269505 WHITE - C�TV CLERK L+�UnCll ��9505 PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L 1 �11►JARVti DEPARTMENT � BLUE -MAVOR F�le NO. � uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Admini strative Re solution relating to the Cla s s Specification Section of the Civil Service Rules. WHEREAS, the minimum qualifications for the Division heads i.n the Department of Planning and Economic Development are not realistic minimum qualifications; and WHEREA5, it appears that there are present employees who could handle these jobs who do not meet these minimum qualifications; and WHEREA5, we want to have appropriate minimum qualifications for these classes of positions; now, therefore, be it - RESUL�ED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 4$ thereof, so that said Section 48 shall read: "5e ction 48 A. The following positions are hereby placed in the Unclassified Service of the City of 5aint Paul: Administrator of Community Development Administrator of Economic Development Admini strato r of Planning Administrator of Renewal (continued) COUNCILMEN ;�;,; Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � � Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt J Levine Against BY _ Roedler � Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY . Bv Approved by Mayor. Date Approv by Mayo for Subm' Cou il By BY ,�,' . ,, ;�'Q: - .> WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUIICII /i�VVVV PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL �ANARV� DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date _ 2 _ , "B. Minimum qualifications for such Unclassi.fied positions shall be: 1. Administrator of ComYriunity Development. College graduation in a related field and five years' experience in a responsible sa�e�v�so-r�ad�.�i��a�i�re-position which would provide know- � ledge in grant-in-aid coordination or related areas� at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory position. 2. Administrator of Economic Development. College graduation in . a related field and five years' experience in a responsible ' s��e�vrso-r��ad��i.�#�a�iire position which would provide know- ledge in economic development or related areas� at least two years of which must have �e�n in a supervisory position. 3. Administrator of Planning. College graduation in a related field and five yearsi experience in a responsible s�aar�i.�so-rir-a�l�i.�.s- �x�ve position which would provide knowledge in city planning . or related areas, at least two years of which must have been in �`� a supervisory position. 4. Administrator of Renewal. College graduation in a related field .and five years' experience in a responsible ea�e�viso-�}�ad�.i�i�— 1�ra�i.ve�osition which would provide knowledge in renewal pro- cedures`and operations or related areas, at least two years of , - which must have been i.n a supervisory position. - -�. 'i'lie provisions of this Secti�n 48 of these Rules which places these i above mentioned four positions in the Unclassified Service shall ex- p'ire on the first Tuesday of June, 1981, unless otherwise determined by the City Council with the concurrence of the Civi.l. Service Commission. " and b+a it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civi.l Service Rules be further amended by striking from Section 49 the Class Specifications for the titles of,Admi.nistrator (continued) COUNC[LMEN � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester . Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor. Date Approve May or Sub ' Council � By BY MrH17E - CITV CLERK COUIICII � /_���!!� � PINK - FINANCE G I TY O�F SA I NT PAUL 1 � �� G�4N,ARY�- DEPARTMENT � \/ZJ BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 3 - of Community Development, Admi.nistrator of Economic Development, Administrator of Planni.ng, and Administrator of Renewal and substituting in lieu thereof the attached Class specifications for the titles of - ADMINISTRATOR OF COMMUIVITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINI5TR.A.TOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT A.DMINISTR.ATOR OF PLANIVING ADMINISTRATOR OF RENEWAL . ^ Approved: � • Chairman Civil Service Com ' sion COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays r �UHozlza [n Favor E Hunt � Levine � __ Against BY Roedler � Tedesc AUG 2� �9�� For pproved City t ey Adopted Council: Date � C ified as Co , ecretary BY Approved by Wlayor: (�C7 ' �9�1 Appro d y May for Sub i o Co il By BY �USLISHED AU G � 3 1977 . . � .. ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING � (Contiz�ued) Prepares, as requested, reports of the activities, plans and programs under- taken by the Division of Planning. Provides staff, servi�es for the Planning Commission. KNOWLEDGE5, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge in the area of city planning, urban development, urban geography or related areas. Marked ability to analyze information and to direct urban development planning operations. Maxked ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the public and private repre sentative s. Marked ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. Marked ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Working knowledge of administrative and managerial principles. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in a related field and five years' experience in a responsible Q„�pr�,ie^r �.am;^;°+r°�.• position which would provide knowledge in city planning or related areas, at least two years of which must have been in a � supervisory position. � . .� i . .4. . /'������ � � Tit1e of class: ADMINISTRATQR pF PLANNING DE5CRIPTION OF WORK Genexal Statement of Dezties; Performs responsible adnninistrative work in directing and. reviewing the projects and opexations of the DivisioM of Planning within tkte Department of Plann,ing and Economic Develop- rne�nt; and to per�orm related work as a�signed. Supervision Received: Works under the guidance and directior� o# the department head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within.a division general adm�.