268910 � 6 �S ' " a� .e� • �� �` CITY OF ST.PAUL " �' COUNCI,I,,.-�ILE NO. FINAL ORDE<�i � �5 `` ,/'`� BY �" �' t� �.��...�! . � : = File No. ��. In the Matter of rM�lttiYetitis i1+�ilk� �d! �10 �� o�' Mi/�e 110i t��iC+lt �E ' ,<,,,_ ___:.- . �aR�'�'�!� .. � ., , ,__, _ T -- .__. - - •_._._ -=. � ' . � �ti — �'��-�; � �� , � � `�� ;#��! � Desaripti,on , .. * � � � ���k '4 po. .. .,,�:: , �.> ,� ";T � }� �.r ` fi';�_ �-10322 G,ALTIBR ST., orest side lroa� ifiiversity .Ave. to St��rburne Avt. 5-10323 LBXI1tCTC11# PKi�'Y.. :a�t side fran Aurora Ave. to Univezeity Av�. S•10324 : SHBRR�UR�S AVB., bo.th sides lrom Virgiaia at. to ilest�rsya Ave. 8-10325 VIRGINU ST., Mes"t aide lro� University Ave. to Sherbur�e Ave. 5-10326 MAi�TITpBA AVB., north sidt fros Park St. to Rl.ce St. S-10327 ATHATSR ST., north sid� froa� Rice St. t�o eut 2S0 fe�t S-10328 S�URNB AVE., south side fro�e Galti�r St. to 1►arringten St. 5-10329 � BOR1T3 AVS., north side lror l�rsak St. t�� •ast 230 faet 5-10330 �PB ST,, both sidts froo� E. Sixth St. �co �. 7th St. The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. ; '� � 9 197T COiJNCILMEN . Adopted by t il: Date A� Yeas Nays $y#�� � C ied Passed cil Secreta APR 2;2 19�� ' Hozza Hunt �In Favor Levine Roedlet' Against c�pr Mayor T@deSCO PUB�.tsHEO APR 3 ^ 197� � . • ` . . � . . . � ���� � � �����. � � � CtTY OF �A�NT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �',S DANI�L j. DUNFORQ � ' DIREC70R ; � i j i I � Mr. Paul Desch . Finance Assessment D'euisian Room 113 Court Fioeise St_ Pau1 , Mi nrs. . D�ar Paul , This letter is in rzsponse to your. rzquest for the estimate� �st of sid�walks canstructed in 1977. The folla+�ing sidev�ralic pfices inciude ) Engineering and Inspection of 18.Sb p)us an anticipated increase nf w 10� over iast years constructioc� costs; ��� ���" RG�Sf�v�� � �- �Lf.OD -PER J�T. Fo R .i rT. W r DE rN .4 L1t' "�r'�'�.-- - � _ $6.S1 per ft. of 5 ft. wide residentiai watk. $8. 17 per ft. of 6 ft. wide residential walk. $2.00 per sq. ft. for integral cur6 and wa}k both residen�ial and cors�erical: ' If further information is required, please ca11 � at 4255- , ; � - -n;, i Yours trulY� . _ - i � ��..�� /��.�r�,/ . � „r � HartTey Thamas Supvervisor of Sidewalk Canstructiarr EiT/gh ¢ � p � � r �`- � . � �- � t, 'i � €' �..�. . . . . . � .� . . �. 6,�� .. _ � . . . . . . . t.. ... � . . . . . . . .' . 234 City Halt, Saint f'aul, Minne�sota 55102 �- :'vt��ce ti,` ,�Ciiy Cterk . ^ y �j I T Y �D g� ►.�9�t► I i!T T �111 IJ I� � '�� "ink ir:.inca Dept. �j��� C�nary— Dept. (?(��'����j , �' O1�'1'IG�: OI' TI[E D]A1'Uit ��"� ,�.---� f.r� � � y . ��0: ._ ADA'iINIS'1'i:ATIVE ORDER ;��� Q � 1��1 i � llate: ADMINISTRATIVE ORllER, 7�i3t ttie i)i r::ctor af the Jepart�.:ent o� ('ui�l ic t!or�:s is t�es-eLy autnorized �ncf di rected t:U 7t'���:f'L' �1�3t1� � OJ�c7(il SU�'Vr^�`}�S � j�l'C�7']('f,' CStl1'1i71,`�'_S u�iC� j{1V�.S�I�J3t8 tfl£.' f?CGE:551t�/ tU rec�r�sfiruct siuc;�ali: ist ��iC Ir'C7� �c��llil�j }UCut10:15 i,3i1G Ct0 is� � Qti`ilc3!' l':OC�' 6r'IIIGiI 15 neeassary �;�ci it�ci:«nt<,1 to co�.;,�tetc s�►id ii:�pr;o��wr.