01-390Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 r Committee:Date: WIIEREAS, Target Corporafion will donate a Forensic Recovery of Evidence Computer (FRED) and selected suftware valued at approacimately $6,939 to the Saint Paul Police Department's Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force; and WFIEREAS, Target Corporation realizes the immense and unique challenges the interaet poses for law enforcement, and hopes that by partnering with and supporting the efforts of the Saint Paul Police Departmenfs ICAC Task Force, the communiries served with be safer places in which to live and work; and BE IT RESOLVED, that Yhe City of Saint Paul accepts this generous donarion and extends its sincere thanks to Target Corporation for their contriburion. icacdonationfromtarget. cr2001 Requested by Department of: Approved by Mayor for 01- �ti0 111738 } D�SPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Police s�2�/ot GREEN SHEET No. 111738 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE iNI7iAVD INITIAVDATE WilliamFinney 292-3588 1 oer,vcrtnexrnir�croa g 01 4 cmcouNCi� ���� � ( -7'�� � � �crtxATfORNEY �T'CIERK �I �NAYOR 0 ASS� __��� ❑N � G �/ACCTG TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N REQUESTED Approval of the athached council resolurion authori�;no the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC) wiUiln the St Paul Police Department to accept the donation of a Forensic Recovery Evidence Device (FRED) from Tazget Coiporation. RECOMMENDATION App�OVe (A) of RejeCt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has ihis persoNfirm ever worked untler a contract for Ihis department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2 Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Dces this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessetl by any cunent ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this person/firtn a targeted vendoh YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The ICAC Task Force's mission is to work as a mulri-jurisdicrional operation that: investigates crimes involving child pomography; exploitation of children online; educates law enforcement on investigative techniques and legal issues involving search waxrants and seizure of evidence; develops and insritutes public awazeness pxograxns to help parents and cluldren have posirive experiences while online. The forensic examinarion aspect of these crimes requires specialized computer equipment and software to accommodate the wide variety of computers that aze seized in these invesrigatlons. The ICAC task force has opened 52 invesrigations to this point and with only one computer for forensic work has had delays caused by finding proper connections and soflware to examine the different types of computets recovered. The FRED device has built-in various components necessary to e7camiue a wide variery of computers at much faster speeds. The value of the offered donarion is 6,939.00. .ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Approval of the council resolution will increase the effec4veness of the ICAC task force and increase our capabiliries in doing the necessary forensic exams of the computers. The acceptance of the FRED device will allow us to reallocate a portion of the ICAC grant funding to ICAC related azeas that were under budgeted or were unforeseen expenses. This device will make the police departmem better prepazed for the increased involvement of computers in crimes. ������� �� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None �QR c� � )".���1 �� S T '� F ; t f k DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED , The ICAC Task Force will not be as effective time wise as it would be with this device, W e wil�n�eed Yq evataarNe,��k➢,bu�*"��ialized ' equipment as unique computers aze seized. �� � �'±� � � ���� �: � iOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ Approximate vaiue �6,939 COSLREVENUE eU�GETED (CIRCIE ONE) . YES ; ":, p+¢' �.� � y,. ,"."" "p' - � Ss3ea,��'��-��.�. R�,',u��,%t �M�a„ , FUNDWG SOURCE Donation from Tazget Corporation ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION(EXPLAIN) � 0 � �y��9 f-s TARGET CORPORATION 01. �,� 0 O March 20, 2001 William K. Finney Chief of Police St. Paul Police Department 100 East 11�' Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Chief Finney, Target Corporation is proud to be a strong supporter of law enforcement orgaivzations throughout the nation. We believe that by partnering with and supporting the efforts of depanmenu like yours we can help make the communities we serve safer places in which to live and work. So it's my pleasure to e�end an offer from Target Corporation to purchase a forensic computer for your Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force. Because of the immense and uruque challenges the Internet poses for law enforcement, it is our hope that ICAC will be able to ackueve its objectives more efficiently and effectively using state-of- the-art equipment. I'm enclosing the technical spec�cations and the value of the computer for your review. I look forward to working with the ICAC Task Porce on this project. Sincerely, �;i�u? ��,�1�C�Cii1`' B " N fL �� Gregg Patyk Senior Investigator, Corponte Investigations Target Corporation enclosures Assets Protectio0 1000 Niwllet Mall, Minaeapolis, Minnesota 55403 03%19/2001 15:48 2625249363 DIGITAL INTELLIGENCE PAGE 02 Greg PaCy~ x^argec Corporation TEL {612) 761-3282 F� (F121 762-1362 Digital Intelt'rgence, Inc. Corporate HeadqupNea 600 M25v COUrt WOUkgShO, VJI $3T8$-d4Qp (26� 52a-9363 N _ 01•7Z� -- - ------_�----- Request for Quote �e Ouote tr 03/19/20GZ 19030101 TaxiD # 34-1957D34 ftem Descri tion Quanti Unit Cost Total F ��� Forensic Recovex Y of Evzdence 1 6539.00 6,839_Oo Dev3ce (pitED) - Combined Unit Fvll Tower case (6-55F, 3-3+�,) -w/ Forensic Modifications ASU5 Peneium III Mothexboard Intel PTII/1_OGHZ (W/Fan) 7 68 MB SnRAM (pC133) NaYrow/wide SCSI Controller 10/100 Mb LAN Contro2ler AGP Video W/Video-zn 4 Vidca-OUL Avdio/5ound Contro2ler 56K v.90 Tnternal Modem 2 Maxtor 80 GB ultra bMA EIDE Drives DVD/CDRW combination nrive 3-7,/2 E 5-1l4 Dual Mcdia Floppy pyive Seagate 4wn 1Z/24Gb SCSZ DAT