268916 WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAZTL Council B1�1$RV- MAVORTMENT File� NO. 26891� • Q t indnce Ordinance N 0. � �� / . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 15881, approved August 29, 1975, entitled "An ordinance adopting a V new zoning ordinance for the City of Saint Paul, -=s repealing Chapters 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64 of the - Saint Paul Legislative Code and the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul. ° THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. A� That the Zoning Map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 20, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.401 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, is hereby amended as follows: The property owned by the Saint Paul Housing and R�development Authority located on the Southeast corner of Sherburne and Mackubin, more particularly described as follows: Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, in Blk 15, Smith' s Subdivision of Stinson' s Division of the NW '� of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, according � to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 ft of said Lot 20; together with the North '� of that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lyinq East of the West line of said Block 15 and West COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITY CLERK �!]1��� PINK - FINANCE CO11I1C11 ���; BL�IERY-MAVORTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � - Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. of a line distant 30 feet West from and parallel to the East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, ex- tended Southerly which accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in favor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the West 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. The property is located on the Southeast corner of Sherburne Avenue and Mackubin Street; is rezoned from RT-1 to B-1. Section 2. This ordinance shall take force and effect in thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco 5� �s�� �Y Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C cil: ate Certifi assed y n ' Secretary BY • / �Y s 18rf Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved Mayor: Date — By BY puB��sHE� MAY 14 �977 .. � � , - , C.�� `-�� BOARD OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT PAUL � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DONALD L. SPAID AIP PLANNING COORDINATOR March 30, 1977 Ms. Rose Mix, City Clerk ������ 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Dear Madam: This is written in response to the petition of the Housing & Redevelopment Authority on behalf of the Dr. Abrams Clinic project to rezone from RT-1 (Two Family Residential ) to B-1 (Local Business) property situated on the southeast corner of Sherburne and Mackubin. This property. fs further described by the legal description attached. The purpose for this request was to assemble a large enough tract to tie in with the large vacant area to the south fronting on University so that the medical/dental facility could be developed. This matter was heard by the Current Planning & Zoning Committee on February 17, 1977 at which time Staff recorrmnnended approval based on the fact that the proposal is consistent with long range land use planning in the area. It is a logical extension of an existing business land use and the proposed new facility will be an asset to the community. A motion to recommend approval was made by Mr. Willits, seconded by Mr. Prifrel , and passed unanimously by the Committee. The Planning Commission on February 25, 1977 passed unanimously a motion by Mr. Hummer, seconded by Mr. Bryan, to recommend approval . This matter is scheduled to be heard before the St. Paul City Council on March 31 , 1977. Sincerely, r%'��w�'�c� C'r"''2/ :-, � � --; � ,/ r-, _,-i �. . l...c 1 i�. Laurence J. Jung - ' ' � Ci ty P1 anner � �' � ::� -- Q ;f Zon i ng Fi l e No. 8085 y' '�" �` ..- :-.��i .�.,ta WJ/gf �� `: � �,-i � :.� 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 0 � � . ��1����. PLANNING COMMISSION OF ST. PAUL 421 Wabasha St. Paul , Minnesota 5510Z A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, was held February 25, 1977, at 9:00 a.m. in the City Planning Conference Room at 421 Wabasha, St. Paul , Minnesota. Present: Mmes. Cochrane, McGinley, Montgomery, N'orton, Piccolo; Messrs. Bryan, Grais, Hanggi , Hummer, McDonell , Prifrel , .Sherwood, StegemoellQr, , Tobler, and Van Hoef; � ' � Absent: Mmes. Mayne and Slawik; Messrs. Feder, Pangal , Wilkening, and Willits. Also present: George B. Leitner and G: M. Le�tner'of Leitner Company; Nora S. Klingner, Pauline tinger, and Faith A. Johnson of District 2; Jeffery W. Hoel and D. D. Wozniak of the Highland-Groveland/Macalester Community Association; t: Jung, D. Spaid of planning staff. The Planning Commission at its February �5, 1977 meeting took the following action: APPROVED the minutes of the Febru�ry 11 , 1977 meQting. . Motion made by Rev. Hanggi , seconded by Mrs. Piccolo, and carried unanimously. • DENIED to recommend the petition of Marvin and Dianne Fennell to rezone property at the Northeast corner of Randolph and Macalester. Motion made by Mr. Hurrener, seconded by Mr. Tobler, and carried by a unanimous roll call vote. APPROVED, by a roll call vote of 15 to O, an amended motion to recommend approval of the petition of George and Elsie Leitner to reione property on the North side of Randolph between Milton and Chatsworth with the stipulation that upon adoption of a new Planned Unit Development Ordinance the zoning revert to Planned Unit Development. Motion was made by Mr. Hurnrner, seconded by Mr. Sherwood, and amended by an unanimously approved motion made by Rev. Hanggi , seconded by Mr. Prifrel . Motion was made by Mr. Humner, seconded by Mr. Sherwood, to deny the petition to rezone property on the East side of Gary Place between Iowa and Hoyt. APPROVED, by a voice vote of 14 to ,1,, ,�, substitute motion made by Mr. Bryan, seconded by Mrs. Piccolo, to refe.r ,the petition of A. & D. Realty Company for the rezoning on the East side of Gary Place back to the Current Planning Cornrni ttee. �. APPROVED the motion of Mr. Hummer, seconded by Mr. Bryan, to recommend approval of the petition of H.R.A. to rezone p��perty on the Southeast corner of Sherburne and Mackubin by a roll call vote of 15 to 0. Meeting adjourned at 10:20. � � Submitted by � Donald L. Spaid Approved by Planning Commission Planning Coordinator March 11 , 1977 ?. . � . , - ' MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE ON THURSDAY, �-•� FEBRUARY 17, 1977 IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST PAUL, MINN. PRESENT: Ms. Norton, Messrs. Prifrel , Sherwood, Willits and Hummer of the Current anning & Zoning Committee; Mr. Thomas Sipkins, Assistant City Attorney; Mr. Richard Amey of the Division of Housing & Building Code Enforcement; Miss Fox and , Messrs. McGuire and Jung of the Planning Staff. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (#8085) • An application to rezone property located on the southeast corner of Sherburne and�ackubin. The petitioner was present. There was no opposition. Mr. Jung showed slides of the subject site and read the staff report. Mr. Terrence J. Garvey, of 55 E. 5th Street, representing H.R.A. , said the property is owned by the School District and the plan was for a mediGal clinic to be built on the property. Dr. Alexander Abrams, of 644 Selby Avenue, spoke on behalf of the petitioner, saying that there has been no doctor.on University Ave. from Rice to Snelling in 20 years. He said the reason for the requested change was that the University site is in the midst of redevelopment. He said Selby Avenue has development forthcoming, but not for 4 or 5 years, and to get the clinic started would encourage other physicians to come into the area, as well as additional students. He stated that District #7_ had endorsed the pro�ect, and also District #8, with some interplay between these two. Mr. Adolph Tobler, Vice-President of the Thomas-Dale Development Council District #6, spoke for the petitioner, saying that he had worked in District #7 for 4 years trying to improve the community and trying to get rid of that dump of a school . He said others in the area agreed that there is need to remove blight of that old Jackson School . He stated that the president of the Ramsey County Medical Association had said they would be interested in joining with some other doctors for a clinic for young doctors who do not yet have a clinic. Mr. Tobler said it would be a good thing to get this property back on the tax rolls. Mr. M. Johnson, of 469 Osceola, spoke on behalf of the petitioner, sayinq that the school is an eyesore to the community, and he would like to see it torn down. He said he would like to see a new building on Universi�y which would bring in a better tax structure than there is today, and he referred to the school building's deteriorating appearance, with brick falling off the: building like sand. Mr. Willits made a motion to recomnend approval of the rezoning request. Mr. Prifrel seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. Submitted by: Approved by: o�� : ���?�i���l;�%`X'�� ' Laurence J. ung Otto H. Humner, Acting Chairman - ; V � � ��� ' f PLANNING BOARD STAFF REPORT, Fphv,��ar;. 17 1977 Plat Msp 23 i. APPLZCANr'S 1� Housing & Redevelopment Authority 8085 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appsal � permit � Other 3. PURPOSE , Rezone to B-1 4. LOCATION ; , Southeast corner of Mackubin and Sherburne 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTiON : see attached 6. PRESENT ZODTING: RT-1 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: 210 Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: r Da.te; ;�_11_77 y� B LJJ A. SUFFICIENCY: The petitioner's request for rezoning was filed vn a long form petition, found sufficient by the City Finance Director on January 20, 1977, and received by the City Planning office on Januar� 31 , 1977. • .. _ ._ � B. PROPOSED USE: The St. Paul H.R.A. proposes to provide a suitable site for the esta lishment of a medical-ctental' clinic to serve neiqhborhood needs. C. FRONTAGE & AREA: . The area to be rezoned has frontages of 189 ft. along S erburne and 125 ft. on Mackubin Street. The total area of the site to be rezoned is approximately 24,985 sq. ft. , including the vacated alley portion. D. SITE CONDITIO�JS: The site contains an old , 3-story brick structure built as a pu ic schoo� , and later cor��oerted to a warehouse. A one-story, concrete block addition was attached at a later date. Along Sherburne Avenue, the site is about 4 or 5 ft. above street grade, but is level with abutting properties to the south. E. AREA CONDITIONS: The site is situated in the transition area between University ve. businesses and the residential area of Thomas-Dale to the north. Residences around are all quite old and in various states of repair. Most structures are conversion and multi family units. Many are on small lots. Directly south, the property is vacant and in the B-3 district wide varieties of commercial uses occur along both sides of University in this district. The Uni-Dale Shopping Center is scheduled for construction just to the southwest. South of the University Ave. business use is the extensive new housinq area, "Central Village.° F. FINDINGS: 1 . The site is publicly owned and when combined with other acquired parcels the entire medical development will comprise about 1 .3 acres. 2. The site is close to both Planning Districts 7 and 8 which it would serve. , �. � H.R.A. .; - . . Page 2 .� , _,�, � ��,: r , {.:,:; , , � ' 3. The proposed development has� received support from the District 7 Planning Council and�other are� 'irtteres.ts as a much needed facility. ��. . 