268871 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COI1I1C11 ,(1��([��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF . SAINT PAUL File NO. /.���p X BLUE -MAYOR ' ' - Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee �.By Date i W'HER�, on February 2, 1977, and again on Februaz'Y 12, 13� 1977, a field o ce on the construction site of the RES�RVE STREET �$T BaUND BRID(� N0. 62531 was broken irito and miscellaneous materials were stolen along with pne down-filled vest, one AM-FM radio, one architect scale, one pair Na!vy deek paxrts and one pair of artic boots belonging to Pro�ect Eng�ineer, Ro'bert MePartlin� and used in f�therance of his duti�s as an employee of the City of Sa3nt Paul; now therefore, be it RESOLV�D, that Robert McPaxtlin be reimbursed for the cost of above stated artiicles in the amount of $89.00, and this cost be eharged to Bridge Design Bureau Fund 12170-529• 4 ' COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �������'�_"' Nays r 1Q Public Work� Hozza ' In Favor Levine O �� Against BY Sylvester ' Daniel J. rd, D eet G Tedesco T°��Hunt Adopted b ouncil: Date �1� � �� Form Approved by City A rney C ified Pass y C cil Secretary� " BY By � App ove y Mayor: Da � a� 7 Appr by Mayor for bm ssioa to Council By By r PuB��sHE� APR 16 1977 _ .. OM `01: l l,/�.�7 5 . Rev, : 9/8,/76 , '� E L.�iNATION L�� �n?�ZINISTRATI'�?E ORDERS, � p � ' � RE�OLt?�.'iC7t�� , AN!� ORL�INAVCFS -� ����'�4'��,�� <'" . �,'� ;; Date: March 21, 1 � TO: Mt�YOR GEORG �i,ATIMER FR: R. S. Grie r, �;�ridge $pg3.aeer, Department oY Pablic Korks : � RF: Constructio o� the RBS�VS 3TR�ET �3T B(�fJl'�D BRTD(� Ro. 62531, Pro�. B-lolo, . Contract No L�+799' l � ; ► " ACTION kFQUESTED. Council Res lu�ion for reimbursament o� cost 'of stolen property. � � ; � � � ; PURPOSE �ND RATI NALE FOR THI5 AC'�'iON: Pro�ect � I�r hae personal property on site to be aveil.a�ble in the �c�ea� o�' � che.ng�e in at�er conditions and �or adv�ce �arning of tireather conditioaa pr3or , to procee ' +i�3th construction steps which �ould 'be adv�ersel,y atPect�d by poor condit.ions. Il�i _ ,� _ ATTAC:Ew'�1�;t�3�'S: Council Re vi�ion. REG�mP