Tnternal internfll tomega 2eb Jaz nrive Internal LS-120 Dzive Internal Somegd Zip Drivg 6 Removable Drive 2rays 19" SVGA Monitor 9^ VGA Mobile Monochrome Monitor Mobile Cart Video Cameza Keyboard bzs �::tei�imouse Audio speakeTs Tool 3ox/Security DrxveL Set Cables, Adaptezs, and Terminators Software: Windows 98, MS-DOS 6.22, Norton Ghost, DRIVESPY, SMAGE, PDWIPE, PAxT, and PDHLOCR Subtotal $ 6,839 Thia q¢ote is Va1id foY 30 dAys [.YOm Che da[e of iseue. T�X L.OV To o:der pZr.ase FAX P.O. to (282) SJ4-97..95 anan�c you for yo�r ancerest J��'ll 117 1��.QQ rotai $ s ,939.00 Quors JPEG image 667�c564 p'vicels httpJ/www.digital'mteLcomfima Ol -79,0 1 of t 3/15/2001 9:07 AM pRED Home { Praducfs � Sales � Support � Policies C��'�10 F.R.E.D. What F.R.E.D. is: hrip://www.digitalintel.com/fred.htm Company FRED is our (F)orensic (R)ecovery of (E)vidence (D)evice. FRED is a highly integrated platform which may be used both for the acquisifion and analysis of computer based evidence. In fact, given the modularity of the unit, FRED can even operate as a standazd PC Platform when not in use for forensic acyuisition or processing. FRED is available in stationary, mobile, or combined configurations. New! We are pleased to announce our new "FRED Jr." configuration in order to provide a cost effective entry level solution for forensic imaging and processing. "FRED Jr." consists of exactly the same hardware as our standazd FRED unit without the following components: 10/100 Mb Network Adapter, ZIP-250 drive (and tray), LS-120 Drive (and tray), 4mm Tape drive, 2 Gb JAZ Drive, and Video Camera. This configuration may be ideal for agencies wishing to get started in forensic processing on a limited budget. F.R.E.D. Photos: What F.R.E.D. does: Whether you roll FRED directly into a crime scene or use it in the lab to acquire data from seized equipment, all you have to do is remove the hard drive(s) from the suspect equipment and plug them into FRED to acquire data. FRED will acquire data directly from IDE/EIDE/ATA/ATAPUSCSI USCSI IUSCSI III hazd drives and devices. FRED will also acquire data from 3-1/2 and 5-1/4 inch floppies, 1 Gb or 2 Gb JAZ Cartridges, 100 Mb or 250 Mb ZIP cartridges, 120 Mb LS-120 SuperDisk Cartridges, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, and 4mm tape cartridges. FRED has custom front panel connecfions and removable trays to acquire data from all these devices. You won't have to open up your processing platform to install drives or crawl around the back of your unit to attach devices. No more worrying about the functionality, capability, or configuration of pazallel devices on suspect equipment to hook up external tape drives. No worries about installing a SCSI adapter in a suspect computer to acquire data at speeds faster than pazallel ports allow. FRED comes with two high capacity hazd drives. One of these drives can be used as your forensic acquisifion and processing system. One boot menu option on your primary drive might be configured to boot FRED into data acquisition mode with fixll SC5I support and a hazd drive write blocker automafically loaded. Another boot option could be configured to place FRED in data analysis mode with full access to your online tools. The second hard drive can be used as work space for restoring suspect informafion. Both hard drives are supplied in removable trays with front panel switches for master/slave configuration. FRED also has built in Video Capture capability to acquire video or still image documentation of the crime scene (suspect equipment, cabling, and workspace placement and argavization). FRED can be used to generate video output of evidentiary information 1 of 4 3/15/2001 10:51 AM FIFED http://www.digitalintel.com/fred.htm such as images and/or documents directly to VCR tape for simplified presentation. � V ��'� FRED has the ability to be connected directiy to a lOMb ar 100Mb ethernet network for use as a standard workstation when not processing or acquiring data. With the addition of Network Analysis software (Packet Analyzer), FRED can even be used to monitor network traffic and communications at the crime scene. Baseline F.R.E.D. Suecifications: • ATX Full Tower Case (6 ext 5-1/4, 3 ext 3-1f2): Plenty of room for multiple awciliary devices • ASUS PenHum III Motherboard: A quality motherboazd from a highly respected company. • Intel Penfium III, 700 MHz: Best price(performance of all Pentium III Processors. (L7pgradeable on request.) • 128 Mb SDRAM Memory: Plenty of inemory for even the hungriest application (iJpgradeable on Request). • SCSI Controller: Adaptec SCSI controller provides SCSI 1/2/3 (narrow, wide, and ultra) support. • 10/100 Mb Network Adapter: Network adapter provides for networked workstation capability when not in the field. With the addition of packet analysis software (not included), the networking capabilities of this platform can provide the ability to record/filterldisplay the complete contents of every packet on a network segment. (Not included in "FRED Jr." configuration) • Sound/Audio Controller with Speakers: Listen to audio in WAV and other sound files. • Two 40 Gb Ultra IDE Hard Drives: Lots of disk space! Use one for your forensic tools and operating system(s), use the other for work space to analyze and process restored forensic images. Both drives are in removable trays! Each drive has an external master/slave switch to maxnnize flexibility. • Combination CD-RW/DVD Drive With Software MPEG Decoder: Read/Process/Image CD-ROM and DVD media. Complete with software MPEG decoder. Recard crifical evidentiary materials and suuuuary case information to CD-ROM for simplified dissemination and long-term storage. All DVD and CD-RVJ capabilities with a single drive! • Six Removable Hard Drive Racks: One for each hazd drive (2), one for the LS-120 drive, one for the 250Mb Zip drive, one empty rack for nnaging 3-1/2 and 2-1/2 inch IDE Drives, and one rack with external wark surface for imaging 5-1/4 inch IDE or internal SCSI 1/2/3 drives. • AGP Video Card w/Video Capture and Video Out: Use with the still video camera (included below) to capture digital sfill or full morion nnages to document the suspect workspace in the field. Record images