269328 WHITE - CITV CLERK COI1flC1I ���V',(_�
BLUE - MAVOR . - Flle NO. ',~
il Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee y Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul
hereby approves the reappointment by the Ma.yor of Lloyd L.
Leider, 1235 Edgcumbe Road; Hal Kosanke, 15 East Gilfillan
Road; and Jerome Lantry, 2169 Beech to a four year term on
the Civic Center Authority cocr�nencing July l, 1977; and,
be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint
Paul also approves the appointment of Pearl Mitchell, 833
Fuller to a four year term commencing on the same date.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
� In Favor
Levine � __ Against BY
Tede JUL 5' 1977
Form A ed by City Attomey � �
Adopte y Council: Date �
C ified Pass y Counc' ,ecretary � Y �
Appr ve y Mayor: Date �' 7 �977 Appro e y Mayor for Sub si to Council
Pu61►sHEa J U L 1 6 1977
, (� � � � �����a��
Jerome H. Lantry Telephone: (612) 735-0139
2169 Beech Street Birth Date: February 27, 1932
St. Paul, Minne�ota 55119 Married, two children
Education: Webster Grade School 3 years
St. Luke's Grade School S years ,
St. Agnes High School 4 years
University of Minnesota Extension School 4 credits
Bricklayer Apprenticeship Program 3 years
riilitary Service: Two years active duty (1952-1954) , U. S. Navy, Honorable Discharge
Employment: 1946-1950 Angus Drugs (part time)
1950 Laborer, Local No. 132
1951-1969 Bricklayer, Local No. 1
April 1969- Co-Director, Labor Education Advancement Program
June 1970 (L.E.A.P.)
June 1970-July 1971 Deputy Commissioner of Libraries, City of St. Paul
August 1971-April Coordinator, Community Relations, Department of
1973 HEW, HMO Technical Assistance Program, Group
Health Plan, Inc. , St. Paul
April 1973-Present Fund Coordinator, Minnesota Laborers Fringe Benefit
Funds, Richard J. Reese & Associates
Labor Recording Secretary, Bricklayers Local No. 1 (1969-Present)
Positions: Arbitration Board, Bricklayers Local No. 1 (1963-1969)
Trustee, Bricklayers Vacation Fund (1964-1974)
Trustee, Bricklayers Pension Fund (1974-Present)
Secretary, Twin City Bricklayers Vacation Fund (1967-1974)
Delegate to International Bricklayers Convention (1964-66-68-70-72-74)
Delegate to State Building Trades (1972-Present)
Delegate to State AFL-CIO Convention (1963-Present)
Delegate to Trades & Labor Assembly (1962-Present)
Legislative Committee 7 years
Education Committee 4 years - Chairman since 1973
COPE Committee
Union Advocate Board of Directors (1969-Present) - Elected Chairman in 1976
Prepared examination and gave test for change in classification from
blocklayer to bricklayer
Activities: Volunteer Hockey Coach, Conway Playground (1963-1967)
East Side Playground Advisory Board
Fund Raising for Conway Playground
President, West End Hunting & Fishing Club (1967-1968)
Secretary, West End Hunting & Fishing Club (1963-1964)
Board of Directors, West End Hunting & Fishing Club (1963-1968)
Planning Board Chairman, tdest End Hunting & Fishing Club (1966-1967)
Captain of St. Agnes Hockey Team (1949-1950)
(One of original organizers of team 1948-1949)
Member of Knights of Columbus (1950-Present)
Athletic Board of St. Pascal Church (1969-Present)
4th District DFL Central Committee
Karth Korn Feed Committee
riember of Civic Center Authority
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LABOR CENTRE • 411 MAIN STREET • ST. PAUL, MINN. 55102 • Phone: 222-3787
May 24, 1977
Mayor George Latimer
Office of the Allayor
City Hall & Court House
Saint Paul, Miruiesota 55102
Dear Mayor Latimer:
Regarding your letter of April 1/� on expiration of t.erms of four members of the Civic
Center Authority, the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly �vould like to sumit the name
of Jerome Lantry, present member whose term will expire, for reappointment to the
Civic Center Authority.
