268921 'WHI7E - CITV CLERK COIlACll� ������ PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAITL t � � BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. . Council Resolution RSTURN COPY TO Y ON U Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�RFAS� the City of St. Paul, a�cting t2iraugh its Valuation Engi�eer, ha,s secured an agreemerrt for t� purchQSe of the�t certain prc�perty described as follaws: I�ots l, 2 and 3, Block l, Darrson's Fif'th Addition and Lot 9, Block 2, Clarke's 2ud Addition WI�RFAS� the prap�rty deseribed herein is necessary Po� the Edgemorrt Pond Acquisition, as approved by Fina1 Order, Couneil File No. 268733, approved MRrch 15, 1977, and the price at which the property msy be purc�.sed is in the amaunt o�' $5,500, being a fair and reasonable price Por the sub3ect p�operty accordissg to the appraisal. obtained by the City Va1�as�tian Engineer; and WHF.�F•A8� the City Valuation �ngineer Y�s recoma�ended th� purche�se of said prvperty at the p�ice stated. above; naw, theref�e be it RESObVED� that the Council of tk�e City of St. Paul doea hereby authorize the p�urc2�ase oP the abave deseribed ].�ead; ar�d be it F'[AtT�R RffiOLVS�, that the praper City ofPicials are bereby autho�ized and directed to pay the record Pee a�vner or to heaa-regreaentativ�s as determined by the City Attorney, the sum of $5,500. The coadi.t3.ons of sa.id sale are ae se�t forth in the Meffiorandum on :3s�l.e of Real Estate, dated March 31� 1977; sai.d memorandum is attacl�ed hereto and incca�porated herein by rePerence. 3aid sum to be paid i'�om PIlt Fand Code 60000-711-000� to be reimbursed from Water Pollution A'batement Fund.s and 1975 Pablic Imp�avement Aid �s, T2�e paymeut is to be m�de upon the City being furnisshed evidence of good maxketable titl� in the aforesaid vendor, and the total payment to be m�de upon tender by said party of appropriate deeds comreaying title to said praperty to the City oP St. Pe.ul. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � , �7� l.J�� sucler � Fi ce & I� Services Hozza [n Favor Hunt � ��$''?� Levine A gai n s t BY D iTeetar' Roedler , G �� Tedesco Adopted by uncil: ate ppR � 9 1977 Form Approved by Ci A tomey Cert� � d Passed un .il Secretary• BY By Appr ed by lNayor: D e �R 2 Appro by Mayor for Sub si o Cttuncil By BY PllBLISHED APR 3 Q 1971 • � - or� o�: �.2/s��� � . � ` 4 --. - � J � R�BV. : `�/ 76 -- ------ - d�1- . • , EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRA�'NE ORDE�tS, � « RESOLt3TZ�NS, AND f�RD�NANCES c� ►�p� . �G�1`�� , � � � E11�:E � RECEIV � � � /�i :''�j, g ���� - . . . s �$te: a��. i, i9�7 ������� ����c� �APR 1 1977 CITY ATTORNEY �O: MAYaR GEORGE LATIMER �R: 8°'Y E. Bredahl, Jr., Assistant Val�ation �gi.aeer (�st. 5317) Depeu�aeat c9f Fiaa�nce �e I�a�gamterrt Se�rviees gE; Sdgemo�t �torm Sewer Ponding Acquisitioa - Vaesnt l�e�ad located along Arkr�i�ght bet�►een Ti�heeloek Paarh�►ay aad $. �rpe�tectr Ave. A�TION RE4UESTED: . Acqu3,sition of pro�ertq to be� usad for 8dgemont Stcarm Se�er Ponding p�poses. �onditions of sale as shc�rn on attach�ed Memorandvs oa Sale of 8e�1. Rstate. PURPOSE AND RATIC)�iALE FOR THIS ACTION: Pro�ect auth�orized by Fi�l Urder 268733, apprrnred 1l�rch l5, 1977. � AcquSsition is in the �aount�of' $5,500 to be fi�ed by PIR-F�i 60C3�0-711-000 (L-`T9U5-) �nd reiabnrsed frv� iiater Pollution Abstea�e�rt Fund.s t�u8 19"T5 Pablic Iap�c�nt Aid Fands. ATTAC$MENTS: . 1 Crnmcil xesolution �'or App�o�val. 2� �oarau�dun on 3ale of Rea1 �state 3) �p . � . S1i V.lalUit ui t�:r;.:�:i:�IGeIIf.S�Gc V slU+�LlU�:a � ' • �/� /77 � . � xoom• 226 cit;r �aa.i� �. - ; DATE: 1 . . • - .- � MEbURAN1I�JM OIl SALE Or $EAL ESTATE � � - � . M . ����� 1. Fi:rE�ose of sc�Ie of Real Estata ta Citr EdgemorYt Storna seMrer Ponding Acquisition � � . ; ;�►. I�+c��::•�n of Renl Estato Arkwright between Wheelock� Parkway & E. I,arpenteur Av�e. � 3, L�:�a� De�cript•ion: �ts l, 2 and 3, Block l, Dawson's Fif`th Add.ition and Lot 9, Block 2, Claxke's 2nd Addition !,. Ii�,�e er.d Address of Seller Alethea M. Habberstad • Administrator for the Estate: Mrs. Ru o son BoX 2Ol . I,af`ay�ette,.Mn. �5 5, Rec��r.^rended purchase prica $,�,�500 • 6. SNlIeT t� �flirnish u to--date abstract gfi��C�f�������dyl��jh�i�6��-��gl��� ��/��,��d�/������� . . . . . . 7. SallP.r to gi�e possession to Ci� i�diately after closi - . - . ! , 8,� S��J.�r to-terminate ali utiL�.ties such as uate�, g�so el��tr3c.�tp, � tplephc��� etco N�A ' 9�'� Seller to allov gccess to premises -to City or its agents p:iar to d.ate � - � of p�ssess3o� for �urposes of i�plementing actioa for ths d�9position of � � imprcvea:ents N/A ' 14. :t��ns �a be remcve3 and re+.,aiued b�► seller N�A . �., 11. tf sel�sr is to retain bui�.dings for mo�3ng N/A 12. Rents N/A � , � 13. ��i3�ellaneous Se11er to pay taxes due and pa.yable in 1977, Seller to pay a11 delinquent taxes in ear l 76 in amount of 737.08. Se11er to ' balance of assessments for the street immrovement in the amount of 275•� _-.�. ,�lus interes - - � �►OTE: Gcn3itiones listed abarve are not'binding�until ap�roved bp City Council. P �1 Seller�C�,�-�� �'- ��� . Cit3*: .- . ,�,�:���y � �-�-�-� �� / � . �,� � � �� � Sf�o�.-� ,� �� � � Si�nod: � ) �a].u�tion Eng:�nzer Dntc: _ Da.te: � ��-!`f��� ., _ ._ _ _ ' .'- ' .-,.�i- � --- , : _- -._ � - �- -f ; ,_. - Y �.r� i, � , . �,. , i � 1 � -. ; : ' � . I � �" - �. � . � i _...•► ,� . �SZ i !� '' ':�,�,, .. .,�,-:—.°�-�,.. 'T. �-��'_� _' ' ._.i ., Ot� ' xr o�; v5.� '� � p�-1 ., i „ }'���� � °�=� !� `���w� ,3J�b` w ; ��. , �, o << �; ', , , . „,�. �; __ - -- - � -,- - - - - �- -4 - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - ---- - - -�-�_-- - -- = - _ - =-