269461 �'E -�CITV CLERK � :��n/tL-� -.FINANCE COUIICII `�Lj^ RY - DEPARTMENT . GITY OF SAINT PALTL ���" � � � - "^"`'o R File N O. RETURN C0�'Y TO VALUA.TION BIAZFAU COUncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�REAS, the Independent School District No. 625 has declared certain ' school sites as surplus to their r�eeds, and pursua.nt to present policy the School District ha.s offered the sites to the City of St. Pau1,�'or no co�rpensation; and WfiEREAS� the Ci�y of St. Pau1 proposes to acquire and utilize said sites; therefore be it RE.SOLVID, that the City of St. Paul accept the Quit Claim Deeds i'rc�n the Independent School District No. 625 on the follawing school sites: Drew Rice � Gorman � Sibley McClellan Taylor MeKinley Whittier Phalen Pa.rk - ,� The sites are legally described as follows: Lots 11 throu�h 20' and the vacated a�1ey acl�joining said _ . i,ots a11 being in Chute Bros. Division No. 12; Al1 of Block Fif`ty (50)� containing TFrelve (Y2) Lots in Auerbach and Hand's Addition to the City of Sa.int Paul according to �he map of said addition naHr on file in the Office of Register of Deeds in and for said Ramsey County; � Lo�s 22 through 30, Kal�.n's Division No. 1; Ezcept part taken for Intersta.te Hwy. No. 9�+, Lots g thrau�h 15, also all of Lots 16 thrrnagh 22� Block 17� Mackubin and. Marshall's Addition; COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler ` Fina and 1� rrt Services Hozza In Favor � Hunt ` Levine `� __ Against BY _ Direetor Roedler Sylvester TedesCO Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By, . Approved by :Vlayor: Date _ Appro e b Mayor for Su mi ouncil By By ITE --CITY CLERK ��(� ��� RV - DEPARTMENT t�� GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council - MAYOR F1Ie NO. •COPY TO VALUATION BUREA,UCouncil Resolutio� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- Lots 8-12, .inclusive, Block 2, Evan's Addition to the City of Saint Pa.u1 and Lots 1-5, inclusive, Block 2, Holterhoff and Mead's Addition to the City of Saint Pa.ul, Ramsey Caun�y, Minnesota; . Lots 10 through 13, Block 2, Edmund Rice's 2nd Addition; A11 of Lots 1-8, Block �+, A Gotzian's Rearran�ement and � except the West �OO�feet of Block bounded by Beech Street on the North and Earl Street on the West being a miscellaneous ` tract in the N.W. � of the N.E. u of Section 33, Ta�rnship 29, Range 22; All of Block 15, Burlington Heights Division No. 2; Lots 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 in Block 4 in Gray's Addition to • McKenty's Out Lots to Saint Pa.ul; and Lots 6 through 25, inclusive, Block �+, Gray's Addition to McKenty's Out Lots to Saint Pa.ul, i COUNCILMEN � Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler _ F' e & N�na. Services Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine � __ Against BY � Director Roedler Sylvester AdoptedTedeso�uncil• Date _ �U�- 2 6 �977 Fotm A ove by City Attorney � (�✓�.�- Cer ied Y• by Council Secretary BY . . By Ap ro by Mayor: t Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council --�U�-_�` gy .�C""1. By PUBLISHED AU G 6 1g77 ; i 1( I � fi �C�i� �i���n�ture,•.�tade�1�is..............��::�............_.!Za.y of...... . ...?'�J..?�.�......................., 19......TT..., ��.11�Y , r �.... 1�tzveen ....................I�?dependent.,School_,Distr�ct_No�.,,,6?5..........._....•••......_.•••••............._..__.....__..•••..._...._ ............................ i school district ����� i1t plG�tdud und�r the laws of the State af.........M].J�teSO�B.............__...........�.�......_,party of th,e first part, and i _......................................Cit3�..of..Saint Paut ......._....._......••••_..._•••_....................................................._.........................._..._......_..........._...._................. ; a eorpora•tion under tjee laws of th,e State of_...._...__1K��.S.A:�1................_......................_............_..._..__........_...••__............. pa.rty of the sccond 7�art, ! �IM¢45�Ct'E, That th.e said partT/ of th.e f�rst part, in consideration of the sum, nf ,' ..._................................•-........9�e._Do11ar.,and...Other_V�ivable_....onsideration.... 1.00 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-�}OLI,.