269492 � WH17E - CITV CLERK �169492 �
File N .
` Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the application of the Northwest Publicatio�s, Inc.
for the construction end maintenance of a news-stand on the following
Southwest corner of Third and Forest
• Southwest corner of East Seventh and Margaret
Southwest corner of Arcade and Geranium _�.
Northeast corner of Clare�e and Maryland
Northeast corner of Geranium and Arkw�ight
Southeast corner of Jessamine and Prosperity
Northwest corner of Jessie ar�d Minnehaha
Southeast corner of Payne and York
Southeast corner of Geranium and Payne
West Side of Wabasha between Fifth and Sixth
Southwest corner of Fifth and Market
Northwest corner of Fifth and St. Peter
West corner of St. Peter between Fourth and Fifth
Northwest corner of Ninth and St. Peter
South Side of Kellogg by West Publishing
North Stde of Keliogg by N.W. Bett
- Southeast corner of Fifth and Wabasha
Southeast corner of Sixth and Wabasha
� No rth Side of Ninth between Wabasha and St. Peter
Northwest corner of Tenth and Wabasha
Southeast corner of Tenth and Cedar
Northwest corner of Sixth between Minnesota and Cedar
All corners of Fourth and Minnesota �
Southeast corner of Eighth and Minnesota
South Side of Exchange between Wabasha and St. Peter
, Northwest corner of Sixth and Robert
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
. Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Levine _ Against BY
Form Approved by Eity Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date _���, Approv d y Mayor for Submiss' n o C� cil
By � ._z _ . gy
� :.� .
} • _2_
. � � ��9�9�
� Southeast corner of Fifth and Robert
South Side of Fifth between Robert and Jackson
Southwest corner of Sixth and Jackson
Southwest corner of Fifth and Sibley
Southwest corner of Fifth and Wacouta
„�IQrth Side of Sixth between Stbtey and Wacouta
East Side of Sibley between Sixth and Seventh
Southeast corner of Seventh and Sibley
Southeast corner of Lafayette and Ninth
Northeast corner of Sibley and Ninth
Northwest corner of Robert and Twelfth
West S1de of Robert between Columbus and E. Central Ave.
North S1de of Marshal) by T.V. i.
South Side by Cathedral (2)
North Side by Cathedrai
Northeast corner of Selby and Nina
South Side of Marshall and Western
West Side of Western by Commodore
Northwest corner of Kent and Selby
Southwest corne� of Dale and Laurel
Northeast corner of Randolph and Syndicate
Southwest corner of Randolph and Chatsworth
Southeast corner of St. Clair and Albert
Southwest co rner of Grand and Saratoga
Southeast corner of Grand and Syndicate
Southwest corner of Grand and Chatsworth
North Side of Selby and Nina
Southwest corner of Selby and Mackubin
Northwest corner of Selby and Avon
Soutfieast corner of Snetling and Ashland �
Southwest corner of Setby and Pierce
Southwest corner of Marshall and Howell
Northeast corner of Marshall and Prior
Southeast corner of Grand and Cleveland
Southeast corner of St. Clair and Prior
North Side of Ford Pkwy. by 2103 Ford Pkwy.
North Side of Ford Pkwy. by 2155 Ford Pkwy.
Southwest corner of Snelling and Highland Pkwy.
