269504� WHI7E - CITV CLERK 269504 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT 1 � BLUE .- MAVOR � . Flle NO. � � C uncil Resolution Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1976 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Coun�il, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: , FROM: TO: Transfer 1976 Capital Improvement Bond monies: ��:���� 90076-001 = 1976 Unallocated Reserve 27,000.00 `=# 94076-009 - 100 E, lOth St. Office Construction •27,000.00 : � " Resulting in the following project "financing: `: _.� _ Current Financing Chan e Amended Financ�ing POLICE ANNEX REMODELING-100 E. lOth St. 1970 CI Bonds 3,850.19 -0- 3,850.19 �-1972 CI Bonds ` ' 15,359.81 -0- 15,359.81 �974 CI Bonds 13,694.66 -0- 13,694.66 1975 CI Bonds 310,095.26 -0- 310,095.26 1976 CI Bonds 601,420.45 +27,000.00 628,420.45 - < 1977 CI Bonds - - . 540,000.00 -0- 540,000.00 1,484,420.37 +27,000.00 1,511,4�D.37 Approved as to funding: Approved: r ! Dir., Dept. o Finance & Management Services udget Dire tor _ � � COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � Police Department Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine �__ Against By Chief Richard H. Rowan Roedler T�� _ . A�� 2: �9n Form Approved by Cit�r Attomey AdoPte Council: Date � � �,_ C tified Pa_ y uncil Secretary BY i _ � � # � � UG �'j! �9� Appro ed y ayorLfor Submiss' n to �uncil Approved by r: Date ,� ` , � , � , " ��.�/� By BY, . . ._ �?UBLISHED ¢,�,� 1 3 1977 `�:� ~ CITY OF SAINT P.EiUL �6f�+�04 , . '. � OFFICE OF THE.CITY COIINCIL ,�„-�,.\.:,}I � oi•:s:.w�'u"'I �~:►y�r.. 3 Da t e : Augu,�s� J, 1977 COMMITTEE REPOR7' TO : Soint Pau! City Councit F R O M � C o m m i tt e e O t1 FI NANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL ROSALIE BUTLER , choirman, m�kes the fotiowing . report on - C.F. � Ordinance � Reso(ution � Other T iTLE : Resolution transferring $27,000 from 1976 CIB llnallocated Reserve to 100 E. lOth St. Office ' Construction (Police Annex) The Committee today recommended approval of the above resolution � . ' k . CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 •`��J . . � ' - or� o].: �2/i�75 . ', Rsv. :. ' 9f 8J76 " ' , _ � EXR�ANATIC�N OF AIIMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESDLUT20NS, Al�7D ORDINAN�ES ' 269�4 �`Da�e: J,xiy 29,�i��� , ` _ _ fi�J: MAYC�R �EORGE :LAT,IMER `FR: Gregory N�. ��eeb� ��- � g�. Poiice A�nnex. Re�ttoc3elirig (l0a East 1.Oth Street) : Add�t�.ona:l �'uridi.ng � . . , : , ; . : , , , , . . �,. , , r 4.; . ,, � : . , ` , ; <.AC'T1+�N REQ��STED. , . , < ,,, . ,, . . _ Amend' tTie �19?6.Ca�pi'�a�l �mprov'ement <Budget��by transferring.a tn�Eal of $27,000� f��a �the. ?976 C�B;�T;��ZZoca�ed.; �e:rv'�., aocount 90flTfi-�Ol" to �khe .Polic� Arinex Re�node}.i�nc� p�ojea�: . . , , ..: , , ::. .. ,�.� ;�.. . �. :. ::�� 'k.•:�.` �. . � � � ` .���. : . . .�, �;. � , . . ; ; � : ' . . .. . . . ._. ,. . , - _ -.'- � - ' ' ,.�:"�, .�:`; . i ':.-.. . .... . .. .-: . � ;�..:. . ,. . . . - �.'. ' ,.' � '' ' �' ' ..;.J ' ' . , . . . .. �.. ... .. ,-.. � ;:�' . .�..,.. ..:,. ...'. , '. . � . . . � . .���: _ .... t C.._.:' . ... }: - � _ .. P�3RPaSE A�TD. RATIO�IEA� Fa� T�F'Is ACTI�N: ' — ,...._. ...��_.�..,_....� .- , . Bids� �ar�this pro jec� w�.re.op�n:ed on J'une 22, .,1977 t.,fi..�is,trarister is requir��l,�� a�ard . second low. e1e��rieal. cmnt�a�f`liid.' �'oraial �City �ouncil �ctinn is .reqtiired. b� no late� than August 16, I97�7;� i�i rirder to award wa:t'hizz the 'specifiec`1' 6U-day award peribd. - The request has �en a��iroved by the Budget Directox,, the Director of F'inanc,e a�nd ' �anagement.Services, :an8;;the ,Gity Attorn�y.. Tkte CIB Com�ittee re.comepended approval at th�ir July 28, 1977; ineeting. ... ' . _ . ;AT'L�PiCH�+f,�'T5: : ' : ,; -, �Council AesQlution - 1 �a.5e . : :I�olice D�pa��nt`s :July�'27, 197?, request - 2; pages. Cit� Arc�iitect's Recotarn�ndation of �uly 27, 1977 Hudge� �izector;`s appro�al - July 2$, 1977 �; . . , - . . , w,� . .; . _ _.: ' . .. _ , . , _ . " . , � . =:�� +: ,,\ • �.