268897 WH17E - CITV CLERK COII�ICll s�i � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF �AINT PAUL 1 �"���?`►� � CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR Flle NO. `" -`= �•' ' � � Council Resolution , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 231•OS of the Saint Paui Legislative Code. (as amsnded by Ordinance No. 14b62, approved Dacember 1 , 1970) pertaini�g to regulattons fo� the adJusting of sawer servtce charges, and upon the 'recom- mendation of the Department of Public Works and approval of the eoard of Water Commissioners, the Counctl of the City of Saint Paul does hereby certify that because of partial diversion of their total water �sons�Hnption from the City of Saint Paul 's S�ita ry Sewer System, the below listed firn�s have justifiable roason for appiication of an adjustment to their sewsr service charges as levied: (in accord�ce with Resolution, Councii File No. 268340, approved January 7, 1977 �dbett FURTHER RESOLVED, That a full or partiai�`rafund of patd sawer service charges, based upon these adJus�ments, shall bs refunded from ths "Sewer S�rvice Fund" and shall be in the foilowing �unts: NAt� ADDRESS TIMIE PERIOD AMOlN1T � Olympia Brawing Co. , FEB 1977 $60,6$6.90 722 Payna Ave. 55165 � IG�ppsrs Co.� lnc. JAN-FEB 1977 $ 3,274.80 1000 N. Namiine Ava. 55104 Hoerner watdorf Corp. FEB 197►7 . J S 2.375.49 2550 Wabash Ave. 55114 Jacob Schmidt Brawing Co. FEB 1977 $ 2.230.b5 882 W. Seventh St. 55102 K�altogg Squere Apartments 1976 $ 1 ,088.96 I11 E. IGsllogg Blvd. 55101 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ Against BY Rcedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved b City ttorne Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Appro d by Mayor for Su issi fito Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK 6�((���Q PINK - FINANCE COUIICII � P -(�`�'�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAiTL File NO• `. BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -Page Two- NAME ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT Gold Medal Beverage Co. FEB 1977 $ 588•97 P.o. Box 3466 55165 Sears 8 Roabuck Co. 1976 $ 542.81 425 Rice st. 55103 Lange Bros. Building Materlal Co. 1976 $ 257.44 781 Nubbard Ave. St. Paul Dispatch 8 Pioneer Press FEB 1977 $ 202.63 63 E. Fourth St. 55101 Burlington Northe rn, inc. FEB 1977 $ 175•18 176 E. Fifth St. 55101 Land 0'Lakes� Inc. FE6 1977 $ 90•73 415 Grova St. 55101 American National Bank FEB-MAR 1977 $ 89.74 America� Nationai Bank Bldg. Room 2320 55101 s�as Co. FEB 1977 $ 38.23 582 N. Prio� Ave. 55104 First National Bank MAR 1977 S 37•41 W-1752 lst National Bank Bldg. 55101 COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butier Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ Against BY Rcedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII ������� PINK - FINANCE ; �\ CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL �� �� BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. r � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -Page Three- NAME ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT Central Warehouse Co. FEB 1977 S 37•31 P.O. Box 3456 55101 Gross-Given Manufacturing Co. MAR 1977 S 35•04 76 Plato Bivd. 55107 COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Y Yeas Butler Na s �'1 Publ i c Works n�.� � [n Favor Hunt /� Levine __ Against BY '�� Roe�1er Dan i e 1 . D fo rd Sewe rs Sylvest Adopted by Co Date ��� 2 19n Form Approved by it Attor Certifie ass y Co cil Secjetary BY Approve 1�lavor: Dat A Appr d by Mayor fo u ission to Council By � By pUBLISHED APR Z 3 1977 UM �1: ��/197�i , :�e�v. : 9,%3/75 '. EXPuANATTQN OP' AllMIT�IS'I'rAT7V`. nZ2DERS, � RE��:;LU`1'I�':Za, [��IDTORDYN�.�iC�� ���jy .._ _.._..._.. _ -.. _ ,��� Date: Ma�ch 29. 1977 �p; MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: DANI EL J. Dt�IFORD, DI�ECTOR OF PUBLI C MORKS RE: Refunds of SEWER SERVICE CNARGES .�.CTION P.EQUEST�D: � i Refund S�ar Service Chargss from Sawar Service Fw�d , pURxOSE �ND RATTONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Inv�sstigattan has detarmined thst c�rtain volwnas of water which were assessed a sewer service charge did �ot, in fact, entsr the sanitary sawsr system �d that payment of the charges on thsse volwaes should ba rofundsd. � A�T�CFih1ENTS r . l. Council Resolution 2. Board of Water Commissior�ers' Resolution Racommonding Rsfunds . CITY OF ST. PAUL No._��� — ' OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS . ,. ! �� � .; , RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM �•=-� PRESENTED BY ,�t�i � �� 19T� COMMISSIONER - DATF �� '� ., _ - # � � E ` a�BOLV�D� "�st� �► &�ra os wa� Ca..t..sca�rs h�ar.'�rjr �a►... ' ti� rioo�da�.te�t ot' R�c�a�d �. i�Nlllorr Jirisl�ani� Dirw�Oir ±�qc�d �i�jr` ` �in�s �+la�t of Pttb13� �to�lt, !a hir ls�tes ot Ka�a�h 29�, �9?7 �a �u Board '!h�►t t1t11 or pr�r�i�]. sMt�mds ot paid 8�w� �+r�rrria� �'��1 b�r ��nt�d as list�d in t�►t l�rii�er; sa�d a�ltimd�t �o b� sa�t� !� �he �� � S�►iwt Rtnd". . ? ` W +I�. � � , � , .� i • , � � � ��� . �; r - ` � �,r ,� � t , . ` ,� �` , �� , . � Y ,�. � . !�� ' '�' "- F� ;� ,p��af 4 ,�� � + •,� . � e . - .. � < �. . . . � . • . y' �.d: � .. � ...��r'�.��*, � . ' � � • Water Commissioners ` � ' � � : .� � �, Yeas � ' Na s • t �' Adopted by the Bd d 'o� �Va��,eommissioners " Y ; . ;, : Em�tt � ` ASa�c�h 29 � { 19 s7� Ssffis • — 8t1�1� �� Pr�ri�nt I�rl,t� : c� � in favor—�_ Opposed � �•��� General r«anager