269508 WHI7E - GTV CLERK ' �69505 PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA iT L Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File� NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � WHEREAS, plain clothes police officers and uniformed police officers are granted an allowance for certain items of clothing, and , WEIEREAS, it is desirable to account for the police officers' clothing allowance, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that a separate fund be established to account for all police officers' clothing allowance, and be it further RESOLVED, that C.F. 230937 establishing separate funds for plain and uniformed police officers is hereby repealed. �'�� �� �.s ���- ,�� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler I�, Po 1 ic e Hozza U [n Favor Hunt Lavine _�___ Against BY � Roedler ST�ud�rPr Tedesco AUG 2; i977 Adopted b ncil: Date _ Form A ve City A rn Q Ce ied Pas e y Co� tary BY Approved b Date UG 5` ��7 � Appr y Mayor for Su i si uncil BY BY .�UBLISH€D AU G 1 3 1977 WH17E - CITV CLERK c' � /� Q� � CANARY - DEP RTMENT COUIICll %� C BLUE -MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. C.o 'l Resolution Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, plain clothes police officers and uniformed police officers are granted an allowance for certain items of clothing, and WHEREAS, it is desirable to account for the police officerst clothing allowance, now� therefore be it RESOLVED, that a separate fund be established to account for all police officersf clothing allowance, and be it further RESOLVED, that C.F. 230937 establishing separate funds for plain and uniformed police officers is hereby repealed. � � � �,- � � �'�.,`�-. , '� ` u_ �-f; t r � � ` �� :y � � . COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen o 1 i c e Hozza In Favor Levine � Sylvester A gainst BY � Tedesco President Hunt Form Ap ity At r Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY • By Approved by Mayor: Date Appr d by Mayor for Sub s 'o to Council By By , ; ��,'J � . _ : , -_..,..., - OM O:l: 9�$/?.6 . , �. �.�__.., ,, . . . ,. . E�PLANATION OF AUMTNISTRAT=VE ORDERS, > RESQ�,UTIONS, �iND QRD2NANCE� � • ,: .. a, ,; . . . ,.;; , : �. - , : ` °; �: ; IIate: July 27, 1�"!'7 . � ���. . � � .�E j�y ; tr,� . �� `' � � � .� i��� TO: MAYQR GEORC� LP�TIMER �Y�.� � ��� - . , , ; ; FR: R. .H. xow�, �hief of Pol�ce . - ,: , RE: Resolution' rei�ardfng-police uniform allowances. , �w . . •� ,� : , �.� , �, � . �a:: . . . ; ACTI�N REQLtESTED•a.,, _ , , , . d , ,, , � : � � , � : � . . . � 1�rraval of resolutf�I�n to ests►blish one fund for' �1L police �unif'�m gl law8n�ea, � • , , . _ .. w , .�< . � ,� ,:. � . , ` 4 ,. , . . . . , ' '.1.. .' '.. . . . . �' �;, . . � .. ' -� . : . ... - �� � - . ,� �.. : .. . . . � '_ . . . t.., ' � . . . . .. ::�. . .- .'.�.. .�. . . . � -.. . : . . '' . ' . t..,-''� . . . ' . . . .. ., .- . . �. � , ' . .. .. . .. . ., . .. '� � . .� �. .�� �,,, . .. �. . .:� . �� .. .. . � . � ' .. �.-�. ' ' : '.:: f .. �.� . . . . ' � . r}+. . . , ., .. . .. � . ... t . � �LIRPOSE Pi1hiD� RA'3'�O�I,E FOR TFIIS ACT'I�?11T: , , � ; i; Police uniform allo�a „ es have .been r�carded in ti�o separate funds - for ;nnifor�d � offfcers, and for plai�clbthes offi�ers. P�rpose af. th�s xesolutfon is �tt! 'establish � one �uAd for all unifq#Cna allowances. � �;, � 4 _ , � .. . .. � . . � 1? L:�, . .. � . � . . . . � 4 � '�3a.. . � � . .. .. - . ' .. � . . . � � . ' . 5 .. . � . .. .. �. . ..' -� � ��1' ,. :,�. . . . . . r . . . , .... ., .. . �. . . . . . . . . ... .. , .. � , ' � . _ .. . . " .. . . . " ./�. � •. , � � . �t'� . . . . .. . '. . _ . ATTACHM�NT�: 4;�' . _ ,, . ,, . , , . _ . : ;. - _ '�Resolutfoa :� Copy of letter fr4at R* Tr�adean ; . , �; - : , . � „ �.- � • , • � CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF ACCOUNTING + June 27, 1977 William McCutcheon, Deputy Chief Police Department 101 E, lOth St. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Re: One combined fund for plain and uniformed police officers and your letter 6/23/77. Dear Mr. McCutcheon: Enelosed resolution should be processed through the Council. 1) Have Mr. Rowan sign for "Requested by Department of" - Police 2) After passage of Council File, Mr. Chermak should submit "Request for approval to establish fund" to this Division which sets in motion the assigning of the account number, etc, S' cerely, � �,;� " � ..,�.... ��� 1 Robert W. Trudeau Chief Accountant cc: R.J. Chermak 109 City HaII, Saint Pau l Minnesot� 55102