of workstation, documentation, and(or cable management on suspect equipment at the scene. Use the video out capability to record evidentiary materials (images, docuxuents, spreadsheets) directly to VCR tape for simplified presentation. • Video/Sfill Capture Camera: Record visual details of the suspect environment. (Not included in "FRED Jr." configuration) 2 of 4 3/15/2001 10:51 AM �R'ED http://www.digitalinteLcom/fred.htm • 56K Modem: Use the internal modem to assist in Internet investigations �� �� or simply to connect for research and communication. • 3-1/2 & 5-1/4 Dual Media Diskette Drive: Read/Write al13-1/2 and 5-1/4 inch floppy disk formats. This consolidated drive occupies only a single device bay. • 2Gb Iomega JAZ Drive: Read/Write 1Gb and 2Gb JAZ cartridges. (Not included in "FRED Jr." configurafion) • 250 Mb Iomega Zip Drive (In Removeable Tray): Read/Write 100Mb and 200Mb ZIP Disks. (Not included in "FRED Jr." configurafion) • LS-120 SuperDisk Drive (In Removeable Tray): Read/Write 120 Mb LS-120 cartridges and 3-1/2 inch 1.44 Mb Diskettes. (Not included in "FRED Jr." configuration) • 12l24Gb 4mm DDS-3 DAT Tape Drive: Use this 24 Gb (compressed} tape drive to record images of suspect hazd drives and other media. This drive will use 2/4 Gb Media (90m), 4/8 Gb Media (120m), or 12/24 Gb Media (125m). (Not included in "FRED Jr." configuration) • Custom Floppy Write Protect Switch and Indicator Lamp: Write protect both floppy drives with a single switch. No need to toggle the write protect tabs on individual floppies during imaging or analysis. • Custom SCSI Connector Plate on Front of Unit (SCSI 1/2/3): These connectors, conveniently located on the front of the unit, provides easy access to SCSI 1, 2 and 3 connectors. Install the removable work shelf and these connectors can be used to image internal SCSI 1/2/3 drives which haue been removed from the suspect system. These connectors may also be used with/without the shelf to image SCSI 1/2/3 external devices as well. • Custom Removable Workshelf : This workshelf, integrated with a removable IDE rack, is easily installed or removed from the unit. An IDE data cable and two power connectors (5-1/4 and 3-1/2) is integrated with the shelf for use in imaging IDE drives. The power connector(s) on the shelf may also be used in combinaYion with the external SCSI 1/2/3 connectors to image internal SCSI devices as well. • Toolbox containing o Adapters, Terminators, and Cables: All the necessary cables, adapters, and terminators to provide the ability to image and process internal/external SCSI 1/2/3 drives, 2-1/2 inch IDE (laptop) drives, 3-1/2 inch IDE drives, and 5-1/4 inch IDE drives. � Security Screwdriver Set: A varied assortment of popular security bits for opening computer enclosures which may have been locked down in a corporate environment. � Plenty of room for transporting keyboard, mouse, tapes, disks, and other accessories into the field. • 104 key PS/2 Keyboard • PS/2 Wheel Mouse • MS-DOS 6.22 • Microsoft Windows 98 • Symantec GHOST Personal Edition • Adaptec EZ-CD Creator and DirectCD • DriveSpv • Imaee • PDWive 3of4 3/15/2001 10:51 AM ERi;D' http://www.digitalintel. com/fred.htm • PDBlock • PART Mobile Configuration Ontions: • 9 inch Paper-White VGA Monitor: Small VGA monitor for easy transport in the mobile configuration • Custom Mobile Frame with Wheels: Mobile frame securely transports the unit in the field Stafionarv Confi�uration Ontions: • 19 inch Super-VGA Monitor: Extra large monitor for use in the lab or at your desk Price: Mobile Configuration $5799.00 3r i�� •• 11 Stationary Configuration $5999.00 $4399.00 Combined Con�guration $6199.00 $4599.00 * NOTE: FRED Jr. configuration does not include the following components: 10/100 Mb Network Adapter, ZIP-250 drive (and tray), LS-120 Drive (and tray), 4mm Tape drive, 2 Gb JAZ Drive, and Video Camera. Please consult our Sales Paee for information on ordering these products! i Produc� Poficie Copyright 1998,1999,2000 DigitallnteZligence, Inc. Corporate Headquarters: 600 Mesa Court, Waukesha, WI 53188 Phone: (262)524-9363 Fax: (262)524-9363 Q �..�Z� 4 of 4 3/152001 10�51 AM Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 r Committee:Date: WIIEREAS, Target Corporafion will donate a Forensic Recovery of Evidence Computer (FRED) and selected suftware valued at approacimately $6,939 to the Saint Paul Police Department's Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force; and WFIEREAS, Target Corporation realizes the immense and unique challenges the interaet poses for law enforcement, and hopes that by partnering with and supporting the efforts of the Saint Paul Police Departmenfs ICAC Task Force, the communiries served with be safer places in which to live and work; and BE IT RESOLVED, that Yhe City of Saint Paul accepts this generous donarion and extends its sincere thanks to Target Corporation for their contriburion. icacdonationfromtarget. cr2001 Requested by Department of: Approved by Mayor for 01- �ti0 111738 } D�SPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Police s�2�/ot GREEN SHEET No. 111738 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE iNI7iAVD INITIAVDATE WilliamFinney 292-3588 1 oer,vcrtnexrnir�croa g 01 4 cmcouNCi� ���� � ( -7'�� � � �crtxATfORNEY �T'CIERK �I �NAYOR 0 ASS� __��� ❑N � G �/ACCTG TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N REQUESTED Approval of the athached council resolurion authori�;no the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC) wiUiln the St Paul Police Department to accept the donation of a Forensic Recovery Evidence Device (FRED) from Tazget Coiporation. RECOMMENDATION App�OVe (A) of RejeCt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has ihis persoNfirm ever worked untler a contract for Ihis department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2 Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Dces this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessetl by any cunent ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this person/firtn a targeted vendoh YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The ICAC Task Force's mission is to work as a mulri-jurisdicrional operation that: investigates crimes involving child pomography; exploitation of children online; educates law enforcement on investigative techniques and legal issues involving search waxrants and seizure of evidence; develops and insritutes public awazeness pxograxns to help parents and cluldren have posirive experiences while online. The forensic examinarion aspect of these crimes requires specialized computer equipment and software to accommodate the wide variety of computers that aze seized in these invesrigatlons. The ICAC task force has opened 52 invesrigations to this point and with only one computer for forensic work has had delays caused by finding proper connections and soflware to examine the different types of computets recovered. The FRED device has built-in various components necessary to e7camiue a wide variery of computers at much faster speeds. The value of the offered donarion is 6,939.00. .ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Approval of the council resolution will increase the effec4veness of the ICAC task force and increase our capabiliries in doing the necessary forensic exams of the computers. The acceptance of the FRED device will allow us to reallocate a portion of the ICAC grant funding to ICAC related azeas that were under budgeted or were unforeseen expenses. This device will make the police departmem better prepazed for the increased involvement of computers in crimes. ������� �� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None �QR c� � )".���1 �� S T '� F ; t f k DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED , The ICAC Task Force will not be as effective time wise as it would be with this device, W e wil�n�eed Yq evataarNe,��k➢,bu�*"��ialized ' equipment as unique computers aze seized. �� � �'±� � � ���� �: � iOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ Approximate vaiue �6,939 COSLREVENUE eU�GETED (CIRCIE ONE) . YES ; ":, p+¢' �.� � y,. ,"."" "p' - � Ss3ea,��'��-��.�. R�,',u��,%t �M�a„ , FUNDWG SOURCE Donation from Tazget Corporation ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION(EXPLAIN) � 0 � �y��9 f-s TARGET CORPORATION 01. �,� 0 O March 20, 2001 William K. Finney Chief of Police St. Paul Police Department 100 East 11�' Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Chief Finney, Target Corporation is proud to be a strong supporter of law enforcement orgaivzations throughout the nation. We believe that by partnering with and supporting the efforts of depanmenu like yours we can help make the communities we serve safer places in which to live and work. So it's my pleasure to e�end an offer from Target Corporation to purchase a forensic computer for your Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force. Because of the immense and uruque challenges the Internet poses for law enforcement, it is our hope that ICAC will be able to ackueve its objectives more efficiently and effectively using state-of- the-art equipment. I'm enclosing the technical spec�cations and the value of the computer for your review. I look forward to working with the ICAC Task Porce on this project. Sincerely, �;i�u? ��,�1�C�Cii1`' B " N fL �� Gregg Patyk Senior Investigator, Corponte Investigations Target Corporation enclosures Assets Protectio0 1000 Niwllet Mall, Minaeapolis, Minnesota 55403 03%19/2001 15:48 2625249363 DIGITAL INTELLIGENCE PAGE 02 Greg PaCy~ x^argec Corporation TEL {612) 761-3282 F� (F121 762-1362 Digital Intelt'rgence, Inc. Corporate HeadqupNea 600 M25v COUrt WOUkgShO, VJI $3T8$-d4Qp (26� 52a-9363 N _ 01•7Z� -- - ------_�----- Request for Quote �e Ouote tr 03/19/20GZ 19030101 TaxiD # 34-1957D34 ftem Descri tion Quanti Unit Cost Total F ��� Forensic Recovex Y of Evzdence 1 6539.00 6,839_Oo Dev3ce (pitED) - Combined Unit Fvll Tower case (6-55F, 3-3+�,) -w/ Forensic Modifications ASU5 Peneium III Mothexboard Intel PTII/1_OGHZ (W/Fan) 7 68 MB SnRAM (pC133) NaYrow/wide SCSI Controller 10/100 Mb LAN Contro2ler AGP Video W/Video-zn 4 Vidca-OUL Avdio/5ound Contro2ler 56K v.90 Tnternal Modem 2 Maxtor 80 GB ultra bMA EIDE Drives DVD/CDRW combination nrive 3-7,/2 E 5-1l4 Dual Mcdia Floppy pyive Seagate 4wn 1Z/24Gb SCSZ DAT Tnternal internfll tomega 2eb Jaz nrive Internal LS-120 Dzive Internal Somegd Zip Drivg 6 Removable Drive 2rays 19" SVGA Monitor 9^ VGA Mobile Monochrome Monitor Mobile Cart Video Cameza Keyboard bzs �::tei�imouse Audio speakeTs Tool 3ox/Security DrxveL Set Cables, Adaptezs, and Terminators Software: Windows 98, MS-DOS 6.22, Norton Ghost, DRIVESPY, SMAGE, PDWIPE, PAxT, and PDHLOCR Subtotal $ 6,839 Thia q¢ote is Va1id foY 30 dAys [.YOm Che da[e of iseue. T�X L.OV To o:der pZr.ase FAX P.O. to (282) SJ4-97..95 anan�c you for yo�r ancerest J��'ll 117 1��.QQ rotai $ s ,939.00 Quors JPEG image 667�c564 p'vicels httpJ/www.digital'mteLcomfima Ol -79,0 1 of t 3/15/2001 9:07 AM pRED Home { Praducfs � Sales � Support � Policies C��'�10 F.R.E.D. What F.R.E.D. is: hrip://www.digitalintel.com/fred.htm Company FRED is our (F)orensic (R)ecovery of (E)vidence (D)evice. FRED is a highly integrated platform which may be used both for the acquisifion and analysis of computer based evidence. In fact, given the modularity of the unit, FRED can even operate as a standazd PC Platform when not in use for forensic acyuisition or processing. FRED is available in stationary, mobile, or combined configurations. New! We are pleased to announce our new "FRED Jr." configuration in order to provide a cost effective entry level solution for forensic imaging and processing. "FRED Jr." consists of exactly the same hardware as our standazd FRED unit without the following components: 10/100 Mb Network Adapter, ZIP-250 drive (and tray), LS-120 Drive (and tray), 4mm Tape drive, 2 Gb JAZ Drive, and Video Camera. This configuration may be ideal for agencies wishing to get started in forensic processing on a limited budget. F.R.E.D. Photos: What F.R.E.D. does: Whether you roll FRED directly into a crime scene or use it in the lab to acquire data from seized equipment, all you have to do is remove the hard drive(s) from the suspect equipment and plug them into FRED to acquire data. FRED will acquire data directly from IDE/EIDE/ATA/ATAPUSCSI USCSI IUSCSI III hazd drives and devices. FRED