� _ , VEI ��� IVIEI �IT , i�� � '� '`� R. H. ROWAN ;x :,�.,�� CHI����I�E . . _. ,, � F �OLICE _ . ��� : . � � :� � { , .o,.�. C 1TY O F ST. PAU L � � � ` � :a:� .�.: '�� Y.�_� s '. 101 E tOTH STREET ^..,,, `�; ^__ ST PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 ,luly 27, 1977 (612)-291-1111 Mr. Richard Schroeder City Budget Director 367 C i ty Ha l l St. Paul, Minnesota Mr. Schroeder: Attached is a letter from Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson and Associates (ncorparated. The letter contains Mr. Beatiy's recommendations for awarding contracts for the completion of remodeling at the Police Annex, 100 E. lOth Street. Smolik Electric Company had bid $95,920 for the electrical construction, and our orig ina I request for C.I.B. funds was based upon fihat bid. I t was later determ ined fihat this bid was made contingent upon the useof the 3M Security System, which in Mr. Beatiy's words, "is quite limited in comparison to that (system) specified, and in no way can be considered on an equal basis." Mr. Beafity recommends awarding the bid fio the next lowest responsible bidder, which is Commonwealth Electric Company. Mr. Paul McCloskey of the City Attorney's Office concurs with this recommendation. Their bid of $122,550 is $26,630 more than Smolik Electric Company's, but I believe that the benefits of the specified system moke this additional expenditure worthwhile. In addition, acceptance of the 3M System would force us to reopen the electrical bid to allow all of the bidders to base their bids on that system. Reopening of the bids would delay construcfiion for approximately two (2) monfihs. Thank you for your considerotion in this matter. $incere�y, I approve a transfer of $27,000.00 from the 1976 Unallocated Reserve • ��, account #90076-001. Richard H. Rowan CHIEF OF POLICE ;.t � . � � ��7��� � _ . � , - - enc. . ��'��,�� �- �' � �� . : . ._ � �� �.��� ._:. �_ __ � D.J BLAK�LY JS GRIFFIN . R F, LABATHE W.W. MCCUTCHEOM DEPUTY CHIF_F OF POLICE DFPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE DEPUTY CMIEF OF POLICE 51'JTH PATROI D7'1I510N 40RTH PqTROL CIVISION INVE.^�TI:A1"IVE DIVISIJN TECHY{CAL & AD�.IINISTRATIVE DIY'�SION n-�:t.��vIDt�1 � _ �s95�4 ���'�.�� TOLTZ, KING, DUUALL, ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED , ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS I 4 O 8 P 1 O N E E R B U I L D 1 N G SAINT PAUL, MINNESQTA 55101 224 -7891 ,JUly 20, 1977 TELFX ? 9 -7461 . - R!CHA!?D h1 (7�1RKf�R . l�L`.F_N .(. U!ATfV � D:IRREL H k1rRN�)Wli' Sergeant Larry VVinger ''<'�' "� " ""`�''� L�.?.t!-• � i11r,.�l�t.rl St. Paul Police Department "`t"`;r�' °'."."�` HUG�` C: F.h'ICSCS��N �vii i_ir��,� .i �-rvn� r, 100 East Tenth Street �:�vc� �:, f�.,h�:�N STEPFiFN *! HARTI_FV 5t. Paul, Minnesota 55101 �.• : ��� � , ��� ��,�.t:�, ��;���: - c'�it-�-o',�,, � .:�ar,�;c�r, ouw.vr,:: �t r:A�.Mn _I. T I-1 O M A S ri I R r< 1?•1V�fl \'d. KiF7K'�NU�_D � A C?!��AfJ l!INC1HC:1/.1 + ROE;F�R"f T �1i�L0?iF V Re: Remodeling 4th Floor & Exterior Renovationu�N;:�� � :�,,ar��:•:oti � RIChI�RD D Mi-NKF.N . 100 East Tenth Street ��oN�F�,� �.. ti,���.�� Nr.11-,yE �1 UI_tiON � Commission No. 6369-F �''��"E Y ''WEw r.iinni�Fi F�. RntroR HVUC�;f R. ltYl�l R � WILUAM N SHERIDAN � JAM1tES ,4. SKARET �AE3E J. SPERLING ROF3ERT G. S.PURR \VALTFR W. THORPF .Il1MFS F. VOYf-=N Dear Sgt. Winger: � NATHAN F. WEBER CLIFFCIRD W. HAMElL!N . t I'�V'���i� _� I�i�lll�/l We have reviewed the tabulation of bids for the above referenced projects. It is noted that the following contractors are the lowest apparent bidders for the various phases of work: General Construction: James Steel Construction Co. $369, 950. 00 Mechanical Construction: Como Specialty Co. $ 91, 715. 00 Electrical Construction: Smolik Electric Co, had submitted the apparent lowest bid in the amount of $95, 920. 