268856 ������ .
City of St.Paul COUNCI FI NO
File No. �'7
In the Matter of the acquisition of lA.lzds in the ar�. of the State F'ish
�fNsbe�r�r fcr l�ark aad ltecrraaatim 4p�'n 9pacd P�rpass• '
Sa�d l�uds are �escribed aa =ollc�ns:
Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Town of I,ov�er �t. Paul;
A1so, Lots 1 thraugh 10 inclusive, Block 5; Lots I. through, lp
inc?usive, B1ock 6 and L�ts 6 through 10 inclusive, Bloek 7, aI1 ia
the T�,-n of Loz�rer St. Pau1;
A1s�, a ai.scellane�zs tract described as follo�:�rs:
Beginning at the 1�''�rtheast c�rner of Southeast. 1��.
of NortYieast 1/'�F, thence West 37o feet, ther�ce Sot�:th
3a° �5• West 800 feet, thence r,asterly to a point an
the East 3ine �f Section 4, 650 feet Southerly fFom
�h� aforesai.d 1�4 1��+ Sec�ion coraer, thence l�ortzt � •
� to place of beginni�g; Part of Secti�n �, To�msb�,za
28 North, Ran�e 22 West;
A?so, the area enc�m��ssed by the FoI1a-rri.n� descri.bed I.a:ne; Cam�eacirz�
under Ad at the t�ortheast coraer oP l�ort�xwest Quarter (z3��T ,�—�), thence Sauth 56°
West $.23 chains, theace rrorth 69° 25' West 0.15 cha.ins, �heace South
18 3�� ° West 10.525 chains to poia� oP begianin�, tkence S�uth 2$ 3�1�°
West 15.2� chains, thence South 72 2° East 0.72 chains �heaee I3or�h
'The �7 a° �'•st 15.225 �h�ias, thence l�arth 7'z ;° 'vTest 2�i ;f�et, more or : _..�.�
having ca less tv beginni.ng, except Paint nau�l,as R��.d, i.� section �rec E3),
1. � Tow�shi� Tsaeaty-eight (28), Ra.nge T�renty-t*�o (22);
Als�, the area encompassed by ths fo11aw3,r� d�scz3bed line; Beoinning
at a �oint North 72 z° West 0.35 chai.ns fram a p�int an Qua.rter sect�.on
line located 17.328 chains South fr,�¢a Quarter p�st on North liae o�
Section Three (3), thence North 72 z° West 10 ch�.ins, thence Sauth l7 I°
� , West 15.225 chains, -�hence Sauth ']"2° East 10 ch�.i�.s, then.ce 1Vorth 17 2°
�.st 15.59 c�$.i�s to point of beginning in Z�iorths�est Quarter (1VR�T ,�—���
, ex.cept Iii�hwa.y Pao. 61, in Section Three (3), To*.rnship T�saent;�-eig�it (2$),
_ Ra�oe 2`�renty-twa (22).
._ __._. -- _ - __ _. _ _..__ .._... ,._._
A?so, �nat �o�,rt of Lot 15 in Auaitors Subd.iv�.sion ?�Q. 55 southv�:�esterly o�'
3 , S'�� 61. Also that p�.rt of Section 3, Tot•rnshi� 28 TTorth, ��r.ge 22 `v�est
3escri�ed 2.s follac•:s:
C�ss�nencing a� a p�int on the East line of the r3orttr•aes� ,�—�,
Section 3, To?anship 28 r?orth, Ran;e 22 4lest, saad poir.t being
COUr 16 l05�100U chains Sou�h of the Nortneast co?�ner af said
Yeas Tlorth�•rest i thence South zlong said F�.st 1�r.e oi said l
R�{ Nortn.•rest 4, 17 51/100 ehains, the:�ce r5orth 72; de5rees j•Test
`��z 5 265�1000 chai.ns, then_ce PTorth 17; de�rees Eas� 16 7�10
i-'ur chains to nlace of beginning, subject to Poi.nt Dau�l�.s Road
Lev and State Trun�; Highway No. 61, except that aart descr?bed
-�° as foi lo:rs: Co.*�.mencir.g at the poin� of intersection of the
�ti��� center line o� Paint Douglas Road ar_d the Easterl�� I.i�±e af
Te` the Idarthr.•rest 4 of Sec. 3, To:�-nshix� 28 �`;or�n, R�~z�e 22 West,
tnenc.e Itorth on sai3 Easterly line of s?.�id F�arth:.:-est I t� a
n�int on said Easterly line z6-155/�.a�� chains Socz�h or the
ilortrezst corner of' sa�� P3orth:•res� y, tHZnce Soutc 17 3e�rezs
3J' :ti'est to the cen�er ?ine ef s�d �ointi Dau;?^s r���a., t�er_ce
in a oe�eral c,aster�;/ Ci.rectio:� 210�:; tne cen�er ot saicz PainL
�rn, i�s Rn.�r3 ic� thP n�ir.t o° be;inr.ii:g, Sect�or. ,
g--_ _ 3 To;:^zshi:� 2�
Tiort?�, R:.noe �2 �•�es:,, �w*nsPy Cour.�y, ��.in.�±�so�-:.
�+�i,SO� :.,C�s l tnroa�il 5 inclu�i�re, Bloc'.� 7 and a�l. Oi �1.CC{ L'��s 1O�+P_ E9i Lowez'
St. Fa��.