BLUE - MAVOR . [�lle NO.
ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, the attached applications for abatement
of property taxes and assessments, submitted by the Housing
and Redevelopment Authority for the property listed below,
arehereby granted and the Clerk is directed to mail a copy
of this resolution to the Department of Property Taxation.
Department of Property Tax file #�92732
163 W. 6th St.
Department of Property Tax file ##92701
. 974 Cromwell
Department of Property Tax File #92703
603 W. 7th St.
Department of Property Tax file #92708
• 559 Carroll Ave.
Department of Property Tax file #�92709
596, University Ave.
Department of Property Tax file #92710
570 University Avenue '
Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of:
Hozza In Favor
Levine � __ Against BY
Roedler '
P y —__!!�!2�3 t977 Form A o ed by City Attorney
Ado ted b� ncil: Date
Cert ed Passed Council Secretary BY
� i
By �
, �.
Appr v by 17ayor: D c�, ' AUG 2� �9TT. Appro e y Mayor for Submission to Council
i ` •
FZ�PORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY /�+����" AbatementNo.�2 �lO
Si;. Paul June 2�! , 197 (
.��essment District:
_egal Description: ije C�r� S �i.d 0.�i 1 OI1 PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water �
Uistrict Piat Parcel Tract Block Shed ,
Propert f Codecl As : 08 11_��00 071 00 0�6 006
� '�1ress of Property: �i� Ur�iver'S 1�jt �Ve . � j'.r.
�•nlicant: �iGY�@1�� T. �imon. for:
If�u.Sin� r'c Redevelapmer�t �uthori�.;;�
•4ailing Address: �� i�.V 1'11�r�"1 ���., 55��1-
4•*�licant's Market Value:
Land$ Imp. $ 'Total$ [nsurance$
' �,.essed as foltows: AP�11.C a t 1.022 f'OT' �XE;r!l��l Ori
School V UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED percent
District A VEAR USED Code
C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bltlg/Other Totai Class % Value Owne
62K U 76 L Ii 1�?7!�.C� 3370G ��_1�1 G �I L � � p?0
.� !�-f`r�;-0 ��?�`0 81�.�.1�.0 !
, :
_. — -- i
;sessor's Recommendation:
School V UNITS p�p Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent
Distritt A EAR USED Code Owned
C RESID one Use Own Use Land 81dg/Other Total Class % Value
62r li 76 �)i-�1. C l�_' rI1.0 �UO C%11;1;C� . � J�.O ���76
C�CI !���7��U �JlC�I� v�1�-l��r`' -.
vcportoflnvestigation: j':�p�_i CGn-t acqui_recl propert�T Ori 1��1.��7F?. ;lI�.lse es:emnt.
i°IL?ii A r. D'PJ Steno b�- �C'- l�.- � �C:�l-l'+�--
� ` thorized Signature
' `�KtM DPT 1641 ���°''=
126-138 Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Director July �! 19�7 William E. Carlson
Property Valuetion
Assistant Director William M. Killeen
C. Thomas Osthoff
Land Records
Rose Mix
Gity Clerk
Room. 386 Gaurt House
Attnz Alhert B. Olson
Cauncil Recorder
Re: Application for abatement submitted by Gerhardt H. Kohnx
on behalf of: Housing and Redevelopment Authority�.
Dear Mrs« Mixt
Enclosed is a cupy of the following abatement:
There are assessments le'vied againat this parcel that are to be
cancelled by resolutian Qf the City Council* as follows:
4 1972 $47.04
I973 53.40
1974 57:86
I975 82.78
1976 82,7'8
Please take whatever action is necessary,
Yaurs very truly,�
Lau McKenna� Director
Department af Froperty Taxation
By �����, ?��:. �.���-�-�----
� Deputy
GHK.s ay
� �����
at. Pat�_l Jw.�.e 21, 1977
Assessment llistrict: —
i,egalDescription: }3�Cj1g 1�(��i1L�_G�T1 PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water
Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed
Property Coded As : 08 1J�_�00 111 00 036 006
AddressofProperty: jC� li.r..iV�x'S1t�r �V6.� �^l.
