01-393Council File # ��� 3 Presented Refened To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolurion establishing the rate of pay 2 for the new classffication entitled Supervisor of Aquatics. 3 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Supervisor of Aquarics be established at the rate 4 setforthinGradell,oftheProfessionalEmployeesSupervisoryStandardRanges,SectionID4,oftheSalary 5 Plan and Rates of Compensation, and 6 FURTf�RRESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force onthe first pay period 7 following its passage and approval. Requested by Departrnent of: Office of Human Resources By: ?dSWn�� Form Approved by City Attorney s �.��?ll" c � �{ � � � o , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Cerlified by Council Secretary ��,,� By: � ''�,/�v�e. Ey: � _ �— . �r�c O Approved by Mayor: Date 1/,/;^b :! ���� G:�Shared�ClassiflC7.ASS�Resolu4ons8cOrdivances�Supervisor ofAquaUa.res wpd Green Sheet # 106805 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ��. By: � / Adopted by Council: Date � ,� � � �b �oo � Gs, DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INI'17ATED GREEN SHEET 1vo.: 1o6so5 Office of Human Resources 4/2/Ol a� S93 CONTACC PERSON & PHONE: lxlifnLUA'cE miTl�wuA1'E John Shockley, 266-6482 1 DEPAItIMENf DIR ��Q � <� co�,�. Karen Sanchez, 266-6483 ^��� NoMeERPtm zcrrxwrrow�sr c�nca.m[c ROUTING ORDER EINANCfAL ffitV DLLt fINANQAL SERV/ACCIG MUSI' BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DA1'E) 3 MAYOR(ORASSiJ TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[7RE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) ACTION REQUESTED: Establish the rate of pay for the title of Supervisor of Aquarics in Grade 11, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges, Section ID4, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. RECOMb�NDA7IONS: Approve (A) rn Reject (R) PERSONAI, SbRVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TE� FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: I. Hasihispe�ou/Semeverwarkedmdetacovtrac[forthisdepartmenY? _PLANNINQ COMhIISSION Yes No . _CIB COMIvIlTCEE 2. Has this pe�wNfirm evec been acity employee7 CIVI[. SERVICE COM&IISSION Yes No 3. Does this persoWfum possess a skill not uo+mally possessed by any cnrzent ciry empioyee7 Yes No 4. Is this peson/fitm a tazge[ed vrndoY! Yes No _ Eap7siu su yes aoswers on separeee sheet and attach to greeb sheet SNITIA'SING PROBLER?, ISSUE, OPPORTf11VITY (Who, Wha; When, Wheee, Why): T'he new class of Supervisor of Aquatics will be used in lieu of tt�e existing class of Aquatics Manager in tlie Technical Bazgaining Unit. Based upon the study it was determined that the Technical bazgaining unit assigunent is not appropriate foa this class because of supervision exercised. Once the new class is established, the existing class of Aquatics Ivlanager will be abolished. ADVAIN'1'AGES YF APPROVED: Appropriate bazgaining unit assignment. ..-Y:; � c a DISADVANTAGESIFAPPBOYED: ` s �" : a�'��� 4' �� .. ����, 3 None. , i��i `�i � ���� � � A F 5 ,. � "� y<,� .� L Y� N 't� Ya.w� dq ° r. � DI5ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: t �r��� �$�? ����� ffiappropriate bazgaining unit assignment. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIi� G:\Shared\ClassiflCLASS�ResoWtions&Ordinances�$upervisor of Aquazics, gs.wpd � Ot-�13 CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY REPORT G7ass Stadied: 7ncambent: Date Studied: Aqnatics Manager Lpnn Waldod Tanuary 16, 2001 Stadied By: Ksreu Sanchez Persons Contacted: Incumbent & Tmmediate Sapervisor APPROVAL OF � DATE: AND COMPENSATION PRACTICE LF.ADER: Background The study was conducted to determine the appropriate compensarion and bazgaining unit assignment of the Aquatics Maziager class. � Following are the changes to the position since it was studied in 1990, as menrioned by the incumbent: •17ie positi� is becoming more admini shative and requiring more technolo�al comPetenoies including lezming and operating computerized records and electronic equipment (f�, coPY machines, two-way iadios, cell phones, pageis, Itigh-tech medical fust-TesPonder equiPm� such as ox3'8e4 s�� �P�, ��� �rB��Y resPonse, v-vacs, aad defibulators). *The position maintains two affices 9 months out of the year. 'The position is on call and accountable 24 hours a day. '17ie facilities ivn 1 hours a week with irregiilaz work schedules (winter scLedule is 6 a.m. to I 1 p.m., summer schedule is virtually 24 hours a day at two sites). •Has additional responsibility for worldng with a volunteer committee, starting a scholarslrip progan�, an aquatic day camp for 8 sessions in the summer, and other special events. •I3as additiamat zesponsibility for OSHA compliance. `Ha s additional constraints affecting level of respons bility such as expanding hours at aquatic facilities, serving more segmeats of the population, and decreased budgets. Study Components Review of the job profile Inte�view with the incumbern and 'unmediate supervisor Compazison with related classifications and positions QES Evatuation Page 1 of 5 o�-7g3 Position Description The position provides overall planning, coordination, and management of the Division's aquatics program at the H'igiiland, O�£ord and Como pools, Phalea Beach and Phalen Lakeside Activities Center and Day Camp. The following are the duties of the position during the peak season of May until August when all 5 aquatic facilities are operated, with 130-160 employces. Outside of that time, only one facility is operated with 15-25 employees at any given time. During off-sea4on, the position performs administrative work closing out the season and planning and preparing for the next season. The duties include - 1. Plans and impiements aquatic progams and special eveMS for the City - establishes programming and seivices standazds; coordinates in-house and outside agenciesPmvidinSaquatic instmcflonandrecreation; Plans and o*�ni�� special aquatic events; works with committees/agencies setving aq�atic related progams/activities such as Friends of O�d'ordCommunity,STARS' 'w�+roTeam,endAmeriCBnRedCiOSS;and*�+a+nt�inc�¢IItCCrtifiedPoolOperatois License. 2. Supervises seasonal staff such as swimming pool supervisors, senior pool attendants, lifeguards, water safety instcuctors, parks and recmation assistants, recreation leaders, refec[ory attendants, water aerobic inst�uctors, interns andvolunteers. Theposition supervises 130.160 employces duringpeak season and 15-25 employcesduringoffseason. The position reccuits, inten�iews, Lires, assigns, schedules, trains, disciPlines and evaluates the work ofaquaflc smff. 3. Recnuts and trains aquatic sta8'in the following ateas: professional CP'R fixst aid, lifeguard axountabiliry and professionalism, water safety instruction, water safety sids, water aerobic instruction; use of equipment such as defibulator,oaygen,andscuba;andbasicleadershipuaining. Trainsandpreparesstafffornationalcertificationaudits and day to-dayfacitity operations such as mo�Y mana8ement, Txordk�Ping, Public re3ations, and customer se:vice. 4. Managestheday-to�ayoperationsoftheAquaticsSection-ensuresthatdivisionpoliciesand StateandCityhealth standards andpolicies arefollowedandmaintained; assistsinmonitoringunittaidgets andfaeilitatingpayroll andday- to�lay financial uansactions of the aquatics program. 4.a Maiura;n� National Aquatic Certification standazds. Establishes and implements mles and :egulat+ons foi Highiand, OxEord and Como Pools, Phalen Beach and Phalen I.akeside Activifles Center and Day Camp. Develops �m�inra;ncaquatiaprpg�yn�pplicyandptoceduresmsnual. Developsandimplementsemergencyactionplausfor all aquatic sites pectaining to drowning, chemical leaks, ganeral healthaaidents, Public aquatic emergencyneeds, and enforcing departmeatal and public policies including OSHA requiremenis. 