268908 WH17E - CITV CIERK � . - PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAIN�T PAITL - Council � ' " CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO.��, �i��� . BLUE -MAVOR � C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI•�tEAS, It has been deer�ed advisable and desirable for the City of Sa3.nt Pa.ul to repair the two bridges on I�LI,OGG BOULEVARD at Maxket Street and. over the Exchange Street Ramp (City Project B-1058); and W�REAS, Portions of said pro�eet axe on a Trunlc H3ghway (T.H. 5) a.nd axe eli�ible fbr finanein� usin� Mtuzicipal 3tate Aid Funds (M.S.A. Pro�ect 164-oio-ig); NC1W T�'�iE, B� IT RESOLVED, That we do hereby appropriate Punds� not to exceed the sum o� $40�000, from our Municipal State Aid Funds to app]�y towaxd the financing of said construction ar�. requsst tlx Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minr�sota to approv�e this authorization. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ���� Nays Hozza v [n Favor �blic Works Levine � R�l�r � Against By o , c or e . ) Tedesco �Preei�}e�t Hunt Adopted by Counc' . Date �(i t 4 1977 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified ssed ounci Secretary� BY ..r Approve Mayor: Da Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBLISHED APR Z 3 1��7 CITY OF SAINT PAUL s�,����� �G OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL essta� ���ase�ese m�%e� RUBY HUNT Apri 1 11 , 1977 Councilwoman T0: Clty Council Members . Rose Mix, City Clerk FROM: Ruby Hunt, Chairman, Public Works Committee (�� SUBJECT: Resolution Authorizing Repair of Two Bridges on Kellogg Boulevard at Market Street and Exchange Street and Appro- priation of $40,000 in Municipal State Aid Funds for the Project The Public Works Corrrnittee, at a meeting on April 8, 1977, passed a motion to approve the above resolution (attached�, rs Enc. CTI'Y HALL SBVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5378 O . �68908 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DANIEL ). DUNFORD March 17, 19'T'7 DIRECTOR Mrs. Ruby Hunt, Cha3rman Public Works �ommittee RECEIVED » Roarn 719, city xall B U I L D T N G f. 4 Q � � 1977 � Rab�l Hunt Re: KELLOGG BRID(� N0. 92798 at Maxket St. I�LLOGG BRID(� N0. 90378 at Excha.nge St. City Pro�. B-1058 Dear Mrs. Hunt: The Department of Public Works has progrannned the referenced pro�eet which consists of major structural repairs to the referenced brid�es. We would like to present our proposed p].aris to your coanmittee for its information, review and approval, and therefore, req�est that thie matter be placed on the agenda for the Public Works C�nmittee in the near f'uture. There are no assessm�nta on this pro�eet, and as it is necessary for the work to be carried out, we do not expect it to be contraveraial. Yours very truly, � � � Daniel J. ord, Director of Pu,blic Works DJD�REG�mp , cc: R. E. Grieder 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 _ _�. : . flM O1: 12/1975 , Rev. : 9/8/75 ` �� EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, ' ' RESOLUTIONS, AI�D ORDINAi.'�iCES � Date: March 16, 1977 TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: R. B. Grieder - Departmelxt o� Public Works RE: �LI�fX'',G BLSTD. - at 8'�cchauge ►3t. Ramp & Market �4t. � stru�t,u�ea. Repai.z ana Pa3nt. (c�ty Pro�. s-loss) . ACTION REQUESTED: Appxopriate monie8 from our Municipal State Aid Funds for use on the ref'�renced pro�ect and requ�et Coimnissioner of Traasportat3on for approval of same. PURPOSE �ND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Repa3rs to strurtural strix�g�era, piers, aad �o3.nt� o� the bridges at Markk�t Street and mror Bacchange 3treet Rmmpa ax� required. Whil�e the ].argest portion of the pro�iect ia on the Municipal 3tate Aid Street 3yetem, a&iitiona]. f�tnd��are requ�red to cao�plete-the needed �ork off' o� the syatem. Ptablie �Tc,rks des3re$ to finaace . said coaatruction xith M.B.A. Funds. • AZ`TACHMENTS: Couacil Reaolution. REG,mp