01-38-a Presented By Re£erred To � 2 4 ADOPTION OF UPPER LANDING URBANDESIGNMASTER PLAN 6 WHEREAS, the Upper Landing, roughiy bounded by Chestnut Street on the east, the Mississippi River on 7 the south, the High Bridge on the west and Shepard Road on the north, has been identified in the Saint Paul 8 on the Mississippi Development Framework and Land Use Plan chapter of the Comprehensive Plan as a key 9 redevelopment site for the creation of a new mixed-use urban village; and 10 11 12 13 14 l5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WHEREAS, the Upper Landing Precinct Plan, part of the Development Framework, noted that detailed technical analysis of engineering, regulatory and development feasibility issues was necessary before a final development/urban design plan could be prepazed; and WHEREAS, in Au�ust, 1999, Centex Multi-Family Communities was granted tentative developer status for the Upper Landing to explore the feasibility of developing the site according to the vision laid out in the Development Framework; and WHEREAS, Centex is currently proposing to develop a mixed-use community of approximately 600 for-sale and rental housin� units, 23,000 square feet of commercial space, and open space; and WHEREAS, in 3une 2000, the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Design Center was asked to assist in the preparation of an urban desien framework for the Upper Landing to guide the arrangement and desi�n of public and private spaces in the new neighborhood; and 25 26 WHEREAS, the Desisn Center brought together the developer and its technical consultants, City staff and 27 the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation, along with its own consulting team, to prepare the Upper Landing 28 Urban Design Master Plan; and 29 30 31 32 ,� » 34 35 36 37 38 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission released the Upper Landing Urban Design .ldaster Plan for public comment on December 1, 2000; and WHEREAS, Design Center, City and Saint Paul RiverFront Corporation staff inet �i1th the �V. 7th/Fort Road Federation and the Historic Irvine Park Association during December 2000 to present and discuss the Master Plan; and � �oun��� File � �1 — 1 3 b' 39 40 41 42 43 44 4� 46 47 48 49 56 �1 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 0 1-\3� WHER�AS, the Planning Commission, after a 30-day comment period and public hearing adopted the Upl�er Landing Urbun Design Master Plan as the official urban design framework for the Upper Landing, with two amendments: 1) the recommended heights shown on PaQe 13 should be amended on the westerly side of Block 1 from 5 stories to 3-5 stories; and 2) the recommended heights sho��n on Page 13 should be amended on the northwesterly corner of Block 2 from 4-6 stories to 3-6 stories; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission endorsed Option 1 on Page 19 as the preferred method of addressing the existence of a 20" water line along the river's edge of the site, assuming the Upper Landing development proceeds on schedule. If it does not occur in a timely manner, the Planning Commission recommends Option 2 so that trail construction can proceed as originally planned; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has initiated a 40-Acre Study to explore the appropriateness of rezoning the remaining riverfront land zoned RCR-1, RCC-1 and RCI-1, consistent �cith Implementation Recommendation #4, Page 51, of the Mississippi River Corridor Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission requested that City and Design Center staff work with the affected district councils and neighborhood residents to prepare more detailed design guidelines for the Upper Landing site, consistent with the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework, the _�lississippi River Corridor Plan and the Upper Landing Urban Design Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission directed staff and the developer to continue to work with the affected district councils and neighborhood residents on height, massing, views and any other issues that arise in the planning, design and eYecution of the new neighborhood; and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority approved a Memorandum of Intent between the HRA and Centex Multi-Family Communities on January 24, 2001; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the Upper Landing Urban Design Master Plan on Febniary 7, 2001, notice of which was published in the Pioneer Press on January 29, 2001. 73 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby adopts the Upper Landing Urban 74 Design Master Plan as the official urban design framework for the Upper Landing, nith two amendments: 1) 75 the recommended heiehts shown on Page 13 should be amended on the �vesterty side of Block 1 from 5 76 stories to 3-5 stories; and 2) the recommended heights shown on Page 13 should be amended on the 77 northwesterly corner of Block 2 from 4-6 stories to 3-6 stories; and 78 79 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council endorses Option 1 on Paae 19 as the preferred 80 method of addressins the existence of a 20" water line along the river s edge of the site, assumin� the Upper 81 Landing development proceeds on schedule. If it does not occur in a timely manner_ the City Council 82 recommends Option 2 so that trail construction can proceed as ori�inally planned; and 83 � .; . 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 � l - l' ,Y BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council requests that City and Design Center staff work with the affected district councils and neighborhood residents to prepare more detailed design guidelines for the Upper Landing site, consistent with Yhe Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Frametinor�k, the Mississippi River Corridor PZan and the Upper Landing Ur-ban Design Master- Plan; and BE IT °'^Tr�-�"ts�r FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council directs staff and the developer to continue to work with the affected district councils and neighborhood residents on height, massing, views and any other issues that arise in the plannin�, design and execution of the new neighborhood; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that. based on the work of the Upper Landina Work Teams and continuina neeotiations between the HRA and Centex prior to approval of the redevelopment a�reement. the HRA mati consider varvin� the maximum heights to help �enerate the financial resources necessarv to fund remediation and public infrastructure costs. Requestec by Department c.. P:ac:ina & Econo;2_c Develooment B�: : Form App-oved by City Pccorney Adoption CeYtified by Council Secretary B�� By: � -�� �- - -- �.. � y�r �� Approved 'ny Mayor for Simission to Council i0[�] OU/ Approved by Mayor: Date � g�, / By: Adonted by Council: Date `�„� ��' �QQ� . � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE IlVITTATED GREEN SHEET NO.: 11117H �,��.�{ PED Febmary 5, 2001 CONTAC7' PERSON & PHONE: � ATE INITTAI./DATE L.UCy �lOIDpSOIl� 266-6578 1 DEPARI'N4NT DIIL 4 CITY COUNCIL MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN ? CITY ATTORNEY _ CITY CLE2K Feb 14 2��1 N�JMBER �1N�NCIAL SERV DIR. _ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG ��' � FOR 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) _ CIVII. SERVICE COMIvIISSION ROi7TING � ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATORE PAGES _1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT[JRE) ACI'ION REQUESTED: RECObIIvfENDA1TONS: Appmve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CON'1'RAC1'S MOST ANSWER'I'HE FOLLOWING QUEST[ONS: A_ PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has thit person/finn ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? CIB COMMII7EE Yes No CIV[L SERV[CE COMIvIISSION 2. Has this personlfian ever 6een a city empLoyee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfinn possess a skil] not nonnally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTI7NI7'P (Who, What, Wheu, Where, Why): As discussions with Centex Multi-Family Communities progressed, it became cleaz that there was a need for an urban design framework for the Upper Landing that would establish the street and block pattern, building configurations and heights, and a network of open spaces for the new neighborhood. In response, the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Design Center worked with the developer, City staff, technical experts and Xcel Energy to prepare the Upper Landing Urban Design Master Plan. It has guided, and will continue to guide, the prepazation of final development plans. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED , There will be an urban design framework to guide Centex and its sub-developers as they continue to refine their plans for the Upper Landing site. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. DLSADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: There will be no urban design framework in place to guide development of the Upper Landing site. TOTAL AMOUNI' OF'1'RANSACTION: $ N/A COST/REVENIJE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVII'Y NUMBER: FINANCIAL IlVFORNIATION: (EXPLAII� I-I �Shared�Ped�THOMPSLA�upperiaM�v�greenehee�.wpd fS� �c� ��� � � ���� �RIGil�AL PAU Sheet # � � � t �g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Presented By Referred To Date �t ADOPTION OF UPPER LANDING URBANDESIGNMASTER PLANi WHEREAS, the Upper Landing, roughly bounded by Chestnut S et on the east, the Mississippi River on the south, the High Bridge on the west and Shepazd Road on the orth, has been identified in the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework and Land Use Pla chapter of the Comprehensive Plan as a key redevelopment site for the creation of a new mixed-use urb illage; and WHEREAS, the Upper Landing Precinct Plan, part technical analysis of engineering, regulatory and dev development/urban design plan could be prepared; at WHEREAS, in August, 1999, Centex Mult the Upper Landing to explore the feasibility Development Framework; and Development Fi-amework, noted that detailed �nt feasibility issues was necessary before a fmal Communities was granted tentative developer status for �ping the site according to the vision laid out in the WHEREAS, Centex is currently propos' g to develop a mixed-use community of approximately 600 for-sale and rental housing units, 23,000 squase eet of commercial space, and open space; and WI�REAS, in June 2000, the Sai Paul on the Mississippi Design Center was asked to assist in the preparation of an urban design fr ework for the Upper Landing to guide the arrangement and design of public and private spaces in the ew neighborhood; and WHEREAS, the Design C ter brought together the developer and its technical consultants, City staff and the Saint Paul Riverfront orporation, along with its own consulting team, to prepare the Upper Landing Urban Design Master P n; and WHEREAS, the Pl �ng Commission released the Upper Landing Urban Design Master Plan for public comment on Dece ber 1, 2000; and WHEREAS, esign Center, City and Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation staff inet with the W. 7th/Fort Road Federation d the Historic Irvine Park Associafion during December 2000 to present and discuss the Master Plan; and Council File # O� ►3g Resolution # � 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 OR(GfNAL o,_,�� WHEREAS, the Plazuiing Commission, after a 30-day comment period and public hearing adopted the Upper Landing Urban Design Master Plan as the official urban design framework for the Upper Landing, with two amendments: 1) the recommended heights shown on Page 13 should be amended on the westerly side of Block 1 from 5 stories to 3-5 stories; and 2) the recommended heights shown on Page 13 should be amended on the northwesterly corner of Block 2 from 4-6 stories to 3-6 stories; and WHEREAS, the Plamiing Coxnmission endorsed Oprion 1 on Page 19 as the preferred method of addressing the existence of a 20" water line along the river's edge of the site, assuming the Upper Landing development proceeds on schedule. If it does not occur in a timely manner, the Planning Commission recommends Option 2 so that trail construction can proceed as originally planned; and � WHEREAS, the Plamiing Commission has initiated a 40-Acre Study to explore the ppropriateness of rezoning the remaining riverfront land zoned RCR-1, RCG1 and RCI-1, consiste with Implementation Recommendation #4, Page 51, of the Mississippi River Corridor Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission requested that City and Design nter staff work with the affected district councils and neighborhood residents to prepare more detailed sign guidelines far the Upper Landing site, consistent with the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development amework, the Mississippi River Corridor Plan and the Upper Landing Urban Design Master Pla , and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission directed staff and th developer to continue to work with the affected district councils and neighborhood residents on height, ma ing, views and any other issues that arise in the planning, design and execution of the new neighborhoo and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Au rity approved a Memorandum of Intent between the HRA and Centex Multi-Family Communities on J uary 24, 2001; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public aring on the Upper Landing Urban Design Master Plan on February 7, 2001, notice of which was publ' ed in the Pioneer Press on January 29, 2001. NOW, THEREFORE, EE IT RESO ED, that the City Council hereby adopts the Upper Landing Urban Design Master Plan as the official ur design framework for the Upper Landing, with two amendments: 1) the recommended heights shown o age 13 should be amended on the westerly side of Block 1 from 5 stories to 3-5 stories; and 2) the commended heights shown on Page 13 should be amended on the northwesterly corner of Block from 4-6 stories to 3-6 stories; and BE IT FURTHER RES VED, that the City Council endorses Option 1 on Page 19 as the preferred method of addressing th existence of a 20" water line along the river's edge of the site, assuming the Upper Landing development roceeds on schedule. If it does not occur in a timely manner, the City Council recommends Optio so that trail construction can proceed as originally planned; and 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 01-�3p' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council requests that City and Design Center staff work with the afFected district councils and neighborhood residents to prepaze mare detailed design guidelines for the Upper Landing site, consistent with the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework, the Mississippi River Corridor PZan and the Upper Landing Urban Design Master PZan; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Council directs staff and the developer to continue to work with the affected district councils and neighborhood residents on height, massing, views and any other issues that arise in the planuing, design and execution of the new neighborhood. � QR!�I�IAL Requested by Department of: Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter Adopted by Council: Adoption Certifie By: Approved by Mayor: By: — Planninq & Economic Development �� By: �� Form Approved by City t orney /� DatE /� •� / y � by Council Secretary BY� ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Date v By: Council File # O l � �' � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # ( p� Q � p 13 Comxnittee: Date 0 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3� 38 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Office of License, Inspections and Environxnental Protection (LIEP) initiated adverse action against the licenses held by Beauer Lounge, Inc., d/b/a Beaver Lounge for the premises at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul, for selling alcohol to an underage person in violation of Minn. Stat. §340A.503 arising from an incident that occurred on July 20, 2000, and for failing to allow entry to the premises to a Saint Paul police officer in violation of Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.26(b)(7) arising from an incident that occurred on Sep'tember 8, 2000; and WHEREAS, an administrative hearing was held before Adminish Law Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger on November 1, 2000 at which time the Licensee did not dispute the facts of the incidents, but wished to contest the appropriate penalty; and WFIEREAS, the Administrative Law Judge issued her report on November 27, 2000 finding that there was a basis to impose adverse action against the licenses based upon the two violations; and WHEREAS, the Beaver Lounge has had two prior adverse license actions within the last 18 months, a five-day license suspension imposed on Apri128, 1999 for failure to allow the police enhy to the premises and a$500 fine for a March 29, 2000 sale of alcohol to an underage person, both of which are violarions listed in the penalty matrix in §409.26(b), making these a third appearance before the council with multiple violations; and WHEREAS, the LIEP Office has recommended imposition of a 45-day suspension against the licenses, and a fine of $1,000, together with the costs of the hearing, in the amount of $508.80; and WIIEREAS, at the public hearing on December 20, 2000 the owners of the Beaver Lounge stated that they intend to sell the business to a new owner, and that they will enter into a management agreement with the new owners to manage the business while they apply far a license in their own name; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, a$er due deliberation based upon all of the evidence contained in the files, records and proceedings herein, including the documents and eachibits introduced at the hearing before the Administrative Law Judge, and the testnnony at the public hearing, does hereby order: That the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Report of the Administrative law 7udge in this matter be adopted as the findings of the Council in this matter, 1 and be incorporated herein by reference. � �_� 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2. That the licenses issued to Beaver Lounge, Inc., dlbfa Beaver Lounge at 756 Jackson Street sha11 be suspended for a period of 45 days for the violations of sale of alcohol to an underage person on July 20, 200Q and failing to allow entty to the premises to a Saint Paul police officer on September 8, 2000. This suspension shail be stayed for a period of 60 days from this date to allow the sale of the business to take place, and the new owners to obtain a liquor license. At the end of 60 days if the sale has not gone through or the new owners have been unable to obtain a license, this matter shatl be returned to the council agenda for further action. 3. That the Licensees shall pay a fine of $1,000, and shall pay the costs of the hearing before the administrative law judge in the amount of $508.80. A copy of this Resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by first class mail to the licensee and to the Administrative Law 7udge. Requested by Department o£: BY� � `�_�_ �� _�i�.l� Approved by Mayor: Date �,�( 2�j ZQ�! &y: By: Form Approved by City Attorney BY� � Appzoved by ayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date �OO� Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary ot-sY a��� Palmer , 266-&71Q 7anuary 17, 2001 - COnsent TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No106010 � co,R.rEwrowa�ae � rnroaara � ❑ O11'Ai�OMlY Q a1VClfRK ❑ wwMwtaFltVtrsow. � wuweilllaikVlllCero ❑MY011pRAiWf111I1) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution memorializiug City Council acfion taken January 3, 2001, concenring adverse acrion against all licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. 756 Jackson Street. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNiL SERVICE COMMISSION Has thre P�soN(rm e+erwaked undw a caM'act farUus department? YES NO Hes thin DNeonlfirm ewr been a pH empbytt7 YE3 NO DoeStMS percoNNm P� a sbll iwt nafmaWlO� bY �Y ��reM �Y �Wd1� YES t� b tltls Dr�rm a terGeteA vandorl ' VES NO TRANSACTION COfT/REVENUEBUDGETED(GRCLEONq YEY ACTNITY Nil1�IBER .., � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORIYEY Claylon M. Robinsoq ✓r.� Ciry Attorney ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemars, Mayar December 4, 2000 Civi1 Division 400 Ciry H¢R Telephone: 657 266-8770 IS West Xellogg Blvd. Facsimile: 651298-5679 Saint Puut, Minnesoi¢ Si102 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING ' 5�.4�z� �.. i�.�.,.. v� Nn�fx f Mr. Tom Braid and Mrs. Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 -< � , „ ��r�� ;� � �. �t <�. RE: A111icenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d!b(a Beaver Lounge, for the premises at 756 7ackson Street in Saint Paul License ID #: 0016196 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Braid: Please take notice that a hearing on the report of the Administrative Law Judge concerning the above-mentioned license has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, December 20, 2000, in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the report with the City Clerk at any time during normal business hours. You may also present oral or written argument to the council at the Hearing. No new evidence will be received or testimony taken at this hearing. The Council wiil base its decision on the record of the proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge and on the arguments made and exceptions filed, but may depart from the recommendations of such Judge as permitted by law in the exercise of its judgement and discretion. Sincerely, � ���� � �� Virgima Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Mr. Tom Braid and Mrs. Grace Braid, 3560 Emerald Drive, White Bear Lave, MN 55110 Graham Butier, Graham Legal Services, 2499 Rice St., Roseville, MN 55113 Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 31� City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP ✓ STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADNIINTSTRATIVE HEARINGS 1�o Washington Square, Suite 1700 100 Washington Avenue South Minneapoiis, Minnesota 55401-2138 November 27, 2000 a�-ZY ���FPy > �ilOy ��' �� 2 � 2 DD0 r � �C�Rk Fred Owusu, City Clerk �`^�,��"; ."- <<>.r. �� -� ��� City of St. Paul 170 City Hail �,n�t� � � ��V� 15 West Keilogg Bivd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: In the Matter of the Licenses held by Beaver Lounge for the premises located at 756 Jackson Street, Saint Paui, Minnesota; OAH Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6 Dear City Clerk Owusu: Encfosed herewith and served upon you by mail is the Administrative Law Judge's Findings of Fact, Conciusions and Recommendation in the above- entitled matter. Also enclosed is the officiai record, with the exception of the tape recording of the hearing. Copies of those tapes will be sent to you under separate cover. Our file in this matter is now being closed. Sincerely, BEV�ON�EYDINGE `�"7- Administrative Law Judge Tefephone: 6121341-7606 BJH:aws Encl. cc: Virginia D. Palmer James Braid Providing Impartial Hearings for Govemment and Citizens An Equal Opportunity Employer Administrative Law Section & Administrative Services (612) 341-7600 �TTY No. (612) 341-7346� Fax No. (612) 349-2665 � � -�� STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY U.S. MAIL Debra S. Aws, being first duly sworn, hereby deposes and says that on the 27�' day of November, 2000, at the City of Minneapolis, county and state aforementioned, she served the attached Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendation; Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6 by depositing in the United States mai! at said City of Minneapolis, a true and correct copy thereof, proper{y enveloped, with first class postage prepaid and addressed to the individuals named herein. Fred Owusu, City Clerk City of St. Paul 170 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Bivd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey 400 City Hail 15 West Kellogg Bivd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 James Braid 3560 Emerald Drive White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Subscribed and swom to before me this .�7� day of November, 1 Ci (1t�� '%� f� � � `-'�" Debra S. Aws 2000. tavoN aEC�w NOfAflY PUBUC . MINHESOT� My CpMMI5S10N EXPIAES JANUARY 31, 2W6 o`-�K 15-2111-13214-6 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINtSTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL In the Matter of the Licenses held by FINDINGS OF FACT, Beaver l.ounge CONCLUSIONS AND for the premises {ocated at RECOMMENDATION 756 Jackson Street, Saint Pau1, Minnesota This matter was heard by Administrative Law Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger, commencing at 9:30 a.m., November 1, 2000, at the St. Pau{ City Half, Room 41, 15 West Keilogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The hearing was held pursuant to Notice of Hearing dated October 16, 2000, signed by Virginia D. Palmer, Assistant City Attorney, on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Ms. Palmer, 400 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf of the City. James Braid, 3560 Emerald Drive, Wh+te Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110, appeared on behalf of Beaver Lounge, the Licensee. The record closed on November 1, 2000, at the close ofi the hearing. N0710E This report is a recommendation, not a final decision. The St. Paul City Councii wili make the finaf decision after a review of the record and may adopt, reject or modify these Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Recommendations.� Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 14.61 (2000), the City Council shall not make a final decision until this Report has been made available to the parties for at least ten days. The parties may fi4e exceptions to this Report and the City Council must consider the exceptions in making a final decision. A copy of the City Council's decision must be served on the parties and the Administrative Law Judge by first ciass mai1. Parties should contact the Fred Owusu, City Clerk, City of St. Paul, 170 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102, to ascertain the procedure for fifing exceptions or presenting argument. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES The issues presented a# this hearing were: 1. Did the Licensee violate Minn. Stat. § 340A.503, which prohibits the sale of alcohol to a person under the age of 21? 1 St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.05 (o-l). Z Minn. Stat. § 14.62, subd. 1(2000). �1-�b' 2. Did the Licensee violate Saint Paui Legislative Code § 409.26(b)(7) by failing to allow entry to the premises to a St. Paul police officer? FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Grace Braid operates the Beaver Lounge, a bar and restaurant with relafed licenses, at 756 Jackson Street, St. Paui. She operates the bar with her husband, James Braid, who appeared on behaif of the Beaver Lounge at the hearing, 2. On July 20, 2000, an alcohoi compliance check was performed by the St. Paul police at the Beave� Lounge. An 18-year old female entered the Beaver Lounge wearing a hidden transmitter, and ordered a Miller Genuine Draft beer from the bartender. The bartender served the young woman without asking for any proof of age. 3 3. Sargent Richard Wachal, was in the bar at the time of the sale dressed in p{ain ciothes, and observed the transaction. He summoned Sargent Eugene Polyak, who had been outside the bar in his squad car listening to the transmission of the compliance checker's conversation with the bartender. The two officers spoke with the bartender about the sale to the young woman, and dealt with a disruptive customer.' 4. On September 6, 2000, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection notified the Beaver Lounge that it had violated Minn. Stat. § 340A.503 by selling alcohol to a person under the age of 21 5 5. On September 8, 2000, St. Paul Police Officer John Corcoran was on patrol in the area near the Beaver Lounge, and heard what he believed to be fireworks being set off inside. The officer walked up to the door to investigate, and a woman, later identified as Karen Jean Anderson, opened the front door, saw that a polics officer was at the door, closed the door and locked it. For severai minutes the officer pounded on the door and attempted to gain access, but was ignored by Ms. Anderson and bar patrons. Then, Ms. Anderson returned to the door and admitted the officer. The bartender, Ronald Johnson, identified Ms. Anderson as another bartender at the Beaver Lounge. Ms. Anderson acknowledged that she had focked the bar, and believed that she could do so at any time 6 6. On September 26, 2000, the St. Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection notified the Beaver Lounge that it had violated St. Pauf Legislative Code § 409.26(b)(7) by faifing to aflow a St. Paul police officer to enter ihe premises. it informed the license hoider that its proposed sanction, ' Exhibit 2; Test. of Richazd Wachal; Eugeae Polyak, ° Test. of R. Wachal and E. Polyak; Ex. I. 5 Ex. 2. 6 Ex. 3; Test. of John Corcoran. 2 at-�� taking into account prior violations, was a forly-five day suspension of the licenses � 7. Kristine Schweinler, an inspector with the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, testified about the Beaver Lounge's prior oifenses. There have been two prior instances ofi serving alcohol to persons under the age of 21, and one other instance where the police were denied entry. Following the lafter incident, the City Counci! ordered the Beaver Lounge to ciose for five days, May 19 through May 23, 1999. 8. Mr. Braid did not dispute the evidence presented, and oifered no testimony to contradict it. However, he emphasized that he wants bar employees to comply with the law, and that he acted promptly to terminate the employees involved in these violations. He has offered to give the police a key to and security codes for the Beaver Lounge so that they can gain access at any time. He has also retained off-duty city staff, including police officers, to work at the Beaver Lounge to minimize any possibility of further problems. 9. Any Finding of Fact more properly termed as a Conclusion is hereby adopted as a Conclusion. CONCLUSIONS 1. The Administrative Law Judge and the Saint Paul City Council have jurisdiction in this case. 2. The Licensee received timely and proper notice of the hearing and the City has complied with ai{ refevant substantive and procedural requirements of statute and rule. 3. The City has authority to suspend or revoke a license and to impose penalties for violation of applicable statutes and rules." 4. The Licensee is responsible for conduct in the licensed establishment, inciuding conduct by an employee authorized to sell alcohof. 5. The City has the burden of proving that the Licensee violated the applicable provisions of state law and city ordinance by a preponderance of the evidence. ' Ex. 4; Test. of Kristina Schweinler. 8 See also, Ex. 7. 9 Minn. Stax § 340A.415 (1998); Saint Paul Legislative Code § 40912. 10 See Minn. Stat. § 14.57 — 14.61, 340A.415 (1998); Saint Paul Legislarive Code § 310.05. ° Minn. Stat. § 340A.415 (1998); Saint Paul Legislative Code § 310.06. tZ Minn. Stat. § 340A.501 (1998); Saint PauL Leaislative Code §§ 31�.17 and 409.14. o�-3b' 6. Beaver Lounge violated Minn. Stat. § 34QA.5o3, subd. 2(1) by se4ling an alcoholic beverage to a person under age 21. 7. She Beaver Lounge violated St. Paui Legislatrve Code §409.26(b)(7) by fiailing to ailow a police officer access to the premises. 8. The City Councii has the authority to impose the appropriate sanction by application of the provisions of St. Paul Legislative Code F 409.26. Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes the foflowing: RECOMMENDATION lT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED: that the Cify of Saint Paul impose an appropriate sanction against the Licensee. Dated this 27 day of November, 2000. I_�_ _? .A��i � . � . �.�� : '.`� J i, �- . � � _ , _ Reported: Tape-recorded (three tapes) MEMORANDUM Mr. Braid did not contest the violations, but is very concerned with the penalty that may be imposed. He acknowledges that the license hofder is responsible for the actions of the employees, but believes that he has taken steps to mitigate the likelihood of future offenses and is negotiating for sale of the establishment. The City Council has the authority to determine the appropriate sanction. B.J.H. n � o�- OFFICE OF ADMIPTISTRATIVE HEARIIVGS FOR THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In Re The Licenses Held By Beaver Lounae, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge CITY'S PROPOSED EXHIBITS November 1, 2000 TO: Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger, Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 The following constitutes a list of the City's proposed exhibits for the Administrative Aearing on November 1, 2000. Exhibit No. E�. No. 1 Exh. No. 2 Exh. No. 3 Exh. No. 4 Er1i. No. 5 Each. No. 6 Description Police Report CN 00-141-250, prepared by Sgt. Eugene Polyak and Sgt. Richard Wachal, dated July 20, 2000 (6 pp.); Nofice of Violation, dated September 6, 2000, with Affidavit of Service � pP•)> Police Report CN 00-181053, prepared by Officer John Corcoran, dated 3eptember 8, 2000 (4 pp.); Notice of Violation, dated September 26, 2000, with Affidavit of Service � PP•); License Information Report, dated October 30, 2000 (8 pp.); Notice of Hearing, dated October 16, 2000, with A�davit of Service � PP•); Exh. No. 7 License Group Comments Text, dated 7uly 28, 2000 (1 p.). o���� Also attached please find courtesy copies of applicable St. Paul City ordinances: St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.05 St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.06 St. Paui Legislative Code § 310.17 St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.26 Respectfully submitted this 1�` day of November, 2000. ` � �u2� U ce-a.