��nt. /03 �-1= 11est sicie of Gr:LTtEI� �7. from �r.iversity ��ve. ta Sherburne 11ve. : 10 3 �3 Cas t s i ce �f LEK1,�G7Ji; Pn:lY. fro� I�urora Avc. to Ui�i v�>rs i ty S,v�. /0 3 �-t� f�oth s ic:e of .SIiCP.i;URilL r�VC, 1`ror�t 'Ji r,i ri a St. to 1�estern Ave. /03�-�y� 1�lesr sic!e of VIRGI<<1�1 ST. from llniversity �ve, to SherLurne /�vc. 1Q3�-(o t;orth sic!e of t1A;:lT��,1 /�V�. fro�-� Park St. ta hice St. f 0 3�- °, :;orti� s i de of F�7.J�iTL:° ST. frori ;ti cc St. Lo east 2��' �U3a-� Soutn sid� G; SIJE;3��;,E AVE. frcr>> Galtier St. to F��rinr,ton St. � p 3a � tJorth side of 3Uic;tiS f�1,�c, fro^� Franl: St. to east Z;U' 1 /0330 Bot1� side of tt�PE ST. fror:� I:. Sixti� St.� to E. 7th St. . T��� Qi rector of Fin.-�nce a,ic.' t•i�nager�ent Scrv+ces is 'r�ereby di rected to prepare a � �relininary oruer and sci��uuie a public heariny. � � Or,g. cr orl¢: cc:' UJb REG � � , - RLW Wl.H GKS JFK RGP DE[ � ' JFS CLT %:. ✓ F:l�.f AJG . � � . . TJE 1.�yitp � 1 J � � G;:t� APYRO�/ED AS TQ FOKM N.s.o. � H.fi.�. I i. � _ 1! , � . .� � � —r % ' ,`;/ ' � --r �-- Assistant C�ty Attorney y, �~'^ � ` - llepartment Hcad� '� I c,b 1 i c I�lor�s ��� S i d�wa 1 I:s � 't ; . , � .. r � Date . �. j .._. _... �.� / ; �~ % /-. � —- ' A�In:inistrativc Assist:int to Mayor �. C r �-• ! / � � � — /� ,3 �� — p � ������ ����� - CfTY O� SAiNT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DANIEI. ). DUNFORD DIRECTOR .�-Y " � � Feb. 24, 1977 � All Reconstruction Hr. Roger Mattson t�0 ASSESSMfNT Director of Finance and Management Services � Room 113 City Nal1 ATTENTIO��: Paul Desch Dear Si r: Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction/reconstruction of the sidewalks listed on the attached Administrative Order. The estimated cost for new construction not in CD areas or on main routes is as follows : _ $4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk A � B Residential • $�' per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk C Res. � Comm. . Se�' �f/Cf� p�i ?E.S' �'D�P SiOcWNGIfS Attached herew�th are the fatlowing: l . Approved Administrative Order D-3391 Feb. 18, 1977 2. Adv i s ab i }i ty 8 Des i rab i 1 i ty Repo r t. 3. Copy of plans for each order. N. A. Yours very truly, �'���, /��.� Hartley Thomas Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction c,. . HT/9h � .: , 234 City Hal.{, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55�02 �:: . 'j+ ' 4J.S. Galtier St. - University /�ve. to Sherburne Ave. Dist. tlo• t S^�� 3zZ �► � This order was initiated by the Director of Public 4lorks as public necessity on the . basis of inspection of the walk. This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , high jvints, tripping haz QQ water pockers, cracked concrete panels and settled panels. �vV�� The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. � (Construct to width designated on plat) �""��� CT HJ RR D i s t 1Jo. 1 E.S. Lexington Pkwy. - Aurora Ave. to L'niversity Ave. J Q � �`3 Tnis order was initiated by the Director of Public 1-lorks as public necessity on the basis of a iawsuit and inspection af the s�ralk. This walk is old poured concrete with high joints , tripping hazards, aspf�att patche5, cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped Panels. The Engineering recorunendation is for approvat o� the order. � Renarks : Ol�i curb to remain. Const. 