269447 WHI7E - CITV CLERK ���}� � � PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PAU L Council . .��'�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. , ouncil Resolution Present�d By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1972 and 1974 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Conncil, are hereby further amended in the following particulars: FROM: ����° Reappropriate $358.70 in 1972 CIB monies: North Park Dr. Lighting (92572-006) 358.70 ,.._ -_.�. . , _.. .�.�-�<`�����.d f�'��� �li�� Reappropriate a total of $13,407.18 in 1974 CIB monies Residential Midblock Lighting-1974 (92074-010) 47.96 Griggs St. Lighting (92074-007) 7,119.57 Syndicate St. Lighting (92074-006) 6,239.65 . . ��°,?r��-..�:;��€� 1����.;' �'��'��` Resulting in the following project financing: � Current Financing Change Amended Financing Como Ave. Lighting-T.H. 280 to Fifield . ,(V-0509) _ 1972 CI Bonds -0- + 358.70 358.70 1974 CI Bonds -0- + 47.96 � + 7,119.57 + 6,239.65 � 13,407.18 1976 CI Bonds (92076-019) 42,000 -0- 42,000.00 42,000 +13,765.88 55,765.88 Approved as to funding: Approved: � ��.Dir., Dept. of nance & Management Services Budg t Director COUNCIJ.,MEN � Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Public Works Hozza � In Favor Le ine � __ A ainst gy Daniel Dunford, Director Roedler g Sylvester Tedesco Adopted b� ouncil: . Date — `�u�' 2`6 �9�j Form Approved by City Atto ney �` Certi d Pass d Counci ecretary BY A, Appro• d by Mavor: D e AU�7 2 19� Appro e b Mayor for Sub ' s n to Council By � BY PUB��S�E� AUG 6 1977 � - - � �6944'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL .lune 17, 1977 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Mr. Richard E. Schroeder DANIEL ). DUNFORD Budget D i rector DIRECTOR Room 365 City Hall BUILDING Dear Mr. Schroeder: I am requesting your approvai to transfer $13,765.88 to the Project No. 77-V-o5o9, Como Ave. from T.H. #280 to Fifietd Ave. This money will be transferred from the following fund accounts: 1 , 92572•006, Lighting Bond Fund $ 358.70 2. 92074-010-M-0567, Lighting Mid-block 47.96 3. 92074-007-P-0542, Griggs St.-St. Anthony to University 7,119.57 4. 92074-006-P-0501 , Syndicate St.-St. Anthony to University 6,239.65 This transfer will result in the following funding; $�3'�65'$$ Present Amended Financing Chan e Financing V-0509, Como Ave.-T.H. #280 to Fifield Ave. 1977 C. I .B. Bonds $42,000.00 -0- $42,000,00 1972 C. I .B. Bonds -0- $ 358.7� 358.70 1974 C. I .B. Bonds -0- 13 407.18 13 407.18 $ 2,T+ 000.00 5�3.�7— 5�.88� 555,—7�5.88 The reason for the need for extra money is that the limits were changed from Cleveland Ave, to Fifield Ave. , and the low bid was more than es- timated. I also wish to call your attention to some of the accounts used. They were at one time being reviewed for a possible transfer to some sewer projects. As this has not been done and we are in need of additional money, I am assuming this requested transfer is proper, It also is in conformance with the desire of the C. I .B. Committee to use up balances of projects that have been completed and finaled out by the Finance Depa rtment. If you have any questions, please call John Eichinger on 52b7. Yours very truly, '�C-C-l.L<.E_:�!/ �� L�„{:, r�,.