268894 WHITE - CITV CLERK ����� PINK - FINANGE COUI1C11 y. BYtJERy �MAYpqTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � � File N 0. " Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHER�AS, The Camiissionsr of the Departmmnt of 7ransportation for the Stafie of Minnesota has caused to be prmparedt plans, special provisions and specifications for the improvemsnt of Trunk Highway No. 390, renumbered as Trunk Highway 35E, within the corpora�te limits of the City of St. Paui , from the Mississippi River to Junction W. Smventh Street; and, WHEREAS, Said plans are on file in the offico of the Depa�tment of Transpertation, St. Paul , Minnesota; baing marked, labeled and idmntifisd as; S.P. 1982-40 (35E m 390) S.P. 6280-214 (35� • 39�): and WHEREAS, Said spaciai provtsions are on file in the office of the Department of Transpo�tation, St. Paul , Minnasota; betng ma�rked, labeled �nd ide�tified as: S.P. 1982-40 (35E � 390) S.P. 6280-214 (35E = 390), and which, togeth�r with, the Minnesota Departm�nt of Highway� Standard Specifications for Highwsy Constructio�, dated January l , 1972, as arnended by Mi�nesota Department of Highv�ays Suppiemsntal Specifications for Nighway Construction� dated Aprii i , 1976, wili govsrn� and which are on fila tn the Office of the Commissioner of Oepartment of Transportation, co�stitute tha specifications for said improve+rt�nt of Trunk Highway No. 390, renumberrd Trunk Highway No. 35E; and, WHEREAS, Copies of said plans and spocial provisions as so markad, labeled and identified are aiso on file in the Office of th�a Director of Pubi i,c Works; and, WHEREAS, The term, ssid p.lans and special provisions, as heroin�fter usod in ths body of this Resolution will be d�d and intendsd to mean, ref�r to and incorporete the plans and spocial provisions in the for�going recitals particularly identified and desc�ibed. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt � Levine _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by Cit Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by iVlayor: Date App ed by Mayor for ub 'ssion to Council gy By WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUIICII ��M��� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA iT L ��.�--�'`.>-��4.�: CANARV �DEPARTMENT BE-UE - MAVOR File NO• � � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAC E 2 � N�1, THEN, B� IT RESOLVED that said pla�s and sp�+cial provisio�s for tho improvemsnt of Trunk Highway No. 390, renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 35E, within the corpo�ate itmtts of the City of St. Paul , be and hsreby are approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the elsvations and grades as shown in said plans and special provisions are hereby approved and consent is hersby given to any and all changas in grad� occesioned by the construction of Trunk Highwey No. 390, renumbor�d T�unk Highway No. 35E, in accordancm with said plans and special provisions. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �bl �G WOI'kS Butler (Traff ic-RHR) �., In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler S ly vester ��O AP� S 2 19ns Form Approved by ty torne Adopted by Co . Date Certif Passe Coun '1 Secretary BY Approve IVlayor: Da �- APR 1 � ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gY By U PuBUSHEO APR 2 3 1977 �J�I O1: 32/�935 ` Rev. : 9/8/75 " ' EXPLANATION 4k' ADMINISTRATI�T� �RDERS, ,�, RESOLU�IONS, �1ND ORDTNAN�ES ��.,?��-� Date: March Z�� 1977 • TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � FR: fbnald D. Tafts, Pub11c Morlu Traffia E►�g1��sring RE: lMdia� barri�r and briig� d�ck r�pair on I.S.-3�E bstv� th� � Mississippi Riwr ,and M. S�v�th St�Nt. . ; ACTION :REQU�STED: Approval of R�solution. _ :5 . Q PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: 't'his cmnstit�t�s locai a�proval for th� r�f�r�nc�d cons�ructior�. Th� propossd �onstructtan p��iod is Juns 6� 1977 tv �pt. l , 1977• eas�d , on a 16 hour a day fiv� day s vw�tc op�ration. Traffic will b� ��str�ct�d to a» lans in �acb di��ction. Ths bid op�ing date is sch�dul�al for April 29, 1977, �v�r, tf th� closin� of ttt� H i gh �r i dgs crwt�s pcc�ss i w cong�st to� on th 1 s r�ut� ar�d_1 t appwrs this c�dition Mould r�in throughout ths cor+stractian p�rtod th� ce�tratt wmuld �ot b� �rdad. � 1 t i s n�ca�sary to b�1n proc�ss i ng th 1 s r�sol ut to�a e�w i� o�ds�',+to �t ATTACIiI�?[i N�* �ri 1 15• 1977 d�a�1 i�. Ccx�nci 1 R�solat:i� � _ RHRtDOT:ced