4. The marketability of the site for housi'ng would be very limited due to adjacent land use conditions. ,,- 5. The development of this fa�ility would help 'greatly to upgrade this sector of the nei ghboi�hooa � 'r'`� " - � G. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS:�' Based�on �he above'-findings, Staff recommends approval of the proposed rezonit�g. = - . �� :: . � ,� :� , ., , . _' . . f. '. .';.: .. � . . . . : . . . . . . ,�'�� V �.. , .� _. .. . . � � � , . . - . . .. . � � . � -. �, . ,. . � �.. � . !'�.i �.` � � � . . . ` �r _ , HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (Sherburne & Mackubin) , Lots 16�; 17, 18, 19 and 20, in Blk 15. Ssith'a Subdivisioti of Stinaon's Division of the NW 1/4 of Sec:tio�t 36, Tamship 29, Renge 23, arcordiq,g to the p�.�t ther�of oq file a�d of record ic� the office of the ��gi�ter of Deedi.vitbin:and for RNSey �ounty, Miaqe�sot�, except the Sast 10 ft of •aid Lot 20; together with the porth I/2 of that,va�,�ted par� of the �lley in said, Block 15. lyins 8ast� of th�e �tst lin� of said Block 15 �nd Wa�tt Qf � liae diatant 30� f�e� Wea� frov aad parallel to the Esst� �liae of �a.�d LQt 20, -alock 15, extended Southerly Which �c ` F�ed to said .�.ot}� br re��on of :, v:catian; .sub�ect to ;� e�a�a� �� ��y,�r a� the City -of S�. Paul for al�eY Purpo�esip���r, �h� We�t 20 €�e�: c� tps Last 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. � The property is located on the Southeast corn�r of Sh�rburn� Avenue, as�d 1�lackub�p Street, , ����� : � � � s � (��2� ' , K � CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT QF FINANCE �1ND MANAGfM�NT SERVICES ASSESSMEN7 DtYfS#OW 713 CITY HALI ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 5510Y March 11, 1977 ������ File R1862, page , Dear Citizee: t As a courtesy to yo�, and as required by law, we want to notifp y� about a public hearing which may affect yau. � \ The Ccruncfl of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing, in ehe . Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (th£rd floor) at 10;00 a.m, on March 31, 1977 on the• � Petition af the Rousing and Rede�relopmeett Authority to REZONE from RT-1 to B-1 for the purpose of installing, constructic�g and/or vperating a medica�/dental clinic on the southeast corner af Shexbur�te Avettue and Mackubin Street and descri.bed as follaws: Lots I6, 17, 1$, 19 and 20, Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stireson's Division of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, ", according to the plat ther�of on file and af record in the office af the Register of Deeds withf.n and for Ra�n�ey Connty, Minnesota, except the east l0 feet of said Lot 20; • together witih the north 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 l.yinig east of the aiest line of said Blxk 15 and west of a line distant 30 feet west fram and parallel to _ the east line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended sovCherly which a�crupc'. to sFid Lots br reaaon of vacation; sabject to an easement in favo�r of the City of St. Paul for allep purpoaes over the west 20 feet of the ea�t 30 feet of said Lot 20, B2ock 15. It is also knoom as the Old �ackson School Site. �- If qou woe�Id like further informaCion abouC this hearing, contact the Current Plarnning Section of the Planning Baard, 421 Wabasha Street, or telephone 298-4154. While the Citp Charter requfres that we notifq you of the hearircg,,.we wanC to help you to learn fully about anq action that eould affect you or your coma�unity. Therefore, I sincerely hape you can attec�d this hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or ag�inst. ROBERT W. TRUDEAU, ACTING _ DIREGTOR, DEPARTMET� OF FINI4NCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES r � ' . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �1TY �� � 9 � � Rose Mix o :;...;::;:;: a Albert B. Olsos City Clerk and �,� °-°_°�°' ,; Council Recorder Council Secrefary �'�, ti� .... OFPICE OF THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OP RECORDS 388 City Hall St.Paul,Minneeota 65102 Phone�98-1,k�31 January 25, 1977 Planning Commission Grace Building St. Paul, Minnesota ATTENTION: Mr. Charles McGuire Dear Sir: The Council referred to the Planning Commission for recornmendation the attached petition of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to rezone property at the southeast corner of Sherburne and Mackubin Street. y truly yours, �Q City Clerk � Attach. ABO:dcm ._.___ -� _ _ w. _A_,...�. $o g S � ; ---�� ��� _� - � _ _ _��_ , ,. _ �_.__, ti..�_: �o �.��.� � � 3 ! . � - �f ls t �� � �'I 2nd �-17�,� ----- -----r-- , 3rd �-�� Adopted �/� Yeas Nays BUTLER HOZZA �j,'jj���� Ll�d�l � HUNT LEVINE f ' �J ROEDLER TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER) � �l_.�1_I 1�1�.11_1_1 .1_1_1 �111_ ' ' � _T _ � _ __ . _ __ __ _ _ �_ . __________ ___.�__ _ __ _ � , , � SE� SHE T 'Q`I � ! �������� .�.. -- --- �. o'° o00 � �c� oo oo � o � o � g � o � � oo ¢ o " � . � � � 0 � o � o � 0 1 0 � o ¢- � o c� � � 000 � � ooa � o � oo� o �oo� � ' c� � � SHERB�RN�, -. � o� o � � oo � oo � 000 � oo 0 ov o �# � � 0 o a :� � - .� � � �w � /'1 � A � 1 � � �► ' � � � � � � � � ' V ! � � V V Q • P . , � � i R . � i O •, � - o - - - :._� --- - ---- o _ -'�_� o I�N�-�f Rsl�'1�-- o ---- . VI � �/ � A : v / V ,SA = �A � V V � • � � I � s � , N �-- Q v � � V � � vvv vv _ vvvV � � vvv Vv IV vuvvv vvv j vv � / �u Q�QA �����a��������w����� �iw�a�� � V V V V V V Vi �' V V J V V V �/ V V Vr V V V V� V V V V V V V � j , �V � � �_. V I ,V i j � ' v �- t � � .. --t-+- V � V � I I ���,- �V V V � V Y � V V V V • V V V V � V V V V V V V 'J� `/ V �' V, V V Vj ; ✓ ',l V � � v i i � aa������� ��L�� � � v v v V V � J v v v v V v i iv v v v v v Q v v '�✓ � V vV V `! VV V VOVV VVV ' V �/1 � � � v v � ' ' � � - �1 , v „� , aC -- , ; Q � � � , ��✓ v �� vv Y � vvvv � � vpvv �t '� uivvvv rvv � v � v '�� v �; W c�nrr,�� � , , , , ¢ Q , i � i � 144 VOV V V V V 1 1 V � V �� --•- ; �` 1 ' � RH V OV V V� �V V .- V � � V V =(�_: `1 ��-+-{-- _�._t. � � .`; f i --- - - ._ � � � .... �� , : V! ` :j,. .:. � , l .i Af`tEA I�IAp APPLICANT H•R.A. LEGEN� '� �-- ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARY PURPOSE REZONE TO B-1 �GGfl�d SUBJECT PROPERTY � O ONE FAMILY . 8085 � ¢ TWO FAMII,Y FILE N0. � � DATE 2-»'» '�' C,� MULTIPLE FAMILY i • a �', COMMERCIAL � SCALE � I"= 200' NpR'rF# � ��► �IN�l1STRIAL SAENT PAUL PLANNING BOARO V VACANT �i.l 1 1 J l V f 1 J..1: 1 :\�J U� ��I A t ����.!V i.!1 _ +y� E'ETi'i'J:OP! 'I'U, �Ld}•::�U CHfIF''I'lii25 GO thru 64 OF T}ir I,i:C,ISI,�aTIVE (7.O:iING) COI)I: . � +"� r'ote: Th� sz�nci• slioulci Appraiso himsolf of the uses pormitted utidcr the nc�v classi- : � iicatioii bc:loru si�;ninb tl�is patitzon. For furthcr inforn�ation abuut thQ rez�nin6 of ��roperty� call the B�ard of Zonin� Office at 298-4151. . (Please type or print) ` � Date: TO TliE lIONOI2N3LE h1AY0R AND CITY COUI�'CIL , c/o the CiLy Clcrk, ]toor� 386 City Hall . � CiLy of Sa;,nt Paul, 6tinnesota Pursuant to Section G4.06 of the Legislative Code, we, �he undersigned owners of two--thirds of t11c several descriptions of real estate situated within 1C0 fect of the• real estate af�ected� hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frolit�ge to be reclassified, petition your Honorable �3ody to rezone the follow- ing ciesci•ibed property; (legal description and street address) � Lots lb, 17, l8, 19 and 20 in Iilock 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of � the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, ar_cording to the plat thereof on file and of record in the of£ice of 'the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, e.�cept the East 10 feet of said Lot 20; together with the North 1/2 of tha.t vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the tti'est line of said Block 15 and LJest of a line distant 30 feet west from and parallel to the � East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended Southerly which accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in f avor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes uver the West 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , from P.T-1 2. Family Residentia:District to �-1 Local Business District, for the � pur��ose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (ciescribe briefly the progosed facility) . Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD O�t;�iER SIGNATURE LOT BLACK AADITIO�T � Subject Property: 3-3 50.9 "Universit Exce t the S. 0 ft. for Avenue, ClarkeG. Armstead c�% 28 1 M'c 1' S 'sion � � . of B1 ck 4 t'nson's " ClarkesSubmarine Sandwiche 47 Universit Avenue State of Alit�nesota ) ss County of T;amsey ) _ - • being first duly sworn, deposes and sta�es that- !ic is tiie pel•son u�ho ciJ•culaCed the �+�ithit� F�etition consisting of �_ PaL�s; thai. Lhe parties d�scribed abo��e arc: the ov�nei•s respectxvelv of the lots placea imiuecli.�t��l�• Lullo�.ti�ir�; eacl� ciac;e; i�.hat this petitzon ��:�s si��ed by e<<ch of saic� ownars in thc t�resence ol: Lhis affiant, a:1d that tt�e signatwres abovc arc thc true and coi•r•ect si„natui•es of caci� ai�d all of thc partics s describcd. 1 � ��ibscril�ed atid sn•oi�n to befoi•e me ,; tiiis . �lay of 1,- nc! i•ess: Telephone No. . .wNotary 1.'ul�lic �.~��� � A��p2•ovc�3 as to fuc•m 1/4/'v':'i Officc ot thc C�>1'parati.o�i C<�uriset . �,� . r . . _ y CIT`f OF SATNI' I'AUL, htI:vYESOTA � _ .,; ' + PETIT.I0;3 TO �1�11LA'U CF{AFyfEttS 60 thru 64 OF THE I�GISI.�ITIVE (ZONING) CODG , �Note: Thc si�ner should uppi•aiso himself of the uses permitted undcr the new classi- • tication bcrorc; si�nin� this patition. For furthcr information about the rezonin6 ot pi•operty, call tl,c Board of Zoniii� Office at 295-4151.. t ' c . (Please type or print Date; TO THE IiOhORE113LE AIAYOR AND CITY COUIr'CIL , • c/o tl�e City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall . City of SainL Paul, r�tinnesota Pursuant to Section G4.06 of the Le�islative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate si.tuated within 1G0 feet of th� real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50%, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone tho follow- ing ciescribed nropertS�; (le�al description and street address) � Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of � the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot 20; together with the P:orth 1/2 of that .vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the jdest line of said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet �aest from and parallel to the East line of said Lot 20, Elock 15, extended Southerly �ahich accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in favor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the Wzst 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, El.ock 15. , from P.T-1 2 Family ResidentiaDistrict to B-1 Local Business District, for the - purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the folloti�ing; (describe briefly the proposed facility) � Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD 01YATER SIGNATU BLOCK ADDITIOv Subject Property: 3-2 r 505 Universi ce t the S. 0 ft. for Avenue, ennis 0. Strohkirch 29 i 1 ichael's Subdivision of . *` � � -�.�<.�r.-�._ ; .�.�.�,,� � Block 14, Stinson's ' c v' 'o 507 Universit Avenue J � . State of 1linnesota ) ss County of Ramsey ) . bein� first duly s�vorn, deposes and states that l�e is thc pei•son who circulated the n�ithin petition consisting of �� pagcs; thaL tti� parlics descriUed ai�ovc are the owners respectively of the lots placeci imme.�cliatel�• tollo�sin�; ea�h name; Lhat Lhis petitzon v:as si�red by eaeh ot saicl owncrs in thc presence of this a�fiant , �nd that the si�nat�res abovc arc the tl'UC And correct siE;natures o.t each and all of the parties s described. Sul�scril��d �d s«�orn o beSore me this '_'d2 '�X�_ day of ��e_°-yy�,Fi�/ / ' ( 'S�" !'' • /�� /� �� / pdQress. . ��tv_°, ?,vrLJ . Tclenhone No. ~iJotar.y !'ublic ` �xa���l��.!