Fraternally yours,
�� ` C���
Alfred W. Chute
' January 31, 1°77
RES�'•I.G tiG�����
Nane: Peazl MitcheZl
Address: 833 �ller Avenue Vclunteer Services Coord�nato^I:
St. Paul, �iinnesota 55104 Rar.:sey Cosnty �•7e?Fa^e �L�art.^.er.t
Hozae ti612 - 226-5358 AC3
Office #612 - 298-4651 160 F.. Kel:o�� Blvd.
_ _ _ - _ _ __ _._. . St. Paul, "inr.esota S SI01
�612-298-4551 -
A. Graduate School: Snith School of Social Work, Sxaith Oollege,
-- -- - Northaiapton, Mass. , 1960 - 1961, with a
_ . � one year field placement Nith the �reau
. of Faaily Service, Orange, N. J.
_ . B. Gbntinuinq Education: Seainars in Social Work at the
University of Minnesota and Univezsity
of Chicago - Certif icates awarded,
C. Se�n� inars: Manag�ent of Volunteer Service Prograns and
- . - Supervision.
- �� - D. Managenent and Supervisozy Wozkshops on Volunteer Adainis-
_ ___ _ _ :_"___ tration, Social Work Concevts, and Inteznational Social
__ -,__ WelfaYe and Management by Objectives. - --�
B. Undergraduate: Haaline University. B. S. Major Social Work.
_. . --•-. -__,. _ _.
1. "The place of volunteers in a Oounty MentaZ Health Pxograa" -
NIi�4i grant 1952.
_ 2. Manuals, guidebooks, newslettezs and articles in VolunteezisM.
Wnferences, SQ�issazs, Workshops: Sezved as convener, moderator,
pasielists and soeaker in the azeas of huc�an zelations, inter-
nationalisa, volunteezisa, aelfare, education, employment, etc.
Vo7.unteer Sezvices Coord3nator IT, Ra�asey G�aunty Welfare Depart-
�aent, 1960 - present.
Vo2unteer Services Cbordinatoz and Affir�native Action C7fficer -
AAO Januazy 1973 - Decenbez 1973. -
Sacial Casewarker - Ranisey O�unty .Welfaze Depart�ent prior to
assuming position of Volunteez Services Ooordinator.
� Part-time Sociology Instzuctor (evenings) - Public i�elfare
� Ac�inistration, Hazaline University 1970, 1971 and 1972.
,, ••
� Page 2
Tean� - ?eacher (evenings) - "Lrisis in Human �elations" -
-. :enter for L'rban and �egional �ffairs - 196��, 1Jniversity of
Minnesota. .
�Iational Youth Worker Project - "The Adolescent Girl in Her
Social and �ltural 3nviron�ent" - Panel Modezator - Center for
Yo��th, University of Minnesota, 1976 to present :
. ?he Volunteer Services Coordinatoz _ ay responsibility is to
iirple�aent and dizect the activities of the Vo2unteer Services
Prograa for the Ransey County Welfaze Departr�ent.
Such activities include:
l. Recruite�ent, interview, orientation, txaining, piacement,
� supervision and zecognition of volunteezs.
2. Interpretation of the County Welfare Departaent, and,
specifically, the Volunteer Sezvicea Departaent, to the
-- geaeral comaunity.
-- ----- 3. Staff-tzaining. . — ---- - -- - -
4. Serving on boardz and coanittees. .
_ _ -_ _ -`� _ 5. O�aperating and coord3nating volunte�r activities pith a2Zied,
-- h�alth, education and *elfare agencies (private and public) ,
churches, achools, etc.
Other Work-Related E.xveriences: - -.. - -- - -... -- . -. --
� Panelist, Foster Car� C�rtificate prograa _ Univezsity of
Minnesota, I973. '
Ztsatructvz, In-Servica Training, Hu�an Relations - St. Paul
PolicQ Depa=tnent 1973 and 1974.
Pazt-ti�e Public Welfare Field Wozk Instructor at the Raa�ey
Gbunty Wel�are Department for underqraduate student interns.