Applicant: ',Cr�T'�; `I'• �1Til.0i? f'OT':
MailingAddress: Tjr.L?5:1.i1� <`'t: iiE;G.E�Ie�.O�ITiEr1L �U�.t141'lt f
55 �. ��'if��i st. , r5101
Applicant's Market Value:
Land$ Imp. $ Total$ lnsurance$
Assessed as follows: _
f1pr,1 ;_cr�i;�tcn fcz� :�:,e:;�pt,:i on
C RESID one Use Own Use Lantl Bldg/Other Total Class °k Value Ownec:
�2r ,T 76 L :c 155 �0 15000 0 0 Cz 1.�_ 1 1 _
��° 1;5!�c l�oo0 3o51a-o . .
Assessor's Recommendation:
School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSEO Percenr
District A EAR USED Code Ownea
C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bltlg/Other Total Class % Vatue
6G�; U 76 r.lJ� �' C 15�L�0 15000 305 �C LX .0 12?]_6
��Q 155�;-0 15ooc �o�'�.�r_.
Reportoflnvestigation: j����j iCa:1� �lCc:L.�.T'E;Ci 011 1.���.7�7�• T78_kE: exen:P�.
� j°JAIZ i%`r.� bl 7,�- .(�y
Ex. Appr. Steno
/Authorized Signature
CLTY p �
w �
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w =' x
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J �'°�' -�°°' ab C ITY OF SAI NT PAUL
d -
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July 18, 1977
Ms. Rose Mix
City Clerk
387 CityHall
St. Paul
Re: Resolution - abatement
Dear Ms. Mix:
• Enclosed for consideration by the Council is a
resolution granting abatement from property taxes
and assessments for property owned by the Housing
and Redevelopment Agency.
This action does reflect the tax exempt status of
the Housing and Redevelopment Agency.
Yours truly,
��u..�.- i7i�%�G�---
� Assistant City Attorney
City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
612 298-5121
. .
126-138 Court House
$t. Paul, Minnesota 55102
�'•���• .ruly 7, 1977
William E. Carlson
Property Valuetion
Assistanr Director William M. Killeen
C. Thomas Osthoff
Land Records
gose Mix
City Clerk
Room 386 Gaurt House
Attnt Albert B. Olson
Council Recarder
Re: Agplication far abatement aubmitted by Housing & Redevelopment
Dear Mrs. Mixs
Enclosed are cagies of the follawing abatementas
92701 92709
92703 92710
There are assessments levied against these parc$la that axe to he
can.celled by resolution of the City Council* as follows;
5 $I42.02
8 341.12 $19.92
IO 27..26
Please take whatever action is necessary,
Yours very truly�
Lou McKenna# Airector
Department af Pragerty Taxation
� �_�_� �
By ; �f-,�-���,,.�'v .f,�`_ :��G'-d�''4`--
� Deputy
.. , ,
I, the undersigned, County Auditor of the within named County, do hereby certify that a careful examination into the allegations and
statements set forth in the within application has been made bv the County Board of said County and by myself and that from said
examination we are convinced and verily believe that said allegations and statements are true
I further certify that, at a meeting duly held ,19 , said County Boazd, by official
action upon motion duly adopted and entered upon the minutes of its proceedings as a public record, showing the names of the taxpayers
and other persons concerned and the amounts involved,made the following recommendation,wherein I hereby concur,upon said application:
That the assessed value of said proprty be reduced to and fixed at $
I hereby certify the resuit of said recommendation is as follows; and if the taxes have been paid that proportional refund-
ment be authorized:
Assessed Debt Tax General Tax Less Homestead Special Total
Values Credit Assess. Pa able
Reduction of Penalty
Tax Rate �*+ills
Reduction of Interest
Ramsey County Auditor
Witness my hand and official seal , 19— By
Deputy County Auditor,
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I, the undersigned, County Auditor of the within named County, do hereby certify that a careful examination into the allegations and
statements set forth in the within application has been made by Lhe County Board of said County and by myself and that from said
examination we are convinced and verily believe that said allegations and statements are true
� I further certify that, at a meeting dulY held ,19 , said County Board, by official
action upon motion duly adopted and entered upon the minutes of its proceedings as a public record, showing the names of the taxpayers
and other persons concerned and the amounts involved,made the following recommendation,wherein I hereby concur,upon said application:
+ That the assessed value of said proprty be reduced to and fixed at $
I hereby certify the result of said recommendation is as follows; and if the taxes have been paid that proportional refund-
ment be authorized:
Assessed Debt Tax General Tax Less Homestead Special Total
Values Credit Assess. Pa able
Reduction of Penalty
Tax Rate mills
Reduction of Interest
' Ramsey County'Auditor
Witness my hand and official seal , 19— By
Deputy County Auditor.
