269516 WHITE - CI7V ERK . 2�951� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT . • BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO• ,�� Council Resolution ; : Presented By Referred To Committee: � Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the application of the Metropolis Newspaper, Inc. for the construction and maintenance of News-Stands at the foltowing locations: ' East Seventh St. and Cedar St. - SW corner Selby Ave. and Western Ave. - NE co rner West Sixth St. and Wabasha St. - NW corner East Seventh St. and Wabasha St. - NE corner Sneliing Ave. and University Ave. - NE corner Snelling Ave. and Untversity Ave. - SW corner in accordance with Ordinance No. 7633 and rutes and regulations as prescribed by the Director of Public Works, be and is hereby granted, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the permit is granted with the dTstinct understanding that there shall be no adverttsing matter of any kind displayed on the News-Stands. . mkb COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / PUb11C Works Butler b Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine � __ Against BY Ro�, Daniet J. Dun rd, Directo � (TJE/JRW) Tedesco Adopted by Cou . ate — A(�G 2, 1977 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified assed ounc Sec etary � BY B Approved y M vqr Date 77 Appr d by Mayor for Su ion tqwCouncil gy By PUBLISHED Ail G 1 3�977 ' - - or� o�: ��/�9�� : � r �v. : 7�8�7 V -_�. 2�g51G � CXF TTOI� OF ADMINISTRATZVE ORDERS, ` -- SC3LUTZUNS r .�iD ORDINANCES Date; Ju 1 y 14, 1977 ` TO• MAYOR GEORGE; L�T.IMER � FR: Pnbl ic Idorks - pffice Engineering � REs Naaspsper Stane�s on Stdewalks . � ' _ A�CTI4N ,REQUErSTED: tt�rant permission to Metropolis Newspsper, Inc. to locate � _ '• ' • �everal Newspsper boxes in Ctty right-of-wsy, � , � �� , _ , . � *� � ` � ���� ��{PURPQSE .�ND RATIaNA�,E FOR THIS ACTION: Settlon 365.05 of the St. Paul ��_ , Legislative Code requires that tha �: ` • . City Councll by resolution� direct the ,; Dirocto� of Pubtic Wbrks to issue p�naits , �` ; . . for the lacation ,of Newspap�r boxes in �� C i ty r1 ghtrof-way. �� ,- , • �; ,.: . ��� ; . 4 : � � ��,_ATTACc�MENTS; Re�l ut ion , g `�".�` �� . _ , �� �' . � . .. .. I,. . . � � � . .. .. ' . �. . � � ,. �" ' . . . . . 4� � . � � . . . . ' � � . � � . ' #.. . ' . ... . .. � . . . . . � . � . . � . . E/J RV✓�b .