269502 WMITE - CITV CLERK ��nCl� 269502 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• . uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, grading and regrading of City positions is a manner of establishing the interrelating structures of such positions with each oth.er and is a manner of establishing the selection and direction of such positions; and WHEREA5, such gradings or regradings are an inherent managerial right which is set forth in the City Civil 5ervice Rules; and WHEREAS, the City is not required to collectively bargain an inherent managerial right; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Counci.l of the City of St. Paul hereby instructs the Mayor of the City of St. Paul to exclude any form of grading or regrading from the collective bargaining process. ":-; COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Hozza In Favor � Hunt �— �� (.� G� Levine _ Against BY J � Roedler � '�3'glv�sie�r Tedesco �{�� 2 �9�] Form prov d by City tto e Adopted by Council: Date � ����� Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by � o • D te � �9 Appr d by Mayor for Sub ' sio t�Council � gy B �UBLISHED AUG 1 3 1977 �� t�� :`� qC��� t�� �.�.�lv� �'�.�� ,- � � ��` '� o�rcr o� ��r� cz�- comvcz�, � � �� � � _ , ;��;:.-. !7 ?iYiPM� . - . . . . - . . . � �_ FAYQIlB'�9{ . . . . . . - � . . . .. . � . - - . . 4}�s1 . . . . . . . D a t e : July 28, 1977 C �IVii�l��� �� � � � � �� T4 : �oin� P�u/ Ci�y Counci/ - FR OM � COMMIT TELc ON - FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL ` ROSALIE BUTLER , Chairrnon mokes the foltoa�ing REPORT ON : C. �. j� Ordinance � , � Resolution - ; [� t)ther T���-� ' Resol ution i nstructi ng the Mayor of the Ci ty of St. Pau1 to exclude any form of gradi,ng or . regrading from the collective bargaining process. - At its meeting on July 25, 1977 the Committee recorrenended�approval of �he above resolution. The Corr�nittee also requested that the attached letter of Peterson, Engberg & Peterson, Attorneys at Law, be made a part of the official record. CITY HALL SEVEt�t"�':�i FLOOR SAI�i-t' P�UL., �iINNFSQT�1 5�10? . , Roger A.Peterson � Washington Oflice Peterson, Engberg & Peterson John G. Engberg 907 Madison NaYI Bank Bidg. Rxhard G. Pepin,�r. Attorneys and Counselors at Law 1730 M Street N.W. Thomas W.Wexler Washington, D.C.20036 William F.Garber 700 Title Insurance Building (202)296-0360 Bruce P.Grostephan Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 John C. Kuehn (612) 338-6743 Neal D. Peterson Avron L.Gordon Karen Hakel Marilynne K. Roberts JUl 21 19,�7 Of Counsel Ann Henneberry y � Ralph S. Dweck Reuben R.Spector—1972 Counsel to the Firm R ECj����al California Francis X. Helgesen �ouncilwoman Rosalie sutler JUL 2�1877. 716 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 OFFICE OF ROSALIE t,. BUTLER Dear Councilwoman Butler: Pursuant to our conversation of the other day and as attorney for the Uniform Fire Fighters of St. Paul, Local 21, I am submitting to you copies of two items of correspondence dated July 7 and July 12 and identified as Exhibit 1 and 2 respectively. In the July 7 letter, request No. 3 made by the President of Loeal 21 was interpreted to constitute a request to bargain a non-bargainable issue; i.e. management' s prerogative to establish employee grading. Upon conferring with Mr. George Jurgenson, demand No. 3 under Exhibit 1 was revised and Exhibit 3 was substituted by submission to Mr. Companion on Tuesday, July 19 . Please note on the right hand column of Exhibit 3 that titles appear which are job descriptions or job positions. The function that each job title performs is available and understood by both employer and employee representata.ves. It is our position that what numerical or letter desa,gnation the employer, i.e. City of St. Paul, assigns to these job titles for internal accounting, budgetary purposes, etc. is a management prerogative. It is our position that on the basis of the various job functions and duties under the Public Employee Labor Relations Act the compensation in exchange for that particular job is a negotiable item as a matter of right and once negotiated cannot be changed by management's prerogative of assigning a numerical letter, etc. designation to that function. Any other conc].usion would render the negotiation process a mere nullity during the course of the contract. In addition, if the employer changes the job functa.ons or job descriptions after a contract has been negotiated based upon specific duties of various