University of Minnesota Lake�►ood College � _
kacalester College Znver Grove .luniox Co2lege �
�Cbncordia College Ha.ttline University
SL. 2ho�.as t.bilege l�innesota i�betropolitan State O�Ilege
St. Catherine's Gbllege Mankato State College
Cbe Gbllege �
Pazt-tiae Public Weltare graduate field mork instructor for
student interns. .
Univexsity of Minsiesota
� .
� Pa,e 3
� Pazt-tiae Public :�el_°aze Undergra�u.�ce field wo:k instructor in
Volunteer ��inistra:ion - Student �iozk 3x�erience Pzogra.ri. �
L'niversity of +linnesota Hamline [lniversity
� Ninnesota. .�tetropolitan State College �oe J�llege
Develooed public info rasation progran on Human Services to co�bat
ezzoneous infox-nation given on a local zadio "talk shoR". Z
was able to get � hour on a weekiy basis for 1� years. I
zeczuited pzogra� partici�ants fron the fields of health,
�ducation, welfare, courts etc. (including clieats}. The prograra �
__ ended when the zadio station disba,nded its talk show3.
� " " ' Snftf ated at ou r agency throuqh our Volunteer Services Denartm8nt, . � �
� the Big Brothers Pzoject and later was one of the organizers of
tbe �ig Szothers Aqency of St. Paul.
. In�tiated a Little-Sig 5ister Project through ouz Volunteer �
- Serv3ce3 Depazt�ent at�ich I later nas able to involve the St. '
Paul Y'�JCA who have now iaadQ thia a part of their ongoing prograas �
aad is_now called Swo 2ogether.
- - - . .-- - . _ .
'Initiated a Volunteer school tutoring project at the Ra.ASey
O�unty Welfaze De�art�eent. '
--- --- - -I. Volunteer� pic3ced ch ildren up at S:00 P. M.
2. Volunteer and child ate supper toqether in a grvuo at a
: ` downtowr� church that undez�vrote costs of supper and provided �
. ,._. -- tatering spacQ.
,.. _ _ _ . - � - - --- • y--- --- - - - � � -- _
3. Volunteer tutoz and child spent on� hour oa at�atever area
- cliild needed help.
. 4. Volunteer tutor rtturned child ho�e. ?his project was the
, torerunaez of the 5t. Paul D�part�ent of Sducation School �
?utaziaq Project.
Snitiated discu3sion and assisted in the fornulation of a •
Volunteer Q�ild Abuse Project through our Volunteer Services �
S. Initiated and havQ involved citizeas in a variety of �
voluntary projects of sezvices to the: � -
a� tetazded �
b) discharged fro� state hosoitals
c) b2ind, phy3ically and eaotionally disabled
d) children _
�) zefugees - Ianquage problens, etc. �
�� BZ^u02�1t1eS -
q) caasunity clothing and household su�ply �roject - A?iey � �
Sho�pe 10�.
_ _ _ _. _
Page 4
h) Such grouos are Hinnesota Ttvins B.aseball Club, �ast
Park Lions, G. I. V. E. , �ltrusa, Schubert :.lub,
Shriners, churches, theatezs, etc.
Initiated a positive wozking relationshio with the news media, .
but, especially, the St. Paul na�er. The pa�er did a series
(a first) on all phases of welfaze. ?he pa�er in addition to
thei.r regular coverage of Ra.nsey �bunty WeZfare Board Meetings�
does in depth stories on rood sta�s, adoption, A. F. D. C. ,
- � and Volunteer Services.
I have, also, worked xith radio and T. V. aedia and am, often,
consulted for ideas, suggestions, etc. on pzogra�aing for better "
understanding by average citizens ot the F�nan Services fields.
