268864 WHITE - CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 `,�.,* S�l�l* (L$ PINX - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL � CANARY - DEPARTMENT �'..+ a BLUE - MAYOR File NO• ` PAGE 1 of 2 Cou cil Resolution Presented By {'ti.�T•2.eL� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee Qy Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1977 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: FROM: TO: Re-appropriate a total of $19,400 in 1977 CIB monies: - Lexington Pkwy. Lighting (V-0341) $ 19,400 - Mississippi Bridge Lighting (V-0646) $ 19,400 Re-appropriate a total of $22,300 in 1977 CIB monies: - Lexington Pkway. Lighting (V-0341) 22,300 - Wes�ern Lighting-Front to Maryland (V-0643) 22,300 Re-appropriate a total of $46,900 in 1977 CIB monies: - Lexington Parkway Lighting (V-0341) 18,300 - Warner Rtl. Lighting-Sibley to Bridge (V-0344) 28,600 - Arl�.ngton Lighting-E. Shore to White Bear ( V-0655) 46,900 Re-appropriate a total' of $46,400 in 1977 CIB monies: - Warner Rd. Lighting-Sibley to Bridge (V-0344) 46,400 __ - Warner Rd. Bridge & Interchang�.: Lighting (V-0390 & 46,400 V-0551) Resulting in the following project financing: Current Financing Change Amended Financing V-0646-MISSISSIPPI ST. BRIDGE/CASE-YORK CONNECTION LIGHTING 1977 CIB Bonds -0- + 19,400 19,400 V-0643-6VESTERN AVE. LIGHTING-FRONT TO MARYLAND 1977 CIB Bonds -0- + 22,300 22,300 COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by Ci At rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy . Approved by 1Vlayor: Date Appro d by Mayor for Sub s n ta`Council By �i BY , , WHITE - CITV CLERK �, y, Plf�{K - FINANCE GITY �OF SAINT PALTL Council �i�,.�'���l�. � CANARV - DEPARTMENT . BLUE - MAYOR File NO• `PAGE 2 of z Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Current Financing Chan e Amended Financing V-0655-ARLINGTON AVE. LIGHTING-E. SHORE DR. TO WHITE BEAR AVE. 1977 CIB Bonds -0- + 18,300 + 28,600 46,900 -0- + 46,900 46,900 V-0390/V-0551-WARNER RD. BRIDGE AND INTERCHANGE LIGHTING 2nd United Bond (V-0551) 10,600 -0- 10,600 1975 CIB Bonds (V-0390) 7,200 -0- 7,200 1976 CIB Bonds (V-0390) 5,700 -0- 5,700 1977 CIB Bonds -0- + 46,400 46,400 23,500 + 46,400 69,900 V-0341-LEXINGTON PKWY. LIGHTING-SHERBURNE TO BURLINGTON NORTHERN 1977 CIB 60,000 - 19,400 - 22,300 - 18,300 -0- 60,000 - 60,000 -0- V-0344-WARNER RDr. LIC�iTING-SIBLEY TO RESERVE ST. BRIDGE 1977 CIB . 75,000 - 28,600 - 46,400 -0- 75,000 - 75,000 -0- Approved as to fundin,�g: Approved: �—zs�— 77 , D�ept. o Finance & Ma�nagement Services C ty Budget irector .� COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Public Works Hozza In Favor Hunt J Daniel Dunford, Director Levine __ Against gy Attention: John Eichinger —R�ee�er Sylvester Tedesco Adopted ouncil: Daae ��R 5' �9n Form Approved by C' Att rney C ified Yas by C cil Secretary BY / � Appr ve y Mayor. te R 7 1977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PuB��sHEO APR 16 197? � h, - : . � � a�s ox: �x��►i���� y , �.` _ . � � � , � : �v. . s/s/�� _ : ' - E &TTQ�t OE` ADMINISTRATI� aRDiERS, : � . " . , ; �q� u�RESOLUfiI0N5, AI�D �&IIS�iANCES ��:����� �. ' € ;. �.._ _ : .� _ .�"�: E'e}aruarp. Z4, 19�7', .. ,. . .. . .. ,:. ..., j;��,' �:. � . . ".: � . .' . . ,.� ;�..