01-392Council File # O � Green Sheet # 106804 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Presented Referred To An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the new classification entitled Emergency Medical Services Coordinator. n � 7 oZS Committee Date RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Emergency Medical Services Coordinator be established at the rate set forth in Grade 37, of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, Section ID6, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Departrnent of: Office of Human Resources BY� SaSYvn��� V Form Approved by City Attorney By: �.( `t � K' o t -���` � by Council Secretary �': � ��,\�� � 's Approved by Mayor: Date �`/ � ��� Approveli l�y�ayor for Sub 'ssion to Council �.: �f //�'� G:�Shared�ClassiflCI,ASS�Itesolutions&.Ordmmces�Fme�geuryMedical Services Coordmamcres.apd '""� Adopted by CouncIl: Date ��� �.� � o} �� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCQ.: DATE INITTATED GREEN SHEET rto.:lo6so4 ° � -1 `�a Office of Hwuan Resources 4/2/Ol CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: INTfIAL/DATE INI7'IAL/DATE John Shockley 266-6471 , D�,�n�r Dm��lc/1��• f 4 cm �ou�.�cu, Karen Sanchez, 266-6483 ��*'�� V T � NUhIBERFOR 2CRYAITORNEY C1iYCLERR ROUTAIG � ORDER p¢d,llvcw. SE2V nm FA'nxcr! Ii, smv�accic MUST BE ON COi1NCII, AGENDA BY (DA1'E) 3 Mnmx �oxnssr.� t s_ _ � " i:�'s . . _ . . TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'ORE) � �' �� L� � 0 ACTION REQUESTED: Establish the rate of pay for the title of Emergency Medical Services Coordinator in Gtade 037, Section ID6, of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. RECObA9QdDATIONS:Approve(A)orRejec[(A) PERSONALSERVICECON'1'RACTSMUSTAIVSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: ` 1. Hasthisperson/fumevetworkedmderacontractforthisdepa�evtP _PI.ANNING CAMhIISSION Yes No _CB COMIvIlTTEE 2. Haz Uvs persan/fvm ever been a city empbyce? _CIVII.SERVICECOT�A�IISSION Yes No 3. Dces Ous perso¢1$im possess a slNl not no�mally possessed by any cmrm[ city employee7 Yw No 4. Is Phis persodSrm a PargeeeA vwdm? Yes No _ Expivn w yes mswers on separate sheet and attach to gr2e� sheet INI'II'dATING P$OBY.EM, YSSUE, OPPORTIINITY (Who, What, Wheu, Where, W�y): The new class of ENaS Coordinator was created at the request of tlie department. 1'he posi6on in this class will assist the Emergency Medical ServSces Chief with EMS operations to provide the citizens of Saint Paul a safe, legal, cost-effec6ve, and quality emergency medical services. � AAVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Provide needed assistance in planning and implementing EMS operations, ensuring compliance with federal, state, and local EMS regularions and standazds, and coordinating special programs and projects. K Fo, d� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � � �'� None. Funds for the salary cost has already been placed in the departrnent budget. ��'� � E %� � � � DISADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: The department will lack the additional capability needed to provide safe, legal, cost-effective, and quality emergency medicalservices to the City of Saint Paul. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: CO5T/REVEN�JE SiJDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) G:\Shared��ClassiflCLASS�Itesoiutions&Ordinances�Emergency MeAical Srnices Coord'wa[or.gs.wpd 0\_'�9,4.. DESK AUDTT REPORT Class Studied: Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Coordinator (New) Incumbent: David Erickson (provisional) Date Studied: February 5, 2001 Studied By: Karen Sanchez Persons Contacted: Immediate and Nezt-in-tine Supervisors �- ! �v Background: The Fire Department has requested that the new class of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Coordinator should be created. This is a single-incumbent class. The position in this class will assist the Emergency Medical Services Chief with EMS operations including basic and advanced life support, first responder and emergency medical dispatch activities. Study Components: Review of the job profile and proposed class speci8cation Interview with the immediate and next-in-line supervisors Comparison with related classifications and positions QES evaluation Position Description: Assists theEMS Chiefwith EMS operations including basic and advanced life support, first responder and emergency medical dispatch activities. Assists in the development and/or implementation ofEMS policies and procedures and compliance with federal, state, and local EMS regulations and NAPA and OSHA standards. Researches and maintains knowledge offederal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations affecting the department's EMS services and operarions and makes recommendations to the F.MS Chief for changes or improvements. Researches and identifies new EMS methods and equipment; researches ideas and suggestions from EMS committees, meets with representatives of inedical equipment companies, evaluates new and Page 1 of 2 APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PRACTICE LEADER: o�_�qa-- e�sting EMS equipment, makes recommendations to the EMS Chief