269456 WH 7E - CITV CLERK �`��M� : PIN� - FINANCE COUIICII � � CANARV -�EPARTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 � . BLUE - MAYOR � �� Flle NO. � Council R solution . Presented By LIC;��TSE COP��7IT � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RFSOLVr:.D: That licen,�es aPplied for by tie follo�vin� persons at the addresses stated �e and the sar�e are hereby grantecl. Twin City Ear�e P� To�rin� 1303 Ped P.ocl: �dd. �ull: Oil Stora�e 16761 �enev i�iary Stol�es 138 1',. Grotto Food �stabl. i•i 17C�14 " T:I. Pauer Auto �: Salva�e� Inc. 1?4-202 E. Arlin�ton P��tr. Veh. Salva�e D1r.17115 �� �► �� 2nd IId 1`•'tr. VeIi. �� �' C. J. I�udgins 250 ��J. 7th �t. 2nd FId. Dlr. Gen. 17255 " �etty 2I. Iiline �374 rt. 7th St. �nd Iid. Dlr. Gen. 1?341 " lst tSerchants itate �anI� 87�J E. 7th Nt. Clgarette 17354 " Aml�erst II. ililder 847 �l. 7th St. Roor�in� I�ouse 17361 �� Jacquelyn Charles «. P,�molo t�londa 1409 L�rcade St. Rest. C-2 173G3 " � Lyn�blomsten Iiome 1298 td. Pascal St. Rest-Pdursin� I4ome 1?378 " �� �� I'ood Establ. Z•� 17378 " IIillcrest Country Club 2200 E. Larpenteur Ave. Ci�arette 17390 " Robert & Jeanette Lence 1200 Galtier Grocery A-1 17393 �� �� " Off Sale A�talt " " �� �� Cigarette 17394 " Canteen Corp. � 825 Rice St. I2est. C-2 17404 '� 1`Ielcton� Inc. 917 Goodrich Ave. P�ng. & �rd�. IIouse 17414 �� Superamerica Stations 390 E. l�iaryland Irozen Foods 17421 �� �� 1440 I�:arshall I'rozen Ibods 17428 �� Kindy Optical Co.� Inc. 30 :tT. 7th St. ' O�tician 17450 • P.alph C. rlikel �. P.. Geral� A�cGui�gan 724-8 1'd�. Snelling Laundry Plan� 1?453 " Electric Union Loc�al #110 157 II. Dale St. Ci�aret�e 17463 �� Sundora Corp. 18t?7 Suburban Cigarette 17466 " n n u 17467 n The Solray Corp. 1180 Prosperity Ci�arette 17468 " Snyder �ros. Drug� Inc. 2155-5? IIudson Road Cigarette 17471 " Dols Village Pharmacy� Inc. 20G1 Ford Picwy. Orig. Cont. D 17g75 " �� " Cigarette 17476 " riinnesota Transfer 2071 University Ave. Cigarette 17479 " Smith Bros. Dru�s� Inc.. 2419 I�. 7th St. Radio & TV Tube Test. 17486 " Donald J. Bober 1059 Grand Ave. " 17491 �� i�.ax �� Jeff rearman 171 N. Snelling " 17492 " n n COUNCILMEN Requested by Department oE: � Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against $Y Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By , Approved by Mayor. Date Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK COUi1C11 �g�s PI� - FINANCE GITY � OF SAINT PALTL � CANARV -�DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By LIGEI�S� COtIt1ITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page Two - Renewals Edward Pd. �Jeber 1279 P.andolph �3akery B Appn. 17496 Renew 2Sar�s J. ut. Sauver 1445 University Ave. Rest. C-2 17505 " �� �� Ci�arette 17506 " Rlid+vay Auto Parts 218 N. Pascal h�tr. Veh. Salvage D1r.17507 " Southland Corp. 925 Grand �lvenue Grocery A-2 17519 " �� �� I'rozen �'oods " " ;+ �� Off Sale �falt " " �� �� Ci�arette 17520 " Rocco Altobelli G1? S. Cleveland Beauty Sl�op 1752G " Robert & Sandra Carter 1624 Selby Ave. " 17538 �� Phil J. Korman 719 �urr St. Cigarette 17539 " John �V. Duclos� Sr. 1334 6V. F�linnehaha Barber 17541 " Admiral A1ercIiants I•lotor �ei�Iit 2625 Territorial Rd.Priv. Gas Pump 17545 �� �otal Asplialt Construction Co. 475 EV. P�innehaha Priv. �as Pump 175�7 �� Smith �ros. Dru�s� Inc. 2419 gl. 7th St. Confect. B 17548 �' �� �� �igarette " " Duane Lindstrom 191 P�1. unelling Vf�t Loc. 17549 " Alex Ilaa� 661 Arcade St. Crocery 11-1 17561 " �► �� Off Sale rlalt 17561 " �� �� Cigarette 17562 " The Samaritan IIo�pital 1515 Cliarles l�venue IIospital 175G9 " Cecelia L. I'eist 242 S. Iiamline A�e. l�iercanti� I3rolcer 17579 " Sharon Ostman Aliller 1032 Eur�;ess St. BeaLity Shop 17580 " Abdallah A. ti�azwaz 1660 Pdew IIudson Rd. I'oot Peddler #�22 17584 " James P'. Boyer 1511 Payne Ave. I3eauty Shop 17598 " Karen Bennett 3420-�th ,�venue S. ttasseuse I7622 " Ka.thleen Iieldt 1501 Stlerburne Plasseuse 1?652 �� Jacqueline Ilobbs 3811 Aldrich 11ve. Pd. hfasseuse 17659 • COUNCILMEN � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt J Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco �UL 2�� ��� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by ncil: Date — Cert d Yass Council cret�y BY sy� ' � AUG 2� �977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Appr d by ;17avor: ` Da �g � BY � . BY � pu�usHE� AUG 6 1977