�. . . • '_ ' ,. . . . .. ,... .. „ . ���O:: r4AY�R GEE} �AT IMER � . , . . - FR; ' Gr�gory: td. �1 es�'Office of�. tl�e Mayo�-8uc�get Secticm.. �.; � �. ;�: MIS�ISS�PPI S �E LIGHTIHG wi'th the Case aiid York Connect5:qri t V-QG�6 , . � .� :. �: ' . WTSTE�I�.AVE.; �GI -�,IN� �- Fror►t to Maryland,. V-0643 ARtsINGTON� AVE L i3TING - E, Shore DX. to White 'Bea•r Ave. , �7-Q655 � . WAI�NER RD.-CH Lfi�RD. . IL�RCHANGE LTGHT�NG, • V-0390 and - � �, .' YaA�tNER �. .$ . . .;LIGHTING, :�7`=f1551 , , . , ;., _. , , ' ; � . ,i ` , _ �c: AGTtC?N�STE�3: � Ante� t2��e �Z9�7. �a�r�ta rvvez�tent ..8udg�t by.::�ddi,ng.the fdllowinq. prtY�ect a�pxop��ation�s �' . , � , . . . 'Mi:ssi�'s�s'�p���St.; �� �3'��tia�q V;b646. $�.�,44�U ' `i+�este�rn Pive. �,�.g i� U-fl64.3 : :22,3�0 Ar�ington �Aver �, h g U=D655: � � : ` 4b,90n� , r: ;i�arner;�cl. Bri�g a�Chi.1d� Rid, �terchange� L3�}#�ta:ng 46�_0 U�0551 arid V�-43 0 y ' $135,QQ0 ,. . : �,. . ar�d:by d�ietinc�` the:=f lc�v3.ng ,�rbject apprc�p�.iatians: Lexini��,o;n Pk`wys c} '1�i;ng-Sherburne to S.u. V�Q341 : ' '60,044 ' Warner �Rd,: L�gh g-�6ib�e�'`o Bridge V-�0344 : 7�,Q�!#'1 ,; � ; ;: - � SI35,�E1 � _ ^;_„_._...-'�� ,, , ,. ,_ "P,t��.P�SE` Altii.t7 I�TiD . , FOl� TSIS A�CTIQ�: ; . ._ _ , , _ Th� atppxiipicS.atirnns for V 'q646, V-0643 a�id V-0555 `are.�r�eeded to let` l.�.ghting �o�ntra�ts �i.� . :l•�77:a� t�aie saate time �he��i�t�SA projects are sclied�aled to;be .gaved. The ad+ditit��al:md��:�� � ,. �:'apprdpriated to V-Q551 a . V-(?390'are required to fur�c� the proje�t as ,.prs:lfxni,tiazy' d��ig� ha�. be��a completed. .` T e�xi�iqton Fkwy... Ligh�in�9 .P�.�iject ,is 'being postppfiec� Pend�.ng t� , �ina1 ado,ption of, the o�pughfare .plan and the Wa�ne� Rd. Liqh�ting from S�,b1�y to �h�-:Brxc�ge: ' • �.s bei,nq PoStpon�d bec us,je�the: needed �ic��it-of-way :Por�=:p�vinq 'is in candemna'�ior�.. :. . ,:� - -. , -: , . '�he:reques� has l�een; a ripved by the Budget::Director,.,tYie Director of Fin�,r�c� a�id . . P4anagement Se:rviCes,, a d. ,�h� `City Attornep. �he ,GiB Go,�nittee �ecci ,�t�ed:apgroval at their �'�bruarg.l5, 1977, me�ting. _ , ' ` �P�'.�'FA�H���: � w, � � � ....� ..�. , , � COtJ�iCIL RE�tlLUTTC3N - 2 pa�es /J�'•��������1,� 'PUbYic Wor�CS' February lI� 1977, request - 2 pages' u���f"�il�`,Q � '� `"'��' a �- �� - � � ,.-. {� ;�,�.a ,Q-�- �.Q-,�. (� .�- , � � � �.� -� . � � �� � � . , . � , . . CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLtC WORKS February 1 t , 1977 DANIEL J. DUNFORD DIRECTOR Mr. Richard Schroeder Budget Director Room 365 City Ha11 BUILDING Re: Request for Transfer of CIB Funding Dear Mr. Schroeder: The City Council has recently directed that the Public Works Department design improvements as a complete package, having paving, curbing, lighting, boulevards, sidewalks, drainage and trees installed at one time, rather than random separate improvements. Installing all improvements under pra- jects funded by County Aid, Community Development funds or the Residential Street Paving funds is na problem, but Municipal State Aid regulations designate iighting as an ineligible expense. We were therefore intending to omit lighting from several MSA projects prior to the Council directive, due to lack of funding. However, after the Council