for purchasing decisions, and coordinates purchasing of EMS equipment. Coordinates and schedules training, conference and work assignment plans of all EMS personnel. Conducts training classes for recruits and employees on emergency medical procedures and equipment. Coordinates and participates in the on-going EMS public education programs; presents EMS programs and demonstrations to interested community groups and businesses and other fire departments. Acts as member of EMS related committees; attends EMS committee meetings and activities. Maintains EMS records and reports. Comparison: The proposed new ciass of EMS Coordinator is comparable to the Fire Captain and Fire Training Assistant classes in Grade 37 of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standard Salary Ranges. It is highly comparable to the Fire Training Assistant class. Like the Fire Training Assistant, the EMS Coordinator may exercise technical or functional supervision over assigned EMS personnel. Like the Fire Training Assistant, the EMS Coordinator will assist with the operation and coordination of a department-wide specialized program - the Fire Training Assistant with training and the EMS Coordinator with emergency medical services. QES Evaluation: The evaluation supports assigning the EMS Coordinator class in the same pay gade as the Fire Training �ssistant and Fire Captain classes. Recommendatiou: It is recommended that the proposed new class ofEMS Coordinator be created and assigned in Grade 3� of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standard Salary Ranges. Page 2 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: Code: 148B EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES BU: 03 COORDiNATOR Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs emergency medical services duries to provide ihe citizens of Saint Paul a safe, legal, cost effecrive, and quality emergency medical services; coordinates emergency medical services plans and programs; assists the Emergency Medical Services Chief with EMS operarions to ensure campliance with medical guidelines and related federal, state, and local regularions and standards; and performs related duries as required. Suoervision Received: Works under the general and technical supervision of the Emergency Medical Services Chief. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises technical or functional supervision, duectly and through supervisors, over assigned emergency medical services personnel. 'i'YPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists the Emergency Medical Services Chief in planning, implementing, and coordinating EMS operationsincluding basic life support, advanced life support, first responder and emergency medical dispatch activities. Assisrs in developing and implemenfing emergency medical services policies and procedures to operate a modem emergency medical service program. Ensures compliance with federal, state, and local emergency medical services (EMS) regulations and appropriate National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standazds. Reseazches and identifies new emergency medical services methods and equipment. Evaluates new and existing emergency medical services equipment and makes recommendations to the Emergency Medical Services Chief for equipment purchases. Assists, reseazches, and coordinates pwchasing of emergency medical services equipment. Coordinates the training, conference and work assignment plans of all emergency medical servicas personnel. Acts as a member of emergency medical services related committees within the department. Conducts h classes for recruits and current employees on emergency medicaI procedures and equipment. i1 � _7�1a— BMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR) Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: Code: 148B EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES BU: 03 COORDINATOR Effective: Prepazes and assembles audio-visual aids including slides, video tapes, �aphs, charts and computer based izaining materials for emergency medicai services personnel and the community_ Coordinates and participates in the on-going emer�ency medical services public education prograzns; presents emergency medicai services pmgraa�s and demonstrations to iatereszed community groaps and businesses and other fire departments. Maintains emergency medical services records and reports. KNOWLEDGE, SKIT,LS, ABILITIES, AND COMI'ETENCIES l9 �— 7 �'.�.. Considerable knowledge of emergency medical services operations, methods, and equipment. Working knowle@ge of depaitment policies and procedures. Working knowledge of and abiIity to use computers, particutazIy Windows applications. Considerable ability to conduct reseazch and to prepaze reports and recommendations based on the research conducted. Considerable ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships with department personnel, emergency medicat services committees, and the community. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Cansiderable ability to develop and administer valid, reliable traJning instruments to ensure emergency medical services personnel aze properly trained on e�sting and new emergency medical services methods and equipment. Considerable abiliTy to plan, organize, and caordinate programs, projects, and activities. Considerable ability to maintain records and reports. �1INIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Three yeazs of expezience as a paramedic with the Saint Paul Fire and Safety Services Department, and successful completion of the Line Officer Advanced training program within the probationary period or currently holding the rank of Pire Captain in the Saint Paul Fire and Safety Services Department. Must be cuzrently certified as a pazamedic according to the State of Minnesota Standards and as approved by the Saint Paul Fire Department medical d'uector. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or equivalent out-of-state license, with no suspensions or revocations within the two year period prior to the date of the examination (suspensions for pazking related offenses are exc2uded). Must have at least one yeaz of experience in Windows applications or have taken Windows related courses. (EI�RGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR) Page 2 of 2 OFFICE OF H[JiNAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Mazch 12, 2001 Dick Leitner, President Fire Fighters, Local #21 251 Starkey Street, Suite 126 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 Dear Mr. Leitner: 400CityHa[(2nnec 25 WutFourth Stree[ SaintPaul,Minnuata 55102-1634 o�-��'a'' Tetephone: 651-2 66 65 0 0 1DD/IZY: 651-2656501 JobLne: 651-2566502 Facsimiie: 1` Opnon: 65I-292-611 d Y 651-292-6415 3"� Option: 651-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and ciass specification of �mergency Medical Services Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss ttris action. If I do not hear from you within That timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I wiil also be processing a resotutson to establish the rate of pay for the title of �mergency Medical Services Coordinator in Grade 037, Section II) 6, of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standazd Ranges in the Salary Pian and Rates af Compensation. Sincerely, ,�� � Karen Sanchez Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the fvne remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. Dick Leitner �-�5-� I Date o:�v�.mclm,nclwrnzo e�ann=o�s.+.x�.�,•»va OFFICE OF HUMAN RPSOURCES JdmHamlkon,Di�ector CITY C3F SAINT PAUL Norm CaZemnn,?vlayar TO: Tim Fuller, Fire Chief FROIVI: Karen Sanchez � ��""� DATE: � Marchl2, Z001 Twenty Day Notice COOCityHalZAnner 25 WutFovrth Sneet Sai»tPaul��nnesot¢ 55102-1634 -��� � � frv�� o�-�qa Telephone: 551-266-6500 TDD/TTY.' 651-266Qf0i JobGne: 651-2666502 Facsimile: 1° Oprion: 651-292-6414 Y° Opdon: 651-292-6415 3' Opd"an: 651-29d7656 It has been deternuned that the title and class specification ofEmergency Medical Services Coordivator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, i£you wish to diseuss this action. If I do not hear from you wiYhin that timefi I will assume a,,eement and wiIl proceed with the process. I wili also be processing a resoiution to establish tha rate of pay for the tztle of Emergency Medical Services Coordinator in Cnade Q37, Section ID 6, of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Ptan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating tlris title and class speclfication. Tim Fuiler G:VShmedlCbsnflCldSS120 dayxaGCeslemer6eng:m¢dicqLservicescwsehnaror.depLwPd �• 1� °O/ Date Council File # O � Green Sheet # 106804 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Presented Referred To An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the new classification entitled Emergency Medical Services Coordinator. n � 7 oZS Committee Date RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Emergency Medical Services Coordinator be established at the rate set forth in Grade 37, of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, Section ID6, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Departrnent of: Office of Human Resources BY� SaSYvn��� V Form Approved by City Attorney By: �.( `t � K' o t -���` � by Council Secretary �': � ��,\�� � 's Approved by Mayor: Date �`/ � ��� Approveli l�y�ayor for Sub 'ssion to Council �.: �f //�'� G:�Shared�ClassiflCI,ASS�Itesolutions&.Ordmmces�Fme�geuryMedical Services Coordmamcres.apd '""� Adopted by CouncIl: Date ��� �.� � o} �� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCQ.: DATE INITTATED GREEN SHEET rto.:lo6so4 ° � -1 `�a Office of Hwuan Resources 4/2/Ol CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: INTfIAL/DATE INI7'IAL/DATE John Shockley 266-6471 , D�,�n�r Dm��lc/1��• f 4 cm �ou�.�cu, Karen Sanchez, 266-6483 ��*'�� V T � NUhIBERFOR 2CRYAITORNEY C1iYCLERR ROUTAIG � ORDER p¢d,llvcw. SE2V nm FA'nxcr! Ii, smv�accic MUST BE ON COi1NCII, AGENDA BY (DA1'E) 3 Mnmx �oxnssr.