jobs, such a change would result in the right to reopen negotiations as to compensation to be paid for that job position for the balance of the contract. � � Councilwoman Butler 7/21/77 Page 2 Also, in relation to proposed Ordinance No. 16084 adopted September 9 , 1976, that (4) of Page 2 should be reviewed as to whether it conforms with the Public Employee Labor Relations Act, which provides for compulsory binding arbitration at the request of either the employer or employee where essential employees are involved. I hope this clarifies the apparent conflict which arose due to Exhibit 1 and response thereof, Exhibit 2. It is my under- standing that the matter will be discussed at the Personnel Committee of the St. Paul City Council on July 25 at 1:30 p.m. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, _..,� - PETER�ON�, ENGBERG &)PETERSON ; , ; . ;' �,/ � �`----,:-�-_-. _._ -.. 1 � /�' \� �� � . 9". �. ./ .� .._,_:',.-C .+L��� i2•%°� �� J " ) r A. Peterson RAP :lce � Enclosures . �Trusteu Yice P►uidrntt ��,�, D�$�IS UNIFORMED FIRE FIGHTERS OF ST.PAUL,No.21 JATIES COti�tiA1. f:ME9 THOE\SKE I.E*i iIISDAIIL INTERNATIONAI. ASSOQATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS Strgear.0 at�trmt FRAAI$ TURI FxecY:ivi Board Membert ._ A LEONARD DFSDAIIL RICH HARRIB � °°° ' FRED WELTE `I 6O'� ANDREW MARCiL " JOE LaBOItE ' �� Ju1y 7, 1977 � St. Paul, Minn., I�ir. 2�Iartin Co:-�panion Director of I,abor Reiations EXHIBIT 1 City of Saint Paul _ City Ha..71 an3 Courthouse Saint�Pau1, t-iinnesota U�ar Asr. Co;m�anion & Interested Par�ies, Ci-ty of 5aint Pau1: The Negotiatir� Co;nmittee of �he Saint Paul F`ire Fighters IACal Union No. 21 apprecia�e this opporturu.ty �o meet with the City of Saint Paul . Representatives and open negotiations toward a Working Agreement for 197g• Due to the short length of time involved since the finalization of our 1977 Agreement with the City following Arbitra�ion our Contract Committee has �et and not as yet set down our definite demands and�or requests for _ 1978. �de t•rould expect the same to be available at our nex-t meeting �+*ith � you. N?eanLir�e, we w�uld like to discuss nine (9) items that seem to be • faremost in the minds of our commi��ee members. And, along with the same, - discass and exchar�ge views on whatever the City may �ave in mind for its possible inclusion in our 1978 Agreement. In other words this might be terr.ied an informal e�iscussion and excr.ange of views pursuant t,o our next meeting. It may very well be that as a res-ult of these discussions and exchanges of view tha� both sides wi11 be able to better uncierstand each other and thereby condense and simplify their formal demands. Qur requests for discussion follow: 1. Complete hospitalization and life insurance plan-paid for by the City. ._ � . 2. Incorporate in�o our Contract all it�ms in City Ordinance 61E1a.6 �. 3250 pert�n'n$ to �he Fire Figh�ers. 3. The establish*nen� of percentile differences be�tveen the grades an�/or titles and ranks of �se Department personnel. Li,. Wages: Increase for 1978 based on the Consluner Price Index increase of the Metropolitan Area from October 1, 1976, to , Oc-Eober 1, 1977, plus two percent ( � ). 5. If needed, retroactivity to Ja..�zuary 1, 1.97g• 6. A �hree--pereent (3 0) gaergency PZedical Ser�rices increase 3r_- crer�ent for a11 Fire Fighte:s. 7. A Flat Monthly Car A11oVrance or Request that the C�ty fu.�~nish c2rs for Fire Preven�ion Personnel and Others t,rho are recruired to drive cars as a prequisite in their job. Con�i�u�ed-0n Paoe 2. _____ ___ ___ __ _ . _ _ _ .__. �_ ._._..,.�_. , �, Page 2. Con�ira�ed: sa . 8. Shorter Work t�Jeek. 9. Possibility of the Fire Fighters an�or a1?. City �;rployees embarkin.g on a Dental Plan. Thank you for your caur�tesies in this request for an exchange af zriews on -the part of both sides. Y�e wovld hope that as a result of such �hat we wi11 understand each other's desires anc�/or positions better and more clearly and subsequently may be closer to a final Agreement for ne� year. . Sincerely Submitted, � .�� <<�L��1 1- � o� �t��nse� sident Ge �ge g n, Pre Saint Paul F`i.re Fighters . : IACa1 Unioa No. 21 � . CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ �J ..��'i. . f V " '°"'�°' � OFFFCE OF LABOR RELATION� � ' � . �4�ii�6���iYS� _ . . �3�0{'_y�! � . ! _ ��. }./ :� _�. L: . . � _ � . - -j� ,�: . �` ��� �� 19�� +VIARTIN A. COMPAIVION DixECroa EXHIBIT 2 July 12, lgT7 Mr. George Jurgensen, President Uniformed Fire �'ighters of Saint Paul No. ,21 153� Ashland Avenue . Saint Paul, MDI 55104 _ Dear Mr. Jurgensen: � . In reviewing youx letter of July 7, 1g17� whereby you set forth nine requests for negotiation for the year of lgj8� Y see that request no. 3 deals with the establishment of percentile differences bet-�reen the grades and�or titles and ranks of Fire Department personnel. Please be advised that it is the position of the City of 5sint paul that grading is a management prerogative and an inherent manage�r,ent right and, therefore, is not subject to collective bargaining. I therefore request that you remove this demand f�om your proposal. If you fail to do so, we shall take immnediate steps to submit this issue into court pursuant to the provisions of the Fublic Elmployers Labor Relations Act. It is our position that your insistence on including this deffiand in your position is an unfair labor practice and in violation of the PELc�A. . I request that you advise us in writing of your position in this matter so that we may take the proper action to reinPorce our position. Ver-,�r truly yours, . � � � Martin A. Corapanion Labor Relations Director cc: Gene Berthiatune R.ichard Johnson J. I,�Bore Tom Duggan Chief Conroy Ed Heinen - 265 CITI' HALL, ST. PAUL, �ZINI�F. 551p2 PF�OtiE: 298-422I ��_- I � � i I, i I �,� i4 � , ! � , � � � ' � ! ° � � ! { , { � � ! . � : � � � i N � i � � � � � } E � f � L I _� � � t.'._� . . ` .. . . . ... _ .... — -- �- . .. _ .-- -- � ; � - � � �` � • :' � � . • � R ` � � � t � � . �..� � _ .- i - - � . .. � _` 4 f -� � i � , ►� � � � i �;_ ; �: i .� � ! �4 � �i ` • ( -� ' � � 4 t ! I i � � ~ � ~ � c. 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Gi�-� oi- �.�1�--r 1'���; r, � *� a:.j �)1'1°I(�li (�l' "1'111: J1.11"O]: �a e �+i,±y_ _ — GEORC;E L�TI�SF.R �c�.,ox May 25, 1977 Council President Robert Sylvester and Honorable Members of the City Council • City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear President Sylvester and Council Memb�rs: SUBJECT: Collective Bargaining Policy As you know, one of the ongoing functions of the Personnel Office is to review the grades and classifications of city positions. Each year the Personnel Office conducts a number of job audits to determine whether or not the existing grade of a title is apgropriate. Often this audit results in a recommendation to change the grade of the title under study, and often recommendations are made that no change should occur. In the past two years collective bargaining agents have often included in their list of demands upon the city, that certain positions within the unit be regraded as a part of the bargaining agreement. The city' s response has been that such a matter is included within the prerogatives of management rights. While the city has agreed in some instances to nEgotiate regrading, that agreement is solely at the discretion of management. Difficulties have arisen when the city has gone to arbitration with some units, and the unit has included regrading as one of the issues to be set�led by arbitration. It is our position that such a decision, because it is a managerial right, may not be made by an arbitration panel. In order to clarify city policy on the issue of regrading with respect to the collective bargaining process, I am submitting for your consideratian a Council resolution which will establish city policy to exclude grading and regrading from the bargaining process. Your approval of the attached Council resolution is respectfully requested. Sincerel , � GE����_ � �� GE�I,ATIMER GL/jfr Mayor cc: Martin Companion Thomas Gleason Members of the Civil Service Commission City Clerk�/ attachment ��;�J � r ��a '� �`�'� � .° .._ � . �'� µ . , r 1 �Y �i�`aF 9 � `� � �i T w � I 5 �� : ! ,. � '�} _ 1 y f : � � F 6�1� fT, �'� � '� � `� 's �' —�.: � � �'� � x'' l " ' ,�. �"� ��,'� ���� � , � ` ,. �. f �x .r,�N +���'� �.� '�. �1 �=� - � . . � � St I '�� •lr .: �" �.�;, x y �� ,� `� ���� p�{ fft J +' � 3, . � , ( hP� 4 RI ,� �}pt � �� i � }'�� '��r� � ,y.r�' F ,� , �2 . � � . � ' � y �j '�1 �' �, ! I �' ' � / \� � � �� a�y� i t" I� .. ��-� ` .��. a � i $: , , � , , � �� :; � . , r , _ _ . �� , ; - �� k � �; �' ' �, t x � �. �.r ��� � � �' �' l 1 .'1� t . .. ��:i t�� . ` yr � g' _ � �� I { �"� ��: � , �- , ��i� �G � . � ' - , . ' �� � . � } 7 �y� �,a f,�` �f��'�; � � � � � • _ � '�r � 7 . � �t �r� e :s G t h�� h� �.� . . . _ . �:�: � ;�j �, , �„� � , � � � � '� X ��', ��S ', - � . . . j;'. �.•' {� G �k% , i� r �1, � I • , - - . 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