269451 WHITE - CITV CLERK � ������
� � BLUF_ - MAVOR File NO.
� � � ncil Resolution
PresentEd By
Refer.red To � Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
, WHEREAS, Mr. William Heine, d/b/a Heine, Inc. , is the
holder of an on sale intoxicati�g li.quor license for the
premises at 488-492 Saint PE�er Street in the City of Saint
Paul; and l �
WHEREAS, the lie�nsee rnade appl9�eation pursuant ta
Chapter 308 and Chapter 390 of the ,SBint. Pau1 Legislative
Code for the transfcr of his lieense from 488-492 Saint Peter
Street to the premises `at 1340 W. Seventh Street, also within
the City of Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the License
_� -Co�ittee o-f �l�e ��ty Coux�c�.l on ,�tne 22, 1977, and continued
to June 29, I977y � �2�tich testimony was taken; and
WHEREAS, the License Cocpmittee reported the application
for transfer to the City Council without recommendation,
which report was consider�d by the Council a� a wh.ole July
7, 1977, and further testimony was taken; and
WHEREAS, testimony and statements were received from a .
number of public witnesses in opposition to the transfer,
from Officers Michael Bott and Fred Leske, Mr. Leonard Neary
of the St. Paul Housa�ng- and Redevelopment Authority, John
Bannigan, attorney �or the transfer applicant, together with
a number of reports, maps and other docuzrientary exhibits; and
WHEREAS, the applicant had notice of the nature and
content of the opposi�ion, and the testimony to be relied
upon by the License C'o�nittee and Council, and had, through
his �ttorney, an opper�unity to submit testi,mony, e�idence,
or statements in supgort of the application and in rebuttal
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler �.
Hozza [n Favor
Hunt -
Levine , __ Against BY
Roedler . � �
S ylvester
Tedesco k
Adopted by Council: Date Form Ap: r ed.b Cit t n y
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Bl, . . �;
Approved by Mayor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
gy By
BLUE � - MAVAR � � Fll@ NO.
\ � �
Council Resolution
Presented By ,
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
of the opposing statements; and
WHEREAS, all statements and testimony were recorded by a
court reporter; and
WEIEREAS, the statements and testimony received by the
License Committee and City Council established that there is
an undue and excessive concentration of businesses for the
sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages along West
Seventh Street; that values in the West Seventh Street area in
the vicinity of the proposed location for th�e license would
be depressed; that a study by the Governor' s Crime Commission
showed that there is a correlation between cri.me rates in an
area and the ioeation �f an intoxicating liquor on sale establish-
m�nt in the same area; that traffic conditions in the vicinity
o� the proposed location would be adversely affected; . and
WHEREAS, on the basis of the above factual matters and
testimony, the Council concluded that permitting the licensee
to transfer his licens� to the proposed location would adversely
affect the public health, safety and welfaxe; and that the :
transfer wDUid clearly no�. be in the public interest; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVEI�, that�by a unanimous vote of 7-0, the City
��: � Council on July ?, I�977'; voted to deny the appiicatirsn for -`
a tran.sfer to the particular proposed location, and now does
so deny that application by this formal resolution, a copy
of which has been provided to counsel for the applicant prior
to this date.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler � �n Favor
Hunt � �
Levine __ Against BY
Roedler -
Sylvester •
T JUL 2�6 t977
• Form Approved by City Attorney
Ad ed by Council• Date —
Certified P by Coun � Sec�tar BY
Appr ve y Mayor: Dat ' _A116 2. 19� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� j
pUBLiSHED AU G 6 1977