269490 WH17E - CITY GLERK �A��^^ . PINK - FINANCE � L f�■ . CANARV - DEPARTM GITY SAINT PAUL � Council � V� , BLUE - MAVOR File NO. • 1 • C Ordinance N�. 1���� � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By , Date An ordinance to amend Section 310.21 of the Saint Paul Legislative ' Code to remove part�.ally the locational limitation on temporary beer licenses. s THE COUNCIL -0F THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAI�T: Section 1. Section 310.21(c)(3) of the �aint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "(3) No more than four (4) licenses shall be granted in a calendar year for any one lo- cation� except that this limitation shall not apply �ere e rrorose3 oca ion is or�ro��e�r� unT �Efie'uris�c'ic�'ion, ownerT'ip or con r�oTo� e i y o ain au , or or sc oo groun s, sc-Fool ouses or sc oo �ui1 i'T g:*' �' � _-, :-: Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approv�.l and publication. f COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor — Hunt � Levine Against BY _ Roedler S ylvester '°Adopted b��Co� il: Date AUG 1 6 � Form Appr _by City orne _ �� � :�ertifie as y Cou il.'ecretar4 By '�� AU6 17 19T71 ; , Approved b ayor Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED �UG 2 0 �g�7 - i��3� �69490 340.02 License whes� required to seli; 4ees � [Se�r�ia��a rooiume for tezt of subd.1j - _ ;� Subd. 2. "On-sale" fees. I:etail "on-ssle" licenses shull permit Ehe licensee ' to seil such non-intoxic:iting m.tlt Iiquors for consuinption on Lhe lic�ensed preuiises, and the license fe� theretor shall i�e fixed by r�nd Paid�to the countp ' or uzunscip2lity ���heeein the premises are siLv.zted. "Un-sale" licenses shal2 i be granted onic to drug st�res, restaurants, hotels, b�na fide ciubs, �nc�Eststr l lishments for the sale of non-intosicating malt becerages, cigars. cigarettes, ; ail forms of iouacco,beverages,and sofL drinks.at retail. i Subd. 3. "Off-sate"; fee5. Ite�:sil"off-sate" Iic�nsES shall perrnit thc Iir_rn- ; see to sell non-intosicating malt liquora fin ori�inal pa�_kages for cor,sum�tion ; off the pre:uises onls, aiid the ]icense fee thcref�r shall oe fixed by aud pald � to the county or municipality wY,erein the premises ure situated. [See viain volume for te�t of subds.i to 7J SuSd. 8. Persons eligible. T�icenses hereant?er siinli be issued only to per- sons whu are citizens of the United States anci Rha Are of good mc�ral charac� � �(` ' ��,K;, 7�,(�� , S� � ter nnd repute, ��ho havs attained the a�;e of 1�S�eurs an�i �vho are propcie- !�� �"' ' "� `' tors oi the establishments for�vhich the licenses nre issned. ,[See�r�ain v�lutne for text oj aubdx.9 to 1S] Amendecl by Laws 1973, c.447, §$ l0 2,efP.3an.1,1�J43; Laws 1973,G 72�.$�0• _ _. _ 216 LAWS of MINNESQTA far 1974 . Ch. 15dJ _ e. ,� , Seciian 1. Minnesota Statutes, IS?3 SaippIEment, Seciian 3�Cl:OZ,4 Sn'�division 2, is �mended to rea<t_ Subd. 2. N4N-INTOXICA�'INiG MAL"I LIQUOIt;TENi'�'ORARY LI- CENSE; "ON-SALE" FEES. Retail "on-sale" :icenses shall permit the � ' licensee to sell such non-intoxicating malt liquors far consumption on, L,,_ the lzcensed premises, and the }icense fee therefor shatl be fixed by and M paid t� the covnty or municipality wherein thz premises are situated.� "On-sale" licenses shall be granted only ta drug stores, restaurants,ho-� tels, bona fide ciubs, and establishments for the sale �of non-� intoxicating malt beverages, cigars, cigarettes, all forms af tobacco, � beverages, and soft drinks at re�tail. A club or charitabl� reli io_u3 ar ; • non�rofit or anization m� be issued a ter.�orarv "on-sale" licens � : �.��p'(� for the sale of nortintoxicatiaQ m�:li ikc�uc�r on and off scl�ool grovnds, , P,1 � ` y and ii� and out of schoolhouses ai�d schoU!builc?inQS. The tem�orarv li- ' �� � censes shail be subiect to such terms tncludin�a license fee� as the is- ; � _ suin count or munici alit shall Qrescnbe. � � Sec� 2. Minnesota Statutes, 1373 5upplement, Section fi24.701, � Sutdivision 1, is amended t�r�ad: ; , _ � . ;:- °�„ 624.701 LIQUORS IN �ERTA#*v �IUA.11YAVC:S �lt +GROLTNDS. ' ' � .. Subdivision 1. Any person wta� sha�ll ii��rc�c�uce upon, or have in ti;s! � possessi�n upon, or in, any sch�oi grour,d, or any schoalhause or ! � �'.,LL� school building, any intoxicating liquor ar nonintaxicating nlalt liquor� y,�. ' n'" as definec# in chapter 34d, except fc�r experiments in laboratories artd ; Q�/I��� ��i erce t =�r those organization� �vh!� havz bgen issued temoorarsr li-; ����\ �� _. CP�1aC'S YO Se{l T10riIS1tpX1C�,C1� itld�� ��t�t.C?� pUTSII�?li LU 5C'CC101'1 I and � �� S��V anv eersoa gossessin� ror,ir;[o�i� �iz i�lr la.:,u�r 3s a result Qf Q gur- ' �'� chase from those oryanuati�na ho:c'ing t-rrc�orary_ licenses pursu�zat to section 1 , shal;be guzlty of a misder.�eanor. Approved March I5, 19?4. _ l