will also acquire data from 3-1/2 and 5-1/4 inch floppies, 1 Gb or 2 Gb JAZ Cartridges, 100 Mb or 250 Mb ZIP cartridges, 120 Mb LS-120 SuperDisk Cartridges, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, and 4mm tape cartridges. FRED has custom front panel connecfions and removable trays to acquire data from all these devices. You won't have to open up your processing platform to install drives or crawl around the back of your unit to attach devices. No more worrying about the functionality, capability, or configuration of pazallel devices on suspect equipment to hook up external tape drives. No worries about installing a SCSI adapter in a suspect computer to acquire data at speeds faster than pazallel ports allow. FRED comes with two high capacity hazd drives. One of these drives can be used as your forensic acquisifion and processing system. One boot menu option on your primary drive might be configured to boot FRED into data acquisition mode with fixll SC5I support and a hazd drive write blocker automafically loaded. Another boot option could be configured to place FRED in data analysis mode with full access to your online tools. The second hard drive can be used as work space for restoring suspect informafion. Both hard drives are supplied in removable trays with front panel switches for master/slave configuration. FRED also has built in Video Capture capability to acquire video or still image documentation of the crime scene (suspect equipment, cabling, and workspace placement and argavization). FRED can be used to generate video output of evidentiary information 1 of 4 3/15/2001 10:51 AM FIFED http://www.digitalintel.com/fred.htm such as images and/or documents directly to VCR tape for simplified presentation. � V ��'� FRED has the ability to be connected directiy to a lOMb ar 100Mb ethernet network for use as a standard workstation when not processing or acquiring data. With the addition of Network Analysis software (Packet Analyzer), FRED can even be used to monitor network traffic and communications at the crime scene. Baseline F.R.E.D. Suecifications: • ATX Full Tower Case (6 ext 5-1/4, 3 ext 3-1f2): Plenty of room for multiple awciliary devices • ASUS PenHum III Motherboard: A quality motherboazd from a highly respected company. • Intel Penfium III, 700 MHz: Best price(performance of all Pentium III Processors. (L7pgradeable on request.) • 128 Mb SDRAM Memory: Plenty of inemory for even the hungriest application (iJpgradeable on Request). • SCSI Controller: Adaptec SCSI controller provides SCSI 1/2/3 (narrow, wide, and ultra) support. • 10/100 Mb Network Adapter: Network adapter provides for networked workstation capability when not in the field. With the addition of packet analysis software (not included), the networking capabilities of this platform can provide the ability to record/filterldisplay the complete contents of every packet on a network segment. (Not included in "FRED Jr." configuration) • Sound/Audio Controller with Speakers: Listen to audio in WAV and other sound files. • Two 40 Gb Ultra IDE Hard Drives: Lots of disk space! Use one for your forensic tools and operating system(s), use the other for work space to analyze and process restored forensic images. Both drives are in removable trays! Each drive has an external master/slave switch to maxnnize flexibility. • Combination CD-RW/DVD Drive With Software MPEG Decoder: Read/Process/Image CD-ROM and DVD media. Complete with software MPEG decoder. Recard crifical evidentiary materials and suuuuary case information to CD-ROM for simplified dissemination and long-term storage. All DVD and CD-RVJ capabilities with a single drive! • Six Removable Hard Drive Racks: One for each hazd drive (2), one for the LS-120 drive, one for the 250Mb Zip drive, one empty rack for nnaging 3-1/2 and 2-1/2 inch IDE Drives, and one rack with external wark surface for imaging 5-1/4 inch IDE or internal SCSI 1/2/3 drives. • AGP Video Card w/Video Capture and Video Out: Use with the still video camera (included below) to capture digital sfill or full morion nnages to document the suspect workspace in the field. Record images of workstation, documentation, and(or cable management on suspect equipment at the scene. Use the video out capability to record evidentiary materials (images, docuxuents, spreadsheets) directly to VCR tape for simplified presentation. • Video/Sfill Capture Camera: Record visual details of the suspect environment. (Not included in "FRED Jr." configuration) 2 of 4 3/15/2001 10:51 AM �R'ED http://www.digitalinteLcom/fred.htm • 56K Modem: Use the internal modem to assist in Internet investigations �� �� or simply to connect for research and communication. • 3-1/2 & 5-1/4 Dual Media Diskette Drive: Read/Write al13-1/2 and 5-1/4 inch floppy disk formats. This consolidated drive occupies only a single device bay. • 2Gb Iomega JAZ Drive: Read/Write 1Gb and 2Gb JAZ cartridges. (Not included in "FRED Jr." configurafion) • 250 Mb Iomega Zip Drive (In Removeable Tray): Read/Write 100Mb and 200Mb ZIP Disks. (Not included in "FRED Jr." configurafion) • LS-120 SuperDisk Drive (In Removeable Tray): Read/Write 120 Mb LS-120 cartridges and 3-1/2 inch 1.44 Mb Diskettes. (Not included in "FRED Jr." configuration) • 12l24Gb 4mm DDS-3 DAT Tape Drive: Use this 24 Gb (compressed} tape drive to record images of suspect hazd drives and other media. This drive will use 2/4 Gb Media (90m), 4/8 Gb Media (120m), or 12/24 Gb Media (125m). (Not included in "FRED Jr." configuration) • Custom Floppy Write Protect Switch and Indicator Lamp: Write protect both floppy drives with a single switch. No need to toggle the write protect tabs on individual floppies during imaging or analysis. • Custom SCSI Connector Plate on Front of Unit (SCSI 1/2/3): These connectors, conveniently located on the front of the unit, provides easy access to SCSI 1, 2 and 3 connectors. Install the removable work shelf and these connectors can be used to image internal SCSI 1/2/3 drives which haue been removed from the suspect system. These connectors may also be used with/without the shelf to image SCSI 1/2/3 external devices as well. • Custom Removable Workshelf : This workshelf, integrated with a removable