��1 Virginia D. almer Assistant City Attomey Office of The City Attorney 400 City Hali 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)266-8710 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADDZINISTRATIVE HEARINGS 100 Washington Square, Su{te 1700 100 Washington Avertue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 November 27, 2000 Fred Owusu, City Clerk City of St. Paul 170 City Hall 15 West KeUogg Bfvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 UI°�� ���'FlV�-� �Q� 2 t7 �, 2�d0 � �����. RE: 1n the Matter of the Licenses held by Beaver Lounge for the premises located at 756 Jackson Stseet, Saint Pau{, Minnesota; OAH Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6 Dear City Clerk Owusu: Enclosed herewith and served upon you by mail is the Administrative Law Judge's Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendation in the above- entitled matter. Also enclosed is the officiai record, with the exception of the tape recording of the hearing. Copies ofi those tapes will be sent to you under separate cover. Our file in this matter is now being closed. Sincerely, BEV�O NEYDINGE `nr Administrative Law Judge Telephone: 612/341-7606 BJH:aws Encl. cc: Virginia D. Palmer James Braid Providing Impartial Hearings for Govemment and Citizens An Equal Opportuniry Employer Administrative Law Section &Administrative Services (612) 341-7600 �TTY No. (6i2) 341-7346� Fax PJo. (612) 349-2665 bl-3� STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY U.S. MAIL Debra S. Aws, being first duly sworn, hereby deposes and says that on the 27 day of November, 2000, at the City of Minneapolis, county and state aforementioned, she served the attached Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendation; Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6 by depositing in the United States mail at said City of Minneapolis, a true and correct copy thereof, properly enveloped, with first class postage prepaid and addressed to the individuais named herein. Fred Owusu, City Clerk City of St. Paul 170 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 James Braid 3560 Emerald Drive White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 4��� C� Debra S. Aws Subscribed and sworn to before me this a7� day of November, � ��� �Y��� 2000. LaVON REGAN NOTMY PUBLiC - M:15N850TA MYCOMMISSION EXPIRE3 J/WUARY 31.200.5 ��-3 s� 15-2111-13214-6 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL In the Matter of the Licenses held by FINDINGS OF FACT, Beaver Lounge CONCWSIONS AND for the premises located at RECOMMENDATION 756 Jackson Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota This matter was heard by Administrative Law Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger, commencing at 9:30 a.m., November 1, 2000, at the St. Paul City Hall, Room 41, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The hearing was held pursuant to Notice of Hearing dated October 16, 200�, signed by Virginia D. Palmer, Assistant City Attorney, on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Ms. Palmer, 400 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf of the City. James Braid, 3560 Emeraid Drive, White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110, appeared on behalf of Beaver Lounge, the Licensee. The record closed on November 1, 2000, at the close of the hearing. NOTICE This report is a recommendation, not a final decision. The St. Pauf City Council will make the final decision after a review of the record and may adopt, reject or modify these Findings of Fact, Conc{usions, and Recommendations.� Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 14.61 (2000), the City Council shalf not make a finai decision until this Report has been made available to the parties fior at least ten days. The parties may file exceptions to this Report and the City Council must consider the exceptions in making a final decision. A copy of the City Council's decision must be served on the parties and the Administrative Law Judge by first class mai1. Parties should contact the Fred Owusu, City Clerk, Gity of St. Paul, 170 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102, to ascertain the procedure for filing exceptions or presenting argument. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES The issues presented at this hearing were: 1. Did the Licensee violate Minn. Stat. § 340A.503, which prohibits the sale of alcohol to a person under the age of 21? 1 St. Paul Legislarive Code § 310.05 (o-l). Z Minn. Stat. § 14.62, subd. 1(2000). 0�-3� 2. Did the Licensee violate Saint Paul Legislative Code § 409.26(b)(7) by failing to allow entry to the premises to a St. Paul police officer? FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Grace Braid operates the Beaver Lounge, a bar and restaurant with related licenses, at 756 Jackson Street, St. Paul. She operates the bar with her husband, James Braid, who appeared on behaff of the Beaver Lounge at the hearing. 2. On July 20, 2000, an alcohol compiiance check was performed by the St. Paul police at the Beaver Lounge. An 18-year old female entered the Beaver Lounge wearing a hidden transmitter, and ordered a Miller Genuine Draft beer from the bartender. The bartender served the young woman without asking for any proof of age. 3 3. Sargent Richard Wachal, was in the bar at the time of the sale dressed in plain clothes, and observed the transaction. He summoned Sargent Eugene Polyak, who had been outside the bar in his squad car listening to the transmission of the compliance checker's conversation with the bartender. The two officers spoke with the bartender about the sale to the young woman, and dealt with a disruptive customer. 4. On September 6, 2000, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection notified the Beaver Lounge that it had violated Minn. Stat. § 340A.503 by selling alcohol to a person under the age of 21. 5. On September 8, 2000, St. Paul Police Officer John Corcoran was on patrol in the area near the Beaver Lounge, and heard what he believed to be fireworks being set ofF inside. The officer walked up to the door to investigate, and a woman, later identified as Karen Jean Anderson, opened the front door, saw that a police o�cer was at the door, closed the door and locked it. For several minutes the officer pounded on the door and attempted to gain access, but was ignored by Ms. Anderson and bar patrons. Then, Ms. Anderson returned to the door and admitted the o�cer. The bartender, Ronafd Johnson, identified Ms. Anderson as another bartender at the Beaver Lounge. Ms. Anderson acknowledged that she had locked the bar, and believed that she could do so at any time. 6. On September 26, 2000, the St. Paul Office of License, lnspections and Environmental Protection notified the Beaver Lounge that it had violated St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.26(b)(7) by failing to allow a St. Paul police officer to enter the premises. It informed the license holder that its proposed sanction, ' E�ibit 2; Test. of Richard Wachal; Eugene Polyak. ° Test. of R. Wachal and E. Polyak; Ex. 1. 5 Ex. 2. 6 Ex. 3; Test. of John Corcoran. 2 o �_ 3g taking into account prior violations, was a forty-five day suspension of the licenses.� 7. Kristine Schweinier, an inspector with the Office of License, lnspections and Environmental Protection, testified about the Beaver Lounge's prior offenses. There have been two prior instances of serving alcohol to persons under the age of 21, and one other instance where fhe police were denied entry. Folfowing the fatter incident, the City Council ordered the Beaver Lounge to close for five days, May 19 through May 23, 1999 $ 8. Mr. Braid did not dispute the evidence presented, and offered no testimony to contradiet it. However, he emphasized that he wants bar employees to comply with the law, and that he acted promptly to terminate the employees involved in these violations. He has offered to give the police a key to and security codes for the Beaver Lounge so that they can gain access at any time. He has also retained off-duty city staff, including police officers, to work at the Beaver Lounge to minimize any possibility of further problems. 9. Any Finding of Fact more properly termed as a Conclusion is hereby adopted as a Gonclusion. CONCLUSIONS 1. The Administrative Law Judge and the Saint Paul City Council have jurisdiction in this case. 2. The Licensee received timely and proper notice of the hearing and the City has complied with all refevant substantive and procedural requirements of statute and rule. 3. The Gity has authority to suspend or revoke a license and to impose penalties for violation of applicable statutes and rules.�� 4. The Licensee is responsible for conduct in the licensed establishment, including conduct by an employee authorized to sell alcohol.' 5. The City has the burden of proving that the Licensee violated the applicable provisions of state law and city ordinance by a preponderance of the evidence. ' Ex. 4; Test. of Kristina Schweinler. 8 See also, Ex. 7. 9 Minn. Stat. § 340A.A15 (1998); Saint Paul Legislative Code § 409.12. 10 See Minn. Stat. § 14.57 —14.61, 340A.415 (1998); Saint Paul Legislative Code § 310.05. 11 Minn. Stat. § 340A.415 Q498); Saint Pau1 Legislative Code § 310.06. 12 Minn. Stat. § 340A.501 (1998); Saint Paul Legislative Code §§ 310.17 and 40914. pl-3� 6. Beaver Lounge violated Minn. Stat. § 340A.503, subd. 2(1) by selling an alcoholic beverage to a person under age 21. 7. The Beaver Lounge violated St. Paul Legislative Code §409.26(b)(7) by failing to allow a police officer access to the premises. 8. The City Council has the authority to impose the appropriate sanction by application of the provisions of St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.26. Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: RECOMMENDATION IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED: that the City of Saint Paul impose an appropriate sanction against the Licensee. Dated this 27 day of November, 2000. � � � �I_'_� �.�ii . � � ��. ��O : •"� `• _ `i �• � .� � �� _ Reported: Tape-recorded (three tapes) MEMORANDUM Mr. Braid did not contest the violations, but is very concerned with the penalty that may be imposed. He acknowledges that the license holder is responsible for the actions of the employees, but believes that he has taken steps to mitigate the likelihood of future offenses and is negotiating for sale of the establishment. The City Council has the authority to determine the appropriate sanction. B.J.H. 0 � n_ OFFICE OF ADNIINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL In Re The Licenses Held By Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge CTTY`S PROPOSED EXHIBITS November 1, 2000 TO: Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger, Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Squaze, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 The following constitutes a list of the City's proposed exhibits for the Administrative Hearing on November 1, 2000. Exhibit No. Exh. No. 1 Exh. No. 2 Each. No. 3 Exh. No. 4 Exh. No. 5 Each. No. 6 E�ch. No. 7 Description �l�3� Police Report CN 00-141-250, prepazed by Sgt. Eugene Polyak and Sgt. Richard Wachal, dated July 20, 2000 (6 pp.); Notice of Violation, dated September 6, 2000, with Affidavit of Service � PP•)> Police Report CN 00-181053, prepared by Officer John Corcoran, dated September 8, 2000 (4 pp.); Notice of Violation, dated September 26, 2000, with Affidavit of Service � PP•)> License Information Report, dated October 30, 2000 (8 pp.); Notice of Hearing, dated October 16, 2000, with Affidavit of Service � PP•); License Group Comments Text, dated July 28, 2000 (1 p.). ot-3�' Also attached please find courtesy copies of applicabie St. Paul City ordinances: St. Paul Le�slative Code § 310.05 St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.06 St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.17 St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.26 Respectfully submitted this 1 day ofNovember, 2000. �-� S� Virginia D. almer Assistant City Attorney Office of The City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Keliogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (b12)266-8710 �" r Saint Paul Police Department Page , �' SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / tNCIDENT REPORT pJ,3� CamplaintNumber Refe�ence C.K Primary offense Date and Time of RepoK 00-14� 250 Liquior Violation 07/20/2000 21:00 � Primary Repor(ing �fhcer EUGENE P POLYAK ?rimary ot7ense detaH: _ Primarysq�ad: 7Q0 Secondaryrepo�tingoflicer. RICHARD L WACHAL Oisfict CENTRAL ( ) Secondary offense: Locaffon ofincidenY. Name of/oCatioNbcSiness: Date & Sme of occurence: Anest made? YES Date & time ofarrest 07/20/2000 17:45 POUCE PE�2SONNEL INVOLVED Ar2stmade on view: YES Pursuif engaged: Arrest made on warrant o� previous CM. Weapons �sed by poGce; Weapons used by suspecf at time of arrest. Resistance encountered: CHARGES /vame GORZ, JOSEPH CARL /+nestStams gOOKED sooldng� Booking date 07/20/2000 Booking trme 21:37 NAMES ARRESTEE GORZ, JOSEPH CARL 308 FOREST ST STPAUL MN 55106 - Physical Description Phones sex UPIKNOWN Height Haircolor Homephone 651-771-2072 Race W}j�TE Weight Hai�Type Hispanic Budd HairLength � DOB 08/'16/1965 Sldn Facial Hair " 1 Age 34 ` � Physical ConCition Employment � n� Canscrousneu Occupa6on UNK � Drug/a�coho�use HAD BEEN DRINKING Emp/oyer :� - � � In e e hcenses he _Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge e City's Exh. No. 1 , ` r ` � . � 7 _� i 1 ` �C-�! �.�' ��^' .J '�'' l� l � /7 C � L �I ` ,�, Saint Pauf Police Deparkment : � : SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE 1 1NCIDENT ._� Complaint Number RefeJencs C_N. Pnmary oflense Date and Time of Report 00-141250 Liquior Violation 07/20/2000 21:00 SLISPECT BROWN, DAViD EARL 691 DALE ST N#�3 STPAUL MN 55103 " Physipl DescripSon Phones sex UNKNOWN Height HailCO/or Home phone 651- - Race �j�/}-jy'� WeigM HairType Woifc phone 651-222-6a11 Kspanic DoB 02/16/1964 Bttdd sldn BROWN - L1GriT HairLengdi Faaa7 Hair Age 36 Physica/ Condifion Emp/oyment � Consciausness 7 occupation gp}�j'EjypER Orug/a/cohol use Empoye� gEqVERS BAR CRIME SCENE DESCRIPTORS Crime Scene Type Descnption hfefhod & Poirrt of Entry Face usea NOT FORCED point af ertfry Meihod PROPEi�TY (NONE) VEHiCLE 1NFORMATION (NONE� . ` GORZ, JOSEPH CARL ' 308 FOREST ST , S7PAUl, MN 55106 ;;: 08/'I6/'1965 34 W U NaRRaTivE Squad 790 (Sgt. Polyak) along with 792 ( Sn . Wachal conduct liquor compliance checks az several bars located in St. Paul. The undercover agent assisting in the compliance checks was trainedby _= the Vice Unit in how to conduct the compliance check• "lhe U.C. was tcained to tell the ttuth if asked her age or D.O.B. The U.C. was given buy funds before entering ilie establishwent to be checked and was checked to make sure she had no fotm of identification aa fier pason. The U.C. - used on this compliance check was 18 years of age and was photographed prior tn the start of the ' detail_ The U.0 will be identified as U.C. #56. ~ The first check took place az Beavezs baz at 756 jackson. U.C. #56 was s�t inside the bar shordy after Sgt. Wachal entered the bu and took up a place of surveillance. Sgt_ wachal entered the baz first to insure the safety of tlie U.0 inside the baz ( A previous compliancecheck az Beaver Bar escalated into a heated incident with the bu owner). The U.C. entered thebaz wearing a ludden uansmitter so I could monitor her conversations from ouuide the bar. "The U.C. ordered a Miller � Genuine draft beer from the bartender. The U.C. then gave me a signal indicatsng she had been served. Sgt. Wachal exited the bu and motioned to me to enter the bar When I entered the baz I observed a bottle of beer sitting in front of the U.C. I asked who served the beer and she pointed at the bartender who was identified as Brown> David Earl D.O.B. 2-16-64. Sgt. Wacfial photographed the bottle of beer while I asked the bartender for his license. I asked tfie barcender if he asked the U.C. �or identification and he replied he didn`t indicazing he thought tlie female had entexe� �e baz with a r awiar customer. The bartender was photographed and advised he would be contacted through the mail with a summons and complunt chazging him wirh GM providing alcohol to a minor. While speaking with the bartender and attempting to ID fiim a WIM seated at the corner ofthe baz yelled, "this is bull shit it's a set up." I ignored the W/M and con[inued to ID the bar[ender- "IIie W!M yelled "fuck the police, why don't you deal with the drug dealers outside" I again ignored ihe W!M but at the same time noticed he was statting w incite several of the other cuscomers stuno next Page 2 REPORT Q jr ;� _�'-�, Saint Paul Police Department Page 3 SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT �`�3� Camp�aint Number Refe2nce CN. Pnmary offense Date and rune of Repor[ 00-141250 Liquior Volation 07/20/2000 21:00 to him. The W/M then Yelled "you fucking cops aze assholes this is bullshit." I advised the W/�I to be quice, this didn't involve him and we conduct compliance checks on all the bazs in St. Paul_ The W/M now stood up from his seaz and started to yell "fuck the godda� po&ce this is bullshit, fuck - you, it,'s a set up." The W!M started to shake his fist az me_ I noticed several of the other customers started to pound their fists an the baz as they stazted to yell in a�eement with the W/M who buy now was inciring several other customers. I immediatly walked over and advised the W/M suspect he was under ariesc. I gabbed the suspect by the arm twisting it behind his back as I escorted him out of che bar. Sgt_ Wachal aLso observed a different individual who was starcing to become incited and showing signs of anger renazding our presence in the baz. Once the W/M I was dealin� with was removed from the bu the crowd of approximately 20 customets stazted to calm down. The suspect was taken ouuide, handcuffed and h to HQ by a marked squad. The suspect was booked for D.O.C. It should be noted the bartender made no attemQu az calmin� the situarion inside the baz or by advising the suspect to be seated and remain quite. The suspect was eventually identified as Gorz, 7oseph Cazl D.O.B. 8-16-65. Please distribute to: _CHF _Hom _Sex _D/C ^ CO _Rptr _Rob _Burg Vice _Juv _Oper _PSC _Theft _Prop _CAU Nazco SIU T&A _L.ab _F&F Other Rec _Team _Auco _DAO .-�,-� �.� �"r ` - Saint Paul Police Department Page , °� , ___ SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT p j�3� Compfa�t Num6er Reference CN. Primary offense Oate and Time of Repo/t 00-'141250 Liquor Law Violation 07/20/2000 21:06 PrimaryRepo�tingOffrcer RICHARD L WACNAL Primary otfense deEad= Primary squad 792 Secondaryrepo�tingoflrcer EUGENE P POLYAK �� CENTR.4L ( PSS-VICE ) Secondary offense: toca6on ofinddent Name oflocafforvbusiness: Date & dme of occurence: Mestmade? Date 8 time af amst. POLICE PERSONNEL INVOLVED - Mestmade on view. Arrest made on wamant ar previous CN: Pursuit engaged Resistance encountered: Weapons used by poGce: Weapons rrsed by suspect at /ime of arrest. CNARGES (NON� NAMES (N CRIME SCENE DESCRIPTORS Gime Scene rype Descnpfion Method 8 Poinf ofEntry Forceused NOTFORCED Point of entry Method PRQPERTY ( NON� VEHiCLE INFORMATION (NON� NARRATIVE Squad 792 parricipated in this liquor compliance check of Beavers Lounge located at 756 Jackson � St_ on 7-20-2000. I was working with Sgt. Polyak and we utilized undercover agent #56 who has a � DOB of 5-5-82 making her 18 yrs. of age. She has undergone training by SPPD in how to conduct herself in maldng undera�e buys of alcohol in local establishments in the city of St. Paul. , At 1745 hours this date, she entered the lounge with instructions ro order a MIller Genuine Draft beer. She was given money with which to purchase it. I entered the baz a minute earlier to watch rhe \ activity inside and the possible sale thaz may ensue. She saz ai the west end of the baz and ordered ,� the beer. The bartender lazer identified as: Brown, David Earl DOB 2-16-64 gave her the beer � without hesitatioa and took a$5 bill from her and charged her $1.25 for it. I observed Brown riag if � up on the cash register and �ve her the change. At this time I motioned to UC !{56 to stay seaied while I reuieved Sgt. Polyak who was outside listening on a monitor. UC #56 had a uansmitter on her person. Once Sgt. PoIyak arrived, we dismissed UC �Y56 and identified the bartender. I photograghed the _ � beer, Mr. Brown and tazer UC �56. ' r It should be noted that a baz patron began io loudly make his feelings I�own to other patrons aboui what the police were doin�. I heazd him (Gorz, Joseph Carl) say something to rhe effect of: "there aze dru� pushers out there and they're in here doing this." Sgt. Polyak took him into custody afrer hearing severai minutes of this person's vocal attitude. I was dealing with Mr. Brown who was cooperative. There was another unidentified male thaz accused me of wearing a wire as I walked out to get Sgt. Polyak. He met me on the sidewalk. I brushed past him to get to PoFyak and again to get back inside the baz. He was now inside and continued to stare at me with his eyes squinted as ' � /�� —� Y `�� �i �C, r` �� ' ���; C� ,� ,�-c C _ � �. �., .``• " - Saint Paui Police Department Pase 2 - SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT __. o�- 3� Camp�aintNumber Reference CN_ Primary oflense Date and Tvne of Report 00-141250 Liquor Law Volation 07/20/2000 21:06 he hated our police presence. Ae temained close mos[ of the time. I was concerned that he wouid start a fight witfi either us or get others in the baz to join him. I was distracted by him while S�. Polyak dealt with Gorc. I then nuned my attenuon to Gorz when I heard him speak the words - menaoned earlier in this report. Please distribute to: _CF3F l Hom Sex D/C _CO _Rptr Rob _B�S V ice Juv _Thefr _Nazco _Oper _PSC _Lab _Rec _Team _Prop _CAU _F&F _Auto _DAO SIU T&A Other S'� i R e � �+eck Beaver Lounse 756 Jackson y SuyerlD � dt-3� Today's Date_ �'i�� ��1 � � t. 8uyer gender 2 rme: 3/29/00 00054897 _ ,D,�,e ( 7!: I�`1;�.�, Age � � � + CN.ECKHE�c 2�Fem2te " 2r � PM if No Purchase Attemptedl I�pSRP z _ TO wr3 � yyas a sacurity persan sationed at the door? 6. What did you try to purchase? a. (check are: oN-sa/e oMyl b. (c'redc erre) 1 � &-pactc cans 2� 12-pack cans 3� �pack bottles d�I QusR bettie �' 7. `��elle_r(server's gender. 1 I V 1 Male 2 C Female L1�+ i 8. Sellertserver's esrimated age: l 'I � Budweiser 2� Coors a (cnedc ane) 3�Miller 1�Lite 4 IOther �Regular 9 w 't �Less than 21 2 �2'I-30 3�31 or oider 10. How many peopte were standing in line behirtd you at th�e tirr�e were at ihe cash regisYer? ,�� j�( �� '���� 12. What was the rtoise teve7? ;��s i9 4. tf yes, gender af gersan at door. i � YES 22�No ��Male 2� Femaie .� 5. yes, were you: (`heck an that ePPN) IFNO, SK1P TO � n Admitted with no question XS 421'! 9_ How c:owded was ii? s Seating No 52�ting/ (� No seating! j� avaiiable 4I few s�ndirzaZi � many s2andirtg3r' � sz 5455 Nortnal � Raised , � ranversation � voices Z! I Shouting 31 � � 11. �Pu atte[rtpt outcome: (check a/l that apply) 1�Purr,hased with no questions 9�Purchased aHer s�ting age 3�Purchased after state date of birth Purchased after s�ting ID not on me 5 +PurGhased afrer expiainirtg ID in car &�No purchase _ after siating age Purchased after sYate date of biRh Admiited after stating tD not on me Admitted aBer expiaining ID in car Not adm¢ted STOP HERE �� '13. !f n ;;; o --- ���purchase attempted, explain below: (chectr one) dt � C�osed, wt of business 081 � Unsate (explainj =, 6id� 02 �� Ciosetl, seasonal houn " 091 4 Buyer macpropnate!y dressed � a31 I Gesed, limded hour5 70 �� Out af be_r � Od � Closed temperaniy (reparts, remode!. _IC-) » �� Did not have !vne to cmpie±e QS i i Ctoszo to P�btic. Orniate party �2 � Oodt (or no longer) se11 alcohot 06 i I Pmate dub, pu6lic not admrtted �� I I Reservations rief-.essary 071 I Unable ro lo�te J � Other (spea(y) I I I L! �t—� ���l�v'C. o� - i �► �2S � Law Entarcemen# Buy Regort Form EPVCMDA004Ver i ii58(ioi+) �� OFFICE THE CITY ATTORNEY � f �� � Clrsy[on M�ixson, Ja, CiryAttorney 6 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civil Division lem¢n. Mayor 400 Ciry Hall IS West Kellogg Blwl. Saint Paul, Minrsesota SSIO2 ��. September 6, 20Q0 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Ms. Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 Telephone: 651 26b-8710 Fncsimrle: 651298-56l9 RE: Ali licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge, for the premises at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul License ID #: 0016196 Dear Ms. Braid: The Office of License, Inspections and Bnvironmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the licenses heid by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge, for the premises at 756 Jackson Street in Saia�t Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On July 20, 2000, an alcobol compliance check was performed at the Beaver Lounge, located at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul. An 18-year old female entered the Beaver Lounge and ordered a Miller Genuine DraR beer from the bartender. The bartender served the young woman withont asking for any proof of age. It is a violation of Minn. Stat. §340A.503 to sell alcohol to a person under the age of 21. Since this is considered a second violation, the licensing office will recommend a $1,000.00 fine, pursuant to St. Paul Legislative Code §409.26. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: 1. If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you will need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental �� � n e t� e hcenses e �eaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge _ City's Exh. Na 2 Page 2 � � D�' 3� Ms. Grace Braid September 6, 2000 Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minuesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you are entitled. 2. Alternatively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Council, you will need to send me a letter with a statement admittin� the violation and requesting a hearing by Monday, September 18, 200Q. The matter wi11 then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your osvr: behalf as to the penalty to be imposed. 3. If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that hearing both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence, and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. Please let me know in writing no later than Monday, September 18, 2000, how you wish to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Monday, SepYember 18, 2000, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Councii and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will �e imposed, If you haue any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, � � ��/�.c.c�L/`, CeJ�••�?� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Clu�istine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice St., St. Paul, MN 55117 s STATE OF MII3Y3ESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY � o� ��' AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CL,EMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 6, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION upon the following named person placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Ms. Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street St. Paul, MN. 55117 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the Uni S tes mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. � /1 f") . , Subscribed and this 6th d o � � Notary P to before me �Yse�r , 2 0 0 0 . PETER P. PANGBORN EXPIRES JAN. 31, 2006 . - �� s . p % - ,�'�- ,�i �� Saint Paui PoficE De artment ���_ � Aage B�-3� .. ..._ ... ORIGINAL OFFENSE / iNCfDENT REPORT fJ�,�,� ComFVaintAlum6er Reference C.N. Primary oAense Dafe and 7vne otRepod OU- INFORMATION REROftT 09/08/2040 01:30 Pdmary Reporting othcer. �pHN G CdRCORAN Cxetioa otinddent: 756 JACKSON ST N Primary otFepse detad.� Pnmary squad: 240 Secondary reporting olAcer: Dish,ct. CEtJTRAL ( CENTRAL DISTRICT ) Secoetlary oXartsa: Name oflacatiuN6usrness: p3EVERS BAR Date & time ot oceurence: 091d8C2000 44:58 Anest mede? Date 8 time at aruesh POLlCE PERSONNEL INVOLVED ` Anest matle on view: Pursnit engaged. Anestmade on wanent o�previous CN� Weapons used 6y police: Weapans used by suspect at time of afrest: Reslslance encounfered. CHARGES (NONE} NAMES SUSPECT ANDEf2SON, KAREN JEAN 1076 VtRGINA ST STPAUL MN 55107 Physka! Oescrlp8an Phones Sex FEMALE ttaigM Ha�r c�or 1 � _ Home phone 651-489-645� aece WHITE weiger rtarrrype Workphone 851-222-6011 Hispanic ooe �yiov7s5s Age qq BW7d Skin PALE Hair Lertgth Faciat Hair Physlcaf Condttton Empinyment CansGnusneu Occopetion Drug/akoho! use Employar WtTNFSS JOIiNSON, RONALD MICHAEL 588 CASE ST STPAUL MN 55106 pnysnaraas�r�prio„ � rno�a4 sax MALE Ha;snt Nair color Home phone 551-489-7835 Race WHITE wergnt H'rspenrc 8m7d Do812/61/t964 skin Age 39 Hair Type NalKength feciaf Heir Work phana 651-222-6011 —Beaver Lo u n e g ehInc e d1b 1 a Bea Lounge _._, C:ity's Exh. No. 3 ,,, �� Saint Paul Police Department Page , or, PUBLIC OFFENSE f iNC1DENT REPORT �� , 3� Complaint Numbe� Reference C.N. Pnmary Offense Date and Time ofReport OQ-489453 INFORMATION REPORT 09108/2000 01:30 t�nmary Reportng ofhcar. �ONN G CORCORAN Pnmary squad.' 240 Secondary �eporting oMreY. oist�ice CENTRAL ( CENTRAL DtSTRICT } Secortdary oHense: txethn otFnddent 7� �qCKSON ST N Name oftocation/buslness BEVERS BAR oate & dme of occurence: OSI�Bl2000 00:58 Anast mads? Date 8 tlme oterrest POLICE PERSONNEL INVOLVED Anest made on New: Pursuif engageei.• � Arresf made oo warrant orprevfoas CN: Weapons used poN'ce: Weapons used suspect af time of arresk Resistance ancovrtfered: CHARGE5 {NONE) NAMES t�oNE) .,, :�-� t�.., . .: �.:- 4. __i'- �°�__ .. ComplainE Numbar oa-�e�os3 Saint Pau4 Police Department Peee z ORIGINAL OFFENSE / tNCIDENT REPORT Dl-3� Reterence C.N. Pdmary oT/ense Date and Time ofReporf lNFORMA�ION REPORT 09/08/2000 01:30 Phystca! Conditlon fmployment Coesaa�sness bcsupetron Orug/alcohd use Employe� CRIME SCENE DESCRlPTORS Crtme Scene Me7hod & PointofEntry Trae OFFICFJCOMMERCIAL ��nWroR BAR/NiGHTCLllBlfAVERN Face used PoinE of entry Method PROPERTY (NdNE) VEHICLE INFOR (NONE) NARRATIVE WHILE ON TdtJR, I SQD #240 (CORCORAN) WAS STOPPEQ AT THE STOP SIGN JACKSON AND ACKER ST. WH{LE STOPPED AT THE STOF S1GN, I HEARD WHAT SOUNDED LIKE FIREWORKS BEING SET OFF INSIDE BEAVERS BAR (756 JACKSON). I PUT MYSELF OUT ON AN WVESTlGATE AT BEAVERS BAR TO SEE IF 1T WAS W FACT �I!�EWORKS. AS I WAS WALKING UP TO THE DOOR, A W/F WHO WAS LATER ID'D AS, ANDERSON, KAREN JEAN W/F, DOB: 11J01l1859 OPENED THE FRONT DOOR, MADE DIRECT EYE CONTACT WITH ME AND SAID, "OH SHIT". BEFORE t COULD ASK ANUERSON {F EVERYTHING WAS OK, SHE WENT BACK INS(DE THE BAR. I THEN TF:IED TO GE7 INSIDE THE BAR BUT TIiE DOOR WAS LOCKED. 1 COULD SEE ANDERSON DIRECTLY ON THE OTHER SEQE OF THE DOOR THROtJGH THE GLASS WINDOW. ANDEFtSON RND I WERE FACE TO FACE, WfTH ONLY THE GLASS WINDOW SEPARATING US. I COULD ALSO SEE A NItMBER OF PEOPLE INSIDE THE BAR, MANY OF THEM HAD DRINKS IN THEIR HANDS AND WERE WATCHING WHAT WAS GOENG ON NAT THE DOOR. i TOLO ANDERSON TQ OPEN THE DOOR. SHE THEN TURNED AROUND AND RAN TOWARD THE BACK OF THE BAR. ! THEN POUNDED ON THE DOOR VERY HARD WITH NO ANSWER. NO ONE IN THE BAR CAME TO THE DOOR WHILE I PQUNDED ON fT, THEY JUST SAT ON THEIR STOOLS AND WATCHED ME. I STILL GOULD NOT SEE ANDERSON AT THIS TIti1E. I ESTiMATED THAT I POUNDED OI3 THE DOOR FOR AT LEAST THREE MINUTES. JIiST THEN ANDERSON CAME BACK AND OPENED THE DOOR. AT THIS TIME I GF2AB$ED HER AND PUT HER iN THE REAR OF MY CAR, BECAUSE AT THIS POINT I WAS .S�TIlt NOT 100 % SURE THAT THE N41SE I HEARD WAS FIREWORKS. I THEN WENT INSIDE THE BAR AND COULD SMELL THE SMELL OF FlF;EWORKS. I THEN TALKED TQ THE BARTENDER, JOIiNSON, RONALD MiCHAEL W/M, DOB: 12l01/1960. JOHNSON TOLD ME THAT SOMEONE HAD THRdWN FIREWORKS tNSIDE THE BAR. I THEN ASKED JOHNSON WHO LOCKED THE DOQR, HE SAID, " KAREN". I ASKED JaHNSON WHO ANDERSON iNAS AND HE SAID, "SHE IS A BARTENDE.R H�RE." I THEN LET ANDERSON OUT OF MY CAR AND SHE SAID, "WHY Dld YGU PUT ME 1N THE CAR?" ! TQLD HER THAT SHE COULD NOT LQCK THE P4LICE OUT OF THE BAR. SkE THEN SAlD, "7HE BAR WAS LEGALLY OPEN , AND I CAN LQCK THE DC70R AfVYTIME I WANT TO ANQ LET WHO I WANT iN." � ;, , . .. Y � � Sain# Paul Poiice Department Paga 3 ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT p!- 3 CompfaintNUmber Reference C.N. Prtmary offense Date and Time o/Report 00-181053 1NFORMATION REPORT 09/08/2000 01:3Q PLEASE SEND A COPY OF THiS REPQRT TO CI'N LICENSiNG. . Please distribute to: LICENSING _CHF _„Hom �Roh _Jnv ` Oper _PSC ^ Lab ,Rec _Team _Sex J D/C _aurg _Theft _Prop _CAU _F&F _Auto ^ DAO �CO _ftptr _v2� _Nazco _SIU _T&A _Other � - -''� � OFFI� THE CITY ATTORNEY — Claylon obinson, ✓r., Ciry Attoraey � / � � CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Narne Calem¢a, Mayor Civil Division 400 Ciry Hall IS WestKelloggBlvd. Saint Paul, Minnesot¢ 55702 Telephorse: 651166-87I0 Facsimile: 657198-5619 September 26, 2000 NOTICE OF VIOLATTON Ms. Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street Saint Paul, MN 55117 RE: All licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge, for the premises at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul License II7 #: 0016196 Dear Ms. Braid: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge, for the premises at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On September 8, 2000, a Saint Paul Police Officer was on patrol in the area of Jackson and Acker and heard what sounded like fireworlcs being set off inside the Beaver Lounge, located at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul. The officer walked up to the door to investigate and a woman, later identified as Karen Jean Anderson opened the front door, made eye contact with him, stated "Oh, shit!" and then went back inside the bar. The officer attempted to enter, but the door was locked. The officer saw Anderson watching through a glass window, and told her to open the door. She then ran toward the back of the bar. The officer pounded on the door for at least three minutes before Anderson returned to open the door. In the meantime, a number of people sat in the bar watching but no one opened the door. The officer asked the bartender, Ronald Johnson, who the woman was, and he identified her as a bartender at the establishment. Anderson later told the officer that the bar was legally open and she could "lock the door anytime I want to and let who I want in." In Re the licenses held by ! Beaver Lounge, Inc. dlbla Beaver Lounge _ City's Exh. No. 4 �_�_ _ Page 2 Grace Sraid September 26, 2000 � � The failure to allow entry to the premises to a St Paul police officer is a violation pursuant to Saint Paul Legislafive Code §409.26(b)(�. �l-3� If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opporhxnity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appear there for you. Since you have had previous adverse action taken against your licenses, which include a five-day suspension for failure to allow entrance to police officers in April, 1999, a sale of alcohol to an underage person in March of 2000, and a pending adverse action for sale of alcohol to an underage person from July of 2000, the recommendation for a penalty by the Office of LIEP will be for a forty-five day suspension of your licenses. The Saint Paul Legislative Code does permit you to have both the pending sale of alcohol to an underage person and your new adverse action heard together for the purposes of determining and imposing a penalty, if you choose to do so. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing wiil be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Friday, October 6, 2000, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. The matter wili then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul City Council. If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attorney call me at 266=8710. Sincerely, ✓ "�� /� ����✓uta.�J �X�-ti Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice St., St. Paul, MN 55117 ,. �f - � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY � ot-3 � AFFIDAVIT OF SFRVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 27, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION upon the following named person placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Ms. Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street St. Paul, MN. 55117 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th da�-o.,f Sep�mbe�„ 2Q00. Notary P 1'AFd�60RN .... d'' N �'i Q, x' OD ',W , O C I� d I V I �� Ol J !� R I a �` � O 2 � � O .� � L � C d N C V J O O 0 M c � i. 1, N I � �� Ic m m > I; "i '� Q I � � i n � I��� � la IU,y IJ LJ� �' I� I� ZI '=�rn �� i� u0 � a m I iu� F- I� � � ' IQ l � � i � � �� � W �� Z I� �O Z I�' w m f� I � li W Jm U Z W �� Z IE��p Z � I ,la �' w �m .� 7' I NI ��o � I � f IW I I� I � �J I�; �z I l U- Id I � I �� l i N ijI lCl �,, I �I Z i �I C �� E ,o UI a� . �m� IN � d �� � �� I Z dl c ` �a i � � IN'N � ^ C I m � � : i i� . � IF I I r i � M �J� I� �� �C' O Iy N� I . i�, m ! 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C � �' Cp� � y � N � _p N �1 c 3 a ° ' = `m�" 'o� dm � I- �c� 3 � — a�i ol" 'morn��> G 'O'-' = � L (p �O"OCC:.�ho_ I() I (6 (0 OL.L...= N �NI O���C Vi (0 � i w N� C�9�>Ow o__ m a��. o E U - - 7 I �I �i �i��UN p N....r NY:�.L I C " ) I�JJQc�- �NMV�N(O � � � I , I i II I i u � � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL , Norns Coleman, Mtryor October 16, 2000 OFFIC� THE CITY ATTORNEY ��� �� Clayton binson, Jn, Ci Aliorn Civil Division 400 City Hall Telephome: 651266-8110 lSWestKelloggBlvd. Facsimile:651298-56I9 Sain! Pau1, .Ninnuot¢ 55102 NOTICE OF HEARING Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 ` RE: All licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. dlbla Beaver Lounge for the premises located at 756 Jackson Street in St. Paul License ID No.:0016196 Aear Ms. Braid: Please take notice that a hearing wi11 be held at the following time, date and place concerning a11 licenses for the premises identified above: Date: Wednesday, November 1, 2000 Time: 9:30 a.m. Place: Room 41 St. Paul City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN. 55102 The hearing wili be presided over by an Administrative Law Judge from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrarive Hearings: Name: Beverly Jones Heydinger Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700 Minneapolis, MN. 55401 Telephone: 612-341-7606 � In e the licenses held by —.Beaver Lounge, Inc. d!b/a Beaver Lounge � City's Exh. No. 6 -� � al-3� The Council of the City o�nt Paul has the authority to provide fo�earings concerning licensed premises and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paui Legislative Code. In the case of licenses for intoxicating and non- intoxicating liquor, authority is aiso conveyed by Minnesota Statutes secrion 340A.415. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or conditions. Evidence will be presented to the judge which may lead to adverse action against all the licenses you hold at the above premises as foliows: On July 20, 2000, an aicohol compliance check was performed at the Beaver Lounge, located at 756 3ackson Street in Saint Paul. An 18-year old female entered the Beaver Lounge and ordered a Miller Genuine Draft beer from the bartender. The bartender served the young woman without asking for any proof of age. It is a violation of Minn. Stat. §340A.503 to sell alcohol to a person, under tbe age of 21. On September 8, 2000, a Saint Paul Police Officer was on patrol in the area of Jackson and Acker and heard what sounded like fireworks being set off inside the Beaver Lounge, located at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul. The officer walked up to the door to investigate and a woman, later identified as Karen Jean Anderson opened the front door, made eye contact with him, stated "Oh, shit!" and then went back inside the bar. The officer attempted to enter, but the door was locked. The officer saw Anderson watching through a glass window, and told her to open the door. She then ran toward the back of the bar. The officer pounded on the door for at least three minutes before Anderson returned to open the door. In the meantime, a number of peopie sat in the bar watching but no one opened the door. The officer asked the bartender, Ronald Johnson, who the woman was, and he identified her as a bartender at the establishment. Anderson later told the officer that the bar was legally open and she could "lock the door anytime I want to and let who I want in." The failure to allow entry to the premises to a St. Paul police officer is a violation pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.26(b)(7). You have the right to be represented by an attorney before and during the hearing or you can represent yourself. You may also have a person of your choice represent you, to the extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice of law. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62 and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all parties identify themselves for the record. The City will then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to Notice of Hearing - Page 2 • • 0�-3� present, each ofwhom the City's attorney may cross-examine. T'he Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substanrial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for exampie, the owners or occupants of property located in close proxunity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in confornuty with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If you think that this matter can be resolved or settled without a formal hearing, please contact ar have your attorney contact the undersigned. If a stipulation or agreement can be reached as to the facts, that stipulation will be presented to the Administrative Law 7udge for incozporation into his or her recommendation for Council action. ' If you fail to appear at the hearing, your ability to challenge the allegations will be forfeited and the allegations against you which have been stated earlier in tius notice may be taken as true. If non- public data is received into evidence at the hearing, it may become public unless objection is made and relief requested under Minnesota Statutes, Section 14.60, subdivision 2. If you haue any questions, you can call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, �� � ��� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: LaVon Regan, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Mpls, MN 55401 Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice St., St. Paul, MN 55117 Notice of Hearing - Page 3 s STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) • AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL ��-3s' JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on October 17, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF HEARING on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street St. Paul, MN. 55117 (which is the last known address of said same, with postage prepaid, in the Uyr� Minnesota. � Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th daw��of Octob�� 2000. n) and depositing the es mails at�t- �--�� � p�;�R P PANGBORN -Q�� - t�TARvGU01JC-MINNESOTA Notary Publi uv:AMMissw� �XPIFYESJAN.31,2005 License �ro�p Comments Text Licensee: BEAVER LOUNGE INC �BA. BEAVERLOUNGE License #: 0016196 0712812000 a�-3� 07/28/2000 To CAO fw adverse action. CAR 07/20/2000 Failed U of M alcohol compliance chedc conducted by SPPD Polyak. CN 00-141-250. Third failure (first is waming) $1000 mairix fine. Penalty could be inaeased fo� managemenYs tailure to help police keep order dunng the check (nfo in potice report supplemement).CAR O6/23/Z000 License fees paid in full. CAR 06/22/2000 Letter from CAO for falure to pay license fees. Given to 07103/2000 to respond. CAR O6/19/2000 Faiied to pay first half fees due 4l30l20�0. To CAO for adverse action. Topl due with penalties is 53769.00CAR O6/12/2000 5500 fine paid. CAR , 06/05/2009 Letter from CAO giving Grace Braitl to 06112I2000 to pay fine. CAR ' 04/17/2000 No6ce of Volation from CAO for sale of alcohot to an underage. $500 fine due by 64l27/2000. CAR 4/�4/2000 To CAO for adverse action.CAR 03l29l2000 Failed UM alctwhol compliance check conduded by SPPD RamsfadlReilly. Second fatlure. $500 maUix fine recommended. CAR 1?l22/�99g pd 57,166; final payment CAM 521'14N999 pd SSOO.00; fast payment due 12/17. CAM 12/07/�999 pd SS00.00: next payment due 12N0. CAM 12/O6/99 - Sent letter of stayed license suspension - LAB 11l30l1999 pd $500.00; ne# payment due 1713. CAM 11/24/99 CF99-1744 license suspended for failure to pay fees but suspension stayed because a new payment schedule has been arranged. Suspension stayed as long as payments are made on Gme. CAR 11/� 9/1999 pd $500.00; next payment due 1 tl26 for $500.0�. CAM ' 1 �/16/1999 Letter from CAO indicating that licensee has artanged a new payment plan, but recommends fhat wuncil grant immediate suspension of the license if payment plan is not foifowed. CounaV hearing set for 11124/1999. CAR t �/10/1999 Grace rame in today and pd $3,200. New payment plan: $500 due 11/19; $500 due 17/26; $500 due 12l3; $50� due 12/10; $�,'166 due �2lt7. Invoices sent to Grace as weil as an affidavit for signaWre to agree to the pian. CAM t 1l�5l99 1 pifed Grace Braid and advised her that we needed to set up a payment plan or counciV woutd be forced to Gase her estabiishment for faiiure to pay fees. Ms. Braid indiqted that she wouid come in to LIEP on the moming of 11/8/99 to make artangements for payment. CAR � 5/4199 passed second alcohoi compliance check-DL 11/4l99 No payments made. NoGce of Council Hearing from CAO for failure to pay fees. Hearing scheduled for 1'1/24/99.CAR 10/20l99 Notice of �oiatlon from CAO for failure to pay fees. Given W 10/29/99 to respond. CAR 9l26199 completed required alwtrol awareness 4aining-DL 09/23/1999 Letter sent to applicant as reminder of amount due $4,056 by 10/1. OK per BWCAM 09/08/1999 Payment plan $1,100.00 check paid. Totai due by 9/30 $4,056.00, CAM 8/� 9/99 second waming le8er sent for not completiag required alcohol awareness trianing-will be forv+arded to CAO for adverse action if they do not contact LIEP within one week-DL 08/12/99 passed dg compfiance check, 09f09f99 ietter sent SS 7/21/99 Payment plan: $1,000.00 due &1 (paid 8/3J: $3,056.00 due 9/1 to pay for NSF.; 98-99 Znd half $2,t�0.o0 due 9l30; 99-2000 2nd half $2,t00.00 due 10/30. 7!8/99 Notice of Violation sent by CAO fw paying license fees with a bad check. CAR 05/21N999 NSF check #22979 recd for $3,708.00.ES SI6/99 - Kris hand detivered suspension letter- LAB 4/28/99 CF99-378 approving a 5 day closure (5/19/99-5/23/99) for failure to aliow entraace to police officers. C0.R 4/7/99 Scheduled for coundl 4/28 (refusal of enVy). CAM 3!2/99 Notice of violation from CAO. Report that police were not allowed to enter the bar to investigate a robbery. Response deadline of March 12, 1999. CAR 2l18/99 Failed alcohoi compliance check;'unofficial' waming•training due 7/29/99-DL 7/29/98 Congratuiations letter senL PJ W 7/13/98 Passed cigarette compliance check. PJW 6/26l97 - Paid $200.60 Cigarette Fine - Lab 6/5/97 - Sent Cig. Fine Letter (Due 6/'27/97) - Lab 5/28/97 C.F. #97-652 App'D imposing $200 Fine For Sale Of Cigs To A Minor '12l12/96 Per Denny 82emer � Mlba - Do Not lntend To PaNcipate In Alcohof Awareness In 1997 1996-7°/, Disc On Liq FeeAp plied To 2nd 1/2-Lap-Lic 4/9/96 Cig Code Added Fr/ld# 59649-1ap-Lic 1995-7°/a Disc On Liq Fee Applied 70 2ntl 1/2-Lap-Lic 5/26/94- Restrictions Have Been Complied Wifh Per Inspection By Kris Van Hom 9/7J93 Liquor Sale To Minor: Waming 022592 C.F. 92-168 Adopted By City Councii SuspendEd On Saie Liquor, Sunday, Rest & Gmbl. Loc Lic FOr 3 Consecutive Days (3/23 - 3/25J Due To Sale Of Alcoholic Beverages To A Minor. 020492 QF. 92-� 68 Suspeading Q� Sale Liquor, SundAy, Rest. 8 Gambling location License - Layed Over To 022592 121791 City Attomey Mnounced 123091 As Public HeAring Dats Before M Adminis7ative Law Judge PertAining To Adverse Action Against Licenses. 090591 Ph On Appn For Renewal Of Liquor On Safe-C, Sunday On Sale, Restaurant-B 8 Gambling Location-C License App'D C.F. 97-7653 With Restrictions. 9/12/89 Ph On Appn For New Of Class A Gambling Location License App'D C.F. 89-1631 58 Seats SS-87 10932 � � In Re the licenses held by —Beaver Lounge, Inc. dlbla Beaver Lounge — City's Exh. No. 7 1 A���[.\I .v�lll..:l ..1��..�r...• �, c H Earaest Money Contract This Earnest Money Contraet is made and entered into on: Oct 12, 2000 BE TT KNOWN, the undersigned: James Mc Murray, Laurie Mc Murray hereinafter referred to as Buyer, whose address is 594 Como Avc. S� PauL N1N 55103 offers to purchase from: Thomas Braid, Grace Braid hereinafter referred to as Seller, whose address is 3560 Emerald Drive White Bear Lake MN 55110 �'nvr. i ui D� -3� �x � the following real estate known as 7 North Jackson & 87 East Acker, Plus 4 Vacant Lots. City: St. Paul, Minnesota, County: E State: Minnesota, Zipcode: 55117 more parUiculariy described as: Beavers Lounge 756 North Jackson(Drake's 2nd Addirion EX E 43Ft Lot 16 BLK 2),Pazking On Acker(Drakes 2ND Addition Lot 17, Lot 18, Lot 19, BLK 2), House At 87 East Acker(Drakes 2ND Addition Lot 20 BLK 2), Vacant Lot On Jackson(Drake's 2nd Addition Lot 14 BLK 2). The purchase price is Earnest Deposit paid herewith Additional LTpon signin� sales agreement Balance at closing Assume Loan(s) in the Amommt of Sellery Cazryback Loan(s) in the Amount of � e�r - �yp�I�ea�(s),jn the Amoupt of e-��Cv'a..G�".�Or ��s� $ ' ,�� c.� �J��"'� $500 $s,oao $24,500 �/Vl � � $ , ���vt..��"' $ � Q�'A ��'�` �� Buyer has deposited with Seller the Earnest Deposit in the amount of $500 sirnultaneousiy with the delivery of this Agreement. Said Deposit has been confirmed by Seller �vith the execution of a receipt delivered to Buyer, also simultanaously herewith. The parties expressly agree that the failure of any party to comply with the terms and cnnditions of this Agreement will constitute a material breach of the Agreement, rendering the Agreement subject to cancellation. If the transaction contemplated hereby fails due to conditions beyond control of Buyer or Seller, such as a defect in tifle, a taking pursuant to eminent domain,destruction of the property caused by fire,flood or other natural disaster, these shall cause immediate release of all parties from any further liability or obligation hereunder.The total Earnest Deposit shall be retumed to Buyer. Ct?P11rt" The parties expressly agree that in the event, Buyer shall default in the performauce of flus Agreement, Seller may, retain the Earnest Deposit as liquidated damages and both parties shall be ��a��.n.� �v,ni,r�, ..n�.,r,..:, Naoe 7 nt i immesiiately released from ali obligations under this agreement. The parties expressly agree that in the event Seller shall default in the performance of this �!�� Agreement, the Eamest Deposit shall be returued to Buyer, without prejudice, and both parties shall be immediately released from all obligations under this agreement. Said property is to be sold free and clear of all encumbrances, by good and mazketable tifle, with full possession of said property available to Buyer. The parties agree to execute a standard purchase and sales agreement on the tertns and conditions contained in this agreement withinl5 days of signing this agreement. The parties agree that the closing sha11 be on or before 45 days of signing this agreement Buyer and Seller agree that this Agreement must be executed within: 2 days from date hereof. Buyer to assume Taxes on properties up to but not exceeding $15,000. This being agreed upon by both parties in consideration of the acceptance of $30,000 as e down payme t. The remainder to be carried on a contract for deed by the seller in the amount of � r�months ,�:n'": at�,Q% Interest. Seller agrees to finance sale of inventory to Buyer at $20 per week unrii paid at �'�� 0% interest. In the event that any provisions of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid, the same shall not affect, in any respect whatsoever, the validity of the remained of this Agreement. ACCEPTANCE The undersigned Seller accepts the foregoing offer Dated /V ' �� ` � Time ! ��/� `" OWNER ! Address � Phone_��? ���o�� ��_ Address _ � �.,.vt � nv�: � �1� . Fram: ` Tom <tom(i�fishnet.com> To: In House Misc. <tom@fishnet.com> Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 4:41 AM Subject; Loan Amourits And Payments 23�-30-8-7.5 Number of payments: 108 Financial Detaifs: Interest compounding: Monthly interest rate: 8.000% Loan amount: $200,000.00 Payment amount $2,600.00 Total payments: $281,389.30 Totai finance charge: $81,389.30 � Number of payments: 157 Finaneial Details: Interest compounding: Monthly y� � Interest rate: 8.000% � ��/�� Loan amount: $200,000.00 � �l Payment amount: $2,100.00 Total payments: $318,456.14 Totai finance charge: $118,456.14 Number of payments: 269 Financial Details: Interest compounding: Monthly Interest rate: 8.000% Loan amount $200,OOQ.00 Paymentamount: $1,600.00 Total payments: $431,448.30 Totaf finance charge: $231,448.30 Number of payments: 105 Financial Details: Interest compounding: Monthly Interest rate: 7.500°/a Loan amount: $200,000.00 Payment amount: $2,600.00 Tatai payments: $273,498.50 Total finance charge: $73,498.50 Number of payments: 145 Financiai Details: Interest compounding: Monthly tnterest rate: 7.500°!0 Loan amount $200,000.00 Payment amount: $2,100.00 p�-3� Dl-3� DATE OF REQUEST: 10/6/00 CONTACT PERSON Peter Pangborn St. Paul City Attorney TELEPHONE NUMBER: 651-266-8776 AGENCY: City of St. Paul TITLE OF CASE: City of St. Paul vs Beaver Lounge PREFERRED DATES AND 11/1, 11/2, 11/3 TIME: 9:30 LENGTH OF HEARING: 1 day LOCATION: St. Paul City Hall/Ramsey Co. Courthouse Room 41 ISSUE: 1) Refusal to allow police to enter; 2) alcohol sale to underage person ATTORIVEYS: Virginia Palmer 266-8719 Pro Se MEDIA ATTEN710N: No SPECIAL NEEDS: No JUDGE Beverly DATE 11/1 TIME 9:30 �7� � / � / �� y f � "` y ` <. ''�"f �,�t'.G.�'� C+�� w��� ,fs'�✓'� ��`°�'� 14,�. �. tt E�. ' l � t�'1 �Y'�-� � c 3�l o �u-r� �c � `r � � e_ CE.� �. � -�e. � �,�- �a�e G�� �'�l� '� ������ ��_�� ,' ��- �6�f ��.���r�s ���•��� ��1z -� 1 �° �� ��.��v�. � pl-3� �� y OFFICS OF THE CITYATTORNEY �/` C!¢yton M. Robuccorz, Jr., Ciry Attoraey 7c� t�, ��( (/ � FJ CITY OF SAINT PAUL R E C E t V E D Civi1 Division Norm Coleman, Mayar u A 0 Ciry Ha71 Telephane: 612 2668710 Q� ��j �� Ai�' 7' �WestKelloggBlvd. Facsimile: 6I2298-5619 S¢ini Pav1, Minnesota 55102 � October 16, 2000 VIA FAX AND U.S. MAIL Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger c!o Louise Cooper Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 RE: November 1, 2000 Admnustrative Hearing - Beaver Lounge Our Files: G00-0257 and G00-0279 Dear Judge Heydinger: The purpose of this letter is to request subpoenas pursuant to Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000 relating to the above-mentioned contested case hearing that is scheduled to be heard before you on Wednesday, November 1, 2000. This request is made on behalf of Ms. Virginia Palmer, the attorney assigned to this matter. The City of St. Paul licensing division will be calling these witnesses to testify regarding the incidents which serve as the basis for the action against the owner of the Beauer Lounge. In order to ensure that these individuals will be in attendance to tesrify, the City of St. Paul requests from the State Office of Administrative Hearings subpoenas for the following individuals: 1. 3. Sgt. Richard Wachal St. P��:! P�l3c� �Jepurt� ent 100 East llth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Police Officer John Corcoran St. Paul Police Department 100 East llt" Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 2. 5gt. Eugene Polyak St Daul Pclice De�,art�neaaE 100 East il�' Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 The hearing is scheduled to start at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, November 1, 2000, ln Room 41, St. Paul City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, MN 55102. ��" i � 01-3� If you need additional information or have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to ca11 me at 266-8776. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincer , � � eter P. Pa� Legal Assi; Page 2 STATE OF MINNESOTA �� OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS �� 100 Washington Square, Suite 7700 '100 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 October 19, 2000 �rginia Palmer Attorney at Law c/o Peter P. Pangborn City of Saint Paui Office of the City Attorney Civil Division 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: In the Matter of All Licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge for the Premises Located at 756 Jackson Street in St. Paul, License ID No. 0016196; OAH Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6 Dear Counsel: Enclosed are three (3) subpoenas requested by your office in the above- referenced matter and a copy of each. Sincerely, � " , ,/ BEVERL JONES HE DINGER� Administrative Law Judge Telephone: 612l341-7606 BJH:aws Encl. Providing Impartial Hearings for Governmeni and Citizens An Equal Opportunity Employer Administrative Law Section &Administrative Services (612) 341-7600 �TTY No. (612) 341-7346� Fax No. (612) 349-2665 b �-3� ���:. �3' �.�o� �c� '�' � 3� `;_yy . ° .-'�2� 9� ;�- -::� STATE OF M.INNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINlSTRATIVE HEARINGS HE.ARING SUBPOENA TO: Sgt. Richard Wachal St. Paul Police Department 100 East 11 `" Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 GREE7INGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at St. Paul City Hall, Room 41, 15 West Keilogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on the 1 day of November, 2000 at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of All Licenses Held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge for the Premises Located at 756 Jackson Street in St. Paul, License ID No. 0016196, OAH Docket No. 1 5-2111-13214-6. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorabie Kenneth A. Nickolai, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapoiis, Minnesota this 19th day of October, 2000. L4l'.�. . (�,,�, KENNETH A. NI KO I vL Chief Administrative L Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Virginia Palmer, 612/266-8710. ��:- �� ���:.. � :� --_�d - 3 � _�. � -s�-as� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMIlVISTRATIVE HEt�RINGS HEARING SUBPOENA TO: Sgt. Eugene Polyak St. Paul Police Department 100 East 11�' Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 GREETINGS: a �-3� YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger of the O�ce of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at St. Paul City Hall, Room 41, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on the 1S` day of November, 2000 at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of AVI Licenses Held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. dlb/a Beaver Lounge for the Premises Located at 756 Jackson Street in St. Paui, License ID No. 0016196, OAH Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kenneth A. Nickolai, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this 19t day of October, 2000. V��. � KENNETH A. NIC I Chief Administrativ L w Judge 612l341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Virginia Paimer, 612/266-8710. D1�3� ��- � ��� �6 £ `�..�.�� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMII�]ISTRATIVE HEARINGS HEARING SUBPOENA TO: Police Officer John Corcoran St. Paul Police Department 100 East 11'" Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at St. Paul City Hall, Room 41, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesofa, on the 1St day of November, 2000 at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of Ali Licenses Held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/bla Beaver Lounge for the Premises Located at 756 Jackson Street in St. Paul, License ID No. 0016196, OAH Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6. Pursuanf to fhe authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kenneth A. Nickolai, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this 19` day of October, 2000. � � f NETH A. Chief Adminis 612/341-7600 Judge Subpoena requested by: Virginia Palmer, 612/266-8710. �/ OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �� /�� Clayton M. Robinson, Jc, Ciry Attarney CITY OF SAINT PAUL = Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Division 400 City Hall l5 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, Minrsesota SSIO2 Telephone: 65/ 266-8710 Facsimile: 65! 298-5619 October 16, 2000 °� � � �_ NOTICE OF HEARING =�- "'' � — O Grace Braid � v; w fn Beaver Lounge � %� a < 756 Jackson Street �'n-�--�` 3 � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 ��-,, `-� � " N c£ti RE: All licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Ina d/b/a Beaver Lounge for the.premises located at 756 Jackson Street in St. Paul License ID No.:0016196 Dear Ms. Braid: Please take notice that a hearing wili be held at the following time, date and place conceming all licenses for the premises identified above: Date: Wednesday, November 1, 2000 Time: 9:30 a.m. Place; Room 41 St. Paul City Halt 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN. 55102 The hearing will be presided over by an Administrative Law Judge from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Beverly Jones Heydinger Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700 Minneapolis, MN. 55401 Telephone: 612-341-7606 � � �r The Council of the City of Saint Paul has the authority to provide for hearings conceming licensed �" !�� premises and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. In the case of licenses for intoxicating and non- intoxicatin� liquor, authority is also conveyed by Minnesota Statutes secrion 340A.415. Adyerse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalries or conditions. Evidence will be presented to the judge which may lead to adverse action against all the licenses you hold at the above premises as follows: On July 20, 2000, an alcohol compliance check was performed at the Beaver Lounge, located at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul. An 18-year old female entered the Beaver Lounge and ordered a Miller Genuine Draft beer from the bartender. The bartender served the young woman without asking for any proof of age. It is a violation of Minn, Stat. §340A.503 to sell alcohol to a person under the age of 21. On September 8, 2000, a Sainf Paul Police Officer was on patrol xn the area of Jackson and Acker and heard what sounded like fireworks being set off inside the Beaver Lounge, located at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul. The officer walked up to the door to investigate and a woman, later identified as Karen Jean Andersou opened the front door, made eye contact with him, stated "Oh, shit!" and then went back inside the bar. The officer attempted to enter, but the door was locked. The officer saw Anderson watching through a glass window, and told her to open the door. She then ran toward the back of the bar. The officer pounded on the door for at least Yhree minntes before Anderson returned to open the door. In the meantime, a number of people sat in the bar watching bat no one opened the door. The officer asked the bartender, Ronald Johnson, who the woman was, and he identified her as a barteuder at the establishment. Anderson later told the officer that the bar was legally open and she could "lock the door anytime I want to and let who I want in." The failure to allow entry to the premises to a St. Paul police officer is a violation pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.26(b)('n. You have the right to be represented by an attomey before and during the hearing or you can represent yourself. You may also have a person of your choice represent you, to the extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice of law. The hearing wiil be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62 and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all parties identify themselves for the record. The City will then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attomey may cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to Notice of Hearing - Page 2 � � Dl��� present, each ofwhom the City's attorney may cross-exainiue. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevanf and materiai fesfimony from persons not presented as wimesses by either party who have a substanrial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners or occupants of propezry located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding azgumettts may be made by the pazties. Following the hearing, the Jud�e will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing ail documents, records and witnesses you will or may need fo support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If you think that this matter can be resolved or settled without a formal hearing, please contact or have your attorney contact the undersigned. I£ a stipulation or ab eement can be reached as to the facts, that stipulation will be presented to the Administrative Law 7udge for incorporation into his or her recommendation for Council action. �" Ifyou fail to appear at the hearing, your ability to challenge the allegations will be forfeited and the allegations against you which have been stated eazlier in this notice may be taken as true. If non- public data is received into evidence at the hearing, it may become public unless objection is made and relief requested under Minnesota Statutes, Section 14.60, subdivision 2. If you have any questions, you can call me at 266-8710. Very truly youts, ' a'`c. � (��t.e-� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: LaVon Regan, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Mpls, MN 55401 Nancy Anderson, Assistant Counci2 Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1062 Rice St., St. Paul, MN 55117 Notice of Hearing - Page 3 Council File # O l � �' � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # ( p� Q � p 13 Comxnittee: Date 0 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3� 38 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Office of License, Inspections and Environxnental Protection (LIEP) initiated adverse action against the licenses held by Beauer Lounge, Inc., d/b/a Beaver Lounge for the premises at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul, for selling alcohol to an underage person in violation of Minn. Stat. §340A.503 arising from an incident that occurred on July 20, 2000, and for failing to allow entry to the premises to a Saint Paul police officer in violation of Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.26(b)(7) arising from an incident that occurred on Sep'tember 8, 2000; and WHEREAS, an administrative hearing was held before Adminish Law Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger on November 1, 2000 at which time the Licensee did not dispute the facts of the incidents, but wished to contest the appropriate penalty; and WFIEREAS, the Administrative Law Judge issued her report on November 27, 2000 finding that there was a basis to impose adverse action against the licenses based upon the two violations; and WHEREAS, the Beaver Lounge has had two prior adverse license actions within the last 18 months, a five-day license suspension imposed on Apri128, 1999 for failure to allow the police enhy to the premises and a$500 fine for a March 29, 2000 sale of alcohol to an underage person, both of which are violarions listed in the penalty matrix in §409.26(b), making these a third appearance before the council with multiple violations; and WHEREAS, the LIEP Office has recommended imposition of a 45-day suspension against the licenses, and a fine of $1,000, together with the costs of the hearing, in the amount of $508.80; and WIIEREAS, at the public hearing on December 20, 2000 the owners of the Beaver Lounge stated that they intend to sell the business to a new owner, and that they will enter into a management agreement with the new owners to manage the business while they apply far a license in their own name; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, a$er due deliberation based upon all of the evidence contained in the files, records and proceedings herein, including the documents and eachibits introduced at the hearing before the Administrative Law Judge, and the testnnony at the public hearing, does hereby order: That the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Report of the Administrative law 7udge in this matter be adopted as the findings of the Council in this matter, 1 and be incorporated herein by reference. � �_� 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2. That the licenses issued to Beaver Lounge, Inc., dlbfa Beaver Lounge at 756 Jackson Street sha11 be suspended for a period of 45 days for the violations of sale of alcohol to an underage person on July 20, 200Q and failing to allow entty to the premises to a Saint Paul police officer on September 8, 2000. This suspension shail be stayed for a period of 60 days from this date to allow the sale of the business to take place, and the new owners to obtain a liquor license. At the end of 60 days if the sale has not gone through or the new owners have been unable to obtain a license, this matter shatl be returned to the council agenda for further action. 