269441 ��� CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL �ILE NO. FINAL ORDER ��`� By t-�� � � � �=-�---�°�. , File No. ��� In the Matter of ��t'e7utt3� MitA !�t►ty�c�l I�Mtb 14a# tIt3,1�[ Op t1w te�ntb si+�� o� �. �DI!'8 =?. ts� Mna �t. �tcr asv�+�ay a�W do all ot�sic �osk to aa�►l�t� #��� under Administrative Order ��� approved ��� �� ��'7 under Preliminary Order ���E�'� approved ��L 5' 197'f The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date �U� 2;6 1977 Yeas Nays Butlet"- Certifi assed by ouncil Secretary AUG 2; �977 Hozza ' Hunt In Favor Levine !� Rcedter Against Sy►vester, �UBLISHED � g 19'�� Mayor Tedesco . (� I'1'Y O 1� �.1 I 1�'1' �'A U L ���� ,� • UI�I'LGI�. OF TIIE DfAYUl{ . � _ . . ' •; w .. �L.%!� ADMIN15TRATIVE ORDER ����� ~ / ^-� ' Date: �! � � / �6��� . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, � � Tt�at th� �i rector of tt�e Gepartr.�nt o� Puul i c 1lorks is here�y authori zed and di rected to prepare plans, ai�iain surveys , prep�re ,estimates and im�esti�ate tf�c necessity to reconst�uct ti��ith inte�ral curb and walk_ on the Soutn sIc!e of E. S:Jtiif! 57. from Pinc St. to (�roada:ay and do all other work ►vhic� is necessary 4nd incidental to ea:�plete s�id ir�prover3ent. The Dtrector of Fin�nce anci t{ana�enent Servic�s is hereby directed to prepare the paelininary order and sct�edule this matter for pu�iic t�earir.3. ort& cc: or�& cc: DJD R£G RLW WAH GKS JFK RGP DEE - ' JFS ClT RlM AJO . 7JE � VHP I'S"LU2� . •. DEN - ' P.S.D. R.N.R. APPROVED AS TO FORib1 � � Assistant c;ity Attorney �� PU�I �G i�0i"ECS Department Fiead ! � Sidewalks � -- , ;,- , , -- i �. ,r.-•- f�"� ' f' +i . Date % -• Administrative Assist•rnt to Mayor � s ; . , . �� r ��94�, �� � � CITY OF SAlNT PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF PUBtIC WORKS . DANIEE. J. DUNFORD DIRECTOR . ' '` �. All reconstruction April 18, 1977 No assessment Mr. Roger. Mattson � Di rector of Finance and Management Services Room 113 City Ha11 . : ATTENTION: Paul Desch Dear Si r: Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction/reconstruction of the sidewalks listed on the attached Administrative Order. The estimated cost for new construction not in main routes is as follows: $4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk A E B Residental $6.81 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk C Res. � Comm. S$. 17 per ft. for 6 ft. wide walk C Res. � Comm. � $2.00 per sq. ft. far integ�al curb and walk Residentiai � Commericai . Attaci�ed herewith are the following: 1. Approved Administrative Order D- 00 4/8/77 2. Advisability � Uesirability Repor.t. 3• Eep}t-ef-p�ans-for-eazh-or�{er. ,'_.��i�4��7� You rs ve r t ru 1 �' �� j�° Y Y, �ti���= �� 4�G �L�'�-�rrt/t.o ;'^,� �'j f��.' � H a r t� !•�, � . 79� . r�,� omas � 'C ? Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction �k� ��FA����� �, ' 11/ �F 'L� n HT/gh «�` `��1C�` �`�f '���j,►krly'�L�'\�� ' 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �- , ,. ' �,�'4�D i s t. No. 2 .. � , . . � � � : S.S. E. �Jinth St. - Pine St. to E3roadway f � � y �, ��E��� This order was initated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a p�tition with 1 signer and inspection of the walk. (Property owner, Rohaco, requests reconstruct walk and curb) This walk is old tile a�ith broken tile, high joints, tripping hazards. ✓� The Engineerir►g recommendation is for approval of the order. Remarks: Reconstruct wlth integral curb. � (Construct to width designated on plat) . CT HJ RR , . 3 ' S ' �C����3 ���� , I ��+� .�� , F ti. ^� � ��- : ? ��.: ye�7 4 y:e�' I.:. � � k � ,. � ,� � .� � � � �.,;,��� _- r� ��. .� k,�l: �, ;; ,� �' �� f� ! J �� ,� � I ,` ...��t � �. u 3� , � r � � �� -� � :�'� . ;�. a� �:-� � �;:� r 11.. '