IDE rack, is easily installed or removed from the unit. An IDE data cable and two power connectors (5-1/4 and 3-1/2) is integrated with the shelf for use in imaging IDE drives. The power connector(s) on the shelf may also be used in combinaYion with the external SCSI 1/2/3 connectors to image internal SCSI devices as well. • Toolbox containing o Adapters, Terminators, and Cables: All the necessary cables, adapters, and terminators to provide the ability to image and process internal/external SCSI 1/2/3 drives, 2-1/2 inch IDE (laptop) drives, 3-1/2 inch IDE drives, and 5-1/4 inch IDE drives. � Security Screwdriver Set: A varied assortment of popular security bits for opening computer enclosures which may have been locked down in a corporate environment. � Plenty of room for transporting keyboard, mouse, tapes, disks, and other accessories into the field. • 104 key PS/2 Keyboard • PS/2 Wheel Mouse • MS-DOS 6.22 • Microsoft Windows 98 • Symantec GHOST Personal Edition • Adaptec EZ-CD Creator and DirectCD • DriveSpv • Imaee • PDWive 3of4 3/15/2001 10:51 AM ERi;D' http://www.digitalintel. com/fred.htm • PDBlock • PART Mobile Configuration Ontions: • 9 inch Paper-White VGA Monitor: Small VGA monitor for easy transport in the mobile configuration • Custom Mobile Frame with Wheels: Mobile frame securely transports the unit in the field Stafionarv Confi�uration Ontions: • 19 inch Super-VGA Monitor: Extra large monitor for use in the lab or at your desk Price: Mobile Configuration $5799.00 3r i�� •• 11 Stationary Configuration $5999.00 $4399.00 Combined Con�guration $6199.00 $4599.00 * NOTE: FRED Jr. configuration does not include the following components: 10/100 Mb Network Adapter, ZIP-250 drive (and tray), LS-120 Drive (and tray), 4mm Tape drive, 2 Gb JAZ Drive, and Video Camera. Please consult our Sales Paee for information on ordering these products! i Produc� Poficie Copyright 1998,1999,2000 DigitallnteZligence, Inc. Corporate Headquarters: 600 Mesa Court, Waukesha, WI 53188 Phone: (262)524-9363 Fax: (262)524-9363 Q �..�Z� 4 of 4 3/152001 10�51 AM Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 r Committee:Date: WIIEREAS, Target Corporafion will donate a Forensic Recovery of Evidence Computer (FRED) and selected suftware valued at approacimately $6,939 to the Saint Paul Police Department's Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force; and WFIEREAS, Target Corporation realizes the immense and unique challenges the interaet poses for law enforcement, and hopes that by partnering with and supporting the efforts of the Saint Paul Police Departmenfs ICAC Task Force, the communiries served with be safer places in which to live and work; and BE IT RESOLVED, that Yhe City of Saint Paul accepts this generous donarion and extends its sincere thanks to Target Corporation for their contriburion. icacdonationfromtarget. cr2001 Requested by Department of: Approved by Mayor for 01- �ti0 111738 } D�SPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Police s�2�/ot GREEN SHEET No. 111738 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE iNI7iAVD INITIAVDATE WilliamFinney 292-3588 1 oer,vcrtnexrnir�croa g 01 4 cmcouNCi� ���� � ( -7'�� � � �crtxATfORNEY �T'CIERK �I �NAYOR 0 ASS� __��� ❑N � G �/ACCTG TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N REQUESTED Approval of the athached council resolurion authori�;no the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC) wiUiln the St Paul Police Department to accept the donation of a Forensic Recovery Evidence Device (FRED) from Tazget Coiporation. RECOMMENDATION App�OVe (A) of RejeCt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has ihis persoNfirm ever worked untler a contract for Ihis department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2 Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Dces this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessetl by any cunent ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this person/firtn a targeted vendoh YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The ICAC Task Force's mission is to work as a mulri-jurisdicrional operation that: investigates crimes involving child pomography; exploitation of children online; educates law enforcement on investigative techniques and legal issues involving search waxrants and seizure of evidence; develops and insritutes public awazeness pxograxns to help parents and cluldren have posirive experiences while online. The forensic examinarion aspect of these crimes requires specialized computer equipment and software to accommodate the wide variety of computers that aze seized in these invesrigatlons. The ICAC task force has opened 52 invesrigations to this point and with only one computer for forensic work has had delays caused by finding proper connections and soflware to examine the different types of computets recovered. The FRED device has built-in various components necessary to e7camiue a wide variery of computers at much faster speeds. The value of the offered donarion is 6,939.00. .ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Approval of the council resolution will increase the effec4veness of the ICAC task force and increase our capabiliries in doing the necessary forensic exams of the computers. The acceptance of the FRED device will allow us to reallocate a portion of the ICAC grant funding to ICAC related azeas that were under budgeted or were unforeseen expenses. This device will make the police departmem better prepazed for the increased involvement of computers in crimes. ������� �� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None �QR c� � )".���1 �� S T '� F ; t f k DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED , The ICAC Task Force will not be as effective time wise as it would be with this device, W e wil�n�eed Yq evataarNe,��k➢,bu�*"��ialized ' equipment as unique computers aze seized. �� � �'±� � � ���� �: � iOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ Approximate vaiue �6,939 COSLREVENUE eU�GETED (CIRCIE ONE) . YES ; ":, p+¢' �.� � y,. ,"."" "p' - � Ss3ea,��'��-��.