�sa:���"•,?;.';;',�.a:::��;�.;,;;.?,���.s�?,�.�.�.�a�.�..� Approvc�! as to foi•m 1/Q/G5 � `, ,,� LNa E B��wN `' OSfi.cc of tlic Coi•��oraLion C��unscl � � '� f;, NoiarY P,-.�� F�ms�,y Co. htn. � `` �4Y CC;, �S!uPJ s`J,r'iRES A� � .Z ,.; � _, � �..� J��� 17, 1981 �' - . ,r.._.r-—'�,'�,...�"� ?K Vl�i'iP�"�'`YY:'Si'W!`11Y�Y'iiY d Y r i"YY il v V r YV i'l4 r17`Y'id; - - � CITY OF �a1INT P:IUL, ttIhiirSC1TA • _ -. - ' ��� PE'I'IT,ION TO Ab1ENll CFUll''1'Eli� 60 thru 64 OI' 1'1(L I.EGISLATIVE (ZONING) C011E . Note; The si�ncr should unprai,se himsolf of the uses permitted under the new classi- • -. � �icatioc� Ucforc; siRnin� tl�is petztion. Foc• further ititormation about thQ rezonin6 o.f property, call tl�e Board of Zoning Office at 298-4151. . (Ptease type or print) ` � Date; TO THE lIOhORt1I3LE RLIYOR AND CITY COUI�'CIL , c/o the City Clci•k, Itooa� 336 City Hall . • � City of Saint Paul� Tdinnesota Pui•suant to Section G4.06 of the Legislative Code, we, �he undersigned owners of two-thirds of thc several descriptions of real estate situated within 1G0 feet of tha� real estate aSfected, hereby acq�aiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to bc reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described �roperty; (legal description and street address) � Lots 16, I7, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of � the North�oest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of 'the Register of ,Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot 20; together with the.rorth 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the k'est line of said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet tvest from and parallel to the � East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended Southerly �ahich accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in f avor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the West 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , from RT-1 2 Family ResidentiaDistrict to B-1 Loca7. Business District, for the - purE�ose of installing� constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD O�Y;dER SIGNATURE LOT BLC?CK ADDITIO�t Subject Property; 3-1 5Q1 Universit • ce t the S. 0 ft for Av w rd ' ' ion � � , 14 Stinson's eor e Damiam c � 501 University Avenue State of biinnesota ) County of Ramsey ) ss bein� first duly sworn, depo��s and states that hc is t���: pe,•soi� ��•ho circulated the ���iLhin petition consistir.i; or � � pa�cs; that ; '�u parcies descriUcd aUo��e are t1�e ot+�ners respective) -.• c>f the lots placc:d immc�-� ,. : ..,1�• follo���in� ca�h nar,ic; that this petition �;as si;; �:3 by each of saict ownc�; � ,i thc presence of this affiant, and ttiat Lhc signat�.�cs above are Lhc truc and � � =:�ct si„natures of each and all of the parties so cJ��:•cribed. Sul>:-:,: : _ �cd and s���orn to beSore me thi:: �. . day of Adcirc:ss: Telet�hone No. .�IJotary 1'ublic � r Ap�roved �ts ta form 1/4/GS � Otf3.cc c�f Llic C�>r�c,i•aCion Counscl .,3 , �,x i t vr o:it:r t rNUL� idliV;ft'.JlI1N � - '��, PL•'TI'I'iUN T0� A,�1LNll CHAI'TL•'!t5 60 thru 6<� OI' THE I�i�GISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE ' Moto: Thc si�ncr should Appraise himsolf of the uses pormittod undcr the new classi- ' " iication befor� si�;ning tl�is petition. For further information about Lhe � rezonin6 of pro��erCy� call tbe Boai•d ot Zoning Office at 295-4151. (Please tync or print) t =� Data; TO THE HOhORABLE AtAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL , c/o the City Clci•k, Itoom 386 City fiall . City of Saint Paul, blinnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of thc several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the� real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50q, or more of the frontaae. to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- in� described property: (Legal description and street address) � Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of � the North�aest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of �the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Piinnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot 20; together with the North 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Blocic 15 lying East of the �vTest line of said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet west from and parallel to the � East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, ea tended Southerly which accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in f avor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the Ldest 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , from RT-1 2 Family ResidentiaDistrict to �-1 Local Business District , for the - pur�ose o.f installing, constructing and/or operating the following; (describe briefly the proposed facility) � Construct a MedicalJDental Clinic ' RECORD O�Y;dER SIGNATURE IAT BLOCK ADDITIO:i � Subject Property; 113-31 • 511 Sherburne • 28 2 Michael's Subdivision Rick J. Constantine of Block 14 Stinson's � Division Sharon M Con t 511 Sherburne Staie or ;llinnesota ) County of Ramsey � ss beinb first duly sworn� deposes and states that t�c is thc pe�•soii ;�•�zo circulated ttie k�ithin petition consistin6 of �� pa�;cs; thaC th� E�arlics described above are thc ot:�ncrs respectivel� or the lots placeci imnu�diaC�l�• follo«�in�; each nane; that this petition ��:as si�ned by eact� oI said OWl1(Trs in thc ��resence of this affiant , and Lhat Lhe siE;nat�ares abovc arc Lhe true And correct si�;natures of each and all of the parties so clescribed. - Subscril�ed and s�eorn Lo before me this �� day ofi< /57� • , ��� � .� . . .F� Acldress: • ��,�eJ Telcphoe�c No, I� ,��dF��'.�.,;,1!n�l:,;M,�<1i,�r2,n,n.%a/.,,�n.�e�/?�.M..s„1( � �; ,�; J[ANNE K. POOLER �;;� Af�Provcd as to farm 1/A/6� �; �� '�,� Notary Publsc, Dakcta Co., Minn. � 01�1.CC c9f the C��t•pU1•litiolt C��ut7SC1 a �� � MY COt�^fVi : !�N Ey,UIiiES ;' � � �"'�,` PAar 31 19d3 '� kV41!'S'�`'IV��vYY$v��a�v'�Y�Y�'�'i`�`�f"�°'7'�'GX � . . _ ,`: PCTITION TQ A,51END CIIAI'TEftS 60 thru G4 OF T}iE I,EGISI,�1'TIVE (ZONING) CODE • • Nt�to: The si�ner should appraise himself of thc uses pormitted undcr the new classi- � - fication b�Lore si�;uin�; tl�is petztion. For fui•ther iti#oi•mation about thc " rezonin6 of propei•ty� call tbe �3oai•d oi Zoning Office at 298-4151. (Ptease ty�e or prin�) ` ` Date: ��8��.� TO THE IIOIv'ORr'113LE biAYOR ANU CITY COUPtCIL , • � c/o thc City Clerk, Room 33G City Hal1 • City oF Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Sectzon 64.06 of the Legislative Code, �ve, the undersigned owners of two-tt�irds of ti�c several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet af the� real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50�, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing uescribed �roperty; (lebal description and street address) � Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of �the Register of :Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot :20; together with the horth 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said B1ock 15 lying East of the West line of said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet ��est from and parallel to the East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended Southerly which accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in f avor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the West 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , f rom RT-1 2 Family ResidentiaDistrict to B-1 Local Business District, for the - purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the follotising: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD O�'l:�TER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITIO\' Subject Property: 113-32 507 Sherburne ' 29 2 Michael' u d ' ion Tos � �n F � 3—�: B on's • . �, , c, _ . State of Alinnesota ) ss County of Ramsey ) . being first duly sworn, deposes and states that bc is ttie pe1•soii ;eho circulated ttie within petition consi.sting of pa6es; that. the part ies described abot�e are tbe o�:�ners respectively of the lots placed immecliatcl�• follo�ein� each nane; Lhat Lhis petition v;as si�aeci t,y each of sazd own��i•s in Lhe �,rescr�ce of Lhis affiant , and that the si�nat�ares above are Lhe �rue And correct si.�;natures of each and all of tl�e parties so described, Subsci•it eci��nd s���orn to before mc this ��day of J/C��� � � : ��/�li � � Addi•ess: . �.__ .__.. �'U._ . Telcphane No. �ir'otary J.'ublic . . ' . :: :`° '"kr; p��Proved as to foi•m 1/d/(i5 � . �•; t �,y _ , -•�. �..�, .,; Officc c�f thc C��r��or.tti��n C���nscl i-., ; _ �.;?`S � . � _ _.. .. . ....�, ..._. .. .�� .. , PL•'T.['CION TO, �L11f•:ND CtiAl'1'�:R� Ei0 thru 64 OF Ttil: LLGISI�ATIVE (?,ONING) CODE � I�'uto: The si�ner sbould AE�pr�ise �himsolf oY thc uses parmi�tod under the new classi- ' - iication betore si�;nin6 tliis pat-ition. For furthcr informaCLon about the ' rezonin6 or proE�erty, call the Boai•d of Zoniiig OSfice at 29$-4151. . (Please ty��e or print}� i Date: �VC���,�� TO TftE 1fOhORABI.E hiAYOR AN� CITY COUIv'CIL , c/o thc City Clci•k, Itoom 386 City Hall . • City o.f Saint Paul, btinnesota Pursuant to Section G�l.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of thQ• real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing uescribed property; (legal description and street address) � Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of � the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of �the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey , County, Minnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot 20; together with the I�orth 1/2 of tliat vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the Gdest line o£ said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet west from and parallel to the � East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended Southerly which accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in f avor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the West 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 2Q, Block 15. , from RT-1 2 Family ResidentiaDistrict to B-1 Local Business District, for the - purE�ose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECOR.D O�YNER SIGN URE LOT BIACK ADDITIO\' Subject Property: 113-33 ' 501 Sherburne 30 2 Michael's Subdivision C. V. Sanders of Block 14 Stinsonfs . , � , Division FRnav . • . � _ 501 Sherburne l' . St�te of 1linnesota ) County of Ramsey � ss being first duly sworn, de�,oses and states thaL- he is thc pcl•son who circulated the �eithin petition consisting of � pagcs; that thu par�i�s described above are tt�e oa�ners res�ectively of the lots placect imn,c�diatcl�• Sollo���in� each namc; that Lhis petition v:as sig�ed by each of said owncrs i» the presc�nce of this afriant , :ind that the si�natcares above arc L-hc true and correct si.;;natures oS each and all .of the parties so described. Subscril�ed ancl s�eorn to before me � this ��� . daY oS� /�j7lo � �/�J �' ��?�_ � . LL:_LW�� Address: Tala�h4s�e No. ' �i o ar 1'u�l"c � �,��a�R.��AA�►A.lvat��;�a�n,�,�,y,a.,w,�,,.,�x n[�provect as to foz•m 1/4/GC� � ,�:,.'a:�";3 JEANNE K. POOLER �'�„ � !;,,,,,,`�,,,���'+� �: Notary Public, Dakota Co., Minn. � or.r�.�� or thc'. CU1'pol'�1t1Ut1 Cc►ltt1SC1 � ;��� MY CGNIM!SSION EXPIRES � • / � ' tJiar. 31, 19&3 s;> , �� � �CG.r7'G��`/Ti'v1i'�S t r�r�"i'Y Y��,..vV l � �V�°�� � . . . . . . Y/�° rPti�: !ti�`?l � . . . . CLilt U�' :��tii`fi' P,1(iL, `��I;�'tF?�t7I':1 , _ : , YI•:i'I'!'I'ON 'I'O�t�ai�NU cnni�'i:EtS Gl1 thru G�I OF 1'!iL•' i,I;GISI�t1TYVE (ZONING) CO�E , I�'otc; '1'hc siE;ncr should n��prai3o himsclf oP 1:hv uses permitted undcr the new clz�ssi- � Iication bc;t�re siE;tiin�; this E,oCition. f'or fur�hcrr informat.Lon abouL Lhc rezonin�, o� �roperty, ca?.1 ttie Boarci �r 'Loc�i�ig Of.fice at 295-4151. . (Pleasc� typc or E�rin�) t c Dato; • � TQ Tf1E IIOh'Of�t'11ZI.E b1AYOR a1NU CiTY COII:�CIL , c/o the City Clci•k, Room 386 City Hall . City of Saint paul, riinnesota Pui•suant to Section G4.