�istra- trative and technical supervision direc�ly and through suboxdinate supervisors over all personnel within the divisioM. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFQRIv1ED The �isted examples may not include all duties per£ormed by all positions in this class. . Prepares a comprehensive plan of development for the City, and rraodi.fl:ca- tions thereof, for presentation to the City Council througk�-tl�-e--Flannix�g , � Commi,ssion, for their consideration, amendn�en� ox adoption as author- � ized by law. � Coordinates the planning a�tivi.ties of all other d�pa�rtments and agencies of the Gity to in�ure conformity with the comp�ehensive plan to assist in � its development. Reviews and coordinates the comprehensive plan with the planning activities of adjacent units of governmen� and other affected public and private ', agencies. Transmits to the City Council, through the Planning Commissi.on, all recommendations, studies, plan5, sections or amendments to such comprehensive plan as submitted by all departments and agencies of the City and other affec�ed public and private agencies, along'with an analysis and recommendations. Prepares and proposes to the City Council, through the Planning Gommission, reasonable, efficient and practical means of putting comprehengive planning into effect. Collects and distributes to the Gouncil and other departrnents and agenci,es of the City all nscessary research materials on population and population trends, economic trends, and the social conditions of the various sections of the City as they xelate to m�znicipal planning and development, in con- sultation with the Division of Administrative Services and the Research staff of the City CounciL Establishes liaison with comrrsunity groups and provides plannir�g �ecomrnen- dations for consideration within the overall plan of z�nunieipal developrnent. , � (continued on reuerse side) , Effec�iv� May 2, 1977 ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING (Exempt) r- � ADMINISTRATOR OF RENEWAL � (Continue d) Marked ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. Marked ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Working knowledge of administrative and managerial principles. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in a related field and five years' experience in a respon- sible position which would provide knowledge in renewal procedures and operations or related areas, at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory position. . � �' ` �6950� � Title of class; ADMINISTRATOR OF RENEWAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible administrative work in directing and reviewing the projects and operations of the Division of Renewal within the Department of Planning and Economic Develop- ment; and to perform related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the guidance and direction of the department head, _ . ._ .... ...._ .. .. .._._ . __ . . � Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a division general adminis- � t rative a�d technical supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all persannel within the division. TYPI�AL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples rnay not include all duties performed by all positions in this class, Direc�s the acquisition, clearance, Marketin.g, and disposition of proper- ties in accordance with the State and Federal law, City plans and policies, � Assists in the pxovision af the financial, technical, and administrativs services necessary to facilitate the rehabilitation and development of residential, indu�trial and commercial facilities throughout the City. Directs the development, project design, engineering, and implementation of the Community Development and Urban Renewal programs assigned to the division, Provides relocation services and assistance as authorized and required by law, when the City or any other public agency acquires real pxoperty in Saint Paul for public purposes. Directs all assigned staf� services necess�:ry to carry out the duties and functions of the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Autliority Board. Coordinates all development activities of the Division of Renewal with other public agencies and City departments. Submits pe�iodic reports to the City Council and other appropriate bodies concerning the status of renewal and redevelopment activities in the City. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES , Considerable knowledge in the area of finance, real estate, land acquisition, or xelated areas, ' Marked ability to analyze information and to direct renewal planning oper- ati.ons. Marked ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the public and priva�e repre s entative s. � (continued on reverse side) Effective May 2, 1977 ' ADMINISTRATOR OF RENEWAL (Exempt) �. � ADMINISTRATOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT � (Continued) KNOW LEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge in the area of grant application; grant adminis- tration, grant evaluation or related area. Marked ability to analyze ix�formation and to direct grant-in-aid planning and procedures. Marked ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the public and private repre sentatives. Marked ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and graups. Marked ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Working knowledge of administrative and managerial principles. MINIMUM QUALTFICATIONS College graduation in a related field and five years' experience in a respnn- sible r^^��---�eAM•• �-'^^�r�°*M°*�=•° position which would provide knowledge in grant-in-aid coordination or related areas , at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory position. � i .. .