�2I�S, ; . . . . . .. . �. . .� . . . . . _. . ��... ..� . . ito iE in h,cc�ub paid by the said party o f the aecond part, t7ze re.eeipt whereo f is hzreby cuknowled acd, � doea hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaian, ccnd Convey unto the said ,na,rty of the seeond part, its � aueeessors and a.ssigns, Forever, all tha tract....S.....or parcel._.5......of land Zying and being in the County � of._...__._....1�ID.Sey....._......._._._..•••......._.__..._and State of Manneaot,m, described aa followa, to-tCit: � ' Lots 11 thraugh 20, and the vacated alley adjoining said Lots i a11 being in Chute Bros. Division No. 12 � I � � ; � I ; . ; , . � , � � � i I I ' � State Deed Tax: Exempt i { � f ' �%0�dbt drib f0�Olb tfjC�dritC, Together with all the h,ereG,itaments ¢nd appurtenan,ces there- � unto belongirag or in anywise appertaining, to the said party of the aecond part, its auccessors arzd assiyns ' Forever. • i � � � �in�Ce�timonp�fjereot, The said first party JLa.s caused these , presents to Le executed in its corporate name by its.......Chair�.._._.._:, ; � Treasurex'��t and ita............�12T1�...-•-•............. . porate seal, tn ' .........and ita cor \ be hereunto affi,xed the day and �ear first cbove written. � ._..........._.................._...-8.--��.........._-.--......--.--..._......_�w:�-��....--��........ �.. ....... { Chair �---..........���'�. . . �� . .......... ..........................._ --..---�-....`�-�..... ............................�.............................._... � Ita................._................ -:Tr�a surer .......................:................ ...... � �' � � BY ' � �- � �L�l/Jtl> C1erk i ► 1 / ��-�,�., ,� ; �Ctj�� �lttbenture; Ma�ie tfiis.................I.':7.�...._......._.day of... Ll./.f'.1.�......._......•__.._.�, 19........7.7..., ; � between ................................_..�ndependent_School_ District._No.._,625_...._... ....�. ••••._..........._..•••••.._ ....... ... .. � school district ���� � � , tc�. zcnder the laws of thc State of............._r+Li-nnesota ,,.,,.,_,�pQrty of tlu first part, and . .........................................._. , _..._..................................................Cz,:�Y:...Qt:..��x�.t..�.L�......___......._........._•••••.................._............:.......................................................•••......... ; a oorporation under the laws of the State of.._..._......._..._....._M�:??nesota,.,.._._.,._ . ..._..................._............_.............................. � party of the second part, I �itrteg�ctTj, That the said partt/ of the �'irst part, in considerat�'jn o �he sum nf � .......................................................................One Do].l�r..and._,Other.Valuable...Considerati�n.... 1.00 DOLI,✓IItS, , . ................. 1�............ � to it in hand paid b�� the said pc�rty of th,e second pa.rt, the receipt whereof is fcereby ac.knowledgcd, jdoes hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitelaim, ¢nd C,onvey unto the said pmrty of the second part, its � au�ccesaors and assi�sns, Forever, all tlu tract.....s....or pareeZ....s....of lrind lyir� and being in the Countr� � of_._._......_RamseY................__............_.........__and State of Minnesotm, deseriber,�as followa, to-uzt: I i i � I . � � � All of B1ock Fifty (50), containing Twelve (1.2) Lots , ; in Auerbach and Hand's Addition to the City of Saint ! Paul according �o the map of said addition naa on file � � in the Office of Register of Deeds in and for said , Ramsey County. � � . i ; , � � I State Deed Tax: Exempt R , � �A��bE arib �0�OID tljE�BIriC, To�ether with all th.e h.ereditaments and appurtenanoes there- ' ; tcnto belonging or in anywise appertainin�, to the said party of the aecand part, its auceeasor$and assisns , j Forever. � ; �tt�t$tItTWTIp��jCCCOf, 7'he said f�rst party has c¢used these ; presents to be exeeuted in its corporate name by its.........�k1�,�7c'............ ., ! Treasurer �=and its.---...C�-eF..k............................_.._and its corporat,e seal• to ! be hereunto affixeab the clay and �e.ar firs6 aboae written. ' i �_..__..._._........................._......................