268917 WHITE - GTV CLERK COUI1C11 l������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL t CANARV - DEPARTMENT rMl7��\9�. • BLUE - MAYOR FIlE NO. � - ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, it is the City Council 's policy, as determined by a previous resolution, that improvement of arterial streets should be a total package, including paving, curbs and gutters, lighting, and oth�r improvements where necessary, and WHEREAS, ARLlNGTON AVENUE from Hazelwood Street to White Be�r Avenue is on tt�e Municipal State Aid (MSA) System and st�eet lighting is not eligibie for MSA funding, �nd WHEREAS, Street lighting was omifited from the Public Hesring and Final Order process for gr�ding, paving, curb and gutter, and storm sewer work on E. ARLIN�TON AVENUE firom Haaelwood Stre�t to White Bear Avenue, City Project P-047$, due to the fact that no funding was availabie for street lighting �t that tir�, �nd WHEREAS, The work in City Project P-0478 is naw under contract and scheduled for Spring 1977 construction and it is in the City's best interest to perform the street lighting work concurrently wi�.k�. the o�her wvr�k, and WHEREAS, A proJect for �treet lighting work has been set up, V-0655 with 1977 CIB ftnancir�g of �46,900.00 t�.r.QVer the estimat�d costs; with no assessments to the bordering property owners; these funds being obtained via approved transfers from other dela�yed projects, and WHEREAS, citizens at a neighborhood meeting were inform�d that street lighting would be installed if they wanted it a�d funds were avaitabie. NOW, THEREFORE, BE {T RESQLVED, that the /INAI ORDER for Paving Project P-047$, previously adopted by the City Council o� May 11 , 197b, b� arn�nded to inciude Streefi Lighting Pro,ject V-0655. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: �r� Yeas Nays Butler � Publ ic Miorks - Traff ic Bureau (RHR) Hozza In Favor Hunt � /' �� Levine `� _ Against gy 1 �� Rcedler �� Tede � � �t Form Approved b City Attor Adopte y Council: Date -A,P� C tified Pass y C ncil Secret�ry ^ BY Appr d by Mayor. Date �R ��,2 �9?T Approped by Mayor foc bm '� n to Council ti� By BY `� PUBUSHE� APR 3 0 19?7 . . . . , . . . . . � .. . . , �M 01: 22/1975`: � ` �Zev. : 9/IIf�6 � � ✓ _ EXPLANI�TIOP1 Ox ADMINISTR.ATx�7E ORDERS, RESOLU'.PIGNS, AND ORDINnNCES � . ���� Date: Apr i 1 1 , 1977 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � FR: Darrel Richards,*D�pt. of Publ ic Worka, Traffic EnginNring Bur�au R�: ORNqMENTAI., STR��T' L 1 G HT 1 NG on EAST AttL 1 NGTON AVENU ff f ram Haz�iwoc�d � 5trwt to whits Bear Avemua, City ProJ�ct V-0655• ACTSON REQUESTED: Approva i of Counc 11 R�so 1 u t t or� to �asnd th� R 1 NAl CROER for Pav i ng - Proj�ct P-04�8 to inciuds street liqhting. ; ; PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Strat 1 ighting wss c�aiitt�d from the Publ ic H�aring and Rinal Oralor � proc�ss fcr tF+a GradTng �nd Paving work which is no�+ undar c�rttract and sch�dulsd for Spring 1977 construction. Ths l�blic Mork� 0spartaNnt das i r�s ta construct th� strN►t 1 i ght ing concar.ra�t wt th tt+� otlr�r v+ork. informatTon on the strest lighting w�s pr�s�nted to th�e aff�ct��l c'itisens at �a n�tghborho�od m�sting. !b obJ�ction to the iTghting wis rais�i. Ay'TAGHI�iENTS: Council R�solution RHR;Dil:cad