`�t���,.. L� - Daniel J. Dunford / Di rector of Publ ic Works JJE/bjh 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 . , Otto Hummer Page 2 July 11, 1977 3) Community Services June 30, 1977, request to transfer $790,855 from various sources to the thirteen existing project accounts is approved for consideration as requested with the exception of the following two amendments: WATERGATE ACQUISITION: The request to transfer $110,000 in City Bike Path monies and $63,000 in 1953 bond monies appropriated for Harriet Island Marina are approved. But the request to transfer $177,000 from the Unallocated Reserve is not. The acquisition cost for this project is pending the outcome of an appeal of an award made during the condemnation process. As the City Attorney's Office has indicated that the case is scheduled for next year's court calendar, it would be inappropriate at this time to transfer additional monies from the Unallocated Reserve. The $70,142.98 remaining in the Unallocated Reserve should be used only to secure the award of low bids for 1977 construction projects such as Fire Station No. 23, Public Works Operation Building Consolidation, or other Parks and Recreation projects advertised for bid. HAYDEN HEIGHTS BRANCH LIBRARY CONSTRUCTI�N; The transfer requested by the Department is approved as submitted and the following additional financing is recommended for action now and not in late August: A temporary transfer of $100,000 from the Dunning Athletic Field project (_account 93073-011) to the Hayden Heights Library Furnishing agpropriation. The transferred money would be returned to Dunning with the adoption of an appropriation for Hayden Heights Library Furnishings in the 1978 Capital Improvement Budget, The temporary use of Dunning Athletic Field monies is recommended for the following reasons: A. Conflict for design of site development between Parks and Recreation, the Lexington- Hamline Community Council, and Independent School District #625. B. Tlie court case filed by Lexington-Hamline Community Council against the City. C. The uncertainty of the construction schedule for Central High School Reconstruction as .work for both projects must be coordinated. D. The uncertainty of the School District's ability to finance their appropriate share of costs associated with their need to acquire portions of land now used by Municipal Athletics. RES:GNB:kh cc: Daniel Dunford John Eichinger Chief Richard Rowan • Thomas J. Kelley Robert Piram J. Archer Eggen Gerald Prill John Wirka � CsT Y oF '�� @'��, � • ) � � � � I "1'�" (> 1' �.� I �"1' 1 .� r� I. a � ��e e e�eieeae 'b <)1'1'I(;1: ()1' 'l'1 I 1: �I.\1"<)l: eoes em �1 �, twearou�ts h'a � r��c■.:■ :t��i GI'fl' II_\I.I. 'r * r 5.1I\'1' 1'_11'I., �([\\I:tiO'1'.\ .i.;lO'= � � (tsi_� _t>ti--►.:s_:s (�r:or.c;r I._�1i��F:i� >i.�1 ora July 11, 1977 To: Mr. Otto Hummer, Chairman, and Members of the Long-Range Capital Impro�ent Budget Committee Fr: Richard E. Schroeder, Budget Director ���� Re: Status of Unallocated CIB monies and approval of funding requests being considered at your July 12, 1977, meeting STATUS OF UNALLOCATED RESERVE Current Recommended Proposed Balance Transfer Balance 1967 through 1973 CIB monies -0- -0- -0- 1974 CIB 2,442.41 2,442.41 -0- 1975 CIB 1,310.26 1,310.26 -0- 1976 CIB 174,920.31 174,920.31 -0- 1977 CIB 71,470.00 1,327.02 70,142.98 TOTAL 250,142.98 180,000.00 70,142.98 BUDGET DIRECTOR'S APPROVAL OF REQUESTED TRANSFERS 1) Public Works' June 17, 1977, �equest to transfer an additional $13,765.88 to Como Ave. Lighting-V-0509 is approved as requested for CIB Committee recommendation and City Council action. 