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owticrs of two--Lhirds of ti�c several descriptions af real estate situated within 1GU teet of the� real es�ate a�fected, hereby acquiesce; and we� the ownez•s of 50�, or more of the irontage to be reclassified, petition your tionorabl.e Body to rezone the follow- iug u�scribed propert3�; (lebal description and street address) , . . • Lots 16, 17, la, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith`s Subdivision of Stinson's Division of � the Nor. thwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 2}, Range 23, accordi�zg co the plat thereof on fi.le and of record in the office of �the Register of Ueeds within und for Rarr.sey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot 20; to�ether with Lhe North 1/2 of that vacated part of the a?ley in said Block .15 lying East o.f the �Jest line of said Block 15 and kest of a line dis tant 30 f eet west from and parallel to the East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended 5ourherly which accrued to said Lots� by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in f avor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the tdest 20 feet of the East 30 £eet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , from FT-1 2 Family Residenti.aDistrict to B-1 Loca1 Business District, for the - purE�ose of installinb, constructing and/or operating the follotitiing; (describe briefly the proposed facility) , • � Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD 0�5^.v'EI� SZ�NATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITrOv Subject Property; 130-1 500 �herburne N. 72 t. of Wi.11iam [�'. Arend 1 1 Michael's Suudivision � � =1� ' r�(.(i�, �'� , of Block 14 of Stinson`�. i � Division � . . �j�y� �%.4.;.��..:s�t.�> � � _ _ 'T Sou th S t. Paul., Mn. • �t�te of !lfinnesota ) , , Couuty of. Ramsey � ss beiug �irst duly s��orn, deposes and statcs that hc is ihe pe,•soii �+�ho circulaCed tlie ���itliin petition consistin� or a o pa6es; th��l Ll�u partic:s Qescribud aUove are thc o�ti•ners respectivel;r o�tl�e lots pL�cca xinmc.�cliat��l�• follo��•ino ca�h namc; L'hat Lhis petition ��•�s si�ncd by cach of ,aid own��rs in thc presence of Li�is aSfiant , and Lhat thc si�;nitt�res abovc �rc Liic truc �►nd correct si{;natures oI each ancl all of ti�e parties so described. ' - Sul>scril�ect and su•orn to UcSorc me � tl�is 1� day of y7� � � � � ` nda,�c�s: . . �_�����.���.._�����..,.,,__ 7'r.lcphonc No. ' � 'j ��R.IbAR11Ctl6�A!���[��✓16L%��/,�,i.�/ni:f,`,,�.M!:�R.n T.�ta.� . < � �. /1E�proved as to form 1/�1%G3 ,c �,� JcAl��NE IG P00' FR • r ;; p �+ !; fdoiarp F�ci. L� � z 4: i��nn. �r: Of�i.CC c�f tlt� CU1'��c►l':ili.�:,rl ('��unSCl �� �j�;,�' r,�ti• c � :,::� ��, �.��,��:�.s �: :� ' �f r. 31 1933 ;�. � � }�C!`�'��'�"YC�'G'�tr ti r v�7 r v 1'v"vYvil�'u iY�"v'r'YOY�iV iC ' . _,..._ . .... . . , ..�,..� .i n.. �.. i i c ti - _ PETI'i'ION T4 �1�`.1L•'Ir'U CNAY`i'�RS 60 thru G�1 OF 'I'}iE I..EGISI..�TIVE ('LONING) CODE h'ote; The si�ner should pnpraise himsolf of the uses permitted under the new classi- - fication betor� 51(;I11R� tbis potition. F'or further informatlon about the � rezoiii.n6 of pro��erty, call ti�e Board ot 'I.oning Offico at 295-4151. . (Please tyne or print)` � Data; TO T1iE IIOP:ORE113LE hIAYOR AIVD CITY COUNCIL � c/o the City Clei•k� 1;oom 386 City }Iall • City of Saint Paul, ltinnesota Pursuant to Section 64.OG of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds or thc several descriptions of real estate situated. within 1G0 feet of the� real estate affected, hereby acq�aiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontag� to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing ciescribed property: (legal description and street address) • Lots ,16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of � the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 24, 22ange 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of 'the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot 20; together with the horth 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the k'est line of said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet west from and parallel to the � East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended -Southerly which accrued to said Lots . by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in favor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the tdest 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Slock 15. , f rom �T-1 2 Fam ily ResidentiaDistrict to B-1 Local Business District, for the - pur�ose of installin�, constructing and/or operating the follotiring: (describe briefly the proposed facility) • Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD O�'�'NER SIGNA U LOT BLOCK ADDITIOv Subject Property; 13Q-2 � , � 4�9 Mackubin '� '' �� South 21.9 fe t of Lot 1 and South . � . et o st eet o 0 2, homas J. D isle Block . , Mich el's Subdivision of � � lock 14, Sti son's Division . • . ,� ros er R. DeLisle Lot l exce t the North 72 f.eet and _ 1146 Rice Street excep the So th 21.9 f aet, and the . DeLisle Realt Inc. North 21.6 fe t of the South 43.5 feet f Ea.st 5 feet of Lot 2, Block ' k 14, Stins 's Div sion State or �13nnesota ) � County of Ramsey � ss being first duly s�vorn, deposes and states that !�e is tl�e �>ei•son ;eho circulated the «•iihin petition consi.sting of .�� pages; that Ct�c {�ai•ti�s desci•it��d ai�ove az�e the owners respectively of tl�e �.ots placed � imnicciiat��l�• tollotrin�; ea�h name; Lhat this petition v:�ts sigued by each of said owncrs in thc presence oi this affiant , and that the si6natc�res above arc Ltie Cruc And correct si�;natures of cach and all of tl�e parties so descri.bed. � SuUsci•il�cd and s�soi•n to beSoi•e me , this �l3 � day of �,� �/�'�� I C'�- pddi•ess: � T�lepho�e No. ' � Jr1ri,Jn�L.�.�;ya/a7.,`,^J,,�.�,�l,n,^:a,!d�.a�.4.A,1f � ,.:+"_°:�:,:y JL;Flf\NC K. POCLEF. c; /�n�lrOVe� as to form 1/!!/G5 � �„ �'!1? .k= ��0�°f t'�'�Jl r -� - y. . g— Y - L S;,i<, I��r� �. � ta;�rf�`�,i MY C.Oh4li'��'V�\ k ri�*:c.� 3' �t��CC O� ti1C CUt'E701':tt1Gf1 �.'nU�ISCl �'"� Mar 31 1.83 �. ?�Gi/11�.V4''7i 17�'�r Yyv y y'Y'Ve��tiri(V'�V7�Y�f1f7�4►'ii'�X t, . . . l.ilz vr 7r�1.i�e �•1�uL, :tt:�;vY.Stitil . - - • 1'E'CI'�ION T� MiLNU CFfAi'T�RS 60 thru 6� OF TFiL•' I,EGISI.lITIVE (ZONING) CODF , �Note: Thc si�ncr should ahprai.so himself of the uses pormi�tad under the new classi- • fication bulor� si�;ning this petition. For furthcr informatlon a�oul Lhe ' rezonin� of properLy, call the I3oard oT Zoniiig Office at 298-4151. ; (Please typc or print) � Date; TO THE }IOI�'ORAI3I.� h1AYOH ANU CITY COUiv'CIL , c/o the City Clci•k, Room 386 City lIall . • City of Saint Paul, Pdinnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of tt�e Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds or thc several descripti.ons of real estate situated within 100 feet of the� real estate affected� hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of SO%, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described ��•operty; (legal description and street address) � Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of � the horthwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, according to the plat therepf on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot 20; together wi�h the horth 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the West line of said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet �aest from and parallel to the � East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended Southerly which accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in favor of the City of St�. Paul for alley purposes over the 4]est 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. ; from RT-1 2 Family ResidentiaDistrict to B-1 Local Business District, for the � puY•�ose of ins�alling, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facil.ity) Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BIACK ADDITIOv Subject Property: 130-4 � e u �. ce t he E. 5 f t. of the S. 43 .5 , . � 's Statc of hlinnesota ) County of Ramsey � ss being first duly sworn, depo�es and states that hc is the pei•son ti��ho circulaCed the ���ithin petition consisting of � � pages; that. th� par[ic;s described abo��e are tt�e ov.�ners respectively of the lots placeci imn�ccliatel�• tallo�►•in� each name; Lhat this petition v;as si�red by each of said owners in thc presence of this affiant , and that thc si�natUres abovc �tre Lhe true And correct si.�natures of cach and all of the partics so described. SuUscril�ed �nd s��•orn o bcrore me ' tf►is ���ay or �/97� � . yL� v C�n � , � Acid�•e,s: �r,�,(2C1�_ _ � Telcphot�c No. I�otary 1'ublic ' .�.,�.,? ..,..�w.,� .,...?. . ,':t�, ���,��;e..R:��./,��* AAProvC� as to form 1/4/f 5 �� � F � '.' ,�,'r� `° O�ficc c�T thc Cor��oratioi� Cc>unscl °.:. � ,�' . . , �. ,�.y Cc F��,,. ' _ ' `. riF S ° � ;,, ' � ,x , /, �. 7 � . . �� - � � . . . K J .,� . . . r:1���'�rZ r Y��:�Y�i Y� e y:� .. ,e J 1.:i'i��f��Y T���ti�la« � • . . ir. _._ , _ .,,. ... ��.,, .,�. ...���n _ • . PL"TITiUN TO, tUtiIENU CtU1F'`1'LIL.ti 60 thru 64 OF TF[�; LL•'GISLATIVE (ZO;vING) CODE � Ncitc: 1'ha si�ncr should A��I•aise himself of thc c�ses permitted under the new classi- .' - iicati�n be;for� si�;nin�; tbis petition. For further information about the � rezonin6 of property� call thc Board or Zonin6 Olfice at 29$-4151. (Please type or print) i ,� Date; TO THE IIOtiORABLE tiIAYOR AND CITY COUYCIL , c/o tl�e City Clcrk, Room 386 City Hall . City of Saint Paul, hSinnesota Pursuant to Section G4.06 of tt�e Le�islative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of thc several descriptions of real estate situated within 1G0 feet of the� real estate affected, hereby acqwiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontag� to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing uescribed �roperty: (legal description and street address) � Lots �16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision o£ StinsonTs Division of � the North�oest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29., Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of 'the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot 20; together with the Idorth 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the ��'est line of said B1ock 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet west from and parallel to the East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended Southerly which accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in f avor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the Ldest 20 f eet of the East 30 feet ot said Lot 20, Slock 15. , from RT-1 2 Family ResidentiaDistrict to B-1 Local Business District, for the - purE�ose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD O�Y;dER SIGNATURE LOT BIACK ADDITIOY Subject Property; 130-5 5.08 Sherburne 3 1 Michael's Subdivision A nes M. Salmonson of Block 14 Stinson`s ' 0 S erbur' � Division rnest Salmonson } State of 1linnesota ) County of Ramsey � ss being first duly sworn, deposes and states thaL- lie is thc pci•son u�ho circulated the «�ithin petitiosi consisting of a�, pagcs; that. tl�� parties ctesci•iUed abo��e are thc owners respecta.vely of the Lots pl.accd ' immediatcl�• rollowin�; cach nanc; Lhat Lhis petition u�as si�ned ty each ot sai.d OWIII?t'5 in thc presencc of this affiant , and that thc si�natc;res above are Ll�c true And coi•.rect si�;natui•es of each arid all of the parties so described. Sul�scribed aqd s�eorn to beSore me ? t h i s �d a y o f i��ji4��n���`��f � Addrr.ss: .. .....___._�°...�.._���%�!�l Telephone No. �NoL�zr.y Public � � x��l���,��,m�a�,,?,�f.,�,, .r, ,,���.,��,r a.