_..................•-�` - ..__-..................... ; ��.�...� C ..............�, iBy................•-..---..................................•.�:�-_•-............................---.. , Chair j _. . ........ ............_.... ........ .........._....3�tes�aYamt .... ...... . .. . , , ; _........... .......���/.....�......................G.........--.................. � Its......................................................•••••.....•••••••••.......... Trea�urer i � /I' - _ �� ---- C - Clerk U►��LC.��C.�e.�tJ ' �t�i� �litben�ure��.�?ade tFtis................I.7..�............_.day of._ .--•_......................................_, 19.....�1....., Z�etween ...........................Tndependent_School District No. 62� ' school district a e75�aA�4x�Fi zcnder the lazvs of the State of.........M?:?'u':esota................................_..,„, party of Lht�'crst pccrt, and ..............................................._Ci'�...qf. S�,?nt_��:••••......_................................•••.............................................__..._._......................•••••••••............. ' m eorporation under the lawa of the State of..........._Minnesota •••••••••............................•••••...................................................... ! •--......_. � party of the second part, ; �lirif�5et'h. That the said partz/ of the �drst part, in eonsideration of the sum� of � _.___...............................One...Do].Jax:..and...Qthsr....V.alaaab�,e....C.onsi.d.eratz.a�....(��..QQ.)._-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--�.DOLI,RI�S, � to �t 8n ha.nd paid b,y th.e said party of the aecond part, th,e receipt whereof is hereby cu.knowledged, does hereby Grant, Bargain, Qui,tclaim, dred C,onvey unto th,e said party o� th,e second part, lta i euccessors and ass��ns, Forever, alL tlu tract._5.......or parcel.....5....of Zand lyin�s and being in the County of............_R�eY............._.........__...._.._..••••••••••_and St,ate of Minnesotw, deacribed aa followa, to-tcit: j Lots 22 through 30, Kalman's Division No. l. , . • � ,. . F•=r,. � ; E ' ; State Deed Tax: Exempt �o�?abe at�b to�o1D tt�e�ame, Together wi,th all th,e hereditaments and appurtenanaea there- , unto belonging or in anywise appertainir�g, to Ehe said narty of the second part, its auccessors and assiyns Forever. �n�e�tirr�onp�9l�jereof, The said itrst party h.as eaused tkese presents to be e.xe.cuted in its corporate narrcz by its......Chair _ '. TreasureY�C�g�u�zc� its..._Clerk.............................:...._and its corporate seccl. to be hereunto affi,xed th,e da� and �ear first aboae written. ......................................................... ........•••••••......_........ .-- - -• c.���... Gv,�,/ By--....••............................._:'�..�..........._.............. .....,.......... CYiair � Its ................._----..._.............................................��re%� �._......_••_�o�:t`"�'...��;�•�-�--�.�'.............................. ' Ita...................•--.........._.........---.......................... „r Treasurer ��................. By �&L Yf-'� ���-`i"� i . _ C1erk �'IfIY: �,X1� ; �L���� ���e�rU�P '�lade ifeis_........11 � ...._.da o .. . ..........-�.... , � • ... ....................... y f••••... ............ 19.....•?.7...., ,�+Z�,�n .........................Independent,,.School_District.,,No. 62�_ ....._.... ...............••••... ..........-••••.._..................._.....__.................. " ; school district ia�Dx�t3�¢ �cnc�er the laivs of the State of..........M1.J�SA�A......._-_............_..._...._.,purty of tTu ftrst pa.rt, ¢nd ...............................................Cl:�y.--.fl�'..8.A.1.Ill�...F�.1J.�.........._._...._.._,................._.............................._.................._.._....._..•••_.............._._................ i m corporation under the laws of tke Stccte of....�1�:Fi?i��4:�a......._........._........_........._................................_.................................... pctrty of the aecond part, ; �itne�geti�, That th,e said partp of th.e first parE in cox.sideration of the aum, af ' ___...........................On�...Ao�r...�na...9ther._.Y.aluable...Consi:der�tion....�.�1...