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I, the undersigned, County Auditor of the within named County, do hereby certify that a careful examination into the allegations and
statements set forth in the within application has been made by the County Board of said County and by myself and that from said
examination we are convinced and verily believe that said allegations and statements are true --
I further certify that, at a meeting duly held ,19 , said County Board, by officinl
action upon motion duly adopted and entered upon the minutes of its proceedings as a public record, showing the names of the taxpayers
and other persons concerned and the amounts involved,made the following recommendation,wherein I hereby concur,upon said application:
That the assessed value of said proprty be reduced to and fixed at $
I hereby certify the result of said recommendation is as follows; and if the taxes have been paid that proportional refund-
ment be authorized:
Assessed Debt Tax General Tax Less Homestead Special Total
Values Credit Assess. Payable
Reduction of Penalty
Tax Rate mills
Reduclion of Interest
Ramsey County Auditor
Witness my hand and official seal , 19- By
Deputy County Auditor.
I C ,d u T k���C v��� � « C 'O'O ul N w
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Form DPT 229 �� e�`rr
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f tf�' (If reduction requested exceeds $500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplica:e)
To the County Board and County Auditor of Ramsey County,
and to the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota:
County �f Ramsey
City, Village or Town Saint Paul
Robert T. Simon being duly sworn
deposes and says that he ��� ;� hief of Real EstatP of the Aousing and
Redevelc2Bment Authoritv of the Cit�of Saint Paul, Minnesota , and that
�ai,� Authoritv is a public body, corporate and politic, duly organized and existing
under Chapter 487, Laws of 1947, as amended; that on April 16, 1976, the Authority
acquired title to the following described real property located in the City of
Saint Paul County of Ramsey State of Minnesota, to-wit: __
Lot 2, Beck's A�ditio� t� the �i�� o�f St�. Paul, ex�e�t �h� N�orth 20 f�eet
thereof conveye to t e ity o au for widenin o n versitv venue,
accordin to the recorde� plat thereof.
Tots 3, nd �., in Beck s Addition to the Citv of St Paul, according to the
plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds
wi thin anrl for�,aitL_GnuuL��c'Pn_t.�or_1o13$stlin.g_Qf_Uni�[��i�y tkvenuE•_ __ _
Lots 6 and 7 in Beck's Addition to the Cit-y of St. Yaul, accordin to the
rProrded nlat th r of on file and of record in rhP nffice of the �eQister of
Deeds within and for said County, except the North 20 feet thereof for widening
of IIniversitX A��pnLe
for redevelopment as part of the Summit-University Community Development Program
by petition in C�ndemnation filed with the Clerk of District Court on said date;
+-t,.,* hat�saan April 16� -'�."" a �Lic } PnY� h AttthOY'1tV i1SS held said propertv
in the public use, exempt from all taxes and assessments, pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes Section 272 68, Subdivisions (1) and (2) .
