269501 WHI7E - CITV CLERK � . �F���j��� PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL Council •� J CANARV -DEPARTMENT t � BLUE/.�- MAYOR . F11E NO. Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. ����� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Section 205. 12 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to annual charges made under contracts with villages, other governmental subdivisions, private corporations, an�, individuals, for fire protection to be furnished by the Department of Fire and Safety Services of t the City of Saint Paul outside the city limits. T�iE �O�►TCIL 0�' THE CITY O�' SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 205. 12 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended to read: 205. 12 - Annual Char�es. Charges fox fire protection shall be as follows: The applicant shall pay an annual minimum charge of ��.00 for each �10,000.00, or fraction thereof, o�-assessed valua- . tion of the real property upon which buildings and ` �' ""�"��her ro ert ar� ke t and �or which fire �` P P Y P protec- - tion is to be furnished, said assessed v�,luatio.n to be determined by the latest figures shown o�'. the books of the County Auditor. AdditionaTl.y, ' the total char�e shall be increased b a percenta�- equal to the percenta�e of annual salar i�creases granted a Saint Paul fire fi�hter and as such s�,lar ■ increases may be ef ective during the month o ' Januar.y each year. All contracts� wherein the charge for fire services- is based u on the assessed valua- tion of proper y formula se �orth herein, or upon a lat rental, shall, upon bein� entered into, l renewed, extended or renegotiated, pro�ide =for an annual inerease based upon the percenta�ge increase of the salar o� a fire i h er If annual _ ..::. _ COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays - " Butler �;;.:..° ,.. •4 , Hozza [n Favor Hunt • , Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council 5ecretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �. ����� ' 1����� Page 2. payments based upon said assessed valuationsi as so increased, shall be less than the folloi�ing � minimum charges, then the applicant shall pay in lieu thereof minimum charges as folloias: In case the applicant is an individual or church, he or it shall pay annually a minimum charge of �50• . . In case the applicant is a village or other govern- mental subdivision it shall pay an an.nual minimum charge of �300. In case the applicant is a partnership, association or private corporation, except a church, it or they shall pay a minimum annual charge of �150. "Association" as used in the preceding paragraph shall not be cons-trued as including groups of � individuals who are associated together solely for the purpose of fire protection. Such individuals shall pay the anrival minimum charge of �50; but in the discretion of the Fire Chief, such individuals may jointly enter into a coritract and furnish a joint bond. In such case the penalty of the bond shall be in such amount as the Fire Chief, tiaith the approval of the City Council , shall determine ivill furnish adequate protection to the City. These annual charges shall be paid irrespective of whPther the applicant during the year requires or requests the services of the equipment and per- sonnel of the ���e-�e�����e�� Department of Fire and `afety Services. Such charges shall be in addition to the charges for equipment and personnel actually used for fire protection for the applicant. ���-�ka��e�-�9�-e�-��e-�a���-�a��-�eg�s�a���e Ge�e;-�s-a�e��e�;-�e-a�c�-�ke-sag�e-}�-�e�e�� �����e�-a�e�c�e�-}�-�ee��e�-�3=��e�ee�;-�e ��s�}�e-�ka�-�e-���a�-���}��-e�a�=ge-ek��� a���3�-�a-��e-�}��-e�-�'e�+�-��T-�a��-�e�-���e }��=e�ee��e�-�e-#�e-����}��ec�-��-��ie-����=-e�-�a��� �a��-�e���=��er��-e�-�}�e-a��-�a�e�3�-����}ees-����� �e�i��a��-��;-�9�4r WHITE - CITV CLERK /.�y50� Council '�`��� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARY -DEPARTMENT � BIUE M -�MAY�OR File �O. Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. I �—.LJ� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. . _ COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Fire & Safety Services Hozza In Favor �- O Director _-�- Roedler Against BY S ylvester Tedesco Adopted b ouncil: Date AUG � $ �9rI Form rove Cit or cy Cer ' ed Pass y Cou il Secret�ry BY Appro Mayor: Da e � AllG 19 i9 1 Appro e by Mayor for Sub si to�ou sy ' . -1- By PUBLISHED AUG Z ? 1977 - � ���� 2ss5o� DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES 101 EAST TENTH STREET -�. �y SAINT PAUL, MINNESbTA 55101 •ar.'�. " t `, ..r� . � CHIEF STEVE CONROY, DIRECTOR � � �' � � FIRE PREVENTION ' FIRE SUPPRESSION ASS'T CHIEF EDWARD HEINEN '� SCUBA RESCUE ASS'T CHIEF ROBERT PYE � AMBULANCE FIRE MARSHAL WALTER SHIMEK PARAMEDIC July 19, 1977 / �-_ � � �� � ��N Richard Broeker Executive Assistant to the Mayor ��e Room 347 City Hall ' Dear Mr. Broeker: �� 4\: Pursuant to our conversation of July 18, 1977, regarding increases in rates for out of city fire contracts, we are submitting, herewith, a proposed ordinance which provides for additional computation based on increases in annual fire fighters salary. Would you please inform the mayor of this pro- posal and arrange for council introduction. Sincerely, t e Co oy Director SCzkr "Your Safety Is Our Concern " � , if` lst _ ��� 2nd ��9 3rd ��, � Adopted �U Yeas Nays BUTLER HOZZA � �695�1. � � � ROEDLER TEDES CO (PRESIDENT SYLVESTER) , � -_ ,_ \ �--— - -