�. R�,',u��,%t �M�a„ , FUNDWG SOURCE Donation from Tazget Corporation ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION(EXPLAIN) � 0 � �y��9 f-s TARGET CORPORATION 01. �,� 0 O March 20, 2001 William K. Finney Chief of Police St. Paul Police Department 100 East 11�' Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Chief Finney, Target Corporation is proud to be a strong supporter of law enforcement orgaivzations throughout the nation. We believe that by partnering with and supporting the efforts of depanmenu like yours we can help make the communities we serve safer places in which to live and work. So it's my pleasure to e�end an offer from Target Corporation to purchase a forensic computer for your Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force. Because of the immense and uruque challenges the Internet poses for law enforcement, it is our hope that ICAC will be able to ackueve its objectives more efficiently and effectively using state-of- the-art equipment. I'm enclosing the technical spec�cations and the value of the computer for your review. I look forward to working with the ICAC Task Porce on this project. Sincerely, �;i�u? ��,�1�C�Cii1`' B " N fL �� Gregg Patyk Senior Investigator, Corponte Investigations Target Corporation enclosures Assets Protectio0 1000 Niwllet Mall, Minaeapolis, Minnesota 55403 03%19/2001 15:48 2625249363 DIGITAL INTELLIGENCE PAGE 02 Greg PaCy~ x^argec Corporation TEL {612) 761-3282 F� (F121 762-1362 Digital Intelt'rgence, Inc. Corporate HeadqupNea 600 M25v COUrt WOUkgShO, VJI $3T8$-d4Qp (26� 52a-9363 N _ 01•7Z� -- - ------_�----- Request for Quote �e Ouote tr 03/19/20GZ 19030101 TaxiD # 34-1957D34 ftem Descri tion Quanti Unit Cost Total F ��� Forensic Recovex Y of Evzdence 1 6539.00 6,839_Oo Dev3ce (pitED) - Combined Unit Fvll Tower case (6-55F, 3-3+�,) -w/ Forensic Modifications ASU5 Peneium III Mothexboard Intel PTII/1_OGHZ (W/Fan) 7 68 MB SnRAM (pC133) NaYrow/wide SCSI Controller 10/100 Mb LAN Contro2ler AGP Video W/Video-zn 4 Vidca-OUL Avdio/5ound Contro2ler 56K v.90 Tnternal Modem 2 Maxtor 80 GB ultra bMA EIDE Drives DVD/CDRW combination nrive 3-7,/2 E 5-1l4 Dual Mcdia Floppy pyive Seagate 4wn 1Z/24Gb SCSZ DAT Tnternal internfll tomega 2eb Jaz nrive Internal LS-120 Dzive Internal Somegd Zip Drivg 6 Removable Drive 2rays 19" SVGA Monitor 9^ VGA Mobile Monochrome Monitor Mobile Cart Video Cameza Keyboard bzs �::tei�imouse Audio speakeTs Tool 3ox/Security DrxveL Set Cables, Adaptezs, and Terminators Software: Windows 98, MS-DOS 6.22, Norton Ghost, DRIVESPY, SMAGE, PDWIPE, PAxT, and PDHLOCR Subtotal $ 6,839 Thia q¢ote is Va1id foY 30 dAys [.YOm Che da[e of iseue. T�X L.OV To o:der pZr.ase FAX P.O. to (282) SJ4-97..95 anan�c you for yo�r ancerest J��'ll 117 1��.QQ rotai $ s ,939.00 Quors JPEG image 667�c564 p'vicels httpJ/www.digital'mteLcomfima Ol -79,0 1 of t 3/15/2001 9:07 AM pRED Home { Praducfs � Sales � Support � Policies C��'�10 F.R.E.D. What F.R.E.D. is: hrip://www.digitalintel.com/fred.htm Company FRED is our (F)orensic (R)ecovery of (E)vidence (D)evice. FRED is a highly integrated platform which may be used both for the acquisifion and analysis of computer based evidence. In fact, given the modularity of the unit, FRED can even operate as a standazd PC Platform when not in use for forensic acyuisition or processing. FRED is available in stationary, mobile, or combined configurations. New! We are pleased to announce our new "FRED Jr." configuration in order to provide a cost effective entry level solution for forensic imaging and processing. "FRED Jr." consists of exactly the same hardware as our standazd FRED unit without the following components: 10/100 Mb Network Adapter, ZIP-250 drive (and tray), LS-120 Drive (and tray), 4mm Tape drive, 2 Gb JAZ Drive, and Video Camera. This configuration may be ideal for agencies wishing to get started in forensic processing on a limited budget. F.R.E.D. Photos: What F.R.E.D. does: Whether you roll FRED directly into a crime scene or use it in the lab to acquire data from seized equipment, all you have to do is remove the hard drive(s) from the suspect equipment and plug them into FRED to acquire data. FRED will acquire data directly from IDE/EIDE/ATA/ATAPUSCSI USCSI IUSCSI III hazd drives and devices. FRED will also acquire data from 3-1/2 and 5-1/4 inch floppies, 1 Gb or 2 Gb JAZ Cartridges, 100 Mb or 250 Mb ZIP cartridges, 120 Mb LS-120 SuperDisk Cartridges, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, and 4mm tape cartridges. FRED has custom front panel connecfions and removable trays to acquire data from all these devices. You won't have to open up your processing platform to install drives or crawl around the back of your unit to attach devices. No more worrying about the functionality, capability, or configuration of pazallel devices on suspect equipment to hook up external tape drives. No worries about installing a SCSI adapter in a suspect computer to acquire data at speeds faster than pazallel ports allow. FRED comes with two high capacity hazd drives. One of these drives can be used as your forensic acquisifion and processing system. One boot menu option on your primary drive might be configured to boot FRED into data acquisition mode with fixll SC5I support and a hazd drive write blocker automafically loaded. Another boot option could be configured to place FRED in data analysis mode with full access to your online tools. The second hard drive can be used as work space for restoring suspect informafion. Both hard drives are supplied in removable trays with front panel switches for master/slave configuration. FRED also has built in Video Capture capability to acquire video or still image documentation of the crime scene (suspect equipment, cabling, and workspace placement and argavization). FRED can be used to generate video output of evidentiary information 1 of 4 3/15/2001 10:51 AM FIFED http://www.digitalintel.com/fred.htm such as images and/or documents directly to VCR tape for simplified presentation. � V ��'� FRED has the ability to be connected directiy to a lOMb ar 100Mb ethernet network for use as a standard workstation when not processing or acquiring data. With the addition of Network Analysis software (Packet Analyzer), FRED can even be used to monitor network traffic and communications at the crime scene. Baseline