268903 WH17E — CITV CLERK PI�JK — FINANCE GITY O AINT PAUL Council •^s`A (_�j � BLUERV — �,.�qyO�TMENT FI1C NO. `J�-s��v � � �Zesolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �... Out of Committee By � Date In the matter of hazardous buildings being that three-story, brick, 14 unitapartment building known and described as 561-63 Laurel Avenue in the City of Saint Paul and situated upon those premises legally described as South 127.5 feet of Lot 22, Block 6, Woodland Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, accord- ing to the plat on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution, C. F. No. 268818, approved March 29, 1977, a public hearing was duly held on March 31, 1977 before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, said hearing pertaining to the condition of the structures located at 561-63 Laurel �Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota; and WHEBEAS, upon the facts presented at the said hearing consist- ing of photographs, inspection reports and the recommendations of the Bui��ding Department, it is found and determined by the City Council that according to the records and files in the office of the Register of Deeds the last record owner of the above described property is Dunn & Stringer, Inc. , Realtors, 200 Endicott Building on Fourth St. , St. Paul, Minnesota, Attn. Thomas A. Pryor and that there are no lien holders of record; and that it is further determined that the above described building constitutes hazardous buildings within the definition of Minnesota Statutes Section 463.15 for the following reasons: a. The subject property has been boarded up by the City since - March 3, 1973. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ Against BY Rcedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy , - Approved by Mayor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii By BY MMITE - C�TV CLERK ���V`/`��� ■ PIPlK - FINANCE GITY OF SA.INT PAUL Council � CANARY-- DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date b. This is a three-story building of ordinary construction. Because of age, fire damage, vandalism, deterioration and lack of proper maintenance, this building is deemed hazardous and beyond feasible rehabilitation; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Sections 463.15 through 463.26, and based upon the foregoing �indings of the City Council, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby make the following Order: ORDER ' 1. The owner of the above described building shall make the same safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare by having the said building razed and the materials there- from removed from the premises within thirty (30) days from the date of the service of this Order; 2. Unless such corrective action is taken to comply with this Order or an answer served upon the City of Saint Paul and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey County, Minnesota within twenty (20) days from the date of the service of this Order, a Motion for Summary Enforcement of this Order to raze and remove the said building will be made to the Ramsey County District Court; 3. In the event that the building is to be razed by the City of Saint Paul pursuant to judgment of the District Court, all personal COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ Against BY Rcedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by AAayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CIERK 7.� PI�IK - FINANCE L� CANARV - DEPARTMENT COIlIICll f� BLUE ' - MAVOR �GITY O�F SAINT PAUL File � NO. � � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date with the razing and removal of this building shall be removed within ten (10) days from the entry of judgment; and if not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such personal property and fixtures as provided by law; 4. If the City of Saint Paul is compelled to take any corrective action herein, all necessary costs expended by the City will be assessed against the above described real estate and collected as other taxes; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That a certified copy of this resolution and incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record owner of the above described property in the'' manner provided by law. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays i Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt J Levine __ Against BY Rcedler ��' 'Fedosc�. .�/ Adopted by cil: Date •DR � � '�E' Form Appr v b City Attorney Certi ' d Passe Coun .il S cretafy BY y �, Appr d by Mayor: APR 1 8 �9TT Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY RUBLISHE • P � BY : . _ , : , > __ : . � . , ., ., , ;E ' . / t i��� � �. . r'� f"� � ` , '`�` . � � � � !�� '��',�!