00. We have been informed by Mr. Gene Smolik, that their proposal is based on furnishing an access control and monitoring system as distribut ed by 3M Company. Mr. Smolik stated, that if this system was not acceptable as an alternate to that specified, they would withdraw their bid. We contacted Mr. Iiob Voosen, of 3M Co. , who answered some questions we had regarding their system. While the 3M system is a fine one which includes many desirable features, it is quite limited in comparison to that speci.fied, and in no way can be considered on an equal basis�. If Smolik Electric Company, does withdraw their bid, then we �vould recommencl that the electrieal contract be a�vardec3 to the next lowest ' bidder, Commonwealth Electric Co. Commonwealth has submitted a bid in the amount of $122, 5 50. Q0. , �695p 4 Sgt. Larry Winger July 2Q, 1977 . Page Two ' The bid amounts submitted for the general and mechanical work are reasonable for the work involved, and we would recommend that contracts be awarded to the respective low bidder listed above. In regard to the electrical construction, it is our opinion that Common- wealth Electric Company has submitted the lowest responsible bid, in accordance with the plans and specifications, and would recommend that the electrical construction contract be awarded to Commonwealth. Very truly yours, TOLTZ, KING, DUVALL, ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED t ' �u�.� �� Owen J. Be ty OJ B:me cc: Mr. Armstrong Mr. McNiesh Mr. Budke � . 269��4 �-.�-u- ��,t= �, �. � �- = � 'f CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��` ''-. "' � - ♦ a y8� '°��Y .a^ •, �� �,, ,: ;. ;__^ .� _ , DEPARTMENT �F COMMUNITY SERVI�ES r �� b.. �l`"'� � M� s �° � DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT f 1�M ...t' '�'�� ." _.__., 445 City Hall,St. Paul,Minnesota 55'102 George latimer Mayor 612-298-4212 July 27, 1977 Mr_ Otto Hummer Chairman CIB Committee � 367 City Hall St, Paul, Minnesota Re: Contract cost increase - Remodel Work -Public Safety Building Dear Mr. Hummer: Enclosed you will find copies of the letter to you from Police Chief Rowan, along with an additional explanatory letter to Sergeant Winger. On reading you will find a fairly complete explanation of the situation which we have in the above rzferenced project. We must concur with the recommendation of Owen J. Beatty insofar as the apparent low bid for the electrical work in fact does not meet the job specifications. For this reason, we must recommend rejection of this apparent low bid. Further, in order for this work to be recommended for award, and to prevent the duplication and delay of obtaining completely new bids, it is our recommendation that the required additional funds of $26,630.00 be allocated on the basis that this would be advantageous to the City considering the circur.lstances at this time. Please feel free to call should you wish to discuss this matter further. � Yours very truly, � e � , Glenn A. Erickson Supr, of Code Enforcement GAE/CEE/cw cc: Richard H. Rowan, Chief of Police Owen J. Beatty - TKDA . � � 2695�4 ��. ��* (� 1 �r 1- 01�� �_� i �1� I.>_� r- 1, {, � `� '.;v�`� �� U1'1'I(�1: (�i' 7'II): J1.�1'(>R a�.�aafe.,r�i��;��� , - 73•17 U1TY 11.1LL 5.11\T PAiiI., �t7\\Etil)'T_1 .`�.�1Q'� -._,._... ((31_) .2s)t;-.�.:32:3 G�oacr. 1_��-i�t�.H �'IAY'OFt � July 28, 1977 To: Mr. Otto Hummer, Chairman, and Members of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee � Fr: Richard E. Schroeder, Budget Director��, X� L- . Re: 5tatus of Unallocated CIB monies and approval of funding requests being considered at your July 28, 1977, meeting STATUS OF UNALLOCATED RESERVE Current Recommended Proposed Balance Transfer Balance 1976 CIB 53,672.98 27,000.00 26,672.98 1977 CIB 71,470.00 -0- 71,470.00 $125,142.98 $27,000.00 $98,142.98 BUDGET I)IRECTOR'S APPROVAL OF REQUESTED TRANSFERS 1) Police Dzpartment's July 27, 1977, request to transfer an additional $26,630 to the Police Annex Remodeling Project is approved for consideration as amended below: It is recommended that a total of $27,000 be transferred from the following Unallocated Reserve Accounts: 1976 U.R. Account $27,000.00 $27,000.00 In addition to the $26,630 requested to award low bids, I am recommending that $370.00 be appropriated for unforesee� construction change orders. RES:GNB:kh Attachments: City Architect's July 27, 1977, letter to Hummer ,.��,�J