_ �,:1 '- _ � ° a-.., - -� •; , ( ';ir > ' ?-; �; ��1
f± .. � �:
��Jerefore applicant prays that all raal Patata ta�rag an�l A4CPRR711PTY4 1S�'+P4RP[l��vied
and accrued against the aforesaid property payable in the year 1977 be fully abated.
. � / �
���� . � � % A��licant
; � Rqbert T. Simon, Chief of Real Estate
Subscribed and sworn to before me this �-� �� da� of ��.> _ A,.D. 19.�_
, � J �.
�A!�l�,A�k�q,��1.41.d/•!.,�1.�1�l.S�!A.T,1 d��A��.a A.n. •�� � -� r�-'t '
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__ Form DPT 229 �� `,, ,C�
, � - 1 F rm ��`��
0�" (If reduction requested exceeds $500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplica:e)
To the County Board and County Auditor of Ramsey CountY,
and to the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota:
County of Ramsey
City, Village or Town Saint Paul
Robert T. Simon being duly sworn
deposes and says that he X�€��� �s (`h;Pf c�f $pal FatatP nf thP T-Tnncino anrl RP[�P�7P��1Rn—
ment Authoritv of the Citv of Saint Paul, Minnesota , andthat
said Authority is a public body, corporate and politic, dulv orQanized and existin�
under Chapter 487, Laws of 1947, as amended; that on April 16, 1976, the Authority
acquired title to the following described real property located in the City of
Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, to-wit:
Lot 10 and 11, Beck's Addition to the City of St. Paul, except the North
20 feet thereof, according to the plat on file and of record in the office
of the County Recor3er, Ramsey Count�Minnesota. �_______
for redevelopment as part of the Suam►it-University Community Development Program
n;�+-,-;..r g� that the Authorit}�acauired title to said pro�ty on April 16, 1976.
by a petition in Condemnation filed with the Clerk of District Court on said date;
that between April 16, 1976 and the present, the Authority has held said property
in the public use, exempt from all taxes and assessments, pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes, Section 272.68. Subdivisions (1) and (2).
o ,�' _ , , ,,� ., � ,�_ .> ;�'.i ��'' ;v•"f_,i�� f- ��;_ ,
�hrrefore applicant prays that all real estate taxes and assessments assessed levied
and accrued against the aforesaid property payable in the year 1977 be fully abated.
, _r i
Robert T. Simon, Chief of Real Estate " �C._ � � / � _;�' � -, <.-. --_ _ Applicant
Subscribed and sworn to before me this -�% � day of�:%� �-�` � A. D. 19,L,�.
� /,..
i' ' /�(..; >./ ` � '+'�'- ��/J
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�id.rwvrrv��w���r r'i y: ;,,:�.,,,�y:�,;7�;�SYV:C �
I, the undersigned, County Auditor of the within named County, do hereby certify that a careful examination into the allegations and
statements set forth in the within application has been made by the County Boazd of said County and by myself and that from said
examination we are convinced and verily believe that said allegations and statements are true
� I further certify that, at a meeting duly held ,19 , said County Board, by official
action upon moLion duly adopted and entered upon Lhe minutes of its proceedings as a public record, showing the names of the taxpayers
and other persons concerned and the amounts involved,made the following recommendation,wherein I hereby concur,upon Said application:
• That the assessed value of said proprty be reduced to and fixed at $
I hereby certify the result of said recommendation is as follows; and if the taxes have been paid that proportional refund-
ment be authorized:
Assessed Debt Tax General Tax Less Homestead Special Total
Values Credit Assess. Payable
NEW . �
- Reduction of Penalty
Tax Rate mills
Reduction of Interest
Ramsey County Auditur
Witness my hend and official seal , 19- By
Deputy County Auditor.
� .
I a d � evva vx.� " .
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' �>t. Paui_ June 27-, 19 77
Assessment District:
LegaiDescription: ?�;j.]_^O:`ls �e�.r7'�•21`;e:12Er!t PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water .
Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed
PropErt;,T Coded l�s : 0� S1.�200 l�0 C2 036 0,32
lddress of Property: �5;� C�,I''I'G1.1 .��'e.
Applicant: ;iObE:l't �P. 5_TQOT1 :,"OT':
?'ou�;.ri�; �"c Rec�etielenment :�utllor�_ty
MailingAddress: �� T�'. j''ii'j;r •`.;t. ' Sj;LO1
ApplicanYs Market Value:
Land$ Imp. $ 'I'otal$ Insurance$
Assessed as follows:
llpr,J '. ca�:�c?Z �'or I;:ce:���tia�
School V UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED perce�
District A YEAR USED Code Ownec
C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class % Value
h<<; U 7G � � � �oa 600 1�000 cz t �
99 3 GQ 96U0 1 000 .
Assessor's Recommendation:
School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percer.
District A EAR USEO Code Ownea
C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class % Value ,
62�; (,,; ,� C 3!�-00 �60G 1'UOC! Zv 0 20
°� �� C:; °600 1''OGO ..
Reportoftnvestigation: rj�1�j_i.CZTl� �CCyUll,ed propertJ OL1 l0/l�/76. i�Ta�:e E;.eT?1t��.
' t^Ils.� D`i J b l �
rx. Appr. $teno �r'�' ' � "�
/' Authorized Signature
. . . .fiT l�• ..,0��� .� �.
� , �
' t�
f 4' , • \
f �� � �q1 �,.
,.� �: `,� �se�,
•� .
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Form DPT 229 �� ' ,`,��`�P
r �
� APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Form�"�```�
R�' (If reduction requested exceeds $S00 make application in triplicate, otherwis.e in duplicate)
- To the County Board and County Auditor oP Ramsey County,
and to the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota:
County �f Ramsey
ss. -
City, Village or Town Saint Paul
Robert T. Simon being duly sworn
deposes and saysthathe ����€ is Chief of Real Estate of the Housing`and Redevelop-
ment Authority of the Citv of Saint Paul, Minnesota , andthat
said Authority is a public body, corporate and politic, duly organized and existing
under Chapter 487, Laws of 1947, as amended; that on May 21, 1976, the Authority
a���ui red ti t 1 e fn thp fnl 1 nwi ng dPC ri hPd r a 1 =rng�rt3r 1 nra tP� i n thP fti t� nf Sa i nt
�aul,`,County of Ramsek, State of Minnesota, to-wit:
Lot 15�Block 2, Wilson's Rearrangement of a part of Marshall's Subdivis ion
of Block 27, Mackubin & Marshall's Add. to St. Paul, according to the plat
thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within
and for said County.
for redevelopment as part of the Summit-University Community Development Program
District 8, that the Authority acquired title to said property on May 21, 1976,
by a petition in Condemnation filed with the Clerk of District Court on said date;
that between May 21, 1976 and the present, the Authority has held said property in
the public use, exempt from all taxes and assessments, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes,
Section 272.68, Subdivisions (1) and (2). c�:?- �'v'.,,- '� i� � '� ".� / :"•.� ,� _ ;.' -�y�,�
�iJcrefore applicant prays that all real estate taxes and assessments assessed
levfed and accrued against the aforesaid property payable in the year 1977 by fullv
abated. �3, ,;.� .-,
i �
Roherr T_ Simon, Chief of Real Estate /�: - �_�-� �- ,.�'�-' • �---� Applicant
Subscribed � qto before me this --f � day of -�'��r=� •'� '' A. D. 19�/
��.A ���!J,��.QOa.a�aap,�a,��Aa, �-'��� � �
1 a 1�!��.mte `
``� �'r..!es�" � ��,��� p��7 ,'ON.'-:`.'�Sf�. �� --��.. '/ � ` /"•" � / (• ��/ �'_ ��
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x G.1��'��'�'����V�r"•r y y Y.y,�r'r ir`r�ii"t�r i�i41Y�"�'yX
. ,
r g��p3
��;'t�'d"��i[` OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatement No.
