268843 � ������
FINAL ORDER B '���� ,' , , �'"`
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File No, x7���
� Amended:
In the Matter of iNartAlli�y; a prtbli�s wtss � i� tba� t4lt+arMia� st�natt
� i!. ia��i� l�ew tipp�r Attne Ros�� #ac a dl,�t+��r
p� "� �� � �� �x"��'�'�+� Also w�ter service connection8
where necessary
under Administrative Order ��3�� approved �l��• ��► ���7
under Preliminary Order "'�� approved � � � 19�
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
��t 5' 1977�
COLJNCILMEN Adopted by n il: Date
Yeas Nays 19�i
rtified P by C ncil Secretary "AQR 7
HozZa In Favor
Hunt (�
Levine Against
� Mayor
Sy���ester �g77
rede� puB��sHEU APR 9
..n:ta - �.�t�� C!2rk \ ) I 1 1 \l l' . ► �:w.■ .� a • .. .. •. Y';3J 7 u� � I�il):,_ ' l� `i u's ' 11
^k — F�nanca DeP[. . � � '
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• • t}�t e_ -1 '�'�_- -T!�.—
- AU111NISTR:��i-1VE QR�L•R c� �
In the natter of insta22ing a p�blic water rsain in the following stre2tt �
Darler.e Str�et north�rly fro�a Upger Afton Road far a dist�nce ..
of 540 fezt to the cul-de-s�c. cC,Q.�d' -�-�'--�� '�-OY`�"J`"�� �
The i��p�rtx��nt of Finaac��hereUy dlrecred to bring this rzatC,ez before th�
Council far pub2ic hearin�. �
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° Assist nt� • ttorne'�_ De t ent Head
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D3te °�" tkdministraEive Asstistant to btayor
Deeemb�r 21� I.976 r
Mr. Elmer F�esat . -
General Ma�,a;ger � .
Watar Utility -
Roa�m 216
BiJB.DI]9G - : '� -
Dear Mr. I�t: ,
Pursuant to y�r reqtiast, I l�ve set forth harcin i�farmat3oa pert3�est
ta the P='cPet't�r�as�sessmee3t for the prapaseci public imgrevement. d,e�cribed as:
Watermsin ia Darl�ae Street frvm UPPar AFton Roac� . .
north to cul-d�-sae. _
The total estimated amount recwera'ble by assessment is �9,23o.00, baasd
om the Pollaai�g: .
Estime►t�c1 ccrnstruction cost - �10,75Q•79 '
yalwe►tiQa & Asaessment 5ervices - 214.21 _ .
Misce2lanec�us Costs - 1tS.40
Eatima�ed Total �xpe�ulitzires - �s�
Estiml�ted rate per assQSaable Poot $1Q.��
A saessrmeata - $ 9,23Q.OFJ
City Aid - 1 .00
Totatl. - 11.! .0a .
It yw have a�r quaation, plea�e ca7.7..
U S C — �o�-�' ^%�.��
VerY tru3,Y Y�s�
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Roy E. Bredehl, �T�'. � � �
.^•.ssistaut Yaluaticn Erigineer
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c c: Paul D e sch ��-�� �'"�`
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ELhdER A.Hl�SET BOA('TD �F �l�`�_. . : '��IVIIVI�����.A��RvS�: .. ��1RkY5�
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L E O I��AR��"��i N P..� P Et�����5�"�3,�� ��`, �-; s
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January 31� 1977 ' � �"�1
Mr. Roger A. Mattson
Director of Finance & Management Services `�
Roorn 109
City Hall
Attention: Mr. Paul Desch
Re: Proposed Water Main Installation on Darlene Street
from Upper Afton Road to cul-de-sac
Dear Mr. Mattsons
-The Board of Water Cammissioners has recommended the instailation o£ a public
water main in the above referenced street. Attached please find a copy of Board
Resolution Number 2616 and copies of the pl.an and petition for this improvem2nt.
This installation has been previously apgroved by the City Council thraugh
Councii- Resolution #262830 on December 26� 1973. No public hearing was held taecause
of the assessment procedure in effect at that time.
Because of the recc�nt chang�: in assessment policy, i.t is requested that the
Department of Finance bring this matter before the CounciT for public hearing.
If there are any questions concerning this project, please contact Mr. Allen
Coulter of our Engineering Staff.
�o'S�4- 1'Lo' S�'.