___ As the Volunteer Service� Cbordinator, the dizector appointed
s►e to serve as an agency liaison s�ith nuraerous hunan sezvices
- agencies. ?he list aill rollow, however, I wi12 cite exaaples :
A. Tlrin Cit3ea Znternational Progzaa (2CIP).
B. Oouncil ot International Pzogra.as (CIP).
The objectives o! TQP and QP are: � �
_ ,:_, .- . .._
� � 1. ?o enrich and/or iszprove the participant's perfoznance
�� of social work, youth �ork, social work-related
education and special education through the exchange -
__ _ � , o� professional knowledge and experience; and __ _ _ _
___. � � 2. to inczease the participant's first-hand �rnos�ledge and
to deepen their understanding of the L'nited States and �
of othez participating countries by providing o�poztu-
.. nities and plaaned pzagza�s for cultuzal exchanges.
2he CIP was faunded in 195? by Dr. Henzy B. 011endorff. �1s a
board ueaber of this organization, I have been invo2ved foz Lhe
past fourteen years: .
� I. Hosted pazticipants fron 35 countries in ny hoae duzinq
these years - for one to thxee nonths. -
2. SuFezvised for field work placeaent at our agency. �
3. Lectured. .
4. Served as publicity chairperson, seczetary, president -
2CIP - and as secretary, tzeasurer, president CSP.
5. Served az overseas interviewer in C�ntra2 Araerica a.nd
South Azaerica.
6. Visited social, health, �educational and correctional
institutions o�hile ovezseas.
-- - Pa9e S
_.__ _ 7. bfet with �►nbassadors, cultural affairs officers and
personnel, Governments' agency officials and aZuiani
of CIP. -
8. Met with corpozate executives of Jnited States'
based firns to discuss CIP and theiz possible
involveaent in the program.
- - 9. Atteaded the Council of Znternational Federations (CIF)
(overall aluani organization including CZP affiliates and
board aembers) , 1973 in Aarhus, Dennark where Z had a
_ _ _ _ chance to �eet and lecture at the rlarhus Business and
Profes3ional Women's Club) and CIF conference in
Spaadau, Gernany, 1975.
" 10. Sezved as hostess for meabers of Parliament, diplomats,
Iegis2ators or others coning to the TAin C�ties vrho aze
interested in welfare, health, educatian, huaan re2a-
�� tians, etc.
C. World Press Institute (4+IPI) ; A ten aonths' International
_ Professional Press Prograra based in St. Paul and founded by
Harry Morgan. .
1. Assist with hose hospitality.
� 2. Programzaing.
3. Arranged personal caatacts for specific needs of WPI'ers.
4. Arrang�d aeeting of ?Q P'ers and WP2fers and citizens of
the �rin Cities for an evening of sharing ideas, and
, D. Oumnunity Resources Doordination:
1. Aaerican R�d Cross. �
. _ :
2. YWCA (Woaen's Ceater). � � t
3. VAC (Voluntary Action Center . �
a) Assisted in bringing abaut coordination of services, �
projects� etc. � ;
+ QP - Council of Znternational Prograns for Social Wozkers,
Youth Leaders, Iac.
� � TCIP - Meiabez at Iarge, 19'76 to present, President 1968 - 1970, • ;
Secretary, Oo�ittee Gnairperson/;�ienber. The TCZP represent- �
ative to the Minnesota 4aorld Affairs Center Board, I973 - I976.
Page 6
Girl Scouts of St. Oroix Valley 1962 _ 1974. �
Big Bzothers of Greater St. Paul, served 1965 - I475,
. ozganizer of St. Pau1 Big Brothers, personnel chairperson, -
interviewer and Vice Pzesident. Big Srothezs Center for
Youth Advisory Coamittee - University of :�Sinnesota 1975 to
_. __. _ : Present.
_ __.____ ___ St. Paul Urban Coalition {F.xecutive Connittee and Scholarship
- - Gbu�i.ttee 1473 - 1975.
__ * Advisozy O��ittee Big Sistexs - YWCA. •
. St. Paul Voluntary Action Center 1974 - 1975.
Inter Club Cbuncil 1972 - 2974.
Huaan Resources Planning C+ouncil.
Nayor's Staff Selection Cbamittee.
Huaan Services Jonaittee. _
�' / ` .-(f- � ,.-�'_ �/�f'
. •� �C:,� I�G•l w ( L-.:� i.� �-�:,.,.a,_.�.. � µ` �c`=\ -t�:�. 1,, ..���. .__ _.�:)FZ, . . _.. _
�B+SR '� � P .C,. �-.: l�` /' :'.•/ c� i.s�. �,i -_ .��C,%C�1 U r C�.. .�1 . l�_�. r��i_�,� t/Z:_ /E�,i'`i a_. . . . — .
