268842 � ��C7��K�
City of St.Paul COLJNCIL FILE N0.
File Na ��"S
In the Matter of Q�� i� � �p �� 1II � 3#��d ��l�N�'",�P t4�' ��lAt
sivpRS� a�t� at�d �ills� i�]��di�lg r1g1a�; tx[ r�aoral v�t �,st�l
a�ae�C t� aub�! 3�d aar ra�a3aA�r �i e�e�si+aa�R 'bar
wc�e�►�+e►��,c�s tA�ot' cx� +ar�ett�n�atl�on a�" �l�a�es is t.l�r �
a�i �zl� ri#� bit�tar,�s �rtt�r�,l tl�e a3Lt�r la�t I�ql'�I �
8ri1w A�ditia�a lirq�t Xil�us� B� to 1T6 � �t�; as +�ara
�a ��`� e�'` Pabl#,a �t�rkMt Sls� � �`iqg N+ct. 2�g1s
�. 2� dai�d �+la� $„ 1�1'$. ,
under Administrative Order ��3� approved .1��l� �•1�'T
under Preliminary Order ��"�"'`' approved � � 1977
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard
all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made
FURTI�R RESOLVID, that the Council hereby determines that the estate required for
this improvement be as described above, and that the proper City officers submit a
report to the City Council for the purpose of the Cau.ncil's �king an award of dan�es
for the interest acquired and determination of assessments, if an�y, against the
benefited property.
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COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date � 5 �9n.
Yeas Nays p� 7 �9��
BUtIePi p Certi P ed by ouncil Secretary}
Nozzd � ,
Hunt ��,,�In Favor
Le�ine �� �
—�oedi�CP Against
Sy�vester LISHED APR g �9 Mayor
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March 9, 1977
Director, Department of Finance and Management Services
113 City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir:
I wish to be placed on record as being opposed to the pro-
posal as listed in File 17882 GS, Page I. (See attached copy
of notice) I do not use the alley, as I gain access to my
�arage from Kilburn Street.
Ed Pojar
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AssFSS���r oav��i�� � .� �.•._,
113 C17Y HALL ST.PAlil,MfNN[Si)TA i5102
Masc'h 4, 1977
Edard J, and Karen L. Pojar
559 Orehard Avecaue
St. Paul� MN 551U3
� File 17882GS, Page �
Dea� Citizen:
As a courtesy to you, and as re:c�uir�d by la�a, wQ �rant ta natify g��u �bout d �ublic
heariug which may affect you.
The C��uncil of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council
Chambers of the City Aall and Court Hous� (third floor) at 10:00 a.m. on
March 22, 1977, about the ��visability of praceesiing with Adm3.nistrative Order D-3305
approved January 18, i977 which pruposes to: .
Gi�ade and surface with bitumir..�us material Che alley in McAnulty
arid St�ea Addlition from Kilburn Street ta 176 fe�t west. , also
Condemn and take an easem�nt in the land uecessary far the slopes
cuts and fills, iac�udin�; right oiE r.emoval of lateral suQport from
sub�ect land ar remainder thereof occasioned by �:�cavatians thereof
or construetion of slope� in the grading and sur£aciag with bituminous
material the alley in McAnulty and Shea Additian from Kilburn Street
to I76 feet west as aho�an on I}epartm�nt of public Wo�rks Slope Easement
Drawiag No. 2251, Brawer 2, dated November 5, 197b. City Project P-0719.
Th� estimated assessment rate is $6.30 per assessable foot, based on an estimaCed
cost of $1,950.00.
If you c�ould like more information about this improvement, yau can telephane 298-4139
for construeti.on information (Dep�rtm�nt of Public Works) or 298-5241 for assessm�n�
information (Depar';ment of Finance and Mana�ement Servicesj.
In addition, the City's Technical Advisors will be available �o me�t �ri�h yau and :
discuss this proposed impravement in �oo�e 286 City Hall from 9:30 to 1J:00 a.m, the
sa�e day as the hearing.
While tne City Charter requires that we notify you af the hearing, we want to help
you to learn fully about any improvement that cnuld affect you or your community.
Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your
views abc�ut it knc�s�m to the City Council, whether far or against.