268849 WHI7E - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE COI1t1C11 .�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. ���'�/ �� BLUE - MAYOR � uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ` Out of Committee By Date < WHEREAS, The Police Department of the City of Saint Paul has prepared an application for a grant from the State of Minnesota Governor' s Commission on Crime Prevention and Control to provide funds for the purchase and implementation of an automated latent fingerprint system; and WHEREAS, The Police Department has requested a total of $445,938.00 in funds from the Commission which will require a match from the City of Saint Paul of $22,297. 00 and will further require the City of Saint Paul to serve as the sponsoring unit of government; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City of Saint Paul shall act as the sponsoring unit for this grant and that the proper City officals are authorized to sign and submit the application for the grant. COUIVCILMEIV Requ t by artme o Yeas �� Nays f Hozza In Favor Le� U Sylvester A gainst BY Tedesco �ee�idaart Hunt Adopted ouncil• Date APR �3 ��'rT Form r ved by City Attorney C ified d '1 Secretary BY � B Appro e y Mayor: Da �97T Appro e by Mayor for Submiss'o�Council "_ c-, By By puBt,ts��p APR 9 1977 . c �:� �8�� D E PA RT M E NT R. H. ROWAN CHIEF OF POLICE oF Po �ic � � .e�.�. : CITY 0F ST. PAUL 101 E t OTH STREET ST PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 (612l-291-t l 1 1 January 23, 1�77 Jaye 6eene Office of the Mayor P.00m 347 City Ha11 St. Paul, Mt•: 55102 Dear t4i�. Beebe: A requisition `or an automated fingerprint scanner has been submitted to City Purchasing and a copy of the Request for • Quotatian (P,FQ), along �rith pertinent background data, has been sent to t1ayor Latimer. The ground work for the finger- print scanner began about t��o years ago Hrhen favorable � reaction to the system was r�ceived from the La��� Enforcement t�ssistance Administration through the Governor's Commission an Crime Prevention and Control. The configuration is being planned for future statewide application although the init.ial instailation ca1Ts for a central co�nputer and tt��o remote terminal locations. The State Bureau of Criminai Apprehension and the t�tinneapolis Police Department have supported the acquisition of the scanner system and will be part of the initial operational phase. Upon receipt of the vendor's cost proposals, a grant will be written and resolutions o` the sponsorship a•1i11 be requested from the participating jurisdictions. The matching funds for the fingerprint scanner are expected to be divided betv�een the participating agencies based on the responses to the RFQ from the vendors. The detivery date for the scanner system is projected to be ten months fram the date of award. Further information about the system can be obtained from Sgt. Joe Corcoran at 2Q1-1111, 'Ext. 3Qi�, Sincerely, !' /• �`it � '�� R. N. Zowan, Chief of Police TPa: 1� D.J. BLAKELY J.S. GRIFFIN R,F, LABATHE W.W. MCCUTCHEON DEPUTY CH�EF OF PQLICE DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE . DEPUTY CNIEF OF POLICE DEPUTY CHIEF OF pOLICE PATROL DIVIS�ON . � SERYICE DIVISION INVESTIGATIVE DIVt510N ADMINIS7RATIVE DIVISION �