268868 WHITE - CITV CLERK • i'r ���� PINK� - FINANCE ���7 CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L Council �' �, �. ,,� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVIED, That the Council of the City of Saint Pau1. does hereby approve thd Agreement between the City and Olympia Brewing Company perta3ning 'to the construct3on by the City of the MINNEHAHA AVENUP BRIDC� NO. i,62533, City Pro�ect B-1052, and the proper City officers axe authorized 'and directed to execute the a�reem�ent on behalf of the City oY Saint Paul; a copy of sai.d A�reement to be ma.i.nta3ned on fil.e in the OfYice of the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUtVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler lj Public Works Hozza ' [n Favor Hunt 9 ` ��� I � Against By Daniel J.` ord., re r ) Sylvester Tedesco 5 19�� A�R Form Approve by C�y Att r ey Adopte Council: Date . � rtified Pa_ by Cou . ,ecretary BY ` . Appr e y 1layor: D e ` Appro d by Mayor for i ion to Council By BY pUBLISHED AP� 1 6 197� _ , _ ;__.. R � , ' OM C71: Z2.fI.975 . Rev. : �/�/75 � � E PLA?�IATION OF F�.Dn'�'�Ii�'ISTF�AT�L�E ORDERa, RESOLUaI(7NS, ANTJ �'3i2DZNt.�iJCE� �"-�:�`t;,���!� Date: I�e,rch 22, 1 TO: riAYOR GEOR E �,ATIM£R I FR: R. B. Griede - �Departm�nt oP P+�blic Works RE: �AAHA A ! B�ID(� 1�4. 62533 - City Pro�ect B-1052 - � ACTION REQUESTED Approva,l aryd p ces�ing of Resolution authoriz�ng City offYcials to sign Agrem�e t�iiith Olya�pia Br�ing Com�pan�y PURPOSE AiVD FcAT� iVALE FOR THI� ACTION: Th� Agr�� grants the City of Saiat Peul tltie nec�ssary eese�snte frwn tl�e 0 is Bre�wing Cc�paay to construct the abov+e referenced bridge Prv� s� and prrnride�• for the 4lympia BreNing Compar�r to do certa3n xor . ` . No exchaage f �m1s b�t�een either party is required. ' �T lAC�?I�`:F.N`�S: Resolution. . . :I - , ! f j