5. Acts as a resource - ads as a refenal for the community aboui aquatic services in tLe city and state; researches and writes public information pieces for the aquatics program; r�resents aquatics progam to organi7ations that have dealings with andlor business with the progam; represents the city within the aquatics indust�; participaces in regional, staie-wide, and nationai aquatics committces and conferences. Occasionally, mPiesents the Ciryto the media on aquatic issues and emergencies in consulffition with tl� section manager. Page 2 of 5 ol-�R3 comparison The Aquatics Manager is a singl�incumbeut class ia the Technical Bargaining Unit, Grade 39, with a salary range of $39,400-$49,400. This position is responsible for planning, organizing, and implementing the Division's xquatics program. The minimnm qunlificutions are one year of eaperience as a swimming pool snpervisor ar two pears of eaperience as a Recreation Leader II plus one year of eaperience as Water SafetyInstractor or Life Gnard and current certifications as a Water Safety Instructor, Life Guard, Basic Life Saving/CPR Instructor, Standard First Aid Instructor, and Life Gnard Training7nst�vMor. This ciass was studied and apgraded to Grade 38 from 35 in 1990. In 1993, it was further upgraded to Grade 39 in compliance with t6e Pay Equity Act The Aquatics Manager class was compared with related classes in the Parks & Recreation Division. The comparisons revealed that the scope and level of responsibility of the Aquatics Manager class exceed that of the Community Education/Recreation Coordinator and related classes. The Aquatics Manager class is most comparable to the GoIf7Pro Manager class. Both the Aquatics Manager and Golf/Pro Manager manage a specialized division-wide program, not specific facilities/programs/activities as do the Community Education/Recreation Coordinator and related positions. The scope and level of responsibility of the Aquatics Manager are not comparable to the Pazk & Recrearion Program Supervisor class. Comparisons: Community Education/Recreation Coordinator - this class is in the Technical Bargaining Unit, Grade 38, with a salary range of $38,500-$47,600. Positions in this class are responsible for planning, organizing, and implementing assigned community recreational, educational, and culturai programs. Requires a bachelor's degree in pazk and recreation management, community education administration or related fieid and three years of experience as a Recrearion Center Director. This class was studied and upgraded to Grade 38 from 36 in 1993. There are currently 7 incumbents. Based on the job profiles, the typical duties include the following: - plan and implement community eduration/recmation progams; assess community needs - commanity im otveme� thrwgh advisory cuuncil activities and communitY PartnexsluPs> work with school district and community agencies - gant writing 8nd CooperdtiVe pme with other agenCies - Public ielationsrpmmotions of cammunity education pmgrams - PreP� and maintain local area budget, receipts and expenditures, financiai records and repo8s - Process and maintain records, repons, Paymll, logistics, etc. - aa as a refexral for community education PmScams; respond to issues and concerns -reccuit, inteiview, Lire hain, schedule, supetvise, and evaluate shaffandvoluntceis ofup to 45 -150 at various times inCluding Support s� life gusTds, swimm�n�O instiuctOrs, community resourCe specialists, classroom instmctors, student aides and wluntcers Page 3 of 5 01-'�t� Recreation Center Director - tlns class is in the TechnicalBargaining Unit, Grade 36, with a salary range of $36,500-$45,300. Positions in tiris class are responsi'ble for pianning, organizing, and implementing a recreation center program at an assigned recreation center. Requires a bachelor's degree in parks and recreation management or a related field. Tlvs class was studied and upgraded to Grade 36 from 33 in 1990. There are currendy 37 incumbents. Based on the job profiles, the typical duties include the following: - Plan and implement recreation pmgrams and activities; assess commimity needs - OLg2D17.0 SjICC121 CVCIItS 81� SpOIYS 3ChVIhCS - promotelpublicize progams - allacate funds for progams, solicit funds, write gcants for funding - Landle conuacts with recmation specialists and vendors forpmgam inst�uction, faciliry use, etc. - Purcbase equipment and suPP�, P� ��Y �T� and statishics such as reports on aa;idents, incidents, vandalism, conuacts and peimits, wlunteer summary, attendance report, etc.; schedule building and gound use - allocate andmoniwrrecreation centerfinances, kcepfinancial records, maintainaccurate account of all receipts and expenditures - inspect and ensure safety of building and equipment - attend meetings of community dist�ict council booster club, and various advisory commiuees; work with schools, social agencies, churches, etc. - supervise part-time recreation leaders or aides - iecruit, bixe, assigq schedule, train, suPervise, evaluate, discipline and fire noncertified employees suchas instmctors/conttact speciatists, wluntcersand specialyouthprogamemployees of up to 2-150 workers within a year. Adaptive Recreation Director - this class is in the same bazgaining unit and pay grade as the Recreation Center D'uector. Positions in this class are responsible for planning, organizing, and implementing assigned adaptive recreation and athletic prograzns. Requires a bachelor's degree in adaptive recreation or recreation therapy or two years of experience as an adaptive recreation assistant. This class was studied and upgraded to Grade 36 from 35 in 1993. There are cucrently 3 incumbents. Based on the job profiles, the typical duties include the following: - assess, plan, and implement adaptive iecmation pmgtams - serve as lead staff/instcuctor in program activities - answerphones, take registtations, answer questions, give informalion, maintainreoords, pteparelettersand word praessing of public informaUiioa pieces - coordinate plans and activities with recreation center directois and community education/recreation cooidinators - some fund raising, gant writing and van maintenance - rePresent special Programs with oUier agenci� �h as special Olympics, school district, and various agencies for joint pmgiamming, volunteer recnulmen; dc. - supeiivise adaptive recteaflon assistanis, contiact speaalists, and volunteErs; recnrit, intecview, 1rai4 supe:vise, and evatuate work of volunteers up to 13 sqff members. (a sLared re�wnsbility') Page 4 of 5 v�.7g� Golf Pro/Manager - this class is in the SPSO Bargaining Unit, Grade 11, with a salary range of $39,900- $51,300. Positions in this class are responsible for mA*+�n� the golf operations, food and beverage service, and the prashop functions for one municipal golf course. Requires cucreat PGA and/or LPGA Class A member; or PGA or LPGA appreatice, completion ofPGABusiness School II and three years of supervisory experience in ordering, selling, and merchandising golf equipmeat. This class has not bcen studied since it was created in 1989. There are cuirently 3 incumbents. The typical duties include the following: - manaSa golf operarions of one municipat golf caucse - dec'elaP, mana$e, and promote golf Pmgrams - Piomote and organize golf tournaznents and outings - Promote S�fffacilitY and Pmgams - manage food and bevezage program - �8e P�hoP oPerauon - suParvise rental of city owned golf �aRs. Pull carts, and golf clubs - order, receive, and imentoTY �PPlies. equiPment, and merchandise nceded az the golf course - mersee daity maintenance and upkeep of fac;lities - coordinate construction pmjects, coucse scheduling, and course alterations with grounds superintendent - monitor budget and prepare financial reports, cash and bank deposits - supervise and evaluate the work of golf club house s[�' of up W 6-8 FTEs Park & Recreation Program Supervisor - this class is a consolidation of the Recreation I}irector II and III classes, in the SPSO Bargaining Unit, Grade 17, with a salary range of $47,000-$60,600. Positions in this class aze responsible for pianning, directing, and evaluating major pazks and recreation programs, facilities and/or activities, such as: Recreation Service Delivery Teams, Municipal Athletics, Special Programs, Safety Program, Park Security, Volunteers and Intems, Marinas, Town Square, Pazk Maintenance, Recreation Center Maintenance, Community Education, Special Services Programs, Environmentai Education, and EnvironmemalProgam. Positions inthis class superviseadaptiverecreationassistants, community education coordinators, recreation center directors, recrearion leaderslaides/rangers, volunteers and interns. Requires a bachelor's degr� and two yeacs of professional experience in pazks and recreation or 90 college credits and four years of experience in managing a park or r�seation program. Positions in tlris class have responsibility for managing major and highly visible programs of the Division, have significant budget responsibility, and have responsibility for managing diverse citywide programs. The Aquatics Manager position is not compazable to this class. QES Evaluation The evaluarion supports assigning the Aquatics Manager class in Grade 11 of the Professional Empioyees Supervisory Standard Ranges. The Aquatics Manager meets the definirion of a"supervisory employee" under PELRA. (See attached supervisory status questionnaire.) Recommendation I recommend that the Aquatics Manager ciass should be assigned in Grade 11 oftheProfessional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges, the class specification should be revised, and the bazgaining unit assignment should be changed from AFSCME Technical to St. Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO). Page 5 of 5 Proposed Title of Class: Code: 149B � � „ 191 SUPERVISOR OF AOUATICS BU: 09 Effecrive: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible supervisory work planuing, coordinating, and implementing instructional and recreational community aquatic programs and special events; and performs related duries as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a pazks and recrearion manager. Supervision Exercised: Exercises close or general and technical supervision, directly or ind'uectly through lower level supervisors, over aquatic staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assigns, trains, evaluates, and supervises the work of aquatic stafFincluding swimming pool supervisors, senior pool attendants, life guazds, water safety instructors and other seasonal or part-time staff assigned to the aquatics program. Recnuts, hires, and trains aquatic staff in CPR, first aid, lifeguard, water safety, and related traaning; works with the Office of Human Resources on employment testing. Manages day-to-day operation of the aquafics program including scheduling, preparing reports, maintaining records, budget monitoring, daily cash receipts, billing, payroll, purchasing and customer service. Plans and implements aquatic programs and special events; works with outside agencies, groups, and organizations providing aquatic services or serving the interest of the City's aquaric programs. Reseazches and implements new activities at swunming pools and beaches; works with private organazations in setting up competitive swimming programs. Reeruits swimming pool users through contacts with schools, recreation centers, civic groups, and aquafic related organizations. Establishes and implements rules and regulations for the aquatics program; ensures that the City°s aquaric programs are run in a safe and responsible manner; investigates all accidents and takes necessary action to preventfuture occurrences. Inspects facilities for health and safety hazazds, initiates action for facility repairs and improvements, and oversees above improvements to outdoor facilities during off season. Ensures compliance with state and city health standards and Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) requirements relating to aquatics. (SUPERVISOR OF AOUATICSI Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: Code: 149B B �-��7 SUPERVISOR OF AOUATICS BU: 09 Effective: Ensures compliance with national certification standards; trains and prepazes staff for national certification audits and maintains cunent cert�ed pool operators license. Develops and implements emergency acrion plans for all aquatic sites relating to drowning chemical leaks, general health accidents, and public aquatic emergency needs. Works closely with American Red Cross Water Safety Board; assists in designing new aquafic and safety programs; assists in conducting statewide aquatic programs, Life Guard Olympics, and related programs or activities. Acts as a resource; provides information about aquatic services in the city and state, promotes the program, represents the City's aquatics program within the industry; and participates in related committees and conferences. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of the principles, techniques and methods of CPR, water safety, and first aid to develop and supervise training progams in these azeas. Considerable knowledge of laws, rules, regulations, and standards relating to the aquatics industry. Considerable knowledge of swimming, boating, canoeing, sailboazding, and other aquatic recrearional activities. Considerable knowledge of first aid procedures and supplies. Considerable knowledge of swimming pool chemicals and treatrnent. Considerable knowledge of communiTy agencies, facilities, programs, civic and private groups dealing with aquatic programs and services. Working knowledge of accounting pracrices and cash handling procedures. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and implement programs and acrivities. Considerable ability to assigi, train, evaluate, and supervise the work of others, and to provide effective leadership. Considerable ability 4o make effective management decisions for the aquatics program. Considerable ability to train and teach others on basic life saving, CPR, standazd first aid, and life guard training. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to interact effectively with a wide vaziety of individuals, groups, and organizations, particulazly younger people. (SUPERVISOR OF AOUATICS) Page 2 of 2 ProposedTitleofClass: Code: 149B � SUPERVISOR OF AOUATICS BU: 09 Effecrive: MINIMiJM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in recreation or a related field and two yeazs of experience managing a community swimming facility. Must have current certifications, issued by the American Red Cross, Ellis and Associates or compazable agency, as a Life Guard, Water Safety Instructor, Basic Life SavingJCPR Instructor, Standard First Aid Instructor, and Life Guazd Training Instructor. Must have a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or equivalent out-of-state driver's license. (SUPERVISOR OF AOUATICSI Page 3 of 2 OFFICE OF I-IOMAN RESOUACES John HamiZton, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coteman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Vic Wittgenstein, Director Division of Pazks and Recreation Kazen Sanchez �5 Februuy 28, 2001 Twenty Day Notice ot- 400 City Hall Attnex Telephone: 651-266-6500 25 Wesi Fotvt7� Street 7DD/lTY.� 651-266-6507 SaintPmd, Minrsesota i5702-1634 Jobline: 657-266-6502 Facsimile: 1" Opiion: 657d92-6414 2" Opfion: 651-292-6415 3" Option: 657-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class specificarion of Supervisor of Aquatics should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action, If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolufion to establish the rate of pay for the title of Supervisor of Aquatics in Grade 11, Section ID4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the tune cla�s specificarion. Vic this 20 day nofice for the purpose of creating this title and -, = fl Y . �.. - a`i1 5�C : .'� � _ _ , _ ' .5��� Zv�� Date Council File # ��� 3 Presented Refened To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolurion establishing the rate of pay 2 for the new classffication entitled Supervisor of Aquatics. 3 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Supervisor of Aquarics be established at the rate 4 setforthinGradell,oftheProfessionalEmployeesSupervisoryStandardRanges,SectionID4,oftheSalary 5 Plan and Rates of Compensation, and 6 FURTf�RRESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force onthe first pay period 7 following its passage and approval. Requested by Departrnent of: Office of Human Resources By: ?dSWn�� Form Approved by City Attorney s �.��?ll" c � �{ � � � o , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Cerlified by Council Secretary ��,,� By: � ''�,/�v�e. Ey: � _ �— . �r�c O Approved by Mayor: Date 1/,/;^b :! ���� G:�Shared�ClassiflC7.ASS�Resolu4ons8cOrdivances�Supervisor ofAquaUa.res wpd Green Sheet # 106805 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ��. By: � / Adopted by Council: Date � ,� � � �b �oo � Gs, DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INI'17ATED GREEN SHEET 1vo.: 1o6so5 Office of Human Resources 4/2/Ol a� S93 CONTACC PERSON & PHONE: lxlifnLUA'cE miTl�wuA1'E John Shockley, 266-6482 1 DEPAItIMENf DIR ��Q � <� co�,�. Karen Sanchez, 266-6483 ^��� NoMeERPtm zcrrxwrrow�sr c�nca.m[c ROUTING ORDER EINANCfAL ffitV DLLt fINANQAL SERV/ACCIG MUSI' BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DA1'E) 3 MAYOR(ORASSiJ TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[7RE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) ACTION REQUESTED: Establish the rate of pay for the title of Supervisor of Aquarics in Grade 11, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges, Section ID4, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. RECOMb�NDA7IONS: Approve (A) rn Reject (R) PERSONAI, SbRVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TE� FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: I. Hasihispe�ou/Semeverwarkedmdetacovtrac[forthisdepartmenY? _PLANNINQ COMhIISSION Yes No . _CIB COMIvIlTCEE 2. Has this pe�wNfirm evec been acity employee7 CIVI[. SERVICE COM&IISSION Yes No 3. Does this persoWfum possess a skill not uo+mally possessed by any cnrzent ciry empioyee7 Yes No 4. Is this peson/fitm a tazge[ed vrndoY! Yes No _ Eap7siu su yes aoswers on separeee sheet and attach to greeb sheet SNITIA'SING PROBLER?, ISSUE, OPPORTf11VITY (Who, Wha; When, Wheee, Why): T'he new class of Supervisor of Aquatics will be used in lieu of tt�e existing class of Aquatics Manager in tlie Technical Bazgaining Unit. Based upon the study it was determined that the Technical bazgaining unit assigunent is not appropriate foa this class because of supervision exercised. Once the new class is established, the existing class of Aquatics Ivlanager will be abolished. ADVAIN'1'AGES YF APPROVED: Appropriate bazgaining unit assignment. ..