S t. Pau3_ June 21
�:;essment District: � 1977
�ceal Desctiption: YJiI�NlOtiJS E?C�.C�'!.t]_071 PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water
Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed
Froperty Coded �s : 0� Bl.�_004 C6C 11 0�9 033 --- �
;�ddress of Property: Fj Q) ;,�� 7.th S t.
°,�plicant: RpbES�{; ':C. Sir.�ton for:
Hou:�n�,• �- !�E;developmer_1; 1!ut'r_orit��
:lailing Address: J�j-" �!;� Pif i;h S t. � ��l�l
�nplicant's Market Value:
l,and$ Imp. S Total$ Insurance$
Ar:sessed as follows:
1!ppl:i.cation for Frer,:ptio:�
School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent �
District A YEAR USED Code Owned
C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class % Value
62y U 6 L i 260C) 3� � � ^<;
7 77U0 1U " �C CT Z�_ !!�!.c a �
9G 2600 7700 �0�OC� --
---- -- -- --__ ._--- _---- --- I
,:cessoi s Recommendation:
SChool U UNITS p�p Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSEO Percent i
District A EAR USED Cotle Owned
C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class % Value
2� ?: 76;:; j 'r' C 260G 7','UG 10�0�; i�_x_ ��0 L�.120
c�� 260G GO ?0�00
±portoflnvestigation: A�PliCa�1; aCC?L1=1.Y'�CL pi'QpeT'�� ^ii 12�jn�(i. T��a1�.E EX.2?T1�7�;r
w�� n�l��r b 1 /�
. Appr. Steno r ' c'L.+- / �Q,�.��-lz-- _
, � uthorized Signature
' `�RM DPT 1641 "�►''=
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r �_ y Form DPT 229 �� ���.
0�� (If reduction requested exceeds $500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplica:e)
To the COdnty Board and County Auditor of Ramsey County,
and to the Commissioner of Itevenue of the State of Minnesota:
County of Ramsey
City, Village or Town Saint Paul
Robert T. Simon being duly sworn
deposes and says that he�FS�� is Chief of Real Estate of the Housing and
RP[�PVP��mPnr A��thority of the City of Saint Paul�Minnesota , and that
said AuthoritY is a public bodv, corporate and politic, duly organized_ and existing
Lnder Cha�ter 487, Laws of 1947� as amended• t�ay on December 29. 1975. the Authority
acquired title to the followinQ descrih d r al �-,�.���rt� ln�atP�i in rhP �-tr� nf
Sain Pai�l� ('nt�nt� nf RamSPV Rtata nf M' nacnt y tO=T�T�t'
All that part of Lots 5 and 6. Block 11� Winslow'G Addition to
Saint Pa�il �l�in� Nnrth nf Fn�- �'tYPPt nOw knOwn as Wect Seventh
Street, according_to the �)1 Ar �n t"i 1 P and of r ��rd �n tjip nf -ic_�
^ of thP Rpgister of D eda in and fnr RamGe� ('n�mt� - -
for redevelopment as part of the West Seventh Street Community Development Program
District 9� that the Authorit�,� ac.G�>>i rPd i 1 n G irl �r°�Prt� �n n c mher 29� 1 975�
��� a Warrant� 1� P i �ahirh nPP[� �aa filPrl nn nPl`PT1}1PY �1 � 19]S� aa nnr»mPnt Nn 192l+837:
th�t �1P+'f1PGT Tlnromi�or 7A 7Q7ri �nll tl�o r��ggg}�� t}12 Aiith�rit3� has hPlc� �aid =r°nerty
in thP niihlir iigP� PxPm�t frnm �`1�L tSXP4 anri Ar'+CP,S`Qi11P11Y4 n>>rc�iant tn th,a�nrnvicinnS
of Minnesota Statiite� Sect�on 4b2 575� SLhdiviaion (1)
�h�YtfOre applicant prays that " ' � ~ taxes and assessements assessed,
levied and accrued a�ainst the aforesaid property payable in the year 1977 be
fnl l� aha Pd > �; , _ , ._ � ; .� �_`' �
;, `� �_. , a
,i�:. ;_ .�� ; -- � �- APPlicant
Robert T. Simon, Chief of Real Estate
Subscribed and sworn to before me this �� � day of� Ma� 1 . A. D. 19.�_
�►���'\�.\`,.��^��S,aA.rJ�11� l/ ( ; �` I
r A l�A 6 e A.P.Br.�A�1:14�?:.-. �,�c�,�R. / /( /, � - `' i 9, t � �l
\"il!LAt?n .i�� , � '
:$,z'°',";\ ... Ii -.,•.f;;l',,t,nt�:ta1n.