2) Police Department's June 28, 1977, request to transfer an additional $1.72,215 to the Police Annex Remodeling Project is approved for consideration as amended below: It is recommended that a total of $180,000 monies be transferred from the following Unallocated Reserve Accounts: 1974 U.R. Account $2,442.41 1975 U.R. Account 1,310.26 1976 U.R. Account 174,920.31 1977 U. R. Account 1,327.02 $180,000.00 In addition to the $172,215 requested to award low bids, I am recommending that $7,785.00 be appropriated for unforeseen construction change orders. This amount is 1.2� of the total construction cost. z �: (l 1. ,.,, � - . . '. 1 ` � �{ ,�r • � {�_'' �� . i,iv sia -� �;� . . ^ .+.a�l�- >.;(Cv� i •G•'% _- ..' :r;, -, �r��.; .' . Mf�f� ��-• .� � � �.,� w/�''`R''''r _ �iEORU F I.:\'lI>f ER � .r,,,-o:� June 22, 1977 �� T�ir. Joseph Michels � w �� � � � � � � St. Anthony Park Association 2239 Carter Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 JUL 1 1977 Dear 1�x�. Mich�ls: DEPT. OF PU6LIC WORKS TRAFFIC BUREAU SUBJECZ'c Lighting Standards for Como Avenue . Thank you for your letter which we received on June 20, 1977, in rwh.ach yvu propose that the St. Anthony Park conmunity and the city ._.-._ " shar�'in the increased cost of the preferred lighting standards for - � -, �Avenue. �ou will recall that this project �,ras originally budgeted for 1976 in the CIB in the amount of $42 ,000 . Of that total, $26,000 wouZd come from the CIB and $I.6,000 would come from assess�ents. The funding basis" was changed when the City Council adopted the Uniform Assessment Policy which prvvided for the .reconstruction of street lighting at no assessment. L�Ihile the project was scheduled to be constructed during 1976, the.re was a delay in part to accommodate the design concerns of the neighborhood. Tiiis delay has resulted in increases for the praject cost of �5,Q00 for the normal city fixture and $13, 000 for the preferred fixture over what was budgeted by the CIB Committee. I support yaur desire to improve the community in ways consistent with the nature of the communi.ty. However, I cannot support a sharing of the increased cost of the preferred standard. I certainly 'will support your efforts to raise the $8-�10 , 000 necessary to pay for the preferred stantiard. This might be done through solicitations of your neighbors or by assess�ng this amount to the abutting property owr�ers. I must ask. that �hese steps be taken by August 9 so that the contract award can be made, in order to avoid any additional increased costs. \r I , � �^ � 'x �7 � � �� G i'Y�t�l�4-� �efti. � ��ca..� Z�•--4 Sinczrely — a-.�f�.�..o �.,.:� ` . n � ��L..� �., b.,..,,�..,..y ;. : GL/j fr � �'' '_ �� ��'"" GEOR�G�LATIMER cc : City Council ���` Mayor . Dan Dunford'� /� J� 2 � ���7 Gre gg H a 1 e y � r-" or---� �(c� Darrell Richards �,�_YD", � f` ;,,. � ' { �� ;<<k .. ; : o�:: izl�.��s :. �,�8��� , • � EXPLANATION OF �iDMINIST'R���VE QRDERS, � ItE�4LUTIQN�, AND ORDINANCE3 , . �+f���'� , �, ; . � : I�te: July 18, 1977 . � '�p; MAYOR :GEORGE LATIMER . Fg; Gregory N. Blees }�; Comc� Ave. Lighting - T.H. �k280 to Fifield (V-0509) : r�� ' . - _ � - : � ' �: �,. t �ACTI4N �tEQUESTED: gppropriate an �.d8i�tional $13,765.88 to the C Ave. Liqhting� P�oject V-0509 by, amendinq the 1972 and �9:74 Cap3;ta1 �aprov�ement Budge s .to tra�rs�fe�:` �moni.es from recently-completed projects: ; - ,`� Transfer $358.7Q in 19'72 eapital Tmprovement Bancl mon3�es €rvm the Nor Park Dr�ive ' _ Lighting aaeovrit: (92572-0Q6) , . - � Transfer a' total of $13,407.18 in 1974 Cap3tal Improvement �Bond,monies rornt the fo3:�awi�q: accounts: $47.96 from, Resident�al Midblock Lighting (92U74-010) �7,119.57 from Griggs St. Lightinq (92074-007) 6,�39.6� from Syndicate St. Lighting (92034-�U6) , ' $13,407.�$ , ` P�R�O�E At51� RAT30N.ALE FOR THIS AC`PI4I�I: Bids for �thi� p�oiect: re opened an= ` .,..,..