�.---�-•,� �.�.,�„� . . � . . �� .
-- � ��
Ninnesota Social Sezvice Assflciation.
C�arter Mer�ber �serican Association Volunteer Services Coordina-
-- ���-` ��' � tors (served two years on AAVSC Certification Cbmmittee.
Minnesota Association Volunteer Directors Regional V AAVSC �
_ Representative - t�ro years (one of the founders).
• ..� _.
ZAVE (Internation�.l Association of Volunteer &ducators).
CZF (Council of International Federations).
. Kinnesota International Czntez. . �
Minnesata International Institute.
Past-President - Alt rssa C1ub of St. Paul International Women's
(Sezvice Qub) Board of. Directors.
Board of St. Paul Gavel Glub President as of January 28, I977.
Rainbo�r Club (began as a syrabol os fxiendship to assist in
relocation of Japanese in Lhe Terin Gities). �
* Qirrent Status.
♦ - , ~
Page 7
Af rican �merican Znstitute• �
St, Paul YW:.� (Women's Center).
* �World Pxess Institute.
_ . +� Governor's Advisory O�maittee on volunteers.
� St. Paul Y. W. C. A.
._ �. __ +� Minnesota International Center
� St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch
_ _ _ __ �
H. S. W. _ . ._
- -—- �---_ - tt. I. M. H.
University of Minnesota School of 5ocial Work, Dean Selection
St. Paul Voluntary Action Clenter. _
-'" �-chairwoaan Woaea's State Cbmaittee on Human Rights•
Board of Directors' Cbuncil of Huaan Relations.
. -. United Chuzch Gbamittee on Indian Work. : _�,� __ -
Board of Directozs Macalester International Center.
_ _ . Periodic and one-tiae_only Advisor/Cbnsultant to govern�ent
agencies, organizations, colleges, schools, church gxoups,
private agencies, etc.
� Qzrrent Status.
].. Hinnesota Wonan of the Year - International Work - 1968 �
2uid I970.
' 2. League of American Red C7coss Society ;+3eda1 for Cam�unity .
Service - 1970. -
3. Minnesota Association of Volunteer Service Di.rectors'
_. Award - 1974. .
4. State of Minnesota Social Service Association - Distin-
guished Sexvice �arard - 1975.
5• Bi� Brothers o.` Greate^ St. paul P.ward-1975� � �
E7. C?P� °resicen*'s t�:r3?^d FO^ ��S�1P.�?LI_S}:2� cor•I_C°-..TdIlU3Y"7 l���i.
7. CBS Aiceateaaial 't i-�utes, :lov�-��e^ ?0, 1976,
_ . �1 1�' �li, �.J L�1` 1 ��11�} 1 J �\f��t7 V
ae:ear�� O1'1�'I(iI: OI' 'LF�I�. �IAY<)li t
s��ze�o e�
June 20, 1977
Council President Robert Sylvester and Members
of the City Council
7th Floor
City Hall
Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear President Sylvester and Members of the City Council :
Herewith I am transmitting to the Council my nomination of the
following named individuals to full terms on the Civic Center
Authority, commencing July l , 1977 :
Representing the Guarantors
Mr. Lloyd Leider
Mr. Hal Kosanke
Representing the Public
Mr. Jerome Lantry
Ms. Pearl Mitchell
I know that all of these nominees would be pleased to meet with
you if you so desire. Since the terms are effective July 1 , 1977,
I ask your early action on these nominations.
Sincerely, �
Geor Latimer
� . . .
�ec� r s � ic�r� � r�
, e � I � �� � ufie � � ��
• � • � , . � :�
�ts� er oe�vn u � t -- ����
q e war .