-- AE�hroved as to form 1/4/G5 � �` ,. '.;a - OCLicc caf tirc Coc•(�oration Counscl rr�.- ,. � ' r ('p, �^ � �r .. "•. .�'.��i;:LJ " . � � � � � /� � ,� .. ,r ay : � `' 7 1;-�� ;r ' K V��'Y ti'i H`a�;�i f�Y F r r�..���-. b . • � .. .i 7�Y./�YV1�/"�`3`,"v v: - ;, PETI'fION TO tL11L•'ND CHAI'T�RS 60 th�•u 64. OF T}{E LE;GISL:ITIVE (7.ONING) C'ODr •� • hote; ThQ si�ncr should nppraise himsolf of thc uses pormittad under the new classi- _ rication Uefore siRnin�; Lhis potition. For f.urthcr information about thc: - rezoninb of property, call thc Board of Zoning Office at 298-4151. . (Please type or printj� � Date; TO TFiE IiONORABLE b1AYOR ANU CITY COUI�'CIL , - c/o the City Clcrk, Room 33G City Hall . City of Saint Paul, ;tiinnesota Pursuant to Section G4.06 of thc Legislative Cpde, we, the undersigned owners of two-thir@s of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 1G0 feeL of tha, real estate affected, hereby acq�iesce; and we, the otivners of 50�, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your �Ionorable Body to rezone the follow- in6 uescxibed �roE�erty: (legal description and street address) � Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of � the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, To�anship 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office �of "the Register of :Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, e.xcept the East 10 feet of said Lot� 20; together with the l�orth 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the West line of said Block 15 and Lvest of a line distant 30 feet west from and parallel to the � F.ast line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended Southerly u��hich accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in f avor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the West 20 feet .of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Elock IS. , from RT-1 2 Family ResidentiaDistrict to B-1 Local Business District, for the - purpose of installing, constructino and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) . Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD O�Y;�iER SIGNATURE LAT BIACK ADDITION SuUject Property: 2-5 � 4.6.9 Universit , I ron M. Joh on ' uhr�;z�i�-t�n of • � , n�s ���� State of Dlinnesota ) County of Ramsey � ss bein� first duly sworn, deno�es and states that bc is the ��e,•son u•ho cii•culated the ���ithin petition consisting of � pa6es; that tliu parties ctescrib�d above are tlie owners respectively of thc lots placea im�ucciiatcl�• tollo�vin�; eacl� nane; Lhat 1:his petitzon vras si�ned by each ol saict owncrs in Lhc presence of this affiant , and that thc si�natc:res abovc �re Lhe truc And coi•c•ect si.�;riatui•es of each and all of the parties so described. SUIJSCI•ibed and s�eorn to bcroi•c mc �f // � this ��, daY of� � / y7G �, � [.� . .__ ��/ e`��y�� Add res s. �`�, Telephore No. �ary Yublic � a A�m��l.A�l,AAAld1,�,A�,�2n1al�.n,a�r✓�,�,,�..aMaa� A D P ro ved a s t� f o rm 1/4/�5 < ��;,� .l�:�r���E �ti. Po��[R Of fzcc of thc C��r��oraCic�n Counscl- ; fa „ `�x: Notary Pi?�lic Dakota Co., t�inn. �„ � � ��`'r��},�` NtY �Gt�in,' ,�cE E::P14F�5 ;> • / ,3 Et�` ' r�ar 31 lyt>� :y ' JKC�'G°`✓'b'Yv"i�Y�'YV1�S"�r.?''YY�ie�L"Yit7rY1�"'YY/'L�'j� . _ • _. __ _ -.-- __._ . _ ---- .-..—��,,�.�r�.....-..--.—��-�-4� t;t't'`l OF 5�1I;+"I' P�1UL, 'tI\`1�50T:1 � - ` PETI'�'ION TO AbiLYU CF1/l�''1'EltS 60 thru 64 OF TH�; I.EGISLATIVE (7,OIv`ING) C011E Note: Tho si�ner should apt�r�ise himsolf of the uses permitted under the new classi- _ ' fication before si�;nin�; this pQtition. For further information a�out t;he rezoning of property, call the Board of 'Loniii6 Office at 298-415I. i . (Ptease type or print) � ~ Date; TO THE lfOh'ORABLE h1AYOR ANU CITY COIJIv*CIL � c%o thc City Clci•k, Room 386 City Hall . City of Saint Paul, ;�Iinnesota Pursuant to Section G4.06 of Ll�e Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of tw�-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within L00 fcet of the� real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the a�vners of SOry, or more of ths frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the fO1�OW— ing aeseribed properLy: (legal description and street address) � Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of � the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office �of �the Register of Deeds �aithin and for P.amsey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot �20; together with the Ivorth 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Eloci� 15 1S•ing East of the tdest line of said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet �vest from and parallel to the East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended Southerly which accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in f avor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the Zdest 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , from RT-1 2 Family ResidentiaDistrict to B-1 Local Business District, for the - pur�ose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD 0��l;dER STGNATURE IAT BIACK ADDITIOY Subject Property; 129-12 402 Mackubin '� �-�c���c' ots 1 17 1 and Z9. Block 15, B � . � T ' � � Staie of Atinnesota } County of Ramsey � ss , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that hc • is thc person who circulated the i��ithin petition consistzng �of o��_pagcs; th�t. the partics described aUove are the oa�ners respectivell: of tt�e lots placcd imin�diat��l�• tollo�einb each nane; Lhat Lhis petitzon �;•as si��ed by each ot said owners in the pi•esencc of this affiant , anct that the si�nat�res abovc are Lhc truc And coi•z•ect si�;ciatui•es of each and all of ti�e parti:es s described. � , Subscc•il�ed and s�ti�oi•n to�beSoi•e me � \ this �day of � , 7 i / ,� Addt•ess: � ..�����..�_. ��L ��-7� 1 . Telc�honc No. iJot���Y,•l,�4�t?:l}i,a�, ,. ...� �.,.,�� '� c_ ,, :� � ;^ � „r,-:�rn nrn,•ovcr� as ta f�rm 1/4/G5 �� � f� ..� i�.; .. , .. i��°. If°""' Olfic:c c�f tl�c CorporaCian Counscl .� ; - � � IV1y �GI t ,:i. �F�.:. �...;)ItcS �.;r . . . 4-� � l. �. u� �i J . 'r' . . . .. � � f � ... , � � � � � �. � � � � }�v'?\Y'i�'riti'�:v�•.riiti•�r�a,:' .�Y'r'`oi��'Y"Y?{ • � �c� . " "�-`#e�nildID�=.-.':!' ._.. ...w-�:_. ...3�"3'2Ms.' _ �+. c.�:�:. '4�::Y_9a��fYY_^�., '}...z.'�::ti.� _.:-'� ' �–_ ..����i — ' . _ —r — A'i+ ' .,.u��c,.YSr�:.3 _ — .�.... � - CITY OF SAINT PAUL,. AiIA'I�SOTA ,• ` � PETITION 7'O AMEND CHA[ri'E�tS 60 thru 64 OF TNE LEGISLATIV� (ZONIh'G) CODE Noto: Tl�e si�ner sl�ouid a�praise himsGlf of the uses pormitted under the new classi- � Sication betor� si�ni:ig this petition. J;br rurther inSormation �bout thc� rezonin6 or property, call ti�c Board of Zonin� Oftice at 298-4151. . (Please tyne or print) � Date; ����'����� TO THE IIONORABLE 1�tAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � c/o the CiLy Clcrk, Room 386 City Hall . . City of Saint Paul� blinnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of tfie several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of � the. real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of SO�o or more o� the fronta�Q to be reclassified, petition your }Ionorable Body to rezone the foilow- ing ciescribed �roperty, (legal description and street address) � - Lots 16, 17, 1S, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Sti�son's Division of � the Northw�st 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office �of �the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot 20; together with the North 1/2 of •that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the West line of s�id Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet west from and parallel to the � East �line of said Lot 20, Block 15, e�tended Southerly which accrued to said I.ots . by reason of vacation, subject to an easement 3n f avor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the West 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , from RT-1 2 �'amil�ResidentiaDistrict to B-1 Local Business District, for the - pur��ose of instalting� constructing and/or operating the fo.11owing: (des�ribe bri.efly the proposed facilityj � Construce a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD OIYNER SIGNATU LOT BLOCK ADDITIOY Subject Property; ►y 4-�2 4U2 Mackub n 20 15 ' on- of . Its Ma or Stinsons Division . City of Saint Paul , ' . 1 State of Dtinncsota ) � County of liamsey ) s� . Georqe Latimer bein� first duly sworn, deposes and staL�s that hc is ti�c E�ci•son u�ho circulaCed tt►e ���ithin petition consisting of one P�1;�;+�; th�L Lh� pa�•ties described abo��e are th� owners respectively of the lots placed immediatel�• Sallo�tin� ca�h namc; that this petition v���s si�n�ed by cach of said oN�n��rs in ihc presence of this affiant, and that the si�nat�ares above are thc truc � nnd corroct si�;natures oi each and All of tlie partie so described � Subscribecl �nd sa•orn to before me . t��.is �2gth . day of December, 1976. n Address 347 City Hall ,_, Telephone No. 298-4323 { :,•'�� JANE�. RETTNER Anrxoved as to i'orm 1/�1/G5 " `�.,.Y! NOTARY PUBUC — MINNESOTA � � �;'�•�. RAMSEY COUNTY OfSi.ce of thc C�r��or�LiUn Caunscl � '���'' My Commissron Expins luly 12, 1979 , ..' , ._ � - • - �,• , �� .� . � �:i � '`` . �... , - '. . . : . . _J..,�ar —.,.. . _. - � CI1'Y t?E'' S��Ii,'1' F'r�UL, ��1Ii�;';EtiO'I'A � ' PLi'I'f,IUN TO A.�11;itU CFIAI''1'LIt� 60 thru 6�1 OF THE L1:GISLEITIVE (ZO;TING) C011G Note: fhe si�ner should np�raiso himself of the uses pe�-mittod undc2• the new classi- _ . fication bcl'ore si�;nin� this petition. Ibr furthcr information abouC 1:he rezonznb of pi•operty, call ti�c Board of Zoning Ofiice at 298-4151. : , (Please type or print) ` Date; TO TF{E IiONORf1I3LE b1AYOR ANU CITY COUIv'CIL � c/o the City Clcrk� Room 3S6 City Halt • City of Saint Paul, btinnesota Pursuant to Section G4.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of thc several descriptions of real estate situated within 1G0 feet of the• real estate affected, hereby acqwiesce; and we, the owners of 50�, or more of the frontage to be i•eclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the foLlow- in� uescribed proE�erty: (J.egal description and street address) � Lots l6, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of , the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 f eet of said Lot 20; together with the North 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the h'es•t line of said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet cvest from and parallel to the � East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended Southerly which accrued to said Lots by rP�son of vacation; subject to an easement in f avor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the West 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , from RT-1 2 Family ResidentiaDistrict to $-1 Local Business Distr�ct, for the � pi�r��ose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following; (describe briefly the proposed facility) Construct a Medical/Dental Cl.inic ' RECORD O�Y;(ER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; 129-11 ,� - 476 Sherburne �� � - x�t2z --21 1 ' 'on Francis M. Blossom of Bloc of S inson's � ' �� �' , . �, , ' ��f�._ti'.("°�_�?,:r,�` �?-,� t��..� � D1V1S10 � State of btinnesota ) County of Ramsey � ss being first duly sworn, deposes and states that t�e is tt�e ��ei•son tivho circulaCed the «�ithin petition consistin� of .�� pagcs; that. tli� partics desci•ibcd aUove are the oH�ners respectivel� of the l�ts placcci � immecliat��l�• followin�; ca�h name; that Lhis petition v:as sigr�ed by each of saicl owncrs in thc presence of this a.ffiant , and that thc si�natcu•es abovc are Lt�e true and correct sib�iatui•es of each �itd all of the parties so described. � Subsci•i1�ed and s�coi•n to beSoi•e me this day o�' ' pcldress; . • Tciephor�c No. �i�otary 1'ublic ^.r A�►pro��ed as to form I/4/G5 - Officc c�f thc Cc�r{�c>ration Co,inscl . . : �� � �..