Northeast corner of Sneliing and Hartford
Southeast corner of Snelling and Jefferson
Southeast corner of Grand and Avon
Southeast corner of Wabasha and Plato
Northeast corner of Winifred and Stryker
, Southeast corner of Smith and Curtice
Southeast corner of Smith and Page
Northeast corner of Smith and King
Northeast corner of Robert and Congress
Southeast corner of Robert and Belevdere
Northeast corner of West Seventh and Western
Northwest corner of West Seventh and Armstrong
Southeast corner of St. Paul Ave. and Edgecumbe
Southeast corner of West Seventh and Rankin
Southeast corner of West Seventh and Watson
Southeast corner of West Seventh and Randolph
Sonthwest corner of West Seventh and Webster
Southwest corner of West Seventh and Ann
^ , � -3 ��9492
Southwest corner of Sm1th and Western
Northwest Sfde of Grand and Smith (Middle of Block)
Southwest corner of Htll and Eaqle
Southwest corner of Western and Thomas
Southwest corner of Como and Dale
Southwest corner of Thomas and Chatsworth
Northwest corner of Thomas and Hamiine
Southeast corner of Englewood and Snelling
Northwest corner of Charles and Snelling
Soe�thwest corner of Arundei and University
Northeast corner of Rice and Litchfteld
Southeast corner of Rice and Front
Northeast corner of Rice and Geranium
Northeast corner of Rtce and Ivy
Northwest co�ner of Lynhurst and University
Southeast corner of Prior and University
Southwest corner of Fairview and Untversity
Southeast corner of Wabash (Hoerner Waldorf) (2250)
Northeast corner of Universtty and Raymond
Southeast corner of Edgerton and Wheelock
Northwest corner of Wheelock and Payne
Northwest corner of Ivy and Payne
Northeast corner of Magnolia and Payne
Northeast corner of Sims and Payne
Northeast co�ner of Maryland and Prosperity
Northwest corner of Seventh and Minnehaha
Northwest corner of Case and Arcade
Northwest corner of Orange and Arcade
Northeast corner of Maryland and Forest
Northwest corner of Kennard and Minnehaha
Southwest corner of White Bear and Seventh
Southeast corner of White Bear and Ivy
Northwest corner of White Bear and Sherwood
Northwest corner of White Bear and Montana
Northwest corner of White Bear and lowa
Northeast corner of Stiliwater and Hazel
Northeast corner of Ruth and Minnehaha
Northwest corner of McKnight and MTnnehaha
Southeast corner of Ruth and i-94
Southeast corner of Thtrd and Maria
Northeast corner of Selby and Grotto
Southwest corner of Selby and Avon
Southwest corner of Milton and Ashland
Northeast corner of Grand and Milton
Northeast corner of Grand and Syndicate
Northeast corner of Grand and Snelling (2)
Northeast corner of Selby and Syndicate
Southeast corner of Snelling and I-94
Southeast corner of University and Marton
Southeast corner of University and Farrinqton
Northwest corner of Gattier and Edmund
Kent and Thomas - in front of St. Agnes N.W. door
Kent and Lafond - in front of St. Agnes North doo�
Northeast corner of Como and Dale
Northeast corner of University and Dale
N�N17E - CITV CLERK � t ^����
BLU� - MAVOR � �
' Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Southeast corner of Minnehaha and Chatsworth
� Southeast corner of Minnehaha and Griggs
, Southeast corner of Minnehaha and Thomas
Southeast corner of University and Pascal
East Side of Pascal between University and I-94
West Side of Pascal between UnTversity and I-9h
Northeast corner of Snelling and Thomas
Northwest corner of Delos and Robert
Northeast corner of Seventh and Chestnut �
Southeast corner of Seventh and Western
Noctheast eerner of Seventh and St. Clair
South Side of Seve�th by 882 West Seventh
� Northeast corner of Randolph and Victoria
Northeast corner of Seventh and Victoria
Southwest corner of Cleveland and St. Paul Ave.
North Side of Ford Pkwy. in f ront of 2239 Ford Pkwy.
Southwest corner of Sneliing and St. Clair
Northeast corner of Prior and St. Clair
tn accordance with Ordlnance No. 7633, and rules and regulations as pres-
cribed by the Director of Public Works, be and is hereby granted; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That this permit is granted with the distinct under-
standing that there shail be no advertising matter of any kind disptayed on
the news stand.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays Publie Works
Hozza [n Favor
Hunt � �
Levine __ Against BY '
S lvester Dan 1e1 J. ford, Di r tor (TJE/ W)
Y ��
Tedesco �.(„t.L � g 19n Form Approved by Cit tto y �
Adopted by il: Date �
Cert ed P• • ed by Council S�cretary BY
� c
Appr e by Mayor: Da ' _--.A�L Appro d y Mayor for Submiss o to ouncil
�UBUSH�� AU G 6 1977
- ` OM 01= I2/I975 .
� ; Red. : 9f$/76
Date: Jaly i l, 1977 :
� FR: Publ ic. l�brks, Office Engineering •
RE: Nawspsper Stands . �
ACTION REQUES�'ED: Authorizstion permtt to N.W. PubllcatTon to install
Newspaper boxes o� City right-of-aay. .
PURPOSE F,ND RP,TIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Chapter 365 of the L�gisistive Ce�d+e
requires that. the Council by resoldtfon
. spprove the locations of any nawspaper .
, boxes �i'thin City rtght-of-wsy.
. ,
ATTACHMENTS s Resolution. :�
. . _ �
TJE/JRW/�elcb . .