5" thick ��ith mesh reinforcement alongside: curb. (Construct to width designated on plat) � CT HJ RR Dist. No. I Ei. 5. Sherburne Ave. - Virginia 5t. to Western Ave. /113 2Y This order was initiated by the Director of Public :dorks as public necessity on the basis of 1 complaint and inspection of the walk. This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves , broken tile, high joints , tripping hazards, water pockets, holes in tile, high Tongituc'inal joints, asphalt patches, cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped and sett1ed panels. The Engineering retommendation is for appraval of the order. � � (construct to width designated on plat) CT 'riJ RR P ` ' ` �ISt. �'�O. � . �_ . 'r1.S. Vi rgi ni a St. - Uni vers i ty Ave. to Sherburne Ave. `� '2 � � . . ������ - ' This order ��ras ini tiated by tne Director of Pub1 ic llorks as pu►a1 ic necessi ty on the basis of inspection of the walk. This walk is poured concrete a�ith high joints , tripping hazards, cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped panels , settled panels. The Engineering recommendation� is for approval of the order. ,/ �688�� (Constrr�ct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR Dist. �lo. 1 tt.5. hlani toba /�ve. - Park St. to Rice St. / � `��' "6 Th i s oruer was i n i t i ated by the D i rector of Pub 1 i c l•lorks as pubJ i c necess i ty an the basis of 1 complaint and inspection of the walk. This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , high joints , tripping hazards, asphalt patches, cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped and settled pane]s. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. � (Construct to ►vidth designated on plat) CT HJ RR DiSt i3o. 1 N_S: At���ater St. - Ri ce St. to east 250' � �3 '�� This order was initiated by the Director of Public tJorks as public nec�ssity on the basis of l cor�plaint ancl inspection of ttie walk. T;�is walk is poured concrete with tripping hazards , water pockets , cracked concrete panels , scale�, tipped and settled panels. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the oruer. � (Construct to width clesignated on plat) CT HJ RR "' uist. tdo. 1 ! � ' . � 0 3 z 8". �`, S.S. Sherburne Ave. - Galtier St. to Farrington St. � 'Thi s order was i ni ti ated by the Di rector of Pu'al i c Works as publ i c necess i ty on the basis of inspection of the walk. Tnis walk is poured concrete with high joints , trippiny hazarcis, high lonc�itudinal joints,.cracked concrete panels , and tipped panels. L"'��JO 1 She Engineering reconmendation is for approval of the order. (2educe from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. wal6;) CT HJ RR � c �j �V��i/� Dist. No. l td.S. Burns Ave. - Frank St. to east 230+/ 1 D 3 �- 9 Th i s order was i n i t i ated by the Di rector of Pub1 i c 4�lorks as pubt i c necess i ty on the basis of l complaint and inspectiarr of the walk. Tnis walk is poured concrete with high joints , tripping hazards, cracked concre�e panels and settled panels. ✓ The Enginee ring recommendation is for approval of the order. (Construct to width designated on plat� GT HJ RR Di st tdo. 1 3.S. HopP St. - E. Sixth St. to E. 7th St. r �a3 30 This order was initiated by the Director of Pvblic 4lorks as pubiic necessity on the basis of inspection of the wa1k. , This a�alk is poured concrete with tree heaves , broken tile, high joints , tripping hazard:s, water pockets , holes in ti le, missing ti te, high longi tudinal joints , offgrade, asphalt patches, cracked cQnctete pane]s, scaled, tipped panels and settled pan�ls. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (Construct to width designated on plat) � CT HJ RR �� � � � • � ' / , ���� � �� _� _:, :;.s: .v�_ �, �,$