268858 WHITE - CITV CLERK ��Q Q�l�Q Council 6.' .. �.�'�J'-`�7 PINK - FINANCE G I TY O�F SA I NT PAU L CANARV - DEPARTMENT � . aLUE - MAYOR File NO. - Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, It is the City Council 's policy, as determined by a previous resolution, that improvement of a�terial streets should be a total peckage, including paving, curbs and gutters, lighting, and other improvements where necessary, and WHEREAS, Street 1 i ghti ng was i nadvertently omi tted f rom the Publ i c Hearfng and Final Order process for widening, grading, paving, curb and gutter, and storm sewe� work on JACKSON STREET f rom Arlington Avenue to Larpenteur Av�nue, City Pro,ject P-0355. and WHEREAS, The work i� City Project P-0355 ts now under contract and scheduled for Spring 1977 construction and it is in the City's best interest to perform the street lighting work concurrentty with the other work, and WHEREAS, A project for street lighttng work has been set up, V-0640, with 1976 County Aid financing of $19,000.00 to cover t!� estimated costs, with no assessments to the bord,ering property awners, and WHEREAS, On Jun� 1, 1976, citizens at a neighbo�hood meeting we�e informed that street lighting would be installed_ if they-wast�d;-�it and funds were available. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tM�� the FINAL ORDER for Paving Project P-0355, previously adopted by the City Councii on August 5, 1976, be amended to include street lighting project V-0640. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Pubi ic Works-Traff i c Bureau (RHR1 Hozza [n Favor Hunt � _ Levine _ Against By "f�De+die� Sylvester Tedesco 5 ���., Adopted ouncil: Date _ ApR Form Approved Ci Att r ey rtified Pas y o ecryetary BY Appr v 17ayor: Dat - A� T 1 App ed by Mayor for u `ssion to Council By BY PUBLISHED APR 9 1977 � , � �� . OM �1: I2/2975 � • f a �� Rev. : gy$/76 � :� EX � ATT�N OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, , :RESOLU`l'IONS, t�1V'D ORDTNIINCES 1 :, ����C"�� � , � '* . �•= �� Date: Ma�'ch Y 1 , 1�177�' , r:; � � �,'. , TO: MA�OR GEQRG� L;�,TIMER �li� FR: Darrel Rich�rd�, D�pt. ,of Pubtie Works, Traffic FnginNring Bur�su • b.i RE: l�RNAMENTAL �iTR� IIGHTING on JACKSON STRBET f�oat Arl tngton Awrw� . � to Larp�nt�►r wrw�. City Proj�ct V-0640. f . i � S'', , ji; ' � ��, � �;,.. A�TION REQUESTED: ; � ; _ � ��°� � � � � � � � � � � x � Approval of � i l R�solution to aaMnd th� FiNAt. OR�6R f�or Pavin9 - P�oJ�ct P-0�5�., co includs strNt 1 ighting. � „;� � � � ir � � �;�� � � � � !i;,. f, - ,�;, 4 �, � p; � � i,. � I` . ' kF! f PURPOSE AND RATION�IL FOR 'THIS ACTION: �� StrNt i igh t wss a�istakeniy awitt�d fran t�a Pub� ic Hssrtng �d fin�l Or�lsr procas f th� 6rad t�g and Pav i n� work +wtt i ch i s Row untl�r c.ant�ct a�d sch�dul f r Spring 1977 constraetion. Th� Pub11c Morics �r��nt d�►si�r�s to c s ruct ths str�st�lighting cancwrr�t wi�t� th� otlNr �. Inforawtioa strMt lighting was pr�nt�d to tt�� aff�ct� eitis� at a n�ighbo a�ttng. No obJ�ctivn to th� Itqhting was rais�d. ! �;� . 4 . .�. . . � � . . . . . � � iss . ... . . . . . - ; � �. . . . � � � . . ;'�'+ � � � � � .� � � � " � . ATTACHMENTS: ��: a � � Caine�1 R�so1�u t�n j � � � � , RF�tiDR:c�d � ,`:� � �� . � �� n I � +1 