268836 WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - INANCE A CANARV - UEPARTMENT OF SAINT PAITL F1ecilNO. `���Q_lC■■ BLUE - MAYOR p �%4��J ' ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date MhEREAS� Th• City of St. Paul is conc�rn�d abvut �ois� polintio� associat�d with Minn�wta Trunk HigM+ay No. 3 (I.afayette Rr�y) Mhich aff�cts th� I�atth a�d v�ifare of th� r�si�nts adJa�nt to this frMway, aad WHER�AS. Th� Minn�sots O�partaMnt of Transportation has cduyl�ted a study which iadicat�s that dw to high nois� l�wls c�rtain arws al�g Minn�sata Trunk I�igh�y No. 3 in St. Pa�l rank high tn p�iority to r�c�iw Fed�ral and Stat� Funding to con:truct nois� barri�rs at no cost to t!� City, and WHEREAS� A public �sttng was h�id to r�iv� co�e+ts frcx� r�sid�nts adjac�nt to th� trunk highr�y r�garding a proposal froai th� Mt�nssota D�pa�t- arnt of Transpo�tation for c.onstruction of c�ois� barri�rs, and MHEREAS� A �s,jority of ths r�sida�ts aff�ct�d by th� propos�d taipraw- aN�t indlcat�d that th�y v+�r� in fs�ror of the nois� bar�i�rs. NOM, THER�F'QRE, sE IT RESOLVEa, That ths City Ca�nctl of tM City of St. Paul r�qu�s��s the Mian�sota DMartMnt of T�ansportstion to procad Nith d�siga of pians snd sp�cifications to ca�struct Aoise barri�rs alou�g both sld�s of Mir�n�tota Trunk HigMrwy No. 3 froa� Concord Str�et to th� �ridg� owr th� Chicago 6r�at M�st�rn Rail�oad Traalcs. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Rlbl iC MOI'Ici (T�aff iCj ��� In Favor Levine � Sylvester � Against BY � T�A President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date � 3 � �9TT Form Approved by City Attorn� � ; Certified P ed Coun il Secretary BY � , � � ' ���`s � � L, I App ed by Mayor: te � � �R 4� �977 Appro e by Mayor for Su is 'o to Council By By Q�s�?SHE� APR 9 1977 ��� or2 a1: �2/i97� .,� ' �:; Rev. : , 9 j 8/7 6 , ' • ' EXPLA",e'�.TIC1� (�F ADMTNISTRATIVE �FDERS, SOLUT�GNS, r�N17 URUINANCES ��8�►7►s , 1 i k' RECEIVED � '� Date: th�rch 14, 197T ` , MAR 18 1971 ; MAYOR's � T4 s MAYOR GEORGE L��'IMER ' k, �'R: I�oaal� s. T�ft�, ��aMli� Mo�ks Traffic En�i�ripg �: S�qd liall - Tt�r 1iigMwaY �3 - C�cord St�Nt to th� �r1dg� 0wr tb� �hica�o 6�ia�;,M�st�ra Rallrmad tridq�. , �; �, . €i ACTSQW REQUE.STED: . � �. AMroval of Att�ac�d R�sol�ti�. , y . , R; �; � . �i � { �� ��a r,I ;;I C� t' PURPOSE �ND RAT�ONALE ��F'OR THIS ACTION: ;� f t ts �ac�ssary, f ths C i ty t� r�qwst tb+� lis/OMart�nt .f Traas��tat i�a � - ts d�s i ga ttws�; a �1 i s. A pub 1 i c �st i n� was �1� on J�aryr 13, 19T7- �; . � � - ��a� � ;, ��, � � � � � ��''� ��' �i k, T "k'' C� A�'TA���MY,NTS: ' �r �; CcwNC i 1 It�solut T�rr�e i;. � �i; , Rt�It:00T:c�d , �.`. �� � �,; E�A ��- �� � �� �3 � CITY OF ►.�AINT PAUL ° OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL - .e.a ......�.. ...�.� RUBY HUNT March 15, 1977 Councilwoman T0: City Council Members City Cler[c � �FROM: Ruby Hunt, Chairman ` Public Works Committee �� SUBJECT: PUBLIC G�ORKS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ON VARTOUS MATTERS The Public f�orks Committee, at a meeting on March 11 , 1977, took the following actions: 1 . Recommended approval of final order in condemnation proceedings in the matter of acquiring property for storm water ponding land (P.O. 268437 - referred to Committee on February 15, 1977). 2. Recommended approval of vacation and sale of property on Dale near Front. - . .�_`"`_ _ 3. Recommended approval of soundwall construction along Lafayette Freeway. � -��-F.. � RH/rs -- CITY HALL SBVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5378 O