-Y:; � c a DISADVANTAGESIFAPPBOYED: ` s �" : a�'��� 4' �� .. ����, 3 None. , i��i `�i � ���� � � A F 5 ,. � "� y<,� .� L Y� N 't� Ya.w� dq ° r. � DI5ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: t �r��� �$�? ����� ffiappropriate bazgaining unit assignment. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIi� G:\Shared\ClassiflCLASS�ResoWtions&Ordinances�$upervisor of Aquazics, gs.wpd � Ot-�13 CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY REPORT G7ass Stadied: 7ncambent: Date Studied: Aqnatics Manager Lpnn Waldod Tanuary 16, 2001 Stadied By: Ksreu Sanchez Persons Contacted: Incumbent & Tmmediate Sapervisor APPROVAL OF � DATE: AND COMPENSATION PRACTICE LF.ADER: Background The study was conducted to determine the appropriate compensarion and bazgaining unit assignment of the Aquatics Maziager class. � Following are the changes to the position since it was studied in 1990, as menrioned by the incumbent: •17ie positi� is becoming more admini shative and requiring more technolo�al comPetenoies including lezming and operating computerized records and electronic equipment (f�, coPY machines, two-way iadios, cell phones, pageis, Itigh-tech medical fust-TesPonder equiPm� such as ox3'8e4 s�� �P�, ��� �rB��Y resPonse, v-vacs, aad defibulators). *The position maintains two affices 9 months out of the year. 'The position is on call and accountable 24 hours a day. '17ie facilities ivn 1 hours a week with irregiilaz work schedules (winter scLedule is 6 a.m. to I 1 p.m., summer schedule is virtually 24 hours a day at two sites). •Has additional responsibility for worldng with a volunteer committee, starting a scholarslrip progan�, an aquatic day camp for 8 sessions in the summer, and other special events. •I3as additiamat zesponsibility for OSHA compliance. `Ha s additional constraints affecting level of respons bility such as expanding hours at aquatic facilities, serving more segmeats of the population, and decreased budgets. Study Components Review of the job profile Inte�view with the incumbern and 'unmediate supervisor Compazison with related classifications and positions QES Evatuation Page 1 of 5 o�-7g3 Position Description The position provides overall planning, coordination, and management of the Division's aquatics program at the H'igiiland, O�£ord and Como pools, Phalea Beach and Phalen Lakeside Activities Center and Day Camp. The following are the duties of the position during the peak season of May until August when all 5 aquatic facilities are operated, with 130-160 employces. Outside of that time, only one facility is operated with 15-25 employees at any given time. During off-sea4on, the position performs administrative work closing out the season and planning and preparing for the next season. The duties include - 1. Plans and impiements aquatic progams and special eveMS for the City - establishes programming and seivices standazds; coordinates in-house and outside agenciesPmvidinSaquatic instmcflonandrecreation; Plans and o*�ni�� special aquatic events; works with committees/agencies setving aq�atic related progams/activities such as Friends of O�d'ordCommunity,STARS' 'w�+roTeam,endAmeriCBnRedCiOSS;and*�+a+nt�inc�¢IItCCrtifiedPoolOperatois License. 2. Supervises seasonal staff such as swimming pool supervisors, senior pool attendants, lifeguards, water safety instcuctors, parks and recmation assistants, recreation leaders, refec[ory attendants, water aerobic inst�uctors, interns andvolunteers. Theposition supervises 130.160 employces duringpeak season and 15-25 employcesduringoffseason. The position reccuits, inten�iews, Lires, assigns, schedules, trains, disciPlines and evaluates the work ofaquaflc smff. 3. Recnuts and trains aquatic sta8'in the following ateas: professional CP'R fixst aid, lifeguard axountabiliry and professionalism, water safety instruction, water safety sids, water aerobic instruction; use of equipment such as defibulator,oaygen,andscuba;andbasicleadershipuaining. Trainsandpreparesstafffornationalcertificationaudits and day to-dayfacitity operations such as mo�Y mana8ement, Txordk�Ping, Public re3ations, and customer se:vice. 4. Managestheday-to�ayoperationsoftheAquaticsSection-ensuresthatdivisionpoliciesand StateandCityhealth standards andpolicies arefollowedandmaintained; assistsinmonitoringunittaidgets andfaeilitatingpayroll andday- to�lay financial uansactions of the aquatics program. 4.a Maiura;n� National Aquatic Certification standazds. Establishes and implements mles and :egulat+ons foi Highiand, OxEord and Como Pools, Phalen Beach and Phalen I.akeside Activifles Center and Day Camp. Develops �m�inra;ncaquatiaprpg�yn�pplicyandptoceduresmsnual. Developsandimplementsemergencyactionplausfor all aquatic sites pectaining to drowning, chemical leaks, ganeral healthaaidents, Public aquatic emergencyneeds, and enforcing departmeatal and public policies including OSHA requiremenis. 5. Acts as a resource - ads as a refenal for the community aboui aquatic services in tLe city and state; researches and writes public information pieces for the aquatics program; r�resents aquatics progam to organi7ations that have dealings with andlor business with the progam; represents the city within the aquatics indust�; participaces in regional, staie-wide, and nationai aquatics committces and conferences. Occasionally, mPiesents the Ciryto the media on aquatic issues and emergencies in consulffition with tl� section manager. Page 2 of 5 ol-�R3 comparison The Aquatics Manager is a singl�incumbeut class ia the Technical Bargaining Unit, Grade 39, with a salary range of $39,400-$49,400. This position is responsible for planning, organizing, and implementing the Division's xquatics program. The minimnm qunlificutions are one year of eaperience as a swimming pool snpervisor ar two pears of eaperience as a Recreation Leader II plus one year of eaperience as Water SafetyInstractor or Life Gnard and current certifications as a Water Safety Instructor, Life Guard, Basic Life Saving/CPR Instructor, Standard First Aid Instructor, and Life Gnard Training7nst�vMor. This ciass was studied and apgraded to Grade 38 from 35 in 1990. In 1993, it was further upgraded to Grade 39 in compliance with t6e Pay Equity Act The Aquatics Manager class was compared with related classes in the Parks & Recreation Division. The comparisons revealed that the scope and level of responsibility of the Aquatics Manager class exceed that of the Community Education/Recreation Coordinator and related classes. The Aquatics Manager class is most comparable to the GoIf7Pro Manager class. Both the Aquatics Manager and Golf/Pro Manager manage a specialized division-wide program, not specific facilities/programs/activities as do the Community Education/Recreation Coordinator and related positions. The scope and level of responsibility of the Aquatics Manager are not comparable to the Pazk & Recrearion Program Supervisor class. Comparisons: Community Education/Recreation Coordinator - this class is in the Technical Bargaining Unit, Grade 38, with a salary range of $38,500-$47,600. Positions in this class are responsible for planning, organizing, and implementing assigned community recreational, educational, and culturai programs. Requires a bachelor's degree in pazk and recreation management, community education administration or related fieid and three years of experience as a Recrearion Center Director. This class was studied and upgraded to Grade 38 from 36 in 1993. There are currently 7 incumbents. Based on the job profiles, the typical duties include the following: - plan and implement community eduration/recmation progams; assess community needs - commanity im otveme� thrwgh advisory cuuncil activities and communitY PartnexsluPs> work with school district and community agencies - gant writing 8nd CooperdtiVe pme with other agenCies - Public ielationsrpmmotions of cammunity education pmgrams - PreP� and maintain local area budget, receipts and expenditures, financiai records and repo8s - Process and maintain records, repons, Paymll, logistics, etc. - aa as a refexral for community education PmScams; respond to issues and concerns -reccuit, inteiview, Lire hain, schedule, supetvise, and evaluate shaffandvoluntceis ofup to 45 -150 at various times inCluding Support s� life gusTds, swimm�n�O instiuctOrs, community resourCe specialists, classroom instmctors, student aides and wluntcers Page 3 of 5 01-'�t� Recreation Center Director - tlns class is in the TechnicalBargaining Unit, Grade 36, with a salary range of $36,500-$45,300. Positions in tiris class are responsi'ble for pianning, organizing, and implementing a recreation center program at an assigned recreation center. Requires a bachelor's degree in parks and recreation management or a related field. Tlvs class was studied and upgraded to Grade 36 from 33 in 1990. There are currendy 37 incumbents. Based on the job profiles, the typical duties include the following: - Plan and implement