�. ��9�5 . Title of class: ADMINISTRA'�'OR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DE�CRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Perf��ms resp.onsible administrative work in directing and reviewing the projects and operations of the Divigion of Community Development within the Department of Planning and Economic Development; and to perform related work as assigxa.ed. Supervision Received: Works under the guidance and direction of the department head, Supervision Exercised; Exercises within a division general adr�inis- trative and technical supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all personnel within the division. TYPICAL DUTIES P�RFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all ppsitions i.n this class, Parovides overall management and administration of the Community , . Development Block Grant (CDBG) I'rogram. Directs �he implementation of the Communi�y Development Block Grant Program in compliance with specified federal reguIations. Serves as the City's liaison between the City and other units of govern- ment at the metropolitan, state and federal level on matters related to the Community Developmer�t Block Grant Program. Evaluates the performance of al� agencies, whether city or under coMtract to the city, involved in Gommunity Development Block Grant Program activities. Prepares and presents reports to the Mayor and Cfty Council on all program activitxes. Oversees the preparation of the annual Community Development Block Grant Program application for submission to the United Sta�es Department of Housing and Urban Development. Reviews and evaluates the administrative and legal relationships established in order to manage the Community Development Block Grant Program. Coordinates the development of contracts between the City and other agencies for the performance of program activities. Evaluates the results of program activities with respect to its goal and good management practices. E,xecutes contracts and all departrnental appropriations which involve the Community Development Block Grant Program. Coordinates the implementation and operation of the City's citizen partici- pation process. (continued on reverse side) � Effective May 2, 1977 ADMINISTRATOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (Exe mpt) ADMINISTRATOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT i (Con�inued) KNOW LEDGE5, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge in the area of finance, real estate, land acquisition, disposition, and marketing, or related areas. Considerable knowledge in the area of residential, industrial and commer- cial property development. Marked ability to analyze information and to direct economic development planning operations. Marked ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the public and private repre sentative s. Mar.ked ability to communicate clearly and effect ively with individuals and groups. Marked ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Working knowledge of administrative and managerial principles. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in a related field and five years' experience in a respon- sible °„„°�---;°^�-•- �a�°=-:��--�L=__� position which would provide knowledge in economic development or related areas, at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory position. • � 26�5�� • Title of class: ADMINISTRATOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible administrative work in directing and reviewing the projects and operations of the Division of Economic Development within the Departmen� of Planning and Economic Development; and to perform related work as assigned. Supervision Receivedc Works under the guidance and direction of the department head. Supervision Exercisedt Exercises within a divisipn general adminis- trative and technical supervision dirECtly and through subordinate superyisors over all personnel, within the division. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this cl.ass. Promotes opportunities for the establishme�t of new industrial and com- � mercial facilities or the expansion of such Existing facilities within the City. Provides techn�.cal assistance to new or existing industries or commercial establishments in the areas of finance, land acquisition, site location, public sexvices, or other types of assistance needed for economic devel, opment purposes. Provi.des assistance in.the marketing of industrial revenue bonds by the �'ort Authority of the City of Sainx Paul for new or existing industries or cam- mercial establishmen�s engaged in economic developr�ent projects. Reviews and comments on all bonding proposals sent by the Port Authority to the Council for approval. Conducts public and informational programs to promote the Ci�y for residen- tial, business and industrial expansion and development. Assists in a liaison capacity between the private sector and municipal govern- ment agencies to expediate and facilitate private development project�. Monitors all phases of the development of new Port Authority projects to ensure that City plans and policie s are followed. Assists in the initiation and completion of developznent district and tax incre- ment financing district activities. Enters into contractual agreements with the Port Authority for the provision of staff services to the City to assist in City development projects. Renders reports to the City Council and other appropriate bpdies concerning the status of economic development activities in the City. (continued on reverse side) . Effective May 2, 1977 ADMINISTRATOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Exempt) . � -, �i�� �� ��z�v� �.A�� lT.#Y ' ��`�. �69�fJ5 ...,, �t � ��+�ICE OF' TH� CiTY COUNCZL „: '��w�.'� �. .. . �1: ?Ynl��'•"' F'^. . . . _ . . . . � • `� �X-.. . . - .. . . . . . . .. . ,,.�: D a�e : July 25, 1977 . , _ �` ..1• .. . . � . � . �. i/ i %� �� 1 �� � � � - � � � �V �� . . � .. / i'O : Soint Por�! Ci�'� Council - - FR O� � ��IYII�I T TFE � ON FINANCE, MANAGEMENT At�D PERSQNNEL ROSALIE BUTLER , Chairrrrrrrr mc�kes ��i� fo!lor,�rng ' RE PC3RT ON : C. F. - : : �j Ordinance . ; _ xx Re�olutior� : . � _ : [� U�th�r Tf�'LE � . , , ! _ ,. . The Committee today recommended approval of a resol�ution setting minimum qualifications for Administrators of four divisions in the Department of Planning and Economic Development. - � �. C�IY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR S.A(NT P��,=Lf :�tiN?�ESC?TA 55IQ2 - .__ �::: .