3. That the Licensees shall pay a fine of $1,000, and shall pay the costs of the hearing before the administrative law judge in the amount of $508.80. A copy of this Resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by first class mail to the licensee and to the Administrative Law 7udge. Requested by Department o£: BY� � `�_�_ �� _�i�.l� Approved by Mayor: Date �,�( 2�j ZQ�! &y: By: Form Approved by City Attorney BY� � Appzoved by ayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date �OO� Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary ot-sY a��� Palmer , 266-&71Q 7anuary 17, 2001 - COnsent TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No106010 � co,R.rEwrowa�ae � rnroaara � ❑ O11'Ai�OMlY Q a1VClfRK ❑ wwMwtaFltVtrsow. � wuweilllaikVlllCero ❑MY011pRAiWf111I1) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution memorializiug City Council acfion taken January 3, 2001, concenring adverse acrion against all licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. 756 Jackson Street. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNiL SERVICE COMMISSION Has thre P�soN(rm e+erwaked undw a caM'act farUus department? YES NO Hes thin DNeonlfirm ewr been a pH empbytt7 YE3 NO DoeStMS percoNNm P� a sbll iwt nafmaWlO� bY �Y ��reM �Y �Wd1� YES t� b tltls Dr�rm a terGeteA vandorl ' VES NO TRANSACTION COfT/REVENUEBUDGETED(GRCLEONq YEY ACTNITY Nil1�IBER .., � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORIYEY Claylon M. Robinsoq ✓r.� Ciry Attorney ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemars, Mayar December 4, 2000 Civi1 Division 400 Ciry H¢R Telephone: 657 266-8770 IS West Xellogg Blvd. Facsimile: 651298-5679 Saint Puut, Minnesoi¢ Si102 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING ' 5�.4�z� �.. i�.�.,.. v� Nn�fx f Mr. Tom Braid and Mrs. Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 -< � , „ ��r�� ;� � �. �t <�. RE: A111icenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d!b(a Beaver Lounge, for the premises at 756 7ackson Street in Saint Paul License ID #: 0016196 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Braid: Please take notice that a hearing on the report of the Administrative Law Judge concerning the above-mentioned license has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, December 20, 2000, in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the report with the City Clerk at any time during normal business hours. You may also present oral or written argument to the council at the Hearing. No new evidence will be received or testimony taken at this hearing. The Council wiil base its decision on the record of the proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge and on the arguments made and exceptions filed, but may depart from the recommendations of such Judge as permitted by law in the exercise of its judgement and discretion. Sincerely, � ���� � �� Virgima Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Mr. Tom Braid and Mrs. Grace Braid, 3560 Emerald Drive, White Bear Lave, MN 55110 Graham Butier, Graham Legal Services, 2499 Rice St., Roseville, MN 55113 Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 31� City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP ✓ STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADNIINTSTRATIVE HEARINGS 1�o Washington Square, Suite 1700 100 Washington Avenue South Minneapoiis, Minnesota 55401-2138 November 27, 2000 a�-ZY ���FPy > �ilOy ��' �� 2 � 2 DD0 r � �C�Rk Fred Owusu, City Clerk �`^�,��"; ."- <<>.r. �� -� ��� City of St. Paul 170 City Hail �,n�t� � � ��V� 15 West Keilogg Bivd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: In the Matter of the Licenses held by Beaver Lounge for the premises located at 756 Jackson Street, Saint Paui, Minnesota; OAH Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6 Dear City Clerk Owusu: Encfosed herewith and served upon you by mail is the Administrative Law Judge's Findings of Fact, Conciusions and Recommendation in the above- entitled matter. Also enclosed is the officiai record, with the exception of the tape recording of the hearing. Copies of those tapes will be sent to you under separate cover. Our file in this matter is now being closed. Sincerely, BEV�ON�EYDINGE `�"7- Administrative Law Judge Tefephone: 6121341-7606 BJH:aws Encl. cc: Virginia D. Palmer James Braid Providing Impartial Hearings for Govemment and Citizens An Equal Opportunity Employer Administrative Law Section & Administrative Services (612) 341-7600 �TTY No. (612) 341-7346� Fax No. (612) 349-2665 � � -�� STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY U.S. MAIL Debra S. Aws, being first duly sworn, hereby deposes and says that on the 27�' day of November, 2000, at the City of Minneapolis, county and state aforementioned, she served the attached Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendation; Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6 by depositing in the United States mai! at said City of Minneapolis, a true and correct copy thereof, proper{y enveloped, with first class postage prepaid and addressed to the individuals named herein. Fred Owusu, City Clerk City of St. Paul 170 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Bivd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey 400 City Hail 15 West Kellogg Bivd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 James Braid 3560 Emerald Drive White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Subscribed and swom to before me this .�7� day of November, 1 Ci (1t�� '%� f� � � `-'�" Debra S. Aws 2000. tavoN aEC�w NOfAflY PUBUC . MINHESOT� My CpMMI5S10N EXPIAES JANUARY 31, 2W6 o`-�K 15-2111-13214-6 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINtSTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL In the Matter of the Licenses held by FINDINGS OF FACT, Beaver l.ounge CONCLUSIONS AND for the premises {ocated at RECOMMENDATION 756 Jackson Street, Saint Pau1, Minnesota This matter was heard by Administrative Law Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger, commencing at 9:30 a.m., November 1, 2000, at the St. Pau{ City Half, Room 41, 15 West Keilogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The hearing was held pursuant to Notice of Hearing dated October 16, 2000, signed by Virginia D. Palmer, Assistant City Attorney, on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Ms. Palmer, 400 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf of the City. James Braid, 3560 Emerald Drive, Wh+te Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110, appeared on behalf of Beaver Lounge, the Licensee. The record closed on November 1, 2000, at the close ofi the hearing. N0710E This report is a recommendation, not a final decision. The St. Paul City Councii wili make the finaf decision after a review of the record and may adopt, reject or modify these Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Recommendations.� Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 14.61 (2000), the City Council shall not make a final decision until this Report has been made available to the parties for at least ten days. The parties may fi4e exceptions to this Report and the City Council must consider the exceptions in making a final decision. A copy of the City Council's decision must be served on the parties and the Administrative Law Judge by first ciass mai1. Parties should contact the Fred Owusu, City Clerk, City of St. Paul, 170 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102, to ascertain the procedure for fifing exceptions or presenting argument. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES The issues presented a# this hearing were: 1. Did the Licensee violate Minn. Stat. § 340A.503, which prohibits the sale of alcohol to a person under the age of 21? 1 St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.05 (o-l). Z Minn. Stat. § 14.62, subd. 1(2000). �1-�b' 2. Did the Licensee violate Saint Paui Legislative Code § 409.26(b)(7) by failing to allow entry to the premises to a St. Paul police officer? FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Grace Braid operates the Beaver Lounge, a bar and restaurant with relafed licenses, at 756 Jackson Street, St. Paui. She operates the bar with her husband, James Braid, who appeared on behaif of the Beaver Lounge at the hearing, 2. On July 20, 2000, an alcohoi compliance check was performed by the St. Paul police at the Beave� Lounge. An 18-year old female entered the Beaver Lounge wearing a hidden transmitter, and ordered a Miller Genuine Draft beer from the bartender. The bartender served the young woman without asking for any proof of age. 3 3. Sargent Richard Wachal, was in the bar at the time of the sale dressed in p{ain ciothes, and observed the transaction. He summoned Sargent Eugene Polyak, who had been outside the bar in his squad car listening to the transmission of the compliance checker's conversation with the bartender. The two officers spoke with the bartender about the sale to the young woman, and dealt with a disruptive customer.' 4. On September 6, 2000, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection notified the Beaver Lounge that it had violated Minn. Stat. § 340A.503 by selling alcohol to a person under the age of 21 5 5. On September 8, 2000, St. Paul Police Officer John Corcoran was on patrol in the area near the Beaver Lounge, and heard what he believed to be fireworks being set off inside. The officer walked up to the door to investigate, and a woman, later identified as Karen Jean Anderson, opened the front door, saw that a polics officer was at the door, closed the door and locked it. For severai minutes the officer pounded on the door and attempted to gain access, but was ignored by Ms. Anderson and bar patrons. Then, Ms. Anderson returned to the door and admitted the officer. The bartender, Ronald Johnson, identified Ms. Anderson as another bartender at the Beaver Lounge. Ms. Anderson acknowledged that she had focked the bar, and believed that she could do so at any time 6 6. On September 26, 2000, the St. Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection notified the Beaver Lounge that it had violated St. Pauf Legislative Code § 409.26(b)(7) by faifing to aflow a St. Paul police officer to enter ihe premises. it informed the license hoider that its proposed sanction, ' Exhibit 2; Test. of Richazd Wachal; Eugeae Polyak, ° Test. of R. Wachal and E. Polyak; Ex. I. 5 Ex. 2. 6 Ex. 3; Test. of John Corcoran. 2 at-�� taking into account prior violations, was a forly-five day suspension of the licenses � 7. Kristine Schweinler, an inspector with the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, testified about the Beaver Lounge's prior oifenses. There have been two prior instances ofi serving alcohol to persons under the age of 21, and one other instance where the police were denied entry. Following the lafter incident, the City Counci! ordered the Beaver Lounge to ciose for five days, May 19 through May 23, 1999. 8. Mr. Braid did not dispute the evidence presented, and oifered no testimony to contradict it. However, he emphasized that he wants bar employees to comply with the law, and that he acted promptly to terminate the employees involved in these violations. He has offered to give the police a key to and security codes for the Beaver Lounge so that they can gain access at any time. He has also retained off-duty city staff, including police officers, to work at the Beaver Lounge to minimize any possibility of further problems. 9. Any Finding of Fact more properly termed as a Conclusion is hereby adopted as a Conclusion. CONCLUSIONS 1. The Administrative Law Judge and the Saint Paul City Council have jurisdiction in this case. 2. The Licensee received timely and proper notice of the hearing and the City has complied with ai{ refevant substantive and procedural requirements of statute and rule. 3. The City has authority to suspend or revoke a license and to impose penalties for violation of applicable statutes and rules." 4. The Licensee is responsible for conduct in the licensed establishment, inciuding conduct by an employee authorized to sell alcohof. 5. The City has the burden of proving that the Licensee violated the applicable provisions of state law and city ordinance by a preponderance of the evidence. ' Ex. 4; Test. of Kristina Schweinler. 8 See also, Ex. 7. 9 Minn. Stax § 340A.415 (1998); Saint Paul Legislative Code § 40912. 10 See Minn. Stat. § 14.57 — 14.61, 340A.415 (1998); Saint Paul Legislarive Code § 310.05. ° Minn. Stat. § 340A.415 (1998); Saint Paul Legislative Code § 310.06. tZ Minn. Stat. § 340A.501 (1998); Saint PauL Leaislative Code §§ 31�.17 and 409.14. o�-3b' 6. Beaver Lounge violated Minn. Stat. § 34QA.5o3, subd. 2(1) by se4ling an alcoholic beverage to a person under age 21. 7. She Beaver Lounge violated St. Paui Legislatrve Code §409.26(b)(7) by fiailing to ailow a police officer access to the premises. 8. The City Councii has the authority to impose the appropriate sanction by application of the provisions of St. Paul Legislative Code F 409.26. Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes the foflowing: RECOMMENDATION lT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED: that the Cify of Saint Paul impose an appropriate sanction against the Licensee. Dated this 27 day of November, 2000. I_�_ _? .A��i � . � . �.�� : '.`� J i, �- . � � _ , _ Reported: Tape-recorded (three tapes) MEMORANDUM Mr. Braid did not contest the violations, but is very concerned with the penalty that may be imposed. He acknowledges that the license hofder is responsible for the actions of the employees, but believes that he has taken steps to mitigate the likelihood of future offenses and is negotiating for sale of the establishment. The City Council has the authority to determine the appropriate sanction. B.J.H. n � o�- OFFICE OF ADMIPTISTRATIVE HEARIIVGS FOR THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In Re The Licenses Held By Beaver Lounae, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge CITY'S PROPOSED EXHIBITS November 1, 2000 TO: Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger, Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 The following constitutes a list of the City's proposed exhibits for the Administrative Aearing on November 1, 2000. Exhibit No. E�. No. 1 Exh. No. 2 Exh. No. 3 Exh. No. 4 Er1i. No. 5 Each. No. 6 Description Police Report CN 00-141-250, prepared by Sgt. Eugene Polyak and Sgt. Richard Wachal, dated July 20, 2000 (6 pp.); Nofice of Violation, dated September 6, 2000, with Affidavit of Service � pP•)> Police Report CN 00-181053, prepared by Officer John Corcoran, dated 3eptember 8, 2000 (4 pp.); Notice of Violation, dated September 26, 2000, with Affidavit of Service � PP•); License Information Report, dated October 30, 2000 (8 pp.); Notice of Hearing, dated October 16, 2000, with A�davit of Service � PP•); Exh. No. 7 License Group Comments Text, dated 7uly 28, 2000 (1 p.). o���� Also attached please find courtesy copies of applicable St. Paul City ordinances: St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.05 St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.06 St. Paui Legislative Code § 310.17 St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.26 Respectfully submitted this 1�` day of November, 2000. ` � �u2� U ce-a.��1 Virginia D. almer Assistant City Attomey Office of The City Attorney 400 City Hali 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)266-8710 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADDZINISTRATIVE HEARINGS 100 Washington Square, Su{te 1700 100 Washington Avertue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 November 27, 2000 Fred Owusu, City Clerk City of St. Paul 170 City Hall 15 West KeUogg Bfvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 UI°�� ���'FlV�-� �Q� 2 t7 �, 2�d0 � �����. RE: 1n the Matter of the Licenses held by Beaver Lounge for the premises located at 756 Jackson Stseet, Saint Pau{, Minnesota; OAH Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6 Dear City Clerk Owusu: Enclosed herewith and served upon you by mail is the Administrative Law Judge's Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendation in the above- entitled matter. Also enclosed is the officiai record, with the exception of the tape recording of the hearing. Copies ofi those tapes will be sent to you under separate cover. Our file in this matter is now being closed. Sincerely, BEV�O NEYDINGE `nr Administrative Law Judge Telephone: 612/341-7606 BJH:aws Encl. cc: Virginia D. Palmer James Braid Providing Impartial Hearings for Govemment and Citizens An Equal Opportuniry Employer Administrative Law Section &Administrative Services (612) 341-7600 �TTY No. (6i2) 341-7346� Fax PJo. (612) 349-2665 bl-3� STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY U.S. MAIL Debra S. Aws, being first duly sworn, hereby deposes and says that on the 27 day of November, 2000, at the City of Minneapolis, county and state aforementioned, she served the attached Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendation; Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6 by depositing in the United States mail at said City of Minneapolis, a true and correct copy thereof, properly enveloped, with first class postage prepaid and addressed to the individuais named herein. Fred Owusu, City Clerk City of St. Paul 170 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 James Braid 3560 Emerald Drive White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 4��� C� Debra S. Aws Subscribed and sworn to before me this a7� day of November, � ��� �Y��� 2000. LaVON REGAN NOTMY PUBLiC - M:15N850TA MYCOMMISSION EXPIRE3 J/WUARY 31.200.5 ��-3 s� 15-2111-13214-6 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL In the Matter of the Licenses held by FINDINGS OF FACT, Beaver Lounge CONCWSIONS AND for the premises located at RECOMMENDATION 756 Jackson Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota This matter was heard by Administrative Law Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger, commencing at 9:30 a.m., November 1, 2000, at the St. Paul City Hall, Room 41, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The hearing was held pursuant to Notice of Hearing dated October 16, 200�, signed by Virginia D. Palmer, Assistant City Attorney, on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Ms. Palmer, 400 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf of the City. James Braid, 3560 Emeraid Drive, White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110, appeared on behalf of Beaver Lounge, the Licensee. The record closed on November 1, 2000, at the close of the hearing. NOTICE This report is a recommendation, not a final decision. The St. Pauf City Council will make the final decision after a review of the record and may adopt, reject or modify these Findings of Fact, Conc{usions, and Recommendations.� Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 14.61 (2000), the City Council shalf not make a finai decision until this Report has been made available to the parties fior at least ten days. The parties may file exceptions to this Report and the City Council must consider the exceptions in making a final decision. A copy of the City Council's decision must be served on the parties and the Administrative Law Judge by first class mai1. Parties should contact the Fred Owusu, City Clerk, Gity of St. Paul, 170 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102, to ascertain the procedure for filing exceptions or presenting argument. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES The issues presented at this hearing were: 1. Did the Licensee violate Minn. Stat. § 340A.503, which prohibits the sale of alcohol to a person under the age of 21? 1 St. Paul Legislarive Code § 310.05 (o-l). Z Minn. Stat. § 14.62, subd. 1(2000). 0�-3� 2. Did the Licensee violate Saint Paul Legislative Code § 409.26(b)(7) by failing to allow entry to the premises to a St. Paul police officer? FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Grace Braid operates the Beaver Lounge, a bar and restaurant with related licenses, at 756 Jackson Street, St. Paul. She operates the bar with her husband, James Braid, who appeared on behaff of the Beaver Lounge at the hearing. 2. On July 20, 2000, an alcohol compiiance check was performed by the St. Paul police at the Beaver Lounge. An 18-year old female entered the Beaver Lounge wearing a hidden transmitter, and ordered a Miller Genuine Draft beer from the bartender. The bartender served the young woman without asking for any proof of age. 3 3. Sargent Richard Wachal, was in the bar at the time of the sale dressed in plain clothes, and observed the transaction. He summoned Sargent Eugene Polyak, who had been outside the bar in his squad car listening to the transmission of the compliance checker's conversation with the bartender. The two officers spoke with the bartender about the sale to the young woman, and dealt with a disruptive customer. 4. On September 6, 2000, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection notified the Beaver Lounge that it had violated Minn. Stat. § 340A.503 by selling alcohol to a person under the age of 21. 5. On September 8, 2000, St. Paul Police Officer John Corcoran was on patrol in the area near the Beaver Lounge, and heard what he believed to be fireworks being set ofF inside. The officer walked up to the door to investigate, and a woman, later identified as Karen Jean Anderson, opened the front door, saw that a police o�cer was at the door, closed the door and locked it. For several minutes the officer pounded on the door and attempted to gain access, but was ignored by Ms. Anderson and bar patrons. Then, Ms. Anderson returned to the door and admitted the o�cer. The bartender, Ronafd Johnson, identified Ms. Anderson as another bartender at the Beaver Lounge. Ms. Anderson acknowledged that she had locked the bar, and believed that she could do so at any time. 6. On September 26, 2000, the St. Paul Office of License, lnspections and Environmental Protection notified the Beaver Lounge that it had violated St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.26(b)(7) by failing to allow a St. Paul police officer to enter the premises. It informed the license holder that its proposed sanction, ' E�ibit 2; Test. of Richard Wachal; Eugene Polyak. ° Test. of R. Wachal and E. Polyak; Ex. 1. 5 Ex. 2. 6 Ex. 3; Test. of John Corcoran. 2 o �_ 3g taking into account prior violations, was a forty-five day suspension of the licenses.� 7. Kristine Schweinier, an inspector with the Office of License, lnspections and Environmental Protection, testified about the Beaver Lounge's prior offenses. There have been two prior instances of serving alcohol to persons under the age of 21, and one other instance where fhe police were denied entry. Folfowing the fatter incident, the City Council ordered the Beaver Lounge to close for five days, May 19 through May 23, 1999 $ 8. Mr. Braid did not dispute the evidence presented, and offered no testimony to contradiet it. However, he emphasized that he wants bar employees to comply with the law, and that he acted promptly to terminate the employees involved in these violations. He has offered to give the police a key to and security codes for the Beaver Lounge so that they can gain access at any time. He has also retained off-duty city staff, including police officers, to work at the Beaver Lounge to minimize any possibility of further problems. 9. Any Finding of Fact more properly termed as a Conclusion is hereby adopted as a Gonclusion. CONCLUSIONS 1. The Administrative Law Judge and the Saint Paul City Council have jurisdiction in this case. 2. The Licensee received timely and proper notice of the hearing and the City has complied with all refevant substantive and procedural requirements of statute and rule. 3. The Gity has authority to suspend or revoke a license and to impose penalties for violation of applicable statutes and rules.�� 4. The Licensee is responsible for conduct in the licensed establishment, including conduct by an employee authorized to sell alcohol.' 5. The City has the burden of proving that the Licensee violated the applicable provisions of state law and city ordinance by a preponderance of the evidence. ' Ex. 4; Test. of Kristina Schweinler. 8 See also, Ex. 7. 9 Minn. Stat. § 340A.A15 (1998); Saint Paul Legislative Code § 409.12. 10 See Minn. Stat. § 14.57 —14.61, 340A.415 (1998); Saint Paul Legislative Code § 310.05. 11 Minn. Stat. § 340A.415 Q498); Saint Pau1 Legislative Code § 310.06. 12 Minn. Stat. § 340A.501 (1998); Saint Paul Legislative Code §§ 310.17 and 40914. pl-3� 6. Beaver Lounge violated Minn. Stat. § 340A.503, subd. 2(1) by selling an alcoholic beverage to a person under age 21. 7. The Beaver Lounge violated St. Paul Legislative Code §409.26(b)(7) by failing to allow a police officer access to the premises. 8. The City Council has the authority to impose the appropriate sanction by application of the provisions of St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.26. Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: RECOMMENDATION IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED: that the City of Saint Paul impose an appropriate sanction against the Licensee. Dated this 27 day of November, 2000. � � � �I_'_� �.�ii . � � ��. ��O : •"� `• _ `i �• � .� � �� _ Reported: Tape-recorded (three tapes) MEMORANDUM Mr. Braid did not contest the violations, but is very concerned with the penalty that may be imposed. He acknowledges that the license holder is responsible for the actions of the employees, but believes that he has taken steps to mitigate the likelihood of future offenses and is negotiating for sale of the establishment. The City Council has the authority to determine the appropriate sanction. B.J.H. 0 � n_ OFFICE OF ADNIINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL In Re The Licenses Held By Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge CTTY`S PROPOSED EXHIBITS November 1, 2000 TO: Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger, Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Squaze, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 The following constitutes a list of the City's proposed exhibits for the Administrative Hearing on November 1, 2000. Exhibit No. Exh. No. 1 Exh. No. 2 Each. No. 3 Exh. No. 4 Exh. No. 5 Each. No. 6 E�ch. No. 7 Description �l�3� Police Report CN 00-141-250, prepazed by Sgt. Eugene Polyak and Sgt. Richard Wachal, dated July 20, 2000 (6 pp.); Notice of Violation, dated September 6, 2000, with Affidavit of Service � PP•)> Police Report CN 00-181053, prepared by Officer John Corcoran, dated September 8, 2000 (4 pp.); Notice of Violation, dated September 26, 2000, with Affidavit of Service � PP•)> License Information Report, dated October 30, 2000 (8 pp.); Notice of Hearing, dated October 16, 2000, with Affidavit of Service � PP•); License Group Comments Text, dated July 28, 2000 (1 p.). ot-3�' Also attached please find courtesy copies of applicabie St. Paul City ordinances: St. Paul Le�slative Code § 310.05 St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.06 St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.17 St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.26 Respectfully submitted this 1 day ofNovember, 2000. �-� S� Virginia D. almer Assistant City Attorney Office of The City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Keliogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (b12)266-8710 �" r Saint Paul Police Department Page , �' SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / tNCIDENT REPORT pJ,3� CamplaintNumber Refe�ence C.K Primary offense Date and Time of RepoK 00-14� 250 Liquior Violation 07/20/2000 21:00 � Primary Repor(ing �fhcer EUGENE P POLYAK ?rimary ot7ense detaH: _ Primarysq�ad: 7Q0 Secondaryrepo�tingoflicer. RICHARD L WACHAL Oisfict CENTRAL ( ) Secondary offense: Locaffon ofincidenY. Name of/oCatioNbcSiness: Date & Sme of occurence: Anest made? YES Date & time ofarrest 07/20/2000 17:45 POUCE PE�2SONNEL INVOLVED Ar2stmade on view: YES Pursuif engaged: Arrest made on warrant o� previous CM. Weapons �sed by poGce; Weapons used by suspecf at time of arrest. Resistance encountered: CHARGES /vame GORZ, JOSEPH CARL /+nestStams gOOKED sooldng� Booking date 07/20/2000 Booking trme 21:37 NAMES ARRESTEE GORZ, JOSEPH CARL 308 FOREST ST STPAUL MN 55106 - Physical Description Phones sex UPIKNOWN Height Haircolor Homephone 651-771-2072 Race W}j�TE Weight Hai�Type Hispanic Budd HairLength � DOB 08/'16/1965 Sldn Facial Hair " 1 Age 34 ` � Physical ConCition Employment � n� Canscrousneu Occupa6on UNK � Drug/a�coho�use HAD BEEN DRINKING Emp/oyer :� - � � In e e hcenses he _Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge e City's Exh. No. 1 , ` r ` � . � 7 _� i 1 ` �C-�! �.�' ��^' .J '�'' l� l � /7 C � L �I ` ,�, Saint Pauf Police Deparkment : � : SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE 1 1NCIDENT ._� Complaint Number RefeJencs C_N. Pnmary oflense Date and Time of Report 00-141250 Liquior Violation 07/20/2000 21:00 SLISPECT BROWN, DAViD EARL 691 DALE ST N#�3 STPAUL MN 55103 " Physipl DescripSon Phones sex UNKNOWN Height HailCO/or Home phone 651- - Race �j�/}-jy'� WeigM HairType Woifc phone 651-222-6a11 Kspanic DoB 02/16/1964 Bttdd sldn BROWN - L1GriT HairLengdi Faaa7 Hair Age 36 Physica/ Condifion Emp/oyment � Consciausness 7 occupation gp}�j'EjypER Orug/a/cohol use Empoye� gEqVERS BAR CRIME SCENE DESCRIPTORS Crime Scene Type Descnption hfefhod & Poirrt of Entry Face usea NOT FORCED point af ertfry Meihod PROPEi�TY (NONE) VEHiCLE 1NFORMATION (NONE� . ` GORZ, JOSEPH CARL ' 308 FOREST ST , S7PAUl, MN 55106 ;;: 08/'I6/'1965 34 W U NaRRaTivE Squad 790 (Sgt. Polyak) along with 792 ( Sn . Wachal conduct liquor compliance checks az several bars located in St. Paul. The undercover agent assisting in the compliance checks was trainedby _= the Vice Unit in how to conduct the compliance check• "lhe U.C. was tcained to tell the ttuth if asked her age or D.O.B. The U.C. was given buy funds before entering ilie establishwent to be checked and was checked to make sure she had no fotm of identification aa fier pason. The U.C. - used on this compliance check was 18 years of age and was photographed prior tn the start of the ' detail_ The U.0 will be identified as U.C. #56. ~ The first check took place az Beavezs baz at 756 jackson. U.C. #56 was s�t inside the bar shordy after Sgt. Wachal entered the bu and took up a place of surveillance. Sgt_ wachal entered the baz first to insure the safety of tlie U.0 inside the baz ( A previous compliancecheck az Beaver Bar escalated into a heated incident with the bu owner). The U.C. entered thebaz wearing a ludden uansmitter so I could monitor her conversations from ouuide the bar. "The U.C. ordered a Miller � Genuine draft beer from the bartender. The U.C. then gave me a signal indicatsng she had been served. Sgt. Wachal exited the bu and motioned to me to enter the bar When I entered the baz I observed a bottle of beer sitting in front of the U.C. I asked who served the beer and she pointed at the bartender who was identified as Brown> David Earl D.O.B. 2-16-64. Sgt. Wacfial photographed the bottle of beer while I asked the bartender for his license. I asked tfie barcender if he asked the U.C. �or identification and he replied he didn`t indicazing he thought tlie female had entexe� �e baz with a r awiar customer. The bartender was photographed and advised he would be contacted through the mail with a summons and complunt chazging him wirh GM providing alcohol to a minor. While speaking with the bartender and attempting to ID fiim a WIM seated at the corner ofthe baz yelled, "this is bull shit it's a set up." I ignored the W/M and con[inued to ID the bar[ender- "IIie W!M yelled "fuck the police, why don't you deal with the drug dealers outside" I again ignored ihe W!M but at the same time noticed he was statting w incite several of the other cuscomers stuno next Page 2 REPORT Q jr ;� _�'-�, Saint Paul Police Department Page 3 SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT �`�3� Camp�aint Number Refe2nce CN. Pnmary offense Date and rune of Repor[ 00-141250 Liquior Volation 07/20/2000 21:00 to him. The W/M then Yelled "you fucking cops aze assholes this is bullshit." I advised the W/�I to be quice, this didn't involve him and we conduct compliance checks on all the bazs in St. Paul_ The W/M now stood up from his seaz and started to yell "fuck the godda� po&ce this is bullshit, fuck - you, it,'s a set up." The W!M started to shake his fist az me_ I noticed several of the other customers started to pound their fists an the baz as they stazted to yell in a�eement with the W/M who buy now was inciring several other customers. I immediatly walked over and advised the W/M suspect he was under ariesc. I gabbed the suspect by the arm twisting it behind his back as I escorted him out of che bar. Sgt_ Wachal aLso observed a different individual who was starcing to become incited and showing signs of anger renazding our presence in the baz. Once the W/M I was dealin� with was removed from the bu the crowd of approximately 20 customets stazted to calm down. The suspect was taken ouuide, handcuffed and h to HQ by a marked squad. The suspect was booked for D.O.C. It should be noted the bartender made no attemQu az calmin� the situarion inside the baz or by advising the suspect to be seated and remain quite. The suspect was eventually identified as Gorz, 7oseph Cazl D.O.B. 8-16-65. Please distribute to: _CHF _Hom _Sex _D/C ^ CO _Rptr _Rob _Burg Vice _Juv _Oper _PSC _Theft _Prop _CAU Nazco SIU T&A _L.ab _F&F Other Rec _Team _Auco _DAO .