269329 WH17E - CI TV CLERK COUQCII �/���,/�� PINK - FINANCE GI TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV - D�EPARTMENT � - BLUE - MAVpR . Flle NO. �uuncil Resolution Presented By �' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby confirms and approves the following appointments by the Mayor of public representatives to the Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council: Public Representatives _ Leonard Levine, 1'741 Hillcrest Ave. Wesley M. Figgins, 1937 Rome Elizabeth H. Guthmann, 815 South Fairview Alternate Public Representatives M. Phillip Reeves, �6g6 Pinehurst Ave. Paul Richard Stembler, 1641 Beechwood said appointments to be effective for a period of two years, expiring August 16, 1979. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Butler � �� � In Favor - Hunt J . Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco �u� 5� 19� Form Appr ed by City Attorney Adopted b � uncil: ate ' Cert ed Passed b uncil Se ry � R�/ , Appro e by Mavor. Date ��- 7 1977 Appr by Mayor for Sub 'ssi to Council By BY PuB�.�sHE� ,1UL 1 6 1977 �Vtl��tl ;:� (i I '1'�" U 1�' .5.1 I \7' T��1 i ' 7. ,-�--- � '� _ ��� �� � <>i��-tc,�: c�i� •r�t �: �t.��-c�ir :�:.,:� �. � I ,,• :3•47 GI'Cl" f1_\I.L 5:11\7' P_1I'7., �II_\"_\"N:SO"1:� :���10" . ���.�, . (fi13) 'l£)£3-��:3_:; � GF�OHGF. LA1'I>IEA �I:�i'ax June 24, 1977 Council President Robert Sylvester and Honorable Members of the City Council 7tn Floor, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Council Members: Herewith I am transmitting the names of my nominees for members and alternates on the Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council. Saint Paul appoints three public representatives. My :�ominees are: • Councilman Leonard Levine, 1741 Hillcrest Avenue Mr. Wesley P�. Figgins, 1937 Rome Avenue Mrs. Elizabeth H. Guthmann, 815 So. Fairview Avenue Additionally, Saint Paul has two alternate public repre- sentatives. rzy nominees are: Mr. M. Phillip Reeves, 1696 Pinehurst Avenue Mr. Paul Richard Stembler, 1641 Beechwood Avenue The appointments of both the representatives and the alternates are to be effective for a period of two years, expiring August 16, 1979. I urge your speedy consideration of these nominations. Sincere , ,� GE E LATI�IER GL/lm May r cc: Councilman Levine Wesley Figgins Elizabeth Guthmann M. Phillip Reeves Paul Richard Stembler City Clerk�'/ �.�_.�,�;