���_--.----------- _ . DOLI,✓IRS, j to it in 1oa•nd paid by the said parEy of the aecond part, tFce receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, dota h,ereby Grant, Bargain, Quitelaim, and C,onvey unto tTu said pc�rty of th.e sGCOnd prcrt, ita � auecessors and assdgns, 1�'orever, all the tract...._S...or parcel_..5....of lund lying ¢nd being in tjce County iof.__..................._...R�e�....._..._...._.......__.__.and Sta.te of Minneaotu, described as follows, to-udt: F�ccept part taken for Interstate Hwy. No. 9�+ Lots 9 through 15, also all of Lots 16 through 22�- Block 17, Mackubin and Marsha]1's Addition. i' i � �� '. ; � State Deed Tax: Fxempt �o�abe amb to�atD tfje�attte, Togeticer with al.L the hereditcarxe�.ts and appurtenances there- ' ' unto belongin�or in anywise appertatining, to the said party of the aecond part, its auccesaors¢ia,d aasisns , Forever. i ; �n�egtimonp��jereo'f, The said flrst party h,¢s caused t.hese ' presents to be executed in its corporate na,me by its.........Chaix.._.,.,.._., ; � Treasurer �k8c�� and ita........_.Clezk................_........._..and its corporate scaZ to , be hereunto affixed the day and i�ear fLrst above turi.tten. i i _........_._....._.............................. ...... ........-----............_ �� .���....���� By•.....................................................................••....•••.........-•--- ........... Chair � ••... .......... ...rry� ..... .•_... . � i ' __......��`���.i���2�..L-.--............................... ; Its._..............._........•-•_.......•_--......................_..............Treasurer ' gy - I Cl.erk , � ��r.�L'[.K.l �G �iJ ���� �����rU��� .Afade thia_._......�_X.fh_....._._.._.da�of.� :.c�G..l'.�?-�........._.. 19..�... ._ ._, ..., t�etween .............................._.........._....._...�Xa,d�P�SI��.....e�.k�.4.Q.a.._T1.�.x'.2:�t..i�o�...62 .�.........__...___.___.._..........._.._..__........ � ; schocl district a c�, :cnder the la,ws of th,e Statt of.......Mi.nnesra.tt3......�...................._......._., party of tTu flrat part, and ' ,,,,,,,,,,,,Czty„of„SAint Paul _._.._.__.................................................... ..___.............._......_.._...._..___........................_........._....................._.........._...... ; m corporation under the lawe of�he Stata or............._.:_....Minnesota ....,,....._......................�..........._.._............_......._..._ ..... ........._. party of the aeaond part, ; �lihte��etly. That the auid partF/ of the flrat part, dn con.au�erat�on of th,e aum of _,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,One.,Dollar and Other Valuable Consideration--------------�OLI.�RS, , ..... ...............•••......................................................................................................................••••.................... � to dt in hand paid b,y the aQid party of the aec�nd part, tlu receipt whereof ia hereby acknowledged, 1 ' does kereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclai,m, and Co�avey unto tht said party of the aecoxd part, its � auaeesaora and assi�ns, Forevcr, all the tract...._S...or pdreel S._.._of tund lyin� a�cd bein� in tha County of......„.........R�eY......_......_._....__........„.........and State of Mim�usotci, deeari,bed aa follawa, ta-wEt: Lots 8-12, inclusive, Block 2, Evan's Addition to the City � of Saint Paul and Lots 1-5, inclusive, Block 2, Iiolterhoff and Mead's Addition to the City of Saint Paul, Ra.msey County, ' Minnesota. ; i ; . I � ; ' State Deed Tax: Exempt ; i � i i ; . ; i I � , � �o�abe anb to�oIb tCje�ame, Together with all the h.eredita.menta and appurEenanoea there- r � unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said pa.rty of the aecond part, ita aucceasors and assibna � Forever. i � � - �tt'�CghttWttp��jCYtOf, Th,e aaid firat party haa cauaed thesa i presents to be executed in its corpor¢te nume by its....Chairman \ ...••-.. � Treasurer p�and ita...........C1erk............... ., and ita corporate scal to ' l be le,ereunto affixed the day and �ear ftrst above written. 1 � __.._...._..._•••••........................_............_...._...•••••••••••••..................._............