-�,-� �.� �"r ` - Saint Paul Police Department Page , °� , ___ SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT p j�3� Compfa�t Num6er Reference CN. Primary offense Oate and Time of Repo/t 00-'141250 Liquor Law Violation 07/20/2000 21:06 PrimaryRepo�tingOffrcer RICHARD L WACNAL Primary otfense deEad= Primary squad 792 Secondaryrepo�tingoflrcer EUGENE P POLYAK �� CENTR.4L ( PSS-VICE ) Secondary offense: toca6on ofinddent Name oflocafforvbusiness: Date & dme of occurence: Mestmade? Date 8 time af amst. POLICE PERSONNEL INVOLVED - Mestmade on view. Arrest made on wamant ar previous CN: Pursuit engaged Resistance encountered: Weapons used by poGce: Weapons rrsed by suspect at /ime of arrest. CNARGES (NON� NAMES (N CRIME SCENE DESCRIPTORS Gime Scene rype Descnpfion Method 8 Poinf ofEntry Forceused NOTFORCED Point of entry Method PRQPERTY ( NON� VEHiCLE INFORMATION (NON� NARRATIVE Squad 792 parricipated in this liquor compliance check of Beavers Lounge located at 756 Jackson � St_ on 7-20-2000. I was working with Sgt. Polyak and we utilized undercover agent #56 who has a � DOB of 5-5-82 making her 18 yrs. of age. She has undergone training by SPPD in how to conduct herself in maldng undera�e buys of alcohol in local establishments in the city of St. Paul. , At 1745 hours this date, she entered the lounge with instructions ro order a MIller Genuine Draft beer. She was given money with which to purchase it. I entered the baz a minute earlier to watch rhe \ activity inside and the possible sale thaz may ensue. She saz ai the west end of the baz and ordered ,� the beer. The bartender lazer identified as: Brown, David Earl DOB 2-16-64 gave her the beer � without hesitatioa and took a$5 bill from her and charged her $1.25 for it. I observed Brown riag if � up on the cash register and �ve her the change. At this time I motioned to UC !{56 to stay seaied while I reuieved Sgt. Polyak who was outside listening on a monitor. UC #56 had a uansmitter on her person. Once Sgt. PoIyak arrived, we dismissed UC �Y56 and identified the bartender. I photograghed the _ � beer, Mr. Brown and tazer UC �56. ' r It should be noted that a baz patron began io loudly make his feelings I�own to other patrons aboui what the police were doin�. I heazd him (Gorz, Joseph Carl) say something to rhe effect of: "there aze dru� pushers out there and they're in here doing this." Sgt. Polyak took him into custody afrer hearing severai minutes of this person's vocal attitude. I was dealing with Mr. Brown who was cooperative. There was another unidentified male thaz accused me of wearing a wire as I walked out to get Sgt. Polyak. He met me on the sidewalk. I brushed past him to get to PoFyak and again to get back inside the baz. He was now inside and continued to stare at me with his eyes squinted as ' � /�� —� Y `�� �i �C, r` �� ' ���; C� ,� ,�-c C _ � �. �., .``• " - Saint Paui Police Department Pase 2 - SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT __. o�- 3� Camp�aintNumber Reference CN_ Primary oflense Date and Tvne of Report 00-141250 Liquor Law Volation 07/20/2000 21:06 he hated our police presence. Ae temained close mos[ of the time. I was concerned that he wouid start a fight witfi either us or get others in the baz to join him. I was distracted by him while S�. Polyak dealt with Gorc. I then nuned my attenuon to Gorz when I heard him speak the words - menaoned earlier in this report. Please distribute to: _CF3F l Hom Sex D/C _CO _Rptr Rob _B�S V ice Juv _Thefr _Nazco _Oper _PSC _Lab _Rec _Team _Prop _CAU _F&F _Auto _DAO SIU T&A Other S'� i R e � �+eck Beaver Lounse 756 Jackson y SuyerlD � dt-3� Today's Date_ �'i�� ��1 � � t. 8uyer gender 2 rme: 3/29/00 00054897 _ ,D,�,e ( 7!: I�`1;�.�, Age � � � + CN.ECKHE�c 2�Fem2te " 2r � PM if No Purchase Attemptedl I�pSRP z _ TO wr3 � yyas a sacurity persan sationed at the door? 6. What did you try to purchase? a. (check are: oN-sa/e oMyl b. (c'redc erre) 1 � &-pactc cans 2� 12-pack cans 3� �pack bottles d�I QusR bettie �' 7. `��elle_r(server's gender. 1 I V 1 Male 2 C Female L1�+ i 8. Sellertserver's esrimated age: l 'I � Budweiser 2� Coors a (cnedc ane) 3�Miller 1�Lite 4 IOther �Regular 9 w 't �Less than 21 2 �2'I-30 3�31 or oider 10. How many peopte were standing in line behirtd you at th�e tirr�e were at ihe cash regisYer? ,�� j�( �� '���� 12. What was the rtoise teve7? ;��s i9 4. tf yes, gender af gersan at door. i � YES 22�No ��Male 2� Femaie .� 5. yes, were you: (`heck an that ePPN) IFNO, SK1P TO � n Admitted with no question XS 421'! 9_ How c:owded was ii? s Seating No 52�ting/ (� No seating! j� avaiiable 4I few s�ndirzaZi � many s2andirtg3r' � sz 5455 Nortnal � Raised , � ranversation � voices Z! I Shouting 31 � � 11. �Pu atte[rtpt outcome: (check a/l that apply) 1�Purr,hased with no questions 9�Purchased aHer s�ting age 3�Purchased after state date of birth Purchased after s�ting ID not on me 5 +PurGhased afrer expiainirtg ID in car &�No purchase _ after siating age Purchased after sYate date of biRh Admiited after stating tD not on me Admitted aBer expiaining ID in car Not adm¢ted STOP HERE �� '13. !f n ;;; o --- ���purchase attempted, explain below: (chectr one) dt � C�osed, wt of business 081 � Unsate (explainj =, 6id� 02 �� Ciosetl, seasonal houn " 091 4 Buyer macpropnate!y dressed � a31 I Gesed, limded hour5 70 �� Out af be_r � Od � Closed temperaniy (reparts, remode!. _IC-) » �� Did not have !vne to cmpie±e QS i i Ctoszo to P�btic. Orniate party �2 � Oodt (or no longer) se11 alcohot 06 i I Pmate dub, pu6lic not admrtted �� I I Reservations rief-.essary 071 I Unable ro lo�te J � Other (spea(y) I I I L! �t—� ���l�v'C. o� - i �► �2S � Law Entarcemen# Buy Regort Form EPVCMDA004Ver i ii58(ioi+) �� OFFICE THE CITY ATTORNEY � f �� � Clrsy[on M�ixson, Ja, CiryAttorney 6 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civil Division lem¢n. Mayor 400 Ciry Hall IS West Kellogg Blwl. Saint Paul, Minrsesota SSIO2 ��. September 6, 20Q0 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Ms. Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 Telephone: 651 26b-8710 Fncsimrle: 651298-56l9 RE: Ali licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge, for the premises at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul License ID #: 0016196 Dear Ms. Braid: The Office of License, Inspections and Bnvironmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the licenses heid by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge, for the premises at 756 Jackson Street in Saia�t Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On July 20, 2000, an alcobol compliance check was performed at the Beaver Lounge, located at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul. An 18-year old female entered the Beaver Lounge and ordered a Miller Genuine DraR beer from the bartender. The bartender served the young woman withont asking for any proof of age. It is a violation of Minn. Stat. §340A.503 to sell alcohol to a person under the age of 21. Since this is considered a second violation, the licensing office will recommend a $1,000.00 fine, pursuant to St. Paul Legislative Code §409.26. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: 1. If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you will need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental �� � n e t� e hcenses e �eaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge _ City's Exh. Na 2 Page 2 � � D�' 3� Ms. Grace Braid September 6, 2000 Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minuesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you are entitled. 2. Alternatively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Council, you will need to send me a letter with a statement admittin� the violation and requesting a hearing by Monday, September 18, 200Q. The matter wi11 then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your osvr: behalf as to the penalty to be imposed. 3. If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that hearing both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence, and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. Please let me know in writing no later than Monday, September 18, 2000, how you wish to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Monday, SepYember 18, 2000, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Councii and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will �e imposed, If you haue any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, � � ��/�.c.c�L/`, CeJ�••�?� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Clu�istine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice St., St. Paul, MN 55117 s STATE OF MII3Y3ESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY � o� ��' AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CL,EMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 6, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION upon the following named person placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Ms. Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street St. Paul, MN. 55117 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the Uni S tes mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. � /1 f") . , Subscribed and this 6th d o � � Notary P to before me �Yse�r , 2 0 0 0 . PETER P. PANGBORN EXPIRES JAN. 31, 2006 . - �� s . p % - ,�'�- ,�i �� Saint Paui PoficE De artment ���_ � Aage B�-3� .. ..._ ... ORIGINAL OFFENSE / iNCfDENT REPORT fJ�,�,� ComFVaintAlum6er Reference C.N. Primary oAense Dafe and 7vne otRepod OU- INFORMATION REROftT 09/08/2040 01:30 Pdmary Reporting othcer. �pHN G CdRCORAN Cxetioa otinddent: 756 JACKSON ST N Primary otFepse detad.� Pnmary squad: 240 Secondary reporting olAcer: Dish,ct. CEtJTRAL ( CENTRAL DISTRICT ) Secoetlary oXartsa: Name oflacatiuN6usrness: p3EVERS BAR Date & time ot oceurence: 091d8C2000 44:58 Anest mede? Date 8 time at aruesh POLlCE PERSONNEL INVOLVED ` Anest matle on view: Pursnit engaged. Anestmade on wanent o�previous CN� Weapons used 6y police: Weapans used by suspect at time of afrest: Reslslance encounfered. CHARGES (NONE} NAMES SUSPECT ANDEf2SON, KAREN JEAN 1076 VtRGINA ST STPAUL MN 55107 Physka! Oescrlp8an Phones Sex FEMALE ttaigM Ha�r c�or 1 � _ Home phone 651-489-645� aece WHITE weiger rtarrrype Workphone 851-222-6011 Hispanic ooe �yiov7s5s Age qq BW7d Skin PALE Hair Lertgth Faciat Hair Physlcaf Condttton Empinyment CansGnusneu Occopetion Drug/akoho! use Employar WtTNFSS JOIiNSON, RONALD MICHAEL 588 CASE ST STPAUL MN 55106 pnysnaraas�r�prio„ � rno�a4 sax MALE Ha;snt Nair color Home phone 551-489-7835 Race WHITE wergnt H'rspenrc 8m7d Do812/61/t964 skin Age 39 Hair Type NalKength feciaf Heir Work phana 651-222-6011 —Beaver Lo u n e g ehInc e d1b 1 a Bea Lounge _._, C:ity's Exh. No. 3 ,,, �� Saint Paul Police Department Page , or, PUBLIC OFFENSE f iNC1DENT REPORT �� , 3� Complaint Numbe� Reference C.N. Pnmary Offense Date and Time ofReport OQ-489453 INFORMATION REPORT 09108/2000 01:30 t�nmary Reportng ofhcar. �ONN G CORCORAN Pnmary squad.' 240 Secondary �eporting oMreY. oist�ice CENTRAL ( CENTRAL DtSTRICT } Secortdary oHense: txethn otFnddent 7� �qCKSON ST N Name oftocation/buslness BEVERS BAR oate & dme of occurence: OSI�Bl2000 00:58 Anast mads? Date 8 tlme oterrest POLICE PERSONNEL INVOLVED Anest made on New: Pursuif engageei.• � Arresf made oo warrant orprevfoas CN: Weapons used poN'ce: Weapons used suspect af time of arresk Resistance ancovrtfered: CHARGE5 {NONE) NAMES t�oNE) .,, :�-� t�.., . .: �.:- 4. __i'- �°�__ .. ComplainE Numbar oa-�e�os3 Saint Pau4 Police Department Peee z ORIGINAL OFFENSE / tNCIDENT REPORT Dl-3� Reterence C.N. Pdmary oT/ense Date and Time ofReporf lNFORMA�ION REPORT 09/08/2000 01:30 Phystca! Conditlon fmployment Coesaa�sness bcsupetron Orug/alcohd use Employe� CRIME SCENE DESCRlPTORS Crtme Scene Me7hod & PointofEntry Trae OFFICFJCOMMERCIAL ��nWroR BAR/NiGHTCLllBlfAVERN Face used PoinE of entry Method PROPERTY (NdNE) VEHICLE INFOR (NONE) NARRATIVE WHILE ON TdtJR, I SQD #240 (CORCORAN) WAS STOPPEQ AT THE STOP SIGN JACKSON AND ACKER ST. WH{LE STOPPED AT THE STOF S1GN, I HEARD WHAT SOUNDED LIKE FIREWORKS BEING SET OFF INSIDE BEAVERS BAR (756 JACKSON). I PUT MYSELF OUT ON AN WVESTlGATE AT BEAVERS BAR TO SEE IF 1T WAS W FACT �I!�EWORKS. AS I WAS WALKING UP TO THE DOOR, A W/F WHO WAS LATER ID'D AS, ANDERSON, KAREN JEAN W/F, DOB: 11J01l1859 OPENED THE FRONT DOOR, MADE DIRECT EYE CONTACT WITH ME AND SAID, "OH SHIT". BEFORE t COULD ASK ANUERSON {F EVERYTHING WAS OK, SHE WENT BACK INS(DE THE BAR. I THEN TF:IED TO GE7 INSIDE THE BAR BUT TIiE DOOR WAS LOCKED. 1 COULD SEE ANDERSON DIRECTLY ON THE OTHER SEQE OF THE DOOR THROtJGH THE GLASS WINDOW. ANDEFtSON RND I WERE FACE TO FACE, WfTH ONLY THE GLASS WINDOW SEPARATING US. I COULD ALSO SEE A NItMBER OF PEOPLE INSIDE THE BAR, MANY OF THEM HAD DRINKS IN THEIR HANDS AND WERE WATCHING WHAT WAS GOENG ON NAT THE DOOR. i TOLO ANDERSON TQ OPEN THE DOOR. SHE THEN TURNED AROUND AND RAN TOWARD THE BACK OF THE BAR. ! THEN POUNDED ON THE DOOR VERY HARD WITH NO ANSWER. NO ONE IN THE BAR CAME TO THE DOOR WHILE I PQUNDED ON fT, THEY JUST SAT ON THEIR STOOLS AND WATCHED ME. I STILL GOULD NOT SEE ANDERSON AT THIS TIti1E. I ESTiMATED THAT I POUNDED OI3 THE DOOR FOR AT LEAST THREE MINUTES. JIiST THEN ANDERSON CAME BACK AND OPENED THE DOOR. AT THIS TIME I GF2AB$ED HER AND PUT HER iN THE REAR OF MY CAR, BECAUSE AT THIS POINT I WAS .S�TIlt NOT 100 % SURE THAT THE N41SE I HEARD WAS FIREWORKS. I THEN WENT INSIDE THE BAR AND COULD SMELL THE SMELL OF FlF;EWORKS. I THEN TALKED TQ THE BARTENDER, JOIiNSON, RONALD MiCHAEL W/M, DOB: 12l01/1960. JOHNSON TOLD ME THAT SOMEONE HAD THRdWN FIREWORKS tNSIDE THE BAR. I THEN ASKED JOHNSON WHO LOCKED THE DOQR, HE SAID, " KAREN". I ASKED JaHNSON WHO ANDERSON iNAS AND HE SAID, "SHE IS A BARTENDE.R H�RE." I THEN LET ANDERSON OUT OF MY CAR AND SHE SAID, "WHY Dld YGU PUT ME 1N THE CAR?" ! TQLD HER THAT SHE COULD NOT LQCK THE P4LICE OUT OF THE BAR. SkE THEN SAlD, "7HE BAR WAS LEGALLY OPEN , AND I CAN LQCK THE DC70R AfVYTIME I WANT TO ANQ LET WHO I WANT iN." � ;, , . .. Y � � Sain# Paul Poiice Department Paga 3 ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT p!- 3 CompfaintNUmber Reference C.N. Prtmary offense Date and Time o/Report 00-181053 1NFORMATION REPORT 09/08/2000 01:3Q PLEASE SEND A COPY OF THiS REPQRT TO CI'N LICENSiNG. . Please distribute to: LICENSING _CHF _„Hom �Roh _Jnv ` Oper _PSC ^ Lab ,Rec _Team _Sex J D/C _aurg _Theft _Prop _CAU _F&F _Auto ^ DAO �CO _ftptr _v2� _Nazco _SIU _T&A _Other � - -''� � OFFI� THE CITY ATTORNEY — Claylon obinson, ✓r., Ciry Attoraey � / � � CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Narne Calem¢a, Mayor Civil Division 400 Ciry Hall IS WestKelloggBlvd. Saint Paul, Minnesot¢ 55702 Telephorse: 651166-87I0 Facsimile: 657198-5619 September 26, 2000 NOTICE OF VIOLATTON Ms. Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street Saint Paul, MN 55117 RE: All licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge, for the premises at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul License II7 #: 0016196 Dear Ms. Braid: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge, for the premises at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On September 8, 2000, a Saint Paul Police Officer was on patrol in the area of Jackson and Acker and heard what sounded like fireworlcs being set off inside the Beaver Lounge, located at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul. The officer walked up to the door to investigate and a woman, later identified as Karen Jean Anderson opened the front door, made eye contact with him, stated "Oh, shit!" and then went back inside the bar. The officer attempted to enter, but the door was locked. The officer saw Anderson watching through a glass window, and told her to open the door. She then ran toward the back of the bar. The officer pounded on the door for at least three minutes before Anderson returned to open the door. In the meantime, a number of people sat in the bar watching but no one opened the door. The officer asked the bartender, Ronald Johnson, who the woman was, and he identified her as a bartender at the establishment. Anderson later told the officer that the bar was legally open and she could "lock the door anytime I want to and let who I want in." In Re the licenses held by ! Beaver Lounge, Inc. dlbla Beaver Lounge _ City's Exh. No. 4 �_�_ _ Page 2 Grace Sraid September 26, 2000 � � The failure to allow entry to the premises to a St Paul police officer is a violation pursuant to Saint Paul Legislafive Code §409.26(b)(�. �l-3� If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opporhxnity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appear there for you. Since you have had previous adverse action taken against your licenses, which include a five-day suspension for failure to allow entrance to police officers in April, 1999, a sale of alcohol to an underage person in March of 2000, and a pending adverse action for sale of alcohol to an underage person from July of 2000, the recommendation for a penalty by the Office of LIEP will be for a forty-five day suspension of your licenses. The Saint Paul Legislative Code does permit you to have both the pending sale of alcohol to an underage person and your new adverse action heard together for the purposes of determining and imposing a penalty, if you choose to do so. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing wiil be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Friday, October 6, 2000, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. The matter wili then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul City Council. If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attorney call me at 266=8710. Sincerely, ✓ "�� /� ����✓uta.�J �X�-ti Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice St., St. Paul, MN 55117 ,. �f - � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY � ot-3 � AFFIDAVIT OF SFRVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 27, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION upon the following named person placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Ms. Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street St. Paul, MN. 55117 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th da�-o.,f Sep�mbe�„ 2Q00. Notary P 1'AFd�60RN .... d'' N �'i Q, x' OD ',W , O C I� d I V I �� Ol J !� R I a �` � O 2 � � O .� � L � C d N C V J O O 0 M c � i. 1, N I � �� Ic m m > I; "i '� Q I � � i n � I��� � la IU,y IJ LJ� �' I� I� ZI '=�rn �� i� u0 � a m I iu� F- I� � � ' IQ l � � i � � �� � W �� Z I� �O Z I�' w m f� I � li W Jm U Z W �� Z IE��p Z � I ,la �' w �m .� 7' I NI ��o � I � f IW I I� I � �J I�; �z I l U- Id I � I �� l i N ijI lCl �,, I �I Z i �I C �� E ,o UI a� . �m� IN � d �� � �� I Z dl c ` �a i � � IN'N � ^ C I m � � : i i� . � IF I I r i � M �J� I� �� �C' O Iy N� I . i�, m ! 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C � �' Cp� � y � N � _p N �1 c 3 a ° ' = `m�" 'o� dm � I- �c� 3 � — a�i ol" 'morn��> G 'O'-' = � L (p �O"OCC:.�ho_ I() I (6 (0 OL.L...= N �NI O���C Vi (0 � i w N� C�9�>Ow o__ m a��. o E U - - 7 I �I �i �i��UN p N....r NY:�.L I C " ) I�JJQc�- �NMV�N(O � � � I , I i II I i u � � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL , Norns Coleman, Mtryor October 16, 2000 OFFIC� THE CITY ATTORNEY ��� �� Clayton binson, Jn, Ci Aliorn Civil Division 400 City Hall Telephome: 651266-8110 lSWestKelloggBlvd. Facsimile:651298-56I9 Sain! Pau1, .Ninnuot¢ 55102 NOTICE OF HEARING Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 ` RE: All licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. dlbla Beaver Lounge for the premises located at 756 Jackson Street in St. Paul License ID No.:0016196 Aear Ms. Braid: Please take notice that a hearing wi11 be held at the following time, date and place concerning a11 licenses for the premises identified above: Date: Wednesday, November 1, 2000 Time: 9:30 a.m. Place: Room 41 St. Paul City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN. 55102 The hearing wili be presided over by an Administrative Law Judge from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrarive Hearings: Name: Beverly Jones Heydinger Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700 Minneapolis, MN. 55401 Telephone: 612-341-7606 � In e the licenses held by —.Beaver Lounge, Inc. d!b/a Beaver Lounge � City's Exh. No. 6 -� � al-3� The Council of the City o�nt Paul has the authority to provide fo�earings concerning licensed premises and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paui Legislative Code. In the case of licenses for intoxicating and non- intoxicating liquor, authority is aiso conveyed by Minnesota Statutes secrion 340A.415. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or conditions. Evidence will be presented to the judge which may lead to adverse action against all the licenses you hold at the above premises as foliows: On July 20, 2000, an aicohol compliance check was performed at the Beaver Lounge, located at 756 3ackson Street in Saint Paul. An 18-year old female entered the Beaver Lounge and ordered a Miller Genuine Draft beer from the bartender. The bartender served the young woman without asking for any proof of age. It is a violation of Minn. Stat. §340A.503 to sell alcohol to a person, under tbe age of 21. On September 8, 2000, a Saint Paul Police Officer was on patrol in the area of Jackson and Acker and heard what sounded like fireworks being set off inside the Beaver Lounge, located at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul. The officer walked up to the door to investigate and a woman, later identified as Karen Jean Anderson opened the front door, made eye contact with him, stated "Oh, shit!" and then went back inside the bar. The officer attempted to enter, but the door was locked. The officer saw Anderson watching through a glass window, and told her to open the door. She then ran toward the back of the bar. The officer pounded on the door for at least three minutes before Anderson returned to open the door. In the meantime, a number of peopie sat in the bar watching but no one opened the door. The officer asked the bartender, Ronald Johnson, who the woman was, and he identified her as a bartender at the establishment. Anderson later told the officer that the bar was legally open and she could "lock the door anytime I want to and let who I want in." The failure to allow entry to the premises to a St. Paul police officer is a violation pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.26(b)(7). You have the right to be represented by an attorney before and during the hearing or you can represent yourself. You may also have a person of your choice represent you, to the extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice of law. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62 and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all parties identify themselves for the record. The City will then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to Notice of Hearing - Page 2 • • 0�-3� present, each ofwhom the City's attorney may cross-examine. T'he Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substanrial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for exampie, the owners or occupants of property located in close proxunity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in confornuty with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If you think that this matter can be resolved or settled without a formal hearing, please contact ar have your attorney contact the undersigned. If a stipulation or agreement can be reached as to the facts, that stipulation will be presented to the Administrative Law 7udge for incozporation into his or her recommendation for Council action. ' If you fail to appear at the hearing, your ability to challenge the allegations will be forfeited and the allegations against you which have been stated earlier in tius notice may be taken as true. If non- public data is received into evidence at the hearing, it may become public unless objection is made and relief requested under Minnesota Statutes, Section 14.60, subdivision 2. If you haue any questions, you can call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, �� � ��� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: LaVon Regan, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Mpls, MN 55401 Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice St., St. Paul, MN 55117 Notice of Hearing - Page 3 s STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) • AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL ��-3s' JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on October 17, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF HEARING on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street St. Paul, MN. 55117 (which is the last known address of said same, with postage prepaid, in the Uyr� Minnesota. � Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th daw��of Octob�� 2000. n) and depositing the es mails at�t- �--�� � p�;�R P PANGBORN -Q�� - t�TARvGU01JC-MINNESOTA Notary Publi uv:AMMissw� �XPIFYESJAN.31,2005 License �ro�p Comments Text Licensee: BEAVER LOUNGE INC �BA. BEAVERLOUNGE License #: 0016196 0712812000 a�-3� 07/28/2000 To CAO fw adverse action. CAR 07/20/2000 Failed U of M alcohol compliance chedc conducted by SPPD Polyak. CN 00-141-250. Third failure (first is waming) $1000 mairix fine. Penalty could be inaeased fo� managemenYs tailure to help police keep order dunng the check (nfo in potice report supplemement).CAR O6/23/Z000 License fees paid in full. CAR 06/22/2000 Letter from CAO for falure to pay license fees. Given to 07103/2000 to respond. CAR O6/19/2000 Faiied to pay first half fees due 4l30l20�0. To CAO for adverse action. Topl due with penalties is 53769.00CAR O6/12/2000 5500 fine paid. CAR , 06/05/2009 Letter from CAO giving Grace Braitl to 06112I2000 to pay fine. CAR ' 04/17/2000 No6ce of Volation from CAO for sale of alcohot to an underage. $500 fine due by 64l27/2000. CAR 4/�4/2000 To CAO for adverse action.CAR 03l29l2000 Failed UM alctwhol compliance check conduded by SPPD RamsfadlReilly. Second fatlure. $500 maUix fine recommended. CAR 1?l22/�99g pd 57,166; final payment CAM 521'14N999 pd SSOO.00; fast payment due 12/17. CAM 12/07/�999 pd SS00.00: next payment due 12N0. CAM 12/O6/99 - Sent letter of stayed license suspension - LAB 11l30l1999 pd $500.00; ne# payment due 1713. CAM 11/24/99 CF99-1744 license suspended for failure to pay fees but suspension stayed because a new payment schedule has been arranged. Suspension stayed as long as payments are made on Gme. CAR 11/� 9/1999 pd $500.00; next payment due 1 tl26 for $500.0�. CAM ' 1 �/16/1999 Letter from CAO indicating that licensee has artanged a new payment plan, but recommends fhat wuncil grant immediate suspension of the license if payment plan is not foifowed. CounaV hearing set for 11124/1999. CAR t �/10/1999 Grace rame in today and pd $3,200. New payment plan: $500 due 11/19; $500 due 17/26; $500 due 12l3; $50� due 12/10; $�,'166 due �2lt7. Invoices sent to Grace as weil as an affidavit for signaWre to agree to the pian. CAM t 1l�5l99 1 pifed Grace Braid and advised her that we needed to set up a payment plan or counciV woutd be forced to Gase her estabiishment for faiiure to pay fees. Ms. Braid indiqted that she wouid come in to LIEP on the moming of 11/8/99 to make artangements for payment. CAR � 5/4199 passed second alcohoi compliance check-DL 11/4l99 No payments made. NoGce of Council Hearing from CAO for failure to pay fees. Hearing scheduled for 1'1/24/99.CAR 10/20l99 Notice of �oiatlon from CAO for failure to pay fees. Given W 10/29/99 to respond. CAR 9l26199 completed required alwtrol awareness 4aining-DL 09/23/1999 Letter sent to applicant as reminder of amount due $4,056 by 10/1. OK per BWCAM 09/08/1999 Payment plan $1,100.00 check paid. Totai due by 9/30 $4,056.00, CAM 8/� 9/99 second waming le8er sent for not completiag required alcohol awareness trianing-will be forv+arded to CAO for adverse action if they do not contact LIEP within one week-DL 08/12/99 passed dg compfiance check, 09f09f99 ietter sent SS 7/21/99 Payment plan: $1,000.00 due &1 (paid 8/3J: $3,056.00 due 9/1 to pay for NSF.; 98-99 Znd half $2,t�0.o0 due 9l30; 99-2000 2nd half $2,t00.00 due 10/30. 7!8/99 Notice of Violation sent by CAO fw paying license fees with a bad check. CAR 05/21N999 NSF check #22979 recd for $3,708.00.ES SI6/99 - Kris hand detivered suspension letter- LAB 4/28/99 CF99-378 approving a 5 day closure (5/19/99-5/23/99) for failure to aliow entraace to police officers. C0.R 4/7/99 Scheduled for coundl 4/28 (refusal of enVy). CAM 3!2/99 Notice of violation from CAO. Report that police were not allowed to enter the bar to investigate a robbery. Response deadline of March 12, 1999. CAR 2l18/99 Failed alcohoi compliance check;'unofficial' waming•training due 7/29/99-DL 7/29/98 Congratuiations letter senL PJ W 7/13/98 Passed cigarette compliance check. PJW 6/26l97 - Paid $200.60 Cigarette Fine - Lab 6/5/97 - Sent Cig. Fine Letter (Due 6/'27/97) - Lab 5/28/97 C.F. #97-652 App'D imposing $200 Fine For Sale Of Cigs To A Minor '12l12/96 Per Denny 82emer � Mlba - Do Not lntend To PaNcipate In Alcohof Awareness In 1997 1996-7°/, Disc On Liq FeeAp plied To 2nd 1/2-Lap-Lic 4/9/96 Cig Code Added Fr/ld# 59649-1ap-Lic 1995-7°/a Disc On Liq Fee Applied 70 2ntl 1/2-Lap-Lic 5/26/94- Restrictions Have Been Complied Wifh Per Inspection By Kris Van Hom 9/7J93 Liquor Sale To Minor: Waming 022592 C.F. 92-168 Adopted By City Councii SuspendEd On Saie Liquor, Sunday, Rest & Gmbl. Loc Lic FOr 3 Consecutive Days (3/23 - 3/25J Due To Sale Of Alcoholic Beverages To A Minor. 020492 QF. 92-� 68 Suspeading Q� Sale Liquor, SundAy, Rest. 8 Gambling location License - Layed Over To 022592 121791 City Attomey Mnounced 123091 As Public HeAring Dats Before M Adminis7ative Law Judge PertAining To Adverse Action Against Licenses. 090591 Ph On Appn For Renewal Of Liquor On Safe-C, Sunday On Sale, Restaurant-B 8 Gambling Location-C License App'D C.F. 97-7653 With Restrictions. 9/12/89 Ph On Appn For New Of Class A Gambling Location License App'D C.F. 89-1631 58 Seats SS-87 10932 � � In Re the licenses held by —Beaver Lounge, Inc. dlbla Beaver Lounge — City's Exh. No. 7 1 A���[.\I .v�lll..:l ..1��..�r...• �, c H Earaest Money Contract This Earnest Money Contraet is made and entered into on: Oct 12, 2000 BE TT KNOWN, the undersigned: James Mc Murray, Laurie Mc Murray hereinafter referred to as Buyer, whose address is 594 Como Avc. S� PauL N1N 55103 offers to purchase from: Thomas Braid, Grace Braid hereinafter referred to as Seller, whose address is 3560 Emerald Drive White Bear Lake MN 55110 �'nvr. i ui D� -3� �x � the following real estate known as 7 North Jackson & 87 East Acker, Plus 4 Vacant Lots. City: St. Paul, Minnesota, County: E State: Minnesota, Zipcode: 55117 more parUiculariy described as: Beavers Lounge 756 North Jackson(Drake's 2nd Addirion EX E 43Ft Lot 16 BLK 2),Pazking On Acker(Drakes 2ND Addition Lot 17, Lot 18, Lot 19, BLK 2), House At 87 East Acker(Drakes 2ND Addition Lot 20 BLK 2), Vacant Lot On Jackson(Drake's 2nd Addition Lot 14 BLK 2). The purchase price is Earnest Deposit paid herewith Additional LTpon signin� sales agreement Balance at closing Assume Loan(s) in the Amommt of Sellery Cazryback Loan(s) in the Amount of � e�r - �yp�I�ea�(s),jn the Amoupt of e-��Cv'a..G�".�Or ��s� $ ' ,�� c.� �J��"'� $500 $s,oao $24,500 �/Vl � � $ , ���vt..