; :� ln the Matter ofgTpRpg W�lTER PONDINC LAND ACQUISTTI!�1�' t�£ �he fallowi�tg: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Bloctc. I� Uawson�s. Fi£th Ac1di��on, �„at 9s B�toc�; �� Clarke's 2nd Add.; Lots 8 s 9, 1Q, 11, I2, $lock 3, Claxke°� 2r�c� A.dd, 1 Also, that portion of unplatted land Iying �outh af Blac� 3R ��.a�l:egs • 2nd Add. and /1rkw�ight St� and Cl�rke Ste ar�d ��ing c�errth��ly a£ �� WF�celock Pa�kway .?� � w.s �,�+- �� ����� ��J � � � t�����' \` � 4 tiJ" �.1 ✓ under Administrative Order n'2284 approved �eptember 4, I975 r �a�I 2;0 1977 � under Preliminary Order : _approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upor� due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Council hereby determines Yhe estate required for this improvement to be fee simple, absolute as described above; and the City Of6cers and City Attorney are her�by authorized and directed to take all actions necessary to acquire said real estate by purchase or eminent domain. �_-,,. \ :.) ' � � _ �r AR � � 1977t COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�il: I?ate Yeas Nays .-�''�� Certi6ed P sed-fiy C unci� Secretary l - 7 ;�- f � In Favor By '°�-�—�--� � � � Against ` " . _ Mayor i I __, ._.. r___ ,-_ . - . .. _. . ,., _ _ _ _ .. _ _ -- - � ,--- _ - - °L � '/,. �" .."'�i ,�(f � +Tj� _ ,� .. . �:'�,i� .. fi� '!r� a���'r. r � 'c �r f,,,. � � - -� : . . ��,^ f ,,.._ � , � "�� . ..Yr � . � r,.w„ti.�!*� f�` ' �..'s r�. �a ��-� ��:�.µ x �i � . .. �. . . ,.'s�` � ,. � - �.• �- ri' -- s � T�..,r i � �� ;�F r,�, �. ' . � � . , , .j , . . , .� � .. .. . . �,s � 'r..r,� . � � E . LA �' f'ENTE � � ` ' " �-�- � , . U � . °.� ._ . . - l� - __--- --- - ------,--�- - --- - - ----_ _---- - - .. ___ _ �-� �y ,� � CT � � - / OT � '..__" _ TR � , /� . -po ,P d 90 . ,p . { . 4M y�A _ �i'�n� d, �t�i. ...g2.s:. ...625,.. ` ...�p•... QG "1 � SD.BB�P- � /2S----i�r _.-.. - { ....��4 4u� 'T_� �•� ' -- - .. .. _ -` _. ,� _. --- -- ----- — --------- _ ., 1; 'o-�q_, t' �� �0 0 / 5 2 0 ! 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