�+.1 vr .�:itnl [-r1liL� �I11:�1'IGJVIH . . . PGTITION TO E1,1SENll C}�A.iYI'L•'ft� 60 thru 64 OF Tt{�; I.I;GI5L,l1TIVE (ZONING) COnF. � : _Note; The si�nci• should A�(�i•aisQ himself of the uses pormitt�d under the new classi- • _ fication bclore si�;nin�; this petition. For fu�•ther information abouL the rezonin6 of property, call tt�e �3oard of Zonii�� Office at 298-4151. . (Please tyhe o.r print) t { Date; TO TFIE ![ON�RABLE hiAYOR A.YD CITY COUNCIL � • c/o the City Clcrk, I;oom 386 City };all . CiLy of Saint Paul, biinnesota Pursuant to 5ection 64.06 of the Legislative Code, �ve, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the� real estate aftected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50y', or more of the fi•ontaoe to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone tho follow- in6 ciescribed property; (le�al description and street address) � Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Bl.ock 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of � the Northcoest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of �the Register of Deeds within and €or Ramsey County, Piinnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot .20; together with the rorth 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the West line of said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet west from and parallel to the East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended Southerly which accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in favor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the West 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , from RT-1 2 Family ResidentiaDistrict to B-1 Local Business District, for the � purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) � . Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD OPIPIER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION � SLbject Property; 129-10 474� Sherburne Lot 2 , excep the East 19.65 f eet � thereo , Bloc 15, Smith s Sub ivision Clara A. Tahnk of S�ti sons D' ision . . T � 474 Sherburne . State of Alinnesota ) � Couiity of Ramsey � ss beins first duly sworn, deposes �nd states that he is the ��erson who circulaLed the ���ithin petition consisting of �(o pa�es; that. thc: partics described above are thc ou•ncrs respectively of thc lots placcci immccliatel}• .CUllo�ein� each nane; Lhat Lhis �etition r;as sigr.ed t�y each ot saici owncrs 9.n thc prescncc of this affiant, at�d that Lhe si�nat�ires abovc arc Lhc true And corrc�ct si�;natures of each and all of the parties so described. StiUscrii�ed and s�eorn to n�ro�•c mc • t n�s s2.�.—��}' °'� _ ��9� � � � �. � .��Q Q. .L� �C�C�I'C 5 S M Tclept�one No. o ar 1.'ui>lic � ~ � x,���.��.A.AAA�„�.A�J�!�„�J�:,!,.�n�,,;�nf,�:��;a��,��,�.�,,� A[�provecl as to form 1/�I/G5 < ;;�:;;�:'�• JEANN� K. FOCLER ;> Of.fi.ce c�f thc Coi•{x�i•:itic,n Cc�unscl ,�.oz �� U'"�.' ,�c Notary Public, Dzketa Go., Iviinn. � � t��`�� MY CO(`lMISSiON EXPIRES � • • ,y '�.....•' Mar. 31 1983 `� I� ?�c�`y�' � . �'�7�"C Y Y J'r Y r w'�5'Iti�%Y Y l/L/'e%Y`7"v'�\�1�/V1"/}�l' - C:['I'Y OE SAIN'i' P�1UL, PdTf;N'�'SCYfrI __ I'ETITION TO E411l�Iv1) CtIAI''1'ER� 60 thru G�! OF TfiE LF,GISLATIVE (7,nNING) CODE - Notc: The si�;ncr shou2d uppraise himsolf of t��e uses permittod undez• the ne�v classi- " � rication befor� siRninti ti�is petition. For further informatiou about Lhe rezonin6 of pi•onerty, call tl�e Board ot 'Loniii� Office at 298-415I. t . (Please type or print ) { Date; TO THE IIOhORf1BLE bIAYOR AND CITY COUPICIL � c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City liall . . City of SainC Paul, htinnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of thc sever�l descriptions of real estate situated within 1G0 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of SOq, or more of thc frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone thQ follow- ing described �roperty: (legal description and street address) - Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of ' the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, To�onship 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of �the Register of :Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot 20; together with the North 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the k'est line of said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet west from and parallel to the East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended Southerly which accrued to said Lots � by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in f avor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the West 20 feet o£ the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , fror� RT-1 2 Family ResidentiaDistrict to B-1 Local Business District, for the - pur��ose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following; (describe briefly the proposed facility) � Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD OCI;�iER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITIOY Subject Pr.operty: 129-9 ��' .�y 472 Sherburne .,��C� `� d'6'����^'�' T Grant H. Thomason Block 5 Smi hs Subdivis'on. f , , � `h�l.��,.�, a. �-•o,�n<,a.,ti,`, Stinso s Divi ion � Mari n A. Thomason A . � 472 Sherburne State of blinnesota ) ss • County of Ramsey ) . being first duly sworn, deposes and states that hc is thc pei•soli u•ho cii•culated thc �eithin petition consi.sting of �,�, nages; thal. i:t�e p�rcics described aDovc are the owners respectively oS the lots placca imroactiaCel�• fullo��•ing cach name; Lhat Lhis petition v;as si��:ed by each oL said owners in the presence of this afiiant , and that the signatc�res above �ire Lhe true And correct si.�;natures af ,eact� and all of the parties so cscribed. Su?�scc•il�cd and st��orn to before me , /� . this �2�day of �-�176 -. i� . . _ . .. �__1��v �._ _ Add res s� Te7.epl�ane No. /��1�A6Sca��.T��M,�,�,2.��,��,��=�..!aR..a.N�,?( :�a?:;;°. JEANNE K. FOOLER ;: Anrro�-�� �s to fo2•m '!/4/�5 ,�:, U,=,�'����� ,�'t Notary Public, �akota Co., Minn. � Of Li.cc vf tlic C�r(ioraLion Cuunsel „� �'s���,,'� MY CG�IMISSION EXPIRES } ' / R e�l•' Mar. 31 1983 � �C� :rc X'n.`5��1Y�°i{"v�.l"1 i y,r.:v t i v y"'=�: 1�r�%N'��i`r t;��''g'GC''}( ' ci1�t oF 5:1IPtT r1uL, �tt��^rrsara . PETI'C'ION "CO A,titENll CHA��TERS 60 thru 6� OF THE I.EGISLATIVE (ZO;YING) COD� -Note: The si�;ner should Appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classf- � " � iication beforc: si�;nin6 this petition. F'or furthcr information about the rezoning of property, call thc Board of Zonin� Office at 298-4151. . (Please tyne or print)t ` Date: TO T}iE }[Oh'ORABLE b1AY0R ANU CITY COUIv'CIL � c/o Lhe City Clcrk, Room 386 City Hall . City of Saint Paul, biinnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Le�islative Code, we, the undersi�ned owners of two-thirds of tlic several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the� real estate affected, hereby acq�iesce; and we, the owners of 50i, or more of the frontag� to be reclassified, petition your Iionorable Body to rezone the fol.iow- ing dascribed property; (legal description and street address) - Lots �16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of � the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office �of �the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot 20; together with the North 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the �dest line of said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet west from and parallel ta the � East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, e�:tended �Southerly cJhich accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in f avor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the West 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , from RT-1 2 Family Resi.dentiaDistrict to B-1 Local Business District, for the � ptir��ase of installing, constrvcting and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD ONDIER SIGIv'ATURE IAT BLOCK ADDITIO;V Subject Property; 129_g 468 Sherburne �� 23 15 Smith's Subdivision a ter z 'nson's • • � n ) (n � 468 Sherburne State of tilinnesota ) ss County of Ramsey ) . being first duly swox•n, deposes and states that hc is the pei•son who circi�lated Lbe �eithin petition consisting of �_ [�ages; thaC Che partzes descriUcd above are the owners respectively of the lots E�lacca � immcdiatcl�• Sollotti•ing cach namc; that this petitzon ��as si�c�cc! by each ol said 011i11Q1'S .111 LI1C presence of thi.s affiant , and that the si�na�cares abovc arc Lhe truc and correct si�;natures of eacl� and all of the parties so described. Subscribed�tid s«�orn Lo beforc me this �� L� d:�y oi 7l0?wv��&�,.- / 9 z( �� Address: . ......_..+��_..�.:._�ur�� Tc I e n h ar�c No. � 2� ���Aa► � •••. UNA E. BROWN . A(�[�roved as to Sorm 1/�!/f5 -'�_+�� Notary Public, Ramsey Co. Mn. OTfi.CC c�f tltc C�3rpc>1•.tti��tt CC�uriscl � . � MY COMMISSION�EXPIRES JuIY 17, 1981 �.7 ?(1r�'�t��tf'�1V�i'i�Y'��'(�`�'�ltl� . � l;l'1'i UI' Jil1NC i'AUL� ;�IZ.'�N:'.�C1T:1 PETI'fION '1'U tti�1ENU CFiAl''I'1�;1t:; 60 thru G�l OF TIiE I.�GISI.r'1'I'IV� (7,ONING} COI)E . .l�oto: Thc si�ncr should Appi•a�se himsolf of the uses permittod under the new classi- � - . fication bulore signin�; this petition. For further information about tbe rezonin6 o.f propei•Ly� call tl�e Board of Zoniii� Otfice at 298-4151. t (Please typc or �rint� ` Date: TO TfiE lIONORABLE �,AYOR AND CITY COUI�TCIL � • • c/o the City Clcrk, I;oom 38G City fiall • City of Saint Paul, illinnesota Pursuant to Section G4.06 of the Legislative Cade, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of thc several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the• real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50%, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- in� ciescribed property; (legal description and street address) � Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson�s Division of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Townshi.p 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of �the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot 20; together with the horth 1/2 of tliat vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the L,'est line of said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet �oest from and parallel to the � East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended Southerly cahich accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in f avor of the City of St. Paul for alle}• purposes over the West 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , from RT-1 2 Family ResidentiaDistrict to B-1 Local Business District, for the • pur�ose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: _ (describe briefly the proposed facility) Construct a Medical/Aental Clinic ' RECORD O�Y�TER SIGh'ATURE IAT BLOCK ADDITIO�T Subject Property: 114-18 499 Sherburne 31 1 ' 'on n 'nson's . 8!�; , � � ti�; ' �„ � f:,-=� % - � " ' i / - ' State of Alinnesota ) ss County of Ramsey ) . being first duly sworn, deposes and states that- hc is the person who circulated the ���ithin �etition consistir.g of _�_ pa�es; that tt�e parcies desc�•ibcd abo��e ai•e thc owncrs respectively of the lots placc�d immc.�ciiatel�• t'ollo�rin� each name; that ihis �etition ��:as si�ned by eact� ot said owners in thc presence oS this �ffiant, and that thc si€;natWres aUove are Lhe truc and correct si�;natures of cach and all of the parties so describcd. � Su�scrii�ed 1t�rJ s�rorn to beSore me t h i s ����'d a y o f j�c�yr,,� ���� � ^ � ,� .. e��� �. �`� . Addi•ess. Talehhor�e No. N o t a ry k ul�1 i c x.���,�l�kr�6a�:�AiJ.��.la.��.�.,?�,�n":r!!.�.�.��.r,nr,2.�,�.�� � : �psn E ,^� �n, � p��tirover�3 as to form 1/4/65 s `� �- �' �. r�ot ry �'�. � " e'� �o �''' '= Of f icc c�I' thc; C�i•��c�ratiott Caunscl � i ', r i r � � J �PIrrS T �.m, �,�^� 's.. . �EJ � F � �, 7 �.�'.