268895 WHITE -�CITV CLERK � ���r�y PINK -�FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ,��. �V CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE -.MA-YOR File NO. ' - ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Cortmissioner of thm Department of Transportation for the State of Minnesota has caused to be prepared: pla�s, special provisions and speciftcations for the irip�rovernent of Trunk Highway No. 39a, renumbered as Trunk Highwaiy No. 94, within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul , from Ruth Street to East Corporate Limits; and, WHEREAS, Said plans are on file in the Offic�a of the Department of Transportation, St. Paul , Minnesota; being ma�rked, labeled and identified as: S.P. 6283-109-110 (94 = 392); mnd, WHEREAS, Said special provisions are on file jn tha Office of the Dspartment of Tranaportation, St. Paul , Minnasota; being marked, tabsled and idantified as: S.P. 6283-1Og-li0 (94�392) , and whjch, tog�thor with, the Minnesota Oepartmsnt of Higtaways Standard Specffications for Highway Constructio�, dated January i , 1912, �s amended by Minnssota pepartment of Highways Supplansntai Specificattons for Htghway Conatructlon, dated April l , 1976� wili govorn, and �ich �rs on file in thm Offics of tha Cornaissioner of Departma�t of Transportationw con�titute the specificatlons for said iaAprovaos�t of Trunk Highwsy No. 39Z� renwnbered as Trunk Highway No. 94; and, WHEREAS, copies of �aid plans a�d spscial provisions as so marked, labeled and identified are atso on file in thm Office of the Director of Public Works; and, WHEREAS, the term, said plans snd special provisions, as hersinsftor used in the body of this Resolution wi�i bm deemed and intendsd to m�an, rsfer to and incorporate ths pians and special provisions in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and dsscrtbed; and. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � Hozza [n Favor Hunt _ Levine _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City tto y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date App d by Mayor for ub ission to Council BY BY �MMITE -�CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 CANARV - DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �r���-�h�"�� BLUE -�MA°YOR ' - Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committe�: Date Out of Committee By Date Pa�� 2 NOM, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said plans and speciai provisio�s for the improvement of Tru�k Highway No. 392, renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 94, within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul , b� end hereaby are a�proved. BE IT FliRTHER RESOLVED that the elevations and grades as sha�m in said plans and special provisions are her�by approved and consent is hare- by given to any and all changes in grade occasioned by the construction of Trunk Highway No. 392, renumbered Trunk Highway No. 94, in accordance with said plans and spscial proviaions. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: �`.��\ Yeas Nays Butler Hu� � In Favor Levine __ Against BY Rcedler Sylvester T� �PR 1 2 �� Form Approved by City torn y Adopted by C cil: Date Certif Passe Coun .il Sec�etar BY s� Approve Mayor: Dat � APR 1 4 1971. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED APR Z 3 ti9�7 , oM o�; z�/��7� y � Rev. - 9/8/76 ' , EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORL`ERSr• �� , RESOLUTIONS, AND ORllI:i�1NCES ����*C:",� Date: li�rch Z5. 1977 . TO: MAYOR �EG?RGE LATIMER FR: Donald �. Taft�, pubiic Vorks Traffic �nginNrins RE: No i s� abat�t v�a i i s a�d 1 ands��tng c�n ths south s i d� of t-'�4 � bst�sn Ruth St��et and McKntght Rosd. , ACTION REQUESTED: App�oval of lt�solut-�oo. _ PURP�SE F,ND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This cc�stitut�s local approval for th� r�f���a�d constrnction. A pubi•ic M�aring for th�s� pians vras h�ld or► F�brwry 17, 19��.with ab�wt 45 p�opi• in att�danc�. 'fl�e plans asr� v�sil r�c�iv� b� tbis 9��P• ATTACHMENTS: ' 6�wrnaii R�sotution � � RNR s.ilOTs c�d �