268834 � WHI7E - CITY CLERK COIIIICll ��/�J�(j , PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT . PALT L � s CANARV - OEPARTMENT V � BLU�E - MAVOR File NO. � esolution . , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date , Out of Committee By Date ' BE IT RESOLVED, fihat the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby ratifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul ' Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed I property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of � Appeals and Review, dated March 8, 1977, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD ' MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPE7LT,�NT 3/8/77 04-77-H 790 Pleasant Ave. Gervais D. Kaiser (duplex) I BOARD ACTION: Granted Waiver of one year (to March 8, 1978) on all violations designated in 1/20/77 Survey Letter of the City of Saint Paul Code Enforcement Division except Items No. 4, 6, 7, and 8 of said Survey Letter whi�h require immediate c,orrection. ; Prope�ty Descriptiom: Re. of Highland Park Addition, Lot 10, Block 5 3/8/77 06-77-H 709/711/713 Portland Wallace L. Fritz, M.D. (27 units) , BOARD ACTION: Granted Extension of Time to July 6, 1977, to complete all required work on items listed on page 2 of 1/6/77 Survey Letter of the City of Saint Paul Code Enforce- , ment Division, and Extension of Time to October 7, ' 1977, to complete all required work on items listed on pages 3 and 4 of said Survey Letter. Property Description: Holcombe' s Addition ' W. 10 ft. of Lot 25 and all of Lots 22, 23 and 24 lock 14 COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: ' Yeas Nays Butler � }� [n Favor Hunt , Levine �_ Against BY ' Roedler Sylvester �ec�eeee 19'j7 MAR 31 Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Councik:" , Date ` � '' Certified sse Coun il Secretary BY � � Ap o d by ,Nayor. Da .pQ b �8�• Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , BY .�. - BY � PUBLISHED AP R � 1� • EX�'18 ��'��`�4 � _ �'� - - 3/8/77 - Meeting No. 127 � ' � Cassette Tape No. 139 ------ -- - ---- ---- ----- -- -- -- -- ---- ------ ---- --------- -- -- --- --- ------ CASE N0. PROPERT� APPELLANT 04- 77-H 790 Pleasant Ave . Gervais D. Kaiser (duplex) SUBJE GT: Request Waiver of St. Paul Legislative Code rec{uirements pertaining to certain interior conditions involving electrical work, . sanitation, and wall repairs, and exterior conditions involving general repair, because State of Minnesota Highway Dept. had indicated they will acquire the property. AP PE ARAN CE : Gervais D. Kaiser � '?90 Pleasant Avenue -5- 3/8/77 - Meeting No. 12T . Cassette Tatie No. 139 PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Kaiser stated that his building was one of several in an area that were to be acquired by the State Highway Dept. to be torn down to make way for construction of Highway 35E. All others had been removed except his own because of a disagreement on price offered by the State . Befare settlement could be reached, a lawsuit had been filed to prohibit the road construction. As a result, a moratorium had been declared on further acquisition, and his property remained standing, pending the autcome of the legal action. Alice Bijjani, a city housing inspector, said the most serious problems involved rodent and insect infestation, first noted in July, 1976, and� still present at an inspection in December, 1976. Mr. Kaiser denied there was insect infest ation. He said he had lived in the building for the first 15 years of the 25 years he had owned it and had been in and out of the building frequently in the ensuing years, � and he had never seen cockroaches, as the city had conten ded in their complaint. Mr. Kaiser told the Board that he had made several repairs to the building, but he did not feel he should do extensive work when the State wouid almost surely acquire it and tear it down. Chairman Wozniak acknowledged that Mr. Kaiser was caught in the middle, x but that minimum standards of