recreation pmgrams and activities; assess commimity needs - OLg2D17.0 SjICC121 CVCIItS 81� SpOIYS 3ChVIhCS - promotelpublicize progams - allacate funds for progams, solicit funds, write gcants for funding - Landle conuacts with recmation specialists and vendors forpmgam inst�uction, faciliry use, etc. - Purcbase equipment and suPP�, P� ��Y �T� and statishics such as reports on aa;idents, incidents, vandalism, conuacts and peimits, wlunteer summary, attendance report, etc.; schedule building and gound use - allocate andmoniwrrecreation centerfinances, kcepfinancial records, maintainaccurate account of all receipts and expenditures - inspect and ensure safety of building and equipment - attend meetings of community dist�ict council booster club, and various advisory commiuees; work with schools, social agencies, churches, etc. - supervise part-time recreation leaders or aides - iecruit, bixe, assigq schedule, train, suPervise, evaluate, discipline and fire noncertified employees suchas instmctors/conttact speciatists, wluntcersand specialyouthprogamemployees of up to 2-150 workers within a year. Adaptive Recreation Director - this class is in the same bazgaining unit and pay grade as the Recreation Center D'uector. Positions in this class are responsible for planning, organizing, and implementing assigned adaptive recreation and athletic prograzns. Requires a bachelor's degree in adaptive recreation or recreation therapy or two years of experience as an adaptive recreation assistant. This class was studied and upgraded to Grade 36 from 35 in 1993. There are cucrently 3 incumbents. Based on the job profiles, the typical duties include the following: - assess, plan, and implement adaptive iecmation pmgtams - serve as lead staff/instcuctor in program activities - answerphones, take registtations, answer questions, give informalion, maintainreoords, pteparelettersand word praessing of public informaUiioa pieces - coordinate plans and activities with recreation center directois and community education/recreation cooidinators - some fund raising, gant writing and van maintenance - rePresent special Programs with oUier agenci� �h as special Olympics, school district, and various agencies for joint pmgiamming, volunteer recnulmen; dc. - supeiivise adaptive recteaflon assistanis, contiact speaalists, and volunteErs; recnrit, intecview, 1rai4 supe:vise, and evatuate work of volunteers up to 13 sqff members. (a sLared re�wnsbility') Page 4 of 5 v�.7g� Golf Pro/Manager - this class is in the SPSO Bargaining Unit, Grade 11, with a salary range of $39,900- $51,300. Positions in this class are responsible for mA*+�n� the golf operations, food and beverage service, and the prashop functions for one municipal golf course. Requires cucreat PGA and/or LPGA Class A member; or PGA or LPGA appreatice, completion ofPGABusiness School II and three years of supervisory experience in ordering, selling, and merchandising golf equipmeat. This class has not bcen studied since it was created in 1989. There are cuirently 3 incumbents. The typical duties include the following: - manaSa golf operarions of one municipat golf caucse - dec'elaP, mana$e, and promote golf Pmgrams - Piomote and organize golf tournaznents and outings - Promote S�fffacilitY and Pmgams - manage food and bevezage program - �8e P�hoP oPerauon - suParvise rental of city owned golf �aRs. Pull carts, and golf clubs - order, receive, and imentoTY �PPlies. equiPment, and merchandise nceded az the golf course - mersee daity maintenance and upkeep of fac;lities - coordinate construction pmjects, coucse scheduling, and course alterations with grounds superintendent - monitor budget and prepare financial reports, cash and bank deposits - supervise and evaluate the work of golf club house s[�' of up W 6-8 FTEs Park & Recreation Program Supervisor - this class is a consolidation of the Recreation I}irector II and III classes, in the SPSO Bargaining Unit, Grade 17, with a salary range of $47,000-$60,600. Positions in this class aze responsible for pianning, directing, and evaluating major pazks and recreation programs, facilities and/or activities, such as: Recreation Service Delivery Teams, Municipal Athletics, Special Programs, Safety Program, Park Security, Volunteers and Intems, Marinas, Town Square, Pazk Maintenance, Recreation Center Maintenance, Community Education, Special Services Programs, Environmentai Education, and EnvironmemalProgam. Positions inthis class superviseadaptiverecreationassistants, community education coordinators, recreation center directors, recrearion leaderslaides/rangers, volunteers and interns. Requires a bachelor's degr� and two yeacs of professional experience in pazks and recreation or 90 college credits and four years of experience in managing a park or r�seation program. Positions in tlris class have responsibility for managing major and highly visible programs of the Division, have significant budget responsibility, and have responsibility for managing diverse citywide programs. The Aquatics Manager position is not compazable to this class. QES Evaluation The evaluarion supports assigning the Aquatics Manager class in Grade 11 of the Professional Empioyees Supervisory Standard Ranges. The Aquatics Manager meets the definirion of a"supervisory employee" under PELRA. (See attached supervisory status questionnaire.) Recommendation I recommend that the Aquatics Manager ciass should be assigned in Grade 11 oftheProfessional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges, the class specification should be revised, and the bazgaining unit assignment should be changed from AFSCME Technical to St. Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO). Page 5 of 5 Proposed Title of Class: Code: 149B � � „ 191 SUPERVISOR OF AOUATICS BU: 09 Effecrive: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible supervisory work planuing, coordinating, and implementing instructional and recreational community aquatic programs and special events; and performs related duries as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a pazks and recrearion manager. Supervision Exercised: Exercises close or general and technical supervision, directly or ind'uectly through lower level supervisors, over aquatic staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assigns, trains, evaluates, and supervises the work of aquatic stafFincluding swimming pool supervisors, senior pool attendants, life guazds, water safety instructors and other seasonal or part-time staff assigned to the aquatics program. Recnuts, hires, and trains aquatic staff in CPR, first aid, lifeguard, water safety, and related traaning; works with the Office of Human Resources on employment testing. Manages day-to-day operation of the aquafics program including scheduling, preparing reports, maintaining records, budget monitoring, daily cash receipts, billing, payroll, purchasing and customer service. Plans and implements aquatic programs and special events; works with outside agencies, groups, and organizations providing aquatic services or serving the interest of the City's aquaric programs. Reseazches and implements new activities at swunming pools and beaches; works with private organazations in setting up competitive swimming programs. Reeruits swimming pool users through contacts with schools, recreation centers, civic groups, and aquafic related organizations. Establishes and implements rules and regulations for the aquatics program; ensures that the City°s aquaric programs are run in a safe and responsible manner; investigates all accidents and takes necessary action to preventfuture occurrences. Inspects facilities for health and safety hazazds, initiates action for facility repairs and improvements, and oversees above improvements to outdoor facilities during off season. Ensures compliance with state and city health standards and Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) requirements relating to aquatics. (SUPERVISOR OF AOUATICSI Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: Code: 149B B �-��7 SUPERVISOR OF AOUATICS BU: 09 Effective: Ensures compliance with national certification standards; trains and prepazes staff for national certification audits and maintains cunent cert�ed pool operators license. Develops and implements emergency acrion plans for all aquatic sites relating to drowning chemical leaks, general health accidents, and public aquatic emergency needs. Works closely with American Red Cross Water Safety Board; assists in designing new aquafic and safety programs; assists in conducting statewide aquatic programs, Life Guard Olympics, and related programs or activities. Acts as a resource; provides information about aquatic services in the city and state, promotes the program, represents the City's aquatics program within the industry; and participates in related committees and conferences. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of the principles, techniques and methods of CPR, water safety, and first aid to develop and supervise training progams in these azeas. Considerable knowledge of laws, rules, regulations, and standards relating to the aquatics industry. Considerable knowledge of swimming, boating, canoeing, sailboazding, and other aquatic recrearional activities. Considerable knowledge of first aid procedures and supplies. Considerable knowledge of swimming pool chemicals and treatrnent. Considerable knowledge of communiTy agencies, facilities, programs, civic and private groups dealing with aquatic programs and services. Working knowledge of accounting pracrices and cash handling procedures. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and implement programs and acrivities. Considerable ability to assigi, train, evaluate, and supervise the work of others, and to provide effective leadership. Considerable ability 4o make effective management decisions for the aquatics program. Considerable ability to train and teach others on basic life saving, CPR, standazd first aid, and life guard training. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to interact effectively with a wide vaziety of individuals, groups, and organizations, particulazly younger people. (SUPERVISOR OF AOUATICS) Page 2 of 2 ProposedTitleofClass: Code: 149B � SUPERVISOR OF AOUATICS BU: 09 Effecrive: MINIMiJM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in recreation or a related field and two yeazs of experience managing a community swimming facility. Must have current certifications, issued by the American Red Cross, Ellis and Associates or compazable agency, as a Life Guard, Water Safety Instructor, Basic Life SavingJCPR Instructor, Standard First Aid Instructor, and Life Guazd Training Instructor. Must have a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or equivalent out-of-state driver's license. (SUPERVISOR OF AOUATICSI Page 3 of 2 OFFICE OF I-IOMAN RESOUACES John HamiZton, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coteman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Vic Wittgenstein, Director Division of Pazks and Recreation Kazen Sanchez �5 Februuy 28, 2001 Twenty Day Notice ot- 400 City Hall Attnex Telephone: 651-266-6500 25 Wesi Fotvt7� Street 7DD/lTY.� 651-266-6507 SaintPmd, Minrsesota i5702-1634 Jobline: 657-266-6502 Facsimile: 1" Opiion: 657d92-6414 2" Opfion: 651-292-6415 3" Option: 657-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class specificarion of Supervisor of Aquatics should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action, If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolufion to establish the rate of pay for the title of Supervisor of Aquatics in Grade 11, Section ID4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the tune cla�s specificarion. Vic this 20 day nofice for the purpose of creating this title and -, = fl Y . �.. - a`i1 5�C : .'� � _ _ , _ ' .5��� Zv�� Date Council File # ��� 3 Presented Refened To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolurion establishing the rate of pay 2 for the new classffication entitled Supervisor of Aquatics. 3 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Supervisor of Aquarics be established at the rate 4 setforthinGradell,oftheProfessionalEmployeesSupervisoryStandardRanges,SectionID4,oftheSalary 5 Plan and Rates of Compensation, and 6 FURTf�RRESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force onthe first pay period 7 following its passage and approval. Requested by Departrnent of: Office of Human Resources By: ?dSWn�� Form Approved by City Attorney s �.��?ll" c � �{ � � � o , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Cerlified by Council Secretary ��,,� By: � ''�,/�v�e. Ey: � _ �— . �r�c O Approved by Mayor: Date 1/,/;^b :! ���� G:�Shared�ClassiflC7.ASS�Resolu4ons8cOrdivances�Supervisor ofAquaUa.res wpd Green Sheet # 106805 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ��. By: � / Adopted by Council: Date � ,� � � �b �oo � Gs, DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INI'17ATED GREEN SHEET 1vo.: 1o6so5 Office of Human Resources 4/2/Ol a� S93 CONTACC PERSON & PHONE: lxlifnLUA'cE miTl�wuA1'E John Shockley, 266-6482 1 DEPAItIMENf DIR ��Q � <� co�,�. Karen Sanchez, 266-6483 ^��� NoMeERPtm zcrrxwrrow�sr c�nca.m[c ROUTING ORDER EINANCfAL ffitV DLLt fINANQAL SERV/ACCIG MUSI' BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DA1'E) 3 MAYOR(ORASSiJ TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[7RE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) ACTION REQUESTED: Establish the rate of pay for the title of Supervisor of Aquarics in Grade 11, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges, Section ID4, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. RECOMb�NDA7IONS: Approve (A) rn Reject (R) PERSONAI, SbRVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TE� FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: I. Hasihispe�ou/Semeverwarkedmdetacovtrac[forthisdepartmenY? _PLANNINQ COMhIISSION Yes No . _CIB COMIvIlTCEE 2. Has this pe�wNfirm evec been acity employee7 CIVI[. SERVICE COM&IISSION Yes No 3. Does this persoWfum possess a skill not uo+mally possessed by any cnrzent ciry empioyee7 Yes No 4. Is this peson/fitm a tazge[ed vrndoY! Yes No _ Eap7siu su yes aoswers on separeee sheet and attach to greeb sheet SNITIA'SING PROBLER?, ISSUE, OPPORTf11VITY (Who, Wha; When, Wheee, Why): T'he new class of Supervisor of Aquatics will be used in lieu of tt�e existing class of Aquatics Manager in tlie Technical Bazgaining Unit. Based upon the study it was determined that the Technical bazgaining unit assigunent is not appropriate foa this class because of supervision exercised. Once the new class is established, the existing class of Aquatics Ivlanager will be abolished. ADVAIN'1'AGES YF APPROVED: Appropriate bazgaining unit assignment. ..-Y:; � c a DISADVANTAGESIFAPPBOYED: ` s �" : a�'��� 4' �� .. ����, 3 None. , i��i `�i � ���� � � A F 5 ,. � "� y<,� .� L Y� N 't� Ya.w� dq ° r. � DI5ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: t �r��� �$�? ����� ffiappropriate bazgaining unit assignment. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIi� G:\Shared\ClassiflCLASS�ResoWtions&Ordinances�$upervisor of Aquazics, gs.wpd � Ot-�13 CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY REPORT G7ass Stadied: 7ncambent: Date Studied: Aqnatics Manager Lpnn Waldod Tanuary 16, 2001 Stadied By: Ksreu Sanchez Persons Contacted: Incumbent & Tmmediate Sapervisor APPROVAL OF � DATE: AND COMPENSATION PRACTICE LF.ADER: Background The study was conducted to determine the appropriate compensarion and bazgaining unit assignment of the Aquatics Maziager class. � Following are the changes to the position since it was studied in 1990, as menrioned by the incumbent: •17ie positi� is becoming more admini shative and requiring more technolo�al comPetenoies including lezming and operating computerized records and electronic equipment (f�, coPY machines, two-way iadios, cell phones, pageis, Itigh-tech medical fust-TesPonder equiPm� such as ox3'8e4 s�� �P�, ��� �rB��Y resPonse, v-vacs, aad defibulators). *The position maintains two affices 9 months out of the year. 'The position is on call and accountable 24 hours a day. '17ie facilities ivn 1 hours a week with irregiilaz work schedules (winter scLedule is 6 a.m. to I 1 p.m., summer schedule is virtually 24 hours a day at two sites). •Has additional responsibility for worldng with a volunteer committee, starting a scholarslrip progan�, an aquatic day camp for 8 sessions in the summer, and other special events. •I3as additiamat zesponsibility for OSHA compliance. `Ha s additional constraints affecting level of respons bility such as expanding hours at aquatic facilities, serving more segmeats of the population, and decreased budgets. Study Components Review of the job profile Inte�view with the incumbern and 'unmediate supervisor Compazison with related classifications and positions QES Evatuation Page 1 of 5 o�-7g3 Position Description The position provides overall planning, coordination, and management of the Division's aquatics program at the H'igiiland, O�£ord and Como pools, Phalea Beach and Phalen Lakeside Activities Center and Day Camp. The following are the duties of the position during the peak season of May until August when all 5 aquatic facilities are operated, with 130-160 employces. Outside of that time, only one facility is operated with 15-25 employees at any given time. During off-sea4on, the position performs administrative work closing out the season and planning and preparing for the next season. The duties include - 1. Plans and impiements aquatic progams and special eveMS for the City - establishes programming and seivices standazds; coordinates in-house and outside agenciesPmvidinSaquatic instmcflonandrecreation; Plans and o*�ni�� special aquatic events; works with committees/agencies setving aq�atic related progams/activities such as Friends of O�d'ordCommunity,STARS' 'w�+roTeam,endAmeriCBnRedCiOSS;and*�+a+nt�inc�¢IItCCrtifiedPoolOperatois License. 