_................................ � lV � In Presenee of B �<:�........�..............�C'.'°"� , y•-..._................ ......._............. � ���� jy����o/l--t-�� � ta... .........`�..SrI�.�XI...........................�x1c i :�Ol���"'/d..! � ._... •••....................... ...••. ..... .................._..........• •••_.. I _....•• •__...._.............._...._.•.�-- ...____•............ ..- •---•---........................... I, i . Ite._..._..........-••••... . Treasurer _.•••........................................................._........._.._..................._..._._.. .....•••••.._......'......................... .......�.._..�:.......... . i • ' � i BY �l lLv�'�,�-- >� - - j Clex•k � , I ; �111� � i ��1� �tC�QiYtU�E;.�lade this_.._....,...�7.-�..............__.day of...�c�.�,-e—.____...._.__, is.....T..l....., . ....... ,ba�tween .....................:........Independent,School_District...�j4.►._.�25........_. .. ......_................ i .....•••.....__....._..._..._..._..._. _. ........... � school district � a a��'fi under the laws of the State of..........Mi2lnesata..._....._........_.___.___.,ptatty of the flrst part, and ! .. ...........City of Saint Paul i _••._............................. .. .........•••......................_......................_•••_._.........._..........._.............................................._........................._......__................ ; m corporation under the lau�s of th;e St.ate of.__............Minneso'ta ._. ....................................................................._...._....._.._......_..__...._. � party of the second part, �lfhteg�etij, ThaE the said partat of the �rst part, in consideration of the �us►e of � _..................................•..........One..DoL1ar,and..Other..Yaluab��.._�9T��ide�ti�....(�1...OQ .---r..-.-.--.DQL7,.qRS, to it in h.and paid by the sa,id party of th,e aec�nd part, the receipt whereof is hereby ctcknawded�'ed, i doea hereby G�rant, Bargain, Quitclairm, dnd C,orzaey unto th,e said pccrty of the seeond part, ita suceessors and assigns, Foreaer, all the tract...s.........or parcel..S...._..of land lying ctnd being in t.TT�e County e iof.___........._R�ey..................._........_........_.__and State of Afinnesota, d.eaeribed aa fol7owa, ta-utit: � �69�6 1 • Lots 10 through 13, Block 2, Edmund Rice's ! 2nd Addition. � i i I � i STATE DEID TAX: E�T c ; 1 �c�abe attb to�oTb itle�ame, Together with alL tJae hereditaments¢Rd appurtenancea there- ' unto belonginj%or in anywiae appertainin�, to the said party of th,e�econd part, ita auccesaors and a..�ssi�ne * Forever. �n�egtinwnp��jereof, Th.e said �'ar,st party has oaused these � � preaenta to be executed dn its corporcate name by its....Cl?air�.............. `� , Treasurer�and its.......--_�lerk.........--•-••----......._..and its corporate seal to � bt hereunto affixed the da.y and �ear �'irst above :vri,tten. I � � I � ..........._._..._..._.........-By_._Y���-.-�._..._-�..--..�t.:7'=`',C.e�--.. Chair 1- Ita................ ............................ .....................� � �.. Ita........_..._..._......................_.._............_.....................Treasurer � � BY�l[�?�� �� �. ; Clerk I � .�+r .�,f - ,;J�, ` YLl t� �f���ttrure� .�1ade thie...............c.Y:.............._......_.day of.... . ....... . . , 18_...7.�....., � .[�fx.E't..�.� � ........__......_..._ i betzveen .................... ...,..._�ndependent_School District No. 62� I .......................•••.._. .-••--_......._..__..................-•--•........__............_............................................................ � j school district ' � a S�zcnder the lazUa of the State of_.................M:!-:?:??:lesota....._.......__,,,_,__,,, ��of the�lrst part ¢nd I Ci�.._of.Saint.Paul.......................................•-_�..........._..........................._....__....�.._........ ......_..................................................................._........._..... . � ct cwporation under the laws of the State of...w_._.._�........._M1nnesota •• ••.........._..._............................................_...._..._........_.......... ; pctrty of thc secon�l part, . 