safety had to be maintained as Iong as the property was occupied. If an emergency arose involving wiring or plumbing, Mr. Kaiser would have to take care of any such problems. Miss Bijjani said if Mr. Kaiser wou�d agree to repair Items No. 4, 6 , 7, 8, - 10 , and 11, as designated in the Survey Letter of 1/20/77, the city would not object to leaving the remaining items undone at this time. Mr. Kaiser pointed out that Item No. 4 mentioned a 'tsecond floor porch guardrail," and that there was no such construction on his building. Miss Bijjani said the reference to a second floor porch was in error and should have refexred to a first floor porch guardrail . The other items she had listed as needing repair involved the rodent and insect infestation, illegal wiring, surface covering in a b athroom, and the need for a shut-off valve for a gasburning device in a kitchen. Mr. Kaiser said the bathroom floor had been repaired and a shutoff valve installed in the kitchen. Miss Bijjani stated that her department would like some kind of con- firmatian that the State of Minnesota was still interested in the property, and they would like to be kept informed of the status from time to time. Chairman Wozniak suggested that the city sh�uld eheck �ri.th the tenants in the building to learn if any of them had observed insect and rodent infestation. . 790 Pleasant Avenue -6- 3/8/77 - Meeting No. 12? - . . Cassette Tape No. 139 BOARD ACTION: � �.���`�4 Mr. Glassman moved that Items No. 4, 6, 7, and 8, as designated on the Survey Letter of 1/20/77, be completed, and the remaining items waived for a period of one year; Items No. 6 and 7 would require correction only if, after another inspection by the city, the condition was still found to exist. Mr. Tieso secanded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nayes - 0 Abst�entions - 0 --- -- -- -- -- -- - -- ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- ----- ---- --- --- ---------- --- -- ' , I , 3/8/77 - Meeting No. ,127 ' . Cassette Tape No. 139� � � � MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEW Tuesday, March 8, 1977 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1: 30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: D. Donald Wozniak, Chairman Arthur :�i. Tieso Estyr Bradley Peake Ronald Glassman MEMBERS ABSENT: David Heider James Voigt AGENCIES PRESENT: Department of Community Services - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement: Alice Bijjani, Housing Code Inspector OTHERS PRESENT: Omer Richards , Appellant Mrs . Omer Richards Pierre Regnier, Attorney for Mr. Richards and . Mr. Valar Oscar Valar, Appellant A1 Busse, Appellant R. G. Hubbard Gervais Kaiser, Appellant Chester Hovelson, Appellant Mrs . Chester Hovelson Ray McIntyre, Appellant - Wallace L. Fritz, M. D. , Appellant STAFF PRESENT: Patricia l�ioxness , Secretary The meeting was caTled to order at 1: 45 p.m. Cfi_airman L1lozniak noted �nrith regret that Norma S�ommerdorf, a mem�er of the Board of Appeals for many years, had recently resigned from the Board in a letter to Mayor George Latimer, because her work prevented regular attendance at meetings . The minutes of the meeting of February 8 , 1977, were approved as distributed to the Board members . �f���4 709/711/713 Portland Avenue - 7- 3/8/77 - I�feeting No. 127 � ' Cassette Tape No. 139 �ASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 06- 77-H 709/711/713 Portland Wallace L. Fritz, M.D. (27 units) SUBJE CT: Request Extension of Time to complete work designated by Code Enforce- ment Division in letter of 1/6/77, involving certain fire-safety requirements , plumbing, electrical, structural, and sanitary conditions . so as to obtain Certificate of Occupancy, because Appellant has been ill and, also, because of difficulty in finding r�pairmen. APPEARANCE: Wallace L. Fritz, M.D. PROCEEDINGS: Dr. Fritz stated that, due to a serious operation and ill health, he had been unable to make arrangements for completian of the extensive repairs