� t s_ _ � " i:�'s . . _ . . TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'ORE) � �' �� L� � 0 ACTION REQUESTED: Establish the rate of pay for the title of Emergency Medical Services Coordinator in Gtade 037, Section ID6, of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. RECObA9QdDATIONS:Approve(A)orRejec[(A) PERSONALSERVICECON'1'RACTSMUSTAIVSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: ` 1. Hasthisperson/fumevetworkedmderacontractforthisdepa�evtP _PI.ANNING CAMhIISSION Yes No _CB COMIvIlTTEE 2. Haz Uvs persan/fvm ever been a city empbyce? _CIVII.SERVICECOT�A�IISSION Yes No 3. Dces Ous perso¢1$im possess a slNl not no�mally possessed by any cmrm[ city employee7 Yw No 4. Is Phis persodSrm a PargeeeA vwdm? Yes No _ Expivn w yes mswers on separate sheet and attach to gr2e� sheet INI'II'dATING P$OBY.EM, YSSUE, OPPORTIINITY (Who, What, Wheu, Where, W�y): The new class of ENaS Coordinator was created at the request of tlie department. 1'he posi6on in this class will assist the Emergency Medical ServSces Chief with EMS operations to provide the citizens of Saint Paul a safe, legal, cost-effec6ve, and quality emergency medical services. � AAVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Provide needed assistance in planning and implementing EMS operations, ensuring compliance with federal, state, and local EMS regularions and standazds, and coordinating special programs and projects. K Fo, d� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � � �'� None. Funds for the salary cost has already been placed in the departrnent budget. ��'� � E %� � � � DISADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: The department will lack the additional capability needed to provide safe, legal, cost-effective, and quality emergency medicalservices to the City of Saint Paul. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: CO5T/REVEN�JE SiJDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) G:\Shared��ClassiflCLASS�Itesoiutions&Ordinances�Emergency MeAical Srnices Coord'wa[or.gs.wpd 0\_'�9,4.. DESK AUDTT REPORT Class Studied: Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Coordinator (New) Incumbent: David Erickson (provisional) Date Studied: February 5, 2001 Studied By: Karen Sanchez Persons Contacted: Immediate and Nezt-in-tine Supervisors �- ! �v Background: The Fire Department has requested that the new class of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Coordinator should be created. This is a single-incumbent class. The position in this class will assist the Emergency Medical Services Chief with EMS operations including basic and advanced life support, first responder and emergency medical dispatch activities. Study Components: Review of the job profile and proposed class speci8cation Interview with the immediate and next-in-line supervisors Comparison with related classifications and positions QES evaluation Position Description: Assists theEMS Chiefwith EMS operations including basic and advanced life support, first responder and emergency medical dispatch activities. Assists in the development and/or implementation ofEMS policies and procedures and compliance with federal, state, and local EMS regulations and NAPA and OSHA standards. Researches and maintains knowledge offederal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations affecting the department's EMS services and operarions and makes recommendations to the F.MS Chief for changes or improvements. Researches and identifies new EMS methods and equipment; researches ideas and suggestions from EMS committees, meets with representatives of inedical equipment companies, evaluates new and Page 1 of 2 APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PRACTICE LEADER: o�_�qa-- e�sting EMS equipment, makes recommendations to the EMS Chief for purchasing decisions, and coordinates purchasing of EMS equipment. Coordinates and schedules training, conference and work assignment plans of all EMS personnel. Conducts training classes for recruits and employees on emergency medical procedures and equipment. Coordinates and participates in the on-going EMS public education programs; presents EMS programs and demonstrations to interested community groups and businesses and other fire departments. Acts as member of EMS related committees; attends EMS committee meetings and activities. Maintains EMS records and reports. Comparison: The proposed new ciass of EMS Coordinator is comparable to the Fire Captain and Fire Training Assistant classes in Grade 37 of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standard Salary Ranges. It is highly comparable to the Fire Training Assistant class. Like the Fire Training Assistant, the EMS Coordinator may exercise technical or functional supervision over assigned EMS personnel. Like the Fire Training Assistant, the EMS Coordinator will assist with the operation and coordination of a department-wide specialized program - the Fire Training Assistant with training and the EMS Coordinator with emergency medical services. QES Evaluation: The evaluation supports assigning the EMS Coordinator class in the same pay gade as the Fire Training �ssistant and Fire Captain classes. Recommendatiou: It is recommended that the proposed new class ofEMS Coordinator be created and assigned in Grade 3� of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standard Salary Ranges. Page 2 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: Code: 148B EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES BU: 03 COORDiNATOR Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs emergency medical services duries to provide ihe citizens of Saint Paul a safe, legal, cost effecrive, and quality emergency medical services; coordinates emergency medical services plans and programs; assists the Emergency Medical Services Chief with EMS operarions to ensure campliance with medical guidelines and related federal, state, and local regularions and standards; and performs related duries as required. Suoervision Received: Works under the general and technical supervision of the Emergency Medical Services Chief. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises technical or functional supervision, duectly and through supervisors, over assigned emergency medical services personnel. 'i'YPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists the Emergency Medical Services Chief in planning, implementing, and coordinating EMS operationsincluding basic life support, advanced life support, first responder and emergency medical dispatch activities. Assisrs in developing and implemenfing emergency medical services policies and procedures to operate a modem emergency medical service program. Ensures compliance with federal, state, and local emergency medical services (EMS) regulations and appropriate National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standazds. Reseazches and identifies new emergency medical services methods and equipment. Evaluates new and existing emergency medical services equipment and makes recommendations to the Emergency Medical Services Chief for equipment purchases. Assists, reseazches, and coordinates pwchasing of emergency medical services equipment. Coordinates the training, conference and work assignment plans of all emergency medical servicas personnel. Acts as a member of emergency medical services related committees within the department. Conducts h classes for recruits and current employees on emergency medicaI procedures and equipment. i1 � _7�1a— BMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR) Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: Code: 148B EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES BU: 03 COORDINATOR Effective: Prepazes and assembles audio-visual aids including slides, video tapes, �aphs, charts and computer based izaining materials for emergency medicai services personnel and the community_ Coordinates and participates in the on-going emer�ency medical services public education prograzns; presents emergency medicai services pmgraa�s and demonstrations to iatereszed community groaps and businesses and other fire departments. Maintains emergency medical services records and reports. KNOWLEDGE, SKIT,LS, ABILITIES, AND COMI'ETENCIES l9 �— 7 �'.�.. Considerable knowledge of emergency medical services operations, methods, and equipment. Working knowle@ge of depaitment policies and procedures. Working knowledge of and abiIity to use computers, particutazIy Windows applications. Considerable ability to conduct reseazch and to prepaze reports and recommendations based on the research conducted. Considerable ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships with department personnel, emergency medicat services committees, and the community. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Cansiderable ability to develop and administer valid, reliable traJning instruments to ensure emergency medical services personnel aze properly trained on e�sting and new emergency medical services methods and equipment. Considerable abiliTy to plan, organize, and caordinate programs, projects, and activities. Considerable ability to maintain records and reports. �1INIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Three yeazs of expezience as a paramedic with the Saint Paul Fire and Safety Services Department, and successful completion of the Line Officer Advanced training program within the probationary period or currently holding the rank of Pire Captain in the Saint Paul Fire and Safety Services Department. Must be cuzrently certified as a pazamedic according to the State of Minnesota Standards and as approved by the Saint Paul Fire Department medical d'uector. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or equivalent out-of-state license, with no suspensions or revocations within the two year period prior to the date of the examination (suspensions for pazking related offenses are exc2uded). Must have at least one yeaz of experience in Windows applications or have taken Windows related courses. (EI�RGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR) Page 2 of 2 OFFICE OF H[JiNAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Mazch 12, 2001 Dick Leitner, President Fire Fighters, Local #21 251 Starkey Street, Suite 126 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 Dear Mr. Leitner: 400CityHa[(2nnec 25 WutFourth Stree[ SaintPaul,Minnuata 55102-1634 o�-��'a'' Tetephone: 651-2 66 65 0 0 1DD/IZY: 651-2656501 JobLne: 651-2566502 Facsimiie: 1` Opnon: 65I-292-611 d Y 651-292-6415 3"� Option: 651-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and ciass specification of �mergency Medical Services Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss ttris action. If I do not hear from you within That timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I wiil also be processing a resotutson to establish the rate of pay for the title of �mergency Medical Services Coordinator in Grade 037, Section II) 6, of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standazd Ranges in the Salary Pian and Rates af Compensation. Sincerely, ,�� � Karen Sanchez Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the fvne remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. Dick Leitner �-�5-� I Date o:�v�.mclm,nclwrnzo e�ann=o�s.