��"' $ � Q�'A ��'�` �� Buyer has deposited with Seller the Earnest Deposit in the amount of $500 sirnultaneousiy with the delivery of this Agreement. Said Deposit has been confirmed by Seller �vith the execution of a receipt delivered to Buyer, also simultanaously herewith. The parties expressly agree that the failure of any party to comply with the terms and cnnditions of this Agreement will constitute a material breach of the Agreement, rendering the Agreement subject to cancellation. If the transaction contemplated hereby fails due to conditions beyond control of Buyer or Seller, such as a defect in tifle, a taking pursuant to eminent domain,destruction of the property caused by fire,flood or other natural disaster, these shall cause immediate release of all parties from any further liability or obligation hereunder.The total Earnest Deposit shall be retumed to Buyer. Ct?P11rt" The parties expressly agree that in the event, Buyer shall default in the performauce of flus Agreement, Seller may, retain the Earnest Deposit as liquidated damages and both parties shall be ��a��.n.� �v,ni,r�, ..n�.,r,..:, Naoe 7 nt i immesiiately released from ali obligations under this agreement. The parties expressly agree that in the event Seller shall default in the performance of this �!�� Agreement, the Eamest Deposit shall be returued to Buyer, without prejudice, and both parties shall be immediately released from all obligations under this agreement. Said property is to be sold free and clear of all encumbrances, by good and mazketable tifle, with full possession of said property available to Buyer. The parties agree to execute a standard purchase and sales agreement on the tertns and conditions contained in this agreement withinl5 days of signing this agreement. The parties agree that the closing sha11 be on or before 45 days of signing this agreement Buyer and Seller agree that this Agreement must be executed within: 2 days from date hereof. Buyer to assume Taxes on properties up to but not exceeding $15,000. This being agreed upon by both parties in consideration of the acceptance of $30,000 as e down payme t. The remainder to be carried on a contract for deed by the seller in the amount of � r�months ,�:n'": at�,Q% Interest. Seller agrees to finance sale of inventory to Buyer at $20 per week unrii paid at �'�� 0% interest. In the event that any provisions of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid, the same shall not affect, in any respect whatsoever, the validity of the remained of this Agreement. ACCEPTANCE The undersigned Seller accepts the foregoing offer Dated /V ' �� ` � Time ! ��/� `" OWNER ! Address � Phone_��? ���o�� ��_ Address _ � �.,.vt � nv�: � �1� . Fram: ` Tom <tom(i�fishnet.com> To: In House Misc. <tom@fishnet.com> Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 4:41 AM Subject; Loan Amourits And Payments 23�-30-8-7.5 Number of payments: 108 Financial Detaifs: Interest compounding: Monthly interest rate: 8.000% Loan amount: $200,000.00 Payment amount $2,600.00 Total payments: $281,389.30 Totai finance charge: $81,389.30 � Number of payments: 157 Finaneial Details: Interest compounding: Monthly y� � Interest rate: 8.000% � ��/�� Loan amount: $200,000.00 � �l Payment amount: $2,100.00 Total payments: $318,456.14 Totai finance charge: $118,456.14 Number of payments: 269 Financial Details: Interest compounding: Monthly Interest rate: 8.000% Loan amount $200,OOQ.00 Paymentamount: $1,600.00 Total payments: $431,448.30 Totaf finance charge: $231,448.30 Number of payments: 105 Financial Details: Interest compounding: Monthly Interest rate: 7.500°/a Loan amount: $200,000.00 Payment amount: $2,600.00 Tatai payments: $273,498.50 Total finance charge: $73,498.50 Number of payments: 145 Financiai Details: Interest compounding: Monthly tnterest rate: 7.500°!0 Loan amount $200,000.00 Payment amount: $2,100.00 p�-3� Dl-3� DATE OF REQUEST: 10/6/00 CONTACT PERSON Peter Pangborn St. Paul City Attorney TELEPHONE NUMBER: 651-266-8776 AGENCY: City of St. Paul TITLE OF CASE: City of St. Paul vs Beaver Lounge PREFERRED DATES AND 11/1, 11/2, 11/3 TIME: 9:30 LENGTH OF HEARING: 1 day LOCATION: St. Paul City Hall/Ramsey Co. Courthouse Room 41 ISSUE: 1) Refusal to allow police to enter; 2) alcohol sale to underage person ATTORIVEYS: Virginia Palmer 266-8719 Pro Se MEDIA ATTEN710N: No SPECIAL NEEDS: No JUDGE Beverly DATE 11/1 TIME 9:30 �7� � / � / �� y f � "` y ` <. ''�"f �,�t'.G.�'� C+�� w��� ,fs'�✓'� ��`°�'� 14,�. �. tt E�. ' l � t�'1 �Y'�-� � c 3�l o �u-r� �c � `r � � e_ CE.� �. � -�e. � �,�- �a�e G�� �'�l� '� ������ ��_�� ,' ��- �6�f ��.���r�s ���•��� ��1z -� 1 �° �� ��.��v�. � pl-3� �� y OFFICS OF THE CITYATTORNEY �/` C!¢yton M. Robuccorz, Jr., Ciry Attoraey 7c� t�, ��( (/ � FJ CITY OF SAINT PAUL R E C E t V E D Civi1 Division Norm Coleman, Mayar u A 0 Ciry Ha71 Telephane: 612 2668710 Q� ��j �� Ai�' 7' �WestKelloggBlvd. Facsimile: 6I2298-5619 S¢ini Pav1, Minnesota 55102 � October 16, 2000 VIA FAX AND U.S. MAIL Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger c!o Louise Cooper Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 RE: November 1, 2000 Admnustrative Hearing - Beaver Lounge Our Files: G00-0257 and G00-0279 Dear Judge Heydinger: The purpose of this letter is to request subpoenas pursuant to Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000 relating to the above-mentioned contested case hearing that is scheduled to be heard before you on Wednesday, November 1, 2000. This request is made on behalf of Ms. Virginia Palmer, the attorney assigned to this matter. The City of St. Paul licensing division will be calling these witnesses to testify regarding the incidents which serve as the basis for the action against the owner of the Beauer Lounge. In order to ensure that these individuals will be in attendance to tesrify, the City of St. Paul requests from the State Office of Administrative Hearings subpoenas for the following individuals: 1. 3. Sgt. Richard Wachal St. P��:! P�l3c� �Jepurt� ent 100 East llth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Police Officer John Corcoran St. Paul Police Department 100 East llt" Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 2. 5gt. Eugene Polyak St Daul Pclice De�,art�neaaE 100 East il�' Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 The hearing is scheduled to start at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, November 1, 2000, ln Room 41, St. Paul City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, MN 55102. ��" i � 01-3� If you need additional information or have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to ca11 me at 266-8776. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincer , � � eter P. Pa� Legal Assi; Page 2 STATE OF MINNESOTA �� OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS �� 100 Washington Square, Suite 7700 '100 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 October 19, 2000 �rginia Palmer Attorney at Law c/o Peter P. Pangborn City of Saint Paui Office of the City Attorney Civil Division 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: In the Matter of All Licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge for the Premises Located at 756 Jackson Street in St. Paul, License ID No. 0016196; OAH Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6 Dear Counsel: Enclosed are three (3) subpoenas requested by your office in the above- referenced matter and a copy of each. Sincerely, � " , ,/ BEVERL JONES HE DINGER� Administrative Law Judge Telephone: 612l341-7606 BJH:aws Encl. Providing Impartial Hearings for Governmeni and Citizens An Equal Opportunity Employer Administrative Law Section &Administrative Services (612) 341-7600 �TTY No. (612) 341-7346� Fax No. (612) 349-2665 b �-3� ���:. �3' �.�o� �c� '�' � 3� `;_yy . ° .-'�2� 9� ;�- -::� STATE OF M.INNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINlSTRATIVE HEARINGS HE.ARING SUBPOENA TO: Sgt. Richard Wachal St. Paul Police Department 100 East 11 `" Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 GREE7INGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at St. Paul City Hall, Room 41, 15 West Keilogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on the 1 day of November, 2000 at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of All Licenses Held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge for the Premises Located at 756 Jackson Street in St. Paul, License ID No. 0016196, OAH Docket No. 1 5-2111-13214-6. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorabie Kenneth A. Nickolai, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapoiis, Minnesota this 19th day of October, 2000. L4l'.�. . (�,,�, KENNETH A. NI KO I vL Chief Administrative L Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Virginia Palmer, 612/266-8710. ��:- �� ���:.. � :� --_�d - 3 � _�. � -s�-as� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMIlVISTRATIVE HEt�RINGS HEARING SUBPOENA TO: Sgt. Eugene Polyak St. Paul Police Department 100 East 11�' Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 GREETINGS: a �-3� YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger of the O�ce of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at St. Paul City Hall, Room 41, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on the 1S` day of November, 2000 at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of AVI Licenses Held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. dlb/a Beaver Lounge for the Premises Located at 756 Jackson Street in St. Paui, License ID No. 0016196, OAH Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kenneth A. Nickolai, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this 19t day of October, 2000. V��. � KENNETH A. NIC I Chief Administrativ L w Judge 612l341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Virginia Paimer, 612/266-8710. D1�3� ��- � ��� �6 £ `�..�.�� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMII�]ISTRATIVE HEARINGS HEARING SUBPOENA TO: Police Officer John Corcoran St. Paul Police Department 100 East 11'" Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at St. Paul City Hall, Room 41, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesofa, on the 1St day of November, 2000 at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of Ali Licenses Held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/bla Beaver Lounge for the Premises Located at 756 Jackson Street in St. Paul, License ID No. 0016196, OAH Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6. Pursuanf to fhe authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kenneth A. Nickolai, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this 19` day of October, 2000. � � f NETH A. Chief Adminis 612/341-7600 Judge Subpoena requested by: Virginia Palmer, 612/266-8710. �/ OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �� /�� Clayton M. Robinson, Jc, Ciry Attarney CITY OF SAINT PAUL = Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Division 400 City Hall l5 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, Minrsesota SSIO2 Telephone: 65/ 266-8710 Facsimile: 65! 298-5619 October 16, 2000 °� � � �_ NOTICE OF HEARING =�- "'' � — O Grace Braid � v; w fn Beaver Lounge � %� a < 756 Jackson Street �'n-�--�` 3 � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 ��-,, `-� � " N c£ti RE: All licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Ina d/b/a Beaver Lounge for the.premises located at 756 Jackson Street in St. Paul License ID No.:0016196 Dear Ms. Braid: Please take notice that a hearing wili be held at the following time, date and place conceming all licenses for the premises identified above: Date: Wednesday, November 1, 2000 Time: 9:30 a.m. Place; Room 41 St. Paul City Halt 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN. 55102 The hearing will be presided over by an Administrative Law Judge from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Beverly Jones Heydinger Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700 Minneapolis, MN. 55401 Telephone: 612-341-7606 � � �r The Council of the City of Saint Paul has the authority to provide for hearings conceming licensed �" !�� premises and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. In the case of licenses for intoxicating and non- intoxicatin� liquor, authority is also conveyed by Minnesota Statutes secrion 340A.415. Adyerse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalries or conditions. Evidence will be presented to the judge which may lead to adverse action against all the licenses you hold at the above premises as follows: On July 20, 2000, an alcohol compliance check was performed at the Beaver Lounge, located at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul. An 18-year old female entered the Beaver Lounge and ordered a Miller Genuine Draft beer from the bartender. The bartender served the young woman without asking for any proof of age. It is a violation of Minn, Stat. §340A.503 to sell alcohol to a person under the age of 21. On September 8, 2000, a Sainf Paul Police Officer was on patrol xn the area of Jackson and Acker and heard what sounded like fireworks being set off inside the Beaver Lounge, located at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul. The officer walked up to the door to investigate and a woman, later identified as Karen Jean Andersou opened the front door, made eye contact with him, stated "Oh, shit!" and then went back inside the bar. The officer attempted to enter, but the door was locked. The officer saw Anderson watching through a glass window, and told her to open the door. She then ran toward the back of the bar. The officer pounded on the door for at least Yhree minntes before Anderson returned to open the door. In the meantime, a number of people sat in the bar watching bat no one opened the door. The officer asked the bartender, Ronald Johnson, who the woman was, and he identified her as a barteuder at the establishment. Anderson later told the officer that the bar was legally open and she could "lock the door anytime I want to and let who I want in." The failure to allow entry to the premises to a St. Paul police officer is a violation pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.26(b)('n. You have the right to be represented by an attomey before and during the hearing or you can represent yourself. You may also have a person of your choice represent you, to the extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice of law. The hearing wiil be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62 and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all parties identify themselves for the record. The City will then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attomey may cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to Notice of Hearing - Page 2 � � Dl��� present, each ofwhom the City's attorney may cross-exainiue. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevanf and materiai fesfimony from persons not presented as wimesses by either party who have a substanrial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners or occupants of propezry located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding azgumettts may be made by the pazties. Following the hearing, the Jud�e will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing ail documents, records and witnesses you will or may need fo support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If you think that this matter can be resolved or settled without a formal hearing, please contact or have your attorney contact the undersigned. I£ a stipulation or ab eement can be reached as to the facts, that stipulation will be presented to the Administrative Law 7udge for incorporation into his or her recommendation for Council action. �" Ifyou fail to appear at the hearing, your ability to challenge the allegations will be forfeited and the allegations against you which have been stated eazlier in this notice may be taken as true. If non- public data is received into evidence at the hearing, it may become public unless objection is made and relief requested under Minnesota Statutes, Section 14.60, subdivision 2. If you have any questions, you can call me at 266-8710. Very truly youts, ' a'`c. � (��t.e-� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: LaVon Regan, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Mpls, MN 55401 Nancy Anderson, Assistant Counci2 Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1062 Rice St., St. Paul, MN 55117 Notice of Hearing - Page 3 Council File # O l � �' � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # ( p� Q � p 13 Comxnittee: Date 0 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3� 38 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Office of License, Inspections and Environxnental Protection (LIEP) initiated adverse action against the licenses held by Beauer Lounge, Inc., d/b/a Beaver Lounge for the premises at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul, for selling alcohol to an underage person in violation of Minn. Stat. §340A.503 arising from an incident that occurred on July 20, 2000, and for failing to allow entry to the premises to a Saint Paul police officer in violation of Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.26(b)(7) arising from an incident that occurred on Sep'tember 8, 2000; and WHEREAS, an administrative hearing was held before Adminish Law Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger on November 1, 2000 at which time the Licensee did not dispute the facts of the incidents, but wished to contest the appropriate penalty; and WFIEREAS, the Administrative Law Judge issued her report on November 27, 2000 finding that there was a basis to impose adverse action against the licenses based upon the two violations; and WHEREAS, the Beaver Lounge has had two prior adverse license actions within the last 18 months, a five-day license suspension imposed on Apri128, 1999 for failure to allow the police enhy to the premises and a$500 fine for a March 29, 2000 sale of alcohol to an underage person, both of which are violarions listed in the penalty matrix in §409.26(b), making these a third appearance before the council with multiple violations; and WHEREAS, the LIEP Office has recommended imposition of a 45-day suspension against the licenses, and a fine of $1,000, together with the costs of the hearing, in the amount of $508.80; and WIIEREAS, at the public hearing on December 20, 2000 the owners of the Beaver Lounge stated that they intend to sell the business to a new owner, and that they will enter into a management agreement with the new owners to manage the business while they apply far a license in their own name; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, a$er due deliberation based upon all of the evidence contained in the files, records and proceedings herein, including the documents and eachibits introduced at the hearing before the Administrative Law Judge, and the testnnony at the public hearing, does hereby order: That the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Report of the Administrative law 7udge in this matter be adopted as the findings of the Council in this matter, 1 and be incorporated herein by reference. � �_� 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2. That the licenses issued to Beaver Lounge, Inc., dlbfa Beaver Lounge at 756 Jackson Street sha11 be suspended for a period of 45 days for the violations of sale of alcohol to an underage person on July 20, 200Q and failing to allow entty to the premises to a Saint Paul police officer on September 8, 2000. This suspension shail be stayed for a period of 60 days from this date to allow the sale of the business to take place, and the new owners to obtain a liquor license. At the end of 60 days if the sale has not gone through or the new owners have been unable to obtain a license, this matter shatl be returned to the council agenda for further action. 3. That the Licensees shall pay a fine of $1,000, and shall pay the costs of the hearing before the administrative law judge in the amount of $508.80. A copy of this Resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by first class mail to the licensee and to the Administrative Law 7udge. Requested by Department o£: BY� � `�_�_ �� _�i�.l� Approved by Mayor: Date �,�( 2�j ZQ�! &y: By: Form Approved by City Attorney BY� � Appzoved by ayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date �OO� Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary ot-sY a��� Palmer , 266-&71Q 7anuary 17, 2001 - COnsent TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET No106010 � co,R.rEwrowa�ae � rnroaara � ❑ O11'Ai�OMlY Q a1VClfRK ❑ wwMwtaFltVtrsow. � wuweilllaikVlllCero ❑MY011pRAiWf111I1) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution memorializiug City Council acfion taken January 3, 2001, concenring adverse acrion against all licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. 756 Jackson Street. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNiL SERVICE COMMISSION Has thre P�soN(rm e+erwaked undw a caM'act farUus department? YES NO Hes thin DNeonlfirm ewr been a pH empbytt7 YE3 NO DoeStMS percoNNm P� a sbll iwt nafmaWlO� bY �Y ��reM �Y �Wd1� YES t� b tltls Dr�rm a terGeteA vandorl ' VES NO TRANSACTION COfT/REVENUEBUDGETED(GRCLEONq YEY ACTNITY Nil1�IBER .., � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORIYEY Claylon M. Robinsoq ✓r.� Ciry Attorney ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemars, Mayar December 4, 2000 Civi1 Division 400 Ciry H¢R Telephone: 657 266-8770 IS West Xellogg Blvd. Facsimile: 651298-5679 Saint Puut, Minnesoi¢ Si102 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING ' 5�.4�z� �.. i�.�.,.. v� Nn�fx f Mr. Tom Braid and Mrs. Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 -< � , „ ��r�� ;� � �. �t <�. RE: A111icenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d!b(a Beaver Lounge, for the premises at 756 7ackson Street in Saint Paul License ID #: 0016196 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Braid: Please take notice that a hearing on the report of the Administrative Law Judge concerning the above-mentioned license has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, December 20, 2000, in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the report with the City Clerk at any time during normal business hours. You may also present oral or written argument to the council at the Hearing. No new evidence will be received or testimony taken at this hearing. The Council wiil base its decision on the record of the proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge and on the arguments made and exceptions filed, but may depart from the recommendations of such Judge as permitted by law in the exercise of its judgement and discretion. Sincerely, � ���� � �� Virgima Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Mr. Tom Braid and Mrs. Grace Braid, 3560 Emerald Drive, White Bear Lave, MN 55110 Graham Butier, Graham Legal Services, 2499 Rice St., Roseville, MN 55113 Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 31� City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP ✓ STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADNIINTSTRATIVE HEARINGS 1�o Washington Square, Suite 1700 100 Washington Avenue South Minneapoiis, Minnesota 55401-2138 November 27, 2000 a�-ZY ���FPy > �ilOy ��' �� 2 � 2 DD0 r � �C�Rk Fred Owusu, City Clerk �`^�,��"; ."- <<>.r. �� -� ��� City of St. Paul 170 City Hail �,n�t� � � ��V� 15 West Keilogg Bivd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: In the Matter of the Licenses held by Beaver Lounge for the premises located at 756 Jackson Street, Saint Paui, Minnesota; OAH Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6 Dear City Clerk Owusu: Encfosed herewith and served upon you by mail is the Administrative Law Judge's Findings of Fact, Conciusions and Recommendation in the above- entitled matter. Also enclosed is the officiai record, with the exception of the tape recording of the hearing. Copies of those tapes will be sent to you under separate cover. Our file in this matter is now being closed. Sincerely, BEV�ON�EYDINGE `�"7- Administrative Law Judge Tefephone: 6121341-7606 BJH:aws Encl. cc: Virginia D. Palmer James Braid Providing Impartial Hearings for Govemment and Citizens An Equal Opportunity Employer Administrative Law Section & Administrative Services (612) 341-7600 �TTY No. (612) 341-7346� Fax No. (612) 349-2665 � � -�� STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY U.S. MAIL Debra S. Aws, being first duly sworn, hereby deposes and says that on the 27�' day of November, 2000, at the City of Minneapolis, county and state aforementioned, she served the attached Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendation; Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6 by depositing in the United States mai! at said City of Minneapolis, a true and correct copy thereof, proper{y enveloped, with first class postage prepaid and addressed to the individuals named herein. Fred Owusu, City Clerk City of St. Paul 170 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Bivd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey 400 City Hail 15 West Kellogg Bivd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 James Braid 3560 Emerald Drive White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Subscribed and swom to before me this .�7� day of November, 1 Ci (1t�� '%� f� � � `-'�" Debra S. Aws 2000. tavoN aEC�w NOfAflY PUBUC . MINHESOT� My CpMMI5S10N EXPIAES JANUARY 31, 2W6 o`-�K 15-2111-13214-6 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINtSTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL In the Matter of the Licenses held by FINDINGS OF FACT, Beaver l.ounge CONCLUSIONS AND for the premises {ocated at RECOMMENDATION 756 Jackson Street, Saint Pau1, Minnesota This matter was heard by Administrative Law Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger, commencing at 9:30 a.m., November 1, 2000, at the St. Pau{ City Half, Room 41, 15 West Keilogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The hearing was held pursuant to Notice of Hearing dated October 16, 2000, signed by Virginia D. Palmer, Assistant City Attorney, on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Ms. Palmer, 400 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf of the City. James Braid, 3560 Emerald Drive, Wh+te Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110, appeared on behalf of Beaver Lounge, the Licensee. The record closed on November 1, 2000, at the close ofi the hearing. N0710E This report is a recommendation, not a final decision. The St. Paul City Councii wili make the finaf decision after a review of the record and may adopt, reject or modify these Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Recommendations.� Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 14.61 (2000), the City Council shall not make a final decision until this Report has been made available to the parties for at least ten days. The parties may fi4e exceptions to this Report and the City Council must consider the exceptions in making a final decision. A copy of the City Council's decision must be served on the parties and the Administrative Law Judge by first ciass mai1. Parties should contact the Fred Owusu, City Clerk, City of St. Paul, 170 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102, to ascertain the procedure for fifing exceptions or presenting argument. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES The issues presented a# this hearing were: 1. Did the Licensee violate Minn. Stat. § 340A.503, which prohibits the sale of alcohol to a person under the age of 21? 1 St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.05 (o-l). Z Minn. Stat. § 14.62, subd. 1(2000). �1-�b' 2. Did the Licensee violate Saint Paui Legislative Code § 409.26(b)(7) by failing to allow entry to the premises to a St. Paul police officer? FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Grace Braid operates the Beaver Lounge, a bar and restaurant with relafed licenses, at 756 Jackson Street, St. Paui. She operates the bar with her husband, James Braid, who appeared on behaif of the Beaver Lounge at the hearing, 2. On July 20, 2000, an alcohoi compliance check was performed by the St. Paul police at the Beave� Lounge. An 18-year old female entered the Beaver Lounge wearing a hidden transmitter, and ordered a Miller Genuine Draft beer from the bartender. The bartender served the young woman without asking for any proof of age. 3 3. Sargent Richard Wachal, was in the bar at the time of the sale dressed in p{ain ciothes, and observed the transaction. He summoned Sargent Eugene Polyak, who had been outside the bar in his squad car listening to the transmission of the compliance checker's conversation with the bartender. The two officers spoke with the bartender about the sale to the young woman, and dealt with a disruptive customer.' 4. On September 6, 2000, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection notified the Beaver Lounge that it had violated Minn. Stat. § 340A.503 by selling alcohol to a person under the age of 21 5 5. On September 8, 2000, St. Paul Police Officer John Corcoran was on patrol in the area near the Beaver Lounge, and heard what he believed to be fireworks being set off inside. The officer walked up to the door to investigate, and a woman, later identified as Karen Jean Anderson, opened the front door, saw that a polics officer was at the door, closed the door and locked it. For severai minutes the officer pounded on the door and attempted to gain access, but was ignored by Ms. Anderson and bar patrons. Then, Ms. Anderson returned to the door and admitted the officer. The bartender, Ronald Johnson, identified Ms. Anderson as another bartender at the Beaver Lounge. Ms. Anderson acknowledged that she had focked the bar, and believed that she could do so at any time 6 6. On September 26, 2000, the St. Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection notified the Beaver Lounge that it had violated St. Pauf Legislative Code § 409.26(b)(7) by faifing to aflow a St. Paul police officer to enter ihe premises. it informed the license hoider that its proposed sanction, ' Exhibit 2; Test. of Richazd Wachal; Eugeae Polyak, ° Test. of R. Wachal and E. Polyak; Ex. I. 5 Ex. 2. 6 Ex. 3; Test. of John Corcoran. 2 at-�� taking into account prior violations, was a forly-five day suspension of the licenses � 7. Kristine Schweinler, an inspector with the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, testified about the Beaver Lounge's prior oifenses. There have been two prior instances ofi serving alcohol to persons under the age of 21, and one other instance where the police were denied entry. Following the lafter incident, the City Counci! ordered the Beaver Lounge to ciose for five days, May 19 through May 23, 1999. 8. Mr. Braid did not dispute the evidence presented, and oifered no testimony to contradict it. However, he emphasized that he wants bar employees to comply with the law, and that he acted promptly to terminate the employees involved in these violations. He has offered to give the police a key to and security codes for the Beaver Lounge so that they can gain access at any time. He has also retained off-duty city staff, including police officers, to work at the Beaver Lounge to minimize any possibility of further problems. 9. Any Finding of Fact more properly termed as a Conclusion is hereby adopted as a Conclusion. CONCLUSIONS 1. The Administrative Law Judge and the Saint Paul City Council have jurisdiction in this case. 2. The Licensee received timely and proper notice of the hearing and the City has complied with ai{ refevant substantive and procedural requirements of statute and rule. 3. The City has authority to suspend or revoke a license and to impose penalties for violation of applicable statutes and rules." 4. The Licensee is responsible for conduct in the licensed establishment, inciuding conduct by an employee authorized to sell alcohof. 5. The City has the burden of proving that the Licensee violated the applicable provisions of state law and city ordinance by a preponderance of the evidence. ' Ex. 4; Test. of Kristina Schweinler. 8 See also, Ex. 7. 9 Minn. Stax § 340A.415 (1998); Saint Paul Legislative Code § 40912. 10 See Minn. Stat. § 14.57 — 14.61, 340A.415 (1998); Saint Paul Legislarive Code § 310.05. ° Minn. Stat. § 340A.415 (1998); Saint Paul Legislative Code § 310.06. tZ Minn. Stat. § 340A.501 (1998); Saint PauL Leaislative Code §§ 31�.17 and 409.14. o�-3b' 6. Beaver Lounge violated Minn. Stat. § 34QA.5o3, subd. 2(1) by se4ling an alcoholic beverage to a person under age 21. 7. She Beaver Lounge violated St. Paui Legislatrve Code §409.26(b)(7) by fiailing to ailow a police officer access to the premises. 8. The City Councii has the authority to impose the appropriate sanction by application of the provisions of St. Paul Legislative Code F 409.26. Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes the foflowing: RECOMMENDATION lT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED: that the Cify of Saint Paul impose an appropriate sanction against the Licensee. Dated this 27 day of November, 2000. I_�_ _? .A��i � . � . �.�� : '.