required by the city. He advised the Board that four units �ere currently occupied, 17 i,rere approved for occupancy, and 6 were not as yet approved. Chairman Wozniak asked why the occupancy rate was so low. Dr. Fritz said he had not been advertising because he ti�ras not well ' enough to handle the telephone calls this would generate and his wife ; did not care to get involved. Alice Bijjani informed the Board that one of the reasons Dr. Fritz , might have trouble in finding tenants was that he h ad a reputation for not providing enough heat. She felt that these buildings were being poorly manage d and that a professional caretaker should be in charge . Dr. Fritz replied that it taas impossible to find reliable caretakers . He admitted that there was a ten-day period in December, 1976, w�en the buildings were without heat because of a heating plant breakdown and the difficulty of locating a certain part needed to make repairs . Miss Bijjani said that the heating b reakdown occurred in a period of extremely cold temperatures, making conditions unlivable . What was needed to permanently correct the situation was a �omplete replacement or reworking of the present heating system. Without either, it was the opinion of a city heating inspector that breakdowns would continue to occur. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Glassman moved that an extension of �ime to July b, 1977, be granted for completion of all items listed on page 2 of the 1/6/77 Survey Letter; and an extension of time to October 6, 1977, be granted to complete the items on pages 3 and 4 of the l/6/77 Survey Letter. Mr. Tieso seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. ' THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nayes - Q �bstentions - 0 3/8/77 - Meeting No. ,127 � , ' Cassette Tape No. 139' � � .. MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS �, REVIEW Tuesday, March 8, 1977 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House � 1: 30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: D. Donald Wozniak, Chairman Arthur �i. Tieso Estyr Bradley Peake Ronald Glassman MEMBERS ABSENT: David Heider James Voigt AGEVCIES PRESENT: Department of Community Services - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement: Alice Bijjani, Housing Code Inspector OTHERS PRESENT: Omer Richards , Appellant Mrs . Omer Richards Pierre Regnier, Attorney for Mr. Richards an d . Mr. Valar Oscar Valar, Appellant A1 Busse, Appellant R. G. Hubbard . Gervais Kaiser, Appellant Chester Hovelson, Appellant Mrs . Chester Hovelson Ray McIntyre, Appellant � Wallace L. Fritz, M.D. , Appellant STAFF PRESENT: Patricia A�oxness , Secretary The meeting was caTled to order at 1: 45 p.m. CTiairman fltozn�ak noted r�-ith regret tFi.at Norma Sommerdarf, a memfier o� tFie �oard of Appeals �or many years, had recently resigned from the Board in a letter to Mayor George Latimer, because her work prevented regular attendance at meetings . The minutes of the meeting of February 8 , 1977: were approved as distributed to the Board members . � i I - j I i . � - - � 1 : _ - - i � ' � - - � - - ,-- - � -- -�-- - - - - �- _ _ , _ , __ __ --�_ -; ; - - - --��_ --a---T---� --� - ; - � , , i � � ' __1_1_._ -- fi _ _._ �__�---��--�-�--�- � ; __ _.._ _ �+ - - —�- --- ___- -- ------___ -----I— - -- . — -- _ — _--�. — ---- --— ---�- - ---— -- -- -- --� -- - �ti.yr-s�vc��-�-i s�i - - - - _ ----_ ___ . _ _ ---� - - _ _ - - -- -- - -- - -- -- --- - - - - - � -i - - _ , _ - _ i _ � - --- - -- � -----�-%s�o�c. _ - --- --- -- �----a Q� -__— -- -- - - --I —I — - — - I w � —l— � � ,t__�-� � ,j - i i � �. ;� �, � �, � -- — --�—r _ 1---- - � - ' �� - ,, , _ � . � � i _ �^ ;�i � _� ._ I_ x � f� ; � '� � " �_.:-�_:`�=-x-� .`"• f � � '� � � II . I i r,, i II� �i .�: �i � � i� i � ii - 1 . n�-r �. �i I i I��. i� � ' ' � ��. i � . � r. , I�I I � y i . . � � 1 j � �� V'1 � �ti I j I� I �� �� � i � � � �' I ii ' � I �� �� � ; f .�. 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