�1 �,. ' . �(�G•�Y�`IV''1y�IY;tiYYYlWYYYilYY�1:Y\I�VYYY��"V� . � � . . _ ..iic v� .�r1Li�i i-rtivi,� r•iiiv;rc.vttt � PLTt'I�ION •ro ati��rrv cf�uYrLf� GO thru 62 OF TFI� L�:GISLATIVE (ZONIIv'G) CODE � _NotQ; The si�;ner siiould n��raiso himsolf of the uses permitted undcr the new cl.assi- . Sication belorc: si�;nin�; this petztion. For further informat3.on about the rezonzn�; of property� call tlie Board oS Zoning Office at 298-4151. (Please type ar print) t � Date; TO THE IiOiVORrV3L.E h1AYOR AND CITY COU:�'CIL � c/o ttie City Clci•k, Itoom 336 City Hall . . City of Saint Paul, hlinnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of thc several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of tho� real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we� the owners of 50qo or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone. the follow- ing described �roperty; (legal description and street address) • Lots �16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of � the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Townstiip 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of �the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot 20; together with the North 1/2 of �that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the k'est line oi said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet �aest �rom and parallel to the � East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended 'Southerly which accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in favor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the West 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , from RT-1 2 Faniily ResidentiaDistrict to B-1 Local Business Dis'trict, for the - pui•E�ose of installing, constructing and/or operating the follouing; (describe briefly the proposed facility) . Construct a Piedical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD O�Y*IER SIGNATURE I�CYF BIACK ADDITIOV � Subject ProperLy: 114-19 495 Stierburne 32 15 Smith's Subdivision of enr J. Wasilk f ee owner Block 15 of Stinson's � � � . � ivision � n Wa ilk . � enneth J. C hapdelaine,c/p 0913 Radisson Drive urnsville Minne ota 5337 � �l ?/`✓;L'_: ' J�=�,1� , �/ � � � �"/.. /i �' Stat-c of ;llitinesota ) ss County of Ramsey ) . being first duly sworn, deposes and states that hc is the ��ei�son who cii•cul�tecl the n�ithin petition consistir.g of `�[�a�es; tl�at. tl��� pai•tics desci-ib�d at�ovc ai•e thc owncrs i•espectivel�� of thc lots placcd immcciiat��l}• tolloe•in�; eacb name; that Lhzs petitzon �►•as signed by each of said owncrs in thc presencc of this affiant , and that Lhe si�nat�res abovc arc Lhc truc and coi•rcct :;i.�;iiatui•cs of cach and all of the parties so escribcd. Subscri.l�ed and s���orn to �CSOI•c mc ttiis �;� . day oI //`7G . r^ /�G�� Address: ' _�1 Telephoze No. � Lar Yu�lic .A��#�.�.�I�.�i�i��P A P 1.,� e,`„r�r..��.Z.?.'1°. . . r . . . •� ' ' ^` ��„ A(��i'o��ed as to form 1/9/G� •"iR••. JEA, i�ic i;. FOC Ef? �,., ...,;R �" . � �`"A!��;ur: Notary Pub!ic, �;,4c�a Co., t�Pinn. t,: Of ficc af tiic C��rpc>r:lCioti C��UIlSCL � ���� r�nY corrna;ssr��r; r_;<PIRES � , ` ,� ' fdar. 31, 1533 '� , i 9 ?(tl'.�I'S►'J1y"�P'�lf'ti l%'�`I"Y 1^c�"�!'Y'Y 1f 1%1T���X ' . � PG'i'I'1.ION 'I'� A.`,1L•'h'D C}1A1''I'�:Et� 60 thru G� OF' Tt{E LI;GISI.ATIVE (ZO;IING) Ct7DG �� Note: The si�ncr should Appraise himself of the uses pei•mitted undei• the new classi- � '� fication uctoi•c; si�;iiinF; Ll�is peCition. For fui•thcr information abouL thc: • rezoninb ot �ro��erty� call the Board of Zoni�ig Uffice at 298-4151. (Please type or print) t � Date: TO THE }IONORAI3LE 11AYOR AND CITY COU:vCIL , c/o thc City Clerk� Room :386 City Hali . City of Saint Paul, biinnesota Pursuant to Section 6�i.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 1G0 feet of tho• real estate a�fected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50q, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your tlonorable Body to rezone the follow- ing desci•ibed �roperty; (legal description and street address) � Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township .29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesata, except the East 10 f eet of said Lot :20; together with the l�orth 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the West line of said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet �aest from and parallel to the � East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended Southerly _which accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in f avor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the �dest 20 f eet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , from RT-1 2 Famil}� ResidentiaDistrict to B-1 Local Business District, for the • purE�ose o.f installing, constructing and/or operating the follo�eing: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Construct a ,fedical/Dental Clinic ' RECOR.D OtiY1��R SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITIO\* Subject Property; 114-20 � 33 15 Smith's Subdivision oi u f Block 15 of Stinson's � . Division State of ;tlicinesota ) ss County of Ramsey ) . being first duly s«�orn, depo�es and states that he is tl�c E�erson ;��ho circulated the �eithin petition consi.stin� of �� pages; thal, tl�� parti�s clescribed abo��e are tt�e o�eners respectively of tl�e lots placcd immediatel�• follo�+�ing cach nar,�e; that tl�is petiti.on v,•as si�ned by cach of said ow•ners in thc presence of this affiant , and that thc signatL�res abovc are the truc and correct si�;natures of each and ail of the parties so d •scribed. � Suuscril�ed a�ul sn•orn to before me _'� this day of 7� ' ���,• ��� � /�l � Q, . _ _%� ���� na����ss� � . . Tclephar�e No. ��k.' ' •i��� ^ „ . ... �:.,;;:a.,,.�v,,.�.�.,v"_5,.,�.�t,�,�t.�*?t 1 �Fnr ���. °' t�n:�t ` _`" APf�rover� as t� form 1/�1/G5 i i d+�n,'R Notary o , i k ,.r�. �d ;;.. ,". Officc c�f thc C��r��or.iCic,n C�>utisel ; ��� h1Y �� �._ -,. ��;� 3A � ;Y Ir .Si t ��j 7 . �"�:��G��'r'i��li'Y��"�rv�,rd3`avr�Y'�'Y,Y��'�'rYd?�C . � �CJ C:1't"Y UI� ��1INT P�\UL, `,tI�IYI.SCYI':1 . • _ PETS'1'�ION Tb Ab1END CFIr�'T�li.S 60 thru 6�1 OI' T1IE LEGISI.ATIVE (ZONING) CODE _Note; The si�;ncr should nppraise himself of ti�e uses pormitted under the new cl�ssi- . . fication before si�;nin6 tl�is petition. For furthcr information about the rezoiiin6 of property, cal.l thc Board of Zoniiig Otfice at 29$-4151. � (Please type or prfntJ ` Date: TO THE lIOrORAF3LE h1AY0R AYll CITY COUI�`CIL � - . c/o the City Clcrk, Koom 336 City Hall . ����� City o� Saint Paul, blinnesota Pursuant to Section G4.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of thc several descriptions of real estate situated withzn 1d0 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of SQqo or more of the frontage. to be reclassified, petition your fionorable B ody to rezone the foLlow- ing uescribed prol�erty: (legal description and street address} � Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of � the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot 20; together with the I�orth 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the West line of said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet west from and parallel to the � East line of said Lot 20, Elock 15, extended �Southerly which accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in f avor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the West 20 feet of the East 30 £eet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , from RT-1 2 Family ResidentiaDistrict to ]3-1 Local Business District, for the - purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD O�Y:v'ER SIGNATURE LOT BIACK ADDITIO:T Subject Property; 114-21 � 487 Sherburne +. 34 15 Smith's Subdivision of � z = Eu ene E. Johnson 'S . * � . State or ;�tinnesota ) ss County of Ramsey ) , . being first duly sworn, de�oses and states that hc iG the pei•son u�ho cii•culated the �ti�ithin petition consisting of �� pa�es; that. the parci�s dcscriU�d above are the oti•ners respectivel�+ of the lots placeci immecliaCel�• follo���in� e��h name; that Lhis petition w�as si�;necl by eaeh of. sazd owncrs in thc presence of Lhis affiant � and tt�at the si�;nat�res above are Ll�e true and cui•c•ect siE;natui•es of each and all of tl�e parties so escribed. Subscrit��c! and s�eorn to before me , this ��� day� of ,(,� Address: Telephone No. �i�o�ary 1'ublic ` � A[�proved as to form i/9/G5 or.ric� or tn� c<��•��<,�•��c��►� c�t,��s�i • � / . PETITIUN 'TO tLti1M;NU CHf1.i''1'L•'R5 60 tI12•u h4 OF TffE I.I:GISI.l1TIVE (7.ONING) CODG - .Note: 1 he si�ner st�ould n�prai.se himsolf of tl�e uses pormittud under thc new classi- � ` ficatio�l bc:for� si�;ciiii� this �etition. For fux•ther informatiot� aUout the V � rezonin6 of E�roperty� call tlie Boarcl of Zonin6 Office at 298-4151. (Please type or print)t t Date; TO Tft� lIOIv'ORrV3L.�; htAYOR AND CITY COU.tCIL � c/o tbc City Clcrk, Room 38G City Hall . • City of Saint Paul, btinnesota Pursuant to Section G4.06 of Lt�e Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of thc scveral descriptions of real estate sztuated within IGO feet of the� real estate a�fected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the awners of 50% or more of the frontage to be i•eclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing uescribed pi-operty; (legal description and street address) � Lots .16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of � the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on fi1.e and of record in the office �of �the P.egister of :Deeds within and for Ramsey County, rlinnesota, except the �ast 10 f eet of said Lot: 20; together with the North 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the Lr'est line of said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet �vest from and parallel to the � East lixle of said Lot 20, Block 15,� eatended Southerly �ahich accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in f avor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the West 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , from RT-1 2 Family ResidentiaDistrict to B-1 Local Business District, for the - pur�ose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) . Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD O�Y;dER SIGh'ATURE LOT BLOCK ADDTTIO�t Subject Property; 114-22 � 483 Sherburne 35 15 Smith's Subdivision of 1-i�-�: i�fi22-er Block S n's ' � � v•� , ivi ion aniel F. Dames f ee � 83 Sherburne T � Staie of ;ilinnesota ) ss County of Ramsey ) . being first duly s�vorn, deposes and states that hc is the pe,•son who cii•culated the �ti�ithin petition consisting of 7�� pa�cs; thnt tl�� pai•ties desci•ibcd aUove ai•e tbe o�aners respectivel�.- of the lots placcd immcclintcl�• fc,llo�ti�in�; eacl� namc; i:hat Lhis petztion v:as sibned by each ot said owners in the presciice of this affiant , and that the si.�nat�res abovc are Lhe truc and correct si.�;natures of eact� and all of the parties so escribed. S�ibscrib�d nd s�c02'Il o beSore mc •z, - this ��j da�� of �L�7� �j� AQdress: . ..._.`��'�L v_�����✓72�/ 1'e l c:p h o n e No. � µNotary J.'ublic ?+/����'k�/�/�;3°IA�I'r"'.>:,,,�,,�n r r,�,a M�Arpl�i7� � ��,� E �n�1N �An�►i•oved as to form 1/�I/65 � '` '>` rdot?r, � ��,i ,.�<:cy Co. Mn. � 01'fiCC of tlic Cor�iorati�,n Counsc2 q� ��. i�AY ''.1i".i`^ ��;C��J EXP1ftES � � y a. '°�' ,�( ay y/� � � •� Jily 17 ���1 � ,,:, . . "`. �aV�Y Y�V Y Y:t Y b'Y�Y Y 1:+ '�I�. � ��l�l Y�Y��r V T� . � � . . ... , _.__..._...... . ...�..�.�..a.. ._.... ...__..�....:«... .:...`�� .w�w—.mr.� .+epa�«�—,�' ^"'^. .�+^+!s..+�.ro . .. �.�.-.�.�-....-.e..�... ..�..,,.n«+�..++-..*�+...-�,W� ..�.......>.....�.. ..�m�.r�F.�.�..._.._ .wur.��«... -, .. � ... , "- , PETITIUN 'C,O AJiL•'Nll CtiAF''I'�RS 60 thru G4 OF T}iE L.Et;ISI.