• -Tws.,Nor,2,19)b
Pear1 Mitchell sits alone in the play- . portation, arts and crafts, picnics, enten . .
room she helped set up in the waiting room tainment and friendship for persons in
at the Welfare Department. Currently no need. And from her office have grown a
one is available ta keep the room open ex- number of programs now run by other
cept for a few hours e week. The Volunteer aqencies, such as Big Brothers, Two-gether ,
Services that Pearl directs, however, put (a "Big Sisters" program), volunteer tu4or-
some 400.psrsons ta work in #he past year ing in the schools and the county Child
for 16,000 hours, tutoring, providing trans- Abuse Project. .
Bj�a�Y B.1!{ER more than a derade ago..-when . .
Stsft{lritrr the office was a sniall demonstra- � -
� tion project. assigning sir volun- Or she might say, "�ir.So and �
"Two-hundred years a�o toda So. you have an excellent lncome Above�all she beIIeve�. People
the revolution came tu the Qua� �eers tu help ex-mental patients now,a guod job.If any member of can learn to love people if they'rc
er�bf Chappayua,Y,Y.. . ,�� ease back into society. your family had to go tu a nursinq �i�•en an opportunity to grow to-,
Directin� volunteer servites de- home how lon��could�ou be able bether as people."
St. Paul's Yearl Mitchelt wilt be lnands building brid�;es across alt to make the payments.'
seen reading those ��•ords on the �urts of lines—religious,racial,ti- She finds people act surprised Severat months ago Pearl hap-
CSS Bicentennial Dlinute series nancial, occupatiunal, education- ��•ith an"I ne�•er thought of ttiat." pened to meet Rohcrt �larkel, an
echeduled tor bruadcast at 1:28 �� ��i�guage,E,uµ�er,�Niint ut vieK•. or"You mean I'd have to go to the executive oi the CES"Bicentennial
p.m.CST on hov. 10�Channel4r. 11'eltare Dc �rtnient"" biinute" in �zw Yur�. Uurir,g the
�laking 1!ni:s is atso the crux ot � few minutes the,r• :alked she de-
er7consre�tton cvtneerned abuut �'e�rl's «•m•k w•itl� countless "I think ttiis is o�ie of the�reat• scribed her feefing3 aoout people
• g g groups, in p�cticular the Cuuncil est problems," sa�s F'eart. "tlie•
the wounded arui dying solcliers uf lnternational Pro rams for lack oE iniormation between Eo. and life. i{e told.her then that he
r�treattn; trom the Battte at � P wantad her to do a "�ilnute".She
1'outh Lea�crs. Social 11'orkcrs le."
. Wltite Ptain�. Their response tv �' ' taped the pro;ram In Chicago ia
"thia sad apoctacle o[ h u r*t�n and Special'feachers i CIP)�chicli ghe loves her 'ob.loves
M�oe" H•as to take the w�ounrieci brings proFessionals from 87 coun- J puttinq August, �
Wo their meetln house and tries to work several months in People togettier, dru�eing them
� the U.S. Pearl has just finished a out, helning them find waya ot -
nu��e them and to bury tho bodie� four•year term as president of helping one unulher. Sometime�
o6fhoea W�ho dted. C1E�.
cltenks them9elves become vo}un-
'f'he Quaker�,a�the llicentenni- �;etting peo�le together,in tuct, teers and Yeart figl�ts !or their '
ai'setlpt eoea, "fooqht their o��•n i� go ovecw•helmin�•Iv Pe�rl's scrvicea to be accepted on a par
quie! war, a�war agrin.rt fiuman ���eme — in her tutltime jnb. hcr Wltlr anyoneelse's.
sullering. . .
:. volunteer pro.ferts and hNr aucinl . ��Evecybody'e poor and clown-
•It waf probably a culnci�lenco �Ite — thot her wurl:ti►ne aiid her 3n�.out in some wnye," shn euy�. �
that Pear! ltltchtlt n•a�choyen to' i�l�ytime tenfl tu blur.t'rafte,mu•
t�?�'vlawer�ubuut lh�t liycUcu• alc and duncin;;, slie i�lio�•r3,are "Nobody'� �ot averythtn; gotn�
lsr lac(dent—��, ahe e�ys,ft H�ae e v e r y b o d y'n best meetin; for them."