1 �itne��e�j. T1cat the said parEr/ of the first p�rt, in considerativn of the sum, of � _.................._.---...............---.........Qt��...Aollar..and.._Qther._Valuable.:Consideration,-.-.-.-.----.--_---....Z)OL7.✓lRS, to it in hand paid b,y the said party of tJae second part, tlxe receipt w3aereof is•h�ereby acknawledged, � does hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey untn th,e said party of the secoxd pa.rt, its aueeessora and ¢sstigns, Forever, all the traet_..s....nr parcel...S.....of land Zying and being in the Count� i of•••_.._..•••........_...�Se�':...._.._................_......._and Stcite of.�lfinnesota, deaeribed as follows, to-utit: ; � , . � Al1 of Lots 1-8, Block 4 A Gotzian's Rearrangement and except the West �+00 feet of Block bounded by Beech Street on the North and Earl Street on the West being a miscellaneous tract in the • N.W. u of the N.E. 4 of Section 33, Township 29, Range 22. , � i • � � State Deed Ta�c: Exempt � � � , � � 1 a1 � � i j _ �Lo�abe anb to�o[b tfje$ame, To�ethe.r with ¢ll the h,eredita�nents and appurtenanoes t7cere- _ unto belongin�s or in anywise appertainirzg, to the said party of the second part, its auceessors a.nd c�.asi�sna Forever. �tt�.t�tltttOrip��jCTPOf, The said first party has eaused th.esa /� presents to be executed in iLs corporate nam.e by its..�k�i�?.......... _ _. _ _ !� 1 _ .... ---------__� ._ _ _ ._ .�'.'.... ...rx--- ��.r.....:..-..:............ �. �-.. ........ .........................:....... ', It ...... ..haiswan. :. �� � ..... . ..... .. . ............•-••-- , ; _..__.... ......... . .. ................. ..... .................. ................... PP F(flvE� Ita.........._... .........Treasurer...........•.•••.................................... i � .—� � ! �( � ;,� �,�-^.- By �,,_-_ C-�'�����/ _1.� c._t: � G� co Clerk I � i _ � , * � ���� ���e�l.ure�Made t?eis...............�. .�........_.�.day of...... .......... .. .-•_ • , 19...�......, ................. ! �etween .....................................�nd��end�xz�..S�hQ.Q�,..d?a.,�.�r�.�:�...�ia...._645............................---...._....__.._..............._.._.........._....... � ' school district cc7i�i��3�3�3[ zcncler the lazus of the State of_..._......_1�`.nesota..,,_.__,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ purty of the ftrst part, ¢nd i� _......._............_.................................C.it.Y..,of„Saint P�:�?1:.........__.................................:............_.••••....�........_.............•••••._................................... ......._ I a oor�roration under tice lawa of the State of............Mlnnesota ........._.................. ........,,.................... ........._......__ ..._...................__ ......... .... ; pa.rty of the sccond part, j �itneg5et'fj. Tha.t the said part;rj of the first part, in consiaT.eration of the aum nf I _._.............._...............................On.e...D.Ol7.�r...�ad...Qth�x'...Y�.1.:ua.ble...C.�x�.S.�.der�.�i.Qn....(��..«QQ.)..-.--.-.--.:L�OLI,.,4ItS, i to it in hand paid b,y the said pccrty of the second part, th,e receipt whereof is hereby ac.knowlecigcd, idoes hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto tJce said partr� of the second pc�rt, its � auccesaora a�ad assi�ns, Forever, all the tracd...s......or p¢rcel__5...._of laiyd lying and bein� in the Count�� ! of._...............R�IIA.S�y......._.............._._...._._......_�and State of.ATinneaotcc, deseribed as follows, to-uit: � I . ' A11 of Block 15, B+arlington Heights Division No. 2. i � ; � State Deed Tax: Exempt �0�bC dttb 20�t1lb l�jt�Attlt� Together with a7,1 th.e hereditaments and appurEenccrwea th.ere- '; tcnto belonging or in an�ise appertainin�, to the said paTty of the aecond p�zrt� 7�8 SZGCCC880T8 GL7LfZ QSBLyXIS I FOTCUCT. i �n�Ce�timonp��jereof, The aaid fcrst party Juis c¢used these !, presents to be exccuted in its corporate name by its..._Ch&ir................. �., TreasuTer p�and its........Clerk.................................and its corporate scal to \ ' be h,ereunto affixecl the day and �ear f�rst above turitten. _......................................................... .••--..... ........._............ � ��t.e�s..y........."" �. ' By....__..............---...........................