indicated their desire that all projects, in- cluding MSA funded improvements, include lighting, we reviewed the possible ways to finance those ,tighting projects and wish to recommend the following CIB fund transfers to accomplish that goai : Remove from Authorized CIB Program 1977 - V-0341 - LEXINGTON PARKWAY (Sherburne to BN) $ 60,000 1977 - V-0344 - WARNER ROAD (Sibiey to Reserve St. Br.) 75,000 Total 135,0�0 The Lexington Parkway paving project was programmed over a year ago with MSA funding due to maintenance problems with this stretch. Lighting was programmed to accompany the repaving. Lexington Parkway is an extremely sensitive project, and the proposed new City Thoroughfare Plan, now in draft form and in the review stages, addresses that problem. We believe it advisable to await the approval and adoption of that Plan before pro- ceeding with the Lexington project and have removed the roadway fram our MSA program. 234 City Hali, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �O � � _2_ � , The Warner Road improvement has had a long and difficult experience in acquiring needed right-of-way. Assistant City Attorney, Mr. Segal , has recently filed condemnation proceedings against the Milwaukee Raitroad, which will be in court in a few months. It appears that there is no possibility of that construction this year, and we are proceeding with the new bridge and interchange constr�ction for now at the eastern terminus. Additions to Authorized CIB Program � � � 977 - V-0646 - Mississippi St. Br. and Case-York Connection $ 19,400 z •-, 1977 - V-0643 - Western Ave. - Front to Maryland 22,300 ° 1977 - V-o655 - Artington Ave. - E.Shore Dr. to White Bear Ave. 46,900 . a c � 1977 - V-o390 - Warner Rd. - Childs Rd. Interchanget 46,400 _ � {jg77 - V-0551 - Warner Rd. Bridge @ Reserve St. 1 4c Total $135,000 The three proposed new lighting projects for C16 funding are for MSA financed paving improvements and the requested transfers will permit lighting install- ation to accompany the paving. The two projects for which increased funding is requested are now funded for a combined total of $23,500. This estimated cost was made before the interchange geometrics had evolved in the design process. The position and length of the two separate (east and westbound) legs connecting Warner Road and Childs Road in relationship to the separate main roadways of Warner Road and the new Childs Road eastbound connection reguire lighting by: (a) Separate conventional lighting systems for main roadways and each leg due to their distance apart, or _ (b) Use of a hi-mast lighting system to cover the larger interchange a rea. Either of these methods is more costly than the presently authorized ligfiting funding. We would be happy to attend the CIB Committee meeting and provide any further information relative to the projects or the related proposed fund transfers. Your approval and assistance to such transfers is respectfully requested. Yours very truly, . �CZ�c�D . /�/, � 1 "l�-c r. � Daniel J. Dunford Di rector of Pubt i c Works KS/ck , cc: John Eichinger �;,� }.;;'�,�a �?� ._ .�u' .� ,_ �...� ��!5�- Robert Roettger �,_. . �. �=�:Ci�C1�'C���,:' :.; ri,c,; Li.r�.^#l?� :1 .i�..;F;... ��- rs�tr - `� -- _....__�/'..__..._.. ..