�n acctd�nt Hh� wu sateet�d tor �round�. And: "tl moro effort ind tfm•
the Slc�ntennlnl forier ut rll. ware spent on tlia talenta nt reopl�
"!t's dltCfrutt for mo to knuw and les3 ttme on thg cll!lc�encea�
But her tctancli und culla��;ueM i�•he►t l huve completeJ tnv work• thore eould be bstt�r llne9 ut cunt-
an4 th�nmw pauptn uho mcetr cl:il• duy ,�ncl Rnna in►n my eorial�et- munlcnlian und cooc�lt�atlan 40 .
ty K•flt no tloubt thfnk tt cs�ced���u• 1Gi4."xh��nuy,r. provtdo the be+l klncl uC�uelety,"
1Y �HD�'�Nriute. knowina tiow nBo Some psohla who �I�nro I'onr!'1
ltgt�t� h��r aw�n����UI9L 1VLC A�JIIIM< <)r sill Itir tn+k,r ahc Itua un�ler• p�,��tun tdr u eu��aty��itlt oquuilty
hucn�n uuUerin�." tuken sha lhul, tl�ut uno uC the
Charm, wurin►h aii�l �.ru��inur• 11in"l �litfleult t,r recrufttnR��u1un• ond juxtico[nr sll reltieiss her toe
n�ri�Ara tl��H��uganr t'onrl 111t611• f�:�'�•A tAr iha tti'clture t�cp��•lnicnt, baing tsd�oi�ctliul�ry�, '
e1t uwry. Iter ntr�ta�y i�ln b��41E1 "�inqt �j��u��lo I�nvs ne fclaa wh5t SIti� es�lleg tl�a! It thn ie ta b+r�
brf�l�r�—�e»iAttm�ra �oln�; tl�u n 11'rltr�rr 1����:'rinlont��oe.�ti'I�an tirl�JUo efia ��iEi�6 �liaw an Ipttreet
brtw wn ���e u�n� �wl��i�utNotH►�e I�►aw �i�t��ti�t�elvor t I�nd t havo lg in butlt Aldaa'(ifllltl�0�Vt9W.
t Y P�'A�r��ot tl�o I
would asavee iji�al �e atueE tu u�i• ��sau6�, 'I'h�ro uro buriitn;qudi• ��t gst batterad trnm utl Bf�ea !
darstan��n��n�thee, �lunb uut tf�oeo," but i bo�u�eo ei�lit buek," ;
"�ioe� �ltoenu�n,Vuly�tte�r ygr• `I1i� e���t burnlnR ��ue,lI9H+1 �h� FAi�I Ijr� uim iw n�t tg i
vlee3, �Si�q i{ituli�lt�p��king,"ie u�Etally e�n��rti woltnro rtp.Alf, �IjFu��u uuyl)4�EIV� 4��th�e 1� halp �
tM• w�y yl�� ai�5wer� ij9r t�lt�• fin�rl Mtl111QEI111@K afnim�c+ ai �uy��la Ir���n t�, �4�� unv u�j�ldr= ;
�Iitllip I1� (IlC I�d111?@Y�'���inEy 1Yul� Ihri�i,Vul yd��jl�luMV�h�r c��l: tn• �trn�l, "'!'II�Y EEIfl�1'E+fl k@@�1�I1BIP j
taral���juEt►i���tt, Mtpad� MI�� uak�I«�r yu��,tiuijur�tc� �r���nil�-Aa, ,�� l��r n+ t'�� ��n• ?
� ,'�n �i��(u�lifan��l tud N'li(1 tak� �i luek at i�uw tl��y u��f►�uubii G@ii14'EI: E�rr��•i�l�cl tl,ay��►n'�6r�u� ;
Y tl��ir�n��ii�u�l�x tu►�n�r, on��nlobaJy�laa n E�ldiity,
fA, 9H �ll'9[=fllit{tg S�{'!1}4 N'llfi ;
hundro���t��t1�h���nn��I�rd4icL ;
t�ea�l h�stun die�etl�j�Il�e�auii• #
ty w�lf�rg'� V@I!lflt89P yeevic�y