`� J i, �- . � � _ , _ Reported: Tape-recorded (three tapes) MEMORANDUM Mr. Braid did not contest the violations, but is very concerned with the penalty that may be imposed. He acknowledges that the license hofder is responsible for the actions of the employees, but believes that he has taken steps to mitigate the likelihood of future offenses and is negotiating for sale of the establishment. The City Council has the authority to determine the appropriate sanction. B.J.H. n � o�- OFFICE OF ADMIPTISTRATIVE HEARIIVGS FOR THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In Re The Licenses Held By Beaver Lounae, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge CITY'S PROPOSED EXHIBITS November 1, 2000 TO: Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger, Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 The following constitutes a list of the City's proposed exhibits for the Administrative Aearing on November 1, 2000. Exhibit No. E�. No. 1 Exh. No. 2 Exh. No. 3 Exh. No. 4 Er1i. No. 5 Each. No. 6 Description Police Report CN 00-141-250, prepared by Sgt. Eugene Polyak and Sgt. Richard Wachal, dated July 20, 2000 (6 pp.); Nofice of Violation, dated September 6, 2000, with Affidavit of Service � pP•)> Police Report CN 00-181053, prepared by Officer John Corcoran, dated 3eptember 8, 2000 (4 pp.); Notice of Violation, dated September 26, 2000, with Affidavit of Service � PP•); License Information Report, dated October 30, 2000 (8 pp.); Notice of Hearing, dated October 16, 2000, with A�davit of Service � PP•); Exh. No. 7 License Group Comments Text, dated 7uly 28, 2000 (1 p.). o���� Also attached please find courtesy copies of applicable St. Paul City ordinances: St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.05 St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.06 St. Paui Legislative Code § 310.17 St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.26 Respectfully submitted this 1�` day of November, 2000. ` � �u2� U ce-a.��1 Virginia D. almer Assistant City Attomey Office of The City Attorney 400 City Hali 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)266-8710 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADDZINISTRATIVE HEARINGS 100 Washington Square, Su{te 1700 100 Washington Avertue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 November 27, 2000 Fred Owusu, City Clerk City of St. Paul 170 City Hall 15 West KeUogg Bfvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 UI°�� ���'FlV�-� �Q� 2 t7 �, 2�d0 � �����. RE: 1n the Matter of the Licenses held by Beaver Lounge for the premises located at 756 Jackson Stseet, Saint Pau{, Minnesota; OAH Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6 Dear City Clerk Owusu: Enclosed herewith and served upon you by mail is the Administrative Law Judge's Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendation in the above- entitled matter. Also enclosed is the officiai record, with the exception of the tape recording of the hearing. Copies ofi those tapes will be sent to you under separate cover. Our file in this matter is now being closed. Sincerely, BEV�O NEYDINGE `nr Administrative Law Judge Telephone: 612/341-7606 BJH:aws Encl. cc: Virginia D. Palmer James Braid Providing Impartial Hearings for Govemment and Citizens An Equal Opportuniry Employer Administrative Law Section &Administrative Services (612) 341-7600 �TTY No. (6i2) 341-7346� Fax PJo. (612) 349-2665 bl-3� STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY U.S. MAIL Debra S. Aws, being first duly sworn, hereby deposes and says that on the 27 day of November, 2000, at the City of Minneapolis, county and state aforementioned, she served the attached Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendation; Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6 by depositing in the United States mail at said City of Minneapolis, a true and correct copy thereof, properly enveloped, with first class postage prepaid and addressed to the individuais named herein. Fred Owusu, City Clerk City of St. Paul 170 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 James Braid 3560 Emerald Drive White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 4��� C� Debra S. Aws Subscribed and sworn to before me this a7� day of November, � ��� �Y��� 2000. LaVON REGAN NOTMY PUBLiC - M:15N850TA MYCOMMISSION EXPIRE3 J/WUARY 31.200.5 ��-3 s� 15-2111-13214-6 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL In the Matter of the Licenses held by FINDINGS OF FACT, Beaver Lounge CONCWSIONS AND for the premises located at RECOMMENDATION 756 Jackson Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota This matter was heard by Administrative Law Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger, commencing at 9:30 a.m., November 1, 2000, at the St. Paul City Hall, Room 41, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The hearing was held pursuant to Notice of Hearing dated October 16, 200�, signed by Virginia D. Palmer, Assistant City Attorney, on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Ms. Palmer, 400 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf of the City. James Braid, 3560 Emeraid Drive, White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110, appeared on behalf of Beaver Lounge, the Licensee. The record closed on November 1, 2000, at the close of the hearing. NOTICE This report is a recommendation, not a final decision. The St. Pauf City Council will make the final decision after a review of the record and may adopt, reject or modify these Findings of Fact, Conc{usions, and Recommendations.� Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 14.61 (2000), the City Council shalf not make a finai decision until this Report has been made available to the parties fior at least ten days. The parties may file exceptions to this Report and the City Council must consider the exceptions in making a final decision. A copy of the City Council's decision must be served on the parties and the Administrative Law Judge by first class mai1. Parties should contact the Fred Owusu, City Clerk, Gity of St. Paul, 170 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102, to ascertain the procedure for filing exceptions or presenting argument. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES The issues presented at this hearing were: 1. Did the Licensee violate Minn. Stat. § 340A.503, which prohibits the sale of alcohol to a person under the age of 21? 1 St. Paul Legislarive Code § 310.05 (o-l). Z Minn. Stat. § 14.62, subd. 1(2000). 0�-3� 2. Did the Licensee violate Saint Paul Legislative Code § 409.26(b)(7) by failing to allow entry to the premises to a St. Paul police officer? FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Grace Braid operates the Beaver Lounge, a bar and restaurant with related licenses, at 756 Jackson Street, St. Paul. She operates the bar with her husband, James Braid, who appeared on behaff of the Beaver Lounge at the hearing. 2. On July 20, 2000, an alcohol compiiance check was performed by the St. Paul police at the Beaver Lounge. An 18-year old female entered the Beaver Lounge wearing a hidden transmitter, and ordered a Miller Genuine Draft beer from the bartender. The bartender served the young woman without asking for any proof of age. 3 3. Sargent Richard Wachal, was in the bar at the time of the sale dressed in plain clothes, and observed the transaction. He summoned Sargent Eugene Polyak, who had been outside the bar in his squad car listening to the transmission of the compliance checker's conversation with the bartender. The two officers spoke with the bartender about the sale to the young woman, and dealt with a disruptive customer. 4. On September 6, 2000, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection notified the Beaver Lounge that it had violated Minn. Stat. § 340A.503 by selling alcohol to a person under the age of 21. 5. On September 8, 2000, St. Paul Police Officer John Corcoran was on patrol in the area near the Beaver Lounge, and heard what he believed to be fireworks being set ofF inside. The officer walked up to the door to investigate, and a woman, later identified as Karen Jean Anderson, opened the front door, saw that a police o�cer was at the door, closed the door and locked it. For several minutes the officer pounded on the door and attempted to gain access, but was ignored by Ms. Anderson and bar patrons. Then, Ms. Anderson returned to the door and admitted the o�cer. The bartender, Ronafd Johnson, identified Ms. Anderson as another bartender at the Beaver Lounge. Ms. Anderson acknowledged that she had locked the bar, and believed that she could do so at any time. 6. On September 26, 2000, the St. Paul Office of License, lnspections and Environmental Protection notified the Beaver Lounge that it had violated St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.26(b)(7) by failing to allow a St. Paul police officer to enter the premises. It informed the license holder that its proposed sanction, ' E�ibit 2; Test. of Richard Wachal; Eugene Polyak. ° Test. of R. Wachal and E. Polyak; Ex. 1. 5 Ex. 2. 6 Ex. 3; Test. of John Corcoran. 2 o �_ 3g taking into account prior violations, was a forty-five day suspension of the licenses.� 7. Kristine Schweinier, an inspector with the Office of License, lnspections and Environmental Protection, testified about the Beaver Lounge's prior offenses. There have been two prior instances of serving alcohol to persons under the age of 21, and one other instance where fhe police were denied entry. Folfowing the fatter incident, the City Council ordered the Beaver Lounge to close for five days, May 19 through May 23, 1999 $ 8. Mr. Braid did not dispute the evidence presented, and offered no testimony to contradiet it. However, he emphasized that he wants bar employees to comply with the law, and that he acted promptly to terminate the employees involved in these violations. He has offered to give the police a key to and security codes for the Beaver Lounge so that they can gain access at any time. He has also retained off-duty city staff, including police officers, to work at the Beaver Lounge to minimize any possibility of further problems. 9. Any Finding of Fact more properly termed as a Conclusion is hereby adopted as a Gonclusion. CONCLUSIONS 1. The Administrative Law Judge and the Saint Paul City Council have jurisdiction in this case. 2. The Licensee received timely and proper notice of the hearing and the City has complied with all refevant substantive and procedural requirements of statute and rule. 3. The Gity has authority to suspend or revoke a license and to impose penalties for violation of applicable statutes and rules.�� 4. The Licensee is responsible for conduct in the licensed establishment, including conduct by an employee authorized to sell alcohol.' 5. The City has the burden of proving that the Licensee violated the applicable provisions of state law and city ordinance by a preponderance of the evidence. ' Ex. 4; Test. of Kristina Schweinler. 8 See also, Ex. 7. 9 Minn. Stat. § 340A.A15 (1998); Saint Paul Legislative Code § 409.12. 10 See Minn. Stat. § 14.57 —14.61, 340A.415 (1998); Saint Paul Legislative Code § 310.05. 11 Minn. Stat. § 340A.415 Q498); Saint Pau1 Legislative Code § 310.06. 12 Minn. Stat. § 340A.501 (1998); Saint Paul Legislative Code §§ 310.17 and 40914. pl-3� 6. Beaver Lounge violated Minn. Stat. § 340A.503, subd. 2(1) by selling an alcoholic beverage to a person under age 21. 7. The Beaver Lounge violated St. Paul Legislative Code §409.26(b)(7) by failing to allow a police officer access to the premises. 8. The City Council has the authority to impose the appropriate sanction by application of the provisions of St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.26. Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: RECOMMENDATION IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED: that the City of Saint Paul impose an appropriate sanction against the Licensee. Dated this 27 day of November, 2000. � � � �I_'_� �.�ii . � � ��. ��O : •"� `• _ `i �• � .� � �� _ Reported: Tape-recorded (three tapes) MEMORANDUM Mr. Braid did not contest the violations, but is very concerned with the penalty that may be imposed. He acknowledges that the license holder is responsible for the actions of the employees, but believes that he has taken steps to mitigate the likelihood of future offenses and is negotiating for sale of the establishment. The City Council has the authority to determine the appropriate sanction. B.J.H. 0 � n_ OFFICE OF ADNIINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL In Re The Licenses Held By Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge CTTY`S PROPOSED EXHIBITS November 1, 2000 TO: Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger, Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Squaze, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 The following constitutes a list of the City's proposed exhibits for the Administrative Hearing on November 1, 2000. Exhibit No. Exh. No. 1 Exh. No. 2 Each. No. 3 Exh. No. 4 Exh. No. 5 Each. No. 6 E�ch. No. 7 Description �l�3� Police Report CN 00-141-250, prepazed by Sgt. Eugene Polyak and Sgt. Richard Wachal, dated July 20, 2000 (6 pp.); Notice of Violation, dated September 6, 2000, with Affidavit of Service � PP•)> Police Report CN 00-181053, prepared by Officer John Corcoran, dated September 8, 2000 (4 pp.); Notice of Violation, dated September 26, 2000, with Affidavit of Service � PP•)> License Information Report, dated October 30, 2000 (8 pp.); Notice of Hearing, dated October 16, 2000, with Affidavit of Service � PP•); License Group Comments Text, dated July 28, 2000 (1 p.). ot-3�' Also attached please find courtesy copies of applicabie St. Paul City ordinances: St. Paul Le�slative Code § 310.05 St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.06 St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.17 St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.26 Respectfully submitted this 1 day ofNovember, 2000. �-� S� Virginia D. almer Assistant City Attorney Office of The City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Keliogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (b12)266-8710 �" r Saint Paul Police Department Page , �' SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / tNCIDENT REPORT pJ,3� CamplaintNumber Refe�ence C.K Primary offense Date and Time of RepoK 00-14� 250 Liquior Violation 07/20/2000 21:00 � Primary Repor(ing �fhcer EUGENE P POLYAK ?rimary ot7ense detaH: _ Primarysq�ad: 7Q0 Secondaryrepo�tingoflicer. RICHARD L WACHAL Oisfict CENTRAL ( ) Secondary offense: Locaffon ofincidenY. Name of/oCatioNbcSiness: Date & Sme of occurence: Anest made? YES Date & time ofarrest 07/20/2000 17:45 POUCE PE�2SONNEL INVOLVED Ar2stmade on view: YES Pursuif engaged: Arrest made on warrant o� previous CM. Weapons �sed by poGce; Weapons used by suspecf at time of arrest. Resistance encountered: CHARGES /vame GORZ, JOSEPH CARL /+nestStams gOOKED sooldng� Booking date 07/20/2000 Booking trme 21:37 NAMES ARRESTEE GORZ, JOSEPH CARL 308 FOREST ST STPAUL MN 55106 - Physical Description Phones sex UPIKNOWN Height Haircolor Homephone 651-771-2072 Race W}j�TE Weight Hai�Type Hispanic Budd HairLength � DOB 08/'16/1965 Sldn Facial Hair " 1 Age 34 ` � Physical ConCition Employment � n� Canscrousneu Occupa6on UNK � Drug/a�coho�use HAD BEEN DRINKING Emp/oyer :� - � � In e e hcenses he _Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge e City's Exh. No. 1 , ` r ` � . � 7 _� i 1 ` �C-�! �.�' ��^' .J '�'' l� l � /7 C � L �I ` ,�, Saint Pauf Police Deparkment : � : SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE 1 1NCIDENT ._� Complaint Number RefeJencs C_N. Pnmary oflense Date and Time of Report 00-141250 Liquior Violation 07/20/2000 21:00 SLISPECT BROWN, DAViD EARL 691 DALE ST N#�3 STPAUL MN 55103 " Physipl DescripSon Phones sex UNKNOWN Height HailCO/or Home phone 651- - Race �j�/}-jy'� WeigM HairType Woifc phone 651-222-6a11 Kspanic DoB 02/16/1964 Bttdd sldn BROWN - L1GriT HairLengdi Faaa7 Hair Age 36 Physica/ Condifion Emp/oyment � Consciausness 7 occupation gp}�j'EjypER Orug/a/cohol use Empoye� gEqVERS BAR CRIME SCENE DESCRIPTORS Crime Scene Type Descnption hfefhod & Poirrt of Entry Face usea NOT FORCED point af ertfry Meihod PROPEi�TY (NONE) VEHiCLE 1NFORMATION (NONE� . ` GORZ, JOSEPH CARL ' 308 FOREST ST , S7PAUl, MN 55106 ;;: 08/'I6/'1965 34 W U NaRRaTivE Squad 790 (Sgt. Polyak) along with 792 ( Sn . Wachal conduct liquor compliance checks az several bars located in St. Paul. The undercover agent assisting in the compliance checks was trainedby _= the Vice Unit in how to conduct the compliance check• "lhe U.C. was tcained to tell the ttuth if asked her age or D.O.B. The U.C. was given buy funds before entering ilie establishwent to be checked and was checked to make sure she had no fotm of identification aa fier pason. The U.C. - used on this compliance check was 18 years of age and was photographed prior tn the start of the ' detail_ The U.0 will be identified as U.C. #56. ~ The first check took place az Beavezs baz at 756 jackson. U.C. #56 was s�t inside the bar shordy after Sgt. Wachal entered the bu and took up a place of surveillance. Sgt_ wachal entered the baz first to insure the safety of tlie U.0 inside the baz ( A previous compliancecheck az Beaver Bar escalated into a heated incident with the bu owner). The U.C. entered thebaz wearing a ludden uansmitter so I could monitor her conversations from ouuide the bar. "The U.C. ordered a Miller � Genuine draft beer from the bartender. The U.C. then gave me a signal indicatsng she had been served. Sgt. Wachal exited the bu and motioned to me to enter the bar When I entered the baz I observed a bottle of beer sitting in front of the U.C. I asked who served the beer and she pointed at the bartender who was identified as Brown> David Earl D.O.B. 2-16-64. Sgt. Wacfial photographed the bottle of beer while I asked the bartender for his license. I asked tfie barcender if he asked the U.C. �or identification and he replied he didn`t indicazing he thought tlie female had entexe� �e baz with a r awiar customer. The bartender was photographed and advised he would be contacted through the mail with a summons and complunt chazging him wirh GM providing alcohol to a minor. While speaking with the bartender and attempting to ID fiim a WIM seated at the corner ofthe baz yelled, "this is bull shit it's a set up." I ignored the W/M and con[inued to ID the bar[ender- "IIie W!M yelled "fuck the police, why don't you deal with the drug dealers outside" I again ignored ihe W!M but at the same time noticed he was statting w incite several of the other cuscomers stuno next Page 2 REPORT Q jr ;� _�'-�, Saint Paul Police Department Page 3 SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT �`�3� Camp�aint Number Refe2nce CN. Pnmary offense Date and rune of Repor[ 00-141250 Liquior Volation 07/20/2000 21:00 to him. The W/M then Yelled "you fucking cops aze assholes this is bullshit." I advised the W/�I to be quice, this didn't involve him and we conduct compliance checks on all the bazs in St. Paul_ The W/M now stood up from his seaz and started to yell "fuck the godda� po&ce this is bullshit, fuck - you, it,'s a set up." The W!M started to shake his fist az me_ I noticed several of the other customers started to pound their fists an the baz as they stazted to yell in a�eement with the W/M who buy now was inciring several other customers. I immediatly walked over and advised the W/M suspect he was under ariesc. I gabbed the suspect by the arm twisting it behind his back as I escorted him out of che bar. Sgt_ Wachal aLso observed a different individual who was starcing to become incited and showing signs of anger renazding our presence in the baz. Once the W/M I was dealin� with was removed from the bu the crowd of approximately 20 customets stazted to calm down. The suspect was taken ouuide, handcuffed and h to HQ by a marked squad. The suspect was booked for D.O.C. It should be noted the bartender made no attemQu az calmin� the situarion inside the baz or by advising the suspect to be seated and remain quite. The suspect was eventually identified as Gorz, 7oseph Cazl D.O.B. 8-16-65. Please distribute to: _CHF _Hom _Sex _D/C ^ CO _Rptr _Rob _Burg Vice _Juv _Oper _PSC _Theft _Prop _CAU Nazco SIU T&A _L.ab _F&F Other Rec _Team _Auco _DAO .-�,-� �.� �"r ` - Saint Paul Police Department Page , °� , ___ SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT p j�3� Compfa�t Num6er Reference CN. Primary offense Oate and Time of Repo/t 00-'141250 Liquor Law Violation 07/20/2000 21:06 PrimaryRepo�tingOffrcer RICHARD L WACNAL Primary otfense deEad= Primary squad 792 Secondaryrepo�tingoflrcer EUGENE P POLYAK �� CENTR.4L ( PSS-VICE ) Secondary offense: toca6on ofinddent Name oflocafforvbusiness: Date & dme of occurence: Mestmade? Date 8 time af amst. POLICE PERSONNEL INVOLVED - Mestmade on view. Arrest made on wamant ar previous CN: Pursuit engaged Resistance encountered: Weapons used by poGce: Weapons rrsed by suspect at /ime of arrest. CNARGES (NON� NAMES (N CRIME SCENE DESCRIPTORS Gime Scene rype Descnpfion Method 8 Poinf ofEntry Forceused NOTFORCED Point of entry Method PRQPERTY ( NON� VEHiCLE INFORMATION (NON� NARRATIVE Squad 792 parricipated in this liquor compliance check of Beavers Lounge located at 756 Jackson � St_ on 7-20-2000. I was working with Sgt. Polyak and we utilized undercover agent #56 who has a � DOB of 5-5-82 making her 18 yrs. of age. She has undergone training by SPPD in how to conduct herself in maldng undera�e buys of alcohol in local establishments in the city of St. Paul. , At 1745 hours this date, she entered the lounge with instructions ro order a MIller Genuine Draft beer. She was given money with which to purchase it. I entered the baz a minute earlier to watch rhe \ activity inside and the possible sale thaz may ensue. She saz ai the west end of the baz and ordered ,� the beer. The bartender lazer identified as: Brown, David Earl DOB 2-16-64 gave her the beer � without hesitatioa and took a$5 bill from her and charged her $1.25 for it. I observed Brown riag if � up on the cash register and �ve her the change. At this time I motioned to UC !{56 to stay seaied while I reuieved Sgt. Polyak who was outside listening on a monitor. UC #56 had a uansmitter on her person. Once Sgt. PoIyak arrived, we dismissed UC �Y56 and identified the bartender. I photograghed the _ � beer, Mr. Brown and tazer UC �56. ' r It should be noted that a baz patron began io loudly make his feelings I�own to other patrons aboui what the police were doin�. I heazd him (Gorz, Joseph Carl) say something to rhe effect of: "there aze dru� pushers out there and they're in here doing this." Sgt. Polyak took him into custody afrer hearing severai minutes of this person's vocal attitude. I was dealing with Mr. Brown who was cooperative. There was another unidentified male thaz accused me of wearing a wire as I walked out to get Sgt. Polyak. He met me on the sidewalk. I brushed past him to get to PoFyak and again to get back inside the baz. He was now inside and continued to stare at me with his eyes squinted as ' � /�� —� Y `�� �i �C, r` �� ' ���; C� ,� ,�-c C _ � �. �., .``• " - Saint Paui Police Department Pase 2 - SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT __. o�- 3� Camp�aintNumber Reference CN_ Primary oflense Date and Tvne of Report 00-141250 Liquor Law Volation 07/20/2000 21:06 he hated our police presence. Ae temained close mos[ of the time. I was concerned that he wouid start a fight witfi either us or get others in the baz to join him. I was distracted by him while S�. Polyak dealt with Gorc. I then nuned my attenuon to Gorz when I heard him speak the words - menaoned earlier in this report. Please distribute to: _CF3F l Hom Sex D/C _CO _Rptr Rob _B�S V ice Juv _Thefr _Nazco _Oper _PSC _Lab _Rec _Team _Prop _CAU _F&F _Auto _DAO SIU T&A Other S'� i R e � �+eck Beaver Lounse 756 Jackson y SuyerlD � dt-3� Today's Date_ �'i�� ��1 � � t. 8uyer gender 2 rme: 3/29/00 00054897 _ ,D,�,e ( 7!: I�`1;�.�, Age � � � + CN.ECKHE�c 2�Fem2te " 2r � PM if No Purchase Attemptedl I�pSRP z _ TO wr3 � yyas a sacurity persan sationed at the door? 6. What did you try to purchase? a. (check are: oN-sa/e oMyl b. (c'redc erre) 1 � &-pactc cans 2� 12-pack cans 3� �pack bottles d�I QusR bettie �' 7. `��elle_r(server's gender. 1 I V 1 Male 2 C Female L1�+ i 8. Sellertserver's esrimated age: l 'I � Budweiser 2� Coors a (cnedc ane) 3�Miller 1�Lite 4 IOther �Regular 9 w 't �Less than 21 2 �2'I-30 3�31 or oider 10. How many peopte were standing in line behirtd you at th�e tirr�e were at ihe cash regisYer? ,�� j�( �� '���� 12. What was the rtoise teve7? ;��s i9 4. tf yes, gender af gersan at door. i � YES 22�No ��Male 2� Femaie .� 5. yes, were you: (`heck an that ePPN) IFNO, SK1P TO � n Admitted with no question XS 421'! 9_ How c:owded was ii? s Seating No 52�ting/ (� No seating! j� avaiiable 4I few s�ndirzaZi � many s2andirtg3r' � sz 5455 Nortnal � Raised , � ranversation � voices Z! I Shouting 31 � � 11. �Pu atte[rtpt outcome: (check a/l that apply) 1�Purr,hased with no questions 9�Purchased aHer s�ting age 3�Purchased after state date of birth Purchased after s�ting ID not on me 5 +PurGhased afrer expiainirtg ID in car &�No purchase _ after siating age Purchased after sYate date of biRh Admiited after stating tD not on me Admitted aBer expiaining ID in car Not adm¢ted STOP HERE �� '13. !f n ;;; o --- ���purchase attempted, explain below: (chectr one) dt � C�osed, wt of business 081 � Unsate (explainj =, 6id� 02 �� Ciosetl, seasonal houn " 091 4 Buyer macpropnate!y dressed � a31 I Gesed, limded hour5 70 �� Out af be_r � Od � Closed temperaniy (reparts, remode!. _IC-) » �� Did not have !vne to cmpie±e QS i i Ctoszo to P�btic. Orniate party �2 � Oodt (or no longer) se11 alcohot 06 i I Pmate dub, pu6lic not admrtted �� I I Reservations rief-.essary 071 I Unable ro lo�te J � Other (spea(y) I I I L! �t—� ���l�v'C. o� - i �► �2S � Law Entarcemen# Buy Regort Form EPVCMDA004Ver i ii58(ioi+) �� OFFICE THE CITY ATTORNEY � f �� � Clrsy[on M�ixson, Ja, CiryAttorney 6 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civil Division lem¢n. Mayor 400 Ciry Hall IS West Kellogg Blwl. Saint Paul, Minrsesota SSIO2 ��. September 6, 20Q0 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Ms. Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 Telephone: 651 26b-8710 Fncsimrle: 651298-56l9 RE: Ali licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge, for the premises at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul License ID #: 0016196 Dear Ms. Braid: The Office of License, Inspections and Bnvironmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the licenses heid by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge, for the premises at 756 Jackson Street in Saia�t Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On July 20, 2000, an alcobol compliance check was performed at the Beaver Lounge, located at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul. An 18-year old female entered the Beaver Lounge and ordered a Miller Genuine DraR beer from the bartender. The bartender served the young woman withont asking for any proof of age. It is a violation of Minn. Stat. §340A.503 to sell alcohol to a person under the age of 21. Since this is considered a second violation, the licensing office will recommend a $1,000.00 fine, pursuant to St. Paul Legislative Code §409.26. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: 1. If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you will need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental �� � n e t� e hcenses e �eaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge _ City's Exh. Na 2 Page 2 � � D�' 3� Ms. Grace Braid September 6, 2000 Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minuesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you are entitled. 2. Alternatively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Council, you will need to send me a letter with a statement admittin� the violation and requesting a hearing by Monday, September 18, 200Q. The matter wi11 then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your osvr: behalf as to the penalty to be imposed. 3. If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that hearing both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence, and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. Please let me know in writing no later than Monday, September 18, 2000, how you wish to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Monday, SepYember 18, 2000, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Councii and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will �e imposed, If you haue any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, � � ��/�.c.c�L/`, CeJ�••�?� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Clu�istine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice St., St. Paul, MN 55117 s STATE OF MII3Y3ESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY � o� ��' AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CL,EMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 6, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION upon the following named person placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Ms. Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street St. Paul, MN. 55117 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the Uni S tes mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. � /1 f") . , Subscribed and this 6th d o � � Notary P to before me �Yse�r , 2 0 0 0 . PETER P. PANGBORN EXPIRES JAN. 31, 2006 . - �� s . p % - ,�'�- ,�i �� Saint Paui PoficE De artment ���_ � Aage B�-3� .. ..._ ... ORIGINAL OFFENSE / iNCfDENT REPORT fJ�,�,� ComFVaintAlum6er Reference C.N. Primary oAense Dafe and 7vne otRepod OU- INFORMATION REROftT 09/08/2040 01:30 Pdmary Reporting othcer. �pHN G CdRCORAN Cxetioa otinddent: 756 JACKSON ST N Primary otFepse detad.� Pnmary squad: 240 Secondary reporting olAcer: Dish,ct. CEtJTRAL ( CENTRAL DISTRICT ) Secoetlary oXartsa: Name oflacatiuN6usrness: p3EVERS BAR Date & time ot oceurence: 091d8C2000 44:58 Anest mede? Date 8 time at aruesh POLlCE PERSONNEL INVOLVED ` Anest matle on view: Pursnit engaged. Anestmade on wanent o�previous CN� Weapons used 6y police: Weapans used by suspect at time of afrest: Reslslance encounfered. CHARGES (NONE} NAMES SUSPECT ANDEf2SON, KAREN JEAN 1076 VtRGINA ST STPAUL MN 55107 Physka! Oescrlp8an Phones Sex FEMALE ttaigM Ha�r c�or 1 � _ Home phone 651-489-645� aece WHITE weiger rtarrrype Workphone 851-222-6011 Hispanic ooe �yiov7s5s Age qq BW7d Skin PALE Hair Lertgth Faciat Hair Physlcaf Condttton Empinyment CansGnusneu Occopetion Drug/akoho! use Employar WtTNFSS JOIiNSON, RONALD MICHAEL 588 CASE ST STPAUL MN 55106 pnysnaraas�r�prio„ � rno�a4 sax MALE Ha;snt Nair color Home phone 551-489-7835 Race WHITE wergnt H'rspenrc 8m7d Do812/61/t964 skin Age 39 Hair Type NalKength feciaf Heir Work phana 651-222-6011 —Beaver Lo u n e g ehInc e d1b 1 a Bea Lounge _._, C:ity's Exh. No. 3 ,,, �� Saint Paul Police Department Page , or, PUBLIC OFFENSE f iNC1DENT REPORT �� , 3� Complaint Numbe� Reference C.N. Pnmary Offense Date and Time ofReport OQ-489453 INFORMATION REPORT 09108/2000 01:30 t�nmary Reportng ofhcar. �ONN G CORCORAN Pnmary squad.' 240 Secondary �eporting oMreY. oist�ice CENTRAL ( CENTRAL DtSTRICT } Secortdary oHense: txethn otFnddent 7� �qCKSON ST N Name oftocation/buslness BEVERS BAR oate & dme of occurence: OSI�Bl2000 00:58 Anast mads? Date 8 tlme oterrest POLICE PERSONNEL INVOLVED Anest made on New: Pursuif engageei.• � Arresf made oo warrant orprevfoas CN: Weapons used poN'ce: Weapons used suspect af time of arresk Resistance ancovrtfered: CHARGE5 {NONE) NAMES t�oNE) .,, :�-� t�.., . .: �.:- 4. __i'- �°�__ .. ComplainE Numbar oa-�e�os3 Saint Pau4 Police Department Peee z ORIGINAL OFFENSE / tNCIDENT REPORT Dl-3� Reterence C.N. Pdmary oT/ense Date and Time ofReporf lNFORMA�ION REPORT 09/08/2000 01:30 Phystca! Conditlon fmployment Coesaa�sness bcsupetron Orug/alcohd use Employe� CRIME SCENE DESCRlPTORS Crtme Scene Me7hod & PointofEntry Trae OFFICFJCOMMERCIAL ��nWroR BAR/NiGHTCLllBlfAVERN Face used PoinE of entry Method PROPERTY (NdNE) VEHICLE INFOR (NONE) NARRATIVE WHILE ON TdtJR, I SQD #240 (CORCORAN) WAS STOPPEQ AT THE STOP SIGN JACKSON AND ACKER ST. WH{LE STOPPED AT THE STOF S1GN, I HEARD WHAT SOUNDED LIKE FIREWORKS BEING SET OFF INSIDE BEAVERS BAR (756 JACKSON). I PUT MYSELF OUT ON AN WVESTlGATE AT BEAVERS BAR TO SEE IF 1T WAS W FACT �I!�EWORKS. AS I WAS WALKING UP TO THE DOOR, A W/F WHO WAS LATER ID'D AS, ANDERSON, KAREN JEAN W/F, DOB: 11J01l1859 OPENED THE FRONT DOOR, MADE DIRECT EYE CONTACT WITH ME AND SAID, "OH SHIT". BEFORE t COULD ASK ANUERSON {F EVERYTHING WAS OK, SHE WENT BACK INS(DE THE BAR. I THEN TF:IED TO GE7 INSIDE THE BAR BUT TIiE DOOR WAS LOCKED. 1 COULD SEE ANDERSON DIRECTLY ON THE OTHER SEQE OF THE DOOR THROtJGH THE GLASS WINDOW. ANDEFtSON RND I WERE FACE TO FACE, WfTH ONLY THE GLASS WINDOW SEPARATING US. I COULD ALSO SEE A NItMBER OF PEOPLE INSIDE THE BAR, MANY OF THEM HAD DRINKS IN THEIR HANDS AND WERE WATCHING WHAT WAS GOENG ON NAT THE DOOR. i TOLO ANDERSON TQ OPEN THE DOOR. SHE THEN TURNED AROUND AND RAN TOWARD THE BACK OF THE BAR. ! THEN POUNDED ON THE DOOR VERY HARD WITH NO ANSWER. NO ONE IN THE BAR CAME TO THE DOOR WHILE I PQUNDED ON fT, THEY JUST SAT ON THEIR STOOLS AND WATCHED ME. I STILL GOULD NOT SEE ANDERSON AT THIS TIti1E. I ESTiMATED THAT I POUNDED OI3 THE DOOR FOR AT LEAST THREE MINUTES. JIiST THEN ANDERSON CAME BACK AND OPENED THE DOOR. AT THIS TIME I GF2AB$ED HER AND PUT HER iN THE REAR OF MY CAR, BECAUSE AT THIS POINT I WAS .S�TIlt NOT 100 % SURE THAT THE N41SE I HEARD WAS FIREWORKS. I THEN WENT INSIDE THE BAR AND COULD SMELL THE SMELL OF FlF;EWORKS. I THEN TALKED TQ THE BARTENDER, JOIiNSON, RONALD MiCHAEL W/M, DOB: 12l01/1960. JOHNSON TOLD ME THAT SOMEONE HAD THRdWN FIREWORKS tNSIDE THE BAR. I THEN ASKED JOHNSON WHO LOCKED THE DOQR, HE SAID, " KAREN". I ASKED JaHNSON WHO ANDERSON iNAS AND HE SAID, "SHE IS A BARTENDE.R H�RE." I THEN LET ANDERSON OUT OF MY CAR AND SHE SAID, "WHY Dld YGU PUT ME 1N THE CAR?" ! TQLD HER THAT SHE COULD NOT LQCK THE P4LICE OUT OF THE BAR. SkE THEN SAlD, "7HE BAR WAS LEGALLY OPEN , AND I CAN LQCK THE DC70R AfVYTIME I WANT TO ANQ LET WHO I WANT iN." � ;, , . .. Y � � Sain# Paul Poiice Department Paga 3 ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT p!