�ATIVE (ZOYING? C011r � NC�te; The si�ner shoulc! ctnpraisa h3msolf of the uses permi.tted under the new elassi- ' ` fication belor� si4ning this petition. I'or furthcr information about the " ' rezonin�; of property� call the Boarcl of Zoning Office at 295-4151. (Please tyne or print) ` � Date; TO T�iE ItOhORA13L.E hIAYOR A'�TI) CITY COUI�CIL � c/o the City Clcrk� Itoom 386 City Hall . City of SainL Paul, P.tinnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Le�islative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several ciescriptions of real estate situated within 1G0 feet of the� real estate a�fected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the o�vners of 50q, or more of the frontagc to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Bcdy to rezone the follo�v- ing aescribeci property: (legal description and street address) � Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of the rorthwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, P.ange 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office �of �the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot 20; together with the North 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the I�'est line of said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet cvest from and parallel to the East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended Southerly which accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in favor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the Ldest 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 2Q, Block 15. , from RT-]. 2 Family ResidentiaDistrict to $-1 Local Business District, for the - pui•E�ose of installing� constructing and/or operating the folloKing: (describe briefly the proposed facility) � Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD O�YNER SIGNATURE i3OT BLOCK ADDITIO�T Subject Property; 114-23 4.79 Sherburne 15 Smith's Subdivision of Karl W. Ackerman on's _ - , , , � ' � -'r--��_ s Mary C. Ackermanp,l 479 Sherburne � State oS Dlinnesota ) County of Ramsey � ss bein� first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the OCI'SO11 15'Il0 cii•culated the ���zthin petition consisting �of 2�o pa�es; that the {�arties described above are the ok�ners respectively of Lhe lots placcci � imrncdiatcl�• lollo���in� ca�l� namc; Lhat Lhis petition �ti•�s si�c:ed by each oL sai.d ou�ners in thc presence oS Lhis affiant , anci that the si�natures above are the truc and correct si�;natures o.f cacb and a12 of the parties so d �cribed. , StII�SCI'lI)CCI and s�eorn Lo bcSorc me ' thi.s ��� day of // �7 � ' ;�"l � ` � pcid x-es s: ____ ._ . :..�L?s_._.4G.��'�� Telenhone No. `� ��!��i�J�;����,�.''.�.�:w2u!:,.�;•.��^,r����..s�����,�,.a,�.��n.�?t .,;;,.'-?;�, JEANNE K. POOL.�� �: A�,�raved a5 to form 1/4/G5 ! ++� rz flotary �u',i� Dakota (o. A mn, s',.' � t.,r ,. ,� Officc c�f thc C��i•(��i•:ttion Cou��scl ;fHr ;* Pi1Y CJi ��fl� � >> .� �� ! y� A` R "�1..�•��� . T�,1 ��! . �`.v . ' � � �t�"��P'Y'V'�''�r�ti"rYytiy�s`vv��! '`�iirE'rl"'i�'3X . .. . .. . , .. .. .....v . . � . I'E1'ITION TD fL`�tEND Cfl�.i''I'L•'fty 6� thru 6� OF TiIE LL•'GISLATi�'E (ZONING) CODI; �`-� Note: The si�ncr should nC�E�c•aise himself of thc uses pormitted undcr the new classi- _ � fication be;for� si�;nin6 tbis petition. For further information about the rezonin� of propert,y, call tlie Board of Zoniu� Office at 298-4151. (Please type or print) ` c Date; TO T}i� IIOhORABI..� 41AXOR AND CITY COUNCIL , • c/o tl�e City Clerk, Room 336 City Hall . City of SainL P.�ul, btinnesota Pursuznt to Section 6�.06 of ti�e Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-tliirds of ti�e several descriptions of real estate situated within 1G0 feet of the� real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50%, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) - Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for R2msey County, rfinnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot 20; together with the l�orth 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Block l5 lying Ezst of the West line of said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet west from and parallel to the East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended Southerly which accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in f avor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the L�est 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , from RT-1 2 Famil�ResidentiaDistrict to B-1 Local Business District, for the - pur��ose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the pro�osed facility) � Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECOR.D OPI�'ER SIGlv'ATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITIO\' Subject Prope.rty: 114-24 473 Sherburne 37 15 Smith's Su d"v' on of o nt5 . , . , Leona J. Bauer 473 Sherburne . , p `., ' !r . � - t Staie of 1linnesota ) � County of Ramsey � ss being �irst duly sworn, de�;oses and states that he is tl�e pe�•son who circulated the within petition consisting of .���pa6es; thaL L-I�u i�ai•tics describe:cl aUove az•e the ownei•s respectively of the lots placcd imm��diatcl;; iullo�tin„ each nar�e; Lhat Lhis �etitzon ��:1s si�;ned by cach or said ownc.�rs in the presencc uf this affa.ant , and that thc si�natUres above arc the truc And correct si{;natures of cach and all of the parties so described. � - SuUscrit�cd and sa•orn to beSorc mc t n i s �2�____a a y oF�1��,/y7G � - C 2, . . � naa�•��>S: �l ,� � Telephone No. � o ary Yu�lic � A�����d�',r�an;1�. fi�proved as to form 1/Q/6� M/,..�,!a✓,�.na�%++e.�r..�A( =;;�,ti JEANNE K. FOOLER ~ Officc of thc C«r�>c�raCion Counscl �►�-^�—"�;{� Notary Public, Dakota Co., Mirn. � ..,� � �,�� MY �OMYtiSSlON E:�IZES `„ � �a ~�,..•', Mar 3J., 19�3 s ' � � X�.'I���li"�t��"�Y('�tiYYr/..��YVti'IY�:'�''�'i�$��' - - � -. - . . � � � �3}����� _ _ . .. .. . . .. . . . � . ..... . . . . .. .., ,.... .. ,. , .. * PETI'�'ION �:O f1hli:Nll CF{AI''1'l:RS 60 thru G�l OF T1iE LJ.GISLATIVE (7.ONING) CODE . . �'% . NoCe; 'Tl�e si�ner shoutd nppraise himsolf o� thc uses pormitted undcr the new classi- ' � Sicatioi� b�rorc; siRning ttiis paCition. For furthcr informatl.on abouL the �� ' rczonin�; of pi•oE�crty� call thc Board of Zoniiig Office at 298-4151. (Please ty�c or print)` � Date; TO THE lIONORr1BL.E b1AYOR ANU CITY COUNCIL , c/o tt�e City Clcrk, Room 386 City Hall . . City of Saint- Paul, hiinnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code� we, the undersigned owncrs of two-thirds of tlic several descri�tions of real estate situated within 1G0 feet of the- real estate affected, hereby acq�iesce; and we, the o�vners of 50; or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone tho follow- ing described proE�erty: (legal description and street address� � Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of � the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of �the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot 20; together with the North 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 lying East of the West line of said Block 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet west from and paral].el to the East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, e�:tended Southerly which accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in favor of the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the West 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , from RT-1 2 Family ResidentiaDisti•ict to B-1 Local Business District, for the � purNose of installing, constructing and/or operating the �ollowing; (describe briefly the proposed facility) � Construct a Medical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD O�Y,^iER IGNATURE LOT BIACK ADDITION Subject Property; 114-25 � 469 Sherburne � � 38 15 Smith's Subdivision of Alois P. Kimlin er Block 15 of Stiason's ' � ' Division Ine G. Kimlin er � 46 Sherburne State of Aiinnesota ) County of Ramsey � ss being firsL dul}• s�=rorn� deposes and states that he is the pei•son �vha cii•culated the ���ithin petition consisting of �� pa�c:s; that Lhe pai•lics describcd abo��e ai•e tbe oµ•nei•s respectively of the lots placed immecliatel�• Sollo«•inb each nane; Lhat Lhis petition v;as si�c�ed by eaci� ot said ownc:rs in thc presencc of Lhis affiant , and ttiat Lhc si�natE�res above are thc truc and correct si.�;natures of each �nd all of the parties so escribed. Subscril�cd and s�t�orn to Ucfore me this J�� . day of �y7� / � i _ . �/t� `/�� Atidi•c:ss: ,_ ., ��� Telephone No. � ��i dT'y �u����q� 1��f,�'�l�,r�I�I�'�`,1,?.Rf nn,_•;;����r_7t � � �,A'l"r���a-Rw�i,A7JFJ14�.. _� '• JEANNc �C. PGU�.�" ;' n�nro��ec.3 as to form 1/4/65 � � w� ;. Notary Pub�fc, Dakota C� M��'��� Officc c�f ttic Cor��c�raLzon C�>unscl .r+ �: �p ��, ?4 MXr ii.;:: � t r �-� ��Y Ca��1�u tC? �� , i+ r` -d�a. ' Mar 33 �y'�� X'�7y"G"Jir�'"�'���`�YSY''�`�'17�I1 S�f�1f Y�ll i�'r'''Y'�/fi'r"`�';r1 ` �,� va. � a v. uni.�i : rt� .�� uii:.,�_.��•t:� . • '�. � PETi'f+ON T0. �'L11L:v'D CHAEYI'1:lt5 60 Lhru G�� OP THE I,LGISLATIVE (ZONING) COUI. Y" •� N . -.Note: 1'ho si�ner should nppraiso himsolf of the uses pormittEd under the new cl�ssi- �� ficatioii bcfore si�;nin�; tt�is petition. For furthcr infurmation abouL Lhe � � rezonin6 of property� call tho Board of Zoniug Off9.ce at 298-415L (Please type ar print) ` t Date; �689�6 TO THE IIONORA}3LE ntAYOR ANI) CITY COUIvCIG , • c/o the City Clcrk, Room 386 City Hall . City of Saint P�ul, btinnesota Pursuant to Section G4.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersi�ned owners of two-ti�irds of tl�e sever�l descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the, real esLate affected, hereby acqwiesce; and we, the o�vners of SO% or mare of the frontag� to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- in� cieseribcci �roperty; (legal deseription and street address) � Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Slock 15, Smith's Subdivision of Stinson's Division of � the North�vest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of �the Register of Deeds within and for P.amsey County, Minnesota, except the East 10 feet of said Lot `2Q; togetlier with the North 1/2 of that vacated part of the alley in said Block 15 Iying East of the k'est line of said B].oek 15 and West of a line distant 30 feet �aest from and parallel to the � East line of said Lot 20, Block 15, extended Southerly which accrued to said Lots by reason of vacation; subject to an easement in f avor af the City of St. Paul for alley purposes over the West 20 feet of the East 30 feet of said Lot 20, Block 15. , f rom RT-1 2 Family ResidentiaDistrict to B-1 Local Business District, for the - pur�ose of installing, constructing and/or operating the follot=:ing: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Construct a rledical/Dental Clinic ' RECORD O�YNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADD7TI0\' Subject Property: � 2-6, 2-7, 2-8 Housin and Redev elo ent - Authority of the City of 471-499 Univ ersit Saint Paul Minn ot r � B • � ecutive re or �S Stai;e ot �finnesota ) Couiity of Ramsey � ss bein� first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is ti�c pei•son ti�:ho circulated tt�e �eithin petition consisting of �� pa�es; thnt th� pai•lics desci•i.b�d abo��e ai•e the ovrners respectively of the lots placed immediatel�• tdllo�rin{; each nacic; Lhat this petition v:as sz6ned by each of saicl owners in thc pi•escnce of this aSfiant , and that the si€;nat��res above are Lhc true und correct si�;natures of cach and all of the p�rties so de�cribed. Subscriuccl and s«•orn o beSore me . t h z s � ���C�- d a y o S , .�,/ /��� 'fLtCt . '` - � � � �� Addi•ess: . s...._....�....._ i��';C�-�r✓ . Telcphor�e No. ` �Iv'otar 1'ublic ` x�,�m��.��,�A�,,�,1�,/,��,,.n�.,� �,,�� Ahnr•overa as to form 1/9/G5 � �X r ' °��3,� laVERNE NE!_SON OSfi.CC vf Ll�e C��1•pc>rnti��ti CounSCl '` � '1� "�;�- Notary Public, Dakota Co. Mn. � � �� ��� ��.t•= My Commi;sion E;;pires � � ' Apri1281981 • , x'�:��'�Y�'�"d`4"G`�1�W�° °�''i��'�1`Y`�Y'1`�t'Y1�`�'i`�7'�/� _.... ._