`'. , . . . , . � ,� , ,: . . , : � ; . ;. , , # ., _ ; ,, � . , � � . � � . � �;- � ;. � � - ; ; � :, ; . ,. _ � '' -' / . , � . - ,� ;$ _ . . . : " - . ,.r r ' , � , . . � � �� � � ' , , ' , . . � �� ' `�� , _ � � / , •�;; . . � � , '� ' f � . J , r� - . � � � ,:; • . , • � #.. I � �.,`: � � � � • ' � , . - � � . _ 1� ' , , � � ' ;3 ` , ` � `° �'� ' � � � ����_�� ' � � � � � _ � �',� ;:� . �'�� � � • . � : , � � . _ �.: Y ,, •. • , ; a �; , . , _ � . ' . >'� ` + . .. . J t . . i � ,.�. � . . , - 't.� � � 7 �. ,. � �� � � _ , _ �. , ��" r�- °:i K � . 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I - .t , �Y :! � . • , j , . Z n ��. S ' ' � r + i 4 �?, i.. ��� ' . M ' ' '` . �r �� _ �� . '� , � . . , , - � ��: K �., . . - .- ( . �.� ' . . . ' . . . . . . f � , . . � 3{�X i� � � � 3 �::xLLt+t�� ..� . . - .. . . , . � . . ' �� . . , � . � . S . � . . . . .,. � . . . .. �.' . . ..- . . . ...,. .... CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES - -' DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT 445 City HaU, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Phone 612-298-4212 March 29,_1977 Mr. President and Members of the City Counci:l Re: 561-63 'Laurel Ave.� File No. 2281 HonorabTe Council: The Division of Housing and Huilding Code Enforcemerit :is hereliy sub- mitting its report on the conditiori of the. structure .at the location referred to abo.ve. The owner of record is Dunn & Stringer. Realtors, 200. Endicott Bldg. , . on Fourth, St. Paul, Mn. 551OT, Attn: Mr. Pryar. The .legal description of the property is the 5outh 127..5 feet of Lot 22, Block 6 , Waodland Park Additi.on. The :subject property has beeri boarded up by. the city since March. 3, . 1973. This is a three-s�tory buil,ding of ordinary constructi:�an. �3ecause of age, .fir-e .damage,' uandali'sm, deterioration and lack of proper main- terian ,. this building is deemed hazardous and beyond feasible rehab- ilit�,�:on and should� be condemned and removed as soon as possibTe. � Ve '� ruly s Glerin A. Ericks:on Ci.ty Architect GAE:SRR:vo cc: Mes:srs. George Zatimer, Mayor Johri Martin, City. Atto.rney's Office W. Shimek, Fire: Marshal F. Staffenson, Housing Co.de L. Levine �� • . j . �.:. 1 ; . . . . . . . � . . � _ � WHITE . � CITY CLERK - -. .. � ... . . .� . . � � . PINK �� �- FINANCE � . .. . . . � . COUIICII � CAPIAR�V —pEPARTMENT ' � G I TY OF SA I�NT "PAU L DLUE —MAVOH - . - Flle . NO.�,�,� s' . � -� "� � ~ ' : .�` i� ouncil Resolution . � : � . : :i,� . Presented By � „} � �" — '�',�. Ref�rred To � Committee: Date �;:�_, Out of Committee By Date _ �iI�R�S, ths Diviaiaon ot Hauafnq and Snildisg CoB� Enfora�msnt bas r+eqneated the City iCaa�acil to bold a pt�blic �eariaq to cocnsider tha advisabilitg anS uec�esal.ty of tha cors�actio� or �rreckis�g and re- mottal o� tha �ollorrinq dwacribed baildiag� sa�id otructux� having beea reparted tcc> coas�cctitute a public hasard: � - - 551-63 I.�aurel �it+�. So�ath i27.5 ft. of �reea-story: hric� Lot 23, 81o�k 6, 14 anit apartn�at.� �ot�dlaud Pask �ddn� bnildiag �1t�3E.�AS, ft appears thr�t ths last knaR► reco�cd c�n.er is i��mn i Strinqer 8�ealto�s, 20tt �adicro�t Buildiaq on Fvc�rth St., St.. .Psul� Mianesota, Atta. lir., Pryor. . THEIZE�''t3R�, SS I2 �ES4LYE�, that a �uut�lic hearinq be held by aud before the Conncil of the� City of Saint Panl in �e Council Ct�a�ob�r o� the Coart Xouso in said city at 10:00 1�..H. an L�iarch 31, 197� to � � consid�r ths advisability a�.d n�essity o= arderi.ng the coz�rectfon or xreckfag an�d removal of aafd structwce on the above described P��Y . inasmuch as stid atructure is i+eported to cc�ustit�ut� a hnzard to public h�alth, safety and aelfare; be it � � Fu$THE.� RESOLOED, that the Dinision of Housiaq and Sui.lding Code �nforce�meat, vsn behalf of the City t�oaacil, notify by mail the reccrS �er of t,he prcyperL-�► it► q�st.S.oa at_ the last knc�a add=ess, as �11 as ot't�r interestBrl gerac�a$ �� rer.ord, of the 8ate aAd ti� 03 the hearinq. �� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � Co�1�i'kY S�e7NiC�$ Hozza [n Favor Hunt - . L.evine _ � Against BY � Roedler Sylvester - Tedesco _,r,? 4 1g77 Form Approved by City Attorney i� . Adopted by Council: Date ��S ; I Certified Yassed b1� Council Secretary BY � ' �° �i l ! �. . � , By . Approved by ;Vlavor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council <___._ � sy. _1 By `' ` � ` I ' �1TY �F N����� , ��� s, . x � :ia:::::::a: a d °�'_"�'-�a� ab C ITY OF SAI NT PAUL �s ,�o .o.a OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY HARRIET LANSING April 6, 1977 Mr. Albert B. Olson Council Recording Secretary City Clerk's Office City Hall Re: Hazardous Building - 561-63 Laurel Ave. Dear Mr. Olson: Attached hereto is resolution/�rder pertaining to the above hazardous building. Upon passage of the same by the City Council, please forward two certified copies to me. Yours truly, �� �� ���� . / JOHN PAUL MART IN � � Assistant City Attorney v,� -��, c�"� JPM:r 1 >'� "' G� •a► r' Enc. !"��= r+ v 3� � Z a � �i Z� � . � � City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121