2. Supervises seasonal staff such as swimming pool supervisors, senior pool attendants, lifeguards, water safety instcuctors, parks and recmation assistants, recreation leaders, refec[ory attendants, water aerobic inst�uctors, interns andvolunteers. Theposition supervises 130.160 employces duringpeak season and 15-25 employcesduringoffseason. The position reccuits, inten�iews, Lires, assigns, schedules, trains, disciPlines and evaluates the work ofaquaflc smff. 3. Recnuts and trains aquatic sta8'in the following ateas: professional CP'R fixst aid, lifeguard axountabiliry and professionalism, water safety instruction, water safety sids, water aerobic instruction; use of equipment such as defibulator,oaygen,andscuba;andbasicleadershipuaining. Trainsandpreparesstafffornationalcertificationaudits and day to-dayfacitity operations such as mo�Y mana8ement, Txordk�Ping, Public re3ations, and customer se:vice. 4. Managestheday-to�ayoperationsoftheAquaticsSection-ensuresthatdivisionpoliciesand StateandCityhealth standards andpolicies arefollowedandmaintained; assistsinmonitoringunittaidgets andfaeilitatingpayroll andday- to�lay financial uansactions of the aquatics program. 4.a Maiura;n� National Aquatic Certification standazds. Establishes and implements mles and :egulat+ons foi Highiand, OxEord and Como Pools, Phalen Beach and Phalen I.akeside Activifles Center and Day Camp. Develops �m�inra;ncaquatiaprpg�yn�pplicyandptoceduresmsnual. Developsandimplementsemergencyactionplausfor all aquatic sites pectaining to drowning, chemical leaks, ganeral healthaaidents, Public aquatic emergencyneeds, and enforcing departmeatal and public policies including OSHA requiremenis. 5. Acts as a resource - ads as a refenal for the community aboui aquatic services in tLe city and state; researches and writes public information pieces for the aquatics program; r�resents aquatics progam to organi7ations that have dealings with andlor business with the progam; represents the city within the aquatics indust�; participaces in regional, staie-wide, and nationai aquatics committces and conferences. Occasionally, mPiesents the Ciryto the media on aquatic issues and emergencies in consulffition with tl� section manager. Page 2 of 5 ol-�R3 comparison The Aquatics Manager is a singl�incumbeut class ia the Technical Bargaining Unit, Grade 39, with a salary range of $39,400-$49,400. This position is responsible for planning, organizing, and implementing the Division's xquatics program. The minimnm qunlificutions are one year of eaperience as a swimming pool snpervisor ar two pears of eaperience as a Recreation Leader II plus one year of eaperience as Water SafetyInstractor or Life Gnard and current certifications as a Water Safety Instructor, Life Guard, Basic Life Saving/CPR Instructor, Standard First Aid Instructor, and Life Gnard Training7nst�vMor. This ciass was studied and apgraded to Grade 38 from 35 in 1990. In 1993, it was further upgraded to Grade 39 in compliance with t6e Pay Equity Act The Aquatics Manager class was compared with related classes in the Parks & Recreation Division. The comparisons revealed that the scope and level of responsibility of the Aquatics Manager class exceed that of the Community Education/Recreation Coordinator and related classes. The Aquatics Manager class is most comparable to the GoIf7Pro Manager class. Both the Aquatics Manager and Golf/Pro Manager manage a specialized division-wide program, not specific facilities/programs/activities as do the Community Education/Recreation Coordinator and related positions. The scope and level of responsibility of the Aquatics Manager are not comparable to the Pazk & Recrearion Program Supervisor class. Comparisons: Community Education/Recreation Coordinator - this class is in the Technical Bargaining Unit, Grade 38, with a salary range of $38,500-$47,600. Positions in this class are responsible for planning, organizing, and implementing assigned community recreational, educational, and culturai programs. Requires a bachelor's degree in pazk and recreation management, community education administration or related fieid and three years of experience as a Recrearion Center Director. This class was studied and upgraded to Grade 38 from 36 in 1993. There are currently 7 incumbents. Based on the job profiles, the typical duties include the following: - plan and implement community eduration/recmation progams; assess community needs - commanity im otveme� thrwgh advisory cuuncil activities and communitY PartnexsluPs> work with school district and community agencies - gant writing 8nd CooperdtiVe pme with other agenCies - Public ielationsrpmmotions of cammunity education pmgrams - PreP� and maintain local area budget, receipts and expenditures, financiai records and repo8s - Process and maintain records, repons, Paymll, logistics, etc. - aa as a refexral for community education PmScams; respond to issues and concerns -reccuit, inteiview, Lire hain, schedule, supetvise, and evaluate shaffandvoluntceis ofup to 45 -150 at various times inCluding Support s� life gusTds, swimm�n�O instiuctOrs, community resourCe specialists, classroom instmctors, student aides and wluntcers Page 3 of 5 01-'�t� Recreation Center Director - tlns class is in the TechnicalBargaining Unit, Grade 36, with a salary range of $36,500-$45,300. Positions in tiris class are responsi'ble for pianning, organizing, and implementing a recreation center program at an assigned recreation center. Requires a bachelor's degree in parks and recreation management or a related field. Tlvs class was studied and upgraded to Grade 36 from 33 in 1990. There are currendy 37 incumbents. Based on the job profiles, the typical duties include the following: - Plan and implement recreation pmgrams and activities; assess commimity needs - OLg2D17.0 SjICC121 CVCIItS 81� SpOIYS 3ChVIhCS - promotelpublicize progams - allacate funds for progams, solicit funds, write gcants for funding - Landle conuacts with recmation specialists and vendors forpmgam inst�uction, faciliry use, etc. - Purcbase equipment and suPP�, P� ��Y �T� and statishics such as reports on aa;idents, incidents, vandalism, conuacts and peimits, wlunteer summary, attendance report, etc.; schedule building and gound use - allocate andmoniwrrecreation centerfinances, kcepfinancial records, maintainaccurate account of all receipts and expenditures - inspect and ensure safety of building and equipment - attend meetings of community dist�ict council booster club, and various advisory commiuees; work with schools, social agencies, churches, etc. - supervise part-time recreation leaders or aides - iecruit, bixe, assigq schedule, train, suPervise, evaluate, discipline and fire noncertified employees suchas instmctors/conttact speciatists, wluntcersand specialyouthprogamemployees of up to 2-150 workers within a year. Adaptive Recreation Director - this class is in the same bazgaining unit and pay grade as the Recreation Center D'uector. Positions in this class are responsible for planning, organizing, and implementing assigned adaptive recreation and athletic prograzns. Requires a bachelor's degree in adaptive recreation or recreation therapy or two years of experience as an adaptive recreation assistant. This class was studied and upgraded to Grade 36 from 35 in 1993. There are cucrently 3 incumbents. Based on the job profiles, the typical duties include the following: - assess, plan, and implement adaptive iecmation pmgtams - serve as lead staff/instcuctor in program activities - answerphones, take registtations, answer questions, give informalion, maintainreoords, pteparelettersand word praessing of public informaUiioa pieces - coordinate plans and activities with recreation center directois and community education/recreation cooidinators - some fund raising, gant writing and van maintenance - rePresent special Programs with oUier agenci� �h as special Olympics, school district, and various agencies for joint pmgiamming, volunteer recnulmen; dc. - supeiivise adaptive recteaflon assistanis, contiact speaalists, and volunteErs; recnrit, intecview, 1rai4 supe:vise, and evatuate work of volunteers up to 13 sqff members. (a sLared re�wnsbility') Page 4 of 5 v�.7g� Golf Pro/Manager - this class is in the SPSO Bargaining Unit, Grade 11, with a salary range of $39,900- $51,300. Positions in this class are responsible for mA*+�n� the golf operations, food and beverage service, and the prashop functions for one municipal golf course. Requires cucreat PGA and/or LPGA Class A member; or PGA or LPGA appreatice, completion ofPGABusiness School II and three years of supervisory experience in ordering, selling, and merchandising golf equipmeat. This class has not