- 3 CompfaintNUmber Reference C.N. Prtmary offense Date and Time o/Report 00-181053 1NFORMATION REPORT 09/08/2000 01:3Q PLEASE SEND A COPY OF THiS REPQRT TO CI'N LICENSiNG. . Please distribute to: LICENSING _CHF _„Hom �Roh _Jnv ` Oper _PSC ^ Lab ,Rec _Team _Sex J D/C _aurg _Theft _Prop _CAU _F&F _Auto ^ DAO �CO _ftptr _v2� _Nazco _SIU _T&A _Other � - -''� � OFFI� THE CITY ATTORNEY — Claylon obinson, ✓r., Ciry Attoraey � / � � CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Narne Calem¢a, Mayor Civil Division 400 Ciry Hall IS WestKelloggBlvd. Saint Paul, Minnesot¢ 55702 Telephorse: 651166-87I0 Facsimile: 657198-5619 September 26, 2000 NOTICE OF VIOLATTON Ms. Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street Saint Paul, MN 55117 RE: All licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge, for the premises at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul License II7 #: 0016196 Dear Ms. Braid: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge, for the premises at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On September 8, 2000, a Saint Paul Police Officer was on patrol in the area of Jackson and Acker and heard what sounded like fireworlcs being set off inside the Beaver Lounge, located at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul. The officer walked up to the door to investigate and a woman, later identified as Karen Jean Anderson opened the front door, made eye contact with him, stated "Oh, shit!" and then went back inside the bar. The officer attempted to enter, but the door was locked. The officer saw Anderson watching through a glass window, and told her to open the door. She then ran toward the back of the bar. The officer pounded on the door for at least three minutes before Anderson returned to open the door. In the meantime, a number of people sat in the bar watching but no one opened the door. The officer asked the bartender, Ronald Johnson, who the woman was, and he identified her as a bartender at the establishment. Anderson later told the officer that the bar was legally open and she could "lock the door anytime I want to and let who I want in." In Re the licenses held by ! Beaver Lounge, Inc. dlbla Beaver Lounge _ City's Exh. No. 4 �_�_ _ Page 2 Grace Sraid September 26, 2000 � � The failure to allow entry to the premises to a St Paul police officer is a violation pursuant to Saint Paul Legislafive Code §409.26(b)(�. �l-3� If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opporhxnity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appear there for you. Since you have had previous adverse action taken against your licenses, which include a five-day suspension for failure to allow entrance to police officers in April, 1999, a sale of alcohol to an underage person in March of 2000, and a pending adverse action for sale of alcohol to an underage person from July of 2000, the recommendation for a penalty by the Office of LIEP will be for a forty-five day suspension of your licenses. The Saint Paul Legislative Code does permit you to have both the pending sale of alcohol to an underage person and your new adverse action heard together for the purposes of determining and imposing a penalty, if you choose to do so. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing wiil be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Friday, October 6, 2000, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. The matter wili then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul City Council. If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attorney call me at 266=8710. Sincerely, ✓ "�� /� ����✓uta.�J �X�-ti Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice St., St. Paul, MN 55117 ,. �f - � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY � ot-3 � AFFIDAVIT OF SFRVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 27, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION upon the following named person placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Ms. Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street St. Paul, MN. 55117 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th da�-o.,f Sep�mbe�„ 2Q00. Notary P 1'AFd�60RN .... d'' N �'i Q, x' OD ',W , O C I� d I V I �� Ol J !� R I a �` � O 2 � � O .� � L � C d N C V J O O 0 M c � i. 1, N I � �� Ic m m > I; "i '� Q I � � i n � I��� � la IU,y IJ LJ� �' I� I� ZI '=�rn �� i� u0 � a m I iu� F- I� � � ' IQ l � � i � � �� � W �� Z I� �O Z I�' w m f� I � li W Jm U Z W �� Z IE��p Z � I ,la �' w �m .� 7' I NI ��o � I � f IW I I� I � �J I�; �z I l U- Id I � I �� l i N ijI lCl �,, I �I Z i �I C �� E ,o UI a� . �m� IN � d �� � �� I Z dl c ` �a i � � IN'N � ^ C I m � � : i i� . � IF I I r i � M �J� I� �� �C' O Iy N� I . i�, m ! 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C � �' Cp� � y � N � _p N �1 c 3 a ° ' = `m�" 'o� dm � I- �c� 3 � — a�i ol" 'morn��> G 'O'-' = � L (p �O"OCC:.�ho_ I() I (6 (0 OL.L...= N �NI O���C Vi (0 � i w N� C�9�>Ow o__ m a��. o E U - - 7 I �I �i �i��UN p N....r NY:�.L I C " ) I�JJQc�- �NMV�N(O � � � I , I i II I i u � � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL , Norns Coleman, Mtryor October 16, 2000 OFFIC� THE CITY ATTORNEY ��� �� Clayton binson, Jn, Ci Aliorn Civil Division 400 City Hall Telephome: 651266-8110 lSWestKelloggBlvd. Facsimile:651298-56I9 Sain! Pau1, .Ninnuot¢ 55102 NOTICE OF HEARING Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 ` RE: All licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. dlbla Beaver Lounge for the premises located at 756 Jackson Street in St. Paul License ID No.:0016196 Aear Ms. Braid: Please take notice that a hearing wi11 be held at the following time, date and place concerning a11 licenses for the premises identified above: Date: Wednesday, November 1, 2000 Time: 9:30 a.m. Place: Room 41 St. Paul City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN. 55102 The hearing wili be presided over by an Administrative Law Judge from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrarive Hearings: Name: Beverly Jones Heydinger Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700 Minneapolis, MN. 55401 Telephone: 612-341-7606 � In e the licenses held by —.Beaver Lounge, Inc. d!b/a Beaver Lounge � City's Exh. No. 6 -� � al-3� The Council of the City o�nt Paul has the authority to provide fo�earings concerning licensed premises and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paui Legislative Code. In the case of licenses for intoxicating and non- intoxicating liquor, authority is aiso conveyed by Minnesota Statutes secrion 340A.415. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or conditions. Evidence will be presented to the judge which may lead to adverse action against all the licenses you hold at the above premises as foliows: On July 20, 2000, an aicohol compliance check was performed at the Beaver Lounge, located at 756 3ackson Street in Saint Paul. An 18-year old female entered the Beaver Lounge and ordered a Miller Genuine Draft beer from the bartender. The bartender served the young woman without asking for any proof of age. It is a violation of Minn. Stat. §340A.503 to sell alcohol to a person, under tbe age of 21. On September 8, 2000, a Saint Paul Police Officer was on patrol in the area of Jackson and Acker and heard what sounded like fireworks being set off inside the Beaver Lounge, located at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul. The officer walked up to the door to investigate and a woman, later identified as Karen Jean Anderson opened the front door, made eye contact with him, stated "Oh, shit!" and then went back inside the bar. The officer attempted to enter, but the door was locked. The officer saw Anderson watching through a glass window, and told her to open the door. She then ran toward the back of the bar. The officer pounded on the door for at least three minutes before Anderson returned to open the door. In the meantime, a number of peopie sat in the bar watching but no one opened the door. The officer asked the bartender, Ronald Johnson, who the woman was, and he identified her as a bartender at the establishment. Anderson later told the officer that the bar was legally open and she could "lock the door anytime I want to and let who I want in." The failure to allow entry to the premises to a St. Paul police officer is a violation pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.26(b)(7). You have the right to be represented by an attorney before and during the hearing or you can represent yourself. You may also have a person of your choice represent you, to the extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice of law. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62 and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all parties identify themselves for the record. The City will then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to Notice of Hearing - Page 2 • • 0�-3� present, each ofwhom the City's attorney may cross-examine. T'he Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substanrial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for exampie, the owners or occupants of property located in close proxunity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in confornuty with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If you think that this matter can be resolved or settled without a formal hearing, please contact ar have your attorney contact the undersigned. If a stipulation or agreement can be reached as to the facts, that stipulation will be presented to the Administrative Law 7udge for incozporation into his or her recommendation for Council action. ' If you fail to appear at the hearing, your ability to challenge the allegations will be forfeited and the allegations against you which have been stated earlier in tius notice may be taken as true. If non- public data is received into evidence at the hearing, it may become public unless objection is made and relief requested under Minnesota Statutes, Section 14.60, subdivision 2. If you haue any questions, you can call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, �� � ��� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: LaVon Regan, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Mpls, MN 55401 Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice St., St. Paul, MN 55117 Notice of Hearing - Page 3 s STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) • AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL ��-3s' JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on October 17, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF HEARING on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Grace Braid Beaver Lounge 756 Jackson Street St. Paul, MN. 55117 (which is the last known address of said same, with postage prepaid, in the Uyr� Minnesota. � Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th daw��of Octob�� 2000. n) and depositing the es mails at�t- �--�� � p�;�R P PANGBORN -Q�� - t�TARvGU01JC-MINNESOTA Notary Publi uv:AMMissw� �XPIFYESJAN.31,2005 License �ro�p Comments Text Licensee: BEAVER LOUNGE INC �BA. BEAVERLOUNGE License #: 0016196 0712812000 a�-3� 07/28/2000 To CAO fw adverse action. CAR 07/20/2000 Failed U of M alcohol compliance chedc conducted by SPPD Polyak. CN 00-141-250. Third failure (first is waming) $1000 mairix fine. Penalty could be inaeased fo� managemenYs tailure to help police keep order dunng the check (nfo in potice report supplemement).CAR O6/23/Z000 License fees paid in full. CAR 06/22/2000 Letter from CAO for falure to pay license fees. Given to 07103/2000 to respond. CAR O6/19/2000 Faiied to pay first half fees due 4l30l20�0. To CAO for adverse action. Topl due with penalties is 53769.00CAR O6/12/2000 5500 fine paid. CAR , 06/05/2009 Letter from CAO giving Grace Braitl to 06112I2000 to pay fine. CAR ' 04/17/2000 No6ce of Volation from CAO for sale of alcohot to an underage. $500 fine due by 64l27/2000. CAR 4/�4/2000 To CAO for adverse action.CAR 03l29l2000 Failed UM alctwhol compliance check conduded by SPPD RamsfadlReilly. Second fatlure. $500 maUix fine recommended. CAR 1?l22/�99g pd 57,166; final payment CAM 521'14N999 pd SSOO.00; fast payment due 12/17. CAM 12/07/�999 pd SS00.00: next payment due 12N0. CAM 12/O6/99 - Sent letter of stayed license suspension - LAB 11l30l1999 pd $500.00; ne# payment due 1713. CAM 11/24/99 CF99-1744 license suspended for failure to pay fees but suspension stayed because a new payment schedule has been arranged. Suspension stayed as long as payments are made on Gme. CAR 11/� 9/1999 pd $500.00; next payment due 1 tl26 for $500.0�. CAM ' 1 �/16/1999 Letter from CAO indicating that licensee has artanged a new payment plan, but recommends fhat wuncil grant immediate suspension of the license if payment plan is not foifowed. CounaV hearing set for 11124/1999. CAR t �/10/1999 Grace rame in today and pd $3,200. New payment plan: $500 due 11/19; $500 due 17/26; $500 due 12l3; $50� due 12/10; $�,'166 due �2lt7. Invoices sent to Grace as weil as an affidavit for signaWre to agree to the pian. CAM t 1l�5l99 1 pifed Grace Braid and advised her that we needed to set up a payment plan or counciV woutd be forced to Gase her estabiishment for faiiure to pay fees. Ms. Braid indiqted that she wouid come in to LIEP on the moming of 11/8/99 to make artangements for payment. CAR � 5/4199 passed second alcohoi compliance check-DL 11/4l99 No payments made. NoGce of Council Hearing from CAO for failure to pay fees. Hearing scheduled for 1'1/24/99.CAR 10/20l99 Notice of �oiatlon from CAO for failure to pay fees. Given W 10/29/99 to respond. CAR 9l26199 completed required alwtrol awareness 4aining-DL 09/23/1999 Letter sent to applicant as reminder of amount due $4,056 by 10/1. OK per BWCAM 09/08/1999 Payment plan $1,100.00 check paid. Totai due by 9/30 $4,056.00, CAM 8/� 9/99 second waming le8er sent for not completiag required alcohol awareness trianing-will be forv+arded to CAO for adverse action if they do not contact LIEP within one week-DL 08/12/99 passed dg compfiance check, 09f09f99 ietter sent SS 7/21/99 Payment plan: $1,000.00 due &1 (paid 8/3J: $3,056.00 due 9/1 to pay for NSF.; 98-99 Znd half $2,t�0.o0 due 9l30; 99-2000 2nd half $2,t00.00 due 10/30. 7!8/99 Notice of Violation sent by CAO fw paying license fees with a bad check. CAR 05/21N999 NSF check #22979 recd for $3,708.00.ES SI6/99 - Kris hand detivered suspension letter- LAB 4/28/99 CF99-378 approving a 5 day closure (5/19/99-5/23/99) for failure to aliow entraace to police officers. C0.R 4/7/99 Scheduled for coundl 4/28 (refusal of enVy). CAM 3!2/99 Notice of violation from CAO. Report that police were not allowed to enter the bar to investigate a robbery. Response deadline of March 12, 1999. CAR 2l18/99 Failed alcohoi compliance check;'unofficial' waming•training due 7/29/99-DL 7/29/98 Congratuiations letter senL PJ W 7/13/98 Passed cigarette compliance check. PJW 6/26l97 - Paid $200.60 Cigarette Fine - Lab 6/5/97 - Sent Cig. Fine Letter (Due 6/'27/97) - Lab 5/28/97 C.F. #97-652 App'D imposing $200 Fine For Sale Of Cigs To A Minor '12l12/96 Per Denny 82emer � Mlba - Do Not lntend To PaNcipate In Alcohof Awareness In 1997 1996-7°/, Disc On Liq FeeAp plied To 2nd 1/2-Lap-Lic 4/9/96 Cig Code Added Fr/ld# 59649-1ap-Lic 1995-7°/a Disc On Liq Fee Applied 70 2ntl 1/2-Lap-Lic 5/26/94- Restrictions Have Been Complied Wifh Per Inspection By Kris Van Hom 9/7J93 Liquor Sale To Minor: Waming 022592 C.F. 92-168 Adopted By City Councii SuspendEd On Saie Liquor, Sunday, Rest & Gmbl. Loc Lic FOr 3 Consecutive Days (3/23 - 3/25J Due To Sale Of Alcoholic Beverages To A Minor. 020492 QF. 92-� 68 Suspeading Q� Sale Liquor, SundAy, Rest. 8 Gambling location License - Layed Over To 022592 121791 City Attomey Mnounced 123091 As Public HeAring Dats Before M Adminis7ative Law Judge PertAining To Adverse Action Against Licenses. 090591 Ph On Appn For Renewal Of Liquor On Safe-C, Sunday On Sale, Restaurant-B 8 Gambling Location-C License App'D C.F. 97-7653 With Restrictions. 9/12/89 Ph On Appn For New Of Class A Gambling Location License App'D C.F. 89-1631 58 Seats SS-87 10932 � � In Re the licenses held by —Beaver Lounge, Inc. dlbla Beaver Lounge — City's Exh. No. 7 1 A���[.\I .v�lll..:l ..1��..�r...• �, c H Earaest Money Contract This Earnest Money Contraet is made and entered into on: Oct 12, 2000 BE TT KNOWN, the undersigned: James Mc Murray, Laurie Mc Murray hereinafter referred to as Buyer, whose address is 594 Como Avc. S� PauL N1N 55103 offers to purchase from: Thomas Braid, Grace Braid hereinafter referred to as Seller, whose address is 3560 Emerald Drive White Bear Lake MN 55110 �'nvr. i ui D� -3� �x � the following real estate known as 7 North Jackson & 87 East Acker, Plus 4 Vacant Lots. City: St. Paul, Minnesota, County: E State: Minnesota, Zipcode: 55117 more parUiculariy described as: Beavers Lounge 756 North Jackson(Drake's 2nd Addirion EX E 43Ft Lot 16 BLK 2),Pazking On Acker(Drakes 2ND Addition Lot 17, Lot 18, Lot 19, BLK 2), House At 87 East Acker(Drakes 2ND Addition Lot 20 BLK 2), Vacant Lot On Jackson(Drake's 2nd Addition Lot 14 BLK 2). The purchase price is Earnest Deposit paid herewith Additional LTpon signin� sales agreement Balance at closing Assume Loan(s) in the Amommt of Sellery Cazryback Loan(s) in the Amount of � e�r - �yp�I�ea�(s),jn the Amoupt of e-��Cv'a..G�".�Or ��s� $ ' ,�� c.� �J��"'� $500 $s,oao $24,500 �/Vl � � $ , ���vt..��"' $ � Q�'A ��'�` �� Buyer has deposited with Seller the Earnest Deposit in the amount of $500 sirnultaneousiy with the delivery of this Agreement. Said Deposit has been confirmed by Seller �vith the execution of a receipt delivered to Buyer, also simultanaously herewith. The parties expressly agree that the failure of any party to comply with the terms and cnnditions of this Agreement will constitute a material breach of the Agreement, rendering the Agreement subject to cancellation. If the transaction contemplated hereby fails due to conditions beyond control of Buyer or Seller, such as a defect in tifle, a taking pursuant to eminent domain,destruction of the property caused by fire,flood or other natural disaster, these shall cause immediate release of all parties from any further liability or obligation hereunder.The total Earnest Deposit shall be retumed to Buyer. Ct?P11rt" The parties expressly agree that in the event, Buyer shall default in the performauce of flus Agreement, Seller may, retain the Earnest Deposit as liquidated damages and both parties shall be ��a��.n.� �v,ni,r�, ..n�.,r,..:, Naoe 7 nt i immesiiately released from ali obligations under this agreement. The parties expressly agree that in the event Seller shall default in the performance of this �!�� Agreement, the Eamest Deposit shall be returued to Buyer, without prejudice, and both parties shall be immediately released from all obligations under this agreement. Said property is to be sold free and clear of all encumbrances, by good and mazketable tifle, with full possession of said property available to Buyer. The parties agree to execute a standard purchase and sales agreement on the tertns and conditions contained in this agreement withinl5 days of signing this agreement. The parties agree that the closing sha11 be on or before 45 days of signing this agreement Buyer and Seller agree that this Agreement must be executed within: 2 days from date hereof. Buyer to assume Taxes on properties up to but not exceeding $15,000. This being agreed upon by both parties in consideration of the acceptance of $30,000 as e down payme t. The remainder to be carried on a contract for deed by the seller in the amount of � r�months ,�:n'": at�,Q% Interest. Seller agrees to finance sale of inventory to Buyer at $20 per week unrii paid at �'�� 0% interest. In the event that any provisions of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid, the same shall not affect, in any respect whatsoever, the validity of the remained of this Agreement. ACCEPTANCE The undersigned Seller accepts the foregoing offer Dated /V ' �� ` � Time ! ��/� `" OWNER ! Address � Phone_��? ���o�� ��_ Address _ � �.,.vt � nv�: � �1� . Fram: ` Tom <tom(i�fishnet.com> To: In House Misc. <tom@fishnet.com> Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 4:41 AM Subject; Loan Amourits And Payments 23�-30-8-7.5 Number of payments: 108 Financial Detaifs: Interest compounding: Monthly interest rate: 8.000% Loan amount: $200,000.00 Payment amount $2,600.00 Total payments: $281,389.30 Totai finance charge: $81,389.30 � Number of payments: 157 Finaneial Details: Interest compounding: Monthly y� � Interest rate: 8.000% � ��/�� Loan amount: $200,000.00 � �l Payment amount: $2,100.00 Total payments: $318,456.14 Totai finance charge: $118,456.14 Number of payments: 269 Financial Details: Interest compounding: Monthly Interest rate: 8.000% Loan amount $200,OOQ.00 Paymentamount: $1,600.00 Total payments: $431,448.30 Totaf finance charge: $231,448.30 Number of payments: 105 Financial Details: Interest compounding: Monthly Interest rate: 7.500°/a Loan amount: $200,000.00 Payment amount: $2,600.00 Tatai payments: $273,498.50 Total finance charge: $73,498.50 Number of payments: 145 Financiai Details: Interest compounding: Monthly tnterest rate: 7.500°!0 Loan amount $200,000.00 Payment amount: $2,100.00 p�-3� Dl-3� DATE OF REQUEST: 10/6/00 CONTACT PERSON Peter Pangborn St. Paul City Attorney TELEPHONE NUMBER: 651-266-8776 AGENCY: City of St. Paul TITLE OF CASE: City of St. Paul vs Beaver Lounge PREFERRED DATES AND 11/1, 11/2, 11/3 TIME: 9:30 LENGTH OF HEARING: 1 day LOCATION: St. Paul City Hall/Ramsey Co. Courthouse Room 41 ISSUE: 1) Refusal to allow police to enter; 2) alcohol sale to underage person ATTORIVEYS: Virginia Palmer 266-8719 Pro Se MEDIA ATTEN710N: No SPECIAL NEEDS: No JUDGE Beverly DATE 11/1 TIME 9:30 �7� � / � / �� y f � "` y ` <. ''�"f �,�t'.G.�'� C+�� w��� ,fs'�✓'� ��`°�'� 14,�. �. tt E�. ' l � t�'1 �Y'�-� � c 3�l o �u-r� �c � `r � � e_ CE.� �. � -�e. � �,�- �a�e G�� �'�l� '� ������ ��_�� ,' ��- �6�f ��.���r�s ���•��� ��1z -� 1 �° �� ��.��v�. � pl-3� �� y OFFICS OF THE CITYATTORNEY �/` C!¢yton M. Robuccorz, Jr., Ciry Attoraey 7c� t�, ��( (/ � FJ CITY OF SAINT PAUL R E C E t V E D Civi1 Division Norm Coleman, Mayar u A 0 Ciry Ha71 Telephane: 612 2668710 Q� ��j �� Ai�' 7' �WestKelloggBlvd. Facsimile: 6I2298-5619 S¢ini Pav1, Minnesota 55102 � October 16, 2000 VIA FAX AND U.S. MAIL Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger c!o Louise Cooper Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 RE: November 1, 2000 Admnustrative Hearing - Beaver Lounge Our Files: G00-0257 and G00-0279 Dear Judge Heydinger: The purpose of this letter is to request subpoenas pursuant to Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000 relating to the above-mentioned contested case hearing that is scheduled to be heard before you on Wednesday, November 1, 2000. This request is made on behalf of Ms. Virginia Palmer, the attorney assigned to this matter. The City of St. Paul licensing division will be calling these witnesses to testify regarding the incidents which serve as the basis for the action against the owner of the Beauer Lounge. In order to ensure that these individuals will be in attendance to tesrify, the City of St. Paul requests from the State Office of Administrative Hearings subpoenas for the following individuals: 1. 3. Sgt. Richard Wachal St. P��:! P�l3c� �Jepurt� ent 100 East llth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Police Officer John Corcoran St. Paul Police Department 100 East llt" Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 2. 5gt. Eugene Polyak St Daul Pclice De�,art�neaaE 100 East il�' Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 The hearing is scheduled to start at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, November 1, 2000, ln Room 41, St. Paul City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, MN 55102. ��" i � 01-3� If you need additional information or have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to ca11 me at 266-8776. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincer , � � eter P. Pa� Legal Assi; Page 2 STATE OF MINNESOTA �� OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS �� 100 Washington Square, Suite 7700 '100 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 October 19, 2000 �rginia Palmer Attorney at Law c/o Peter P. Pangborn City of Saint Paui Office of the City Attorney Civil Division 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: In the Matter of All Licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge for the Premises Located at 756 Jackson Street in St. Paul, License ID No. 0016196; OAH Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6 Dear Counsel: Enclosed are three (3) subpoenas requested by your office in the above- referenced matter and a copy of each. Sincerely, � " , ,/ BEVERL JONES HE DINGER� Administrative Law Judge Telephone: 612l341-7606 BJH:aws Encl. Providing Impartial Hearings for Governmeni and Citizens An Equal Opportunity Employer Administrative Law Section &Administrative Services (612) 341-7600 �TTY No. (612) 341-7346� Fax No. (612) 349-2665 b �-3� ���:. �3' �.�o� �c� '�' � 3� `;_yy . ° .-'�2� 9� ;�- -::� STATE OF M.INNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINlSTRATIVE HEARINGS HE.ARING SUBPOENA TO: Sgt. Richard Wachal St. Paul Police Department 100 East 11 `" Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 GREE7INGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at St. Paul City Hall, Room 41, 15 West Keilogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on the 1 day of November, 2000 at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of All Licenses Held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/b/a Beaver Lounge for the Premises Located at 756 Jackson Street in St. Paul, License ID No. 0016196, OAH Docket No. 1 5-2111-13214-6. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorabie Kenneth A. Nickolai, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapoiis, Minnesota this 19th day of October, 2000. L4l'.�. . (�,,�, KENNETH A. NI KO I vL Chief Administrative L Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Virginia Palmer, 612/266-8710. ��:- �� ���:.. � :� --_�d - 3 � _�. � -s�-as� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMIlVISTRATIVE HEt�RINGS HEARING SUBPOENA TO: Sgt. Eugene Polyak St. Paul Police Department 100 East 11�' Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 GREETINGS: a �-3� YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger of the O�ce of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at St. Paul City Hall, Room 41, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on the 1S` day of November, 2000 at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of AVI Licenses Held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. dlb/a Beaver Lounge for the Premises Located at 756 Jackson Street in St. Paui, License ID No. 0016196, OAH Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kenneth A. Nickolai, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this 19t day of October, 2000. V��. � KENNETH A. NIC I Chief Administrativ L w Judge 612l341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Virginia Paimer, 612/266-8710. D1�3� ��- � ��� �6 £ `�..�.�� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMII�]ISTRATIVE HEARINGS HEARING SUBPOENA TO: Police Officer John Corcoran St. Paul Police Department 100 East 11'" Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Beverly Jones Heydinger of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at St. Paul City Hall, Room 41, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesofa, on the 1St day of November, 2000 at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of Ali Licenses Held by Beaver Lounge, Inc. d/bla Beaver Lounge for the Premises Located at 756 Jackson Street in St. Paul, License ID No. 0016196, OAH Docket No. 15-2111-13214-6. Pursuanf to fhe authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kenneth A. Nickolai, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this 19` day of October, 2000. � � f NETH A. Chief Adminis 612/341-7600 Judge Subpoena requested by: Virginia Palmer, 612/266-8710. �/ OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �� /�� Clayton M. Robinson, Jc, Ciry Attarney CITY OF SAINT PAUL = Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Division 400 City Hall l5 West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, Minrsesota SSIO2 Telephone: 65/ 266-8710 Facsimile: 65! 298-5619 October 16, 2000 °� � � �_ NOTICE OF HEARING =�- "'' � — O Grace Braid � v; w fn Beaver Lounge � %� a < 756 Jackson Street �'n-�--�` 3 � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 ��-,, `-� � " N c£ti RE: All licenses held by Beaver Lounge, Ina d/b/a Beaver Lounge for the.premises located at 756 Jackson Street in St. Paul License ID No.:0016196 Dear Ms. Braid: Please take notice that a hearing wili be held at the following time, date and place conceming all licenses for the premises identified above: Date: Wednesday, November 1, 2000 Time: 9:30 a.m. Place; Room 41 St. Paul City Halt 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN. 55102 The hearing will be presided over by an Administrative Law Judge from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Beverly Jones Heydinger Office of Administrative Hearings 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700 Minneapolis, MN. 55401 Telephone: 612-341-7606 � � �r The Council of the City of Saint Paul has the authority to provide for hearings conceming licensed �" !�� premises and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. In the case of licenses for intoxicating and non- intoxicatin� liquor, authority is also conveyed by Minnesota Statutes secrion 340A.415. Adyerse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalries or conditions. Evidence will be presented to the judge which may lead to adverse action against all the licenses you hold at the above premises as follows: On July 20, 2000, an alcohol compliance check was performed at the Beaver Lounge, located at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul. An 18-year old female entered the Beaver Lounge and ordered a Miller Genuine Draft beer from the bartender. The bartender served the young woman without asking for any proof of age. It is a violation of Minn, Stat. §340A.503 to sell alcohol to a person under the age of 21. On September 8, 2000, a Sainf Paul Police Officer was on patrol xn the area of Jackson and Acker and heard what sounded like fireworks being set off inside the Beaver Lounge, located at 756 Jackson Street in Saint Paul. The officer walked up to the door to investigate and a woman, later identified as Karen Jean Andersou opened the front door, made eye contact with him, stated "Oh, shit!" and then went back inside the bar. The officer attempted to enter, but the door was locked. The officer saw Anderson watching through a glass window, and told her to open the door. She then ran toward the back of the bar. The officer pounded on the door for at least Yhree minntes before Anderson returned to open the door. In the meantime, a number of people sat in the bar watching bat no one opened the door. The officer asked the bartender, Ronald Johnson, who the woman was, and he identified her as a barteuder at the establishment. Anderson later told the officer that the bar was legally open and she could "lock the door anytime I want to and let who I want in." The failure to allow entry to the premises to a St. Paul police officer is a violation pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.26(b)('n. You have the right to be represented by an attomey before and during the hearing or you can represent yourself. You may also have a person of your choice represent you, to the extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice of law. The hearing wiil be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62 and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all parties identify themselves for the record. The City will then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attomey may cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to Notice of Hearing - Page 2 � � Dl��� present, each ofwhom the City's attorney may cross-exainiue. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevanf and materiai fesfimony from persons not presented as wimesses by either party who have a substanrial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners or occupants of propezry located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding azgumettts may be made by the pazties. Following the hearing, the Jud�e will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing ail documents, records and witnesses you will or may need fo support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If you think that this matter can be resolved or settled without a formal hearing, please contact or have your attorney contact the undersigned. I£ a stipulation or ab eement can be reached as to the facts, that stipulation will be presented to the Administrative Law 7udge for incorporation into his or her recommendation for Council action. �" Ifyou fail to appear at the hearing, your ability to challenge the allegations will be forfeited and the allegations against you which have been stated eazlier in this notice may be taken as true. If non- public data is received into evidence at the hearing, it may become public unless objection is made and relief requested under Minnesota Statutes, Section 14.60, subdivision 2. If you have any questions, you can call me at 266-8710. Very truly youts, ' a'`c. � (��t.e-� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: LaVon Regan, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Mpls, MN 55401 Nancy Anderson, Assistant Counci2 Secretary, 310 City Hall Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1062 Rice St., St. Paul, MN 55117 Notice of Hearing - Page 3