F.R.E.D. Suecifications: • ATX Full Tower Case (6 ext 5-1/4, 3 ext 3-1f2): Plenty of room for multiple awciliary devices • ASUS PenHum III Motherboard: A quality motherboazd from a highly respected company. • Intel Penfium III, 700 MHz: Best price(performance of all Pentium III Processors. (L7pgradeable on request.) • 128 Mb SDRAM Memory: Plenty of inemory for even the hungriest application (iJpgradeable on Request). • SCSI Controller: Adaptec SCSI controller provides SCSI 1/2/3 (narrow, wide, and ultra) support. • 10/100 Mb Network Adapter: Network adapter provides for networked workstation capability when not in the field. With the addition of packet analysis software (not included), the networking capabilities of this platform can provide the ability to record/filterldisplay the complete contents of every packet on a network segment. (Not included in "FRED Jr." configuration) • Sound/Audio Controller with Speakers: Listen to audio in WAV and other sound files. • Two 40 Gb Ultra IDE Hard Drives: Lots of disk space! Use one for your forensic tools and operating system(s), use the other for work space to analyze and process restored forensic images. Both drives are in removable trays! Each drive has an external master/slave switch to maxnnize flexibility. • Combination CD-RW/DVD Drive With Software MPEG Decoder: Read/Process/Image CD-ROM and DVD media. Complete with software MPEG decoder. Recard crifical evidentiary materials and suuuuary case information to CD-ROM for simplified dissemination and long-term storage. All DVD and CD-RVJ capabilities with a single drive! • Six Removable Hard Drive Racks: One for each hazd drive (2), one for the LS-120 drive, one for the 250Mb Zip drive, one empty rack for nnaging 3-1/2 and 2-1/2 inch IDE Drives, and one rack with external wark surface for imaging 5-1/4 inch IDE or internal SCSI 1/2/3 drives. • AGP Video Card w/Video Capture and Video Out: Use with the still video camera (included below) to capture digital sfill or full morion nnages to document the suspect workspace in the field. Record images of workstation, documentation, and(or cable management on suspect equipment at the scene. Use the video out capability to record evidentiary materials (images, docuxuents, spreadsheets) directly to VCR tape for simplified presentation. • Video/Sfill Capture Camera: Record visual details of the suspect environment. (Not included in "FRED Jr." configuration) 2 of 4 3/15/2001 10:51 AM �R'ED http://www.digitalinteLcom/fred.htm • 56K Modem: Use the internal modem to assist in Internet investigations �� �� or simply to connect for research and communication. • 3-1/2 & 5-1/4 Dual Media Diskette Drive: Read/Write al13-1/2 and 5-1/4 inch floppy disk formats. This consolidated drive occupies only a single device bay. • 2Gb Iomega JAZ Drive: Read/Write 1Gb and 2Gb JAZ cartridges. (Not included in "FRED Jr." configurafion) • 250 Mb Iomega Zip Drive (In Removeable Tray): Read/Write 100Mb and 200Mb ZIP Disks. (Not included in "FRED Jr." configurafion) • LS-120 SuperDisk Drive (In Removeable Tray): Read/Write 120 Mb LS-120 cartridges and 3-1/2 inch 1.44 Mb Diskettes. (Not included in "FRED Jr." configuration) • 12l24Gb 4mm DDS-3 DAT Tape Drive: Use this 24 Gb (compressed} tape drive to record images of suspect hazd drives and other media. This drive will use 2/4 Gb Media (90m), 4/8 Gb Media (120m), or 12/24 Gb Media (125m). (Not included in "FRED Jr." configuration) • Custom Floppy Write Protect Switch and Indicator Lamp: Write protect both floppy drives with a single switch. No need to toggle the write protect tabs on individual floppies during imaging or analysis. • Custom SCSI Connector Plate on Front of Unit (SCSI 1/2/3): These connectors, conveniently located on the front of the unit, provides easy access to SCSI 1, 2 and 3 connectors. Install the removable work shelf and these connectors can be used to image internal SCSI 1/2/3 drives which haue been removed from the suspect system. These connectors may also be used with/without the shelf to image SCSI 1/2/3 external devices as well. • Custom Removable Workshelf : This workshelf, integrated with a removable IDE rack, is easily installed or removed from the unit. An IDE data cable and two power connectors (5-1/4 and 3-1/2) is integrated with the shelf for use in imaging IDE drives. The power connector(s) on the shelf may also be used in combinaYion with the external SCSI 1/2/3 connectors to image internal SCSI devices as well. • Toolbox containing o Adapters, Terminators, and Cables: All the necessary cables, adapters, and terminators to provide the ability to image and process internal/external SCSI 1/2/3 drives, 2-1/2 inch IDE (laptop) drives, 3-1/2 inch IDE drives, and 5-1/4 inch IDE drives. � Security Screwdriver Set: A varied assortment of popular security bits for opening computer enclosures which may have been locked down in a corporate environment. � Plenty of room for transporting keyboard, mouse, tapes, disks, and other accessories into the field. • 104 key PS/2 Keyboard • PS/2 Wheel Mouse • MS-DOS 6.22 • Microsoft Windows 98 • Symantec GHOST Personal Edition • Adaptec EZ-CD Creator and DirectCD • DriveSpv • Imaee • PDWive 3of4 3/15/2001 10:51 AM ERi;D' http://www.digitalintel. com/fred.htm • PDBlock • PART Mobile Configuration Ontions: • 9 inch Paper-White VGA Monitor: Small VGA monitor for easy transport in the mobile configuration • Custom Mobile Frame with Wheels: Mobile frame securely transports the unit in the field Stafionarv Confi�uration Ontions: • 19 inch Super-VGA Monitor: Extra large monitor for use in the lab or at your desk Price: Mobile Configuration $5799.00 3r i�� •• 11 Stationary Configuration $5999.00 $4399.00 Combined Con�guration $6199.00 $4599.00 * NOTE: FRED Jr. configuration does not include the following components: 10/100 Mb Network Adapter, ZIP-250 drive (and tray), LS-120 Drive (and tray), 4mm Tape drive, 2 Gb JAZ Drive, and Video Camera. Please consult our Sales Paee for information on ordering these products! i Produc� Poficie Copyright 1998,1999,2000 DigitallnteZligence, Inc. Corporate Headquarters: 600 Mesa Court, Waukesha, WI 53188 Phone: (262)524-9363 Fax: (262)524-9363 Q �..�Z� 4 of 4 3/152001 10�51 AM