269453 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE � G I TY OF' SA I NT PA IT L � . Council � CANARY - DEPARTMENT t � � BLUE - MAVOR . Fll@ NO��' Cou il eso tion Presented By LICENSE COI�ITTEE ,�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date � RESQLVID: That Application 1' 17288 for General Repair Garage License, gpplied for by A. Dean Tillery at 666 Arcade Street, be and the same is hereby granted with the following two conditionst 1. No more than three (3) cars on the property at ar�y one time. 2. No vehicle that is waitirig to be repaired anc�/or has been completed will be parked on Margaret Street. COUNC:ILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesc �;�i 19�1 ...���. Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted ouncil: Date — Cer ied Pas e Council S cretary ♦ BY T� � � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Appro d by Mayor: te � � By ��� � By U � puB��sHE� AU G 6 1977