+.x�.�,•»va OFFICE OF HUMAN RPSOURCES JdmHamlkon,Di�ector CITY C3F SAINT PAUL Norm CaZemnn,?vlayar TO: Tim Fuller, Fire Chief FROIVI: Karen Sanchez � ��""� DATE: � Marchl2, Z001 Twenty Day Notice COOCityHalZAnner 25 WutFovrth Sneet Sai»tPaul��nnesot¢ 55102-1634 -��� � � frv�� o�-�qa Telephone: 551-266-6500 TDD/TTY.' 651-266Qf0i JobGne: 651-2666502 Facsimile: 1° Oprion: 651-292-6414 Y° Opdon: 651-292-6415 3' Opd"an: 651-29d7656 It has been deternuned that the title and class specification ofEmergency Medical Services Coordivator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, i£you wish to diseuss this action. If I do not hear from you wiYhin that timefi I will assume a,,eement and wiIl proceed with the process. I wili also be processing a resoiution to establish tha rate of pay for the tztle of Emergency Medical Services Coordinator in Cnade Q37, Section ID 6, of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Ptan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating tlris title and class speclfication. Tim Fuiler G:VShmedlCbsnflCldSS120 dayxaGCeslemer6eng:m¢dicqLservicescwsehnaror.depLwPd �• 1� °O/ Date Council File # O � Green Sheet # 106804 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Presented Referred To An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the new classification entitled Emergency Medical Services Coordinator. n � 7 oZS Committee Date RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Emergency Medical Services Coordinator be established at the rate set forth in Grade 37, of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges, Section ID6, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Departrnent of: Office of Human Resources BY� SaSYvn��� V Form Approved by City Attorney By: �.( `t � K' o t -���` � by Council Secretary �': � ��,\�� � 's Approved by Mayor: Date �`/ � ��� Approveli l�y�ayor for Sub 'ssion to Council �.: �f //�'� G:�Shared�ClassiflCI,ASS�Itesolutions&.Ordmmces�Fme�geuryMedical Services Coordmamcres.apd '""� Adopted by CouncIl: Date ��� �.� � o} �� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCQ.: DATE INITTATED GREEN SHEET rto.:lo6so4 ° � -1 `�a Office of Hwuan Resources 4/2/Ol CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: INTfIAL/DATE INI7'IAL/DATE John Shockley 266-6471 , D�,�n�r Dm��lc/1��• f 4 cm �ou�.�cu, Karen Sanchez, 266-6483 ��*'�� V T � NUhIBERFOR 2CRYAITORNEY C1iYCLERR ROUTAIG � ORDER p¢d,llvcw. SE2V nm FA'nxcr! Ii, smv�accic MUST BE ON COi1NCII, AGENDA BY (DA1'E) 3 Mnmx �oxnssr.� t s_ _ � " i:�'s . . _ . . TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'ORE) � �' �� L� � 0 ACTION REQUESTED: Establish the rate of pay for the title of Emergency Medical Services Coordinator in Gtade 037, Section ID6, of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. RECObA9QdDATIONS:Approve(A)orRejec[(A) PERSONALSERVICECON'1'RACTSMUSTAIVSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: ` 1. Hasthisperson/fumevetworkedmderacontractforthisdepa�evtP _PI.ANNING CAMhIISSION Yes No _CB COMIvIlTTEE 2. Haz Uvs persan/fvm ever been a city empbyce? _CIVII.SERVICECOT�A�IISSION Yes No 3. Dces Ous perso¢1$im possess a slNl not no�mally possessed by any cmrm[ city employee7 Yw No 4. Is Phis persodSrm a PargeeeA vwdm? Yes No _ Expivn w yes mswers on separate sheet and attach to gr2e� sheet INI'II'dATING P$OBY.EM, YSSUE, OPPORTIINITY (Who, What, Wheu, Where, W�y): The new class of ENaS Coordinator was created at the request of tlie department. 1'he posi6on in this class will assist the Emergency Medical ServSces Chief with EMS operations to provide the citizens of Saint Paul a safe, legal, cost-effec6ve, and quality emergency medical services. � AAVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Provide needed assistance in planning and implementing EMS operations, ensuring compliance with federal, state, and local EMS regularions and standazds, and coordinating special programs and projects. K Fo, d� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � � �'� None. Funds for the salary cost has already been placed in the departrnent budget. ��'� � E %� � � � DISADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: The department will lack the additional capability needed to provide safe, legal, cost-effective, and quality emergency medicalservices to the City of Saint Paul. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: CO5T/REVEN�JE SiJDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) G:\Shared��ClassiflCLASS�Itesoiutions&Ordinances�Emergency MeAical Srnices Coord'wa[or.gs.wpd 0\_'�9,4.. DESK AUDTT REPORT Class Studied: Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Coordinator (New) Incumbent: David Erickson (provisional) Date Studied: February 5, 2001 Studied By: Karen Sanchez Persons Contacted: Immediate and Nezt-in-tine Supervisors �- ! �v Background: The Fire Department has requested that the new class of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Coordinator should be created. This is a single-incumbent class. The position in this class will assist the Emergency Medical Services Chief with EMS operations including basic and advanced life support, first responder and emergency medical dispatch activities. Study Components: Review of the job profile and proposed class speci8cation Interview with the immediate and next-in-line supervisors Comparison with related classifications and positions QES evaluation Position Description: Assists theEMS Chiefwith EMS operations including basic and advanced life support, first responder and emergency medical dispatch activities. Assists in the development and/or implementation ofEMS policies and procedures and compliance with federal, state, and local EMS regulations and NAPA and OSHA standards. Researches and maintains knowledge offederal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations affecting the department's EMS services and operarions and makes recommendations to the F.MS Chief for changes or improvements. Researches and identifies new EMS methods and equipment; researches ideas and suggestions from EMS committees, meets with representatives of inedical equipment companies, evaluates new and Page 1 of 2 APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PRACTICE LEADER: o�_�qa-- e�sting EMS equipment, makes recommendations to the EMS Chief for purchasing decisions, and coordinates purchasing of EMS equipment. Coordinates and schedules training, conference and work assignment plans of all EMS personnel. Conducts training classes for recruits and employees on emergency medical procedures and equipment. Coordinates and participates in the on-going EMS public education programs; presents EMS programs and demonstrations to interested community groups and businesses and other fire departments. Acts as member of EMS related committees; attends EMS committee meetings and activities. Maintains EMS records and reports. Comparison: The proposed new ciass of EMS Coordinator is comparable to the Fire Captain and Fire Training Assistant classes in Grade 37 of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standard Salary Ranges. It is highly comparable to the Fire Training Assistant class. Like the Fire Training Assistant, the EMS Coordinator may exercise technical or functional supervision over assigned EMS personnel. Like the Fire Training Assistant, the EMS Coordinator will assist with the operation and coordination of a department-wide specialized program - the Fire Training Assistant with training and the EMS Coordinator with emergency medical services. QES Evaluation: The evaluation supports assigning the EMS Coordinator class in the same pay gade as the Fire Training �ssistant and Fire Captain classes. Recommendatiou: It is recommended that the proposed new class ofEMS Coordinator be created and assigned in Grade 3� of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standard Salary Ranges. Page 2 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: Code: 148B EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES BU: 03 COORDiNATOR Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs emergency medical services duries to provide ihe citizens of Saint Paul a safe, legal, cost effecrive, and quality emergency medical services; coordinates emergency medical services plans and programs; assists the Emergency Medical Services Chief with EMS operarions to ensure campliance with medical guidelines and related federal, state, and local regularions and standards; and performs related duries as required. Suoervision Received: Works under the general and technical supervision of the Emergency Medical Services Chief. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises technical or functional supervision, duectly and through supervisors, over assigned emergency medical services personnel. 'i'YPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists the Emergency Medical Services Chief in planning, implementing, and coordinating EMS operationsincluding basic life support, advanced life support, first responder and emergency medical dispatch activities. Assisrs in developing and implemenfing emergency medical services policies and procedures to operate a modem emergency medical service program. Ensures compliance with federal, state, and local emergency medical services (EMS) regulations and appropriate National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standazds. Reseazches and identifies new emergency medical services methods and equipment. Evaluates new and existing emergency medical services equipment and makes recommendations to the Emergency Medical Services Chief for equipment purchases. Assists, reseazches, and coordinates pwchasing of emergency medical services equipment. Coordinates the training, conference and work assignment plans of all