� ��.. , June 15, i97T; this transfer is required to award }.ow b38. . ��� 977 in order to award Zow bid t � � �peciff�.ed , � .. 6t?- �y a a perY . : � . " R,�asons given for constriiction cost; being greate� thaa� es�t3�nate s . . �, 1) Delay of:gro�ect fxom 1976 to 1977 cons�ruction season t+o s�ork wit2� ei:qhbbnc�ic�d ' : organizations d�arinq design phase. '� � 2) Aequest of neiqhborhood to add a couple .snare blocks to address probl, .. area. . . ' .The request `has been approved by th� Budge� Di.rector, the pireetor �f,�' nartce and , Ma�age�ent Serv�.ces, and the City Attorneg. . < � : : `" . , �T�'���EI+1'1'S: The CIB Comanittee recoma�end�d agproval at their July.l�. 1�77, �tte�tiitq. Ccuncil Resolution - 1 .page _ : � `` . ',. Pubiic Warks'`,7une 17, 1977 request - 1 Page � ' B�dget AirQCtor'a. Approval -` July 11, 1977 Mnyor La�imer's June 22,• 1977 letter to St. �thony Park Association ' - . , � � _ _ _ . _ , .'. � CITY' OFi SAIN"T P.A,'UL ,�- ... , � � OFPZCE OF THE CITY COII1,''CIL _ U.!1; _ �:�,�:�'-;�. � _ ' ,�>.:,...,�-� ��� ��-t�erc•• yu`'. _ I'� Da t e : July 25, 1977 ���, COMMITTEE E� EPOR�' � TO : Saint Paui City Councif F R 0 M � C o m m i fi�e e O il FINANCE, MAP�RGEMENT AtJD PERSONNEL ROSALIE gUTLER , choi�manr mctkes fihe following . report on C. F. (� O�-dir�ance _ . � . X(� Resotutions _ - � � �t t�er - - - - TtTLE : - . The Committee today recommended approvel of three resolutions � transferring monies- for._the following projects: Police Annex Remodeling $125,000.00 Hayden Heights Branch Library 267,605.00 � � Como Avenue Lighting 13,765.88 . . - � _ . �. : . CIT'Y HALL S�VENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SS101 ,T�,,,.,JS. � ' WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAITL Council (((��� [� CANAA`� • DEPARTMEN7 ��-JJJ 4 y��x7 �LUE �MAVOR � FIlE NO• �v�'�_�✓ Council Resolution � � PAGE 1 of 2 Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Hayden Heights Branch Library project has the following budget appropriations: Acquisition Funding - 1973 CIB $98,099 Design Funding - 1976 CIB $66,000 Construction Funding - 1977 CIB $300,000 and a proposed 1978 CIB appropriation of $324,000; and WHEREAS, Bids were opened for the construction of the library on June 8, 1977; and Wf�REAS, The low construction bid of $452,412 was approximately $56,000 less than estimated; and WHEREAS, Part of the construction financing for the library was proposed to be budgeted with 1978 Capital Improvement Bonds; and WI�REAS, The construction cost for the library is less now than it will be in April of next year when the 1978 Capital Imprqvement Bond proceeds are anticipated to be received by the City; and WHEREAS, It is desirous to enter into a Hayden Heights Library furnishing contract in August of 1977 rather than June of 1978; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Department of Finance and Management Services is directed to encumber a total of $267,605 in bond monies from the followinq project accounts to provide temporary funding for the Hayden Heights Branch Library project until the proceeds of the anticipated 1978 CIB bond issues are received: $167,605 from Citywide Bike Paths (93074-007) $100,000 from Dunning Athletic Field (93073-011) $267,605 COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt , Levine __ Against BY Roedler - Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by� Council: Date — Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY � sy, � Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Ma}ror for Submission to Council By BY