�....�:V... �-✓ � CTiair---....... � Ita............._....... ........... .._..........................Y��t� � _...._�.....-�.�.._���--� � ................................................................ ' Ita...._----_._..... ................ Treasurer .................................ti. . ................. B3'' � ,� -- Clerk f �, � •-�� �+ • . , /��E�j /J L_1'J L�C.GL�J j �.`L��� ����fn`��Ur�� .R1a.t�e tl�is...............................................day of...�.�f.�f/!. '�_...._...._........., 19_•••TT..., .. . .... betwesn ........................................Independent,_School District No. 62,�., �/ . .. ..........__.__..........._._.........-•••............... .. .........•••••...................._................................•••.._......... school district i tt.7E�� under th� lazvs of the SEate of...,...........Mi.riLteS.S�:��......_..._.........._..__.,pa.rty of tht first part, and � .........................................CitY..._of Saint F�aul , _...•••........... ............._..._...__.............................................._................._................................_......................... ja corporation under the lawa of tha$tate of...............ML.tlt].�.5.9:�......................_..........•••••___....._........_._................_...._.......... i p�rty of the second part, � �ltttf�nC�j, That the said partr/ of th.e first parE, irz considerution of the aum, of � ,.._Cnie,.Do]1ar...and-•••Qther...Y�lu�b�y...C9�3�.?d��:tkQZ�...�$.7>.QQ�.-.-.-.-.-.-.--DOLI,.�IRS, _._....................................... to it in h¢�ad paid by the said party of tli,e secnnd p¢rt, the receipt whereof is, hereby acknowledged, does kereby Grant, Ba,r�%ain, Quitela,im, and Convey rcnto th,e said party of th,e seeond pccrt, iEa j auccessors and assbgns, Forever, all thc tract...s......or pdreel..s.._._of land Zying and being in the Caunty ; of......._RamsEY................_.........._. .. and Sta;te of.�Yfinnesotu, described as followa, to-u�tt: ......_.._. _.......... � ; � Lotis 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 in Block � in Gray`s , Addition ta McKenty's Out Lots to Saint Pavl. + i ; � i ; State Deed Tax: Exespt �` * � I � �4�j�bE dttb t0�OTD t�jC�dtitf, To�ether with all the h,ereditamenta and appurtenanaes tT�ere- � unto be'onging or in anywise appertaining, to the said party of the second part,its suceesaors and assi�na ` ,Forever. i i � �n�egtimonp�fjereof, The said fcrst party has caused thesa � presenta to be executed in its corporate name bt�its.........C1'?���'........_.. ,, I Treasurer 19��8$�and its...........__Clerk----•-----.. ......._.and its corporate scaT to � be h.ereunto affixed the day and �ear first above written. . ... I —__-__........._........._....By-__--•••.•.—•-••--.a.-`�':r.:.....�..��'./�a_,/......�.- � i Chair t8.. .............��....... ............ . �f�i�k$F�df� , r���b� .. _........ ........................••---.......t./��!_�:..........._............._................ . ' Ita.........._._.........................._....._..•••..................._..._....,Tseas.urer i B3r -- _ ' Clerk i , � �X�C�[� i ����� .fD��e�Lu��� Ma�Ze thes...............I:.7...�.........r<day of....... ..Cr...✓..�'�-e........._.............., 19....T.Z......, . ...... ; hetween .......................�ndependent,.School District No. 62� i ......._.............__._..._...._...._............ ........_.................._.. ..........._•••................_.................................... � school district ia�zcnder the laius of the State of......._..P!�.�,1�I1�SQ:�a........_............_..._........,party of the ftrst part, and � _�._.•••••................................�.ztx...Q�'..S.�ix�.�...Pau.�.._............_..................._..........._._.............................._....._....................................•••........................ � cL corporati-on u•nder the lawa of th.e Sta.tn of..._......M?.��SO�......................_............................................_........_...._....._.._......... ! party of th.e second pa.rt, I �tihte��etlj, That the said partF/ of the first part, in cons�eration of the aum, nf i .........................................One._Dollar._and._�ther..Valuable.