� 'u„s;..Notary F�,�;,:,,. �.c,�,., /,:
':i�`��'i h1Y CGf;i*;P<��:1i+ �?:Pifi�S
� ,._f��" APril 13, 1�73 �
x�r'r'dy'�y�y^J",�Y�i'3'��7�Y G'V`Y if�i���`V'�'��P7�
�.w' " s
t ,-ir� � .
, ' ��3�� Go.
, ,;;L �Se�•
_ . 'Form DPT 229 �� ��G��e���a•
OC$ (If reduction requested exceeds $500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplica:e)
. i
To the County Soard and County Auditor of Ramsey County,
and to the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota:
�' -
Assessment Uistrict: '��' • P`�u� JLZ1"l8 L].� 19 7 __
LegalDescription: �t. 1�11t12o-r1�- park PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water ,
• District Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed ^
Pr. opertf Coded As : 10 h7500 1�0 65 Oly 022 ---
Address of Property: 97�-�- G�rozr.wel_1 �Ve.
Applicant: 'iL��'r'�. T. ::lriiOxl f'O1'
ilota.s�.�� 8c Rcd.evelcpn:ent Au�,horit��
MailingAddress: jj i'�. �'�1j'tr], u�. � j��.Q]_
Applicant's Market Value:
Land$ Imp. $ 'Total$ Insurance $
Assessed as follows: ��F 1 �.C& t l.p Il j'n]^ L,'�,6'.':t�t 1 O1Z
School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percen. '
District A YEAR USED Code o Ownec
C RE510 one Use Own Use Lantl Bidg/Other Total Class /o Value
62K U 76 b C J 600U C00 ,�.r • 0 60op
99 60U0
Assessor's Recommendation:
School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED percenx
District A EAR USED Code , Owned :
C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bltlg/Other Total Class /o Value
6<<; v 6 nl �� r 6aoo �000 i�cc� ,�x
c,o hQ��; �000 1'-'
Reportoflnvestigation: [sF�.,_ticant �CUU11'e(� proper�;•f 8/72/76. Ma�;6 e�E�mpi,.
jJ�113 D�TJ b1 ') /7
,..�. Appr. Steno +� .L`'`" �� / .Cc,G+i'a�
� � �,Authorized Signature
�� 1�r� �T.:'- ��t y.•*f�r .��irKp+.�. �- 'r�'9:.�� :A. ' J'�'' 1.
L+ i' x,.
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�+ Abatement No.927"�2
',ssessmentDistrict:`'t. Pau]_ June 2]_� 19 77
I.egalDescription: �ilCE �i�.�. Tr�;ineS �"-(�.C�• � ��.iL:� • Z PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water
Thru �C%� 1�.G Thru L;.S AT1��. �Z k� . 5�.4. `L'r2T'Ll jE� Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Biock Shed
* Prcper. ty Codect �'_s : 0!;_ 6�500 100 0� 0�_Z 00" -`- �
:ddress of Property: 1.F�j Z'�. 6 th �`%t .
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