� " � 41,�,ne �oo,00 Very truly pQUrs,
���}� Co4�i.a0 $vS,00 ^�,�' C �..-��•
f� / :
�.'' � Lz�g�,. C it I �.q Sr-�i�z.3. _ ��1.., .�
Elmer A. Huset �
General Manager �Z.p�U�
attachments �'�''' " � 4� �
,..' �, � F/�'��
� � � �` y' r ^��x' SEl?V p�
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}�v�q 5ti y RO'JM ttit�. 216, Ct"fY `1,��L — ST. PAUI, MINNESt�7A �5102
, ' CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ 2�'�
'r_'�`� ,
' PRESENTED BY H�� `��. �t 19T�T
�iii�AS, Z'bv Bos�=d of �Tatt�s Ccx�mis�tioaara has racsiw+3 a pstitioa far tl�� ias�ta�istio� of
s public +►st�t asi�► aa Daslrae 6tr�t fs�s Upp�►t Aftcr� �oad to cal•d��sse; u�d
��BRSAS, A sts�t iarpYd�at prolae� �s pxopoa�d b� th+t Sstat� Pamt Dsps�rteMnt nf Publfc
� wo�rics is as follaw�
. Dsxl�s Sts��t fs� Ltpp�e J►ftaa Rpad t�h+�et� to Ctst,•d�se
`tR�itEJt3� t� S+rtia� �'r�l f�ala�s Vtil#t�► sta�F! bt� �r�#.wwi tlat pcapo�el i�aupann�w�t aad
re� L� tast,a�,lsti�os a! a �rta�ts w►� sad its spp�s��css� sueh iast�llstio� to
axtasd oaa Da�e�� �t�at �� tba s�eisRi,r� msis c�t Upp�►►tr Aftat &a�d to t� ctil�•s�� •
t�t��S11S� � totai �sRla��N costa fo�r t� .ratss �in im�nro�r�a� tnal� cawstsactiad�
es�siaa�s3a�+r iasp�atias� ,�ed ad�#�ise�atto� ta�Es a� �lt,t�l�.04 �d th�r essin�utsd ssts
psr assusahl• l�ot ds��saa�ls�i h�► tk+� Valwisica aed Asaassr�t F.�g�s is ;7.50 p�r faot
�os rssid�atial Pso�tty r�ad #itl.tl� pn►�r #oot fo= coas�rcfa� pso�'tt7� md,� tt�s �stL�tt+�
fiaam�i� i�► �b,9Z2.St! fsow as+rs�s.�w�s a�� �4si57.�f? fra. �lacrr veii�tT sid�
D�T, YgEH�� 88 3T R1*�t7L.Y'8�� "Tbst tl�s Soard vi '�aest Ca�s3s�iauss �raea�ewaads ta t1u -
H000rabl� C3t�r Co�ncil �! Ss#AL Paea� t�at a g�sblte �r4tar �aia bs iAStal2it� �A Darl�+ar
Str�rst fsos �r Aft� �toa�d Lo thN c�ul•e�arsac in ca��aaetioa +ritL t�a ps�o�ps�d str�E
improrY�rat �d tl�at t�s iastsllatioa �d payrme�t ihtYefosi in w�ols or i�a pazt by �s�ua:
of a spieiai �essssa�Mt� ba �e�sd a Iocai f�rremaisu�t +aAd bs ard�a�sd a�d m�cLs in acco�rd•
aac� �+ith t�u grorisi{oa� of t��tas !3 of t� Citp Chsrtot.
� '°�
� � ,,;�
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Water Commissioners
Adopted by the Board of Water Cammissioners
Yeas �t Nays :
$� JaaaarT 27 1g �7
��aa�t �,►�.
� o �In favor Opposed
, f����7C�.�
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st. P$ul, Minn. . - �_� 1s -' �
To the Bo�rd of Wat�r Coeamiisioai�e of the City ot St Panl:
GENTI.EMEN: The undersigned, your petitioners respectfullq represent; that they are the owners of
propertp franting on Darlene Street �
from UpPer Afton Road
to �ttle Creek Park �nd theq reapec�fully
peti�ion your honora.ble body to cause water mains to }ae laid on said street (avenue) between the points
herein above named, at your eaxliest convenienee. Opposite our respective na.mes we have given I,ot, Block,
Additioa and number of feet frant, and bq aa X have indicated the existence af improvements, and by the
same�sign promise to make houss connection.g with said main as soan as praeticable after said mai� is 1aid.
And as in,duty bound, your petitioners will ev�ar Fray.
No.of Feat Imprave� WiIl tak
N A M E _ LOT BLOCK ADI)IZ"ION Front me� Water
oa Lots
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