--Co:zsideration._($1.00 .-----.--.--.:...DOLI.qRS ..._.... . , � to it in hmnd puid by the said party of the second part, th.e receipt whereof is hereby acknowledgcd, � dae8 kereby Gra�at, Bargain, Quitelccim, and Comvey unto th,e said p¢rtrj of the seeoaul part, its i au�cessora and assigns, Forever, all tha tract....s.....or parcel._5...._of land lyin� and bein�t in the 'Count� � of......•...�eX•-.._........................_...._........_....._.and Btate of.hfinneaotct, described aa followa, to-uit: i � � � � � � I ��6���� � � i � Lots 6 through 25, inclusive, Block �+, i Gray's Addition to Mckenty's Out I,ots . ; to Saint Paul. � � _ j • , . � 1 � , , t � i , I�' State Deed 'I'a�c: Exempt i P � i , � �Lo�abe anb ta�olb ttje�ame, Together with alL the h,ereditaments and.appurtenances tkere- � unto belongine or irc an aise a ertainin to the said ar o the second art its succes.sora and assi�ns � �J' AP �, P � f P , 5 • Forevsr. • � _ { ! �n�e�timonp�t�ereof, The said f�rst party has caused these ' G`hair , � presen.ts to be e.xecuted i3c its corporate name by its.................................... �'. { Treasurer �ancl its.........._.Cle�k......_.....................and its corporate seaT. to � be hereunto affi.xed tlae day and �ear first abave written. � � —__.._........._...................................._.................... ..... ........................... � By��...1......��.....�-�.-�................. � _ cr�a�.r ..... ...................c����...................��mc � _._........ ......�....... .... .........--••---..........�".�.....-..........-•-•-.............. � ILe......••_••••...._.--•....................... ...Trea surer ......................_......... ....._............. � � � BY ������pil,v�71>�. ��2�� Clerk `� , � _ _. � � . . 4 ` 1 . . .. . . ...� ...__ ..._.._ ! 4 � . o rn, � ' 82? �:. �w� N -., 82f � 827 . :� :; . �� 82E . �-r� -.. .. � C.� �� . � � � �823 � '° '-, . 820 ' 82c �r ti �� ., , Z t71 U �O ; 819 '�� � � . . �19 �, ; . � � . _ � � °j U ^• � 8 I 6- :; ;� �3 !� � .� tp � rj � I 5 '� � ° c� 812 ---- 8 I 5 -- ' :, ....� -� ;� �� ; '' F� 1 q � � ;''� . �,, � � w _ . 809 � o '° `- 808 . 8( i ` �� : 8� C o � N ' - w �� t A ,a rn ' . 807 �� � <� � ' 806 807 �; :" ' 80E r. . . . ,o .. � ` . � � j�� l� '� ��' _ .r 1 C7 �!l4 � 6 69c, ��3 � . �6� � '.�%18�0 0"`�. °'°• 80� �; . � +A1,� , °,8Q � v_ �I � - �,0� A � . t, �. •t . . ��r . 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N L1. y i�, µ O O (w � ~� K H rt ry � e�� A r► M O :� � N �, � < O cr < O < O� .P O ►�f � p� � M SC � C� �s� n c� � Cf ry�� � M m . � ro...,� fD F+. ,f N F� r�a�!' ., . . � ^f . . . . n . . . . . . . �. . � . . � � OM Ot: 3.?�J197� • R�v. ; 9{8f�� � EXP��T�dAI GF A�DMII�'I� RATZVE. 4RDER5, � . � � �: � ` ' '� :: ��L...,..�.......�.�D a�....,.,.�..,....� , , � � � � ' � � � � � � �� � � � � - . fi� � . . � �, �% ' Date: ' �ti�1.Y 5� �977 _ , , . , . ��;:y . . { ` � , ;1*p: MAYOIt GEORGE LATZMER ; � ` FR: J, T�in. Doa�van `V�lue�tion 8a As�eaaaeat ce do 1#�$�� '�vi.�aa� 4s s E�63.ri�l�� D�. ��� ��::� � (S�. S3�"�} ' R�s Scho�l Sitas dec�.ared �i�� b�r t� I�dePen�leat �chool Dietr�.c� �o. ��. s Drax x�.ce Gor�n �ib].ey . .� ��: _ McCle1]�n Taylca� • _ 1�cIC:Crilty : Whittier. - � � . : P�l�a Fs,rk :� ' ACT20i� R;L�LT'E�T'ED: � 4 ` ` ......,..�,,.,,.,.�.q i w....a.�...i... - � - . ��? �. . . . . . � � . . . ' A�thori�ea �the a�ce�t�n�e oP Quit Claim Deeds �'rom t�e It�s�aea�dent �a1�oa1. 8is��� a,.,�< ." tP�. 6�5 tc� t3u Cit3r o� 3t. P�ul. . _ , �` . . � .� , � �; _ . �; }• _ � a; - ;. t - v.;< t "��..��. .r �� ����i�r���o�.��.��ri �r��■iiA.i����!!`�i�i1 i . � � . . . . . The Cityts acc�p�ta�nc� �culd i�lea�it tbee dervelapmeat of�the au�b�� '�dla �'c�r 1°� public aad. p�i�va�te uae. � , , . . ;� ���_ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� �,°: .. . . . . . . . � . . � � . . . . . . .F' � • .. _. . � . . ' . . ' .. � � � � i{ I.,. � .. . . . .. . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . � � �� �����P_�Y�� . . . . . ' � � �.. � � . . � • � �_��If-YY`i►i�1��Y�� . . . . � . . . . � � . . . . . . .. l. Caulcil Resolution 2. �opy of De�ds • � • . �• ��' �p� . Iad�per�ent School Distr#+�t Na. 625 Surplus Prcrp�r't8 Liat. ,� ,