bcen studied since it was created in 1989. There are cuirently 3 incumbents. The typical duties include the following: - manaSa golf operarions of one municipat golf caucse - dec'elaP, mana$e, and promote golf Pmgrams - Piomote and organize golf tournaznents and outings - Promote S�fffacilitY and Pmgams - manage food and bevezage program - �8e P�hoP oPerauon - suParvise rental of city owned golf �aRs. Pull carts, and golf clubs - order, receive, and imentoTY �PPlies. equiPment, and merchandise nceded az the golf course - mersee daity maintenance and upkeep of fac;lities - coordinate construction pmjects, coucse scheduling, and course alterations with grounds superintendent - monitor budget and prepare financial reports, cash and bank deposits - supervise and evaluate the work of golf club house s[�' of up W 6-8 FTEs Park & Recreation Program Supervisor - this class is a consolidation of the Recreation I}irector II and III classes, in the SPSO Bargaining Unit, Grade 17, with a salary range of $47,000-$60,600. Positions in this class aze responsible for pianning, directing, and evaluating major pazks and recreation programs, facilities and/or activities, such as: Recreation Service Delivery Teams, Municipal Athletics, Special Programs, Safety Program, Park Security, Volunteers and Intems, Marinas, Town Square, Pazk Maintenance, Recreation Center Maintenance, Community Education, Special Services Programs, Environmentai Education, and EnvironmemalProgam. Positions inthis class superviseadaptiverecreationassistants, community education coordinators, recreation center directors, recrearion leaderslaides/rangers, volunteers and interns. Requires a bachelor's degr� and two yeacs of professional experience in pazks and recreation or 90 college credits and four years of experience in managing a park or r�seation program. Positions in tlris class have responsibility for managing major and highly visible programs of the Division, have significant budget responsibility, and have responsibility for managing diverse citywide programs. The Aquatics Manager position is not compazable to this class. QES Evaluation The evaluarion supports assigning the Aquatics Manager class in Grade 11 of the Professional Empioyees Supervisory Standard Ranges. The Aquatics Manager meets the definirion of a"supervisory employee" under PELRA. (See attached supervisory status questionnaire.) Recommendation I recommend that the Aquatics Manager ciass should be assigned in Grade 11 oftheProfessional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges, the class specification should be revised, and the bazgaining unit assignment should be changed from AFSCME Technical to St. Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO). Page 5 of 5 Proposed Title of Class: Code: 149B � � „ 191 SUPERVISOR OF AOUATICS BU: 09 Effecrive: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible supervisory work planuing, coordinating, and implementing instructional and recreational community aquatic programs and special events; and performs related duries as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a pazks and recrearion manager. Supervision Exercised: Exercises close or general and technical supervision, directly or ind'uectly through lower level supervisors, over aquatic staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assigns, trains, evaluates, and supervises the work of aquatic stafFincluding swimming pool supervisors, senior pool attendants, life guazds, water safety instructors and other seasonal or part-time staff assigned to the aquatics program. Recnuts, hires, and trains aquatic staff in CPR, first aid, lifeguard, water safety, and related traaning; works with the Office of Human Resources on employment testing. Manages day-to-day operation of the aquafics program including scheduling, preparing reports, maintaining records, budget monitoring, daily cash receipts, billing, payroll, purchasing and customer service. Plans and implements aquatic programs and special events; works with outside agencies, groups, and organizations providing aquatic services or serving the interest of the City's aquaric programs. Reseazches and implements new activities at swunming pools and beaches; works with private organazations in setting up competitive swimming programs. Reeruits swimming pool users through contacts with schools, recreation centers, civic groups, and aquafic related organizations. Establishes and implements rules and regulations for the aquatics program; ensures that the City°s aquaric programs are run in a safe and responsible manner; investigates all accidents and takes necessary action to preventfuture occurrences. Inspects facilities for health and safety hazazds, initiates action for facility repairs and improvements, and oversees above improvements to outdoor facilities during off season. Ensures compliance with state and city health standards and Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) requirements relating to aquatics. (SUPERVISOR OF AOUATICSI Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: Code: 149B B �-��7 SUPERVISOR OF AOUATICS BU: 09 Effective: Ensures compliance with national certification standards; trains and prepazes staff for national certification audits and maintains cunent cert�ed pool operators license. Develops and implements emergency acrion plans for all aquatic sites relating to drowning chemical leaks, general health accidents, and public aquatic emergency needs. Works closely with American Red Cross Water Safety Board; assists in designing new aquafic and safety programs; assists in conducting statewide aquatic programs, Life Guard Olympics, and related programs or activities. Acts as a resource; provides information about aquatic services in the city and state, promotes the program, represents the City's aquatics program within the industry; and participates in related committees and conferences. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of the principles, techniques and methods of CPR, water safety, and first aid to develop and supervise training progams in these azeas. Considerable knowledge of laws, rules, regulations, and standards relating to the aquatics industry. Considerable knowledge of swimming, boating, canoeing, sailboazding, and other aquatic recrearional activities. Considerable knowledge of first aid procedures and supplies. Considerable knowledge of swimming pool chemicals and treatrnent. Considerable knowledge of communiTy agencies, facilities, programs, civic and private groups dealing with aquatic programs and services. Working knowledge of accounting pracrices and cash handling procedures. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and implement programs and acrivities. Considerable ability to assigi, train, evaluate, and supervise the work of others, and to provide effective leadership. Considerable ability 4o make effective management decisions for the aquatics program. Considerable ability to train and teach others on basic life saving, CPR, standazd first aid, and life guard training. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to interact effectively with a wide vaziety of individuals, groups, and organizations, particulazly younger people. (SUPERVISOR OF AOUATICS) Page 2 of 2 ProposedTitleofClass: Code: 149B � SUPERVISOR OF AOUATICS BU: 09 Effecrive: MINIMiJM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in recreation or a related field and two yeazs of experience managing a community swimming facility. Must have current certifications, issued by the American Red Cross, Ellis and Associates or compazable agency, as a Life Guard, Water Safety Instructor, Basic Life SavingJCPR Instructor, Standard First Aid Instructor, and Life Guazd Training Instructor. Must have a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or equivalent out-of-state driver's license. (SUPERVISOR OF AOUATICSI Page 3 of 2 OFFICE OF I-IOMAN RESOUACES John HamiZton, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coteman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Vic Wittgenstein, Director Division of Pazks and Recreation Kazen Sanchez �5 Februuy 28, 2001 Twenty Day Notice ot- 400 City Hall Attnex Telephone: 651-266-6500 25 Wesi Fotvt7� Street 7DD/lTY.� 651-266-6507 SaintPmd, Minrsesota i5702-1634 Jobline: 657-266-6502 Facsimile: 1" Opiion: 657d92-6414 2" Opfion: 651-292-6415 3" Option: 657-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class specificarion of Supervisor of Aquatics should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action, If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolufion to establish the rate of pay for the title of Supervisor of Aquatics in Grade 11, Section ID4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the tune cla�s specificarion. Vic this 20 day nofice for the purpose of creating this title and -, = fl Y . �.. - a`i1 5�C : .'� � _ _ , _ ' .5��� Zv�� Date