emergency medical servicas personnel. Acts as a member of emergency medical services related committees within the department. Conducts h classes for recruits and current employees on emergency medicaI procedures and equipment. i1 � _7�1a— BMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR) Page 1 of 2 Proposed Title of Class: Code: 148B EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES BU: 03 COORDINATOR Effective: Prepazes and assembles audio-visual aids including slides, video tapes, �aphs, charts and computer based izaining materials for emergency medicai services personnel and the community_ Coordinates and participates in the on-going emer�ency medical services public education prograzns; presents emergency medicai services pmgraa�s and demonstrations to iatereszed community groaps and businesses and other fire departments. Maintains emergency medical services records and reports. KNOWLEDGE, SKIT,LS, ABILITIES, AND COMI'ETENCIES l9 �— 7 �'.�.. Considerable knowledge of emergency medical services operations, methods, and equipment. Working knowle@ge of depaitment policies and procedures. Working knowledge of and abiIity to use computers, particutazIy Windows applications. Considerable ability to conduct reseazch and to prepaze reports and recommendations based on the research conducted. Considerable ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships with department personnel, emergency medicat services committees, and the community. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Cansiderable ability to develop and administer valid, reliable traJning instruments to ensure emergency medical services personnel aze properly trained on e�sting and new emergency medical services methods and equipment. Considerable abiliTy to plan, organize, and caordinate programs, projects, and activities. Considerable ability to maintain records and reports. �1INIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Three yeazs of expezience as a paramedic with the Saint Paul Fire and Safety Services Department, and successful completion of the Line Officer Advanced training program within the probationary period or currently holding the rank of Pire Captain in the Saint Paul Fire and Safety Services Department. Must be cuzrently certified as a pazamedic according to the State of Minnesota Standards and as approved by the Saint Paul Fire Department medical d'uector. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or equivalent out-of-state license, with no suspensions or revocations within the two year period prior to the date of the examination (suspensions for pazking related offenses are exc2uded). Must have at least one yeaz of experience in Windows applications or have taken Windows related courses. (EI�RGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR) Page 2 of 2 OFFICE OF H[JiNAN RESOURCES John Hamilton, Director CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Mazch 12, 2001 Dick Leitner, President Fire Fighters, Local #21 251 Starkey Street, Suite 126 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 Dear Mr. Leitner: 400CityHa[(2nnec 25 WutFourth Stree[ SaintPaul,Minnuata 55102-1634 o�-��'a'' Tetephone: 651-2 66 65 0 0 1DD/IZY: 651-2656501 JobLne: 651-2566502 Facsimiie: 1` Opnon: 65I-292-611 d Y 651-292-6415 3"� Option: 651-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and ciass specification of �mergency Medical Services Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss ttris action. If I do not hear from you within That timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I wiil also be processing a resotutson to establish the rate of pay for the title of �mergency Medical Services Coordinator in Grade 037, Section II) 6, of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standazd Ranges in the Salary Pian and Rates af Compensation. Sincerely, ,�� � Karen Sanchez Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the fvne remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. Dick Leitner �-�5-� I Date o:�v�.mclm,nclwrnzo e�ann=o�s.+.x�.�,•»va OFFICE OF HUMAN RPSOURCES JdmHamlkon,Di�ector CITY C3F SAINT PAUL Norm CaZemnn,?vlayar TO: Tim Fuller, Fire Chief FROIVI: Karen Sanchez � ��""� DATE: � Marchl2, Z001 Twenty Day Notice COOCityHalZAnner 25 WutFovrth Sneet Sai»tPaul��nnesot¢ 55102-1634 -��� � � frv�� o�-�qa Telephone: 551-266-6500 TDD/TTY.' 651-266Qf0i JobGne: 651-2666502 Facsimile: 1° Oprion: 651-292-6414 Y° Opdon: 651-292-6415 3' Opd"an: 651-29d7656 It has been deternuned that the title and class specification ofEmergency Medical Services Coordivator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, i£you wish to diseuss this action. If I do not hear from you wiYhin that timefi I will assume a,,eement and wiIl proceed with the process. I wili also be processing a resoiution to establish tha rate of pay for the tztle of Emergency Medical Services Coordinator in Cnade Q37, Section ID 6, of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Ptan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating tlris title and class speclfication. Tim Fuiler G:VShmedlCbsnflCldSS120 dayxaGCeslemer6eng:m¢dicqLservicescwsehnaror.depLwPd �• 1� °O/ Date