269440 ��V�'�iV CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FILE N0. F I N A L O R D E R BY �,�-_�, ,��-�---�,. , , File No. �1��' In the Matter of QA11�t�t$� Mi,t� 1pt�t� it'lll,xll � �,k pp t�l� Op�ft� ��,,a� O� ��► w�'. �l"O� QL� ,A�. to � �i�� � #t�M ilid 1'�CO�f�g t�lw sid�ralk oo th� wst a�da e!� OTtS A1►1t. is�ar 1hr�hall �. !o �re�h �76 !t. aed Ao a11 ot�ae w�k w sa�pl�t� i�prtar�wrtt .� under Administrative Order ��� approved ��1 il• 19�7 �� JUL 5� 1977 under Preliminary Order ���t�'�`� approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. 1 JUl 2;6 1977 COUNCILMEN Adopted by t il: Date Yeas Nays Butlel� C ied Passe y Council Secretary, AUG 2; �977/ Hozza Hunt In Favor Levine � Roedler Against $ylveste� Mayor Tedesco pUBLISHED AU� 6 �977 S wn�,r City Clerk (�j I 'I'Y O�i' ��1 I :rT T Z�A l_7 L l�� 7 f`irtA rira�At�ept. !'�!1� . Cen�+ry— �cpt. �'�~'l, i•�o O1�'1'ICZ: O1�' 7'lll: �fA1'C)R �� No: 1.,,�-� R.--/�'/�. ADIIINISTRATIVE ORDER � �, Date: �, " l� " � ,� ADA�INISTI:ATIVE ORDER, �����c, �G That the �i rector of the �epartr::ent of Publ i c �darl;s is hereby �utt�ori zed and cii reeted to prepare pians , outain survey, nrep�re esti�:�ates �nd irjvcstic�ate the necessity to construct ►�:iti� integra] curu unci ►•rair; on the ::orth side of ?-���RS,1,^,LL AV�. fro� Oti s Ave. to the cas t LO'+ ane+ reco�s truct th� s i d�,�a 1 k on .'es t s i de of OT!S AVE. fror,i �i�rsi��,il f;ve. to north 27u' ar�d uo �il ot5er ►�orl:s ��rhicti is c�ecessary and Incidental to c�s;plets saici 'sr�:pruver�ent. The Director af Fin�nce and ;iana,er,�en��, Services is hereb� directed to prepare a prel ir��inary oruer and scnedule a put�l i t hearing. . � � orig. cc: orlE. cr OJD REG . � � . RLW WaH - GKS JFK RGP p�E tS�U6L2 _ . ' JfS . CLT � � AJO TJE vNP • DEN l._ F.S.D. H.ii.R. APPROVF:U AS TO FORM i' /, � / %��i,;,.�/ Assistant City Attorney �U�� I C tt0 C{:S � Uepartment Hesd S i dewa)!:s � � ...�- /f . T� .� (� ,I� � /' ��, /// ;' �' L�tf.'. ,�! L,{ i'' � � �.r 1, _ 7 , Administrative Assistant to hlayor ' .� . , � � � . ��94 � ���� �� � CtTY OF �AfNI' PAUL � - � DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS DANIEL J. DUNFORD �lRECTOR � __-�.�„�� . / • . -._,,�, � ' There is new construction on . April 15, 1977 • - Marshall Ave. but it is a M.S.A. • � ' street so there wi 11 e o Mr. Roger Mattson essmen � Director of Finance and Management Servi.ces . Room 113 City Hal } ATTENTION: Paul Desch Dear Si r: . Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction/reconstruction of . the sidewalks listed on the attached Administrative Order. • � The estimated cost for new construction not in main routes is as foilows: . $4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk A � B Residental $6.81 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk C Res. & Comm. $8. 17 per ft. for 6 ft. wide walk C Res. S Comrn. " $2.00 per sq. ft. for integral curb and walk Residential S Gommerical. Attached herewith are the following: 1. Approved Administrative Order �'3506 4/ll/76 � --.---___— 2. Advisabi 1 i ty � Uesi rabi 1 i ty Report. 3. Ev�sp-of-pfiarts-for-eactr-or��r. � Yours very truly, ����� `��'�'�� �-- Hartley �omas Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction � HT/gh 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �- 1 � ' � ;• � � � � �. • 1 , �����+�.�t. �,�,t��!`� N.S. i4arshall Ave. - Otis Ave. to the eas�t IIO'+ and tQCf't�� W.S. Otis Ave. - ��larshall Ave. to north 276' �' � This order was ini tiated by the Di rector of Publ ic '�lorks as pubt ic necessi ty on the basis of a request from Ruby Hunt and inspection of the walk. This walk on Otis is old tile and some poured concrete G,ith tree heaves , broken ti1e, high joints , tripping hazards , cracked concrete panels and tipped panels. On N.S. of �larshal ) Ave. from Otis Ave. to the east 80`+ wiii be new constructiorr. It will be integral curb and walk. This is a� M.S.A: s�reet and wiil not be � assessed. Public Improvement Aid funds will financed the pro}ect. This new sidewalk wi Il service pedestriansgetting on the bus. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the erder. (Construct to width designated on plat) � CT NJ RR , . �=�[�� � ��J�i'��� 1 j�` ��u� P 4�; i c 't}g� �� d , , �r �r�;� ,}��� ,:• + :�'a'�2'"�r�� .s t ,a� v�.. ,�.� .� :�i � � " :.y. �t ���I r;+ _y _�' ;iy k�a' ,f'; i; "i li� i , fr°��� ' �� , � . q; �?9 = , �,; � '� '�`1 „i. � �� f �' `� �:' Mi,, �,���` i �Iti�.:< w�r n Y � � �$S3 " :�`� 1,��� � �Ff'� , � �3� c ?i7,� �� I�f1�(�� �� I � � �:; �z� ��� y Pk , . r � � „� �:; . �`��': ' �� , � {i�'� ,_ �.. �;.� f . �;� � �fi•,,i �r »tir _ ... . . �� � �� — ---